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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of the job training needs of the support staff in the six Kansas Board of Regents university libraries

Zhang, ShaLi January 1900 (has links)
Doctor Of Philosophy / Department of Curriculum and Instruction / Rosemary Talab / The purpose of this study was to learn the perceived training needs of the support staff in the six Kansas Board of Regents’ (KBOR) university libraries. Based on data from field and pilot studies and advice from an expert panel, a survey instrument was designed to assess library support staff’s perceptions of their train needs on computer skills, interpersonal skills, supervision/management skills, important library/organizational support, helpful training delivery methods, and training sources. The survey instrument was administered to the entire 167 support staff in the six KBOR university libraries, with a return rate of 83 percent achieved through two mailings and two postcard reminders. Quantitative data from the responses to closed-ended questions were analyzed through descriptive measures and one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Qualitative approaches to code answers from open-ended questions were utilized in order to allow stakeholder themes to emerge. Quantitative analyses indicated that the respondents viewed the most important training topics for each area of the study to be: database searching and MS Office suites for computer skills; working with difficult people and managing priorities for interpersonal skills; training new employees and supervising student employees for supervision/management skills; being supplied with appropriate software, release time, and technical support were viewed as the most important library support that would help their training. The respondents perceived classroom instruction with a teacher and interactive classroom discussions as being the most helpful delivery methods. The respondents considered in-house trainers, supervisors, and co-workers as being the most helpful training sources. A series of MANOVA tests were conducted on the six areas of the study. At the alpha = .05 level, statistically significant differences were found in the respondents’ perceptions of training needs on computer skills measured by their work units, supervision/management skills measured by their work units and level of job responsibilities, the respondents’ perceptions of important library/organizational support measured by their total years in the library filed and age range, and the respondents’ perceptions of helpful training sources measured by their total years at current positions. Qualitative analyses provided 314 units of information on 32 themes on additional training topics, library/organizational support, delivery methods, and training sources. The top 10 themes were related to “Software programs,” “Windows operating systems,” “Release time,” “Supervisor/management support,” “Relevance/applicable training,” “Promotion/opportunities,” “Training for motivation,” “Classroom with feedback,” “Training materials,” and “One-on-one and in-house training.” Based on the findings, summaries, and conclusions of this study, the researcher made recommendations for further study that focuses on job training needs of support staff at university libraries, including a broader scope of training topics, motivating factors, the perceptions of library administrators on the support staff’s training needs, training needs on supervision/management for non-supervision support staff, differing views on library/organizational support, different training delivery methods, etc.

Assistive Technology Guidelines for Higher Education Disability Support Staff

DeLee, Brenda 01 January 2018 (has links)
With the changing laws and effective integration of assistive technology into the classroom environment, students can have the provision of multiple means to complete their work with greater independence. In post secondary education, any student who discloses a sensory, cognitive, or physical disability is eligible to request and receive assistive technology and other services. When used correctly, assistive technology can help students with reading, writing, math, and communication skills. With a possible influx of students, disability support staff must be prepared and willing to meet the needs and address issues relating to students with disabilities. If their needs are not met, this student population may be left to face accessibility challenges that will hinder their academic success. The goal was to make the college experience positive for all students by producing a resource guide for Disability Support Staff (DSS). This was accomplished by conducting an extensive literature review along with collecting data from DSS professionals from various community colleges within North Carolina. Analysis of the data resulted in recommendations on topics including, specific assistive technology solutions according to disability, training for students and faculty along with various outreach activities that can be used to increase awareness of services and accommodations provided by DSS.

Ledning och styrning av tvärfunktionella managementteam : En fallstudie som söker att förstå införandet av tvärfunktionella team som organisatoriska utmaningar / Managament control of cross-functional managament teams : A case study seeking to understand the introduction of cross-functional teams as organizational challenges

Winkler, Philip, Komayesh, Nadia January 2016 (has links)
Kostnaden för hälso- och sjukvård i Sverige uppgår årligen enligt Statistiska centralbyrån till drygt 230 miljarder kronor vilket kan anses vara mycket. Den svenska hälso- och sjukvården är viktig för samhället och således blir de interna förhållandena och processerna viktiga för de som arbetar inom hälso- och sjukvården. Denna fallstudie har genom två delstudier undersökt en större hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisation som för drygt 1,5 år sedan genomförde en omorganisering. Specifikt har studien undersökt stödfunktionernas teamarbete och syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur teamens nya organisation teoretiskt kan förstås. Vidare syftar studien till att söka förståelse för hur arbetet som teamen bedriver upplevs fungera och tas emot. I delstudie ett intervjuades 12 medarbetare och chefer och i delstudie två insamlades en webbenkät ifrån 10 verksamhetschefer. Empirin har analyserats tematiskt och visade bland annat att den struktur som teamen verkar inom bättre kan förstås som en matrisorganisation med tillhörande utmaningar. Vidare är några av slutsatserna att den interna kontrollen var bristfällig och att både medarbetare och chefer gavs föga möjligheter till att i förlängningen utveckla ett ansvarsfullt arbetssätt. Diskussion om vad som kan utvecklas har redogjorts. Förslag på framtida forskning är att jämföra planerad- och upplevd styrning med faktisk produktivitet. / The cost of health care in Sweden is annually, according to Statistics Sweden more than 230 billion SEK which can be considered a lot. The Swedish health care is important to the society and consequently, the internal conditions and processes are important for those working within the health care. This case study has been conducted through two sub-studies, examined a larger health care organization, which undertook a reorganization one and a half year ago. Specifically this case study has studied the support functions teamwork, and aims to increase the theoretically understanding of the team's new work organization. Consequently the purpose of this case study has been to seek understanding of the work that the teams engage in and how it is received. In sub-study number one, 12 employees and managers where interviewed and in sub-study two, a web-based questionnaire was distributed to 10 branch managers. The empirical data were analyzed thematically and shows that the team's new organization better can be understood as a matrix organization, with related challenges. Furthermore, some of the conclusions are that the internal controls were inadequate and both employees and managers were given little opportunity to take long term responsibility for their work. A discussion of what can be developed is outlined. Suggestions for future research are to compare planed- and perceived management control with actual productivity.

The Career Experiences of Women Support Staff in Higher Education with Advanced Degrees

Maher, Ashley N., Ph.D. 08 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of the Changing Roles of Central Instructional Support Staff as Site-Based Decision Making is Implemented in One School District: A Descriptive Study

Barnum, Rebecca Ann 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze ways in which the roles of instructional support staff as perceived by principals and instructional support staff members in a large, suburban school district have been affected by the implementation of site-based decision making (SBDM). Research questions focused on changes which have occurred in the roles of instructional support staff and in the services provided to schools by support staff since the implementation of SBDM, the roles which support staff members believe they have in SBDM, the perceptions of principals regarding the roles of instructional support staff in SBDM, and a comparison of the views of instructional support staff and principals regarding the district's implementation of SBDM.

Brukardelaktighet i arbetet med insatsen gruppboende enligt LSS : En explorativ intervjustudie med LSS-handläggare och stödpersonal på gruppboende / User participation in the work with supportive housing according to LSS : An exploratory interview study with social service administrators and support staff in supportive housing

Törnros, Micaela, Älloäng, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Previous research shows that people with severe disabilities often are neglected in the work of enhancing user participation. It is shown that even though professionals increase the possibility for user participation in their work, it is not necessary that the users receive it. This study aims to show how professionals working for people with disabilities applies user participation in their everyday work. We used a qualitative exploratory method and interviewed ten social workers within service administration and supportive housing, located at three different municipalities in the region of Stockholm. Using Shier’s participation model in combination with theory of recognition we got similar results as previous research. The social workers have a great intention in enhancing user’s participation in their work, though organizational structures stand in their way. That drives them to use what is known as “silent knowledge”, a combination of their personality, previous experience and their ingenuity.

Att vara vägledare inom Delaktighetsmodellen : Habiliterares erfarenheter och reflektioner kring vägledarrollen

Andersson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Personer med funktionsnedsättning har i förhållande till övrig befolkning en lägre grad av delaktighet. De individer sin får stöd inom ramen för Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) hamnar i en beroendeställning till den personal som utför insatserna. I syfte att öka brukares delaktighet används Delaktighetsmodellen, vilken bygger på professionellt ledda dialogmöten mellan brukare och habiliterare. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur erfarenheter och kunskaper från rollen som vägledare inom Delaktighetsmodellen har kommit till användning i habiliterares ordinarie arbete. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. Sex habiliterare, en man och fem kvinnor, deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Utöver spridning i kön fanns också en spridning i ålder, utbildning och specifik yrkeserfarenhet. Resultat: Respondenterna upplevde att de erfarenheter och kunskaper de fått i och med sin vägledarroll har lett till reflektioner kring hur ens egna värderingar och attityder påverkar delaktigheten hos brukare samt vilken betydelse dessa insikter har för den professionella utvecklingen. Vidare visade resultatet att vägledarrollen har uppmärksammat respondenterna på maktförhållanden som råder mellan deras habiliterare och brukare samt vilken roll vägledaren kan fylla när det kommer till att skapa förutsättningar för en ökad delaktighet hos brukare. Slutsats: Vägledarutbildningen har lett till att habiliterarna reflekterat kring yrkesrollen samt fått insikt i hur värderingar och attityder påverkar brukares delaktighet. Habiliterarna har även fått en ökad känsla av meningsfullhet och förståelse för uppdraget och därmed en större trygghet i yrkesrollen. Studien belyser även komplexiteten i habiliteraruppdraget och vikten av kompetensutveckling och kontinuerlig reflektion kring uppdraget. / Background: People with disability report a lower level of social participation than others. Getting support through the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) lead to a dependency towards the support-staff. The Involvement Model is meant to increase the level of involvement among people with disabilities, with the guidance from trained facilitators. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe how the experience from being a facilitator in The Involvement Model have come into use in the support- staff’s ordinary occupation in-group homes. Methods: A qualitative interview with an inductive approach was used. There were six participants in the study, one male and five female. All of them where support-staff in-group homes. Apart from the variation in gender, there was also a difference in age, level of education and professional experience among the participants. Results: The participants reported that their role as a facilitator had led to awareness about how values and attitudes effect the involvement among people with disabilities. The participants describe their experience as professional development. They also report that they see their occupation from a new perspective and have realized their role in facilitating involvement for people with disabilities. Conclusions: This study has showed that the experience the support-staff gained, through the facilitator-education, led to an awareness about their role in empowering involvement. They also reported an increased meaning and understanding in their professional role. This study can also contribute to show the complexity of the support-staffs role.

School Support Staff and Student Outcomes in Large Urban Districts in the Midwest A Correlational Study

Birkhimer, Courtney B. 03 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A View from the Principal's Office: A Grounded-Theory Exploration of Principals' Perceptions of Non-Academic Barriers to Learning: Implications for School Social Work

Prather, JoNataye Arnitra 13 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Construction des pratiques d’accompagnement des éducatrices et éducateurs spécialisés en contexte d’inclusion scolaire au Québec

Tchuindibi, Laurence 04 1900 (has links)
Le paysage scolaire québécois a été l’objet de nombreuses transformations au cours des dernières décennies. Une diversification de la population étudiante ainsi que des politiques favorisant de plus en plus l’accueil d’élèves ayant un handicap, des difficultés d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage (EHDAA) en milieu ordinaire ont conduit à une réorganisation des services. Des personnels de soutien technique et paratechnique (PSTP), dont font notamment partie les éducatrices et éducateurs spécialisés (ES) (LeVasseur et Tardif, 2005), ont alors été introduits pour accompagner ces élèves. Malgré le recours croissant à ces personnels dans les écoles, on remarque qu’à ce jour, on en sait encore très peu sur leur travail. L’objectif de la présente recherche est donc de comprendre comment les ES construisent leurs pratiques d’accompagnement en soutien à la réussite éducative des EHDAA, en contexte d’inclusion scolaire au Québec. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous mobilisons un cadre conceptuel interactionniste symbolique, qui s’inscrit dans un paradigme interprétatif. Nous considérons les ES comme des actrices et acteurs sociaux compétents (Giddens, 1987) qui sont aussi des praticiennes et praticiens réflexifs (Schön, 1994). Nous nous intéressons à la façon dont ils développent leurs pratiques de façon individuelle et collective en interaction avec leurs collègues et leur environnement de travail (Becker, 2004). Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une recherche collaborative (Desgagné, 1997) avec six ES (du primaire et secondaire) et une conseillère pédagogique (CP), avec qui nous avons mené des entretiens individuels (n=6), permettant aux ES d’expliciter leur pratique individuelle; ainsi que des entretiens de groupe (n=5), afin de co-construire une analyse de leurs pratiques, du sens de celles-ci et des enjeux qu’ils rencontrent (Duchesne et Haegel, 2004). L’analyse s’est déroulée en deux phases : une première phase d’analyse thématique (Paillé et Mucchielli, 2021b) visait à produire une description fine des actions posées par les ES face aux situations qu’ils rencontrent; une deuxième phase d’analyse par catégories conceptualisantes (Paillé et Mucchielli, 2021a) visait quant à elle à dégager plusieurs dimensions sous-jacentes à la pratique des ES. Les résultats donnent à voir la diversité des actions que les ES posent pour soutenir l’intégration scolaire et sociale des EHDAA, leurs apprentissages, leur développement personnel et la gestion de leurs comportements. De surcroit, ils mettent en lumière le rôle que jouent les ES auprès du personnel enseignant et du service de garde, en leur apportant des conseils et des outils, tout en favorisant leur bien-être et leur disponibilité auprès des élèves. L’analyse fait également émerger plusieurs dimensions de la pratique des ES, notamment, les pratiques qu’ils jugent comme étant limitées; celles qu’ils développent de façon alternative, en jonglant avec les contraintes du milieu et les ressources dont ils disposent; celles qu’ils rejettent, car étant selon eux hors de leur champ d’expertise, ou entravant d’autres facettes de leur rôle; et finalement celles qu’ils rêvent de pouvoir mettre en place, afin d’apporter un meilleur soutien à la réussite des EHDAA. Cette recherche permet ainsi d’identifier plusieurs leviers pour favoriser le développement de la pratique des ES. / The Quebec educational landscape has undergone several transformations over the last few decades. The diversification of the student population, as well as the policies increasingly favoring the integration of students with special needs in regular classrooms, have led to a reorganization of services. Technical and paratechnical support staff, including special educators (SE) (LeVasseur & Tardif, 2005), were introduced to support these students. Despite the increasing reliance on these personnel in schools, to this day, very little is known about their work. Therefore, the objective of this research is to understand how SE build their support practices to promote the educational success of students with special needs in the context of school inclusion in Quebec. To achieve this goal, we mobilized a symbolic interactionist conceptual framework within an interpretive paradigm. We consider SE as competent social actors (Giddens, 1987) who are also reflective practitioners (Schön, 1994). We are interested in how they develop their practices individually and collectively, in interaction with their colleagues and their work environment (Becker, 2004). To this end, we conducted a collaborative research (Desgagné, 1997) with six SE (from primary and secondary schools) and a pedagogical consultant. We conducted individual interviews (n=6). This enabled SE to explain their individual practice. Then we realized group interviews (n=5), in order to co-construct an analysis of their practices, their meanings and the issues they encounter (Duchesne and Haegel, 2004). The analysis was conducted in two phases: a phase of thematic analysis (Paillé and Mucchielli, 2021b), which aimed to produce a detailed description of the actions taken by SE in response to the situations they encounter; followed by a phase of analysis by conceptualizing categories (Paillé and Mucchielli, 2021a), which aimed to identify several dimensions underlying SE’ practices. The results show the diversity of actions that SE take to support the academic and social integration of students with special needs, as well as their learning, personal development and behavior management. In addition, they highlight the role played by SE in providing teachers and daycare staff with advice and tools, while promoting their well-being and availability to students. They also bring to light several dimensions of SE’ practices, including practices they consider to be limited; those they develop in an alternative way, juggling with the constraints of the environment and the resources at their disposal; those they reject because they perceive them to be outside their area of expertise, or hindering other aspects of their role; and finally those they aspire to implement in order to provide better support for the success of students with special needs. This research has identified several levers that can be used to promote the development of SE’ practices.

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