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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship between Self-Reported Cancer Pain and Personality in Black and White Older Adults receiving Outpatient Cancer Care

Krok, Jessica 01 January 2012 (has links)
It is well-established that personality not only affects physical health and longevity, but also mental health and coping mechanisms. One area of limited research is the relationship between cancer pain and personality. This study examined how personality traits affect reported cancer pain severity in older patients (N = 150) receiving outpatient treatment at a comprehensive cancer center. Participants were interviewed regarding their pain severity, personality, affect, and self-efficacy for pain management. Symptom data were collected from the Brief Pain Inventory, while personality data were gathered from the Ten Item Personality Inventory and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Self-efficacy for pain management was collected from the Chronic Pain Self-efficacy Scale. Analyses included descriptives, Chi-square tests, t-tests, stepwise linear regressions, and moderation analyses. The mean age of the sample was 65.38 ± 7.72 years. Seventy-nine percent of the sample was White. Analyses indicated that the average pain was 4.15 ± 2.01 (0-10 scale; with 10 being worst pain), with the sample recording means of 6.53 ± 2.57 and 2.45 ± 2.15 on worst and least pain, respectively. Regression analyses showed extraversion (â = -0.21, p < .01) and openness to experience (â = 0.18, p < .05) to be significant predictors of higher current and average pain severity, respectively. Agreeableness (â = 0.18, p < .05) was found to be a significant predictor of higher self-efficacy for pain management. Conscientiousness and extraversion were significant moderators in the relationship between self-efficacy for pain management and worst pain severity. These findings indicate that different personality types and personal affect may influence reports of pain severity. More empirical research is needed to understand the impact of personality and its relationship with pain severity and self-efficacy for pain management in more diverse and marginalized cancer populations across the age continuum. Finally, the results may be used to design more individualized interventions on pain management, depending on personality type, an application that has never been done in older adults with cancer.

Störungsspezifische, visuelle emotionale Stimuli bei der Agoraphobie mit Panikstörung / Disorder specific emotional imagery for differential and quantitative assessment of agoraphobia

Neumann, Marie-Charlott 10 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Erstsymptom, Erstdiagnose und ärztlicher Erstkontakt bei Patienten mit sporadischer Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit in Deutschland / First symptom, initial diagnosis and first physician contact in patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Germany

Kaune, Judith (Jansen) 13 February 2014 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die sporadische Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (sCJK) ist eine seltene neurodegenerative Erkrankung. Bisher existieren nur wenige Studien im Hinblick auf das Initialstadium der Erkrankung. Ziel dieser Studie war es unter Berücksichtigung des M129V-Genotyps und des Prionproteintyps maximal zwei Erstsymptome begrenzt auf einen Zeitraum von 2 Wochen, den ärztlichen Erstkontakt und die erste fachärztliche Diagnose zu erfassen. Material und Methoden: In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden retrospektiv Akten von 492 Patienten mit einer neuropathologisch gesicherten oder klinisch wahrscheinlichen sCJK ausgewertet, die im Zeitraum von 1993 bis 2003 an das Göttinger Surveillance-Zentrum für CJK gemeldet worden waren. Bei 204 Patienten des Gesamtkollektivs war zusätzlich der Prionproteintyp bekannt. Mithilfe eines Dokumentationsbogens wurden die relevanten Parameter erfasst und statistisch ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Zehn Prozent aller Patienten klagten über Prodromalsymptome wie Kopfschmerz, Müdigkeit, gestörte Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmik, Summen bzw. "komisches Gefühl im Kopf", Hörstörungen, Gewichtsverlust oder Photophobie. Patienten mit dem Subtyp MV-2 oder VV-1 gaben keine Prodromalsymptome an. Das häufigste Erstsymptom stellte die Demenz (37%) dar, gefolgt von zerebellären (34%), visuellen (15%) oder psychiatrischen (14%) Symptomen. Fünfzehn Prozent berichteten innerhalb von 2 Wochen bereits über 2 Erstsymptome. Als erster ärztlicher Kontakt wurde der Hausarzt (41%) aufgesucht, gefolgt vom niedergelassenen Neurologen (17%) oder einem Krankenhaus (13%), unabhängig von der Spezialisierung der Abteilung. Die fachärztliche Erstdiagnose lautete nur in 35% der Fälle CJK (in 42% bei MM-Patienten, 28% bei MV-Patienten, 25% bei VV-Patienten). Die Meldung eines CJK-Verdachtsfalles an das Göttinger CJK-Surveillance-Zentrum erfolgte überwiegend durch Neurologen, gefolgt von Psychiatern oder von anderen Berufsgruppen. Diskussion: Diese erste detaillierte Analyse von Erstsymptomen und ärztlichen Erstkontakten unterstreicht, wie relevant das Wissen von CJK und den atypischen CJK-Subtypen für Ärzte verschiedener Fachrichtungen ist. Hieraus entsteht die Hoffnung, dass in Zukunft insbesondere auch atypische CJK-Formen frühzeitig erkannt werden können.

Changes in Conflict, Symptoms, and Well-Being during Psychodynamic and Cognitive-Behavioral Alcohol Inpatient Treatment

Hoyer, Jürgen, Fecht, Jens, Lauterbach, Wolfgang, Schneider, Ralf 13 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: According to Grawe’s psychological therapy approach, conflict reduction can be expected not only in psychodynamic, but also in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This was tested in an effectiveness study. Changes in cognitive conflicts, along with those of symptom severity and well-being were analyzed during alcohol inpatient treatment. Methods: Four times during treatment, groups of patients receiving psychodynamic therapy (n = 45 patients) or CBT (n = 49 patients) were measured and compared. Lauterbach’s Online Conflict Test was used to measure conflict. Symptom severity and well-being were measured using questionnaires. Results: Results showed significant conflict decrease in both groups with a tendency towards faster reduction under CBT. There was also significant change in symptom severity and well-being in both groups with no difference regarding reduction gradient. Moreover, patients in the psychodynamic treatment group exhibited lower symptom scores at treatment begin which may be a consequence of clinical group assignment. Conclusions: In general, the findings confirmed Grawe’s theoretical assumptions. Generalizability to other diagnostic groups and other clinical settings remains to be tested. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Diagnostik und Therapie des progressiven Siebbeinhämatoms beim Pferd

Dorst, Stephanie 15 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diagnostik und Therapie des progressiven Siebbeinhämatoms beim Pferd Chirurgische Tierklinik der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig Eingereicht im Oktober 2013 74 Seiten, 11 Abbildungen, 17 Tabellen, 55 Literaturquellen Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine retrospektive, multizentrische Studie des progressiven Siebbeinhämatoms, eines selten vorkommenden Krankheitssyndroms beim Pferd. Dazu wurden die Krankenakten von 25 Patienten dreier tiermedizinischer Pferdekliniken ausgewertet. Das Patientenmaterial ist inhomogen und entspricht den Bedingungen der Praxis. Insgesamt sind die Patientenzahlen zu gering um die Daten homogen auszuwerten und gelten deshalb als Schätzwert. Die verschiedenen weiterführenden Untersuchungsverfahren wurden beschrieben und der Therapieerfolg in Abhängigkeit zur Tumorgröße ermittelt. Dabei ergab sich, dass eine Endoskopie die einfachste und die am häufigsten angewandte weiterführende Diagnostikmethode darstellt. Sie erscheint für die Diagnosestellung eines progressiven Siebbeinhämatoms ausreichend. Die computertomographische Untersuchung ermöglicht eine genauere Lokalisation der ausgedehnten Masse und erscheint zur besseren Operationsplanung sinnvoll. Progressive Siebbeinhämatome aller Größen zeigen eine günstige Prognose bezüglich Verkleinerung und klinischer Inapparenz, wenn eine konservative Therapie durch intratumorale Formalininjektionen angewandt wird. Die Behandlung ist einfach durchzuführen. Komplikationen sind bei den hier ausgewerteten Patienten nicht beobachtet wurden. Die chirurgische Therapie des progressiven Siebbeinhämatoms ist die sicherste Methode zur vollständigen Entfernung. Sie bietet bei großen Tumoren in allen Fällen eine günstige Prognose, bietet jedoch keinen Schutz vor einem Langzeitrezidiv. Außer bei besonders großen Tumoren, sind progressive Siebbeinhämatome durchaus am stehenden, sedierten Patienten konservativ behandelbar. Falls diese Methode keinen Therapieerfolg erzielt, kann eine chirurgische Therapie angeschlossen werden.

Muskuloskeletala symptom bland personal på LSS-boenden i Västmanland : En kvantitativ studie om förekomsten av muskuloskeletala symptom samt sambandet till fysisk aktivitet och ergonomiska hjälpmedel

Westberg, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Muskuloskeletala symptom är ett utbrett problem som drabbar människor över hela världen och påverkar folkhälsan negativt. Dels påverkas kroppen fysiskt med minskad funktion och värk i den drabbade kroppsdelen, men även det psykiska välmåendet kan bli lidande. Vårdpersonal som arbetar med tunga eller repetitiva lyft löper stor risk att drabbas av muskuloskeletala symptom. Flera studier visar att fysisk aktivitet och ergonomiska hjälpmedel kan lindra problemen och verka som hälsofrämjande insatser. Studiens syfte är att undersöka förekomsten av muskuloskeletala symptom bland personal på LSS-boenden i Västmanland samt om det finns något samband mellan muskuloskeletala symptom och omfattningen av fysisk aktivitet respektive tillgängligheten och användningen av ergonomiska hjälpmedel. En kvantitativ metod med en tvärsnittsdesign användes för att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningarna och chi2-test användes för att hitta samband. Resultatet visade bland annat att över hälften av personalen har muskuloskeletala symptom i ryggen. Signifikanta samband hittades mellan omfattningen av fysisk aktivitet och muskuloskeletala symptom, men inte mellan tillgängligheten och användningen av ergonomiska hjälpmedel och muskuloskeletala symptom. Resultatet diskuteras även utifrån PATH-modellen (Practices for the Achievement of Total Health) som teoretiskt perspektiv. Förslag på framtida forskning är att ta fram mer praktiska åtgärder som arbetsplatser kan utgå från för att motverka muskuloskeletala symptom.

Dimensão de simetria no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo prevalência, gravidade e correlatos /

Vellozo, Aline Paes January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Albina Rodrigues Torres / Resumo: Introdução: O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) apresenta expressiva heterogeneidade de sintomas. Análises fatoriais têm mostrado que obsessões e compulsões de simetria, ordenação, repetição e contagem se caracterizam como uma dimensão separada. Apesar de a dimensão de simetria ser manifestação comum do TOC, estudos sobre esta dimensão são escassos na literatura. Objetivo: investigar a prevalência, a gravidade e o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de pacientes que apresentam sintomas da dimensão de simetria em uma amostra clínica de pacientes com TOC. Método: estudo transversal com 1001 pacientes do banco de dados do Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Transtornos do Espectro Obsessivo-Compulsivo. Diversas variáveis independentes foram investigadas através de instrumentos estruturados, tais como: Questionário sobre história natural do TOC, Escalas de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) e Escala Dimensional de Sintomas Obsessivo-compulsivos (DY-BOCS), Escala de Fenômenos Sensoriais (USP-SPS), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Escala de Crenças de Brown (BABS) e Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para Transtornos do Eixo I do DSM-IV (SCID-I). Após a análise descritiva, foram feitas análises bivariadas entre possíveis fatores associados à presença da dimensão de simetria através do teste de qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e o teste t de Student ou Mann-Whitney. Como medidas de tamanho de efeito, foram calculadas razões de chances (odds ratios-OR) com intervalos de confiança e D de Cohen. P... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) presents an expressive heterogeneity of symptoms. Factorial analyses have shown that obsessions and compulsions of symmetry, ordering, repetition, and counting are characterized as a separate symptom dimension. Although the symmetry dimension is a common manifestation of OCD, studies on this dimension are scarce in the literature. Objective: to investigate the prevalence, severity, and the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with symmetry symptoms in a clinical sample of OCD patients. Method: a cross-sectional study with 1001 patients from the database of the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. Several independent variables were investigated through structured instruments, such as: OCD Natural History Questionnaire, Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS), Sensory Phenomena Scale (USP-SPS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale (BABS), and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I). After the descriptive analysis, bivariate analyses were performed between possible factors associated with the presence of the symmetry dimension using the chi-square or Fisher's exact test and the Student's t-test or Mann-Whitney test. As measures of effect size, odds ratios (ORs) with confidence intervals and Cohen's D were calculated. Finally, a logistic regression was performed to cont... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Trauma e sintoma social : resistências do sujeito entre história individual e história da cultura

Mello, Eliana Dable de January 2010 (has links)
O ponto de partida desta tese são questões suscitadas pela prática clínica desenvolvida pela autora, psicóloga e psicanalista, em uma Unidade de Saúde de Atenção Primária, do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospital Conceição, vinculado ao Ministério da Saúde, na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS). O objetivo consiste em buscar compreender manifestações sintomáticas, referidas a atos de violência por parte de portadores do estigma de exclusão social, e, igualmente, as manifestações de protagonismo, marcadas pela presença de uma palavra singular em pulsação no laço social – ambas depreendidas do cotidiano nesse território de trabalho na periferia urbana. Nessa busca, foram investigadas as condições históricas e estruturais das quais adveio a captura dos corpos a quem foi atribuído tal estigma, assim como as operações psíquicas, necessárias para a constituição do sujeito em um laço discursivo; na investigação, levou-se em conta igualmente os efeitos da lógica neoliberal capitalista, que ordena a sociedade de classes no mundo ocidental contemporâneo. O estudo da historiografia das formações sociais que deram corpo ao mal-estar e às tensões sociais nas cidades brasileiras e, mais especificamente, na cidade de Porto Alegre, possibilitou conferir maior especificidade ao embate entre forças sociais desiguais e antagônicas – figuradas nas posições senhor e escravo –, que caracterizou o fundamento e o transcurso da maior parte da história local, regional e nacional. As condições históricas para o agenciamento subjetivo da parte mais frágil da contenda foram rastreadas neste estudo, relacionando as resistências a ocupar o lugar de dejeto à inscrição de novos traços discursivos, dos quais poderia decorrer, como potência, a emergência de novas séries de significação na cultura brasileira. Tendo trabalhado na interface entre a psicanálise freudolacaniana e o campo da historiografia, com apoio em argumentos da clínica, este trabalho ratifica que a não transmissão de uma herança simbólica, a ser apropriada como um lugar para o sujeito no Outro, situa, por consequência, o traumático da objetalização como legado; o ato violento, nesta condição específica, é afirmado como o recurso pelo qual o sujeito tenta salvar sua singularidade. Igualmente ressalta-se o processo de agenciamento de uma refundação da história, que, hoje em dia, vem se efetuando em todo território nacional, como expressão legítima de uma posição discursiva, que articulou séries significantes a partir da inscrição de traços remontáveis ao período aqui estudado. A necessária função do reconhecimento do Outro e do semelhante para a constituição subjetiva foi demarcada, e considerações sobre as instituições e a técnica nesta clínica da exclusão foram exploradas na apresentação de três casos clínicos. Novas perguntas, de ordem ética, estética e política, a respeito dos temas da exclusão e da inscrição dos sujeitos na ordem social, são formuladas na conclusão deste trabalho da tese. / The starting point of this thesis are questions emerged from the clinical practice developed by the author, who is a psychologist and psychoanalyst, in a First Aid Health Unity (Unidade de Saúde de Atenção Primária), part of the Community Health Service of the Conceição Hospital Group, linked to the Health Ministry, in the city of Porto Alegre. It aims at understanding symptomatic manifestations, referred to acts of violence performed by individuals suffering from stigma of social exclusion, as well as to understand the manifestations of protagonism, characterized by the presence of a singular word in pulsation in the social bond – both emerged from the quotidian in this work field in urban periphery. In this quest, it was investigated the historical and structural conditions where the bodies that received such stigma stemmed from, as well as the psychic operations, necessary for the constitution of a subject in a discourse bond; during the investigation, it was also taken into account the effects of the neoliberal capitalist logics, which defines the society of classes in the contemporary western world. The study of the historiography of the social formations that originated the uneasiness and the social tensions in Brazilian cities and, more specifically, in the city of Porto Alegre, enabled this paper to assign greater specificity to the clash of unequal and antagonistic social powers – represented by the positions of ‗master‘ and slave – that has characterized the basis and the existence of most of the local, as well as regional and national history. The historic conditions for the subjective agency of the most fragile part of the dispute were tracked down in this study, relating the resistance for occupying the trash object‘s place to the inscription of the new discursive traits, from which the emergence of new signifying chains in the Brazilian culture could, potentially, arise from. Having worked on the interface between the Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis and the field of historiography, supported by clinic arguments, this work ratifies that the non-transmission of a symbolic heritage, to be appropriated as a place for the subject on the Other, determines, consequently, the traumatic of the objectalization as a legacy. The violent act, in this sense, is seen as a resource by which the subject tries to save their singularity, but it is also highlighted the process to renew history, which, nowadays, has been performing throughout the country, as a legitimate expression of a discursive position, which is considered as articulating significant series due to the entry of traces arisen from the period here studied. The recognition from the Other and from fellows creatures as a necessary function (agency) for subjective constitution was framed, and considerations about the institutions and the technique for deal with this clinic of exclusion were explored in the presentation of three clinical cases. New questions of ethical, aesthetic and political aspects, related to the issues of exclusion and subjective inscription in the social order, are proposed at the conclusion section of this thesis.

Avaliação do potencial da Telemedicina em Cuidados Paliativos no câncer avançado / The assessment of telemedicine to support outpatient palliative care in advanced cancer

Lilian Hennemann Krause 11 June 2014 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou o potencial da Telemedicina como suporte complementar a assistência ambulatorial na monitoração de sintomas em pacientes com câncer avançado. Foram acompanhados 12 pacientes do ambulatório do Núcleo de Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (NCP-HUPE) de janeiro de 2011 a agosto de 2013. Mensalmente foram feitas consultas ambulatoriais pela médica e equipe multidisciplinar. Neste intervalo, os pacientes do domicilio, através de seus computadores pessoais se conectaram ao Laboratório de TeleSSaúde UERJ pelo serviço de webconferências interagindo com a mesma médica assistente do ambulatório. Os pacientes também tiveram acesso à médica por celular e email. A cada entrevista (presencial e remota) foi aplicada a Escala de Avaliação de Sintomas de Edmonton [Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS)], e coletado outros dados quanto a outras queixas biopsicossociais e espirituais, agravos à saúde, qualidade de áudio e vídeo da conexão, avaliação dos familiares com a Telemedicina e interferência da Telemedicina quanto ao local do óbito do paciente. Houve dificuldade na seleção dos pacientes, pois o HUPE é um hospital público cuja população assistida tem, caracteristicamente, baixa escolaridade, nível socioeconômico restrito e pouca habilidade com informática. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 195 dias (DP 175,11; range: 11-553 dias). Todos receberam diagnóstico de câncer avançado e tinham dificuldades com locomoção. Sem dúvidas, a ESAS favoreceu a comunicação dos sintomas com os profissionais de saúde; porém, condições clínicas e controle dos sintomas singulares, avaliados em momentos distintos e sujeitos a influências diversas, impedem conclusões em relação às pretensas vantagens. Acompanhamento clínico, detecção de agravos à saúde e de sintomas físicos, psicossociais e espirituais foram possíveis de ser observados pela Telemedicina, confirmados e medicados nas consultas presenciais. A conexão para webconferência foi estabelecida por familiares, pois nenhum paciente operava computadores. O óbito domiciliar ocorreu em 41,67% e todos, mesmo os óbitos hospitalares, receberam suporte à distância do NCP. Durante o estudo foram feitos 305 contatos: 110 consultas presenciais a pacientes e familiares e 195 por Telemedicina (77 webconferências, 38 telefonemas e 80 emails). Todos os familiares referiram satisfação com o suporte oferecido. A Telemedicina permitiu maior acesso ao sistema de saúde (maior número de contatos), reduziu a busca por serviços de emergência, ajudou o controle dos sintomas e proporcionou orientações e segurança aos familiares. Este suporte favoreceu intervenções precoces e proativas e assistência continuada até o óbito. A Telemedicina demonstrou ser um bom adjuvante na monitoração e gerenciamento de sintomas de pacientes em cuidados paliativos em domicílio, não substituindo, mas complementando a assistência presencial. / This study assessed telemedicine potential as a complementary support to ambulatory care in monitoring symptoms in patients with advanced cancer. Twelve patients were followed up at the Palliative Care Nucleus ambulatory of the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (NCP-HUPE) from January 2011 to August 2013. Monthly, assistance were made by physician and multidisciplinary team. Meanwhile, patients at home, with their personal computer connected to UERJ Telehealth Laboratory webconference service, interacting with the same ambulatory physician. Patients also had access to doctors cellphone and e-mail. At each interview (personal and remote) was applied the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS), collected data on other biopsychosocial and spiritual complaints, health problems, audio and video quality connection, family's evaluation about Telemedicine and Telemedicine interference on patient's place of death. There was difficulty to select patients because HUPE is a public hospital whose population assisted has typically low educational and socioeconomic status, and restricted ability to deal with computers. The mean follow-up time was 195 days (SD 175.11; range: 11-553 days). All were diagnosed with advanced cancer and had transportation difficulties. There is no doubt that ESAS favored symptoms communication with health professionals; however, singular clinical conditions and symptom control assessed at different moments and subjected to many factors, preclude conclusions regarding alleged advantages. Clinical monitoring, detection of health problems and physical, psychosocial and spiritual symptoms were possible to be observed by Telemedicine, and were confirmed and treated at face-to-face consultations. Webconference connection was made by family members, because no patient operated computers. Death at home occurred in 41.67% and everyone, even the hospital deaths, received NCP support at distance. During the study was made 305 contacts; 110 face-to-face consultations to patients and families and 195 by Telemedicine (77 webconference, 38 telephone calls and 80 emails). Telemedicine allowed better access to health system (greater number of contacts), reduced search for emergency services, helped symptom control and provided orientations and reassurance to family members. This support favored early and proactive interventions and continuing assistance till death. Telemedicine has proved to be a good adjuvant in home monitoring and managing symptoms in palliative care patients, complementing face-to-face assistance, but not substituting it.

Trauma e sintoma social : resistências do sujeito entre história individual e história da cultura

Mello, Eliana Dable de January 2010 (has links)
O ponto de partida desta tese são questões suscitadas pela prática clínica desenvolvida pela autora, psicóloga e psicanalista, em uma Unidade de Saúde de Atenção Primária, do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospital Conceição, vinculado ao Ministério da Saúde, na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS). O objetivo consiste em buscar compreender manifestações sintomáticas, referidas a atos de violência por parte de portadores do estigma de exclusão social, e, igualmente, as manifestações de protagonismo, marcadas pela presença de uma palavra singular em pulsação no laço social – ambas depreendidas do cotidiano nesse território de trabalho na periferia urbana. Nessa busca, foram investigadas as condições históricas e estruturais das quais adveio a captura dos corpos a quem foi atribuído tal estigma, assim como as operações psíquicas, necessárias para a constituição do sujeito em um laço discursivo; na investigação, levou-se em conta igualmente os efeitos da lógica neoliberal capitalista, que ordena a sociedade de classes no mundo ocidental contemporâneo. O estudo da historiografia das formações sociais que deram corpo ao mal-estar e às tensões sociais nas cidades brasileiras e, mais especificamente, na cidade de Porto Alegre, possibilitou conferir maior especificidade ao embate entre forças sociais desiguais e antagônicas – figuradas nas posições senhor e escravo –, que caracterizou o fundamento e o transcurso da maior parte da história local, regional e nacional. As condições históricas para o agenciamento subjetivo da parte mais frágil da contenda foram rastreadas neste estudo, relacionando as resistências a ocupar o lugar de dejeto à inscrição de novos traços discursivos, dos quais poderia decorrer, como potência, a emergência de novas séries de significação na cultura brasileira. Tendo trabalhado na interface entre a psicanálise freudolacaniana e o campo da historiografia, com apoio em argumentos da clínica, este trabalho ratifica que a não transmissão de uma herança simbólica, a ser apropriada como um lugar para o sujeito no Outro, situa, por consequência, o traumático da objetalização como legado; o ato violento, nesta condição específica, é afirmado como o recurso pelo qual o sujeito tenta salvar sua singularidade. Igualmente ressalta-se o processo de agenciamento de uma refundação da história, que, hoje em dia, vem se efetuando em todo território nacional, como expressão legítima de uma posição discursiva, que articulou séries significantes a partir da inscrição de traços remontáveis ao período aqui estudado. A necessária função do reconhecimento do Outro e do semelhante para a constituição subjetiva foi demarcada, e considerações sobre as instituições e a técnica nesta clínica da exclusão foram exploradas na apresentação de três casos clínicos. Novas perguntas, de ordem ética, estética e política, a respeito dos temas da exclusão e da inscrição dos sujeitos na ordem social, são formuladas na conclusão deste trabalho da tese. / The starting point of this thesis are questions emerged from the clinical practice developed by the author, who is a psychologist and psychoanalyst, in a First Aid Health Unity (Unidade de Saúde de Atenção Primária), part of the Community Health Service of the Conceição Hospital Group, linked to the Health Ministry, in the city of Porto Alegre. It aims at understanding symptomatic manifestations, referred to acts of violence performed by individuals suffering from stigma of social exclusion, as well as to understand the manifestations of protagonism, characterized by the presence of a singular word in pulsation in the social bond – both emerged from the quotidian in this work field in urban periphery. In this quest, it was investigated the historical and structural conditions where the bodies that received such stigma stemmed from, as well as the psychic operations, necessary for the constitution of a subject in a discourse bond; during the investigation, it was also taken into account the effects of the neoliberal capitalist logics, which defines the society of classes in the contemporary western world. The study of the historiography of the social formations that originated the uneasiness and the social tensions in Brazilian cities and, more specifically, in the city of Porto Alegre, enabled this paper to assign greater specificity to the clash of unequal and antagonistic social powers – represented by the positions of ‗master‘ and slave – that has characterized the basis and the existence of most of the local, as well as regional and national history. The historic conditions for the subjective agency of the most fragile part of the dispute were tracked down in this study, relating the resistance for occupying the trash object‘s place to the inscription of the new discursive traits, from which the emergence of new signifying chains in the Brazilian culture could, potentially, arise from. Having worked on the interface between the Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis and the field of historiography, supported by clinic arguments, this work ratifies that the non-transmission of a symbolic heritage, to be appropriated as a place for the subject on the Other, determines, consequently, the traumatic of the objectalization as a legacy. The violent act, in this sense, is seen as a resource by which the subject tries to save their singularity, but it is also highlighted the process to renew history, which, nowadays, has been performing throughout the country, as a legitimate expression of a discursive position, which is considered as articulating significant series due to the entry of traces arisen from the period here studied. The recognition from the Other and from fellows creatures as a necessary function (agency) for subjective constitution was framed, and considerations about the institutions and the technique for deal with this clinic of exclusion were explored in the presentation of three clinical cases. New questions of ethical, aesthetic and political aspects, related to the issues of exclusion and subjective inscription in the social order, are proposed at the conclusion section of this thesis.

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