Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stressors.""
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Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in boreal streams:the effects of anthropogenic disturbances and naturally stressful environmentsTolkkinen, M. (Mikko) 22 September 2015 (has links)
The effect of biodiversity loss and change on the functioning of ecosystems is one of the key questions in ecological research. For stream ecosystems, compelling evidence indicates that species diversity may enhance ecosystem functions. However, ecosystem functions are often regulated by the same environmental factors that also shape diversity; thus, a major challenge for ecologists is to separate the effects of biodiversity loss on the ecosystem functions from the direct effects of human induced disturbance. In this doctoral thesis, I studied how decomposer communities and ecosystem functions respond to human disturbances (nutrient enrichment, acidification) and a natural stressor (naturally low water pH). I also studied how human disturbances and natural stressors affect the phylogenetic structure of stream fungal communities. I showed that human disturbance had a strong impact on species dominance patterns by reducing species evenness. Species dominance patterns also explained the variation in decomposition rates. Changes in abiotic variables also had a direct effect on leaf decomposition rates. In the naturally acidic sites, human impact (land drainage) further decreased water pH and increased metal concentrations, thereby reducing leaf decomposition rates, whereas high nutrient concentrations enhanced leaf decomposition. Naturally low pH had no effect on decomposition rates. Decomposer community similarity was higher in drainage-impacted sites, but only in naturally acidic, not in circumneutral, streams. Human induced disturbance also modified the phylogenetic similarity of fungal decomposer communities, with communities in disturbed sites consisting of more closely related species when compared to those in circumneutral reference sites. Leaf litter decomposition showed greater temporal variation in human disturbed sites than in reference sites, whereas fungal community variability was similar in disturbed and reference sites. Thus, temporally replicated monitoring may be needed for a reliable assessment of human disturbance in streams. My thesis emphasizes that using both functional and taxonomic measures allows a more comprehensive assessment of biological responses to human disturbance. / Tiivistelmä
Biodiversiteetin väheneminen ja siitä seuraava ekosysteemin toiminnan heikkeneminen on eräs keskeisimmistä ekologisista kysymyksistä. Ekosysteemin toiminnot ovat kuitenkin monesti yhteydessä ympäristöolosuhteisiin, joten on vaikea erottaa vähentyneen biodiversiteetin ja ympäristöolojen suhteellista merkitystä ekosysteemien toimintoihin. Tässä väitöskirjatyössäni tutkin, kuinka virtavesien hajottajayhteisöt ja ekosysteemin toiminnot (lehtikarikkeen hajotus) muuttuvat valuma-alueen ihmistoimintojen myötä. Tutkin myös, kuinka luontainen stressi (matala pH) vaikuttaa yhteisöihin ja ekosysteemin toimintoihin. Tarkastelen myös akvaattisten sienten fylogeneettistä rakennetta ihmistoiminnan muuttamissa vesiympäristöissä. Osoitan tutkimuksissani, että ihmistoiminnoilla on vaikutuksia hajottajayhteisöiden kokonaisrunsauden jakautumiseen lajien kesken. Muutamien runsaiden lajien dominoimissa yhteisöissä lehtikarikkeen hajoaminen on tehokkaampaa kuin yhteisöissä, joissa lajien runsauserot ovat pienempiä. Myös ympäristöoloilla on vaikutus lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen. Luontaisesti happamissa puroissa metsäojituksen seurauksena lisääntynyt veden metallipitoisuus ja alhainen pH vähentävät hajotuksen määrää. Toisaalta joen korkea ravinnepitoisuus lisää hajotusta. Lehtikarikkeen hajotus vaihtelee enemmän vuosien välillä ihmistoimintojen muuttamissa virtavesissä kuin luonnontilaisissa vesissä. Toisaalta sieniyhteisöt pysyvät koostumukseltaan samankaltaisina vuosien välillä ihmistoiminnan muuttamissa paikoissa ja referenssipaikoissa. Tämä työ osoittaa, että toiminnallisten ja yhteisöihin perustuvien indikaattorien yhteiskäyttö antaa kokonaisvaltaisimman kuvan ihmistoimintojen vaikutuksesta virtavesien ekosysteemeihin.
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Multi-stressor effects in boreal streams:disentangling the roles of natural and land use disturbance to stream communitiesTolkkinen, M. (Mari) 08 March 2016 (has links)
As human activities are increasingly affecting natural communities, many communities are impacted by multiple stressors and their interactions. Understanding how natural and anthropogenic stressors act individually and in concert is essential for managing and conserving natural ecosystems efficiently. In this thesis I studied how geology-related natural acidity, land drainage and their interaction affect biological communities and leaf decomposition in boreal headwater streams. I further assessed the concordance of communities along natural and anthropogenic stressor gradients. As model organisms, I used benthic diatoms, bryophytes, invertebrates and leaf-decomposing fungi.
I showed that geology-related natural acidity constitutes a strong environmental filter for stream communities, reducing species richness and changing community composition. Community concordance was also generally strongest along the natural acidity gradient. However, natural acidity mostly did not homogenize communities nor did it affect leaf decomposition by fungi. Effects of peatland drainage differed between the two stream types, being mainly sedimentation in the circumneutral streams and increasing metal concentrations in the acid streams. Overall, changes in community composition were better able than pure species richness to track single stressor impacts. Furthermore, fungal assemblages were more homogeneous and decomposition rates slower in drained acidic sites than in any other stream type. Thus the drainage-induced shift in water chemistry in the acidic streams seems to constitute an even stronger environmental filter than sedimentation. Conservation planning needs to give special attention to these vulnerable, naturally stressful ecosystems. / Tiivistelmä
Ihmistoiminnan vaikuttaessa yhä enemmän luonnon elinympäristöihin eliöyhteisöihin kohdistuu usein samanaikaisesti monenlaisia paineita. Ekosysteemien tehokas hoitaminen ja suojelu edellyttävät tarkkaa tietoa siitä, miten luonnollinen stressi ja ihmistoiminta yhdessä ja erikseen vaikuttavat ekosysteemeihin. Väitöskirjassani tutkin, kuinka geologiasta johtuva luonnollinen happamuus ja metsäojitus vaikuttavat boreaalisten purojen eliöyhteisöihin ja lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen. Tarkastelin myös eliöryhmien yhdenmukaisuutta ihmistoimintagradientilla ja luonnollisella stressigradientilla. Malliorganismeinani olivat piilevät, vesisammalet, pohjaeläimet ja hajottajasienet.
Väitöskirjassani osoitan, että geologiasta johtuva puroveden happamuus toimii merkittävänä ympäristösuodattimena purojen eliöyhteisöille vähentäen lajirunsautta ja muokaten lajistoa. Myös eliöryhmien lajistovaihtelu oli yhdenmukaisinta luonnollisella happamuusgradientilla. Toisaalta luonnollinen happamuus ei vaikuttanut merkittävästi lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen tai purojen väliseen sieniyhteisöjen monimuotoisuuteen. Metsäojituksen fysikaalis-kemiallinen vaikutus erosi purotyypeittäin: pH-neutraaleissa puroissa ojitus pääosin lisäsi pohjan hiekoittumista, kun taas happamissa puroissa veden metallipitoisuudet kasvoivat entisestään. Yleisesti ottaen sekä luonnollisen happamuuden että metsäojituksen vaikutukset näkyivät parhaiten muutoksina eliöyhteisöjen lajikoostumuksessa. Lisäksi ojitetuissa happamissa puroissa hajottajasieniyhteisöjen lajistot olivat keskenään samankaltaisempia ja lehtikarikkeen hajotus hitaampaa kuin muissa purotyypeissä. Metsäojituksen aikaansaama muutos luonnollisesti happamien purojen vesikemiassa näyttää siis olevan jopa merkittävämpi ympäristösuodatin kuin pohjan hiekoittuminen. Luonnollisesti stressattujen elinympäristöjen herkkyys maankäytön muutoksille tulisikin huomioida ympäristön hoidon suunnittelussa nykyistä paremmin.
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Contribution à l'étude des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux de susceptibilité aux troubles bipolaires : études du trouble bipolaire à début précoce et des traumatismes affectifs de l’enfance / Contribution to the identification of genetic and environmental susceptibility factors to bipolar disorders : early-onset subtype and childhood traumatic events studiesEtain, Bruno 23 November 2009 (has links)
Les troubles bipolaires (TB) sont des maladies psychiatriques dont le déterminisme complexe fait intervenir des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux de susceptibilité. Les efforts d’identification des facteurs génétiques ont produit des résultats discordants et les facteurs environnementaux restent mal connus. Notre équipe a contribué à identifier une forme à début précoce des TB (TB-DP), son caractère fortement familial en faisant un candidat pour faciliter l’identification de gènes de susceptibilité. Ainsi, nous avons réalisé un criblage systématique du génome dans le TB-DP suggérant une liaison avec les régions chromosomiques 2p21, 2q14, 3p14, 5q33, 7q36, 10q23, 16q23 et 20p12. Nous avons montré des associations entre le TB-DP et le gène SNAP25 (rôle dans les mécanismes d’exocytose, région 20p12) et entre les TB et le gène codant l’ASMT (rôle dans la synthèse de la mélatonine). Enfin, une étude d’association pangénomique suggère une association entre le TB-DP et deux gènes de la voie du phosphatidyl-inositol (PLEKHA5 et PLCXD3). Concernant les facteurs environnementaux, les traumatismes affectifs subis dans l’enfance (principalement les abus émotionnels) sont associés aux TB, influencent deux dimensions constitutives des TB (labilité affective et intensité des affects) et interagissent avec le 5HTTLPR pour moduler l’âge de début des troubles. Ces travaux illustrent la pertinence de se focaliser sur le TB-DP pour identifier des gènes de susceptibilité, la nécessité d’explorer plus finement les facteurs environnementaux (notamment les stress précoces) et de considérer les interactions gène-environnement afin de mieux appréhender le déterminisme complexe des TB / Bipolar disorders (BD) are psychiatric diseases with a complex determinism in which genetic and environmental susceptibility factors are involved. Attempts to identify genetic factors have produced conflicting results and environmental factors remain unknown. Early-onset bipolar disorder (EO-BD) is a clinical entity that is characterized by a strong familial aggregation ; a specific focus on this subtype might facilitate the identification of susceptibility genes. A genome-wide scan in EO-BD has suggested eight regions of linkage (chromosomal regions 2p21, 2q14, 3p14, 5q33, 7q36, 10q23, 16q23 and 20p12). We have demonstrated an association between EO-BD and the SNAP25 gene (located at 20p12 and involved in exocytosis). We have demonstrated an association between BD and the ASMT gene (involved in the synthesis of melatonin). Finally, a genome-wide association study has suggested the involvement of two phosphatidyl-inositol pathway related genes in the susceptibility to EO-BD (PLEKHA5 et PLCXD3). Concerning environmental susceptibility factors, childhood affective traumatic events (mainly emotional abuse) are associated with BD, might influence two core dimensions of BD (affective lability and affect intensity) and might interact with the serotonin transporter genelinked polymorphic region to modulate the age of onset of the disorder. These studies illustrate the relevance of focusing on the early onset subgroup of the disease to identify susceptibility genes, the need to further explore early stressors as environmental factors associated with BD and to investigate the complex relationships between these two kinds of susceptibility factors
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Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu / Stress Evaluation, Coping and ReductionHacajová, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
The Master´s thesis “Stress evaluation, coping and reduction” is dealing with a topic of work-related stress, which is very common at working places of many companies nowadays. The theoretical part is focused on definition of basic concepts of stress and common techniques of coping and reduction of stress. The practical part provides a measurement of certain level of work-related stress in Henkel Slovensko, spol. s r.o. company based on questionnaire survey. The conclusion of the thesis contains the recommendations focused on reduction of certain stress factors´ impact and precaution of formation of work-related stress.
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Central Mechanisms Regulating Pituitary-Adrenal Activity in Infant Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) during Exposure to Psychological Stressors: Independent and Combined Effects of Maternal Separation and NoveltyMaken, Deborah Suzanne 11 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Management strategies to alleviate the effects of stress and burnout on secondary school teachers within Ekurhuleni district in Gauteng provinceLekomo, Ojonla 11 1900 (has links)
The researcher investigated ways of alleviating stress and burnout among secondary school teachers. In this regard, factors causing teacher stress and burnout, the effect of stress and burnout on the quality of teaching and learning, support structures offered by secondary schools, and coping strategies to deal with stress and burnout were relevant.
A total of 20 participants consisting of 12 teachers and 8 school management team members were interviewed using individual and focus group interviews, and participant observation. Findings revealed that teachers are experiencing a range of stressors of a consistent and prolonged nature leading to burnout. The allocation of unfamiliar subjects as a stressor appeared to be a new finding not noted in any of the previous literature. Stress and burnout constitute a threat to teacher retention and effective teaching and learning. Support structures offered to teachers are inadequate, resulting in teachers using ineffective stress coping strategies. / Die navorser het maniere ondersoek om spanning en uitbranding by hoërskoolonderwysers te verlig. In hierdie verband was faktore wat spanning en uitbranding tot gevolg het, die effek van spanning en uitbranding op die kwaliteit van onderrig en leer, ondersteuningstrukture wat deur skole aangebied word, en strategieë om spanning en uitbranding te hanteer van toepassing.
Onderhoude, individueel en fokusgroep, is met 20 deelnemers, 12 onderwysers en 8 lede van die skoolbeheerraad gevoer. Data is ook met deelnemerwaarneming ingesamel. Navorsingsbevindinge toon aan dat onderwysers volgehoue spanning ervaar wat tot uitbranding lei. Die toewysing van vakke waarmee onderwysers nie vertroud is nie is as ‘n bevinding geïdentifiseer wat nie algemeen in die literatuur opgeteken is nie. Spanning en uitbranding affekteer onderwyserbehoud vir die beroep en goeie kwaliteit onderrig en leer negatief. Ondersteuningstrukture vir onderwysers is onvoldoende met die gevolg dat onderwysers geneig is tot die oneffektiewe hantering van spanning. / Umcwaningi ucwaninge izindlela zokuciphisa ukucindezeleka nokushisa phakathi kwabafundisi besikole esiphakeme. Kulokhu, izici ezidala ukucindezeleka nokushisa kothisa, umphumela wokucindezeleka nokushiswa kumhangatho wokufundisa nokufunda, izakhiwo zokusekela ezininkezwa izikole zamabanga aphezulu, Kanye namaqhinga okubhekana nomphumela wokucindezeleka nokushisa kwakufanele.
Ingqikithi yabangu-20 yabahlanganyeli abangothisa abangu-12 kanye namalunga eqembu lesiphathimandla sabaphathi abangu-8 besikole babuzwe imibuzo ngokusebenzisa izingxoxo zanye ngabanye kange neqembu lokugxila, Kanye nokubonwa kwabahlangayeli, Kutholakale ukuthi othisha babona ububanzi bokucindezeleka kwendalo eqhubekayo okungaholela ekusheni. Ukwabiwa kwezihloko ezingajwayelekile njengoba ukucindezeleka kubonakala sengathi kuyinto entsha engatholakali ezincwadini zangaphambilini. Ukucindezeleka nokushisa kwakha umsongelo ekugcinweni kothisa Kanye nokufundisa nokufinda okuphumelelayo. Izakhiwo zokuseleka ezinekezwa othisha azanele, ziholela kothisa besenbenzisa amaqhinga okubhekana nokucindezeleka angasebenzi. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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No description available.
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Management of stress by professional nurses in the hospitals of Vhembe District in Limpopo Province, South AfricaRamabulana, Elelwani Paulinah 18 August 2017 (has links)
MCur / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / Stress management is a major challenge in South Africa, as well as other countries. Job
stress has negative effect on professional nurses ’rendering of patient care. They
should thus be able to manage their stress successfully in order to render quality
nursing care to the customers. The purpose of the study was to identify and describe
factors contributing to stressors among professional nurses, the effects of stressors on
the wellbeing of professional nurses and the management of stress by professional
A quantitative, exploratory, descriptive design was utilised. The target population of this
research study comprised of all professional nurses who were at work the day the
researcher visited the sampled hospitals. The questionnaires were used to collect data
from the sampled professional nurses, and descriptive statistic was used to analyse the
The findings revealed that 45% of the professional nurses experienced pressure of work
without rest, whereas 75% viewed changes at work as challenging and 15% mostly
experienced accidents while on duty. Most of them indicated that they had previously
experienced anxiety and that they did not engage in exercise. The finding further
revealed that EAP is not facilitated in most institutions and that 97.4% of the
professional nurses like to have more knowledge on management of stress. The results
of this study may be useful to the entire population of health professionals, policy
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Effects of prenatal stress on sepia officinalis / Les effets du stress prénatal sur la seiche sepia officinalisO brien, Caitlin 08 December 2017 (has links)
Le stress prénatal est un sujet d'intérêt éthologique croissant en raison de ses effets sur la santé humaine et le bien-être des animaux. Cette thése de doctorat s’intéresse à la seiche Sepia officinalis, un modèle pratique dans lequel la progéniture en développement peut être séparée de leurs mères pour examiner diverses sources potentielles de stress en isolement expérimental. Plusieurs catégories de facteurs de stress ont été appliquées aux embryons et aux juvéniles et la progéniture résultante a été testée dans une série d'épreuves physiologiques et comportementales. L'objectif était de déterminer si différents types de stress prénatal affectent la seiche et, dans l'affirmative, comment ces effets se transmettent. Les données présentées démontrent que les stresseurs appliqués aux femelles reproductrices (stress maternel), ainsi que les stresseurs appliqués directement aux embryons (stress embryonnaire), affectent le comportement postnatal (y compris la structuration corporelle, la latéralisation cérébrale, la prédation et les schémas d'activité) la mémoire et / ou la neurobiologie (y compris les concentrations et le renouvellement de la monoamine, la taille des différents lobes cérébraux et la division cellulaire). Les résultats mettent en évidence la présence de trois voies par lesquelles le stress peut exercer des effets: sur le nombre de descendants produits par la femelle, la transmission de la femelle à sa progéniture et directement sur la progéniture elle-même. Les expériences ont également démontré qu'un facteur de stress complètement artificiel (lumière forte) affectait un éventail plus large de comportements chez la progéniture qu’un stress naturel (odeur de prédateur). Enfin, les données ont montré que l'environnement d'incubation et d’élevage peuvent également affecter la progéniture et méritent donc une attention particulière dans la formulation et l'interprétation des expériences avec cette espèce. Ces découvertes informent à la fois les pratiques de bien-être des seiches et d'autres céphalopodes (par exemple, réduisent la manipulation pour maximiser la reproduction) et élucident et renforcent les principes éthologiques qui s'appliquent au stress animal en général (par exemple la transmission des effets de stress de la mère à la progéniture). Compte tenu des informations fournies ici et dans de nombreuses autres études, la seiche et d'autres céphalopodes devraient continuer à servir de modèles comportementaux en éthologie et en biologie en général. / Prenatal stress is a subject of growing ethological interest due to its effects on human health and animal welfare. This Ph.D. thesis utilizes the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, a convenient model in which developing offspring can be separated from their mothers to examine various potential sources of stress in experimental isolation. Several categories of stressors were applied to cuttlefish and cuttlefish eggs and the resulting offspring were tested in a range of physiological and behavioral tests. The goal was to determine if various types of prenatal stress affect cuttlefish, and if so, how these effects are transmitted. The data presented demonstrate that both stressors applied to reproducing females (maternal stress), as well as stressors applied directly to embryos (embryonic stress), affected post-natal behavior (including body patterning, brain lateralization, predation and activity patterns), learning, memory and/or neurobiology (including monoamine concentrations and turnover, the size of various brain lobes and cell division). The results highlight the presence of three pathways by which stress can exert effects: on the number of offspring produced by the female, transmission from the female to her offspring and directly on the offspring themselves. The experiments also demonstrated that a completely artificial stressor (bright light) affected a wider range of behaviors in offspring than a natural-occurring one (predator odor). Finally, the data showed that incubation and spawning environment can also affect offspring, and thus deserve attention in the formulation and interpretation of experiments with this species. These findings inform both welfare practices for cuttlefish and other cephalopods (e.g. reduce handling to maximize reproduction) as well as elucidating and reinforcing ethological principles that apply to animal stress in general (e.g. the transmission of stress effects from mother to offspring). Given the insight provided here and in numerous other studies, cuttlefish and other cephalopods should continue to serve as behavioral models in ethology and biology in general.
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Evaluating the multiple stressor intervention of the South-African Police Service as a trauma management toolVan den Heever, Coenraad Willem 21 August 2014 (has links)
This study examined the validity of the South African Police Service (SAPS) multiple stressor intervention. The multiple stressor was developed for members of their specialised units to address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, the SAPS multiple stressor intervention lacks scientific evidence to support its possible effectiveness in addressing PTSD. In the current study a deployment and intervention group was compared which employed a pre- test post-test design. The Davidson Trauma Scale and the Revised Impact of Event Scale measured PTSD globally, but also the PTSD dimensions of Intrusion, Avoidance/Numbing, and Hyperarousal. The Wilcoxon signed rank test results indicated that the intervention and deployment was both effective in addressing PTSD although the intervention group revealed the greatest improvement in their overall PTSD scores. The intervention group made significant progress in dealing with all three PTSD symptoms while the deployment group made less progress with their Intrusion and Avoidance/Numbing symptoms, but made significant progress with their Hyperarousal symptoms. The Mann-Whitney u test revealed no significant differences between the post intervention test scores of the two groups, either globally or on the three PTSD dimensions. It appears that deployment was just as effective as the multiple stressor intervention in addressing PTSD. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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