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AUTOSARLang: Threat Modeling and Attack Simulation for Vehicle CybersecurityGirmay Mesele, Asmelash January 2018 (has links)
The rapid growth and development of the Information and Communications Technology attract many industries including the automotive industry. Since the last four decades, the automotive engineering has been impacted by the Information Technology. Nowadays, modern vehicles are being designed with up to hundreds of electronic control units (ECUs) and be able to communicate with other vehicles, infrastructure, and other things via wireless networks and sensors. For such in-vehicle networks, serial bus systems like CAN bus, LIN bus, FlexRay, and MOST are standardized. Parallel to this, the automotive industry vendors designed and standardized automotive open systems architecture (AUTOSAR) software platform. AUTOSAR has two main standards - the classical platform and adaptive platform. The classical platform (CP) is designed for the current embedded ECUs, whereas the adaptive platform (AP) is being designed for the future intelligent ECUs. The intelligent AP ECU constitute many multi-processing processors and Ethernet to realize the future autonomous vehicles.On the other hand, automotive industries shall ensure “safety first” in their design and regard it as part of their market feature. Directly or indirectly, the safety of the modern connected vehicles is related to their cybersecurity. Today, cybersecurity professionals are conducting researches to bring remarkable solutions to the sophisticated cyberattacks. One approach of cybersecurity solution is to make a cyber threat modeling and attack simulations. Example, meta-attack-language (MAL) is a threat modeling and attack simulation language, which is designed to make domain-specific threat analysis.In this study, potential assets of an automotive vehicle with AP ECUs are identified. Then, threats of each identified asset are collected from different literature. With both inputs, a cyber threat model is written using MAL. Finally, validation of the model is made with a simulation language. Consequently, modern vehicle with AP ECUs is modeled and simulated.This study contributes four important things - list of potential assets that AP running vehicle constitutes, collected list of threats of the identified assets, validated cyber threat model, and simulation test cases for each potential attack paths in the model. / Den snabba tillväxten och utvecklingen av informations- och kommunikationstekniken lockar många branscher, däribland bilindustrin. Sedan de senaste fyra decennierna har automotive engineering påverkats av informationstekniken. Numera är moderna fordon utformade med upp till hundratals elektroniska styrenheter (ECU) och kan kommunicera med andra fordon, infrastruktur och andra saker via trådlösa nätverk och sensorer. För sådana inbyggda nätverk är seriella bussystem som CAN-buss, LIN-buss, FlexRay och MOST standardiserade. Parallellt med detta har automotive-leverantörerna utformat och standardiserat automatsystem för öppna systemarkitekturer (AUTOSAR). AUTOSAR har två huvudstandarder - den klassiska plattformen och den adaptiva plattformen. Den klassiska plattformen (CP) är utformad för nuvarande inbyggda ECU, medan den adaptiva plattformen (AP) är utformad för framtida intelligenta ECU. Den intelligenta AP-enheten utgör många processorer och Ethernet för att förverkliga de framtida autonoma fordonen. Bilindustrin ska å andra sidan säkerställa "säkerhet först" i sin design och betrakta den som en del av deras marknadsfunktion. Direkt eller indirekt är säkerheten hos moderna anslutna fordon relaterad till sin cybersäkerhet. Idag genomför cybersecurity-proffs för att få anmärkningsvärda lösningar på de sofistikerade cyberattackarna. Ett tillvägagångssätt för cybersecurity-lösningen är att göra en modellering av cyberhot och attack simuleringar. Exempel, meta-attack-language (MAL) är ett hot modellerings-och attack simuleringsspråk, som är utformat för att göra domänspecifik hotanalys. I denna studie identifieras potentiella tillgångar i ett fordonsbil med AP-ECU. Därefter samlas hot av varje identifierad tillgång från olika litteratur. Med båda ingångarna skrivs en cyber-hotmodell med MAL. Slutligen görs validering av modellen med ett simuleringsspråk. Följaktligen modelleras och simuleras moderna fordon med AP-ECU. Denna studie bidrar till fyra viktiga saker - en lista över potentiella tillgångar som AP-körfordon utgör, samlad lista över hot av identifierade tillgångar, validerad cyberhot-modell och simuleringsprovfall för varje potentiell attackvägar i modellen.
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vehicleLang: a probabilistic modeling and simulation language for vehicular cyber attacksKatsikeas, Sotirios January 2018 (has links)
The technological advancements in the automotive industry as well as in thefield of communication technologies done the last years have transformed thevehicles to complex machines that include not only electrical and mechanicalcomponents but also a great number of electronic components. Furthermore,modern vehicles are now connected to the Wide Area Network (WAN) and inthe near future communications will also be present between the cars (Vehicleto-Vehicle, V2V) and between cars and infrastructure (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, V2I), something that can be found as Internet of Vehicles (IoV)in the literature. The main motivations towards all the aforementioned changesin modern vehicles are of course the improvement of road safety, the higherconvenience of the passengers, the increase in the efficiency and the higher userfriendliness.On the other hand, having vehicles connected to the Internet opens them up toa new domain of interest, this no other than the domain of cyber security. Thispractically means that while previously we were only considering cyber-attackson computational systems, now we need to start thinking about it also forvehicles. This, as a result, creates a new field of research, namely the vehicularcyber security. However, this field does not only include the possible vehicularcyber-attacks and their corresponding defenses but also the modeling andsimulation of them with the use of vehicular security analysis tools, which isalso recommended by the ENISA report titled “Cyber Security and Resilienceof smart cars: Good practices and recommendations”.Building on this need for vehicular security analysis tools, this work aims tocreate and evaluate a domain-specific, probabilistic modeling and simulationlanguage for cyber-attacks on modern connected vehicles. The language will bedesigned based on the existing threat modeling and risk management toolsecuriCAD® by foreseeti AB and more specifically based on its underlyingmechanisms for describing and probabilistically evaluating the cyber threats ofthe models.The outcome/final product of this work will be the probabilistic modeling andsimulation language for connected vehicles, called vehicleLang, that will beready for future use in the securiCAD® software. / De tekniska framstegen inom fordonsindustrin såväl som inomkommunikationsteknik som gjorts de senaste åren har omvandlat fordon tillkomplexa maskiner som inte bara omfattar elektriska och mekaniskakomponenter utan också ett stort antal elektroniska komponenter. Dessutom ärmoderna fordon nu anslutna till Internet (WAN) och inom den närmasteframtiden kommer kommunikation också att etableras mellan bilarna (Vehicleto-Vehicle, V2V) och mellan bilar och infrastruktur (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure,V2I). Detta kan också kallas fordonens internet (Internet of Vehicles - IoV) ilitteraturen. De främsta motiven för alla ovannämnda förändringar i modernafordon är förstås förbättringen av trafiksäkerheten, ökad bekvämlighet förpassagerarna, ökad effektivitet och högre användarvänlighet.Å andra sidan, att ha fordon anslutna till Internet öppnar dem för en ny domän,nämligen cybersäkerhet. Då vi tidigare bara övervägde cyberattacker påtraditionella datorsystem, måste vi nu börja tänka på det även för fordon. Dettaområde omfattar emellertid inte bara de möjliga fordonsattackerna och derasmotsvarande försvar utan även modellering och simulering av dem med hjälpav verktyg för analys av fordonssäkerhet, vilket också rekommenderas avENISA-rapporten med titeln ”Cyber Security and Resilience of smart cars: Goodpractices and recommendations”.På grund av detta behov av verktyg för fordonssäkerhetsanalys syftar dettaarbete till att skapa och utvärdera ett domänspecifikt, probabilistisktmodelleringsspråk för simulering av cyberattacker på moderna anslutna fordon.Språket har utformats utifrån det befintliga hotmodellerings- ochriskhanteringsverktyget securiCAD® av foreseeti AB och mer specifikt baseratpå dess underliggande mekanismer för att beskriva och probabilistiskt utvärderamodellernas cyberhot.Resultatet/slutprodukten av detta arbete är ett probabilistisktmodelleringsspråk för uppkopplade fordon, vehicleLang.
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Beyond Conflict : NATO's Just Securitization of RussiaBruun, Signe Prip January 2023 (has links)
This thesis addresses the ethical implications of NATO securitizing Russia without being in direct warfare,seeking to contribute to the debate of the integration of ethics into IR. This thesis contributes to that argument by integrating ethical dimensions of normative character through Floyd's Just Security Theory (JST) within the framework of social constructivism to develop new theoretical insights. The research is structured around theresearch question exploring how NATO's identity construction undergoes changes due to the tense relationship withRussia. The formation of identity plays a crucial role in threat construction. The findings from Rousseau andGarcia- Retamero's Threat Assessment, revealed through NATO Annual Reports, confirm the fluidity of NATO's identity construction and its designation of Russia as a threat. The second portion of the research question suggestthat attributing a threat status to another actor in the international system has significant ethical implications, necessitating ethical considerations in the securitization process and its influence on security discourse. The thesis findings support the need for ethical considerations, while acknowledging that these considerations aresubject to critique based on the chosen theoretical framework. It emphasizes the need for ethical considerations in the securitization process, and by extension in IR; and argues for the moral justifiability of NATO's securitization of Russia.
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Evaluating Security Mechanisms of Substation Automation Systems / Utvärdering av Säkerhetsmekanismer För SASZhou, Ziyang January 2023 (has links)
Substations are important components for transforming voltage and distributing power in electrical infrastructure. Modern substations are usually automated by substation automation systems, which offload the work of operators and reduce potential human error. The IEC 61850 standard was released in 2003 to address the compatibility of electronic devices with substation automation systems. However, it exposed more attack surfaces with the adoption of Ethernet, the wide use of digital devices, and the connection to the Internet. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the security threats of modern substations. This master thesis investigated the common design options of IEC 61850 substations, then used the graph-based threat modeling method to explore the security weaknesses of those options and compare the effectiveness of security mechanisms. The construction of threat models is carried out with SecuriCAD and several domain-specific modeling languages that developed from the Meta Attack Language framework. Through the analysis of the results, we conclude that the evaluated security mechanisms can bring security benefits and mitigate security threats in the area of substation automation. / Transformatorstationer är viktiga komponenter för att transformera spänning och distribuera kraft i elektrisk infrastruktur. Moderna transformatorstationer automatiseras vanligtvis av transformatorstationsautomationssystem, som avlastar operatörernas arbete och minskar potentiella mänskliga fel. IEC 61850-standarden släpptes 2003 för att ta itu med kompatibiliteten hos elektroniska enheter med automationssystem för transformatorstationer. Men det exponerade fler attackytor med antagandet av Ethernet, den breda användningen av digitala enheter och anslutningen till Internet. Därför är det nödvändigt att analysera säkerhetshoten för moderna transformatorstationer. Denna masteruppsats undersökte de vanliga designalternativen för IEC 61850-transformatorstationer, och använde sedan den grafbaserade hotmodelleringsmetoden för att utforska säkerhetssvagheterna hos dessa alternativ och jämföra effektiviteten hos säkerhetsmekanismer. Konstruktionen av hotmodeller utförs med SecuriCAD och flera domänspecifika modelleringsspråk som utvecklats från ramverket Meta Attack Language. Genom analysen av resultaten drar vi slutsatsen att de utvärderade säkerhetsmekanismerna kan ge säkerhetsfördelar och mildra säkerhetshot inom området för automatisering av transformatorstationer.
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Framställningen av yoga i kristen press : En innehållsanalys av kristen respons på den nyandliga praktiken yoga i olika svenska kyrkotidningar åren 2011-2021 analyserad genom hot- och resursteorin samt yogafobi. / The Representation of Yoga in the Christian Press : A Content Analysis of Christian Responses to the New Age-Activity Yoga in Various Swedish Church Magazines through 2011-2021, Analyzed Through the Risk and Resource Theory and YogaPhobia.Džanić, Amina January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to investigate Christian responses to New Age practices, specifically by examining how the New Age practice of yoga, is described in Swedish Christian press. The reasearch questions were the following two: 1) How is Yoga described in the Swedish Protestant Christian Press? 2) How is yoga presented in the Swedish Protestant Christian newspapers Kyrkans Tidning, Dagen, Sändaren and Världen idag based on Lundgren’s risk and resource theory? The method used was content analysis, both in qualitative and quantitative approaches and the material consisted of 379 articles from 4 different Christian newspapers. Risk or resource theory and yogaphobia were applied to the results and the discussion. Regarding the first question, yoga is described as either a resource, a threat or other. In the resource category, the following subcategories emerged: yoga as a resource for physical health, yoga as a resource for mental health, yoga as a resource for activity in operation, yoga as a resource for a path to Christian spirituality, yoga as a resource for a path to an internal quest and yoga as a resource for a modernization of the church. Within the threat category, the following subcategories emerged: yoga as a threat to Christianity, yoga as a threat to church activities, yoga as a threat by dark forces, yoga as a threat to non-denominationalism,yoga as a threat to taxpayers, yoga as a threat to human health, and yoga as a threat to societal progress. The second research question addresses how yoga is presented based on the risk and resource theory. Surprisingly, the majority of the articles were found to belong to the other category, meaning that the article was neutral in its reporting. However, the risk category consisted of almost twice as many articles as the resource category. An interesting discovery in the analysis part was that both the theory of yogaphobia and “yoga as a risk” advocate that the practice of yoga in a Christian context contributes to a contradiction between the fundamental dogmas of Christianity and the opposite ones based in other religions. In contrast, yogaphobia is associated with a fear or phobia of yoga, while yoga as a risk is associated with criticism based on substantiated arguments. / Folkkyrkans nya ansikten - levd religion, nyandliga praktiker och teologisk legitimitet.
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Security evaluation of the Matrix Server-Server API / Säkerhetsutvärdering av Matrix Server-Server APIStenhav, Hîvron January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents a comprehensive security analysis of the Server-Server API of the Matrix protocol, providing a detailed examination of its vulnerabilities and contributing a significant body of knowledge to the cybersecurity field. The research focused exclusively on the Server-Server API of the Matrix protocol. Despite the testing of 2 vulnerabilities that did not succeed, the primary contribution of this work lies in the in-depth threat analysis and the identification of 16 critical, yet untested, vulnerabilities that may be probed in future research. The findings reveal that the Matrix protocol’s Server-Server API currently maintains a competent level of security. However, the uncovered vulnerabilities highlight the necessity for continuous and proactive security measures within its ongoing development. The practical implications of the identified vulnerabilities are substantial, with relevance extending to similar APIs in the broader digital communication landscape. The rigorous penetration testing methodology following rigorous standards, coupled with systematic documentation, ensures a trustworthy basis for the study’s conclusions. In essence, this thesis does not only answer the research question by identifying and documenting current security weaknesses within the Server-Server API but also establishes a methodological foundation for future security enhancement initiatives. By doing so, it adds valuable insights to the cybersecurity community, with implications for developers, researchers, and users alike, emphasizing the need for a persistent and vigilant approach to API security in the evolving digital era / Denna avhandling presenterar en omfattande säkerhetsanalys av Server-Server API:et för Matrix-protokollet, och bidrar med en utvärdering av dess sårbarheter och betydande kunskap till cybersäkerhetsområdet. Forskningen fokuserade uteslutande på Server-Server API:et för Matrix-protokollet. Trots penetrationstestningen av två sårbarheter som inte lyckades, ligger det primära bidraget från detta arbete i den djupgående hotanalysen och identifieringen av 16 kritiska, ännu otestade, sårbarheter som kan utforskas i framtida forskning. Resultaten visar att Matrix-protokollets Server-Server API för närvarande upprätthåller en bra säkerhetsnivå. De upptäckta sårbarheterna betonar dock nödvändigheten av kontinuerliga säkerhetsåtgärder inom dess pågående utveckling. De praktiska konsekvenserna av de identifierade sårbarheterna är betydande, med relevans som sträcker sig till liknande API:er i det bredare digitala kommunikationslandskapet. Den noggranna metodiken för penetrationstestning enligt strikta standarder, tillsammans med systematisk dokumentation, säkerställer en tillförlitlig grund för studiens slutsatser. I grund och botten svarar denna avhandling inte bara på forskningsfrågan genom att identifiera och dokumentera nuvarande säkerhetsbrister inom Server-Server API:et utan etablerar också en metodologisk grund för framtida säkerhetsförstärkningsinitiativ. Genom att göra detta tillför den värdefulla insikter till cybersäkerhetsgemenskapen, med implikationer för utvecklare, forskare och användare lika, vilket betonar behovet av en ihärdig och vaksam inställning till API-säkerhet i den utvecklande digitala eran.
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A Study of Pre-Service Teachers: Is it Really Mathematics Anxiety?Guillory Bryant, Marsha Marie 01 May 2009 (has links)
This research study was motivated by a hypothesis, generated on the basis of formal and informal observations, personal and professional experiences, discussions with prospective teachers and a pilot study conducted by this author; that pre-service teachers have a high level of mathematics anxiety and negative attitudes about mathematics. The primary purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between mathematics anxiety and pre-service teachers. The secondary purposes of this study were to examine the relationship between anxiety and performance and to examine the relationship between math anxiety, test anxiety, and stereotype threat. A quantitative experimental research design was used to investigate the research questions. The population consisted of prospective teachers at colleges and universities in Louisiana. The sets of data are mathematics anxiety of prospective teachers, a test anxiety inventory and a mathematics performance task. A personal data questionnaire was used to gather demographic information and attitudinal information about the participants. The implications of this study for elementary teacher education programs point to increased attention on the mathematics anxiety of pre-service teachers. This process is two-fold. One, it is recommended that pre-service teachers be made aware of their mathematics anxiety level and their attitudes about mathematics and two, it is recommended that teacher education programs acknowledge and address the importance of these affective variables and their role in pedagogy.
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A Modelling Study to Examine Threat Assessment Algorithms Performance in Predicting Cyclist Fall Risk in Safety Critical Bicycle-Automatic Vehicle lnteractionsReijne, Marco M., Dehkordi, Sepehr G., Glaser, Sebastien, Twisk, Divera, Schwab, A. L. 19 December 2022 (has links)
Falls are responsible for a large proportion of serious injuries and deaths among cyclists [1-4]. A common fall scenario is loss of balance during an emergency braking maneuver to avoid another vehicle [5-7]. Automated Vehicles (AV) have the potential to prevent these critical scenarios between bicycle and cars. However, current Threat Assessment Algorithms (TAA) used by AVs only consider collision avoidance to decide upon safe gaps and decelerations when interacting wih cyclists and do not consider bicycle specific balance-related constraints. To date, no studies have addressed this risk of falls in safety critical scenarios. Yet, given the bicycle dynamics, we hypothesized that the existing TAA may be inaccurate in predicting the threat of cyclist falls and misclassify unsafe interactions. To test this hypothesis, this study developed a simple Newtonian mechanics-based model that calculates the performance of two existing TAAs in four critical scenarios with two road conditions. Tue four scenarios are: (1) a crossing scenario and a bicycle following lead car scenario in which the car either (2) suddenly braked, (3) halted or (4) accelerated from standstill. These scenarios have been identified by bicycle-car conflict studies as common scenarios where the car driver elicits an emergency braking response of the cyclist [8-11] and are illustrated in Figure 1. The two TAAs are Time-to-Collision (TTC) and Headway (H). These TAAs are commonly used by AVs in the four critical scenarios that will be modelled. The two road conditions are a flat dry road and also a downhill wet road, which serves as a worst-case condition for loss of balance during emergency braking [12].
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En säkerhetisering av brottslighet i Sverige?Samuelsson, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Considering the increased focus on law and order and crime in Sweden, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the political rhetoric on crime since 2002 on the Swedish parties the Moderate Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Sweden Democrats. This is done through an analysis with the theory of securitization developed by Buzan, Wæver and de Wilde. Through analysis of election manifestos, motions, bills, and laws this study shows a shift towards a rhetoric that increasingly explains Sweden as a country “existentially” threatened by crime. At the same time, proposed action in the Swedish context becomes more far-reaching as emergency actions are legitimized by the presented threat of crime rates. The conclusion is that the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats today are making a securitization move, however that the question of law and order today is not securitized in Sweden. / Givet att lag och ordning är en av de viktigaste politiska frågorna i Sverige idag syftar studien till att undersöka Moderaternas, Socialdemokraternas och Sverigedemokraternas retorik i frågan sedan 2002. Analysen görs med hjälp av teorin om säkerhetisering av Buzan, Wæver och de Wilde (Köpenhamnsskolan). Genom en idéanalys med hjälp av en innehållsanalys av valmanifest, motioner, propositioner och lagar visar denna studie på ett skifte i partiernas retorik, som i ökad utsträckning målar upp ett säkerhetshot kring brottslighet, vilket alltmer kan liknas vid ett “existentiellt” hot. Samtidigt har föreslagna åtgärder blivit alltmer långtgående. Utifrån säkerhetiseringsteorin kan detta förklaras med att nödåtgärder legitimeras när ett säkerhetshot presenteras. Slutsatserna är att Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraterna gör ett så kallat säkerhetiseringsförsök, men att frågan om lag och ordning idag inte är säkerhetiserad i Sverige.
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Évolution des préjugés envers les personnes d'origine chinoise durant la COVID-19 : une étude longitudinale pancanadienneFerrante, Victoria Maria 08 1900 (has links)
Les recherches suggèrent que les préjugés envers les personnes d’origine chinoise ont augmenté au cours des premiers mois de la pandémie de la COVID-19. L’étude présentée dans ce mémoire se base sur un premier postulat, selon lequel l’évolution des préjugés n’est pas univoque pour tous les individus. Le second postulat de cette étude établit que le contexte pandémique suscite des mécanismes psychologiques qui peuvent favoriser mais aussi contrer les préjugés. Le premier objectif vise à identifier l’hétérogénéité dans les trajectoires de préjugés. Le deuxième objectif vise à déterminer quelles catégories sociodémographiques sont associées aux différents groupes de trajectoires de préjugés (âge, genre, province de résidence, affiliation politique). Le troisième objectif vise à déterminer si les participants assignés aux différents groupes de trajectoires de préjugés diffèrent selon la menace économique et le statut identitaire. Une étude longitudinale a été conduite d’avril à décembre 2020 auprès d’un échantillon adulte représentatif de la population canadienne en vertu de l’âge, du genre et de la province de résidence (N = 3617). Les résultats suggèrent des trajectoires élevées et stables de préjugés ainsi que des trajectoires faibles et instables de préjugés. Les participants appartenant aux trajectoires élevées et stables rapportent une plus grande affiliation politique « de droite » et s’identifient à des groupes plus locaux. Les participants appartenant aux trajectoires faibles et instables rapportent une plus grande affiliation politique « de gauche » et s’identifient de manière plus globale et inclusive. Les résultats sont mitigés concernant l’âge et non significatifs concernant le genre, la province de résidence et la menace économique. Les implications théoriques et pratiques sont discutées. / Research suggests that prejudice against Chinese people has increased in the early
months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study presented in this master’s thesis is
based on a first premise that the evolution of prejudice is not unequivocal for all
individuals. The second postulate of this study establishes that the pandemic context
gives rise to psychological mechanisms which can promote but also counter
prejudice. The first objective is to identify heterogeneity in the trajectories of
prejudice. The second objective aims to determine which socio-demographic
categories are associated with the different groups of prejudice trajectories (age,
gender, province of residence, political affiliation). The third objective aims to
determine whether the participants assigned to the different groups of prejudice
trajectories differ according to economic threat and identity status. A longitudinal
study was conducted from April 2020 to December 2020 within a representative
adult sample of the Canadian population by age, gender and province of residence
(N = 3617). The results suggest high and stable trajectories of prejudice as well as
low and unstable trajectories of prejudice. Participants belonging to high and stable
trajectories report greater “right-wing” political affiliation and identify with more
local groups. Participants belonging to low and unstable trajectories report greater
“left-wing” political affiliation and identify more globally and inclusively. Results
are mixed for age and are non-significant for gender, province of residence, and
economic threat. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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