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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


KELLY MURAT DUARTE 21 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese apresenta uma análise do Sistema de Justiça Juvenil brasileiro, com foco nos aminhos percorridos pelos adolescentes na fase de apuração do ato considerado infracional. A pesquisa foi construída com uma abordagem qualitativa e fundamentou-se no materialismo histórico-dialético, com base nos estudos da criminologia crítica. Foram utilizadas como fontes de investigação: observação participante; análise de relatórios técnicos sobre as unidades socioeducativas de acautelamento, elaborados pela equipe técnica de Serviço Social do Ministério Público do RJ e entrevista com profissional do Sistema Socioeducativo do DEGASE. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar o Sistema de Justiça Juvenil, a fim de compreender como o funcionamento, condições de atendimentos, rotinas, fluxos, decisões e demais ações são operacionalizados pelos órgãos do Sistema de Justiça Juvenil, à luz dos instrumentos normativos vigentes. Os resultados demonstraram como o Estado, mesmo com o avanço dos instrumentos normativos de proteção à infância e juventude, criminaliza os adolescentes mais pobres e impõe uma seletividade punitiva racializada para absorvê-los no Sistema de Justiça Juvenil. Uma vez inseridos nas engrenagens do sistema, foi possível constatar a dimensão da violência institucional que atravessa todos os caminhos da apreensão, internação provisória, até a realização das audiências - período em que ainda estão sob a garantia constitucional de presunção de inocência. Nesses casos, opera-se uma punição antecipada de uma infração ainda não julgada, que se naturaliza no cotidiano dos órgãos que compõem esse sistema e se materializa em um cenário de violação de direitos individuais e coletivos, que reforça o processo de desumanização e a banalização de suas vidas. / [en] This Thesis presents an analysis of the Brazilian Juvenile Justice System, focusing on the paths taken by teenagers in the investigation phase of the act considered infraction. The research was built with a qualitative approach and was based on historical-dialectical materialism, based on critical criminology studies. The following research sources were used: participant observation; analysis of technical reports on the socio-educational precautionary units, prepared by the technical team of Social Service of the Public Ministry of RJ and interview with a professional from the Socio-educational System of DEGASE. The general objective of the research is to analyze the Juvenile Justice System, to understand how the functioning, conditions of services, routines, flows, decisions, and other actions are operated by the Juvenile Justice System bodies, in the light of the normative instruments in force. The results showed how the State, even with the advance of normative instruments to protect children and youth, criminalizes the poorest adolescents and imposes a racialized punitive selectivity to absorb them in the Juvenile Justice System. Once inserted into the gears of the system, it was possible to verify the dimension of institutional violence that crosses all paths from apprehension, provisional internment, until the holding of hearings - a period in which they are still under the constitutional guarantee of presumption of innocence. In these cases, there is an early punishment of an infraction not yet judged, which is naturalized in the daily life of the bodies that make up this system and materializes in a scenario of violation of individual and collective rights, which reinforces the process of dehumanization and the trivialization of their lives.


SILVANA BARROS DOS SANTOS TEIXEIRA 16 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] O depoimento especial, no Brasil, tem sido tema de muitos debates há quase duas décadas, principalmente, entre profissionais de Serviço Social, Psicologia e Direito que atuam no campo da proteção de direitos de crianças e adolescentes. A presente dissertação teve por finalidade identificar e analisar elementos indicativos de tensionamentos entre o princípio da proteção integral e violação de direitos presentes nas práticas dos agentes atuantes em depoimento especial. Para tanto, foram abordados aspectos relativos à infância e à adolescência; à tutela do Estado realizada pelo Sistema de Justiça; à proteção integral de crianças e adolescentes; às violações de direitos a que são submetidos, especialmente a violência sexual; ao campo jurídico do tribunal; e às relações estabelecidas neste campo entre agentes institucionais, vítimas e acusados. Para construção do corpus da pesquisa foram selecionados processos judiciais oriundos de varas criminais da Comarca da Capital, que continham depoimentos de crianças ou adolescentes vítimas. Para sistematização e análise do material selecionado, foi empregada a técnica de análise documental em diálogo com contribuições teóricas e metodológicas de Pierre Bourdieu, no que se refere ao habitus, campo e capital, bem como estudos sobre infância, sociedade e sistema de justiça. Os resultados encontrados sistematizaram a presença de oito elementos indicativos de tensionamentos na condução da prática judicial do depoimento especial, demonstrando a existência de um potencial latente de violação tanto dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes, como de garantias dos acusados, mesmo em ações voltadas à proteção, e evidenciando que o habitus sócio-historicamente construído ao longo do processo de formação da sociedade e das instituições incide fortemente nas relações sociais empreendidas no campo analisado. / [en] In Brazil, Special Testimony has been the subject of many debates among professionals who work with Children and Adolescents rights protection, particularly, in the areas of Social Work, Psychology and Law School for almost two decades. The aim of this work is to identify and analyze indicative elements of tension between the Full Protection principle and the violation of rights present in the actions of Special Testimony agents. Therefore, aspects related to childhood and adolescence were addressed; as well as the State tutelage executed by the Justice System; the full protection of children and adolescents; the violations of rights to which they are subjected, especially about sexual violence; the legal field of the Court; and the relations established in this context between the institutional agents, the victims and the defendants. Legal proceedings conducted by Criminal Courts of the Federal District involving the testimony of children or adolescents as victims were selected to build the corpus of the research. The selected data was organized and analyzed using the documentary analysis technique in conjunction with theoretical contributions by Pierre Bourdieu on the habitus, field and capital, as well as studies on childhood, society and the justice system. The results showed the presence of eight indicative elements of tension in the Special Testimony judicial practice which demonstrates a latent potential for violation of the children and adolescents’ rights and the defendants rights, even on protection judicial proceedings; making evident the social-historical habitus built throughout the society and its institutions formation process has a strong impact on the social relations undertaken in the analyzed field.

Les personnes ayant un trouble mental et la justice : du contact policier à la mise en accusation

Latulippe, Marjolie 12 1900 (has links)
Une prise en charge inadéquate des personnes atteintes d’un trouble mental par le système de justice pénale a été soulevée il y a plus de 60 ans. Celle-ci est toujours présente aujourd’hui. Effectivement, les personnes atteintes d’un trouble mental sont surreprésentées sur tout le continuum des procédures judiciaires pénales. La littérature révèle plusieurs facteurs associés à divers contacts avec le système de justice. Ceux-ci sont toutefois étudiés, la plupart du temps, distinctement les uns des autres (p. ex. contact avec les services policiers, arrestation, mise en accusation) plutôt que comme faisant partie d’un continuum de progression au sein du système de justice pénale (p. ex., progression d’un contact avec les services policiers à une arrestation). Ce mémoire vise deux objectifs. Premièrement, il vise à cerner les facteurs identifiés dans la littérature qui sont associés à la décision policière d’arrêter un individu atteint d’un trouble mental. Deuxièmement, il vise à identifier les facteurs associés à la progression d’individus atteints d’un trouble mental à travers le système de justice pénale jusqu’à la mise en accusation, soit la progression a) d’aucun contact avec les services policiers à un contact avec les services policiers; b) d’un contact avec les services policiers à une arrestation; et c) d’une arrestation à une mise en accusation. Une revue systématique a été réalisée pour répondre au premier objectif. Un total de 19 études a été identifié parmi quatre bases de données bibliographiques. Le deuxième objectif a été adressé par le biais d’analyses secondaires des données du projet AMONT, un projet sur la stabilité résidentielle de 478 individus faisant une première utilisation significative des services en santé mentale. Les données sociodémographiques, psychosociales et cliniques autorapportées de contacts avec les services policiers, d’arrestations et de mises en accusation au cours des six mois précédant le premier contact avec les services en santé mentale ont été colligées. Des régressions logistiques ont été effectuées pour vérifier la progression des individus à travers les premières étapes du système de justice pénale. Les résultats de ce mémoire suggèrent que chacune des premières étapes de progression dans le système de justice pénale présente des facteurs de risques distincts. Plusieurs des facteurs significativement associés à la progression d’aucun contact avec les services policiers à un contact avec les services policiers pourraient l’être en raison d’une situation de crise. De plus, les résultats soulignent l’importance de la perception des policiers dans la décision de procéder à une arrestation et cela, au-delà de caractéristiques objectives ou autorapportées des personnes atteintes d’un trouble mental. On peut émettre l’hypothèse que, de la même façon que les perceptions des policiers peuvent influencer la décision de procéder à l’arrestation, les perceptions des procureurs pourraient influencer la décision de porter des accusations. Plus de recherche est nécessaire pour vérifier l’impact de la perception des acteurs judiciaires sur la progression dans le système de justice pénale des personnes atteintes d’un trouble mental. Si les perceptions sont aussi importantes que le suggère ce mémoire, il serait important de complémenter les programmes de diversion par des formations pour informer les acteurs du système de justice pénale de l’impact de leurs perceptions sur leurs décisions. / About 60 years ago light was shed on an inadequate processing of persons with mental illness through the criminal justice system. This phenomenon is still of concern nowadays. In fact, persons with mental illness are overrepresented all along the continuum of contacts with the criminal justice system. However, these contacts are mostly studied as discrete events (e.g., contact with police services, arrest, indictment) rather than as being part of a continuum representing a movement through the criminal justice system (e.g., progression from a contact with police services to an arrest). The first objective of this research project is to identify, in the literature, factors associated with the decision of police officers to arrest persons with mental illness. The second objective is to identify, among persons with mental illness, factors associated with proceeding from: 1) no contact with police services to a contact with police services; 2) a contact with police services to an arrest; and 3) an arrest to an indictment. A systematic review was made to pursue the first objective. A total of 19 studies were identified from four databases. To address the second objective, secondary analysis of the baseline data from the AMONT project were made. This project examined residential stability of 478 first-time mental health service users. Sociodemographic, psychosocial, and self-reported data regarding contacts with police services, arrests and indictments in the six months prior to the first interview were collected. Logistic regressions were conducted in order to assess the flow through the different stages of the criminal justice system. Findings of this research project suggest that the movement through each stage presents distinctive risk factors. Several factors significantly associated with the flow from no contact with police services to a contact with police services might be caused by mental health crisis. Moreover, results highlight that perceptions of police officers’ might have a greater impact on the flow from a contact with police services to an arrest than actual or self-reported characteristics of persons with mental illness. Results also enable to suggest that, in the same way police officers’ perception can influence police officers’ decision to arrest, perceptions of prosecutors might influence the flow from an arrest to an indictment. More research should be done on the weight of judicial actors’ perception in trajectories of persons with mental illness through the criminal justice system. If their weight is proven to be substantial, diversion programs would benefit to be supported by judicial actors training on the impact of their perceptions on their decisions.

Sexuellt gränslösa flickor och farliga pojkar : En textanalytisk studie om omhändertagande av flickor och pojkar enligt 3 § LVU / Sexually unlimited girls and dangerous boys : A text-analytical study on custody of girls and boys according to 3 § care of young person’s act (LVU)

Fagervall, Josefin, Andersson, Malva January 2023 (has links)
Varje år är tusentals barn och unga placerade enligt LVU. Bland dessa unga har tidigare studier visat på att ett flertal flickor omhändertas på felaktiga grunder, främst utifrån deras sexuella beteende. Denna studie har genom en granskning av 39 domar sökt efter likheter och olikheter i hur flickor och pojkars eget beteende beskrivs och bedöms utifrån 3 § LVU. Domarna har granskats med hjälp av metoderna textanalys samt kvalitativ innehållsanalys som har visat på att det finns likheter och skillnader i hur flickor och pojkar bedöms. Med hjälp av teorin om genus- och maktstrukturer, med tillhörande begrepp som dikotomin och genuskontrakt, har omhändertaganden enligt 3 § LVU analyserats. Flickors sexualitet nämns i ett flertal domar, dock endast i en pojkes, då utifrån att han riskerar att utsätta andra för sexuella övergrepp. I flickornas domar beskrivs att de blivit utsatta för övergrepp och att det därmed finns en risk för att de i framtiden kan komma att utsättas igen. Utöver detta har studien visat på att flickor bedöms fara mer illa än pojkar trots att de enligt beskrivningarna i domarna har liknande svårigheter. Flickor som använt beroendeframkallande medel bedöms oftare ha ett missbruk än pojkar. Pojkarna däremot beskrivs många gånger som en fara för andra medan flickorna beskrivs som en fara för sig själv. Studiens slutsatser är att genus- och maktstrukturer inverkar på hur flickor och pojkars eget beteende beskrivs och att detta sedan påverkar domsluten i 3 § LVU. Slutsatsen är att domstolens bedömning och domslut många gånger kopplas till vilket kön den unge är av och därmed är inte rättssystemet könsneutrala i sina bedömningar och beslut.

La justice, à quel prix?

Poirier, Sandryne 08 1900 (has links)
La littérature présente l’accès à la justice comme une question assez controversée, et mentionne plus souvent les coûts financiers que les coûts humains subis par les justiciables, et porte son attention sur les victimes d’actes criminels plutôt que sur les individus qui en commettent. En ce sens, ce mémoire visait à documenter l’expérience (que nous appelons le « vécu ») des coûts des justiciables lors des procédures judiciaires. De plus, en nous basant sur le constat de Gramatikov (2009) selon lequel l’expérience judiciaire est unique à chacun, nous voulions présenter les paramètres modelant les conséquences de ces vécus. En nous attardant sur l’expérience pénale de 19 justiciables, nous avons pu constater l’importance de prendre en considération les paramètres facilitant l’expérience des coûts et la nécessité de certains changements dans le système pénal afin de rendre l’expérience judiciaire moins coûteuse et plus égalitaire. Nous considérons que les paramètres susceptibles d’en réduire les coûts et de faciliter le vécu des justiciables à cet égard sont des ressources indispensables à l’accès à la justice. En prenant conscience de la singularité de l’expérience judiciaire et de l’interdépendance des coûts et des inégalités, nous soulignons néanmoins l’importance de ressources d’accompagnement offertes (membres de la famille ou groupes spécialisés, médias, acteurs judiciaires et leur travail) dans la consolidation et le vécu des coûts. Concrètement, en ce qui concerne les failles du système, nous mettons l’accent sur la nécessité de réduire les délais, l’opacité et la complexité des procédures, en plus de réfléchir aux conditions imposées et aux conséquences collatérales des procédures. Après réflexion et en mettant en évidence les principaux obstacles à l’accès à la justice, qui sont également responsables de l’iniquité judiciaire, il nous a été possible de présenter l’iniquité judiciaire comme un reflet des iniquités sociales. / The literature presents access to justice as a controversial issue and more often mentions the financial costs rather than the human costs suffered by litigants and focuses its attention on the victims of criminal acts rather than on the individuals who commit them. In this sense, this thesis aimed to document the experience of the costs of litigants during legal proceedings. Moreover, based on Gramatikov’s (2009) observation that the judicial experience is unique to everyone, we wanted to present the parameters shaping the impact of these experiences. By focusing on the penal experience of 19 litigants, we were able to observe the importance of taking into consideration the parameters facilitating the experience of costs and the need for certain changes in the criminal justice system to make the judicial experience less costly and more egalitarian. We consider that the parameters that are likely to reduce costs and make it easier for litigants to cope with them are essential resources for access to justice. By becoming aware of the singularity of the legal experience and the interdependence of costs and inequality, we nevertheless stress the importance of the support resources offered (family members or specialized groups, the media, judicial actors and their work) in the consolidation and experience of costs. In concrete terms, with regard to the flaws in the system, we emphasize the need to reduce the delays, the opacity and the complexity of the procedures, in addition to reflecting on the conditions imposed and the collateral consequences of the procedures. After reflection and by highlighting major barriers to access to justice that are also responsible for judicial inequality, it was possible to present judicial inequality as a reflection of social inequalities.


ILZVER DE MATOS OLIVEIRA 11 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] A liberdade religiosa é um espaço de disputa entre diferentes denominações que tem ultrapassado o desejo de conter a verdade sobre as coisas para ter o controle dos espaços de poder. Historicamente tida como religiões subalternas, ainda hoje os cultos de matriz africana experimentam situações de perseguição, desconsideração e intolerância. Estes atos provêm tanto de particulares quando de agentes públicos e expressam parte da herança colonial ainda não superada: o racismo. É a ligação entre essas religiões e a África, os africanos e seus descentes que, mesmo no século XXI, quando muitas dessas crenças deixaram de ser professadas apenas por negros, despertam nos seus opositores dentro do campo religioso ou político as manifestações de intolerância e de violação de direitos dos adeptos das religiões afro-brasileiras. Esse trabalho consiste na análise desse panorama e do impacto que ele tem na consolidação do estado democrático e da laicidade do estado brasileiro. São investigados dois casos de templos religiosos de matriz africana proibidos de funcionamento no Estado de Sergipe e os afrorreligiosos participam de um survey sobre representação social do sistema de justiça, de modo que pretendemos abrir o espaço do debate sobre liberdade religiosa e sobre a prestação de serviços por instituições do sistema de justiça para aqueles que pouco ou quase nunca participaram ou opinaram sobre tais questões. O survey foi elaborado a partir das demandas e das necessidades específicas dos afrorreligiosos quando diante do sistema de justiça e as teorias e as metodologias aqui empregadas como referenciais foram eleitas e pensadas por se adequarem a estes grupos, não o oposto. / [en] Religious freedom is an area of dispute between different denominations that has overtaken the desire to contain the truth about things to keep track of the positions of power. Historically seen as subaltern religions, cults today with African roots experience situations of persecution, intolerance and disrespect . These acts come from both private and public agents when expressing part of the colonial legacy still unsurpassed: racism. It is the connection between these religions and Africa, Africans and their descendants, even in the XXI century, when many of these beliefs are no longer professed only by blacks, awaken in their opponents within the religious or political field manifestations of intolerance and violation fans of rights of african-Brazilian religions . This work consists of the analysis of this scenario and the impact it has on the consolidation of the democratic state and the secular nature of the Brazilian state. Two cases of religious temples of banned African origin operating in the State of Sergipe and afrorreligiosos participate in a survey about social representation of the justice system are investigated, so we intend to open up the space of the debate on religious freedom and on the provision of services by institutions of the justice system for those who know little or almost never participated or say about such matters. The survey was developed from the demands and specific needs of afrorreligiosos when confronting the justice system and the theories and methodologies used here as references were elected and thought fit by these groups , not the opposite.

Exploring Evidence-based Intervention Methods in the Juvenile Justice System

Quinones-Gomez, Edgar J 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
A large body of research has been devoted to understanding evidence-based interventions (EBI) and their effectiveness in the juvenile justice system. This systematic review examines three commonly used interventions used to reduce recidivism among adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Functional Family Therapy (FFT), and Multisystemic Therapy (MST). The systematic review analyzes findings from prior studies evaluating the impact of CBT, FFT, and MST on recidivism among adjudicated youth. The sample includes 23 peer-reviewed studies that utilized samples of adjudicated youth in the United States and were published after 2010. Findings revealed CBT as the most effective intervention, as evidenced by the efficacy demonstrated across all its studies in reducing recidivism rates. Key findings noted that none of the studies included in the analysis demonstrated higher rates of recidivism within the treatment groups compared to control groups. Secondly, a notable trend emerged across the reviewed studies, revealing a statistically significant reduction in recidivism rates among the treated individuals regardless of the EBI.

The protection of child victims and witnesses in a post-constitutional criminal justice system with specific reference to the role of an intermediary : a comparative study

Bekink, Mildred 05 July 2017 (has links)
It is common knowledge that owing to their particular vulnerability children worldwide falls prey to physical and/or sexual violence in the home and/or community or witness criminal acts. Consequently children are called upon to testify in a court of law to cruelties or acts of violence. As a result of their developmental shortcomings and immaturity, children find the criminal justice system extremely intimidating and challenging. The importance of realising a justice system that not only affords an accused person the right to a fair trial but also protects and safeguards the rights of the child victims of and witnesses to the crime is thus indisputable. The purpose of this research was therefore to assist the South African criminal justice system in its on-going challenge to find a balance between the right of the accused person to a fair trial and the protection and safeguarding of the rights of child victims and child witnesses. The protection and safeguarding of the rights of child victims and child witnesses in terms of the South African Constitution, applicable domestic law and international instruments relating thereto were extensively discussed and shortcomings identified. Possible solutions to ensure that child witnesses and child victims are adequately protected and supported during the trial stage of the criminal process were advanced. Particular emphasis was placed on the role of an intermediary in assisting child victims and child witnesses during the court process. Comparative research on the protection of child victims and child witnesses in the criminal justice systems of New Zealand and Namibia were also conducted. Conclusions drawn from comparative studies were used to recommend appropriate changes to the current system. It is submitted that the adequate protection and safeguarding of the rights of child victims and child witnesses are dependent not only on sound legal principles but also on governmental and other involved stakeholders’ commitment toward the realisation of these rights. In order to give proper effect to the protection and safeguarding of child victims’ and child witnesses’ rights, it is proposed that the recommendations made throughout this study should be adopted and implemented. In this regard the role of an intermediary is crucial and the use of intermediaries should be promoted. / Private Law / LL.D.

A therapeutic programme for the rehabilitation of youth offenders

Nieman, Annelien 06 1900 (has links)
The judicial system is moving away from a retributive justice system to a more rehabilitative, restorative justice system. Diverting youth offenders from the justice system by alternative sentencing options such as diversion programmes is one way of doing this. Jt was found that a need exists for the development of a therapeutic programme for the rehabilitation of youth offenders in South Africa. The purpose of the study was to detennine the content of therapeutic rehabilitation programme and subsequently to develop a provisional therapeutic programme for youth offenders. The first part of the literature study summarized a number of theories used to explain the incidence of youth offence. The second part of the literature study discussed various risk factors that could lead to youth offence. Thirdly, the juvenile justice system in South Africa was discussed. Finally, the characteristics of effective rehabilitation programmes were discussed and a number of international and South African rehabilitation programmes were evaluated in tenns ofthese characteristics. In the literature study certain aspects for inclusion in a rehabilitation programme were identified. A list of topics that should be addressed by a rehabilitation programme was drawn up. A provisional therapeutic programme was compiled using the information gained from the literature study and the needs for a programme as identified by staff members at the facility where the programme was to be conducted. The programme was based on experiential learning. lt included a number of activities that addressed the topics identified by the literature study. The provisional programme was evaluated in tenns of its short-term effectiveness and adjustments to the programme were made. The adjusted programme was conducted at two other facilities and evaluated in tenns of its short-term effectiveness by the researcher, the staff at these facilities and the youth who took part in the programme. Staff at the two facilities where the empirical study took place were asked to complete questionnaires to identify their needs with regards to a rehabilitation programme as well as background questionnaires on the youth who were taking part in the programme. Recommendations for further improvements of the programme were made. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

A critical analysis of crime investigative system within the South African criminal justice system: a comparative study

Montesh, Moses 30 November 2007 (has links)
With the establishment of the Directorate of Special Operations (Scorpions), the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU), questions were asked as to whether this is a creation of new units of the Police Service. These questions were exaggerated by the fact that the media uses the term "Scorpions" whenever the Scorpions, the AFU, SIU and the DIU perform their functions. South African legislation that governs organised crime does not demarcate activities to be dealt with by the SAPS, AFU, DIU, Scorpions and the SIU. The Constitution of South Africa lays down the objects of the police, but it is silent about the objectives of the Scorpions, AFU, SIU, DIU and other investigative institutions except that it only mentions the creation of a single National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). A literature study was used as the basis for this study. In addition, unstructured interviews and observation were used to gather evidence from the relevant stakeholders. An analysis of the SAPS Detective Service, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), the Scorpions, the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU) of the Department of Correctional Services and the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), was done in order to establish the overlapping of functions. Indeed, overlapping was discovered between the Scorpions and the SAPS Detective Service, the AFU and the SIU, as well as between the SAPS and the DIU. In order to make a proper finding, an analysis was done of anti-corruption agencies in Botswana, Nigeria, Malawi and Hong Kong. The findings indicate that the better way of fighting corruption, fraud, economic and financial crimes, is through the establishment of a single agency that will work independently from the police, with a proper jurisdiction. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil.(Police Science)

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