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Today's Learners: Applying Gaming Elements to Enhance Student Engagement in a University Visual Communication CourseHamm, Breanna H. 23 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Adoption d’une classe d’apprentissage actif par des personnes enseignantes au postsecondaire et liens avec la motivation des personnes étudiantesFournier St-Laurent, Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
Des établissements du réseau collégial ont aménagé depuis plusieurs années des locaux appelés classes d’apprentissage actif (CLAAC) (CLAAC.org, 2014; Kingsbury, 2012). Ces aménagements relativement coûteux comparés à des classes traditionnelles sont réalisés dans le but de favoriser le recours aux pédagogies actives et l’utilisation des TIC. Bien que ces deux concepts populaires soient présents en abondance dans la littérature scientifique en éducation, les connaissances sur les effets des CLAAC et leurs causes en particulier sont encore limitées. Plusieurs établissements du réseau s’intéressent de près aux effets de ces classes sur l’apprentissage des personnes étudiantes et à l’accompagnement du personnel enseignant qui les utilise. Chez les établissements partenaires, le fait qu’un grand nombre de personnes enseignantes issues de disciplines variées utilisent ces locaux pour la première fois constitue une occasion d’explorer, à travers des cas dans plusieurs disciplines d’enseignement, le processus d’adoption d’une CLAAC par des personnes enseignantes du postsecondaire et les liens avec la motivation des personnes étudiantes. À partir de cet objectif principal, cette thèse se décline en trois objectifs spécifiques. Le premier s’intéresse aux caractéristiques des personnes enseignantes qui débutent un tel projet, le deuxième aux facteurs qui aident ou nuisent à l’adoption d’une CLAAC et le troisième tisse des liens entre, d’une part, les caractéristiques des personnes enseignantes et étudiantes qui utilisent une CLAAC et d’autre part deux indicateurs de la motivation des personnes étudiantes. Parmi les résultats saillants, on note l’intérêt élevé des cas pour la collaboration, des profils d’entrée variés, des effets sur la motivation qui varient selon au moins deux populations étudiantes et une surcharge de travail importante au point où certains aspects de l’utilisation du local ont été repoussés à plus tard. L’approche d’enseignement s’est aussi révélée une variable d’intérêt à deux reprises : sur les profils d’adoption d’une innovation par les personnes enseignantes et sur les indicateurs de motivation des populations étudiantes. / Several institutions in the college network in Quebec invest in special classrooms designs called active learning class (ALC) (CLAAC.org, 2014; Kingsbury, 2012). These relatively costly arrangements compared to traditional classes aim to promote the use of active pedagogies and the use of ICT. Although these two popular concepts are present in abundance in the scientific literature in education, knowledge on the effects of ALC and their causes are still limited. Several institutions in the network are taking a close interest in the effects of these classes on student learning and in supporting the teachers who use them. For partner institutions in this project, the fact that many teachers from various disciplines are using these premises for the first time is an opportunity to explore, through cases in several teaching disciplines, the process of adopting an ALC by post-secondary teachers and the links to student motivation. From this main objective, this thesis is divided into three specific objectives. The first focuses on the characteristics of teachers who start such a project, the second on the factors that help or hinder the adoption of an ALC and the third attempts to establish links between the characteristics of people who use an ALC (teachers and students) and two indicators of student motivation. Among the salient results, we note the teachers' high interest in collaboration, various entry profiles, effects on motivation that vary according to at least two different student populations and a significant workload overload to the point where certain aspects of use of the classroom have been hindered. The teaching approach (approach to teaching model) also proved to be a variable of interest on two occasions: on the profiles of adoption of an innovation by teachers and on student motivation indicators.
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La formation continue des enseignants des écoles indépendantes au Qatar : étude de cas / The Professional Development of Independent School Teachers in Qatar : a case studyMoukarzel, Dalal 06 May 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche a eu lieu au Qatar, pays du Golfe persique, où une vaste réforme du système éducatif est entreprise. Notre premier objectif dans cette étude a été d'examiner l'évolution des programmes de formation continue des enseignants des écoles dites indépendantes tels qu'offerts par la seule université nationale, Qatar University, et précisément par le College of Education (CED). Notre intérêt pour les programmes du CED est qu'ils y ont introduit progressivement un processus de suivi sur le terrain des pratiques. Notre deuxième objectif a été d'étudier les changements qu'ont pu apporter le suivi appliqué à l'un des programmes de formation continue en 2009-10 au niveau des pratiques d'enseignement et de la motivation et participation des élèves en classe. La collecte d'information s'est basée sur des documents, des questionnaires d'évaluation d'ateliers et de sessions de suivi, des observations de classes et des entretiens. Les résultats ont montré que le processus de suivi organisé au sein du programme de formation continue a amélioré les performances des enseignants et la participation des élèves en classe, montrant aussi la nécessité d'avoir une gestion pédagogique au niveau du leadership et des enseignants d'une part, et la nécessité de renforcer la coopération entre écoles et universités d'autre part. Par contre, l'effet escompté sur l'orientation professionnelle des élèves n'a pu être confirmé. Les résultats ont permis de faire quelques recommandations pour d'autres recherches, entre autres une étude qui examinerait l'effet établissement pour le développement d'une culture d'organisation apprenante et une autre étude sur un partenariat écoles-universités. / This research was done in the State of Qatar, located in the Gulf Region where a substantial reform begun few years ago. The first objective of this study was to explore the evolution of teachers' professional development programs (PD) offered by the sole national university in the country, Qatar University, and mainly by the College of Education (CED), to the so called Independent Schools. Our interest was specifically related to the progressive introduction of a follow-up process in CED professional development programs. The second objective was to study changes that the follow-up process could have carried out regarding independent school teachers’ practices and students' motivation and participation in class. Data were collected through documents, interviews, questionnaires and class observations. The results show that the follow-up process as planned within the PD program improved teachers’ performances to a good extent as well as students participation in class; results also show the need to reinforce instructional leadership and teachers’ effect on learning on one side, and the need to strengthen the cooperation between the schools and the university on the other side. However, the effect on students' future orientations could not be confirmed. The findings of this study helped to draw conclusions and provide a base for recommendations for further research such as the impact of instructional leadership on the development of a learning organization culture, and partnership between schools and universities.
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O estudo das contribuições para aprendizagem e motivação de alunos participantes do Projeto Química Responde JúniorMendes, Tatiana Laine January 2017 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª Drª Maisa Helena Altarugio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2017. / Os estudos sobre ensino e aprendizagem na educação básica têm investigado, entre outras coisas, estratégias que possam contribuir para aprendizagem significativa dos alunos. Na intenção de colaborar com essas investigações, o presente estudo de caso trata de um projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), que traz uma estratégia de ensino e aprendizagem de química, intitulado Química Responde Júnior (QRJ). O QRJ tem por objetivo responder perguntas relacionadas à química, enviadas pelo público geral ao site do projeto, por meio de vídeos de curta duração. O objetivo geral deste estudo é investigar quais as contribuições do projeto QRJ para aprendizagem de conteúdos conceituais, procedimentais e atitudinais e motivação de um grupo de alunos participantes do projeto e para o ensino de química. Participaram deste estudo quatro alunos do Ensino Médio selecionados de uma escola da rede privada da cidade de São Paulo, que produziram quatro vídeos para o projeto. A abordagem metodológica se fundamenta na pesquisa qualitativa de um estudo de caso com observação participante. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio dos documentos: questionários individuais, entrevistas coletivas, anotações em diário de campo, produções escritas dos alunos e vídeos do QRJ. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo e triangulados a fim de compreender as contribuições do QRJ, sob as perspectivas teóricas de: aprendizagem de conteúdos, motivação, projetos de trabalho e tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC). As interpretações dos dados analisados apontaram que o QRJ é uma estratégia que devido às suas características tais como o envolvimento dos alunos, a orientação da professora-pesquisadora, a participação da universidade e a abordagem de uma TIC, foi capaz de promover uma aprendizagem significativa e com motivação. / Studies about teaching and learning in basic education have investigated, among other things, strategies that can contribute to meaningful students learning. In order to collaborate with these investigations, the present case study is an extension project of the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), which brings a strategy of teaching and learning chemistry, titled Junior Respond Chemistry (QRJ), in the acronym in Portuguese. The QRJ aims to answer questions related to chemistry, forwarded by the general public to the project website, through short videos. The general objective of this study is to investigate the contributions of the QRJ project to the learning of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents and motivation of a group of students participating in the project and for the teaching of chemistry. Four high school students were selected from a private school in São Paulo city and participated of this study, whom produced four videos for the project. The methodological approach is based on the qualitative research of a case study with participant observation. Data collection was made through the follow documents: individual questionnaires, collective interviews, field journal annotations, written student productions and QRJ videos. The data were submitted to a content analysis and triangulated in order to understand the contributions of the QRJ, under the theoretical perspectives of: content learning, motivation, work projects and information and communication technologies (ICT). The interpretations of the analyzed data pointed out that the QRJ is a strategy that due to its characteristics such as the involvement of the students, the orientation of the teacher-researcher, the participation of the university and the approach of an ICT, was able to promote meaningful learning with motivation.
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Утицај мултимедије на постигнућа и мотивацију ученика при обради географских садржаја у настави Природе и друштва / Uticaj multimedije na postignuća i motivaciju učenika pri obradi geografskih sadržaja u nastavi Prirode i društva / The impact of multimedia on student’s achievements and motivation to the processing of geographic content in teaching subject Nature and SocietyMaričić Olja 25 September 2020 (has links)
<p>У првом делу докторске дисертације сагледана је теоријска основа мултимедијалне наставе, могућности који се њеном применом постижу, али и претходна истраживања која су се бавила њеном применом у настaвном процесу. Емпиријски део докторске дисертације представља резултате педагошког истраживања са паралелним групама (Е и К) током кога је сагледана ефикасност примене мултимедије у настави Прирoде и друштва у поређењу са традиционалном наставом. Експериментални узорак је обухватио узорак од 142 ученика IV разреда. Инструменти примењени у овом истраживању су тестови (иницијални, финални и поновљени), састављани на шест нивоа ревидиране<br />Блумове таксономије. Коришћени су и протоколи посматрања и анкете за ученике и учитеље експерименталне групе. Статистичка обрада података<br />добијених након тестирања извршена је применом програмског пакета SPSS 19.0. Резултати истраживања показују да примена мултимедије у наставном процесу повећава квалитет и квантитет усвојеног знања ученика,као и и да утиче на пораст мотивације ученика.</p> / <p>U prvom delu doktorske disertacije sagledana je teorijska osnova multimedijalne nastave, mogućnosti koji se njenom primenom postižu, ali i prethodna istraživanja koja su se bavila njenom primenom u nastavnom procesu. Empirijski deo doktorske disertacije predstavlja rezultate pedagoškog istraživanja sa paralelnim grupama (E i K) tokom koga je sagledana efikasnost primene multimedije u nastavi Prirode i društva u poređenju sa tradicionalnom nastavom. Eksperimentalni uzorak je obuhvatio uzorak od 142 učenika IV razreda. Instrumenti primenjeni u ovom istraživanju su testovi (inicijalni, finalni i ponovljeni), sastavljani na šest nivoa revidirane<br />Blumove taksonomije. Korišćeni su i protokoli posmatranja i ankete za učenike i učitelje eksperimentalne grupe. Statistička obrada podataka<br />dobijenih nakon testiranja izvršena je primenom programskog paketa SPSS 19.0. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da primena multimedije u nastavnom procesu povećava kvalitet i kvantitet usvojenog znanja učenika,kao i i da utiče na porast motivacije učenika.</p> / <p>In the first part of the doctoral dissertation, the theoretical basis for multimedia teaching, the opportunities that are achieved by its application, and the previous research that dealt with its application in the actual process were examined. The empirical part of the doctoral dissertation represents the results of a parallel-group pedagogical research (E and C) during which the effectiveness of multimedia application in subject Nature and Society teaching compared to traditional teaching was considered. The experimental group included a sample of 142 pupils of forth grade. The instruments applied in this study were tests (initial, final, and repeated), composed on six levels of revised Bloom taxonomy. The monitoring protocols and the survey for students and teachers of the experimental group were used. Statistical data processing obtained after the testing was carried out using the software package SPSS 19.0. The results of the research show that the use of multimedia in the teaching process increases the quality and quantity of students' acquired knowledge, as well as that it affects the growth of student motivation.</p>
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The effects of cooperative learning on student attitude and achievement in a Middle School science classroomKrome, Elizabeth Ann 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to test the hypothesis that student enthusiasm, participation, and comprehension would increase when using cooperative learning techniques in a classroom context.
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Lärares utmaningar i arbetet med att leda och stimulera särskilt matematiskt begåvade elever : En kvalitativ intervjustudie ur ett implementeringsteoretiskt perspektivHuttu, Johanna, Kärrlander, Pontus, Viebke, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
According to the Swedish curriculum for the compulsory school, every teacher has an obligation to differentiate students’ education to promote their development and learning needs. The study carried out in this paper is a qualitative interview study with Swedish teachers that have experience teaching particularly gifted students in mathematics. The study is based on the implementation theory where the aim of the study is to present an overview of different challenges that teachers encounter when trying to implement the decisions made regarding education of gifted students in mathematics. Furthermore, the aim of the study was to see if there were differences, and what those differences were, between the challenges that Swedish teachers mentioned versus the challenges that are acknowledged in previous international research. A deductive approach is used rooting the analysis in key concepts based on previous research. The key concepts or challenges we found were mathematical competence, student interests and motivations, appropriate challenge for students, inclusion, identification, prioritizing, time, materials, lack of education and collegial cooperation. We found plenty of similarities to the previous research on the area but could however also see tendencies in our study which hasn’t been discussed in the presented previous research. For example, we noticed that teachers in our study mentioned the importance of experience. We also noticed that some of the key challenges from the previous research didn’t seem to be as prominent in this study.
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Student Perceptions of Doctoral Faculty Advisors and How They Support Motivation in an Online, Professional Doctorate ProgramBarnickle, Julie Elizabeth 27 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Preparing Math Deficient University Students for STEM Achievement and Sustainable LearningGeorge, John H. 30 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The management of student retention and success at technical and vocational education and training colleges in Limpopo ProvinceBaloyi, Masenyani Levy 16 July 2020 (has links)
With reference to the demands for innovation facing the systems of tertiary education internationally, the Department of Higher Education in South Africa has been revamped since the realization of the democratic Government. In recent years, the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College institutions became the potential learning institutions of choice that could revitalize the economy. This resulted in merging the former 152 TVET Colleges into 50 with the intention to streamline access in order to accommodate a larger number of students for technical and vocational training. The purpose of this study was to determine how student retention and success in the TVET Colleges can be effectively managed. The study was mainly guided by the theoretical framework of Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1995) ecological systems theory that explains individuals’ relationships with their environments by means of interrelated ecological systems functioning. Secondly, applied to this study was the principles of systems theory which supplemented Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory.
A mixed-methods research approach was used in determining the perceptions of TVET College personnel from different levels of institutional functioning and from students from different years of registration to determine the main factors influencing student retention and success at TVET Colleges. The empirical investigation comprised of a quantitative research approach (as phase 1) using questionnaires administered to students which was followed by a qualitative research approach (as phase 2) entailing semi-structured individual interviews with TVET College employees. The researcher used the chi-square and analysis of variables tests as analysis techniques in analysing and presenting the results in in this study.
The research findings indicated a strong need for relevant career guidance provided to prospective TVET College students from primary school onwards, and the establishment of a constructive student support unit at TVET Colleges to promote student retention and success. Factors that promote the management student retention and success were identified as relating to the image and reputation of TVET Colleges, sources of effective communication, and student support activities that initially and continuously motivate or hinder student retention and success in the TVET College institutions. / Na aanleiding van die oproepe om vernuwing wat tersiêre-onderwysstelsels op internasionale vlak in die gesig staar, het die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding in Suid-Afrika sedert die instelling van 'n demokratiese regering verskeie verbeteringe ondergaan. In die afgelope aantal jare het instellings in die tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingsektor potensiële voorkeurleerinstellings geword wat die vermoë het om die ekonomie nuwe lewe te gee. Dit het gelei tot die samesmelting van die voormalige 152 kolleges in die sektor tot 50 kolleges, met die doel om toegang te vergemaklik sodat meer studente vir tegniese en beroepsopleiding ingeneem kan word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe faktore wat studentbehoud en -sukses beïnvloed, doeltreffend in die tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskollegesektor bestuur kan word. Die studie is gerig deur die teoretiese raamwerk van Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1995) se ekologiese-stelselteorie. Hierdie teorie verklaar individue se verhoudings met hul omgewings met behulp van ekologiese stelsels wat in verhouding met mekaar funksioneer.
Tweedens, aan die studie was beginsels van stelsels teorie toegevoeg wat Bronfenbrenner se ekologiese stelsels teorie aanvul. Die empiriese ondersoek het bestaan uit ʼn kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering waarby vraelyste aan studente uitgedeel is, gevolg deur ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering wat semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude met werknemers by tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges behels het. Die navorsingsbevindinge het gedui op ʼn sterk behoefte aan die voorsiening van toepaslike beroepsvoorligting aan leerders op laerskool en verder wat voornemens is om aan tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges te studeer, asook die vestiging van ʼn konstruktiewe studentesteuneenheid by hierdie kolleges om studentebehoud en -sukses te bevorder. Faktore wat studentebehoud en -sukses bevorder is geïdentifiseer as dié wat verband hou met die beeld en reputasie van tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges, bronne van doeltreffende kommunikasie, en studentesteunaktiwiteite wat aanvanklik en deurlopend as motivering vir studentebehoud en -sukses in hierdie sektor dien of dit belemmer. / Mayelana na xilaveko xa vutumbuluxi lebyi mafambiselo ya swikolo le ya langutiseneke na wona misava hinkwayo, Ndzavisiso ya tidyondzo ta le henhla ya Afrika Dzongayi cincile ku sukela loko hi ri eka mfumo wa xidimokirasi, Eka masiku ya namuntlha, tikholichi ta Vuthikiniki na dyondzo na vuleteri (TVET) ti hundzukile swikolo leswi nga langiwaku ku pfuxelela ikhonomi. Leswi swi endlile leswaku ku katsiwa tikholichi to ringana 152 leswaku ti va 50 ku ri ku endlela leswaku ku tekiwa na ku leteriwa vana va ku tala. Xikongomelo a ku ri ku endlela leswaku machudeni va nga lawuriwa na ku humelerisiwa njhani eka ti kholichi ta ti TVET. Dyondzo leyi yi rhangeriwa hi mavonelo ya malavisiselo ya Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1995), mavonelo ya matshamelo na mahlamuselo ya vuxaka eka mpfanganyiso wa matirhiselo, xavumbirhi, Dyondzo leyi yi tirhisile milawu ya mafambiselo na mavonelo lama tatisaku maendleo ya matshamelo na mafambiselo ya Bronfenbrenner.
Malaviseselo ya maendlelo yo pfanganana ya tirhisiwile eka mavonelo ya va tirhi ya tikholichi ta ti TVET ku suka eka matshamelo na matirhelo yaku hambana hambana ku sukela eka malembe ya ntsariso ku endlela ku kuma nsusumeto wa ku humelela ka machudeni etikholichi. Ndzavisiso lowu wu katsakanya maendlelo ya khwalithethivhi, eka xiyenge xo sungula hi ku tirhisa swivutiso leswi nga ta xiyisisiwa eka machudeni swi tlhela swilandelerisiwa hi maendlelo ya malavisiselo ya khwalithethivhi (eka xiyenge xa vumbirhi) hi ku kandzelerisiwa hi nwangulano wa xiphemu na vatirhi va ti kholichi ta ti TVET. Mulavisisi u tirhisile xikwere xa chi na ku xopaxopa swiphemu swa swikambelo leswi a swi xopa xopiwa loko ku bumabumeriwe / hlayiwe mbuyelo wa ndzavisiso.
Mbuyelo wu kombisa swinene leswaku kuna ku yelana eka ndzetelo lowu nyikiwaku machudeni ya ti kholichi ta TVET ku suka eswikolweni swa le hansi ku ya ehenhla, na ku tumbuluxiwa ka xiyenge xa mpfuno wa machudeni etikholichini ta ti TVET ku tlakusa ku tiyisa na ku humelela ka machudeni. Swi nwana leswi susumetaku ku tlakusa na ku tiyisa vufambisi eku tlakuseni na ku humelerisa machudeni ya ti kholichi ta ti TVET swikombisa swi fananisiwa na xiyimo na xindzhuti xa swikolo leswi, swipfuno swa mavulavulelo, na swipfuno swa switirhisiwa swa mpfuno wa machudeni wa masungulo kumbe wa ku yisa nkucetelo kumbe xirhalanganyi xa ku tlakusa na ku pfuna ku humelela eka tikholichi ta ti TVET.
MARITO NKULO / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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