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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevalência e fatores associados às lesões por fricção em idosos de instituições de longa permanência / Prevalence and factors associated with skin tears in elderly long-stay institutions

Giovana Ribau Picolo Peres 29 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Lesão por fricção é uma ferida traumática, que ocorre principalmente nas extremidades de idosos. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi identificar e analisar a prevalência de lesão por fricção e os fatores demográficos e clínicos associados a essa ocorrência, em pessoas idosas residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, transversal, analítico, exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em três instituições do município de São Paulo que aceitaram participar do estudo, dentre 135 contactadas previamente. Os dados foram coletados mediante consulta ao prontuário, entrevista com o próprio residente e/ou responsável e exame físico do idoso. Os residentes foram entrevistados e avaliados quanto aos aspectos sócio-demográficos e clínicos, condições da pele e quanto às características das lesões encontradas. Para a coleta de dados, empregaram-se os seguintes instrumentos: instrumento de coleta de dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos, Teste Mini Exame do Estado Mental, Escala de Katz e Sistema de Classificação STAR Lesão por Fricção. Os dados foram analisados por meio de: teste exato de Fisher, teste de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney e modelo de regressão logística (backwardstepwise). Resultados: A amostra de 69 residentes foi composta predominantemente por mulheres (51/73,91%), da raça branca (50/72,46%), com média de 81 anos de idade (DP=9,30) e mediana 82 anos, com algum problema na marcha (58/84,06%), redução ou ausência na acuidade visual (56/81,16%), dependência para atividades básica de vida diária (52/75,36%), comprometimento cognitivo (51/73,91%), presença de incontinência (45/65,22%) e algum grau de desnutrição (magreza = 26/37,69%). Oito sujeitos apresentaram 13 lesões por fricção, implicando em prevalência global de 11,6% para essa amostra, sendo de 22,22% para homens, 7,84% para mulheres e 10,00% para a raça branca. Onze (84,6%) lesões localizaram-se nos membros inferiores, predominando aquelas de categoria 3 (6/46,1%). Embora os grupos com e sem lesões por fricção tenham diferido quanto à presença de: hipertensão arterial sistêmica, alterações na marcha (principalmente cadeirantes), rigidez, acuidade visual diminuída, edema de membros inferiores, equimoses, hematoma, pele seca e descamativa, púrpura senil, curativos/ adesivos, dependência para as atividades básicas de vida diária e magreza, somente as presenças de hematoma (RC: 9,159 / p: 0,017) e púrpura senil (RC: 6,265 / p: 0,033) permaneceram no modelo final de regressão logíastica. Conclusão: A prevalência de lesão por fricção entre idosos institucionalizados foi de 11,6%, comparável a escassos estudos internacionais realizados com pacientes hospitalizados. Os fatores associados à ocorrência de lesão por fricção, hematoma e púrpura senil, estão de acordo com a literatura sobre o tema. Ao tratar-se de estudo inédito em nosso meio, seus resultados contribuem para o diagnóstico situacional da ocorrência de lesão por fricção em idosos institucionalizados e para a necessidade de implantação de medidas preventivas em grupos vulneráveis como os idosos. / Introduction: Skin tear is a traumatic wound, which occurs mainly in the extremities of elderly. Objective: The study objective was to identify and analyze the prevalence of skin tears and demographic and clinical factors associated with its occurrence in institutionalized elderly. Methods: This is an epidemiological cross sectional analytical, exploratory study with a quantitative approach, performed in three nursing homes of São Paulo who agreed to participate in the study, among 135 ones previously contacted. Data were collected by records consultation, interview with the resident himself and /or care giver and physical examination of the elderly. Residents were interviewed and assessed for socio-demographic and clinical features, skin conditions and skin tears characteristics. The following tools were used for data collection: socio-demographic and clinical data, Mini Mental State Examination test, Katz index and STAR Classification System Skin Tear. Data were analyzed using Fisher\'s exact test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and logistic regression (backward stepwise). Results: The sample of 69 residents was mostly composed by women (51 / 73.91%), Caucasians (50 / 72.46%), mean age 81 (SD = 9.30) and median 82 years old, some problem in mobility (gait) (58 / 84.06%), visual acuity problems (56 / 81.16%), dependence for activities of daily living (52 / 75.36%), cognitive impairment (51/73, 91%), presence of incontinence (45 / 65.22%) and some degree of malnutrition (underweight = 26 / 37.69%). Eight subjects had 13 skin tears, resulting in an overall prevalence of 11.6% for this sample, and 22.22% for men, 7.84% for women and 10.00% for the caucasians. Eleven (84.6%) skin tear were located in the lower limbs, predominantly category 3 skin tears (6 / 46.1%). Although there were statistically significant differences between groups with and without skinj tears related to: arterial hypertension, mobility problems (especially wheelchair users) , stiffness, decreased visual acuity, lower limb edema, ecchymosis, hematoma, dry and scaly skin, senile purpura, dressings / adhesives, dependence for activities of daily living and thinness, just the presence of hematoma (RC: 9,159 / p:0,017) and senile purpura ( RC: 6,265 / p: 0,033) remained after logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: The prevalence of skin tear among institutionalized elderly was 11.6%, comparable to few international studies with hospitalized patients. The factors associated with the occurrence of skin tear, hematoma and senile purpura, are consistent with the literature on the subject. When being unpublished study in our country, our results contribute to the situational analysis of the occurrence of skin tear in elderly nursing home residents and the need to implement preventive measures in vulnerable groups like the elderly.

Características clínicas e imunológicas de pacientes com ceratocone e alergia ocular: um estudo transversal com ênfase na análise da inflamação da superfície ocular / Clinical and immunological characteristics of patients with keratoconus and ocular allergy: a cross sectional study with emphasis on the analysis of ocular surface inflammation

Leda das Neves Almeida Sandrin 15 December 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Comparar as características inflamatórias da superfície ocular de pacientes com ceratocone (CE) às de pacientes com alergia ocular (AO). Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, envolvendo 134 participantes, divididos em três grupos: alergia ocular (AO)(n=55), ceratocone com ou sem alergia ocular associada (CE) (n=61) e controle (CO) (n=18). Os participantes do estudo foram recrutados e avaliados em clínica privada na cidade de Chapecó-SC, no período de polinização, em dezembro de 2013 e de outubro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. Para análise dos grupos, todos os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente por especialistas em alergia e oftalmologia e submetidos a exame de tomografia de córnea com tecnologia de Scheimpflug (Pentacam HRR), medida da osmolaridade da lágrima por impedanciometria (TearLabR) em ambos os olhos e preenchimento de questionários padronizados para alergia ocular (QA) e para doença de superfície ocular (OSDI). Em 107 de 134 pacientes (CE=50, AO=42, CO=15) foram dosadas as citocinas IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-15, IL-31, IL-33, IL-17 A, IL-23, TNF-alfa, TNF-beta e INF-gama na lágrima, por meio de tecnologia multiplex com beads magnéticas. A coleta das amostras de lágrimas (5 microlitros no mínimo) foi realizada por meio de aspiração no menisco lacrimal temporal inferior, com capilares de vidro em um único olho. As amostras foram congeladas imediatamente após coleta e mantidas a -80 oC, até o momento da dosagem e análise em agosto de 2016. Resultados: Constatou-se alta prevalência de alergia no grupo com ceratocone 68,85% (42/61), sendo que 42,62% (26/61) dos pacientes desse grupo apresentaram alergia ocular. A intensidade do prurido ocular foi maior nos pacientes AO e no grupo CE, do que no grupo controle (p < 0,001 e p=0,047) e maior no grupo AO do que no CE (p < 0,001). As citocinas INF-gama, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-31, TNF-beta foram estatisticamente mais elevadas no grupo AO, quando comparadas ao grupo CE. No grupo controle, houve correlação direta da diferença absoluta da osmolaridade (delta osmol) com o nível encontrado para todas as citocinas dosadas. Observou-se, ainda, correlação direta entre níveis de IL-1beta, IL-6 e TNF-alfa com OSDI (p=0,044, p=0,010 e p=0,047) no grupo CE. A osmolaridade foi maior no grupo CE, quando comparado ao AO (p=0,043). Conclusões: Pacientes com ceratocone apresentaram alterações inflamatórias na superfície ocular, tais como: correlação direta do índice OSDI com IL-1beta, IL-6 e TNF-alfa na lágrima; intensidade de prurido mais elevada que no grupo controle e osmolaridade maior que no grupo com AO. No grupo AO, observou-se índices OSDI maiores que no grupo controle e aumento de várias citocinas dosadas, quando comparadas ao grupo CE. Nos pacientes controle, a instabilidade no filme lacrimal (delta osmol), correlacionou-se diretamente com a inflamação ocular (citocinas dosadas). Observou-se alta prevalência de formas leves de alergia ocular no grupo CE (40,98%) e apenas um caso de alergia ocular grave (ceratoconjuntivite atópica [1,3%]), esses dados estão em desacordo com a maior parte da literatura disponível sobre o assunto. Em conjunto, os achados do presente estudo podem estar relacionados a características específicas da região estudada / Purpose: To compare the inflammatory profile of the ocular surface of patients with keratoconus with that of patients with ocular allergy. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out and involved 134 participants, divided into three groups: ocular allergy group (OA) (N=55), keratoconus with or without ocular allergy (KC) (N=61) and a control group (CO) (N=18). The study participants were recruited and evaluated in a private clinic in the city of Chapecó-SC, during the pollination period in 2013 (December) and from 2014 to 2015 (October to January). In order to analyze the three groups, all patients were evaluated clinically by allergy and ophthalmology specialists, submitted to a corneal tomography exam with Scheimpflug technology (Pentacam HRR), to impedanciociometry to assess tear osmolarity (Tear LabR) of both eyes and to standardized questionnaire rates for ocular allergy (AQ) and for ocular surface disease index (OSDI). Cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-15, IL-31, IL-33, IL-17 A, IL-23, TNF-alfa, TNF-beta and INF-gama) levels were assessed in 107 out of 134 patients using multiplex technology with magnetic beads. Tear collection of at least 5 microliters was carried out on a single eye by suction in the inferior temporal lacrimal meniscus with glass capillaries. The samples were frozen at -800C, immediately after collection to the time of dosing and analysis in August 2016. Results: The prevalence of allergy in the keratoconus group was 68.85% (42/61), within the same group 42.62% (26/61) of the patients had ocular allergy. Ocular pruritus intensity was higher in the OA group and in the KC group than in the control group (p < 0,001 e p=0,047), and higher in the OA group than in the KC group (p < 0,001). Cytokines INF-gama, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-31, TNF-beta were statiscally higher in the OA group in comparision to the KC group. In the control group, there was a positive correlation of the difference measurement of osmolarity (osmol delta) between the eyes with all cytokines dosed. In the KC group, IL-1beta, IL-6 e TNF-alfa correlated positively with OSDI (p=0,044, p=0,010 e p=0,047). Tear osmolarity was higher in the KC group than in the OA group (p=0,043). Conclusions: Patients with keratoconus had inflammatory changes in the ocular surface, such as: direct correlation between OSDI and tear IL-1beta, IL-6 and TNF-alpha levels; higher pruritus intensity than the control group and higher osmolarity than the OA group. In the OA group, OSDI levels were higher than in the control group and some cytokines had higher levels than the KC group. In the control patients, tear film instability (delta osmol) was direct correlated to ocular inflammation (dosed cytokines). In the KC group, there was a high prevalence of mild forms of ocular allergy (40.98%) and only one case of severe ocular allergy (atopic keratoconjunctivitis [1.3%]). However, most studies avaiable have associated keratoconus with severe forms of ocular allergy. Together, these findings may be related to specific characteristics of the region of study

Barnmorskans erfarenhet av handläggning vid uppkommen grad II-bristning : Kvalitativ intervjustudie med barnmorskor verksamma vid förlossningsavdelning / The midwife’s experience of managing second-degree tears: a qualitative interview study

Domeij, Anna, Lennström, Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är vanligt att kvinnor under en vaginal förlossning drabbas av grad II-bristning. I barnmorskans ansvarsområde ingår att handlägga dessa bristningar. Forskning visar att det finns begränsat med rutiner kring dessa bristningar och att fokus ofta ligger på grad III- och grad IV-bristningar trots att även grad II-bristningar kan ge långtidskomplikationer. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barnmorskans erfarenhet av handläggning vid uppkommen grad II-bristning. Metod: Semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer genomfördes med åtta barnmorskor verksamma vid en mellanstor förlossningsavdelning i Mellansverige. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera materialet. Resultat: Fyra kategorier och två underkategorier identifierades. Kategorierna var Information, Kollegialt stöd, Behov av uppföljning och Undersökning och underkategorierna Strategier för återkoppling och Dokumentation. Slutsats: Det framkom en osäkerhet hos barnmorskorna gällande diagnostisering och suturering av grad II-bristning. Detta gällde främst de barnmorskor med minst yrkeserfarenhet. Barnmorskorna uttryckte också en önskan om bättre återkoppling på de bristningar de suturerat samt en bättre uppföljning för de kvinnor som fått en grad II-bristning. Resultatet visade även att barnmorskorna informerar kvinnorna på olika sätt gällande deras bristning. Inga tydliga rutiner finns gällande vilken information som ska ges eller på vilket sätt. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Studiens resultat syftar till att skapa ökad kunskap och riktlinjer kring grad II-bristningar. Ytterligare forskning skulle kunna beröra information i samband med bristningen och när den är bäst att ge. / Background: Many women sustain a second-degree tear when giving birth vaginally. The work field of a midwife includes managing these injuries. There is limited research regarding this field and the focus tend to be on third- and fourth-degree tears, even though second-degree tears may also result in long-term complications. Aim: The aim was to investigate the midwife’s experience of managing second-degree tears. Method: Eight semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with midwives working at a medium large maternity ward located in the middle of Sweden. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the material. Results: Four categories and two subcategories were identified. The categories were: Information, The support of colleagues, The need for follow-ups and Physical examination and the subcategories were: Feedback strategies and Documentation. Conclusion: The result show that midwives feel insecure when managing second-degree tears, especially the midwives with less experience. The midwives also requested more feedback from the women they sutured regarding their second-degree tears and the midwives also wished for a better follow-up for the women with second-degree tears. The result also showed that the midwives give different information to women regarding their tears. No pronounced routines were found regarding what information to give and in what way. Clinical application: The results of the study aim to increase the knowledge and to develop routines regarding second-degree tears. More knowledge is needed about information given about the tear and when it is the best time to give information.

Représentations, usages et pouvoirs de l'émotion dans le discours politique des ducs de Bourgogne (XIVe - XVe siècles) / Representations, Uses and Powers of Emotion in the Dukes of Burgundy’s Political Discourse (14th – 15th centuries)

Smagghe, Laurent 13 November 2010 (has links)
Manifestation extérieure des secrets mouvements de l’âme, l’émotion possède un caractère universel, mais les sociétés fondent pour partie leur cohérence sur des pratiques communes de l’affectivité qui peuvent l’emporter sur cette expérience individuelle. Le prince, dont le corps et le geste concentrent les regards, n’échappe pas aux injonctions d’un habitus idéal dans lequel les émotions jouent un rôle essentiel, entre valorisation et transgression. Cette étude a l’ambition de montrer en quoi celles-ci sont convoquées en renfort de la communication politique. L’espace des Pays-Bas bourguignons des deux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge a été retenu, et l’on a voulu délimiter le contexte culturel à l’origine d’un discours de l’émotion pour le gouvernant, en retenant un corpus de sources diversifié. Une réflexion préalable sur la dimension protéiforme du corps et sur le portrait émotionnel du prince idéal permet de mettre en évidence une affectivité et une expressivité particulières pour celui-ci. Ces caractères sont des préalables pour l’usage privilégié de la colère, omniprésente dans les sources, dont la représentation sert l’exercice de la justice mais peut également conduire à des passages à l’acte préjudiciables pour la dignité et la majesté. Entre la joie des manifestations festives et les souffrances qui semblent consubstantielles à l’exercice du pouvoir, les auteurs esquissent un portrait du prince d’émotion bourguignon difficilement réductible à nos catégories modernes, ce dont rend bien compte la polysémie des larmes. Au-delà des stratégies narratives, il est cependant possible de proposer des pistes pour élucider la nature des émotions proposées ainsi que leur insertion dans un discours global sur le pouvoir. / As an outward manifestation of the soul’s secret moves, emotion has a universal dimension. However, societies establish part of their consistency upon a common practice of feelings which may override individual experience. The ruler, whose body and gesture are the centre of every attention, cannot elude injunctions of an ideal habitus in which emotions play a substantial part, between promotion and transgression. This study emphasizes the extent to which emotions support political communication. The Burgundian Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages have been examined, and the cultural context in which emotion as a ruling practice emerged has been outlined, thanks to a diversified corpus of sources. In a first part, the study of the body’s protean dimension reveals that the ruler’s ideal image embodies specific feelings and expressiveness. These characteristics prelude to a privileged use of an omnipresent anger in sources, to which the exercise of power and justice owe more than a little. Yet, this emotion is also likely to drive the ruler to a detrimental acting out for his dignity and majesty. Between joy demonstrated in the context of a culture of feasts, and pain which seems to be consubstantial to power, emerges the portrait of the emotional prince of Burgundy which can not be outlined with modern categories of language, as shown by the ambiguity of tears. Beyond narrative strategies, it is yet possible to propose some perspectives of interpretation to elucidate the nature of proposed emotions and the way they may be integrated in a general ideology of power.

Western Esotericism references in Dario Argento’s triology The Three Mothers

Spagnoli, Emilie January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the influences and references, with a particular focus from occultism and western esotericism, found in the film trilogy of The Three Mothers directed by Dario Argento. The trilogy composed of Suspiria, Inferno and The Mother of Tears was produced in a timeframe of thirty years from 1977 to 2007, so it embeds three decades, it also reflects the willingness from the director to disconnect himself from the usual representation of supernatural and horror films of witches and power. The three films Suspiria, Inferno and The Mother of Tears, present an innovative point of view, first of all, the representation of power in the context of horror and secondly, for the nature of references distributed throughout the trilogy. This thesis presents a film analysis of Suspiria, Inferno and The Mother of Tears investigating the semiotics behind the symbols, storytelling, characters, and technical aspects of film production. This work concludes that the deep desk research conducted by Argento on occultism and western esotericism before engaging into the production has deeply influenced it. The references to occultism, western esoteric schools, Steiner and alchemic influences are several, Christianity is also present in the trilogy with a dystopic lent. There is also a gender aspect analysed in the trilogy connected with the representation of feminine power, as the mothers in the trilogy represent witches, a supreme independent source of truth and power disconnected from any Christian and/or masculine representation. Suspiria, Inferno and The Mother of Tears can be then interpreted as a way to challenge the patriarchate power. This thesis is opening with the relevance of references from occultism to be found in several expressions of popular culture in our contemporary society. However, this aspect has not been investigated further than that. It has been utilized to serve the purpose of highlighting the elements in common between Argento’s trilogy and those expressions of popular culture (i.e. horror and supernatural TV series). If this research will be one day extended, the next step would be to find, in other expressions of popular culture (films, manga, graphic novels…), references in line with the ones traced in the trilogy. This would lead to investigate further the way occultism has influenced expressions of art and culture. Another point that is kept for a potential future research, would be to investigate which other examples of horror and supernatural films will be produced (or had been produced), where power and feminine representation breaks the traditional tendency of connecting power either with a Christian notion of evil or with a patriarchal form of power. In this regard, I am sure expressions from Artificial intelligence will come to play a role, but this is due maybe for the future, and maybe for another research to connect these dots.

Proteome characterization of tears in mammals, as well as retina and ophthalmic artery of Cyp2c44 gene knock-out mice supplemented with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Lässiger-Herfurth, Anna 10 April 2024 (has links)
Die Identifizierung von Proteinen durch Massenspektrometrie stellt eine effektive und aussagekräftige Möglichkeit dar, zelluläre Mechanismen zu entschlüsseln. Das dadurch detektierte Proteom ganzer Organe, kann dazu dienen Pathologien und deren Entstehung besser zu verstehen. Die Prävalenz von Pathologien, welche mit einer entzündlichen Veränderung der Retina und der Gefäßversorgung der Retina einhergehen, ist sowohl in der Veterinärmedizin wie auch in der Humanmedizin hoch. Vor allem das Normaldruckglaukom stellt eine große Herausforderung in früher Diagnostik und Therapie dar. Die Auswirkung der Omega-3-Fettsäuresupplementierung auf das Proteom der Retina und der Arteria ophthalmica von Mäusen, welche ein genetisches knock-out des Cyp2c44 Enzymes vorweisen, kann neue Hinweise auf Pathomechanismen des Normaldruckglaukoms bringen. Massenspektrometrie hat in der Vergangenheit dazu beigetragen, Schlüsselproteine zu identifizieren, welche mit Pathologien in Verbindung gebracht werden. Am Auge ist hierfür die Tränenflüssigkeit von besonderer Bedeutung, da sie einfach zugänglich ist und rasant auf Veränderungen reagiert. Das Tränenproteom stellt sowohl beim Mensch als auch bei anderen Säugetieren eine hervorragende Möglichkeit dar, Pathologien in Zukunft schneller und eindeutiger zu erkennen. Jedoch sind Daten zu jeweiligen Tränenanalysen mangelhaft und bis heute gibt es keine Grundlage für das Tränenproteom bei Haussäugetieren. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, mittels Massenspektrometrie Schlüsselmechanismen in dem Proteom der Retina und Arterie zu identifizieren, welche zu einer erhöhten, entzündlichen Vaskularisation führen und eine protektive Eigenschaft von Omega-3-Fettsäuren nachzuweisen. Zusätzlich wurde die Massenspektrometrie angewendet, um das Proteom von Tränenflüssigkeit von vier verschiedenen Spezies zu entschlüsseln und dieses mit dem Tränenproteom des Menschen zu vergleichen. Insgesamt wurden 42 männliche Cyp2c44 genetische knock-out Mäuse (C57BL/6) und deren gefloxte Wurfgeschwister sieben Tage lang mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren oral supplementiert und daraufhin Retina und Arteria ophthalmica entnommen. Eine Proteinanalyse wurde mittels Massenspektrometrie via Linear-trap-quadrupol Orbitrap durchgeführt. Retina Proben wurden individuell analysiert, während Arteria ophthalmica Proben gepoolt wurden. Die Analyse von Tränenproben erfolgte von Mäusen, Hunden, Katzen, Pferden und Menschen mit je sechs Proben, welche individuell analysiert wurden. Die Tränenproben wurden mittels Schirmer-Tränenstreifen entnommen, bis auf die der Mäuse, welche mittels Kapillarmethode post mortem entnommen wurden. Die Proteinanalyse erfolgte auch hier mittels Linear-trap-quadrupole Orbitrap. Alle Daten wurden mit der Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (QIAGEN) Software ausgewertet. Die Proteinanalyse der Retina und der Arteria ophthalmica ergab Unterschiede in vielen verschiedenen zellulären Mechanismen, wie zum Beispiel der Synthese reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies, Apoptose und Glycolyse. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine kurzzeitige Supplementierung von Omega-3-Fettsäuren einen protektiven Effekt auf die Retina hat. Außerdem konnten zusätzlich vaskulo-protektive Effekte der Omega-3-Supplementierung auf die Arteria ophthalmica nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich wurde gezeigt, dass der Cyp2c44-Mechanismus eine Schlüsselrolle in zellulären Mechanismen übernimmt, wie zum Beispiel der Apoptose, der Nekrose und dem Glukosemetabolismus. Die Analyse des Proteoms der Tränenflüssigkeit von Hunden, Katzen, Pferden und Mäusen im Vergleich zum Menschen ergab die höchstgemessene Anzahl von Proteinen in den Tränen von Hunden mit 433, während bei Pferden nur 257 Proteine identifiziert wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass knapp 90% des Proteoms hauptsächlich aus zehn verschieden Proteinen, welche in großer Menge gemessen wurden, besteht. Außerdem wurden Proteine identifiziert, welche nur beim menschlichen Tränenproteom nachgewiesen werden konnten. Diese Proteine stammen hauptsächlich aus der Glandula lacrimalis. Dies lässt vermuten, dass die Glandula lacrimalis eine besonders ausgeprägte Funktion beim Menschen einnimmt, welche bei den anderen vier Spezies fehlt. Beide durchgeführten Experimente zeigen, dass die Proteomforschung eine große Rolle zur Aufschlüsselung zellulärer Mechanismen einnehmen könnte. Eine kurzzeitige Omega-3-Fettsäuresupplementierung wurde in dieser Studie als erstmals protektiv für Retina und Vaskularisation des Auges nachgewiesen und gibt den Ausblick auf weitere Möglichkeiten neuer Behandlungsmethoden für Augenerkrankungen, speziell die des Glaukoms. Die Proteinanalyse der verschiedenen Spezies beweist einen deutlichen Unterschied in Zusammensetzung und Funktion des Tränenapparates im Vergleich zum Menschen und kann als Datenbank für weitere Forschung in Human- und Veterinärmedizin herangezogen werden.

Stigmata a stigmatizovaní ve středověku / Stigmata and stigmatized persons in the Middle Age

Janatová, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis examines phenomenon of stigmas and stigmatised persons in the Middle Ages. This diploma thesis contains of three parts. The goal of first part is description of Crucifixion symbolism from beginning of Christianity up to first stigmas about Francis of Assisi from 1224. Main part presents its own phenomenon of stigmas: their definition, base and reception in religious and expert field. Final part focuses on significant middle-aged holders of stigmas and analysis of their hagiography. Klíčová slova (anglicky): Stigmas, Jesus Christ, cross, crucifixion, bloody sweat, bloody tears, thorn crown, mysticism, self-identification.

Our Vision of Health for Future Generations: an Exploration of Proximal and Intermediary Motivations with Women of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma

Brown, Danica Love 12 March 2019 (has links)
Health disparities and substance misuse are increasingly prevalent, costly, and deadly in Indian Country. Although women historically held positions of influence in pre-colonial Tribal societies and shared in optimum health, their current health is relegated to some of the worst outcomes across all racial groups in the United States. Women of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) have some of the highest prevalence estimates in physical inactivity and excessive drinking in the United States. Building on the Indigenous Stress Coping model of indigenous health, "Our Vision of Health for Future Generations" explores the intersection of a historical event, the Trail of Tears, and its lasting impact on the contemporary health outcomes in tribal members. This inquiry is positioned within the Yappallí Choctaw Road to Health project that explores these broader issues. This culturally-centered study explores proximal and settings-based/intermediary motivations of twenty-three women who completed the Yappallí­ project, walked the Trail of Tears, and developed a holitobit ibbak fohki "sacred giving" community health event. Analysis was conducted using the Listening Guide method, that highlighted the contrapuntal voices of embodiment, motivation, challenges, and transformation. Participants shared stories in relation to both their individual health concerns (proximal), and deep love and commitment for the health of their family, community and for future generations (intermediary). This study provides another framework for the development of indigenized research, by using in-depth interviews, haklo "listen deeply" as a form of indigenous storywork that is centering of the experiences of marginalized people, and reflexivity as anukfilli "Deep Reflection."

Mechanisms involved in adenovirus binding to and infection of host cells

Nyberg, Cecilia, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser. Även tryckt utgåva.

Läraryrket - Ett yrke On Demand : En kvantitativ studie om högstadielärares kontakter med vårdnadshavare

Åkerström, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Ett gott samarbete mellan lärare och vårdnadshavare är en av de viktigaste förutsättningarna för att uppfattas som en bra lärare. Detta kan bidra till en ökad administrativ belastning, vilket kan bidra till ökad stress och minskad tid för att förbereda undervisning. Hur mycket tid, vilka frågor som hanteras och vilka kontaktmedier som används för kontakter med vårdnadshavare är huvudsakligen okänd. I denna studie har mängden och tiden av kontakt med vårdnadshavare kvantifierades och de frågor som hanteras och vilka kontaktmedier som används analyseras. Både antalet kontakter och hur mycket tid kontakterna tog varierade kraftigt mellan individer, men kvinnliga lärare, som grupp, hade fler kontakter och använde mer av sin tid för kontakt med vårdnadshavare än sina manliga kollegor. Från de insamlade uppgifterna var det också uppenbart, i enlighet med den granskade litteraturen, att kommunikation om administration och information prioriterats framför pedagogiska frågor. Dessutom, arbetsuppgifter som det som inte är lagstadgade utförs, hade i högre grad, utanför arbetstid. Det insamlade materialet ger en god överblick över hur kontakt med vårdnadshavare kan se ut, och kan ge en grund för diskussioner om lärarnas arbetsmiljö och kan hjälpa unga lärare förbereda sig. / A good cooperation between teachers and guardians is one of the most important requirements for being perceived as a good teacher. This may contribute to an increasing administrative load and contributing to increased stress and reduced time to prepare for teaching. How much time is spent, what issues are handled and what contact media is used for teacher-guardian contacts is mainly unknown. Therefore, in this study, the amount of, and time spent on contact with guardians was quantified and the issues handled and contact media used analyzed. Both the number of contacts and how much time was allocated to contact guardians varied widely between individuals, although it was clear that female teachers, as a group, had more contacts and spent more of their time on contact with guardians than their male colleagues. From the collected data it was also evident that communication regarding administration and information was prioritized over communication regarding educational activities. In addition, duties that where not legislative had to be carried out outside working hours. The material collected provide a good overview of how contact with guardians may look, may provide a basis for discussion of teachers' work environment and may help young teachers prepare.

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