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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att lära in ute : Pedagogers syn på användandet av utomhuspedagogik i de naturorienterande ämnena, årskurs F-3. / To learn outside : Teachers view about the use of outdoor education in science in primary school.

Foughman, Linnéa, Wikström, Cathrine January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Utomhuspedagogik är på olika sätt ett intressant och aktuellt ämne att analysera.Utomhuspedagogik utgår från lärande där sinnliga upplevelser är i fokus och där lärandetflyttas utomhus.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka pedagogers syn på användandet av utomhuspedagogik ide naturorienterande ämnena i förskoleklass och i årskurs 1-3. Vilka hinder begränsarpedagoger att bedriva utomhuspedagogik och vilka möjligheter ser pedagoger med att bedrivautomhuspedagogik?Metod: Vi har valt att använda en kvantitativ metod i form av undersökningsredskapetwebbenkät, riktad till pedagoger som arbetar i årskurs F-3. Svar från 135 respondenter haranalyserats.Resultat: Majoriteten av respondenterna ser möjligheter med att bedriva utomhuspedagogik.Däremot är det ett fåtal respondenter som ser utomhuspedagogik som ett hinder. Merparten avrespondenterna bedriver utomhuspedagogik i de naturorienterande ämnena på skolan som dearbetar på. Knappt hälften av respondenterna bedriver utomhuspedagogik 1 gång/vecka somgrund i de naturorienterande ämnena. Drygt hälften av respondenterna upplever att kollegoroch rektorer i mindre grad eller inte alls uppmuntrar till utomhuspedagogik. / Introduction: Outdoor education is in various ways an interesting and relevant topic toanalyze. Outdoor education is based on learning, where sensual experiences are in focus andwhere learning is moved outdoors.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the teachers view on the use of outdooreducation in science in primary school. What obstacles limit teachers to practice outdooreducation and what opportunities do teachers see to practice outdoor education?Method: We have chosen to use a web survey, a quantitative method, aiming towardsteachers who are working in primary school. Answers from 135 respondents have beenanalyzed.Results: The majority of the respondents see opportunities to practice outdoor education.However, there are a few respondents who see outdoor education as a limit. The majority ofthe respondents practice outdoor education in science at the school they work at. Almost halfof the respondents practice outdoor education 1 time a week as a basis in science. About halfof the respondents perceive that colleagues and principals, to a lesser degree or not at allencourage outdoor education.

Kamratbedömningens roll och relevans på lågstadiet : En studie om lågstadielärares erfarenheter av kamratbedömning.

Nordenback, Emma, Stefanov, Emma January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how primary school teachers view peer assessment. Six teachers were interviewed by semi-structured interviews about how they work with peer assessment with pupils in primary school, how they introduce it and what pros and cons they find with this method of giving feedback. The interviews were summarized with the analytical method called meaning concentration. We used Vygotsky's theory about the zone of proximal development (ZPD) which represents the space between what a learner is capable of doing with a little help called scaffolding from another child. The result was compared to this theory from a sociocultural perspective in the analytical part. The result showed that three teachers used peer assessment as a routine in their class in different subjects, two teachers had used peer assessment earlier but didn’t practice it by the time we had the interviews. One teacher had not used peer assessment with pupils but insisted on potentially using it in the future. The benefit that the teachers saw with peer assessment was that the teachers could focus on the students that needed their help while the other students were used as learning resources to each other. Another benefit was that the pupils developed in their own learning by giving feedback to others, which also prepared them for the peer assessment they would meet in high school. The disadvantage was that it was time-consuming since it required a lot of training before letting the pupils work on their own. One more potential risk with peer assessment was that the quality of the feedback could vary a lot depending on the pupil’s skills of giving feedback. Receiving low quality constructive criticism could make some students feel discouraged to present their work again in this way. The teachers also gave some advice for how to introduce peer assessment in primary school. The conclusions of this study are that peer assessment in primary school requires a lot of time for training as well as the teacher being a role model for the class in order to avoid unwanted conflicts and discouraged students. It is also a good way to prepare the pupils for their future studies and help them develop their own skills in learning.

Hållbar utveckling - i en ohållbar värld? : En jämförelse av grundskollärares uppfattning kring lärande för hållbar utveckling i skolan / Sustainable development - in an unsustainable world? : A comparison of primary school teachers' perception of education for sustainable development in school

Malmros, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Detta självständiga arbete behandlar grundskollärares syn på hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling, hur arbetet med detta läggs upp i skolor och vilket fokus detta ges i skolan. Arbetets syfte är att jämföra hur olika lärare, verksamma på skola i staden respektive på landsbygden, som arbetat olika länge samt undervisar i skilda ämnen, förhåller sig till hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling i sin undervisning. Arbetet lyfter vilka likheter och/eller skillnader som återfinns hos lärarna. Syftet är även att titta på hur lärares synsätt och arbetssätt förhåller sig till styrdokument, läroplan och regeringsbeslut. Det har i studien visat sig att lärarna inte till fullo uppfyller statens intentioner. Utgångpunkt för arbetet är följande frågeställningar: - Hur är lärares synsätt på undervisning kring hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling? - Hur förhåller sig lärares synsätt gentemot det som styrdokument, läroplan och regeringsbeslut säger angående hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling? - Går det att se någon skillnad på lärares synsätt utifrån variablerna verksamhetstid, undervisningsämne och om läraren arbetar i en skola på landsbygd eller i en stad? Uppsatsen riktar sig till alla som vill skapa sig en bild över hur olika grundskollärare, verksamma i de yngre åldrarna, förhåller sig till hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling i skolan och i sin undervisning samt vad som skiljer och/eller liknar sig i deras resonemang.

Matematikundervisning i förskolan : - En kvalitativ studie för att studera vilken matematik som synliggörs i några av förskolans verksamheter samt fyra förskollärares inställning till ämnet

Dovnäs, Mikaela, Bacnar Dahl, Thelma January 2021 (has links)
The essay is a study concerning mathematics teaching in preschool; which type of mathematics preschool teachers visualise in practice in preschool teaching, and preschool teachers’ view on the subject of teaching math. The study marks the importance of the existence of mathematics teaching in preschool, as well as its positive effect on childrens’ future attitude towards mathematics. Therefore this subject can be considered as highly relevant to further contribute with information to both people who work in preschool and those who don't.  To collect data for the study, telephone interviews were conducted with preschool teachers, and digital questionnaires were sent out to the same target group. The data is analyzed with the conventional content analysis as a tool and an examination of the results is also made in relation to the developmental pedagogical perspective.  The results that have emerged show that in spontaneous teaching, mathematics is integrated by taking advantage of the surrounding environment. Furthermore, in the planned teaching situations it was made clear that the mathematics teaching occured by using prepared mathematical materials, forming thematic projects or during a predetermined teaching time. Similarities can be seen in the type of mathematics that was emphasized; the preschool teachers mentioned numbers, symbols, shapes, quantities and placement words as central. All preschool teachers express a favorable view of mathematics, regardless of previous experiences. In addition, they also believe that their attitude affects the children's view on the subject and what enjoyment the children see in it. This goes hand in hand with all of the participants’ valuing of forming a positive foundation in mathematics for the children to further work on during the school years.

Att undervisa grammatik i dagens multikulturella skola : Några lärares erfarenheter av att undervisa elever med annat modersmål än svenska i grammatik / To teach grammar in today’s multicultural school : Some teachers’ experiences in teaching grammar to pupils with a non- Swedish native language

Jarebro, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore how six primary school teachers experience teaching grammar to non-Swedish speaking pupils and how their experiences correspond to theories and previous research on language development and second language acquisition. The method used was semi-structured qualitative interviews combined with mind maps. The result shows that the teachers had revised their view on grammar and adapted their teaching to the immigrant pupils, and in various ways followed the Swedish Education Agency’s recommendations on measure to take to facilitate second language learning, including using genre pedagogy.

Concepções de um grupo de professores de ciências da natureza e suas tecnologias sobre o ensino por pesquisa e sobre avaliação aplicada a essa perspectiva de ensino : encontros e desencontros em torno dessa práxis

Martins, André Abreu January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a investigar quais são as concepções de um grupo de professores de Ciências da Natureza e Suas Tecnologias sobre o Ensino Por Pesquisa e sobre a Avaliação aplicada a essa perspectiva de ensino. O objetivo dessa investigação foi observar em que medida essas concepções estão em convergência com as concepções dos referenciais teóricos adotados nesse trabalho, tais como: Antonio Cachapuz, Pedro Demo, Fernando Becker e Jussara Hoffmann. Para tanto, buscou-se captar possíveis distorções, contradições e convergências no discurso desses professores, verificando se seus entendimentos podem sugerir uma práxis docente fundamentada, avaliando, com isso, a necessidade de investimento em formação de professores, voltada, especificamente, para essa perspectiva de ensino. Participaram dessa pesquisa 12 professores, sendo 3 professores de química, 4 professores de física e 5 professores de biologia, atuantes no Ensino Médio, em três escolas públicas estaduais da região de Porto Alegre-RS. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados dois questionários, um sobre o Ensino Por Pesquisa e o outro sobre Avaliação, ambos de respostas abertas. Após essa etapa, as respostas foram analisadas por meio de Análise Textual Discursiva, com base nos estudos de Moraes e Galiazzi, indicando, assim, a opção pela abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados dessa análise interpretativa indicaram que apenas um professor demonstrou possuir concepções convergentes com as concepções do referencial teórico, considerando as duas esferas abordadas, sugerindo, assim, a realização de práticas docentes de ensino e de avaliação fundamentadas. Três professores demonstraram possuírem divergências nas duas esferas analisadas, o que pode sugerir, nessa avaliação, a realização de práticas docentes ingênuas e sem fundamentação teórica, considerando o Ensino Por Pesquisa. Os demais interlocutores se enquadraram em um espectro de combinações de entendimentos, alguns mais afastados e outros mais próximos daqueles resultados que se entendem como ideais. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa sugerem haver a necessidade de se oportunizarem formações de professores voltadas para esses interesses, contribuindo para atenuar a distância entre a Didática da Ciência e o Ensino de Ciências, criando possibilidades para uma melhor compreensão dos professores sobre os temas abordados, com vistas a resultar em práxis mais fundamentadas. / This work proposed to investigate which are the views of a group of Nature Sciences and its Technologies’ teachers about Teaching through Research and about the Evaluation applied to this teaching perspective. This investigation’s objective was to observe how much these views converge with the theoretical references views adopted in this work such as Antonio Cachapuz, Pedro Demo, Fernando Becker and Jussara Hoffmann. Therefore, possible distortions, contradictions, and convergences in those teachers’ discourse were sought, verifying if their understandings could suggest a grounded teacher practice, thereby evaluating the need for teacher training investment, focused specifically on this teaching perspective. 12 teachers participated in this research, being 3 chemistry teachers, 4 physics teachers, and 5 biology teachers, all of them working in three public, state high schools, in the Porto Alegre-RS region. Two questionnaires were used as data collecting instruments, one about Teaching through Research and the other about Evaluation, both with open answers. After this step, the answers were analyzed through Discursive Text Analysis, based on Moraes’ and Galiazzi’s study, thus indicating that a qualitative approach was chosen. This interpretative analysis’ results indicate that only one teacher has shown having views converging with the theoretical references’, if both studied aspects are taken in consideration, suggesting that practical teaching and evaluation activities should be done. Three teachers showed divergence from the two relevant aspects, which might suggest that the teaching practices are naïve and lack theoretical foundation, when considering Teaching through Research. All other respondents fit into a spectrum of understandings, some further away, some closer to the results considered ideals. Lastly, the results obtained with this research suggest that there is a need for teachers’ formation opportunities that focus these interests, as to contribute in diminishing the distance between Science Didactics and Teaching through Research, creating possibilities for the teachers to better comprehend the addressed themes, in order to result in better-grounded practices.

Teknik och teknisk kompetens enligt förskolans pedagoger : En studie av pedagogernas syn på teknik / Technology and technologic competence according to preschool teachers : A study of the preschool teachers’ view of technology

Whern, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Concepções de um grupo de professores de ciências da natureza e suas tecnologias sobre o ensino por pesquisa e sobre avaliação aplicada a essa perspectiva de ensino : encontros e desencontros em torno dessa práxis

Martins, André Abreu January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a investigar quais são as concepções de um grupo de professores de Ciências da Natureza e Suas Tecnologias sobre o Ensino Por Pesquisa e sobre a Avaliação aplicada a essa perspectiva de ensino. O objetivo dessa investigação foi observar em que medida essas concepções estão em convergência com as concepções dos referenciais teóricos adotados nesse trabalho, tais como: Antonio Cachapuz, Pedro Demo, Fernando Becker e Jussara Hoffmann. Para tanto, buscou-se captar possíveis distorções, contradições e convergências no discurso desses professores, verificando se seus entendimentos podem sugerir uma práxis docente fundamentada, avaliando, com isso, a necessidade de investimento em formação de professores, voltada, especificamente, para essa perspectiva de ensino. Participaram dessa pesquisa 12 professores, sendo 3 professores de química, 4 professores de física e 5 professores de biologia, atuantes no Ensino Médio, em três escolas públicas estaduais da região de Porto Alegre-RS. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados dois questionários, um sobre o Ensino Por Pesquisa e o outro sobre Avaliação, ambos de respostas abertas. Após essa etapa, as respostas foram analisadas por meio de Análise Textual Discursiva, com base nos estudos de Moraes e Galiazzi, indicando, assim, a opção pela abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados dessa análise interpretativa indicaram que apenas um professor demonstrou possuir concepções convergentes com as concepções do referencial teórico, considerando as duas esferas abordadas, sugerindo, assim, a realização de práticas docentes de ensino e de avaliação fundamentadas. Três professores demonstraram possuírem divergências nas duas esferas analisadas, o que pode sugerir, nessa avaliação, a realização de práticas docentes ingênuas e sem fundamentação teórica, considerando o Ensino Por Pesquisa. Os demais interlocutores se enquadraram em um espectro de combinações de entendimentos, alguns mais afastados e outros mais próximos daqueles resultados que se entendem como ideais. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa sugerem haver a necessidade de se oportunizarem formações de professores voltadas para esses interesses, contribuindo para atenuar a distância entre a Didática da Ciência e o Ensino de Ciências, criando possibilidades para uma melhor compreensão dos professores sobre os temas abordados, com vistas a resultar em práxis mais fundamentadas. / This work proposed to investigate which are the views of a group of Nature Sciences and its Technologies’ teachers about Teaching through Research and about the Evaluation applied to this teaching perspective. This investigation’s objective was to observe how much these views converge with the theoretical references views adopted in this work such as Antonio Cachapuz, Pedro Demo, Fernando Becker and Jussara Hoffmann. Therefore, possible distortions, contradictions, and convergences in those teachers’ discourse were sought, verifying if their understandings could suggest a grounded teacher practice, thereby evaluating the need for teacher training investment, focused specifically on this teaching perspective. 12 teachers participated in this research, being 3 chemistry teachers, 4 physics teachers, and 5 biology teachers, all of them working in three public, state high schools, in the Porto Alegre-RS region. Two questionnaires were used as data collecting instruments, one about Teaching through Research and the other about Evaluation, both with open answers. After this step, the answers were analyzed through Discursive Text Analysis, based on Moraes’ and Galiazzi’s study, thus indicating that a qualitative approach was chosen. This interpretative analysis’ results indicate that only one teacher has shown having views converging with the theoretical references’, if both studied aspects are taken in consideration, suggesting that practical teaching and evaluation activities should be done. Three teachers showed divergence from the two relevant aspects, which might suggest that the teaching practices are naïve and lack theoretical foundation, when considering Teaching through Research. All other respondents fit into a spectrum of understandings, some further away, some closer to the results considered ideals. Lastly, the results obtained with this research suggest that there is a need for teachers’ formation opportunities that focus these interests, as to contribute in diminishing the distance between Science Didactics and Teaching through Research, creating possibilities for the teachers to better comprehend the addressed themes, in order to result in better-grounded practices.

Concepções de um grupo de professores de ciências da natureza e suas tecnologias sobre o ensino por pesquisa e sobre avaliação aplicada a essa perspectiva de ensino : encontros e desencontros em torno dessa práxis

Martins, André Abreu January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a investigar quais são as concepções de um grupo de professores de Ciências da Natureza e Suas Tecnologias sobre o Ensino Por Pesquisa e sobre a Avaliação aplicada a essa perspectiva de ensino. O objetivo dessa investigação foi observar em que medida essas concepções estão em convergência com as concepções dos referenciais teóricos adotados nesse trabalho, tais como: Antonio Cachapuz, Pedro Demo, Fernando Becker e Jussara Hoffmann. Para tanto, buscou-se captar possíveis distorções, contradições e convergências no discurso desses professores, verificando se seus entendimentos podem sugerir uma práxis docente fundamentada, avaliando, com isso, a necessidade de investimento em formação de professores, voltada, especificamente, para essa perspectiva de ensino. Participaram dessa pesquisa 12 professores, sendo 3 professores de química, 4 professores de física e 5 professores de biologia, atuantes no Ensino Médio, em três escolas públicas estaduais da região de Porto Alegre-RS. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados dois questionários, um sobre o Ensino Por Pesquisa e o outro sobre Avaliação, ambos de respostas abertas. Após essa etapa, as respostas foram analisadas por meio de Análise Textual Discursiva, com base nos estudos de Moraes e Galiazzi, indicando, assim, a opção pela abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados dessa análise interpretativa indicaram que apenas um professor demonstrou possuir concepções convergentes com as concepções do referencial teórico, considerando as duas esferas abordadas, sugerindo, assim, a realização de práticas docentes de ensino e de avaliação fundamentadas. Três professores demonstraram possuírem divergências nas duas esferas analisadas, o que pode sugerir, nessa avaliação, a realização de práticas docentes ingênuas e sem fundamentação teórica, considerando o Ensino Por Pesquisa. Os demais interlocutores se enquadraram em um espectro de combinações de entendimentos, alguns mais afastados e outros mais próximos daqueles resultados que se entendem como ideais. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa sugerem haver a necessidade de se oportunizarem formações de professores voltadas para esses interesses, contribuindo para atenuar a distância entre a Didática da Ciência e o Ensino de Ciências, criando possibilidades para uma melhor compreensão dos professores sobre os temas abordados, com vistas a resultar em práxis mais fundamentadas. / This work proposed to investigate which are the views of a group of Nature Sciences and its Technologies’ teachers about Teaching through Research and about the Evaluation applied to this teaching perspective. This investigation’s objective was to observe how much these views converge with the theoretical references views adopted in this work such as Antonio Cachapuz, Pedro Demo, Fernando Becker and Jussara Hoffmann. Therefore, possible distortions, contradictions, and convergences in those teachers’ discourse were sought, verifying if their understandings could suggest a grounded teacher practice, thereby evaluating the need for teacher training investment, focused specifically on this teaching perspective. 12 teachers participated in this research, being 3 chemistry teachers, 4 physics teachers, and 5 biology teachers, all of them working in three public, state high schools, in the Porto Alegre-RS region. Two questionnaires were used as data collecting instruments, one about Teaching through Research and the other about Evaluation, both with open answers. After this step, the answers were analyzed through Discursive Text Analysis, based on Moraes’ and Galiazzi’s study, thus indicating that a qualitative approach was chosen. This interpretative analysis’ results indicate that only one teacher has shown having views converging with the theoretical references’, if both studied aspects are taken in consideration, suggesting that practical teaching and evaluation activities should be done. Three teachers showed divergence from the two relevant aspects, which might suggest that the teaching practices are naïve and lack theoretical foundation, when considering Teaching through Research. All other respondents fit into a spectrum of understandings, some further away, some closer to the results considered ideals. Lastly, the results obtained with this research suggest that there is a need for teachers’ formation opportunities that focus these interests, as to contribute in diminishing the distance between Science Didactics and Teaching through Research, creating possibilities for the teachers to better comprehend the addressed themes, in order to result in better-grounded practices.

Matematik "på riktigt" : En kvalitativ studie av lärares uppfattningar om relationen mellan verkligheten och matematikundervisningen / Mathematics "for real" : A qualitative study on teachers’ notion about the relation between reality and the education of mathematics

Jönsson, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Matematiken har använts i flera tusen år. Även om matematiken i sig utvecklas är det en sak som består: vi använder den i verkligheten. Att arbeta med kopplingen mellan matematiken och verkligheten är ett av matematiklärarnas uppdrag. Tidigare forskning visar att matematikundervisningen i yngre åldrar ska syfta till högre studier och ett mer krävande samhälle där matematikkunskaper, bland annat matematisk modellering, är ett krav för att få en djupare verklighetsanknytning till matematiken. Eftersom matematiken är så viktig på flera plan och lärare måste kunna motivera eleverna till att arbeta med det som lärs ut i skolan, spelar lärarnas egen syn och attityd till verklighetsanknuten matematik en stor roll. Studien utgår utifrån undervisningsteorin Realistic Mathematics Education och syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur matematiklärare, som undervisar i årskurs 4-6, kan uppfatta verkligheten i förhållande till sin undervisning. Detta görs genom att utföra sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med lärare som undervisar matematik på mellanstadiet. För att besvara studiens syfte utgår studien ifrån fyra frågeställningar: • Vad anser lärare att matematikundervisningens roll är i skolan? • Hur använder matematiklärare verkligheten i sin undervisning? • Hur konstruerar matematiklärare en uppgift kopplad till verkligheten för sina elever? • Hur resonerar matematiklärare kring en matematisk modelleringsuppgift? Resultatet visar att lärarna är positiva till användandet av en verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning och att det gynnar eleverna. Flera av lärarna i studien kopplade uttrycket verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning till större arbeten eller projekt med eleverna och kunde se svårigheter med att hinna med att utföra eller planera dessa aktiviteter. Vid uppgifter som är kopplade till verkligheten läggs större fokus av lärarna på processen än det slutgiltiga svaret. Även diskussion kring uppgifterna ansågs viktigt. / Mathematics has been used for several thousands of years. Even if the mathematics progresses there is one thing that consist: we still use it in the real world. To work with the connection between the mathematics and the reality is one of the mathematics teachers’ tasks. Previous research is pointing out that the education of mathematics in lower years should aim to prepare the students for higher education studies and an increasingly more demanding society where mathematical knowledge, among them mathematical modeling, is crucial to achieve a deeper connection between the real life and the mathematics. Since the mathematics is so important on several levels and teachers need to be able to motivate their students to work with the subjects that are situated in schools, does the teachers’ own view and attitude towards real-life connected mathematics play a big part. The study emanates from the teaching theory Realistic Mathematics Education and aims to contribute with knowledge about how mathematic teachers, who teaches students aged 9-13, can perceive the reality linked to their teaching. This is done by six semi-structured interviews with teachers who are active in teaching mathematics for students aged 9-13. To answer the aim of the study, it emanates from four questions: • What do teachers regard as the role of mathematic education in school? • How do mathematic teachers use the reality in their teaching? • How do mathematic teachers design a task linked to the reality, for their students? • How do mathematic teachers reason about a mathematic modeling-task? The results shows that teachers are positive towards the use of a real-life connected education in mathematics and that they believe it benefits the students. Several of the teachers in the study associated the term real-life connected teaching in mathematics to larger tasks or projects with the students and could see difficulties in finding the time to plan and execute said activities. When working with tasks that are connected to the reality, the teachers focus more on the process than the final answer. The discussion around the tasks is also something that is also important according the teachers

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