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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese model

De Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk. Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan 'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich, descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Literatuur en maatskappykritiek : problematisering van seksualiteit in Tom Lanoye se ̀Monstertrilogie'

Joubert, Christiaan Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a report on how Tom Lanoye, a contemporary Flemish author who explores themes of social relevance, deconstructs the sexual identity of his characters within the context of a postmodernist culture. The manifestation of this deconstruction process is described within those theoretical paradigms of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler that link sexual identity and social mores. For the purpose of this research Tom Lanoye‘s ‘Monster’ Trilogy was selected. Set against the backdrop of Belgium society during the late nineties of the twentieth century and highlighting the moral downfall of the Deschryver patriarchy, Lanoye’s novels address an assortment of contemporary gender and social political issues in his trilogy. These include the following: political corruption; incest; homosexuality; racism; the sexual abuse of minors; the relation between language and identity, volatile childrenparent relationships; the subversion of gender norms and sexual transformation. / In hierdie verhandeling word verslag gedoen van die wyse waarop Tom Lanoye as hedendaagse eksponent van die Vlaamse versetprosa die seksuele identiteit van sy karakters binne die konteks van 'n postmodernistiese verwysingsraam dekonstrueer. Die manifestasie van hierdie dekonstruksieproses word beskryf binne die teoretiese paradigmas met betrekking tot die verband tussen seksuele identiteit en maatskappy van Michel Foucault en Judith Butler. Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is Lanoye se 'Monstertrilogie' geselekteer. Gesitueer teen die agtergrond van die Belgiese maatskappy in die laat negentigerjare van die twintigste eeu en gefokus op die morele ondergang van die Deschryver-patriargie, sny Lanoye se trilogie 'n verskeidenheid van aktuele gender-en sosio-politieke kwessies aan. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: politieke korrupsie; bloedskande; homoseksualiteit, rassisme; die seksuele misbruik van minderjariges; die verhouding tussen taal en identiteit; onbestendige ouer-kind-verhoudings; die ondermyning van gendernorme en die kwessie van seksuele transformasie. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Breinfisiologiese fasette as basis vir 'n aantal parameters vir 'n aanvangsleesmetode / Brain physiological aspects as base of a number of parameters for a method of beginning reading

Meij, Martha Catharina 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Two opposing approaches to beginning reading are used, namely the phonological and global approach, under which the whole word, whole sentence and whole language methods are classed. The whole crux of the controversy is situated in beginning reading as an explicit, intensive and systematic method of teaching phonics, as opposed to implicit beginning reading through discrimination of global configurations, augmented by psycholinguistic guesses within reading context. Arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of the opposing methods have been hurdled to and fro for decades without any discernible gain. The question emerged whether research on brain physiology with respect to language and reading, a relatively new field of study, could shed light on the foundation of an accountable method for beginning reading. Renewed insights to the controversial differences were gained, and brain physiologically accountable parameters as a base for a beginning reading method were framed from these insights. / Twee opponerende aanvangsleesbenaderings word in die skole gebruik, naamlik die fonologiese benadering en die geheelbenadering, waaronder die geheelwoord-, geheelsinen die geheeltaalmetode ressorteer. Die kern van die verskil tussen die aanvangsleesbenaderings le in aanvangslees as eksplisiete, intensiewe en sistematiese foneemonderrig, teenoor implisiete aanvangslees wat die waarneming van globale konfigurasies, aangevul deur psigolinguistiese raaiskote binne die leeskonteks, aanmoedig. In die polemiek om die beste leesmetode word argumente oor die voor- en nadele ten opsigte van die begronding van hierdie opponerende metodes reeds dekades heen en weer geslinger. Navorsingsresultate word eindeloos, sonder duidelike winste, met mekaar vergelyk. Dit het die vraag laat onstaan of navorsing ten opsigte van die breinfisiologie met betrekking tot taal en lees, 'n relatief nuwe studieveld, moontlik lig sou kon werp op die begronding van 'n verantwoordbare aanvangsleesmetode. Die literatuurstudie ten opsigte van breinfisiologie het vernuwende insigte oor die polemiese begrondingsverskille na vore gebring, en breinfisiologies-verantwoordbare parameters as basis vir 'n aanvangsleesmetode is uit hierdie insigte opgestel. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese model

De Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk. Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan 'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich, descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

’n Nuwe taal vir ’n nuwe tyd – verskuiwing in die kommunikasie van die evangelie binne ’n hedendaagse konteks (Afrikaans)

Van Tonder, Barend Jacobus 23 October 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Visuele kommunikasie vorm die basis van ’n prakties-teologiese literatuurstudie, waar ondersoek gedoen word na die invloed van die massamedia en die populêre kunste op die kommunikasie-arbeid van die hedendaagse prediking. Naas die geskrewe en gesproke taal word in die betrokke studie vir ’n nuwe definiëring van taal gepleit: die visuele taal as selfstandige taalkode binne die homiletiek. Visuele taal is meer as blote literêre metafore wat die menslike verbeelding aangryp; eerder is dit die verskuiwing na ’n genre waar beeld as visuele metafoor die gelykwaardige funksie van die woord verrig. Sonder om die woord enigsins na ’n sekondêre posisie uit te skuif, word ’n pleidooi gelewer vir ‘n harmonieuse wisselwerking waar woord en beeld komplementerend op mekaar inwerk. Hierdie visuele taalkode sal in die prediking as legitieme preekstyl naas die oratoriese preekstyl aangeleer moet word, in wat in hierdie studie as visuele prediking bekend sal staan. In visuele prediking, waar beeldende prediking met multi-sensoriese prediking gekombineer word, word die visuele beeld die primêre kommunikasie-eenheid. In die betrokke studie is daar twee fokusse: <ul> <li>’n Prakties-teologiese fundering van hierdie nuwe visuele taal en veral visuele prediking binne ’n visueel-gedrewe konteks. </li> <li>Opstel van prakties-teologiese riglyne vir die implementering van visuele prediking binne die hedendaagse erediens. <bt></li></ul> ENGLISH: Visual communication forms the basis of a practical-theological literature study, where the influence of the mass media and the popular arts on the communication toil of present-day preaching is investigated. Alongside of the written and spoken language, this study is a plea for the new defining of language: the visual language as an independent language code within homiletics. Visual language is more than only literary metaphors which grips the human imagination; rather it is the shift to a genre where image as a visual metaphor performs an equally similar task to the word. Without moving the word to a secondary position, an argument is made for a harmonious interplay where word and image can work complementary to each other. This visual language code should be learned as a legitimate style of preaching besides the oratorical preaching style, which will be known in this study as visual preaching. In visual preaching, where image preaching and multi-sensory preaching are combined, the visual image will become the primary communication unit. In this study there are two focuses: <ul> <li>A Practical-theological foundation of this new visual language and especially visual preaching within a visual-driven context. </li> <li>A composition of practical-theological guidelines for the implementing of visual preaching within the present-day church service. <br></li></ul> Regarding the first focus of the study, theological reflection surrounding the understanding of the second commandment with regards to image within the liturgy and especially homiletics, as well as the dualistic perspective of the church in the past is done, while a theology of incarnation, creation, ‘Imago Dei’ and the Word is established in order to create a solid basis for visual preaching. Combined herewith, there is also a look at the influence of the visual media and communication on the visual generation, namely Generation X, Y and Z, with specific focus on the postmodern context in which these three generations function. Following this, a new practical-theological perspective on the human imagination, human emotion, human creativity, the visual narrator, transcendence, participation, multi-sensory communication and visual presentation opens the way for effective visual preaching. Regarding the second focus of the study, five categories surrounding visual images can be distinguished: graphic images – pictures, statues, artistic designs and photos; optical images – mirror images and light projections; perceptual images – sensory data, theatre props, illustrative aids; imaginary images – dreams, memories, ideas and imagination; verbal images – metaphors, analogies and narratives. For the purpose of this study the focus is mainly on the first category: graphic and visual images, also including visual presentations as it pertains to the performing arts like drama, dance and mime, as well as the usage of visual illustrations. In conclusion, practical guidelines accompanied by concrete sermons within the three categories of visual preaching as it is suggested in this study, namely the visual image sermon, which concentrates on visual images on a flat surface or screen, the visual presentation sermon, which accomodates visual methaphores as it is presented by the visual arts and illustrations on a stage in the liturgical area, and the visual imagination sermon, which interacts with the human imagination by the use of visual methaphorical language, are submitted. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Standards for exchanging digital geo-referenced information

Cooper, Antony Kyle 12 March 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to assess digital geo-referenced information and standards for exchanging such information, especially the South African National Exchange Standard (NES). The process of setting up a standard is exacting. On the one hand, the process demands a thorough scrutiny and analysis of the objects to be standardised and of all related concepts. This is a prerequisite for ensuring that there is unanimity about their meaning and inter-relationships. On the other hand, the process requires that the standard itself be enunciated as succinctly, comprehensibly and precisely as possible. This dissertation addresses both these facets of the standards process in the context of standards for exchanging digital geo-referenced information. The dissertation begins with an analysis of geo-referenced information in general, including digital geo-referenced information. In chapters 2 and 3, the various aspects of such information are scrutinised and evaluated in more detail. The examination of concepts is backed up by a comprehensive Glossary of terms in the domain under discussion. Chapter 4 examines the nature of standards. It also proposes a novel way to approach a standard for the exchange of digital geo-referenced information: namely, that it can be viewed as a language and can accordingly be specified by a grammar. To illustrate the proposal, NES is fully specified, using the Extended Backus-Naur Form notation, in an Appendix. Apart from the advantages of being a succinct and precise formal specification, the approach also lends itself to deploying standard tools such as Lex and yacc for conformance testing and for developing interfaces to NES, as illustrated in a second appendix. As a final theme of the dissertation, an evaluation of such standards is provided. Other standards that have been proposed elsewhere for purposes similar to that of NES are surveyed in chapter 5. In chapter 6, features of NES are highlighted, including the fact that it takes a relational approach. Chapter 7 concludes the dissertation, summarising the work to date, and looking ahead to future work. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van hierdie verhandling is om versyferde geo-verwysde inligting en standaarde vir die uitruil van sulke inligting te ondersoek, met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Uitruilstandaard (NES). Die proses om ’n standaard op te stel is veeleisend. Aan die een kant vereis die proses ’n volledige bestudering en ontleding van die objekte wat gestandaardiseer gaan word, asook van al die verwante konsepte. Hierdie is ’n voorvereiste om te verseker dat daar oor hul betekenisse en onderlinge verwantskappe eenstemmigheid bestaan. Aan die ander kant vereis die proses dat die standaard so kernagtig, volledig en presies moontlik gestel moet word. Hierdie verhandeling spreek beide hierdie fasette van die standaardiseringsproses aan, en wel in die konteks van standaarde vir die uitruil van versyferde geo-verwysde inligting. Dié verhandling begin met ’n oorhoofse analise van geo-verwysde inligting, insluitend versyferde geo-verwysde inligting. In hoofstukke 2 en 3 word verskeie aspekte van dié inligting in meer detail ondersoek en geëvalueer. Hierdie ondersoek van konsepte word deur ’n omvattende woordelys van terme in die veld onder bespreking gesteun. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die aard van standaarde. Dit stel ook ’n nuwe manier voor om ’n standaard vir die uitruil van versyferde geo-verwysde inligting te benader, naamlik dat dit as ’n taal beskou kan word, en dat dit gevolglik deur middel van ’n grammatika gespesifiseer kan word. Om die voorstel te illustreer, word NES volledig in ’n aanhangsel deur middel van die Uitgebreide Backus-Naur Vorm notasie gespesifiseer. Afgesien van die voordeel van ’n kernagtige en presiese formele spesifikasie, ondersteun die benadering ook standaardgereedskap soos Lex en yacc wat vir konformeringstoetsing en vir NES koppelvlakke gebruik kan word, soos in ’n tweede aanhangsel illustreer word. As ’n finale tema van die verhandeling word ’n evaluasie van tersaaklike standaarde voorsien. Standaarde wat elders vir soortgelyke doeleindes aan dié van NES voorgestel is, word oorsigtelik in hoofstuk 5 beskou. In hoofstuk 6 word kenmerkende eienskappe van NES uitgelig, insluitend die feit dat dit op ’n relasionele benadering gebaseer is. Hoofstuk 7 sluit die verhandeling af met ’n opsomming van werk tot op datum en ’n blik op toekomstige werk. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 1993. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Job insecurity: assessment, causes and consequences in a South African gold mining group

jacobs, Melissa, 1968- January 2012 (has links)
Job insecurity in the workplace has become an increasingly important trend in organisational research. The appraisal of job insecurity by individuals plays a significant part in how reactions manifest in the experiences of workplace stressors, job satisfaction, positive and negative work attributes and social support. However, there is a lack of research regarding specific workplace stressors at work leading to certain outcomes like safety behaviour, turnover intention and mental health, especially within a South African working context. Job insecurity has also been classified as a workplace stressor. The existence of other stressors tends to increase the ultimate effect of insecurity for the individual. The attempts from organisational management to manage this phenomenon are therefore crucial in decreasing the negative effects of job insecurity and increasing the productivity of the organisation. In order to measure the job insecurity levels of employees, it is important to make use of valid and reliable job insecurity measures. An absence of empirical research on validity and reliability studies in terms of job insecurity in South African is evident. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to establish the psychometric properties of a measure of job insecurity in a selected gold mining company in South Africa; 2) to determine the influence of job insecurity and work stress (i.e. role conflict, clarity and overload) on worker safety performance and if coping could moderate this; 3) to investigate the theoretical and empirical relationships between job stressors (task completion ambiguity and task quality ambiguity), competency demands, employability perceptions, job satisfaction and turnover intention over time, and 4) to investigate if social support has a mediating effect between positive interpersonal attributes, negative interpersonal attributes, job insecurity and subsequent health. To achieve the first objective, a cross-sectional design was used (N = 566), including various business units of a South African-based gold mining company. The assessment of the psychometric properties of a measure of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity for employees was determined through construct (structural) equivalence, exploratory factor analysis and multivariate analysis of variance to calculate the comparison of the factor structure for the different cultural groups. For qualitative job insecurity, the scale shows low equivalence for the African languages group. Statistically significant differences were found between the levels of job insecurity of employees in terms of gender. The second objective, concerning the investigation into the relationship of work stress and job insecurity with unsafe behaviour at work, was achieved with across-sectional survey design (N = 771). The hypothesised model included the influence of role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, and job insecurity on unsafe work behaviour. Coping was introduced as a moderator in this relationship. The results indicated that when employees experience work stress and job insecurity, their safety compliance is low. This relationship was also moderated by a coping strategy of Avoidance. To achieve the third objective, a longitudinal study was conducted and data was gathered by means of an electronic survey, with 771 employees participating at Time 1, and 345 participating at Time 2. Results for predicting employees’ turnover intentions, experience of task completion and quality ambiguity, external employability and job satisfaction made a direct contribution in predicting their turnover intention. No mediating role of job satisfaction between job stressors, competency demands and employability perceptions on the one hand and turnover intentions on the other hand, were found. Addressing the fourth objective in investigating the moderating role of social support between the relationship of experiencing positive interpersonal (communication with the manager and feedback), negative interpersonal experiences (powerlessness and interpersonal conflict), job insecurity (quantitative and qualitative) and health, was met with a longitudinal random sample of employees in different business units in one selected multi-national mining company based in South Africa (N = 771). Results for these employees indicated that all the proposed variables, except feedback from the manager, were statistically significantly related to health. No moderating effect for social support could be found over time, but it was shown that interpersonal conflict at work is a longitudinal predictor of employee health. By way of conclusion, the implications of the research were discussed and recommendations for managers and for future research were made. / Thesis (PhD (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Job insecurity: assessment, causes and consequences in a South African gold mining group

jacobs, Melissa, 1968- January 2012 (has links)
Job insecurity in the workplace has become an increasingly important trend in organisational research. The appraisal of job insecurity by individuals plays a significant part in how reactions manifest in the experiences of workplace stressors, job satisfaction, positive and negative work attributes and social support. However, there is a lack of research regarding specific workplace stressors at work leading to certain outcomes like safety behaviour, turnover intention and mental health, especially within a South African working context. Job insecurity has also been classified as a workplace stressor. The existence of other stressors tends to increase the ultimate effect of insecurity for the individual. The attempts from organisational management to manage this phenomenon are therefore crucial in decreasing the negative effects of job insecurity and increasing the productivity of the organisation. In order to measure the job insecurity levels of employees, it is important to make use of valid and reliable job insecurity measures. An absence of empirical research on validity and reliability studies in terms of job insecurity in South African is evident. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to establish the psychometric properties of a measure of job insecurity in a selected gold mining company in South Africa; 2) to determine the influence of job insecurity and work stress (i.e. role conflict, clarity and overload) on worker safety performance and if coping could moderate this; 3) to investigate the theoretical and empirical relationships between job stressors (task completion ambiguity and task quality ambiguity), competency demands, employability perceptions, job satisfaction and turnover intention over time, and 4) to investigate if social support has a mediating effect between positive interpersonal attributes, negative interpersonal attributes, job insecurity and subsequent health. To achieve the first objective, a cross-sectional design was used (N = 566), including various business units of a South African-based gold mining company. The assessment of the psychometric properties of a measure of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity for employees was determined through construct (structural) equivalence, exploratory factor analysis and multivariate analysis of variance to calculate the comparison of the factor structure for the different cultural groups. For qualitative job insecurity, the scale shows low equivalence for the African languages group. Statistically significant differences were found between the levels of job insecurity of employees in terms of gender. The second objective, concerning the investigation into the relationship of work stress and job insecurity with unsafe behaviour at work, was achieved with across-sectional survey design (N = 771). The hypothesised model included the influence of role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, and job insecurity on unsafe work behaviour. Coping was introduced as a moderator in this relationship. The results indicated that when employees experience work stress and job insecurity, their safety compliance is low. This relationship was also moderated by a coping strategy of Avoidance. To achieve the third objective, a longitudinal study was conducted and data was gathered by means of an electronic survey, with 771 employees participating at Time 1, and 345 participating at Time 2. Results for predicting employees’ turnover intentions, experience of task completion and quality ambiguity, external employability and job satisfaction made a direct contribution in predicting their turnover intention. No mediating role of job satisfaction between job stressors, competency demands and employability perceptions on the one hand and turnover intentions on the other hand, were found. Addressing the fourth objective in investigating the moderating role of social support between the relationship of experiencing positive interpersonal (communication with the manager and feedback), negative interpersonal experiences (powerlessness and interpersonal conflict), job insecurity (quantitative and qualitative) and health, was met with a longitudinal random sample of employees in different business units in one selected multi-national mining company based in South Africa (N = 771). Results for these employees indicated that all the proposed variables, except feedback from the manager, were statistically significantly related to health. No moderating effect for social support could be found over time, but it was shown that interpersonal conflict at work is a longitudinal predictor of employee health. By way of conclusion, the implications of the research were discussed and recommendations for managers and for future research were made. / Thesis (PhD (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene Brink

Brink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene Brink

Brink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

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