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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man måste våga prova liksom och låta alla klassens språk får ta plats i klassrummet" : Transspråkande praktik sett ur ett lärarperspektiv. / “You need to take a chance and allow all the languages of the students in the classroom” : Translingual practice from a teacher´s perspective

Karlsson, Carolin, Lindén, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
Andelen flerspråkiga elever i svensk skola fortsätter att öka. Med detta behöver synen på flerspråkighet och hur lärare på bästa sätt arbetar med dessa barn förändras. Syftet med denna studie har varit att bidra med kunskaper om hur pedagoger i grundskolans tidigare år tillämpar transspråkande praktiskt i den dagliga undervisningen. Vi har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex verksamma lärare i grundskolans tidigare år försökt ringa in hur lärarna arbetar samt vilka möjligheter och utmaningar de ser med den transspråkande praktiken. Resultatet som vi fått fram genom en tematisk analys, visar på många fördelar med den transspråkande praktiken. Lärarna vittnar om fördelar för kunskapsutveckling, språkutveckling och identitetsutveckling och förmedlar exempel på hur de arbetar med den transspråkande praktiken. Resultatet visar även på utmaningar som känslan av att förlora kontrollen om elever tillåts att använda sitt modersmål i undervisningen då läraren kanske inte kan det språk som talas.  De berättar också om bristen på utbildning i arbete med flerspråkiga elever. Vi lyfter även studiehandledaren som en nyckelperson för en transspråkande praktik och problematiserar tillgången till samt den bristande gemensamma planeringen för studiehandledare och undervisande pedagog.

Studiehandledning av flerspråkiga elever i lågstadiet : Studiehandledares arbete och syn på betydelsen avelevers flerspråkighet för deras lärande / Multilingual study guidance in primary school  : Tutors' teaching and views on pupils' multilingualism

Eliassi, Elias January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka studiehandledares arbete och betydelsen av elevers flerspråkighet för deras lärande i lågstadiet. För att samla in data genomfördes observationer och intervjuer med tre studiehandledare (engelska, kurdiska och arabiska) på olika skolor. Av resultatet framgår att studiehandledarna använder sig av elevernas språkliga resurser för att förbereda dem att klara undervisningsspråket. Resultatet visar att studiehandledarnas uppdrag är att stödja de flerspråkiga eleverna för att förbättra elevernas svenska språkkunskaper mer generellt. Studiehandledarnas syn är positiv gentemot både första- och andraspråket. Resultatet visar också att elevernas förstaspråk inte är något mål i studiehandledningen utan förstaspråket används som hjälpmedel för att utveckla andraspråket. De flerspråkiga eleverna använder alltså sina språkliga resurser som ett medel för att lära sig undervisningsspråket som är deras andraspråk.

Letramento digital no ensino fundamental: a intencionalidade educativa de seu design pedagógico / Digital literacy in elementary school: the educational intentionality of its pedagogical design

Rios, Maria de Fátima Serra 27 September 2018 (has links)
O contexto escolar tem se deparado com demandas de duas ordens. Por um lado, a vivência em um mundo no qual a presença das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e de Comunicação (TDIC) exige mudanças na forma de pensar e de agir. Por outro lado, o ensino tradicional, com predomínio da transmissão expositiva e avaliação pautada no processo mnemônico dos conteúdos curriculares, passa por descompasso. Isto impõe às escolas mudanças de design pedagógico apoiado por recursos tecnológicos digitais. Os estudos sobre Letramento Digital revelam a necessidade de integração das TDIC ao centro do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Entretanto, são reduzidos os estudos sobre a temática que envolvem imersão na realidade escolar. Neste espaço há uma confluência de diferentes dimensões, que compõem uma complexidade importante a ser considerada, sobre o desenvolvimento de competências digitais. O Letramento Digital, como processo de desenvolvimento de competências para acessar, localizar, selecionar, organizar informações, construir e compartilhar conhecimentos, visa o alcance de possibilidades de protagonismo na resolução de problemas. Nesta pesquisa, o Letramento Digital foi utilizado como referência à criação de um design pedagógico, cuja intencionalidade educativa atribuída à seleção das TDIC trouxe contribuições ao processo de ensinoaprendizagem. Com natureza de pesquisa-ação, os dados da investigação foram coletados em uma escola pública de tempo integral no município de Cotia (SP), a Escola Estadual Fernando Nobre, durante imersão de um ano letivo. O Design pedagógico foi construído coletivamente, resultante das inter-relações entre novas informações, reflexão e experiências dos professores e alunos. Ficou evidenciada a urgência de sua implementação diante das mudanças decorrentes das evoluções tecnológicas, econômicas e sociais. Esta pesquisa reconheceu a importância estratégica de integração das TDIC para ampliar as práticas de desenvolvimento de uma cultura digital. O Design pedagógico sob perspectiva de Letramento Digital mobilizou um Ciclo de Ações Educativas para desenvolvimento das habilidades docentes de mapear, narrar, tecer e mediar. Contribuiu para o entendimento dos desafios existentes nas dimensões infraestrutura, administrativa-pedagógica, didática-pedagógica e pessoal. Estimulou o desenvolvimento do Letramento Digital integrado ao planejamento escolar, o que ampliou as habilidades de busca de informação, comunicação e compartilhamento em múltiplos formatos. O Design pedagógico criado permitiu ampliar habilidades que tiveram, como resultado, maior sentido e significado sobre a apropriação das TDIC e do desenvolvimento do Letramento Digital. O uso de blogs, redes sociais e diferentes aplicativos incentivaram novas práticas de ensino e aprendizagem, de comunicação e de interação. Ampliouse na direção de uma educação emancipatória, autônoma, coletiva e ética, expressas nos trabalhos escolares. O corpo docente enfrenta desafios para se atualizar, justificados pela acelerada evolução das TDIC. Por esta razão, a formação docente deve ser permanente, a fim de estimular a autonomia dos sujeitos, para a construção dialógica de saberes na busca de soluções para os problemas escolares. A imersão na realidade da escola representou terreno fértil de pesquisa para a compreensão da complexidade do Letramento Digital em contexto escolar. / The school context has been faced with demands of two orders. On the one hand, living in a world in which the presence of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) requires changes in the way of thinking and acting. On the other hand, traditional teaching, with predominance of expository transmission and evaluation based on the mnemonic process of curricular contents, goes through mismatch. This imposes on schools changes in pedagogical design supported by digital technological resources. Studies on Digital Literacy highlight the need to integrate DICT to the center of the teaching-learning process. However, studies on the subject involving immersion in school reality are reduced. In this space there is a confluence of different dimensions, which compose an important complexity to be considered, on the development of digital skills. Digital Literacy, as a process of developing skills to access, locate, select, organize information, build and share knowledge, aims at reaching possibilities of protagonism in solving problems. In this research, Digital Literacy was used as reference to the creation of a Pedagogical Design, whose educational intentionality attributed to the selection of the DICT brought contributions to the teaching-learning process. With an action-research nature, research data were collected at a full-time public school in the city of Cotia (State of São Paulo), the Fernando Nobre State School, during a one-year immersion. The Pedagogical Design was built collectively, resulting from the interrelations between new information, reflection and experiences of teachers and students. The urgency of its implementation was evident in the face of changes resulting from technological, economic and social developments. This research recognized the strategic importance of integrating DICT to broaden the practices of developing a digital culture. The Pedagogical Design under the perspective of Digital Literacy mobilized a Cycle of Educational Actions to develop the teaching skills of mapping, narrating, weaving and mediation. It contributed to the understanding of the existing challenges in the dimensions infrastructure, administrative-pedagogical, didactic-pedagogical and personal) It stimulated the development of Digital Literacy integrated with school planning, which expanded information search, communication and sharing abilities in multiple formats. The Pedagogical Design created allowed to expand abilities that have, as a result, greater sense and meaning on the appropriation of the DICT and the development of Digital Literacy. The use of blogs, social networks and different applications encouraged new teaching and learning practices, communication and interaction. It has expanded towards an emancipatory, autonomous, collective and ethical education expressed in school work. The faculty faces challenges to be updated, justified by the accelerated evolution of the DICT. For this reason, teacher education must be permanent, in order to stimulate the autonomy of the subjects, for the dialogical construction of knowledge, for the solutions to school problems. Immersion in the school reality represented fertile ground for research to understand the complexity of Digital Literacy in a school context.

Karriärutveckling och skolgång för kvinnor med ADHD : "Inre kaos och osäkerhet på min förmåga då jag alltid strular och aldrig orkar fullfölja något"

Hellström, Tina January 2022 (has links)
En ADHD-diagnos medför svårigheter hos vuxna kvinnor. De går ofta igenom skolan somodiagnostiserade eftersom forskning till övervägande del baseras på hur ADHD-symtomenyttrar sig hos det manliga könet och därför är kvinnornas ADHD svårare att upptäcka. Denhär studien kommer fokusera på kvinnor med en ADHD-diagnos för att se hur denneuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningen påverkat deras utbildning och karriär.Studien bygger på en enkät som gjordes i november 2021 och var riktad mot kvinnor som var20 år och äldre. Enkäten bestod av frågor kring studiegång, övergångar mellan skolformer,stöd från skolan, samt studievägledning. Syftet var att undersöka om kvinnorna var nöjda medsina studieprestationer och karriärer, samt vilken påverkan studie- och yrkesvägledningen hafti övergången mellan skolformerna, ytterligare ett syfte var att få en bild av vilket extra stödsom erhållits i de olika skolformerna. Majoriteten av respondenterna hade fått diagnos i vuxenålder, därav fokuserade studien även på konsekvenserna av att få en sen diagnos. Som ettkvalitativt inslag i studien fick de respondenter som inte ansåg att de nått sin fulla potential iskolan och i arbetslivet fylla i ett frisvar för att förklara vad det var som hade hindrat dem frånatt nå sin fulla potential.Majoriteten av respondenterna var missnöjda med sin skolgång och svarade att individuelltstöd samt anpassade uppgifter hade hjälpt dem klara skolan bättre. Det visade sig dock att derespondenter som inte fått stöd i grundskolan och gymnasiet i högre grad hade läst vidare påen eftergymnasial utbildning, jämfört med dem som erhållit stöd. Över hälften avrespondenterna tyckte att övergången från grundskola till gymnasium varit svår eller mycketsvår och de faktorerna som upplevdes som svårast var ny miljö och val av program, samtidigtsvarade nästan hälften av att de inte erhållit studie- och yrkesvägledning inför gymnasievalet.Det visade sig även att respondenternas fäders utbildningsnivå hade större inverkan pårespondenternas utbildningsnivå än vad mödrarnas utbildningsnivå hade, desto yngrerespondenten var, desto större korrelation fanns med faderns utbildningsnivå. / An ADHD diagnosis causes several difficulties for adult women, they often go through schoolas undiagnosed because research is predominantly based on how ADHD symptoms manifestsin the male sex. This study will focus on women with an ADHD diagnosis to examine howthe neuropsychiatric impairment has affected their education and career.The study is based on a survey that was conducted in November 2021 which targeted womenaged twenty or older. The survey consisted of questions about their course of study,transitions between school levels, support from the school, and career counselling. The aimwas to investigate whether women with ADHD felt that they were satisfied with theiracademic achievements/careers and what impact career counselling had in the transitionbetween the school forms. Another aim was to get an idea of what extra support was receivedin the different school forms, however, most respondents answered that they did not receivetheir diagnosis before adulthood, hence the focus of the study aim changed to explore theconsequences of a late diagnosis. As a qualitative element of the study, the respondents whodid not consider that they performed according to their actual ability in school/working lifewere asked to fill in why they did not reach their full potential career-wise. It was found that80% of respondents believed that their ADHD prevented them from reaching their full careerpotential.Most respondents were also dissatisfied with their schooling and believed that individualsupport and adapted tasks would have helped them cope better at school. It turned out,however, that the respondents who did not receive support in primary and secondary schoolwere more likely to attend post-secondary education, compared to those who receivedsupport. Over half of the respondents thought that the transition from elementary school toupper secondary school was difficult or exceedingly difficult and the two factors that wereperceived as the most difficult were unfamiliar environment and choice of study program, atthe same time almost half of the respondents answered that they did not receive studentcounselling before selecting upper secondary school.It also turned out that the respondents' fathers' educational level had a greater impact on therespondents' educational level than the mothers' educational level had, and the younger therespondent was, the greater the correlation was with the father's educational level.

Studiehandledning på modersmål : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med lärare och studiehandledare i årskurs 1–6 / Multilingual study guidance : A qualitative interview based study with teachers and tutors in grades 1–6

Rumar, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Based on the experiences of a number of teachers and tutors, the overall purpose of this study is to contribute to knowledge about multilingual study guidance. The purpose is specified by the following questions: What experiences do teachers and tutors have of the importance of study guidance for the language, knowledge and identity development of multilingual students and what challenges do they face? What descriptions do teachers and tutors give of how multilingual study guidance can be organized and implemented and what challenges do they face?  The method for this study is qualitative semi-structured interviews in seven focus groups consisting of 10 tutors and 19 teachers in grades 1–6. The perspective of the study is sociocultural and the result is interpreted based on the hermeneutic approach. The result of the study shows that the informants agree that study guidance favors language, knowledge and identity development of multilingual students by enabling students to strengthen and develop their mother tongue and second language in parallel to the development of subject knowledge. Through the opportunity to mediate their knowledge and thoughts, the students' sense of identity is strengthened and developed. Futhermore, the informants describe that multilingual study guidance is most commonly carried out during the lessons as well as in mathematics and social and science subjects. Several informants, mainly teachers express an uncertainty about how study guidance can be organized and implemented and what effects this will have on the development of multilingual students. The challenges that the informants in the study experience is that aspects of time and organization make it difficult to find forms of cooperation between teachers and tutors for the planning and evaluation of multilingual study guidance.  The conclusion is that cooperation between teachers and tutors and knowledge of multilingual study guidance increase the multilingual students’ opportunities to develop.

Framgångsfaktorer för fungerande stöd : En studie av sju specialpedagogers uppfattningar om stöd i arbetet med elever i språk-, skriv- och lässvårigheter i grundskolans senare år / Success factors to make support work : A study of seven special education teachers' perceptions on support from working with secondary school students in language-, writing- and reading difficulties

Stensdahl, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här kvalitativa studien var att studera några specialpedagogers uppfattningar angående mer eller mindre väl fungerande stöd till elever i språk-, skriv- och lässvårigheter i grundskolans senare år. Datamaterialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju specialpedagoger och har i en första analys tolkats utifrån hermeneutisk metod. Därefter har resultaten i den slutgiltiga analysen förklarats utifrån en teoretisk utgångspunkt som utgörs av två perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet, enligt Bengt Perssons (2013) modell: det relationella och det kategoriska perspektivet. Resultatet visade på flera faktorer för väl fungerande stöd, där vikten av en tillitsfull relation mellan lärare och elev sticker ut, liksom kunskap om specialpedagogiskt stöd hos lärare samt tidiga insatser såsom pedagogisk kartläggning och digitala verktyg. Samarbete och goda relationer mellan specialpedagog, pedagoger och vårdnadshavare var ytterliga faktorer som bidrog till fungerande stöd medan elevens egen inre vilja och drivkraft; sk grit var en annan intressant framgångsfaktor i uppfattningarna. Faktorer som hittades för mindre väl fungerande stöd var motsatsen; nämligen brist på specialpedagogisk kunskap hos rektorer, lärare men även hos specialpedagoger själva. Värt att uppmärksamma var också avsaknad av studiehandledning på modersmålet samt försummelse att sätta in stöd till elever i avvaktan på utredningsbeslut. Sammanfattningsvis så är de viktigaste resultaten från studien om faktorer för fungerande stöd följande: a) kunskap om specialpedagogiskt stöd hos rektorer och pedagoger, b) goda relationer och samarbete mellan lärare, elever, specialpedagoger och vårdnadshavare, c) tidiga insatser samt d) elevers drivkraft; sk grit och inre vilja att lyckas. Den faktor som utkristalliserades tydligast i studien för mindre väl fungerande stöd var just bristen på specialpedagogisk kunskap hos rektorer och skolans pedagoger, vilket förstärker det omvända resultatet, att specialpedagogisk kunskap hos rektorer och pedagoger är en framgångsfaktor för fungerande stöd. De flesta uppfattningar i resultatet utgick från ett relationellt perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet. / The aim of this qualitative study was to examine the perceptions of some special educators concerning more or less well functional support to students in language-, writing- and reading difficulties in secondary education. The data consists of semi structured interviews with seven special educators, which has been analyzed according to hermeneutic analysis method in the primary analysis. In order to explain the results, a theoretical framework was used in the final analysis, which proceeds from two perspectives on special education practices according to Bengt Perssons’ (2013) model: the relational and the categorical perspective. The result indicated several factors for well functional support, where the importance of a trusting relation between teacher and student stands out as well as knowledge about special educational support within teachers but also early interventions, such as pedagogical surveys and the use of digital tools. Good relations and collaboration in between special educators, teachers, students and caregivers were other important factors contributing to functional support while the student´s own will and inner urge to succeed; the so called grit was another interesting finding among the perceptions. Factors found working less well for functional support were the opposite; lack of knowledge concerning special educational support within principals, teachers but also within special educators themselves. Noticeable was lack of study guidance in the mother tongue and negligence to insert support to students in special education needs while awaiting results of inquiry. In summary; the most important results from this study concerning factors for functional support were a) knowledge about special educational support within school staff, b) good relations/collaboration between teachers, students, special educators and caregivers, c) early interventions and d) students’ grit and inner will to succeed. The most important result indicating less well functional support was the lack of knowledge about special educational support within staff, which stretches the opposite result, that knowledge about special educational support within principals and teachers is a success factor for functional support. Most perceptions in the result proceeded from a relational perspective on special education practices.

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