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En bro mellan då och nu : En komparativ studie om litteraturhistoriens roll i ämnesplaner och läroböcker för svenskämnet / A bridge between past and present : A comparative study of the role of literature in subject plans and textbooks for SwedishSkygebjerg, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the essay is to investigate how the historical societal context is presented in curricula and textbooks. The studied material consists of the curricula Lpf 94 and Gy 11, and four textbooks on literature intended for teaching the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school. The literary eras that are studied are the Enlightenment and the Romantic period. The study of the textbooks proceeds from the analytical schema of the historian Niklas Ammert. Theories of literary and social conceptual worlds are applied to analyse the textbooks and a curriculum-theory perspective is used to analyse the steering documents. The analysis shows that there is a greater focus on the relationship between literature and societal development in Gy 11 and that there are stricter learning requirements. One difference between the textbooks is the approach they have chosen to get at the historical societal context. Den levande litteraturen and Texter och tankar från antiken till 1900 do this chiefly through a type of presentation that uses explanations and sometimes simple statements of fact. Svenska impulser 2 establishes connections with the present day in a reflective way. Människans texter – litteraturen gives the biggest allround picture based on different societal contexts. This textbook is also the one that most clearly corresponds to the current subject plans for teaching Swedish.
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Historiebruk i läroböcker : En undersökning om hur historiebruk framställs i historieläroböcker / The Uses of History in Textbooks : An investigation into how the use of history is presented in history textbooks.Bursell, Linus, Radsten, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of our degree project is to create an understanding of how three history textbooks and the textbook publishers make use of the use of history. The questions that we have started from are: How is the use of history presented in the textbooks? Is the depiction of history use the same between the books? When we were investigating we used the method called text analysis, and we analyzed the textbooks SOL NOVA HISTORIA 9, Utkik historia 7-9 and Fundament historia 7-9. When we have analyzed we have used books on theory by professor of History Klas-Göran Karlsson and professor of social sciences didactics Kenneth Nordgren. The conclusion of our degree project is that the history textbooks seem to have traces of both our theorists but Klas-Göran Karlsson's theory is the one that has more room in comparison to Nordgren. The reason is because the history books' description of different ways of using history is often closer to Karlsson's typology than to Nordgren´s. We can also see this because one of the books has used one of Karlsson's typologies, the moral use of history. An example of a similarity that we have seen between the books is that the use of history is a conscious act that people or groups do in order to achieve their purpose. Another similarity is that the books use similar examples when it comes to using history. An example with a similar theme between the textbooks are on the usage of ancient history such as Alexander the Great and how the use of history has an impact on Macedonian and Greek identity today. An example of a difference between the books, is that the use of history is given different amounts of space. Another example of a difference that we have seen between the books is that one of them has mentioned in its description of the use of history that history can also be used unconsciously. This is interesting because our theorists have described the use of history as a conscious act.
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Musiklyrikens critical literacy-utvecklande potential : En normkritisk lyrikanalys av Joakim Bergs låttexter / The potential of developing critical literacy through lyric poetry : A norm critical analysis of Joakim Berg’s lyric poetryWadsten, Clara January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie genomförs en normkritisk textanalys av ett urval av Joakim Bergs texter i syfte att beskriva hur normer om etnicitet och trostillhörighet uttrycks. Vidare har studien en didaktisk funktion och syftar till att belysa hur musiklyrik kan fungera i svenskämnets critical literacy-utvecklande undervisning. Delvis för att undersöka hur texterna kan utveckla elevernas ämneskunskaper i svenska, delvis för att studera hur texterna kan utveckla förmågor relaterade till läroplanens demokratiuppdrag. Materialet för studien består av låttexterna ”Sverige” (Berg 2002), ”Våga vara rädd” (Berg 2007) och”Tennsoldater” (Berg 2016) vilka normkritiskt analyserats med fokus på bildspråks och symbolers relation till normer knutna till etnicitet och trostillhörighet. Resultatet visar att samtliga texter belyser de studerade normerna, bland annat genom bildspråk och symboler som beskriver invandring, invandringspolitik, orättvisor samt bemötande av personer utanför normen. Textanalysens resultat, i relation till gymnasieskolans styrdokument, visar att det finns stor potential för att Bergs musiklyrik kan utveckla gymnasieelevers critical literacy.
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Power, Inequality, and Resistance: Responses to Subordination in the American Slave Narrative, 1800-1930Light, Ryan 16 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Från barnbok till värdegrund -En motivstudie om huruvida en populär skönlitterär barnbok, Handbok för superhjältar- del 6:Utan hopp, kan bidra med grund för värdegrundsarbete i årskurs F-3Ekholm, Marika January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze a children’s book to examine if it is a useful tool for teachers to use while working with the set values that the Swedish curriculum deems central to education. In order to create such a tool, a survey was made to ascertain what books are currently popular among Swedish children in the age range of 6-9, and the using indirect characterization and the literary concepts of theme and motif as a method, the goal has been to determine whether this book is suitable for working with questions that are related to the aforementioned values.The result showed that the chosen book, Guide for superheroes- part 6: Without hope, (2021) by Elias and Agnes Våhlund contained all of the five values that the Swedish curriculum deems central to education. The results, then, indicate that this book is a suitable tool to use while working with values in the classroom. However, this survey only analyzes the book as a tool and not how to use it in the education. The effectiveness of any tool is also dependent on how the teacher are using it, which I do not include in this study.
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Olika bedömare – olika bedömningar : En studie av elevtexter i nationella provet i svenska i år nio / Different graders – different assessment : A study of students’ texts of theessay part of the national test in SwedishDahl, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka elevtexter som bedömts olika av undervisande lärare ochexterna bedömare i relation till delar av bedömningsanvisningarna för nationella provet isvenska årskurs 9 år 2003. Materialet i studien består av åtta elevtexter,bedömningsanvisningarna de undervisande lärarna och de externa bedömarna hafttillgång till samt de betyg som respektive bedömare har gett. Eleverna skrev uppgiften”Mina skolår”, vilket faller inom genren krönika. Metoden för denna studie är engranskning av elevtexterna utifrån tolkningsbara element i bedömningsanvisningarnasamt att diskutera de potentiella anledningarna till de olika bedömningarna gjorda avundervisande lärare, externa bedömare och en tredje analys genomförd i denna studie.Analysen är gjord ur ett top-down-perspektiv då analysen utgår ifrån givna parametrarbestämda av bedömningskriterierna. Det viktigaste resultatet i studien är att elevernalyckas visa konkretion och exempel i sina texter, medan de lyckas mindre väl med attanpassa sig till språkliga regler och konventioner. Utifrån detta resultat dras slutsatsen attspråkliga fel ofta är något som stör läsningen av texterna, vilket kan ha påverkat densammanlagda bedömningen.
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“My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun” : En kvalitativ semiotisk analys av könsstereotyper i massmedial populärkulturEriksson, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how gender stereotypes are produced and reproduced in mass media popular culture. The material selected for the study is a music video. The study is carried out by analyzing both the visual material and the linguistic material. To study the material, the video has been divided into four different sequences. These sequences have been chosen based on how relevant the content was for the purpose of the study. The analysis is carried out using several semiotic resources. The semiotic resources that have been used in this study are poses, gaze, participants, objects and settings. The results of the study showed that gender stereotypes are expressed both visually and lexically. But these stereotypes were challenged and played with. It also became clear that the women in the video were more sexualized than the man, but that Nicki was playing on her sexuality to regain power.
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Är AI vår nya lärare? : En komparativ studie om gymnasielärares och AI:s skriftliga respons på vetenskapligt skrivande i svenskämnet / Is AI our new teacher? : A comparative study of upper secondary school teachers’ and AI’s written feedback on academic writing in the subject of SwedishEeliya, Onel January 2024 (has links)
Studien behandlar respons på elevtexter där målet är att bidra till en diskussion om AI som hjälpmedel på gymnasiet. Därför är syftet med studien att explorativt utforska potentialen hos AI och dess genererade respons på elevers utredande texter i svenska 3 jämfört med kvaliteten hos respons given av lärare. Materialet består av tolv elevtexter, två från varje betygsnivå (A-F), insamlade från fyra lärare med varierande antal texter per lärare. Analysmetoden kombinerar kvalitativ textanalys av lärarresponsen med en explorativ jämförande analys av AI-responsen. Det teoretiska ramverket består av en kombination av Hattie och Timperleys (2007) responsmodell samt Cerratto Pargmans och Jahnkes (2019) begrepp om aktörer. Resultatet visar att lärarresponsen på elevtexterna varierar i stadium och nivå, med Feed Up som den vanligaste responsen och Feed Back som den minst förekommande. ChatGPT tenderar att inte ge liknande bedömningar som lärare och saknar ofta den detaljerade och specifika återkoppling som lärarna ger, särskilt när det gäller att främja elevens utveckling och nyansering av resonemang. Studien kommer fram till att det finns stor potential för generativ AI i skolan, men med vissa begränsningar i nuläget. / The study addresses feedback on student texts, aiming to contribute to the discussion of AI as an aid in upper secondary school education. Consequently, the purpose of the study is to exploratively investigate the potential of AI and its generated responses to students' analytical texts in Swedish 3, compared to the quality of feedback provided by teachers. The material consists of twelve student texts, two from each grade level (A-F), collected from four teachers with varying numbers of texts per teacher. The analysis method combines qualitative text analysis of the teacher feedback with an exploratory comparative analysis of the AI feedback. The theoretical framework consists of a combination of Hattie and Timperley's (2007) feedback model and Cerratto Pargman and Jahnke's (2019) concept of agency. The results show that the teacher feedback on student texts varies in stage and level, with Feed Up being the most common response and Feed Back being the least frequent. ChatGPT tends not to provide similar assessments as teachers and often lacks the detailed and specific feedback that teachers give, especially when it comes to promoting the student's development and nuanced reasoning. The study concludes that there is great potential for generative AI in schools, but with certain limitations at present.
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A Text Analysis of Data Science Career Opportunities and U.S. iSchool CurriculumDurr, Angel Krystina 12 1900 (has links)
Data science employment opportunities of varied complexity and environment are in growing demand across the globe. Data science as a discipline potentially offers a wealth of jobs to prospective employees, while traditional information science-based roles continue to decrease as budgets get cut across the U.S. Since data is related closely to information historically, this research will explore the education of U.S. iSchool professionals and compare it to traditional data science roles being advertised within the job market. Through a combination of latent semantic analysis of over 1600 job postings and iSchool course documentation, it is our aim to explore the intersection of library and information science and data science. Hopefully these research findings will guide future directions for library and information science professionals into data science driven roles, while also examining and highlighting the data science techniques currently driven by the education of iSchool professionals. In addition, it is our aim to understand how data science could benefit from a mutually symbiotic relationship with the field of information science as statistically data scientists spend far too much time working on data preparation and not nearly enough time conducting scientific inquiry. The results of this examination will potentially guide future directions of iSchool students and professionals towards more cooperative data science roles and guide future research into the intersection between iSchools and data science and possibilities for partnership.
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Organic food boom - Biofoodkonjunktur als Reaktion auf medial vermittelte Risiken beim Lebensmittelkonsum / vergleichende Analyse der Berichterstattung von Lebensmittelskandalen in deutschen und italienischen PrintmedienLippl, Maria 17 April 2012 (has links)
Seit Jahren lässt sich in Deutschland und Italien eine Zunahme des Biolebensmittelkonsums beobachten. Die Ursachen für diesen Anstieg werden in den meisten Analysen auf rationales Entscheidungsverhalten oder wissensbasierte Ansätze zurückgeführt. In dieser Arbeit wird hingegen von komplexen, wechselseitigen Zusammenhänge zwischen Handlungen auf individueller sowie kollektiver Ebene und der medialen Berichterstattung ausgegangen: Die gesamtgesellschaftliche und die individuelle Ebene sind durch die mediale Berichterstattung, hier insbesondere durch die Lebensmittelskandale, wechselseitig miteinander verknüpft, indem sie das Naturverhältnis und somit das Konsumverhalten in Bezug auf Essen öffentlich konstruieren. Das gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnis ist auf der einen Seite von sozialen Strukturen und auf der anderen Seite von kulturellen Vorlieben, die zusammen einen bestimmten ‚way of life’ ergeben, abhängig. Diese Annahme geht auf die Cultural Theory von Mary Douglas zurück. Um das Modell zu flexibilisieren und der Komplexität moderner Gesellschaften Rechnung zu tragen wurde der Gruppenbegriff der Cultural Theory in dieser Arbeit durch das Konzept der Netzwerke ersetzt. Aus Sicht der Netzwerkanalyse kann die soziale Umwelt als Muster von Beziehungen zwischen interagierenden Einheiten betrachtet werden. Die sogenannte phänomenologische Netzwerktheorie von Harrison White schenkt dabei aber nicht nur der das Individuum umgebenden Netzwerkstruktur Aufmerksamkeit, sondern auch der phänomenologischen Ebene von symbolischen Deutungsmustern und Praktiken. Durch die Berichterstattung in den Medien entstehen Koppelungen von Naturbildern, die erwarten lassen, dass sich auf der Mikroebene der VerbraucherInnen neue Anschlussmöglichkeiten für ihre Konsumentscheidungen ergeben, die die Grenzen des Biodiskurses über die engen Grenzen einer egalitaristischen ‚alternativen‘ Lebensform hinausschieben helfen. Aus diesem theoretischen Rahmen lässt sich die These der Arbeit ableiten, dass Biolebensmittel nicht mehr nur in den kreisförmigen/egalitären Netzwerken konsumiert werden, sondern der Biolebensmittelkonsum diese Grenzen über sogenannte ‚broker‘ durchbrochen hat. Dadurch wird er zunehmend auch in anderen Netzwerktypen (hierarchisch, sternförmig/indvidualistisch) praktiziert. Je institutionalisierter diese broker sind, um so schneller ist die Verbreitung des Biolebensmittelkonsums. Die These wird anhand einer Netzwerktextanalyse von Lebensmittelskandalen in Deutschland und Italien überprüft. / For many years there has been a rise in the consumption of organic food in Germany and Italy. The causes for this increase are usually illustrated by rational choice theories or knowledge-based approaches. In this research, however, it is assumed that the increase in consumption is based on a complex and reciprocal connection between an action on either an individual level and/or societal level and coverage in the media. The individual and societal levels are interlinked and influence each other while being externally influenced by news coverage, especially food scandals reported in the media, publicly constructing the relationship with nature and behaviour patterns in relation to food consumption. The societal relationship with nature is conditioned, on the one hand, by social structure and by cultural biases on the other, which form together a certain "way of life". These assumptions are based on the Cultural Theory by Mary Douglas. To better cope with the complexity of modern societies and to make the model by Mary Douglas more flexible, the concept of groups has been replaced by the concept of networks. In the perspective of network analysis, the societal environment can be seen as a pattern of relations between interacting entities. Thus the so-called Phenomenological Network Theory by Harrison White pays attention not only to the network structures, but also the phenomenological level of symbolic interpretative patterns and practices. When mass media platforms are coupled with images of nature which are expected to rise on the individual level, provide new connection opportunities for consumers and influence their decision making regarding consumption. These connections transcend the boundaries of egalitarian, ''alternative'' lifestyles. Following this theoretical framework, it can be derived that organic food is no longer consumed only in egalitarian networks, but has also crossed the boundaries into other network types via so-called ‚brokers‘ and is increasingly practiced in these other networks. The more institutionalized the "brokers" are, the faster the spread of organic food consumption becomes. These assumptions are empirically tested on the basis of Network Text Analysis of food scandals in the mass media in Germany and Italy.
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