Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then organizational commitment"" "subject:"them organizational commitment""
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L'engagement organisationnel des managers de banque au Liban : une modélisation de la performance dans le poste / Organizational Commitment of Lebanese bank Managers : towards a framework of antecedents of job performanceHalawi, Ali 09 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à étudier conjointement deux thèmes de recherche habituellement traités séparés par la littérature académique : les caractéristiques des directeurs généraux et l'engagement des employés au travail. La problématique peut se définir ainsi : quel est l'impact des caractéristiques des dirigeants sur leur engagement au travail ? ou autrement dit, comment les caractéristiques managériales influencent la nature et le degré d'implication des dirigeants au travail? Les dirigeants dans notre travail de recherche seront les dirigeants des banques au Liban : on va essayer de leur créer une typologie. / Organizational commitment has been studied comprehensively along with varied professional groups. The concept that commitment is essential for the apprehension of organizational and professional goals mainly in the Banking organizations has remained unexploited by researchers. The study of employee commitment should be important to Banking organizations receiving large amounts of community savings and playing an important role in the development of the economical sector as a whole.No previous studies have tackled the Lebanese bank managers’ subject in relevance to their organizational commitment and its relation with their biographical traits and their Job perforamance; therefore the study of organizational commitment will particularly be relevant to Lebanese bank managers, as those represent the leading power for the future of the Lebanese banking sector.
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Exploring a bi-directional relationship between corporate social responsibility and employees' attitudes and behaviors / Exploration des relations bidirectionnelles entre responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et attitudes et comportements des employésFarooq, Mariam 23 April 2012 (has links)
Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d'examiner la relation réciproque entre la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise (RSE) et les attitudes et les comportements des employés. Premièrement, la thèse explore les mécanismes sous-jacents alternatifs à travers lesquels la RSE affecte les employés et fait la classification des employés dans les groupes homogènes en se basant sur leur utilisation de ces différents mécanismes. Deuxièmement, elle identifie les conditions limites dans lesquelles la RSE influence de façon optimale les attitudes et les comportements des employés. Enfin, la thèse examine l'influence réciproque des employés sur la stratégie RSE de la firme et explore les pratiques des ressources humaines qui permettent à l'entreprise d'améliorer sa RSE. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, les trois études empiriques ont été mené dans l'Aise du Sud. Les données ont été collectées par une suite d'enquêtes avec les employés en utilisant le design de décalage dans le temps. Les résultats montrent que la RSE a un impact positif sur les attitudes et les comportements des employés à travers de multiples mécanismes. Les résultats suggèrent l'hétérogénéité parmi les employés dans leur utilisation de ces mécanismes et mettent en évidence la classification des employés en fonction de leurs orientations personnelles et valeurs culturelles individuelles afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène. En utilisant les données de panel à trois reprises, il a été démontré également que les employés influencent la stratégie RSE. Cependant, cela dépends de leur niveau de participation dans le processus de décision et du degré de leur identification avec leur organisation / The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the reciprocal relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employees' attitudes and behaviors. Firstly, it explores the underpinning alternative mechanisms through which CSR affects employees and classifies the employees into homogenous groups on the basis of their use of these differential mechanisms. Secondly, it identifies the boundary conditions in which CSR optimally influences the employees' attitudes and behaviors. Finally, the dissertation investigates the reciprocal influence of employees on the CSR strategy of the firm and explores the human resource practices that facilitate the firm to improve its CSR. To achieve these objectives, three empirical studies were conducted in South Asia. Data were collected in a series of employee surveys with using time lag design. The results show that CSR has a positive impact on employees' attitudes and behaviors through multiple mechanisms. Findings suggest the heterogeneity among employees in their use of these mechanisms and emphasize the classification of employees depending upon their personal orientations and individual cultural values to better understand this phenomenon. Using three wave penal data, it was also found that employees influence the CSR strategy of the firm. However, it depends upon the level of their participation in decision making and extent of their identification with their organization
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Repenser la relation entre les nouvelles carrières et l'engagement organisationnel : l’engagement multiple des ingénieurs consultants en SSII en France / A review of the relationship between new careers and organizational commitment : multiple commitment of engineer consultant of SSII in FranceTarhouni, Nesrine 21 December 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier la relation entre les nouvelles carrières et l’engagement organisationnel. La gestion des carrières et l’engagement organisationnel sont importants, à la fois, pour les individus que pour les organisations. Toutefois, les carrières ne sont plus bâties au sein d’une même organisation, elles deviennent des carrières sans frontières. Nous cherchons à comprendre et analyser la nature de l’engagement des ingénieurs consultants en SSII. Les données qualitatives ont été collectées sur le marché de l’emploi français, 47 interviews ont été mené, dans le secteur des SSII. Les résultats montrent que les ingénieurs consultants développent aussi bien un engagement envers la SSII qu’envers l’entreprise cliente. Ils développent aussi un engagement professionnel, un engagement envers l’équipe et un engagement envers le leader. Il s’agit don, d’un engagement multi-cibles. Simplement les carrières de ces ingénieurs ne sont pas nécessairement nomades. Dans ce nouveau contexte, les carrières ne sont plus bâties au sein d’une même organisation, elles deviennent des carrières sans frontières.Elles sont caractérisées par des parcours singuliers et idiosyncrasiques ; des mobilités inter organisationnelles outre celles intra organisationnelles ; une vision plus élargie de la compétence ; une promesse d’employabilité au lieu de la promesse de carrière à vie et la monté de la dimension subjective de la réussite de carrière. D’autre part, au-delà des postulats selon lesquels la question d’implication organisationnelle est devenue une aberration, une telle attitude est encore importante, elle devient même plus cruciale qu’elle l’était auparavant. Suite au désengagement des entreprises et à la responsabilisation des individus en matière de gestion de leurs carrières, la question d’implication devient plus capitale. De ce fait, l’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier l’impact des carrières individuelles sur l’engagement organisationnel. / The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between new careers and organizational commitment. Managing careers and organizational commitment are typically important for individuals as organizations. However, careers are no longer bounded in one organization, instead, they become boundaryless. We aim to understand and analyze the nature of commitment of IT professional, in the SSIIs in France.Surveys were collected from French labor market; 47 semi-structured interviews were among French persons working for SSII.The findings reveal that SSII engineers develop commitment to the agency: SSII and to the client. They also develop professional commitment, team commitment and Leader commitment. However, their careers are not necessary boundaryless, traditional careers still exist among these professionals on IT.
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The Psychological Contract: The Development and Validation of a Managerial MeasureCable, Donald Alfred James January 2008 (has links)
The research objective was to develop, through two phases involving development and validation, a measure of the psychological work contract for managerial level employees. The psychological contract is the unwritten implicit contract that forms in the minds of employees and contains the obligations and expectations that they believe exists between themselves and the organization. In the first and qualitative phase of the study, a structured interview procedure resulted in the collection of 651 responses from a convenience sample of 35 managers from seven New Zealand organizations. Responses related to what these managers believed they were obligated to provide the organization (perceived organizational expectations), and what they believed the organization was obligated to provide them (their expectations). Content analysis of these 651 statements resulted in the development of two initial measures of the psychological contract (employee obligations, organization obligations). The employee obligations measure (perceived organizational expectations of the employee) contained 16 items, and the organization obligations measure (employee expectations of the organization) contained 23 items. In the second and quantitative phase of the study, and using the same criteria for participation as for phase one, a convenience sample of 124 managers from 13 New Zealand organizations completed questionnaires. The questionnaires included the measures of psychological contract content developed in phase one of the study, and 8 organizational psychology variables to be included in a nomological network. The nomological network included intention to quit, perceived organizational support, work and job involvement, job satisfaction, career plateau, organizational commitment, person-organization fit, and 2 performance measures. A separate questionnaire covering job performance and organizational citizenship behaviour was completed by 94 of the participants' managers. Of the 54 relationships predicted in the nomological network, 41 were significant. Of the 13 non-significant relationships, 10 involved relationships with the two performance measures. The measures of the psychological contract were subjected to a construct validation process involving two steps. The first step involved item and factor analysis. Factor analysis of the two measures of the psychological contract revealed two factors in each. One factor, termed relational obligations and reflecting a collective interest between the employee and the organization, included the items that were believed to influence more directly the relationship between managers and the organization. This factor included items such as be committed to the job (an employee obligation) and provide a physically and socially safe environment (an organizational obligation). The other factor, termed transactional obligations and reflecting a self/other interest on the part of the employee, included the items that were believed to be of a more direct employment transactions nature. This factor included items such as stay true to your own values and beliefs (an employee obligation) and provide professional and personal support (an organizational obligation). In the second step of the validation process, the measures of the psychological contract were embedded into the nomological network and their relationships with the ten variables in that network were tested. Of the ten hypothesised relationships, only one emerged as significant, that being the relationship between the organization obligations component of the psychological contract and person-organization fit. Minimal support for construct validity of the measures of the psychological contract was provided confirming that further effort will be required before complete construct validity may be claimed for the measured. Although the contribution the research makes to the field of knowledge may be limited, it does provide some validation of existing measures of the psychological contract, developed in other studies using different samples. The present findings increase our knowledge of the content of the psychological contract for managers. Additionally, a methodological framework has been established for continuing research into the content of psychological contracts, including an exploration of the relationship between content and fulfilment, along with a structure for comparing the psychological contract of disparate occupational groups. The most likely explanation for the hypotheses not being fully supported is that it is fulfilment (or conversely breach or violation) of the psychological contract, rather than the content of the contract per se, that is related to the variables in the nomological network. Whilst the hypotheses were based on research that considered fulfilment of the contract, this study focussed on the content of psychological contracts. The reasons for basing the hypotheses on research that considered fulfilment, the influence of this decision on hypothesis testing, and other possible explanations for the hypotheses not finding greater support, are explored. The limitations of the study, and possible directions for future research, are discussed.
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省營事業機構人員精簡方案對留任員工組織行為影響之研究 / The Study of Impact of the Personnel Downsizing Program of the Provincial Government Enterprises on the Organizational Behavior of those Employees Kept Afterwards葉雅倩, Yeh, Yah Chein Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於世界性的經濟持續低迷,再加以各項自然資源的日益稀少與枯竭,以及面臨外在環境快速變遷與科技不斷推陳出新的衝擊,無論企業組織或政府部門莫不積極尋求降低人事費用、控制成本支出以及維繫組織目標發展的可行策略,而在各種策略當中,「精簡」(downsizing)常被認為是一項能促使組織重建、更新,降低成本費用、提高收益、增加競爭優勢及增進顧客滿意度的有效管理工具、故廣被國內外公私組織採用。在此同時,有關組織精簡對留任人員所造成的影響, 以及留任人員對於精簡方案的感受、反應與留任人員的感受、反應對精簡後組織運作績效之間的關聯性等方面的問題也逐漸受到討論重視。本研究乃以訂有人員精簡計畫,並已裁減部分人員的台汔、台鐵、中興、高硫、農工等五家省營事業機構為對象,探討其所實施的人員精簡方案與留任員工之組織行為的關係。本研究經由問卷調查分析後獲致下列結果:1.雖然受測的留任員工認為實施精簡使其工作職責加重,不安全感增加,對於精簡方案的規劃內容及實施過程方面也不甚滿意,但是他們對於人員精簡方案的整體評價仍較趨於正面;2.在實施人員精簡方案之後,受測的留任員工其組織承諾並未降低,在工作壓力及工作滿足方面也無明顯變化,而工作績效表現則較精簡前更為良好;3.受測者對人員精簡方案的認知與其精簡前後的組織承諾、工作壓力、工作滿足及工作績效變化情形之間存有顯著相關;4.不同年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、服務機關、服務年資、職務性質、職務等級的留任員工對人員精簡方案的認知有顯著差異;不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、服務機關、服務年資、職務等級的留任員工在精簡後之組織行為變化上有顯著差異。
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臺北市高國中優質學校教師對優質學校知覺與組織承諾關係之研究 / The research of quality schools perception and organizationalcommitment relationship for teachers in high schools receivedthe quality school award in Taipei city趙雅鈴, Chao, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以問卷調查法為主, 以自編之臺北市高國中優質學校教師對優質學校知覺與組織承諾調查問卷(內含基本資料、「教師優質學校知覺量表」、「教師組織承諾量表」)為工具,以2006至2009間獲得臺北市優質學校ㄧ項以上獎項之31所學校分層隨機抽取21所學校教師,共發出問卷490分,回收418份有效問卷(有效回收率85.3%)。另計算各校實際參與情形予以計算分數,累積總分即為該校對優質學校方案參與情形之程度分數,依調查結果,將參與情形之程度分為高、中、低三類型。所得資料以SPSS for window 12.0統計套裝軟體進行描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、相關檢定以及多元迴歸分析等進行資料分析,進行研究結果的分析與討論。研究結論如下:
最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為學校相關教育人員、教育行政機關、以及未來研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the situation of teachers’ participation and the factors which influence their participation in quality school in Taipei. Further, this study also intent to understand teachers’ perception and organizational commitment. Analyzing variables included teachers’ demographics, and school environment. Finally, this study was to investigate the relationship between teachers’ perception and organizational commitment as well.
Survey was used as methodology in this study. The questionnaire “Taipei city high school teachers’ perceptions and organizational commitment”, which was developed by researcher, was used to collect the data. (This questionnaire included three subscales: demographics, quality school teacher perception scale, and Organizational commitment scale). From 2006 to 2009, thirty-one schools received at least one award, and of those, 21 schools were randomly selected. Four hundred and ninety questionnaires were distributed to teachers, and 418 valid questionnaires were returned (responding rate was 85.3%). In addition, each school had a participation score by calculating the degree of school actual participation. The school participation was categorized into three degrees: high, average, and low. SPSS for window 12.0 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regressions were used as statistical techniques. The results of this study are as follows:
1.Teachers in quality schools perform well in the “cognition”, “emotion” and “participation” of school education policy.
2.Teachers who have longer seniority or hold an administration job at the same have higher degree of “cognition” and “emotion” than less seniority teachers, class teachers, and specialty teachers.
3.Teachers in quality school in average participant schools have higher cognitive scores than low participant schools and high participant schools.
4.Teachers in quality school are highly committed to the organizations.
5.Teachers who have longer seniority or serve as directors are more committed to the organizations than teachers with less seniority, homeroom teachers and section chiefs.
6.Teachers in large size schools are more committed to the organizations.
7.The better of cognition score, the higher organizational commitment teachers have.
8.Teachers’ “participation” and “cognition” would significantly predict their organizational commitment.
From research finding and conclusion, we provide recommendation to the school staff, education board, and future research reference.
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臺北市國民中學校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools in Taipei City周婉玲, Chou, Wanling Unknown Date (has links)
六、不同學校規模及校長最高學歷背景變項之教師對於教師組織承諾的知覺具有 顯著差異;不同學校歷史、校長性別、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資等背景變項無顯著差異。
(八)建構各項創新變革方案回饋循環模式,營造創意的學校文化。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, and relevant future studies.
In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taipei City is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness questionnaire,” and randomly selects 541 teachers as samples. In a rate of 76.7%, 415 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained:
1. The present situation of principals’ change leadership is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “raising the sense of danger” ranks to the top, while “organizing teams for change” ranks otherwise.
2. Teachers bearing different education backgrounds and duties perceive principals’ change leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, and service seniority show no significant difference.
3. Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and history; principals’ age, local seniority, total seniority, and education background perceive principals’ change leadership significantly differently; while the variable, principals’ gender, shows no significant difference.
4. The present situation of teachers’ organizational commitment is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “desire for putting efforts” ranks to the top, while “tendency to retain the job” ranks otherwise.
5. Teachers of different demographic variables such as age, education level, service seniority, and duties perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while the variable of gender shows no significant difference.
6. Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and principals’ education level perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while some other variables such as school history; principals’ gender, age, local seniority, and total seniority show no significant difference.
7. The present situation of school innovative management effectiveness is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “innovative effectiveness of pupil activity” ranks to the top, while “innovative effectiveness of course and instruction” ranks otherwise.
8. Teachers bearing different duties perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, education level, and seniority show no significant difference.
9. Teachers of some demographic variables such as school history and principals’ age perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while some other variables such as school size; principals’ gender, local seniority, total seniority, and education level show no significant difference.
10. Principals’ change leadership is positively related to school innovative management effectiveness; teachers’ organizational commitment is also positively related to school innovative management effectiveness.
11. School innovative management effectiveness is most predictable for “to shape school culture” and “to establish change environment” among all the aspects of principals’ change leadership, accounting for 42.3% of total variance.
12. Teachers’ organizational commitment is predictable for each aspect, including “tendency to retain the job,” “desire for putting efforts,” and “approval of organization,” accounting for 36.2% of total variance.
13. When combining principals’ change leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment, school innovative management effectiveness is predictable for five aspects, including “to shape school culture,” “desire for putting efforts,” “tendency to retain the job,” “to establish change environment,” and “approval of organization,” accounting for 50.1% of total variance.
Finally, based on the results, the following suggestions are proposed:
1. Suggestions for educational administration authorities
(1)Arrange related courses and trainings of change leadership to improve newly nominated principals’ ability to lead changes.
(2)Invest more relevant resources to small or old schools to make them more competitive.
(3)Encourage senior principals who are good at management to aid small or old schools in need, for saving and improving their innovative management effectiveness.
2. Suggestions for principals in junior high schools
(1)Understand what is required for school development thoroughly, and seize the timing for processing change leadership.
(2)Select talented people, communicate sufficiently, and combine organizational and personal goals of development.
(3)Encourage teachers to take in-service education to catch up the pace of the times, and to better cooperate with changes applied at school.
(4)Fulfill the power of teachers’ community through authorizing highly educated and willing ones to promote innovation of courses and instructions.
(5)Perform instructive guidance and assistance to help less senior teachers, pass on experiences, and strengthen organizational commitment and tendency to retain the job.
(6)Establish reward system to inspire teachers’ both inner and outer motivation, and enhance the centripetal force to their school.
(7)Actively endeavor to obtain money and resources and improve hardware to build quality environment.
(8)Establish circulating feedback pattern of innovative change blueprints to produce creative atmosphere of school.
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電視新聞媒體組織文化、組織承諾、工作滿意度與工作績效之關係研究-電視記者的觀點 / The study of the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work efficiency in television media organizations -- the point of views from television journalists李佩蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
研究中發現組織文化對於工作滿意、工作績效、組織承諾均有顯著影響,特別是壹電視記者在組織承諾、工作滿意度、工作績效均優於其他電視台,顯示在特定組織文化上,的確能使得新聞工作者在工作表現上有所提升。另外,組織承諾對於工作滿意、工作績效也有顯著影響,顯示提升組織承諾,當記者認同公司的價值觀和目標後,能使記者恪盡職守,甚至願意在工作之外付出努力。最後,工作滿意對於工作績效也會產生顯著影響,記者的工作滿足來源,來自於認同新聞工作所帶來之社會意義,或是與個人道德觀或價值觀的吻合,當有越高之工作滿意,當然對於工作績效的提升也能有所助益。 / Taiwan has extremely high density of television stations which is rare to see in the world. The journalists face a great competition in the market and the fast development of new technology. They have to suffer more stress than ever. In recent years, television stations are forced to think how to make news contents more different and diverse from competitors. This research focus on the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work efficiency in television media and eager to provide practical recommendations for journalists and the managers of television station.
This research aims at the television journalists in north Taiwan and uses questionnaire and depth interview to understand their opinions. Questionnaire analysis shows the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work efficiency of journalists and depth interview help to give explanations and proofs.
According to the result, organizational culture can affect job satisfaction, work efficiency and organizational commitment.Organizational commitment has positive effect on job satisfaction and work efficiency. When journalists identify with organization’s value and prospect, they are willing to put more efforts on their jobs. Moreover, job satisfaction can also affect work efficiency. Journalists are satisfied with their jobs when news reporting brings meaning to whole society or journalists and news reporting share the same value and moral. Also higher job satisfaction can help to improve work efficiency.
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The influences of Organizational commitment to Organizational Politics Perceptions and Organizational JusticeChen, Hsu-Wei 03 July 2002 (has links)
Results of analyses conducted on data collected from 1020 public bank employees.
The results of research indicate as follows ¡G
Dimensionality of Organizational Politics Perceptions
The responses to the 31 items Perceptions of Organization Politics Scale (POPS) were subjected to principal analysis with varimax rotation. It is comprised three subscales: (1). Supervisor Behavior, (2). Coworker & General Politics Behavior,
(3). Organization Policies and Practices.
Dimensionality of Organizational Justice
The responses to the 20 items Organization Justice Scale (Moorman , 1991) Were subjected to principal analysis with varimax rotation. It is comprised three subscales: (1). Reciprocation Justice, (2). Process Justice, (3). Allocation Justice.
Dimensionality of Organizational Commitment
The responses to the 15 items Organization Commitment Questionary (OCQ) (Moorman , 1991) were subjected to principal analysis with varimax rotation. It is comprised three subscales: (1). Value Commitment, (2). Effort Commitment, (3).Retention Commitment.
Relationships between ¡§ Perceptions Of Organizational Politics¡¨ ¡B¡§Organizational Justice¡¨ and ¡§Organizational commitment¡¨.
(1) Perception of Organizational Politics was negatively related to Organizational
(2) Perception of Organizational Politics was negatively related to Organizational
(3) Organizational Justice was positively related to Organization commitment.
(4) Organizational Justice was intervening variable to Perceptions of Organization
Politics and Organizational commitment.
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解說志工之人格特質、參與動機、工作滿足與組織承諾間關係之研究─以陽明山國家公園管理處為例 / A Study on the Relationships of Volunteer Interpreters’ Personality, Participation Motivation, Job Satifaction and Organizational Commitment: A Case of Yangmingshan National Park Administration李孟左 Unknown Date (has links)
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