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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Form and philosophy in Sándor Weöres' poetry

Fahlström, Susanna January 1999 (has links)
This dissertation, by presenting comprehensive analyses of six poems by the Hungarian poet Sándor Weöres, investigates the poetical forms and the poetical philosophies in these texts. The poems represent specific philosophic spheres of Weöres' poetry. The analyses emerge from the formal elements, and aim to shed light upon the structural coherences between the texts and their philosophical contexts. This method of analysis also complies with Weöres' views on the aesthetics of poetics and his method of writing, where form and structure always played an outstandingly important role. The complex methods used in the analyses are very much influenced by the views and methods of a text stylistics that looks at the literary work as a global entity. Taken together, these analyses illustrate the focal points of a remarkable poetical form and a most profound philosophical context in the poems of an outstanding Hungarian poet.

Svenska i engelskspråkig skolmiljö : Ämnesrelaterat språkbruk i två gymnasieklasser / Swedish in an English-language School Environment : Subject-based Language Use in Two Upper Secondary Classes

Lim Falk, Maria January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine how English-language teaching in Sweden influences the subject-based communicative competence and language development in Swedish of upper secondary students. The focus is thus on the students’ mother tongue, i.e. the language which gets limited in the teaching practice within so-called content- and language-integrated learning (CLIL). Data was primarily collected by participatory observation in two science program classes, one taught in English and one in Swedish, during their three years in upper secondary school. Additional data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, audio taping of classroom interaction and writing tasks. This created conditions for a comprehensive and nuanced description and interpretation of the linguistic behaviour of teachers and students in the CLIL practice, as well as of the experiences and perceptions they report. Studies were carried out on classroom practice, student texts, and teacher and student experiences of CLIL instruction. These were linked to activity analysis, systemic-functional linguistics and ethnography of communication, i.e. research areas that emphasise the interplay between language, communication and social situation. The general conclusions are: (1) CLIL students use less relevant subject-based language in speech and writing than do control students. This holds for all subjects except Swedish, where both CLIL and control students share linguistic conditions; (2) Swedish is a prerequisite for the students’ own active, subject-based participation in classroom interaction. There is almost no interaction when the language of instruction is English; (3) English is an obstacle, and is also considered as such. The students avoid using English, and the teachers consistently use code-switching strategies in response to the policy that “language should not be an obstacle”. The results suggest that the CLIL environment is less conducive to learning, given current learning theories that focus on active participation. In the already teacher-dominated classroom, the linguistic and interactional demands that come with CLIL teaching seem to add to the challenge of assimilating advanced subject instruction.

Ekonomiprogrammet 2011 - vad och för vem? : - En textanalys av gymnasieskolors broschyrer / Economics 2011 - What and for Whom? : - A text analysis of upper secondary school brochures

Bernengo, Maria-Eva, Venström, Kajsa January 2011 (has links)
Med avstamp i debatten kring gymnasieskolors marknadsföring och information gentemot elever, tog denna studie sin form. Studie- och yrkesvägledning är en profession som har att förhålla sig till hur information i gymnasieskolors broschyrer kan relateras till stödinsatser för elever som står inför ett gymnasieval. Syftet var att utifrån ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv belysa hur gymnasieskolors information i broschyrer 2011 kan relateras till elevers valhandlingar och marknadsföring av gymnasieutbildning. Genom tillämpning av en textanalytisk modell med fokus på en ideationell samt interpersonell struktur analyserades 52 broschyrer från gymnasieskolor som erbjuder Ekonomiprogrammet 2011 inom Stockholms Läns samverkansavtal. Resultat visade att vissa skolor inte följer statliga rekommendationer för hur Ekonomiprogrammet bör beskrivas gentemot elever samt att det definieras relativt olika i broschyrerna. De slutsatser som drogs var att gymnasieskolor appellerar till olika utbildningsaspirationer samt att eleverna betraktas som konsumenter, vilket kommer till uttryck genom olika immateriella erbjudanden från skolorna. / This study takes its point of departure in the ongoing debate on how upper secondary schools use marketing and information to attract future students. Career guidance is a profession that includes considerations about how information in schools’ brochures can relate to guidance support regarding educational choice. The aim of the study is, from a discourse-theoretical perspective, to illuminate how information in upper secondary school brochures of 2011 relates to educational choice, and also how upper secondary schools market themselves. By applying a text analysis model that focused on ideational and interpersonal structure, 52 brochures from schools in ‘Stockholms Län’ about the programme ‘Economics’ were analysed. Results show that not all upper secondary schools follow the national guidelines for how ‘Economics’ should be described in the brochures and that the descriptions of the programme varies. Conclusions of this study were that brochures of upper secondary schools appeal to different educational aspirations, and that students are seen as consumers to whom different intangibles are offered.

Läroplan för en ohållbar framtid? : En studie för att synliggöra förekomsten av hållbar utveckling i Lpo94 och Lgr11 samt den innehållsliga utvecklingen dem emellan / A curriculum for an unsustainable future? : A study to make the occurrence of sustainable development visible in Lpo94 and Lgr11 and if there has been any effectively changes between them.

Morén, Marie, Strömberg, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka förekomsten av hållbar utveckling i Lpo94, då vi utifrån våra erfarenheter inom skolan inte har sett någon undervisning för hållbar utveckling bedrivas. Ytterligare en anledning till att undersöka förekomsten är då Sverige ingår i flera internationella överenskommelser där det framkommer att undervisning för hållbar utveckling ska vara prioriterat. Då en ny läroplan, Lgr11, träder i kraft 1juli 2011 undersöktes även förekomsten av hållbar utveckling däri, då studien syftar till att undersöka huruvida det skett förändringar till fördel för undervisning för hållbar utveckling i Lgr11 i förhållande till Lpo94. Vid analysen av läroplanerna användes en metodtriangulering, i form av innehållsanalyser, textanalyser samt komparativa analyser. Inför analyserna fastställdes några kriterier som utgick från innebörden av hållbar utveckling, vilka hela studien sedan kom att bygga på. I resultatet framkom att hållbar utveckling förekommer i både Lpo94 samt i Lgr11 och att en mindre innehållslig utveckling har skett. I diskussionen belyses att alla delar, det vill säga de kriterier som studien utgick från, förekom, dock framkommer inte vikten av att undervisa för en hållbar utveckling utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. Vidare förs en diskussion kring de förändringar gällande hållbar utveckling som skett i Lgr11 i förhållande till Lpo94 samt vilka orsaker som kan finnas till att vissa lärare inte bedriver en undervisning för hållbar utveckling. / The aim of this study is to research what levels of teaching sustainable development issues are to be found within Lpo94. Based on our own experience within school, it appears that sustainable development is barely apparent. This is despite the fact that Sweden is party to international agreements where it is specifically laid down that education for sustainable development has to be prioritised witch is a second major reason for undertaking this study. Another reason for the study into how far sustainable development actually occurs within Lpo94 arises from the fact that a new curriculum, Lgr11, is due to come into force on 1 July 2011. The study therefore in addition aims to ascertain whether in the Lgr11 curriculum the issue of sustainable development has been sufficiently and effectively taken forward from Lpo94. A method triangle was used as a tool when analysing the curricula, in a form of content analysis, text analysis and comparative analysis. Certain criteria were determined before the commencement of further studies based on our definition of sustainable development, on which the whole study would later build. The results showed, out of the criteria that the study took as its starting point, that sustainable development does appear in both curricula and that a small degree of progress has been made in Lgr11, however the importance of teaching sustainable development taken in its entirety is not shown to have been established. The actual developments of the teaching of sustainable development issues from the first to the new curriculum is not effectively apparent, nor are the wider reasons and underlying causes as to why some teachers do not include sustainable development as part of the education.

"Kissing Cousins" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur homosexualitet framställs i utvalda anime och hur de behandlats i de amerikanska versionerna av dessa. / "Kissing Cousins" : A Critical Discourse Analysis of How Homosexuality is Represented in Selected Japanese Anime and How It Has Been Handled in the American Versions.

Pettersson, Hannes January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att se hur homosexuella diskurser är framställda i utvalda japanska tecknade TV-serier för barn, samt hur dessa ändrats när dessa TV-serier importerats till USA. Med utgångspunkt från Norman Faircloughs diskursanalytiska modell har nyckelscener från de utvalda TV-serierna Cardcaptor Sakura och Sailor Moon analyserats från ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. I de anime jag analyserat är homosexuella respektfullt gestaltade och det är sällan fokuserat på homosexualiteten. Dock förekommer vissa heteronormativa mönster som att maskulint och feminint kompletterar varandra även i samkönade par. Homosexualitet är dessutom inte alltid så tydligt framställt vilket kan tyda på osynliggörande eller inkludering på samma villkor som heterosexualitet. I de amerikanska versionerna har homosexualitet helt censurerats genom klipp i scener och ändrade dialoger. I ett fall har en man gjorts om till kvinna så att förhållandet istället blivit heterosexuellt och i ett annat fall har ett kärlekspar gjorts om till kusiner. / The purpose of the thesis is to explore how homosexual discourses are represented in chosen japanese children’s cartoons (anime) and how these have been altered when imported to the USA. With benchmark of Norman Fairclough’s discourse analysis model, key scenes from the chosen anime Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon have been analysed from a queer theoretical perspective. In the anime I have studied, homosexual characters are represented with respect and it's rarely focused on homosexuality. However, some heteronormative patterns appear in the sense of masculinity and femininity being supplements also when it comes to same-sex couples. Moreover homosexuality is not always obvious in it's representations, which can either be a sign of trying to make it invisible or include it on the same conditions as heterosexuality. In the American versions, homosexuality has been totally censored with methods such as scene cuts and altered dialouges. In one case a man was made into a woman, making the relationship heterosexual. In another case a couple was made into cousins instead of lovers.

探索性資料分析方法在文本資料中的應用─以「新青年」雜誌為例 / A Study of Exploratory Data Analysis on Text Data ── A Case study based on New Youth Magazine

潘艷艷, Pan, Yan Yan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟繁榮和網絡發展的日新月異,線上線下每時每刻都產生龐大數據,其中約有80%的文字、影像等非結構化數據,如何量化和採取適合的分析方法,成為有效提取有價值信息及對其加以利用的關鍵。針對文字類型的資料,本文提出探索性資料分析方法,並以《新青年》雜誌的語言變化為例,呈現如何選取文本特徵并对其量化及分析的過程。 首先,本文以卷為分析單位,多角度量化《新青年》雜誌各卷的文本結構,包括文本用字、用句、文言和白虛字使用以及常用字詞共用等方面,通過多種圖表相結合的呈現方式,窺探《新青年》雜誌語言變化歷程以及轉變特點。這其中既包括了對文言文到白話文轉變機制的探索,也包括白話語言演化的探索。其次,根據各卷初探的結果,尋找可區隔文言文和白話文兩種語言形式的文本特徵變數,再以《新青年》第一卷和第七卷為訓練樣本,結合主成分和羅吉斯迴歸,對文、白兩種語言形式的文章進行分類訓練,再利用第四卷進行測試。結果證實,所提取的文本變數能夠有效實現對文、白兩種語言形式的文章的區分。此外,本文亦根據前述初探結果以及人文學者經驗,探索《新青年》雜誌後期語言形式的變化,即從五四運動時期的白話文至以「紅色中文」為特徵的白話文(二戰之後中國使用的白話文)的變化。以第七卷和第十一卷為樣本進行訓練,結果證實這兩卷語言形式存在明顯區別;並加入台灣《聯合報》和中國大陸的《人民日報》進行分類預測,發現兩類報刊的語言偏向有明顯差異,值得後續深入研究。 / Tremendous data are produced every day, due to the rapid development of computer technology and economics. Unstructured data, such as text, pictures, videos, etc., account for nearly 80 percent of all data created. Choosing appropriate methods for quantifying and analyzing this kind of data would determine whether or not we can extract useful information. For that, we propose a standard operating process of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and use a case study of language changes in New Youth Magazine as a demonstration. First, we quantify the texts of New Youth magazine from different perspectives, including the uses of words, sentences, function words, and share of common vocabulary. We aim to detect the evolution of modern language itself as well as changes from traditional Chinese to modern Chinese. Then, according to the results of exploratory data analysis, we treat the first and seventh volumes of New Youth magazine for training data to develop classification model and apply the model to fourth volume (i.e., testing data). The results show that the traditional Chinese and modern Chinese can be successfully classified. Next, we intend to verify the changes from modern Chinese of the May 4th Movement to those by advocating Socialism. We treat the seventh volume and eleventh volume of New Youth magazine as training data and again develop a classification model. Then we apply this model to the United Daily News from Taiwan and People’s Daily from Mainland China. We found these two newspapers are very different and the style of United Daily News is closer to that of seventh volume, while the style of People’s Daily is more like that of eleventh volume. This indicates that the People’s Daily is likely to be influenced by the Soviet Union.

Facilitating African Language translation in the South African Department of Defence

Goussard-Kunz, Irene Maria 30 June 2003 (has links)
This study aimed to determine whether the current African language translation facilitation course (ALTFC) held at the Directorate Language Services (D Lang) is in tune with contemporary trends in translator training, as well as the needs of the South African Department of Defence (DOD) and ALTFC candidates. In order to accomplish these aims, the research methodology was divided into a theoretical component in the form of a literature survey and an empirical component by means of questionnaire research. While the literature survey revealed that with the exception of using corpora of parallel texts, the ALTFC largely follows contemporary trends in translator training, the questionnaire research identified four problem areas, i.e. feedback on practical work, the time factor, the candidates' English proficiency and teacher enthusiasm. Based on the theoretical and empirical findings, four new ALTFC models were developed. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / MA (Linguistics)

"Humankind before the flood" : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av retorik i en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio / "Humankind before the flood" : A qualitative study about the use of rhetoric in a documentary film by and with Leonardo DiCaprio

Björnberg, Nana, Hansen, Jonna January 2018 (has links)
Följande studie undersökte Before the Flood, en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio, utifrån ett retoriskt perspektiv. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om och i så fall på vilket sätt Leonardo DiCaprio, experter och skaparna bakom dokumentärfilmen använde retoriska strategier för att förstärka Before the Flood’s budskap och verka övertygande inför sin publik. Som metod tillämpade studien kvalitativ textanalys och de tre grundläggande appellformerna, visuell retorik samt argumentation var studiens analysverktyg. Analysen resulterade i nio olika analysenheter, tre för varje analysverktyg. Fokus lades på de tre grundläggande appellformerna: ethos, logos och pathos. Analysen fokuserade på visuella bilder, kroppsspråk och gestikulering samt kameravinklar inom visuell retorik. Bildargumentation, hotargumentation samt auktoritetsargumentation var de tre analysenheterna för argumentationsdelen. Vidare diskuterades användningen av inflytelserika personer som argument för förändring i ett visst beteende och hur användningen av retoriken kan spela en betydande roll för förstärkandet av budskapet. Resultatet visade att retoriska strategier används i Before the Flood. Både DiCaprio och experterna använder retoriska appellformer och olika typer av argument för att verka övertygande inför tittarna. Studien visade också att det fanns ett samspel mellan de retoriska appellformerna och argumentationen. Samspelet var viktigt för att förstärka dokumentärfilmens anspelning på känslor och dess trovärdighet. Slutligen har dokumentärfilmens skapare tillämpat visuella medel för att förstärka appellformerna och argumentationen, vilket resulterade i att budskapet i Before the Flood förstärktes. / Following study examined Before the Flood, a documentary film by and with Leonardo DiCaprio, from a rhetorical perspective. The purpose of the study was to see if and in what ways Leonardo DiCaprio, experts and the creators of the documentary film applied rhetorical strategies to strengthen the message of Before the Flood and how to seem convincing to the audience. The study applied a qualitative text analysis as a method and the three appeal forms, visual rhetoric and argumentation were the analysis tools of the study. The result showed nine different analysis units, three for each analysis tool. Focus was put on ethos, logos and pathos as the rhetoric’s three different appeal forms. It also focused on visual images, body language and camera angles. Furthermore, the analysis focused on three different kinds of argumentation: images, threats and authorities. The study discussed the use of influential people as an argument to convince viewers to change in certain behaviour. Further, the study discussed how the use of rhetoric could play a major role in the strengthening of the message. The result showed that rhetorical strategies are used in Before the Flood. Both DiCaprio and the experts are using the rhetoric appeal forms and different kinds of arguments to seem convincing to the audience. The study demonstrated that there is an interaction between the rhetorical appeal forms and the argumentation, and the interaction is important to strengthen the emotions and the credibility of the documentary film. Lastly, the creators of Before the Flood have also applied visual tools to strengthen the emotions and argumentation, which resulted in a more reinforcing message.

Gratis medlemskap! : En språkvetenskaplig studie av genre, diskurs och identitetsskapande i presentationen av kundklubbar / Free membership! : A linguistic study of genre, discourse and construction of identity in the self-presentation of a customer club

Liedberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Denna språkvetenskapliga studie syftar till att synliggöra och diskutera kring hur olika genredrag, diskurser och identiteter tas i uttryck genom kundklubbars självpresentationer. Detta för att se på vilket sätt kundklubbar framställer sig själva i jakten på att värva, behålla och främja lojala kunder. I studien deltar åtta företag, vars kundklubbar har presenterats textuellt på respektive företags hemsida. För att hitta betydelsebärande moment i texterna har den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken tillämpats, och genom interpersonella och ideationella textanalyser har genredrag och diskurser synliggjorts. Det dras även paralleller till hur genredragen kan fungera identitetsskapande, och det diskuteras utifrån detta om hur kundklubben skapar en åtråvärd identitet både hos sig själv och sina medlemmar. Detta kopplas även till riktlinjer inom reklamgenren. Resultatet visar en tydlig struktur där kunder erbjuds exklusiva förmåner och en åtråvärd identitet i utbyte mot att registrera sig i klubben. Medlemmar intar en passiv roll som ansträngningslöst får eller tjänar på klubbens alla fördelar, medan kundklubbarna framställs som aktiva skapare och resursrika försörjare. Här framträder även en säljdiskurs, som ställs i kontrast till en dold konsumtionsdiskurs. Negativa aspekter, så som kostnader och villkor, osynliggörs och fokus ligger snarast på att beskriva den positiva upplevelsen och lönsamheten med att vara medlem i kundklubben. / This linguistic study aims to find, highlight and discuss how different genre features, discourses and identities are constructed in text based self-presentations of a customer club. The purpose is to see how these presentations are produced in the quest to recruit, retain and promote loyal customers. The study involves eight companies, whose customer clubs has been presented textually on each company's website. To find important features in the texts, the systemic-functional grammar is applied, and through interpersonal- and ideation text analyzes, the genre features and discourses can be identified. Parallels are also drawn to the genre features connection and creation in works of identity. A comparison to the advertising genre is also made. Based on this, a discussion of what linguistic methods customer clubs use to create a desirable identity both in themselves and their members, becomes a central part in the analysis. The result shows that there is a clear structure, in which customers are offered exclusive benefits and a coveted identity in exchange for enrolling in the club. In the presentations, members play a passive role that effortlessly gets or earns all the listed benefits while the customer clubs on the other hand, are portrayed as an active and resourceful distributor. A sales discourse also emerges here, which contrasts with a hidden consumption discourse. Negative aspects, such as costs and conditions, are made invisible and the presentation mainly focuses on describing the positive experience and all the benefits of being a member of the customer club.

Justifying Operation Iraqi Freedom - A Study of Moral Metaphors in Political Statements

Beganovic, Armin January 2006 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the way George W. Bush used moral metaphors to intensify the language in his statements on Operation Iraqi Freedom. Three moral metaphors are presented within two different models that are applied on the data. The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the data is collected from the official White House website. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it. The main question: In what way did George W. Bush use moral metaphors in his statements to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom?, resulted in use of moral metaphors that sermons people’s moral values, depict Saddam Hussein’s characteristics as immoral, activate people’s moral priorities to help the Iraqi people, and addresses both conservatives and liberals in America. The conclusion of my study is that President Bush deliberately intensified the language in his statements through moral metaphors to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom. Keywords: Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor, Figurative Language, Operation Iraqi Freedom, War on Terror, George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, USA, Iraq, Qualitative Text Analysis, Hermeneutics.

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