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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det går om vi gör det tillsammans." En innehållsanalys om framingens roll inom kriskommunikationen under covid-19 / "It's possible if we do it together." A content analysis of Region Västerbotten's framing in crisis communication during covid-19

Näslund, Emma January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, research has focused more on the importance of language in crisis communication instead of just developing frameworks and strategies. A phenomenon that has recently become a relevant part of this is Framing theory and how this tool can change individual behaviors in situations that require such input. This paper aims to investigate the use of framing within a swedish region’s, Region Västerbotten, crisis communication during covid-19. This in order to underline the importance of language in communication for crises with uncertain time courses. This study examines the region’s press conferences and press releases in order to crystallize important themes related to framing. The method used for this purpose is qualitative content analysis. The results of this study show that the region has used framing to a large extent in terms of measures and facts. This communication has changed over time from being more individual-oriented and rational during the pre-crisis stage, to focus more on measures and used emotional stories during the acute and chronic phases of the crisis. In resolving the crisis, the region has hardly used this type of framing at all. This can be explained by the fact that the communication followed the development of the crisis and used more measures when the individuals in society needed to change their behavior.

Donald Trumps definition av COVID-19 via Twitter : En studie som undersöker hur Donald Trump definierar en pandemi på Twitter.

Bergstedt, Sophie, Bäcklin Neijnes, Cajsalisa January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine Donald Trump's political communication regarding COVID-19 on Twitter during the time period 01-01-2020 to 30-09-2020. This study is motivated by the importance of analyzing Trump's power of definition regarding the situation surrounding the national crisis caused by COVID-19. The research questions include aspects of identifying frequent problem definitions, who is responsible for various crisis and whether Trump is motivating it, all provided through Trump’s tweets during the time period of the study.  The theoretical framework is constructed based on Entman (1993) as well as Matthes and Kohring (2008) to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer the research questions. The method is based on quantitative content analysis with qualitative elements. The method provided the ability to focus on the most frequent themes and topics. The analytical categories that have been used are: problem identification, problem definition, treatment recommendation, distribution of responsibility and whether it is motivated or not.  Findings of the most frequent societal crises were: Health crisis, Invisible Enemy-crisis and Information-crisis. Based on these three frames were identified: China is responsible for causing a Health crisis in the USA, China is responsible for causing the Invisible enemy-crisis in the USA and The spreading of disinformation by certain actors is harmful for the USA. With support of previous research of Donald Trump's political communication and usage of Twitter, this study highlights the importance of critically analyzing Trump, belonging to the political elite, how he uses his power to define COVID-19.

Sveriges grönaste stad? : En studie om grönområdens värde och plats i Göteborg / Sweden's greenest city? : A study of green spaces' value and place in Gothenburg

Abraham, Mimmi, Thyr, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Grönområden i urbana miljöer bidrar med många centrala funktioner vilka är livsviktiga för både djur och människor, exempelvis biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster och positiva hälsoeffekter. Förekomsten av grönområden och dess funktioner hotas däremot av den snabba globala urbaniseringen som ger upphov till förändrad markanvändning. Enligt Göteborgs Stads lokala miljömål ämnar staden att bli ekologiskt hållbar till år 2030 och detta ska uppnås genom en ökad biologisk mångfald och bevarande av grönområden. Göteborg har blivit utnämnd till Sveriges grönaste stad, men samtidigt har grönområdena minskat mellan åren 1986-2019 och fortsätter att minska på grund av exploatering. Syftet med examensarbetet var därmed att öka kunskapen om vad som ger upphov till att det tas beslut som orsakar reducering av urbana grönområden trots uppsatta mål för bevarande av dessa, vilket var ett eftersatt forskningsområde. För att uppnå syftet användes en induktiv kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet analyserades genom miljöpsykologiska, miljöetiska och policyteorier, nämligen värden, goal-framing theory, värdepluralism och lömska problem. Studien kom fram till att Göteborgs stadsplanering innefattade flera lömska problem och värdekonflikter vilka uttrycktes genom målkonflikter, som tillsammans med starka hedonistiska och egoistiska värden samt vinstdrivande mål hade en negativ inverkan på förekomsten av Göteborgs grönområden. / Green spaces in urban areas contribute with many key functions that are vital for both animals and humans, such as biodiversity, ecosystem services and positive health effects. However, the existence of green spaces and their functions are threatened by the rapid global urbanization that is causing land use changes. According to the City of Gothenburg’s local environmental goals, the city aims to become ecologically sustainable by the year of 2030 through increased biodiversity and nature conservation. Gothenburg has been named as Sweden's greenest city, although the green spaces in Gothenburg have decreased between the years 1986–2019 and will continue to decline due to exploitation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was thus to increase knowledge about what stimulates decisions that cause a reduction of green spaces in Gothenburg despite set conservation goals, which was a neglected research area. To achieve the purpose, an inductive qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed through theories of environmental psychology, environmental ethics and policy, namely values, goal-framing theory, value pluralism and wicked problems. The study concluded that Gothenburg's urban planning included several wicked problems and value conflicts that were expressed through goal conflicts, which negatively affected Gothenburg’s green spaces. Furthermore, strong hedonistic and egoistic values as well as gain goals, also had a negative impact on the existence of Gothenburg's green spaces.

Vi svenskar och de där flyktingarna : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsundersökning av flyktingrapporteringen före och efter det att Sverige införde gränskontroller i november 2015 / Us Swedes and those refugees : A quantitative and qualitative content study of the reports on refugees prior to and after border controls were enforced by the Swedish government in november 2015

Wiberg, Natalie January 2016 (has links)
Den här undersökningen gjordes för att ta reda på om svensk flyktingrapportering ändrades efter det att Sverige införde gränskontroller den 12 november 2015. Syftet var att se om rapporteringen ändrades när det politiska läget och opinionen ändrades, men även att generellt se hur flyktingrapporteringen ser ut. Både kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning gjordes. I den kvantitativa undersökningen jämfördes 50 artiklar från september 2015 med 50 artiklar från januari 2015. Variablerna togs fram bland annat med hjälp av gestaltningsteorin och orientalism, som båda är delar av undersökningens teoretiska ramverk. Sedan undersöktes artiklarna kvalitativt genom en kombinerad diskurs- och framinganalys för att på ett djupare plan ta reda på hur flyktingfrågan och flyktingar beskrivs. Resultaten ger en indikation på att det skett en förändring mellan september 2015 och januari 2016. Flyktingarna beskrevs bland annat mer frekvent som passiva, och mer sällan som individer. Mer generellt visar resultaten att flyktingarna oftast beskrevs som en grupp utan någon identitet. Adjektiv som kan väcka identifikation användes sällan för att beskriva flyktingarna. De beskrevs istället med adjektiv som ensamkommande och asylsökande. Den mest förekommande benämningen på flyktingar var just ordet flyktingar, följt av flyktingbarn och asylsökande. Flyktingarna beskrivs ofta som passiva i artiklarna, och de citeras sällan. De som citeras mest i artiklarna är myndighetspersoner och politiker. Dessa resultat pekar på att svenska journalister, omedvetet eller medvetet, skapar en bild av verkligheten där orientalismens mönster av världen finns kvar. Det skapas en gräns mellan ”vi svenskar” och ”de där flyktingarna”. Denna gräns förstärktes efter gränskontrollernas införande. / The aim of this study was to find out whether Swedish news reports on refugees changed after border controls were enforced on the 12th of November 2015, and thereby investigate if the changed political policies had any effect in the news reporting. Another aim was to study the general patterns in the news. Both qualitative and quantitative researches were made. Regarding the quantitative research, 50 articles from September 2015 were compared with 50 articles from January 2016. The variables were designed by means of framing theory and orientalism, both being parts of the theory framework of this study. Then the articles were analyzed qualitatively with a combined discourse and framing analysis to find out on a deeper level how refugees and the refugee situation in Sweden were described. The results indicate that there has been a change in the reporting between September 2015 and January 2016. The refugees were more frequently described as passive, and more seldom as individuals. More general, the results illustrated that, in most cases, refugees are described as a group without an identity. Identity-generating adjectives were sporadically used to describe them. Instead, they were associated to adjectives like ensamkommande (unaccompanied) and asylsökande (~asylum seeker). The most common word to describe refugees was flyktingar (refugees), followed by flyktingbarn (refugee children) and asylsökande (asylum seekers). Most frequently quoted people in the articles were government officials as well as politicians. These results indicate that Swedish journalists, consciously or not, are creating a picture of the world were the lines of orientalism still persist. A demarcation line between “us swedes” and “those refugees” is created. This line became more distinct after border controls were enforced.

Newspapers, frames & King : A qualitative framing analysis of how Martin Luther King Jr. was portrayed in three U.S. Newspapers & how this relates to the ESL classroom

Abdiladif, Abdullahi January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this piece of research is to analyze how Martin Luther King Jr. was portrayed in three U.S newspapers based on framing theory. Through the use of qualitative frame analysis, ten newspaper articles are studied from the period 20/04/1967-11/05/1967. The dates were selected in relation to King’s public opposition to the Vietnam war. The results show that the articles are in most cases characterized by a focus on difference of opinion, polemic responses, and appeals to MLK to stop opposing the war. When understood from the lens of framing theory, this way of writing has been termed the conflict frame. Furthermore, three classroom tasks related to the newspaper articles are suggested. These activities are based on the Swedish curriculum for teaching English as a second language, schema theory, and framing theory.

Framing Climate Change : A study of the climate change coverage in a Swedish daily newspaper between 1992-2018 / Framing Climate Change : A study of the climate change coverage in s Swedish daily newspaper between 1992-2018

Englund, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how Dagens Nyheter uses frames when covering climate change between 1992-2018. Reports from IPCC has shown that the scientists has become more convinced over the years about the causes and effects of climate change. That makes it relevant to study if Dagens Nyheter has changed their coverage as media has the power to convey their content in many ways. This study uses framing theory which suggests that media can select some aspects of the reality, thus making them more salient in text. A quantitative content analysis was used on 550 articles, which answered to multiple questions in a coding-manual to see which frame, out of five, was used in that article. The five frames in the coding-manual was The responsibility frame, The conflict frame, The human interest frame, The economy/consequence frame and The ecology/science frame. The study showed that there were a wider spread of frames between 1992-1998, with The responsibility frame, The economy/consequence frame and The conflict frame most frequently present. However, 2000-2018 was dominated by The responsibility frame which means that the government is responsible, suggests solutions to the climate change or calls for urgent actions.

Hur slutdebatterna och Sverigedemokraterna gestaltades i SVT valen: 2010, 2014 och 2018

Liderfors Westholm, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Trots att gestaltningsteorin har varit en av de mest använda teorierna inom medieforskning de senaste decennierna så finns det relativt få kvalitativa analyser av politiska debatter, och ännu färre politiska slutdebatter. Sverigedemokraterna har de senaste åren jobbat för att bli mer socialt accepterade och blev i riksdagsvalet 2014 Sveriges tredje största parti. I dag är Sverigedemokraterna Sveriges snabbast växande parti, trots detta finns det relativt lite forskning kring hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltas i politiska debatter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de politiska frågorna i SVT:s slutdebatter 2010, 2014 och 2018 gestaltas, samt att se hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltas i debatterna. Metod och material: Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Mitt material har varit SVT:s slutdebatter 2010, 2014 och 2018. Huvudresultat: Huvudresultatet från min studie visar att de politiska frågorna från slutdebatten 2010 var övervägande politisk sakgestaltade. I slutdebatten 2014 var frågorna endast spelgestaltade, och i slutdebatten 2018 var de politiska frågorna övervägande sakgestaltade, med inslag av spelgestaltning. Sverigedemokraterna gestaltades negativt i samtliga slutdebatter.

Samsyn som grund till förändring? : En studie om vad som skapar samsyn och dess betydelse i förändringsprocesser

Feller, Marko, Löfgren, David January 2013 (has links)
Globalization has among other tendencies led to the emergence of new ways of doing business. One of the ways for organizations to meet the demands of a new competitive landscape has been through management accounting change, a field which has become increasingly popular in research. This paper builds on that research and seeks to investigate the case of the implementation of a new management accounting system in a Swedish company which was triggered by strategic change. Commonality through the interactive approach is by some researchers seen as a key to successful change. This approach is contrasted to the importance of symbolic constructs and change recipients’ cognitive effort to understand the meaning of change for which Framing theory is applied. The paper comes to the conclusion that both approaches are necessary in a change process, and shows further that their usage will depend on the process’ timeframe and change recipients’ position in the organization.

Who is my Neighbor?: Framing Atlanta's Movement to End Homelessness, 1900-2005

Holland, William Wyatt 01 December 2009 (has links)
This study examines framing strategies employed by the social movement responding to homelessness in Atlanta, Georgia over the course of the 20th century. Drawing on archival records, media accounts and interviews with religious, business and government leaders, this longitudinal case study documents the varied casts of individuals and groups responding to the visible poor on the streets of the city. At the forefront of this project were religious groups serving variously as agents of social control or prophets calling for justice. Social movement framing theory, supplemented by resource mobilization and political opportunity theories, are applied to analyze movement processes. Framing theory provides an explanation for the coordination of collective action in social movements. However, the processes by which movements develop, contest and subsequently transform frames have received little scholarly attention and remain central questions for framing theory. This study addresses these questions. Analytically, I consider the movement in two waves: 1) an early movement dating from 1900 to 1970 and, 2) a modern movement covering the years from 1975 to 2005. In each period movement leaders adopted diagnostic, prognostic and motivational frames to organize and direct their actions. In the first wave, the Salvation Army and Union Mission drew on frames of sin and redemption to develop specialized, separate institutions and programs for the visible poor. The second wave of the movement developed its framing by incorporating elements from the civil rights movement, liberation theology and the Catholic Worker traditions. Religious leaders developed a church based, volunteer run shelter system providing free emergency night shelter to homeless persons. Freezing deaths on the streets of the city in 1981 led to rapid diffusion of church-based sheltering and adoption of a crisis/disaster frame. Central to these developments was a core group of religious leaders bringing a variety of personal experiences and visions to sheltering. The experience of sheltering and the confrontations with downtown business and political leaders fostered the development of frames with greater complexity and highlighted internal contradictions in the movement. New frames explaining homelessness variously emphasized either structural (injustice) or individual (disability) factors leading to framing conflicts within the movement.

Sagan om de två tornen : En jämförande fallstudie av hur 11 september-attackerna gestaltades i svensk och brittisk morgonpress / The Two Towers : A comparative case study of how the September 11 attacks were framed in Swedish and British newspapers

Nordström, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur 11 september-attackerna gestaltades i svensk och brittisk morgonpress en vecka efter händelserna. Tyngdpunkten i undersökningen ligger på jämförelsen mellan tidningarnas gestaltningar av händelserna. Frågeställningar: Hur gestaltas nyheten veckan efter katastrofen? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan tidningarnas gestaltningar? Hur ser förhållandet mellan text respektive bilder/nyhetsgrafik ut i de båda tidningarna? Teori: Studiens teoretiska ramverk är gestaltningsteorin och främst Robert Entmans modeller. Gestaltningsteorin handlar om mediernas inflytande över hur människor upplever och uppfattar den verklighet vi lever i. Då studien är en jämförelse mellan svensk och brittisk dagspress kontextualiseras studien genom en skildring av situationen för dagspressen i respektive land. Metod: Uppsatsen har undersökt gestaltningar i medieinnehåll genom att använda kvantitativ innehållsanalys som metod för insamling av empiriskt material. Materialet utgörs av samtliga artiklar om 11 september-attackerna i Dagens Nyheter och The Guardian från 2001-09-12 och en vecka framåt. Analysen är utförd på 191 artiklar. Resultat: Förekomst av konfliktgestaltning, human interest-gestaltning, ansvarsgestaltning och ekonomisk konsekvensgestaltning identifierades i båda tidningar. De förstnämnda accentueras mer i The Guardian medan ekonomisk konsekvensgestaltning förekom i högre utsträckning i DN. Indikationer på förekomst av moralgestaltning fanns i The Guardian men kunde inte bekräftas. Även andra faktorer som påverkar nyhetsgestaltningen identifierades. Undersökningen visade även att texten och bilderna i anslutning i viss mån förutsätter varandra då de stärker varandras gestaltningar. Utrymmet för själva artiklarna varierade stort mellan tidningarna. The Guardian hade fler utrymmeskrävande artiklar såväl som bilder. / Purpose: The study aims to shed light on how the September 11 attacks were framed in Swedish and British newspapers one week after the events occured. The main focus of the study is to compare the newspapers' framing of the events. Issues: In what ways are the news portrayed during the week after the events occured? What similarities and differences are there between the newspapers' framings of the events? How much space does text and images/news graphics occupy in the two papers? Theory: The study's theoretical framework is framing theory, mainly Robert Entmans ideas about the different depictions of media. Framing theory is all about how the media influence the way people experience and perceive the reality we live in. Since the study aims to compare Swedish and British newspapers, a contextualisation is performed through a depiction of the situation of the press in Sweden and the UK. Method: The essay has examined the framings in media content by using quantitative content analysis as a method for collecting empirical data. The material consists of all items on the September 11 attacks in Dagens Nyheter and The Guardian, from the date 2001-09-12 and a week ahead. The analysis was conducted on 191 articles. Results: Conflict frame, human interest frame, responsibility frame and economic consequences frame were identified in both newspapers. The former were accentuated in The Guardian. Economic consequences frame was more common in DN. Indications of morality framing were found in the Guardian, but could not be confirmed. In addition, factors having effect on news framing were identified. The study also revealed that text and images presuppose each other while reinforcing each other's frames. The space for the articles themselves varied considerably between the papers. The Guardian contained more space demanding articles as well as images.

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