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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restauration de signaux bruités observés sur des plans d'expérience aléatoires

Maxim, Voichita 03 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur la restauration des signaux bruités observés sur des plans d'expérience aléatoires. Trois méthodes sont proposées. Dans les deux premières, on se ramène (soit par préconditionnement des données initiales, soit par régression polynomiale locale), à un problème de régression sur grille régulière. Des majorations asymptotiques de l'erreur d'estimation sont données pour les deux méthodes, sur des classes de fonctions holderiennes pour la première et sur des boules d'espaces de Besov pour la deuxième. La vitesse de décroissance de l'erreur est dans les deux cas très proche de la vitesse optimale. Un troisième algorithme concerne les plans d'expérience déterministes et utilise les ondelettes adaptées à la grille. Elles sont construites par des schémas de subdivision non réguliers, dont on étudie la convergence et les propriétés. Des nombreuses simulations et une étude comparative illustrent le comportement des trois algorithmes quand ils sont appliqués à des échantillons de taille finie.

Modèles pour la Création Interactive et Intuitive d'Objets Tridimensionnels

Barthe, Loïc 08 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente principalement un ensemble de travaux de recherche, ainsi que les tâches administratives ou liées à la vie de la recherche, que j'ai effectuées. Il se termine par ma liste de publications. Les travaux présentés s'étalent sur ces neuf dernières années. Ils portent sur la modélisation géométrique de formes complexes et sont ceux pour lesquels ma participation a été la plus active, voire dont j'ai été l'instigateur. De nos jours, l'image prend de plus en plus d'importance. Parmi tous les facteurs à l'origine de ce phénomène, nous pouvons noter la prolifération des supports d'affichage (écrans, téléphones portables, tablettes PC, ordinateurs ultra-portables, etc). La demande en création de contenu visuel est croissante et une façon de répondre à cette demande efficacement et à moindre coût passe par la génération de contenu virtuel tridimensionnel. La génération de contenu virtuel s'appuie sur la modélisation géométrique d'objets complexes. Cette phase de création des objets tridimensionnels est encore longue et laborieuse et n'est accessible qu'aux professionnels ou aux passionnés. Ceci est dû, en partie, à la difficulté de définir des modèles de représentation de surfaces qui sont à la fois rapides à visualiser, robustes et accessibles quand on édite la surface (déformation, changement de topologie, etc), simples à implanter, numériquement stables, et permettant une interaction intuitive avec l'utilisateur. En fait, il n'existe pas vraiment de solution satisfaisante au développement rapide de logiciels de modélisation performants et faciles à prendre en main par un utilisateur non-expert; même s'ils sont contextualisés. Nous nous intéresserons, dans un premier temps, à l'un des modèles de représentation de surfaces les plus populaires et reconnus pour sa flexibilité et son efficacité dans des applications de modélisation d'objets de formes libres : les surfaces de subdivision. Nous verrons les travaux que j'ai effectués sur ces modèles et nous discuterons de leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients dans notre contexte. Ceci nous amènera à la présentation de travaux sur la modélisation par esquisses, une technique de modélisation basée sur le tracé de contours, reconnue pour son accessibilité d'un point de vue utilisateur. Ces travaux mettront en évidence l'intérêt que l'on peut avoir à développer les modèles volumiques (surfaces implicites) et nous verrons quels travaux ont été menés récemment sur ces modèles pour améliorer leur contrôle et leur efficacité en situation de modélisation. Nous finirons en mettant en perspective le potentiel des modèles volumiques en présentant des projets de recherche qui ont ou vont commencer.

Représentation des maillages multirésolutions : application aux volumes de subdivision

Untereiner, Lionel 08 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les maillages volumiques sont très répandus en informatique graphique, en visualisation scientifique et en calcul numérique. Des opérations de subdivision, de simplification ou de remaillage sont parfois utilisées afin d'accélérer les traitements sur ces maillages. Afin de maîtriser la complexité de l'objet et des traitements numériques qui lui sont appliqués, une solution consiste alors à le représenter à différentes échelles. Les modèles existants sont conçus pour des approches spécifiques rendant leur utilisation limitée aux applications pour lesquelles ils ont été pensés. Nos travaux de recherche présentent un nouveau modèle pour la représentation de maillages multirésolutions en dimension quelconque basé sur le formalisme des cartes combinatoires. Nous avons d'abord appliqué notre modèle aux volumes de subdivision multirésolutions. Dans ce cadre, nous présentons plusieurs algorithmes de raffinement d'un maillage grossier initial. Ces algorithmes supportent des hiérarchies obtenues par subdivision régulière et adaptative. Nous proposons ensuite deux représentations, opposés en terme de coût spatial et temporel, pour ce modèle.

Contribution à l’étude de la dynamique coopérative intra-organisationnelle : analyse croisée des coopérations transversales, verticales et horizontales : cas d'expérimentation / Contribution to the study of the intra-organizational cooperative dynamics : crossed analysis of the transverse, vertical and horizontal cooperations : an experimental study

Khenniche, Samia 08 December 2010 (has links)
La coopération est depuis toujours au coeur des recherches relatives aux organisations sociales, qu’elles soient humaines ou animales. Ainsi, son étude est transverse à de nombreuses disciplines : anthropologie, éthologie, sociologie, psychologie, économie,gestion. Il s’agit d’observer les formes, raisons, motivations ou freins à l’action commune d’individus. Les champs d’étude sont aussi divers que la famille, l’école, l’État, les collectivités ou l’entreprise. La gestion s’intéresse plus particulièrement à cette dernière,dans son acception la plus large, celle de l’unité économique et sociale. Ce travail de recherche se veut être une contribution à l’étude de ce phénomène complexe et fondamental qu’est la coopération entre membres d’une organisation.La première partie vise à comprendre comment la coopération se construit et évolue au sein des organisations. Pour ce faire, nous tentons de répondre aux questions suivantes : Comment étudier la coopération au sein des organisations ? Qu’est-ce que coopérer ?Pourquoi et comment coopérer ? Avec qui coopérer ? Grâce à l’élaboration et à l’analyse d’une base de verbatim, ainsi qu’à l’étude de recherches-interventions, la coopération est définie comme une dynamique, par laquelle les individus passent de leurs actions individuelles à une action collective. Leurs pratiques, complexes, protéiformes, aux intensités diverses, sont régies par deux logiques d’actions : identitaire et calculatoire.Elles s’organisent autour des dimensions horizontale, transversale et verticale de l’organisation.La seconde partie présente les résultats de l’étude des variables de la coopération dans leur dynamique, elle permet d’expliciter leurs liens, d’observer leur évolution dans le temps et dans différents types de structure organisationnelle. Cette mise en perspective est rendue possible par l’étude longitudinale de trois organisations. Elle est au centre de ce second volet. Nous entamons cette partie par l’étude de la hiérarchie dans les organisations. Deux raisons motivent notre choix. D’une part, cette étude répond aux questionnements soulevés dans la partie précédente concernant l’influence de la hiérarchie dans la dynamique coopérative.D’autre part, les trois organisations au sein desquelles les dynamiques coopératives ont été observées étant structurées de façon hiérarchisée, nous pencher sur la hiérarchie dans les organisations nous semble un préalable nécessaire. Nous abordons ensuite les interactions entre les différentes variables de la coopération, notamment entre les dimensions horizontale, transversale et verticale, et identifions des leviers de développement des pratiques coopératives. L’étude de ces leviers est ensuite approfondie et enrichie d’implications managériales. / Cooperation has always been a fundamental issue of research on social organizations, whether human or animal. Thus, studies about cooperation are transversal to many disciplines: anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, and management. Forms, reasons, motivations or barriers to joint actions of individuals are observed. The fields covered are as diverse as family, school, state, local or enterprise. Management is particularly interested in the latter, in its broadest sense, that of economic and social unit. This research is intended as a contribution to the study of this complex and fundamental phenomenon: cooperation between members of an organization. With the first part, we try to understand how cooperation appears and evolves within organizations. To do this, we answer the following questions: How to study cooperation in organizations? What cooperation? Why and how to cooperate? Cooperate with whom? Through the development and analysis of a database verbatim, and the study of intervention-research, cooperation is defined as a process by which actors move from their individual actions to collective action. Their practices, complex, protean are governed by two logics of action : the one based on the calculation, the other one on the identity. Cooperative practices are organized around three dimensions of organization : horizontal, transversal and vertical. The second part presents the results of the study variables of cooperation in their dynamics; it helps to clarify their links, to observe their development over time and indifferent types of organizational structure. This perspective is made possible by the longitudinal study of three organizations. It is central to this second part. We begin by studying the hierarchy in organizations. Two reasons motivate our choice. On the one hand, this study responds to questions raised in the previous section on the influence of the hierarchy in the dynamic cooperative. On the other hand, the three organizations in which the dynamics were observed are structured hierarchically. We then discuss the interactions between the different variables of cooperation, particularly between the horizontal, transversal and vertical dimensions, and identify levels for the development of cooperative practices. The study of these levels is then deepened and enriched with managerial implications.

The impact of the implementation of government policy on the spatial distribution of emerging farmers in the Mopani district in the Limpopo province of South Africa

Mamabolo, Makhudu Edward 08 1900 (has links)
Agriculture plays a major role in development, as it creates jobs, develops the economy and reduces poverty. An important drawback in agriculture in South Africa is access to agricultural land and other agricultural resources by African farmers. Many African farmers still own small units of land, which are still mostly used for subsistence farming. These racial inequalities in the agricultural sector date back to colonial and apartheid eras. During the apartheid era, government policies separated white farmers from black farmers resulting in an unequal spatial distribution of farming and development in the country. The post-apartheid government that came into power in 1994 was committed to the eradication of racial legislation and implemented new agricultural policies. Twenty years later many inequalities still exit within the agricultural sector. There is a need to investigate the social and spatial inequalities in the emerging farming section. Since the Limpopo province is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa, consisting of large areas of former homelands, the aim of this research is to investigate and describe the impact of the implementation of agricultural policies on the spatial distribution of the emerging farming sector in the Mopani District of the Limpopo province. This research was done within the framework of the post-modernism paradigm. The study used mostly qualitative data but some quantitative data and methods were also used. Primary data was collected from sampled emerging farmers in the Mopani district, some officials from the local municipality and one provincial official. Evidence from analysed data indicated that the uneven spatial distribution of farms still exists despite numerous policies and programmes implemented by government through its provinces, and local and district municipalities. Structurally there is a lack of proper coordination, inadequate provision of both human and material resources, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of policies and programmes are some contributory factors. It is recommended that policies be implemented that strategically target investment and infrastructural development to reduce poverty, unemployment and uneven spatial distribution of farms in the Mopani district municipalities in the Limpopo province. / Geography / 1 online resource (xvi, 128 leaves) : color maps / D. Phil. (Geography)

A efetividade dos instrumentos do Estatuto da Cidade : o caso da aplicação do Parcelamento, Edificação ou Utilização Compulsórios no município de Maringá (PR)

Brajato, Dânia January 2015 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Rosana Denaldi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Gestão do Território, 2015. / A despeito da importância do Parcelamento, Edificação ou Utilização Compulsórios (PEUC) para o cumprimento da função social da propriedade urbana e de sua previsão em parte significativa dos novos planos diretores, há poucos registros de experiências relacionadas à aplicação desse instrumento no país. A presente pesquisa apresenta e discute os resultados da aplicação do PEUC e do IPTU progressivo no tempo, em Maringá, no Estado do Paraná. Entre os anos de 2009 e 2013, o Município notificou para PEUC cerca de 700 proprietários de imóveis ociosos, não edificados ou subutilizados. Esse conjunto de imóveis soma 14,5 milhões de metros quadrados (14,5 km²) e corresponde a aproximadamente 10% de toda a área urbana do Município. Maringá aplica o IPTU progressivo no tempo desde 2011, sendo um dos dois únicos municípios no país que até o início de 2015 havia utilizado o instrumento sucedâneo ao PEUC. Para compreender os resultados alcançados no Município de Maringá, foram identificados, por meio de pesquisa documental e entrevistas, as condições que tornaram possível a aplicação do PEUC, a lógica territorial de aplicação do instrumento (ordenamento do solo), os procedimentos administrativos adotados e a reação dos proprietários em termos da iniciativa de utilização das áreas notificadas. Conclui-se que, no caso de Maringá, a aplicação do PEUC favoreceu de forma limitada a ocupação dos vazios urbanos e não contribuiu para democratizar o acesso à terra. Os limitados resultados alcançados relacionam-se com a aplicação do PEUC dissociada de uma estratégia geral de planejamento urbano inclusivo, nos moldes do ideário da Reforma Urbana. / Despite of the importance of the Compulsory Subdivision, Building or Utilization of land (CSBU) to the fulfillment of the social function of urban property and its incorporation in many of the new master plans, there are scarce records of experiences related to the application of this instrument in the country. This research presents and discusses the results of the application of the CSBU and the progressive property and land tax (over time) in Maringá, State of Paraná, Brazil. Between 2009 and 2013, the city notified through CSBU approximately 700 owners of vacant, not built upon or under-utilized areas. This amounted to around 14,5 km² and corresponded to around 10% of the total urban surface area of the municipality. Maringá has enforced the progressive property and land tax (over time) since 2011 and is one of the two municipalities which used the instrument substitute of CSBU. In order to understand the results achieved by the municipality of Maringá, we identified through documentary research and interviews, the conditions that made the application of CSBU possible, the underlying territorial logic of the instrument (land use), the standard administrative procedures and the responsiveness of property owners to the initiative in terms of use of the notified areas. It concludes that, in the case of Maringá, the application of the CSBU provided only limited incentives to the effective utilization of urban vacant áreas, and it did not contribute to democratize access to land. The limited results achieved are related to the application of CSBU separate from a general strategy of inclusive urban planning, following the ideals of Urban Reform.

Graph colorings and digraph subdivisions / Colorações de grafos e subdivisões de digrafos

Phablo Fernando Soares Moura 30 March 2017 (has links)
The vertex coloring problem is a classic problem in graph theory that asks for a partition of the vertex set into a minimum number of stable sets. This thesis presents our studies on three vertex (re)coloring problems on graphs and on a problem related to a long-standing conjecture on subdivision of digraphs. Firstly, we address the convex recoloring problem in which an arbitrarily colored graph G is given and one wishes to find a minimum weight recoloring such that each color class induces a connected subgraph of G. We show inapproximability results, introduce an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation that models the problem and present some computational experiments using a column generation approach. The k-fold coloring problem is a generalization of the classic vertex coloring problem and consists in covering the vertex set of a graph by a minimum number of stable sets in such a way that every vertex is covered by at least k (possibly identical) stable sets. We present an ILP formulation for this problem and show a detailed polyhedral study of the polytope associated with this formulation. The last coloring problem studied in this thesis is the proper orientation problem. It consists in orienting the edge set of a given graph so that adjacent vertices have different in-degrees and the maximum in-degree is minimized. Clearly, the in-degrees induce a partition of the vertex set into stable sets, that is, a coloring (in the conventional sense) of the vertices. Our contributions in this problem are on hardness and upper bounds for bipartite graphs. Finally, we study a problem related to a conjecture of Mader from the eighties on subdivision of digraphs. This conjecture states that, for every acyclic digraph H, there exists an integer f(H) such that every digraph with minimum out-degree at least f(H) contains a subdivision of H as a subdigraph. We show evidences for this conjecture by proving that it holds for some particular classes of acyclic digraphs. / O problema de coloração de grafos é um problema clássico em teoria dos grafos cujo objetivo é particionar o conjunto de vértices em um número mínimo de conjuntos estáveis. Nesta tese apresentamos nossas contribuições sobre três problemas de coloração de grafos e um problema relacionado a uma antiga conjectura sobre subdivisão de digrafos. Primeiramente, abordamos o problema de recoloração convexa no qual é dado um grafo arbitrariamente colorido G e deseja-se encontrar uma recoloração de peso mínimo tal que cada classe de cor induza um subgrafo conexo de G. Mostramos resultados sobre inaproximabilidade, introduzimos uma formulação linear inteira que modela esse problema, e apresentamos alguns resultados computacionais usando uma abordagem de geração de colunas. O problema de k-upla coloração é uma generalização do problema clássico de coloração de vértices e consiste em cobrir o conjunto de vértices de um grafo com uma quantidade mínima de conjuntos estáveis de tal forma que cada vértice seja coberto por pelo menos k conjuntos estáveis (possivelmente idênticos). Apresentamos uma formulação linear inteira para esse problema e fazemos um estudo detalhado do politopo associado a essa formulação. O último problema de coloração estudado nesta tese é o problema de orientação própria. Ele consiste em orientar o conjunto de arestas de um dado grafo de tal forma que vértices adjacentes possuam graus de entrada distintos e o maior grau de entrada seja minimizado. Claramente, os graus de entrada induzem uma partição do conjunto de vértices em conjuntos estáveis, ou seja, induzem uma coloração (no sentido convencional) dos vértices. Nossas contribuições nesse problema são em complexidade computacional e limitantes superiores para grafos bipartidos. Finalmente, estudamos um problema relacionado a uma conjectura de Mader, dos anos oitenta, sobre subdivisão de digrafos. Esta conjectura afirma que, para cada digrafo acíclico H, existe um inteiro f(H) tal que todo digrafo com grau mínimo de saída pelo menos f(H) contém uma subdivisão de H como subdigrafo. Damos evidências para essa conjectura mostrando que ela é válida para classes particulares de digrafos acíclicos.

Grafické intro 64kB s použitím OpenGL / Graphics Intro 64kB Using OpenGL

Juránková, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the master's thesis is to create a graphic intro with the limited size of 64kB. Brief history of a demoscene and the graphics library OpenGL is introduced in the following text. The main part of the work is a description of minimal graphics techniques used in a creative process and their further application in the final programme.

Markexploateringsprocessen : – En analys av fullföljdsavtal i olika kommuner / The Property Development Process : An Analysis of Completion Agreements in Different Municipalities

Wallenrud, Helena, Einarsson, Elsa January 2019 (has links)
Markexploatering innebär en förändring av den befintliga markanvändningen av ett område när detta bebyggs. De delmoment som krävs för att genomföra markexploateringen sammanfattas i det som kallas för markexploateringsprocessen. Dessa delmoment är många men i detta kandidatarbete analyserades främst detaljplanens antagande, ansökan om fastighetsbildning, upprättande av fullföljdsavtal som reglerar en officiell överlåtelse, tillträdet för köparen och köpets genomförande. I kandidatarbetet jämfördes genom analys av fullföljdsavtal hur markexploateringsprocessen i praktiken ser ut och skiljer sig mellan några olika kommuner i Sverige, samt utreddes varför kommuner väljer en specifik ordning i markexploateringsprocessen. I arbetet behandlades endast avtal där det handlar om kommunalt ägd mark, köp av del av fastighet och avstyckning. Efter genomförd studie av avtal skrivna i olika kommuner kunde konstateras att processen skiljer sig åt mellan dem. Majoriteten av kommunerna följde den mest vedertagna ordningen och utformningen av denna process. Två av de analyserade kommunerna hade projekt som avvek från detta grundläge i det att processen där var utdragen. Orsaker till skillnaderna mellan avtalen kan vara brist på mark och att det därmed krävs stor samordning mellan aktörer, långa kötider hos kommunala lantmäterimyndigheter, eller att kommunen valt att anpassa processen till det specifika projektet. / Property development is the practice of changing the current land use of an area while building there. The steps required to realise the development of the property can be summarised in what is called the property development process. These steps are many, but this bachelor’s thesis only analysed five: the detailed development plan becoming legally binding, the application for land parcelling, the drafting of a completion agreement which regulates an official transfer, access for the buyer and the closing. This bachelor’s thesis compared how the property development process differs by analysing completion agreements from some municipalities in Sweden, as well as investigated why a given municipality might choose a specific order to complete the property development process in. The thesis only dealt with agreements concerning municipally owned land, purchases of a part of a property, and subdivision of property. After a completed study of agreements drafted in different municipalities, it could be stated that the process differs between them. The majority of the municipalities followed the most established order and model of this process. Two of the analysed municipalities had projects that deviated from this baseline, in that the process there was protracted. Reasons for these differences between the agreements can be a lack of land and that great coordination among actors therefore is needed, long waiting lists at municipal land survey offices, or that a municipality chose to adapt the process to a specific project.

Visualizing Point Density on Geometry Objects: Application in an Urban Area Using Social Media VGI

Zahtila, Moris, Knura, Martin 22 April 2024 (has links)
Point datasets that relate to highly populated places, such as ones retrieved from social media or volunteered geographic information in general, can often result in dense point clusters when presented on maps. Therefore, it can be useful to visualize the relevant point density information directly on the urban geometry to tackle the problem of point counting and density range identification in highly cluttered areas. One solution is to relate each point to the nearest geometry object. While this is a straightforward approach, its major drawback is that local point clusters could disappear by assigning them to larger objects, e.g., long roads. To address this issue, we introduce two new point density visualization approaches by which points are related to the underlying geometry objects. In this process, we use grid cells and heatmap contour lines to divide roads, squares, and pedestrian zones into subgeometry units. Comparison of our visualization approaches with conventional density visualization methods shows that our approaches provide a more comprehensive insight into the point distribution over space, i.e., over existing urban geometry. / Wenn Punktdatensätze, die sich auf dicht bevölkerte Räume beziehen – beispielsweise räumliche Daten aus Sozialen Medien oder von VGI-Plattformen – auf Karten dargestellt werden, kommt es häufig zu dichten Punktclustern, was Aussagen über die Anzahl der Punkte oder die Intensität der Punktdichte an bestimmten Orten schwierig bis unmöglich macht. Daher kann es nützlich sein, relevante Informationen über die Punktdichte direkt mit Bezug zu urbanen Geometrien zu visualisieren. Eine Lösung besteht darin, jeden Punkt dem nächstgelegenen Geometrieobjekt zuzuordnen. Ein großer Nachteil dieses Ansatzes ist jedoch, dass lokale Punktcluster verschwinden könnten, indem sie größeren Objekten, z. B. langen Straßen, zugewiesen werden. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, werden zwei neue Ansätze zur Visualisierung der Punktdichte eingeführt, bei denen die Punkte mit den urbanen Geometrieobjekten in Beziehung gesetzt werden, lokale räumliche Eigenschaften jedoch erhalten bleiben. Dafür werden Straßen, Plätze und Fußgängerzonen mithilfe von Rasterzellen und Konturlinien von Kerndichteschätzungen in Teilgeometrieeinheiten unterteilt. Der Vergleich dieser Visualisierungsansätze mit herkömmlichen Dichtevisualisierungsmethoden zeigt, dass die vorgestellten Ansätze einen detaillierteren Einblick in die räumliche Punktverteilung mit Bezug zur bestehenden urbanen Geometrie liefern können.

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