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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių darbuotojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas: prielaidos ir galimybės / Presumptions and possibilities of qualification development of social workers

Juodkaitė, Skaidrė 08 June 2006 (has links)
Social work is one of the newest profession activities (into the register of professions was entered in 2005 year) in Lithuania. Changes that are going on in society motivate the social workers to search for the partners, work in team with other institutions so that the societies would solve the problems that arise. It is very important to coordinate theoretical knowledge with practise, because it is impossible without theoretical knowledge to stimulate development changes of social work, especially in the area of social services. The clients request not only for the quality full services, but also for the polite behaviour, which is not possible to reach without a high professional level. Aim of the work is to analyze presumptions and possibilities of qualification development of social workers. Tasks of the research: 1. To describe specifics of profession of social work, 2. To discuss about the presumptions of qualification development of social workers, 3. To reveal legal, organizational and individual possibilities of qualification development of social workers, 4. To analyze presumptions and possibilities of social development of social workers, who work in territory of Utena district? The theoretical part of the work deals with specificity of a social work profession (history of social work rise, connection between theory and practise, development in Lithuania). There are discussed presumptions of qualification development of social workers (demands of informative... [to full text]

Ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimas muzikos mokyklose / The Development of Education at Music Schools

Mateikienė, Nijolė 25 May 2005 (has links)
The opportunity of development of education at Music Schools is analyzed in the Master’s Paper. The main purpose is to achieve the improved education programs. The key questions and answers are presented in this paper: why do the students attend the music school, does the education organized by the music school reflect the requirements, interests of the students and a question of expressiveness. To solve this pedagogical problem, the hypothesis has been presented- the musical education of music school students is more effective if the offered programs and the achievements of the students are combined. Also the requests of the students are important and as a result, different types of learning and teaching methods have been chosen to improve the education process. The research subject- the means to organize the education process at music schools. The aim of the research work- to investigate and evaluate the possibility to develop the education process at music schools. To achieve the goal, the following research tasks have been presented: 1) to investigate the problems while organizing the education of music schools; 2) to clear out the efficiency of the proposed programs while meeting the needs and interests of the students; 3) to examine the position of the parents, teachers and students’ about the possibilities to organize the education of the music schools. The questionnaires and pedagogical observation, used during the research work, enabled to affect the analysis of... [to full text]

Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnybos konsultantų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikių studija / Study on needs of in – service training of Advisers in Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory service

Račkienė, Ona 30 May 2005 (has links)
Final theses of Master Degree studies 68 pages, 23 illustrations, 10 tables, 43 literature sources, 13 affixes, Lithuanian language. The object of study – advisers of Lithuanian Lithuanian Agricultural advisory service. The area of study – Needs of professional development. The aim of study – Having analysed advisers needs of in-service training to work out a model of agricultural advisers in-service training. The objectives: 1. Analyse in-service training theoretical and practical aspects in Lithuania and abroad. 2. Conducting surveys to analyse in-service training theoretical and practical aspects in Lithuania and abroad. 3. Identify advisors‘ needs and requests for the programmes of in-service training. 4. Produce standards and requirements for advisors to qualify. Methods of study: analysis and summary of literature, systematization and analysis of primary and secondary data, generalisation, comparison of practical experience, calculation and patterning. After studying scientific literature and examining aspects of advisers in-service training in Lithuania and abroad and carrying out the analysis of survey conducted the standards and requirements for advisors to qualify were produced and the model for in-service training was carried out.

MTP konsultantų vaidmuo efektyvinant pagrindinių mokyklų ugdomąją veiklą / The Role of a Consultant in Schools Perfection Educational Activity of Basic Schools

Kirtiklis, Sigitas 14 June 2005 (has links)
In an attempt to improve the quality of education in basic schools of Lithuania, the Ministry of Education has prepared and is now realizing a Schools Improvement Program. (SIP) The main goal of this program is to improve 5th – 10th forms students’ achievements modernizing general education and making sure the funds for education are used in an effective and rational way. The Schools Improvement Program is being realized with the help of teachers-consultants. Their goal is to ensure the achievements and realization of the educational tasks set in the Schools Improvement Program. However, their activities and role in ensuring the spread of SIP ideas have not been investigated yet. Therefore, it is vital to find out and investigate the way consultants perform their role and functions. The goal of the investigation: to ascertain SIP consultants’ role realization in improving educational activity of basic schools. The tasks of the investigation: 1. To analyze pedagogical, psychological and managerial literature related to educational reform and schools improvement questions. 2. To discuss the peculiarities of consulting in the professional improvement system. 3. To carry out a survey of SIP 2nd round consultants and determine their role in this program. 4. To provide recommendations to school principals and teachers about educational and managerial activity improvement of basic schools, creating better studying conditions at schools, increasing studying possibilities for... [to full text]

Mokytojų perkvalifikavimas valstybinės švietimo strategijos kontekste / Teachers re-skilling in the context of national education strategy

Romeiko, Alicija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Dabarties Lietuvoje vykstant švietimo reformai, mokytojų rengimas, kvalifikacijos tobulinimas ir perkvalifikavimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių uždavinių. Šiandieniniam mokytojui tobulėjimui nėra ribų, tobulintis gali kvalifikacijos tobulinimo kursuose, seminaruose, užsienio stažuotėse, tęstinėse studijose ir aišku, persikvalifikuojant. Pedagogų perkvalifikavimas yra viena iš kvalifikacijos tobulinimo krypčių. Perkvalifikavimas suteikia galimybę įgyti papildomą profesiją, tobulinti įgytus gebėjimus tuo pat metu juos jungti su naujai gautomis žiniomis, dalytis pedagogine patirtimi su kolegomis bei siekti aukštesnės kvalifikacijos. Perkvalifikavimas suvokiamas kaip papildomas mokymasis, per kurį, mokytojas gali įgyti naują diplomą ir pakeisti kryptį profesijos viduje. Tyrimu siekta nustatyti, kaip vyksta mokytojų perkvalifikavimas, kokia yra mokytojų perkvalifikavimo patirtis, išryškinti mokyklos vadovo vaidmenį persikvalifikuojant. Siekta išsiaiškinti, kodėl mokytojai persikvalifikuoja, ar vertina perkvalifikavimo studijas, kaip jų profesinės veiklos sudedamąją dalį, koks jų po��iūris į nuolatinį mokymąsi ir kaip tobulina savo kvalifikaciją, kiek perkvalifikavimas atitinka mokytojų poreikius ir valstybinę švietimo strategiją. / In present Lithuania in pursuance of the reform of education teachers training, in- service training, re-skilling is one of the biggest tasks. A modern-day teacher can improve himself in many ways: clinic, seminars, foreign probationary, continual study or re-skilling. Schoolmasters re-skilling is a trend of the qualification in-service training. Re-skilling gives an opportunity to get a new profession, improve acquired abilities, link them with new knowledge, interchange pedagogical experience and seek the superior qualification. Re-skilling is an additional learning, it is the way of getting a new diploma and changing a direction inside profession. The main intention of the research was to estimate the experience in re-skilling teachers and to ascertain the school head’s role in this process. It’s important to find out why do teachers retrain, do they value retrain study as a component of their work, what is their attitude towards permanent learning, how do they improve their qualification and does re-killing conforms to the teachers demands at the strategy of national education.

Pedagogų požiūris į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose / Teachers’ approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies

Jaruševičienė, Oksana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sparti socialinio bei kultūrinio gyvenimo kaita, informacinės visuomenės plėtra, globalizacija kelia Lietuvos švietimui naujus iššūkius, kurie lemia jau antrą dešimtmetį vykstančius jo pokyčius. Gyvenimo pokyčiai sąlygoja ugdymo idėjų kaitą, vyksta naujų efektyvesnių mokymo ir mokymosi teorijų bei metodų paieškos. Šiandieniame švietime svarbus pedagogų papildomų kompetencijų įgijimas, todėl vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas perkvalifikavimo studijų organizavimui. Nes nuo pedagogų kvalifikacijos bei turimos kompetencijos, priklauso švietimo kokybė ir sėkminga švietimo įstaigų veikla. Šio mokslinio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti pedagogų požiūrį į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose. Darbo uždaviniai yra panagrinėti pedagogų perkvalifikavimo sampratą ir procesą Lietuvos švietimo reformų kontekste, aptarti suaugusiųjų mokymosi organizavimo ypatumus ir ištirti pedagogų, dalyvaujančių perkvalifikavimo programose, požiūrį į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose. Tyrimas parodė, kad pedagogų dalyvavimą perkvalifikavimo studijose dažniausiai lemia būtinybė įgyti dalykinę kvalifikaciją bei noras tobulėti, siekis įgyti pedagoginių ir psichologinių žinių. Tačiau šių studijų paskaitose taikomi mokymo(si) metodai dažniausiai tik dalinai tenkina besimokančių poreikius. Nustatyta, kad perkvalifikavimo studijose yra naudojami įvairūs mokymo metodai. Vyraujantys du tradiciniai mokymo(si) metodai – paskaita ir aiškinimas – geriausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The rapid alternation of social and cultural life, development of informative society, globalization challenges the education of Lithuania and condition changes of the past two decades. The changes of life determine the alteration of educational ideas, search for new and more effective theories and methods of teaching and learning. It is important in recent education for teachers to gain additional competence. Thus, greater attention is paid at the organization of retraining studies, as the quality of education and successful work of educational institutions depend on the teachers’ qualifications and competence. The aim of this research is to analyze teachers’ approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies. The objectives of the research are to study the conception of teachers‘ retraining and its process in the context of educational reforms in Lithuania, discuss the peculiarities of the organization of adult teaching, and survey teachers’ who participate in retraining programs approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies. The research clearly shows that usually teachers’ participation in the refresher course centers is due to the necessity to have the right qualification for the job and a wish for proper pedagogical and psychological knowledge. However, the teaching-learning methods used during the lectures only partly meet the requirements of the teachers. It is estimated that there are various teaching... [to full text]

Neformalaus ugdymo organizavimo ypatumai gimnazijoje: metodinių principų raiška / Particular features of organising the informal education in a grammar school: expression of methodical principles

Varnagirytė, Evelina 03 August 2009 (has links)
Gerai organizuotas vaikų ir jaunimo neformalus ugdymas ir laisvalaikio užimtumas yra būtina jaunosios kartos socializavimo(si) sąlyga, o taip pat ir veiksmingiausia nusikaltimo prevencija. Todėl būtina nuolat galvoti apie tai, kaip užtikrinti moksleivių saviraiškos galimybes. Tyrimo problema – pedagogai mokyklose mažai dėmesio skiria neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų išpildymo kokybei, neformalaus ugdymo organizavimui reikalingų kompetencijų tobulinimui. Tyrimo objektas – neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų raiška gimnazijos neformalaus ugdymo užsiėmimuose. Tyrimo tikslas – išryškinus neformalaus ugdymo pedagogų požiūrį į neformalų ugdymą bei kvalifikacijos kėlimą šioje srityje, įvertinti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų raišką bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Siekiant šio tikslo, numatyti uždaviniai: 1) apibrėžti neformalaus ugdymo paskirtį bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje; 2) atskleisti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų sampratą bei šių principų taikymo reikšmę organizuojant neformaliojo ugdymo užsiėmimus; 3) išryškinti neformalaus ugdymo pedagogų kompetencijas bei kvalifikacijos tobulinimo galimybes Lietuvoje; 4) atskleisti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų raišką neformalaus ugdymo užsiėmimuose moksleivių požiūriu; 5) išryškinti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų taikymo aktualumą pedagogų požiūriu. Metodologinį darbo pagrindą sudaro pragmatizmo nuostatos, kurios teigia, kad ugdymo tikslas yra mokyti vaikus gyventi. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Well-organised informal education and occupation of leisure time of children and young people is an indispensable condition of the socialisation of the young generation as well as the most effective means of crime prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to think about ensuring possibilities for self-expression of school students. The problem of the study: pedagogues in schools pay little attention to the quality of the implementation of informal education methodical principles and to the improvement of competences necessary for the organisation of informal education. The object of the study: the expression of informal education methodical principles in informal education classes of a grammar school. The objective of the study: after identifying the attitude of informal education pedagogues towards informal education and qualification improvement in this area, to evaluate the expression of informal education methodical principles in comprehensive schools. In order to accomplish this objective, the following tasks were established: (1) to define the purpose of informal education in comprehensive schools; (2) to educe the concept of informal education methodical principles and the significance of the application of those principle in the organisation of informal education classes; (3) to identify competences of informal education pedagogues and qualifications improvement opportunities in Lithuania; (4) to educe the expression of informal education methodical principles in... [to full text]

Komandinio darbo tobulinimas turizmo organizacijoje / Improvement of teamwork in the tourism organisation

Tamulytė, Justė 27 September 2011 (has links)
Komandinis darbas – tai tam tikrą kokybinės brandos lygį pasiekusi komandos narių sąveika, kurioje pagrindiniai darbo principai grindžiami komandos narių bendradarbiavimu, parama, pagarba ir pasitikėjimu, vaidmenų pasiskirstymu bei aukšta motyvacija paremtais tarpusavio santykiais. Atlikus tyrimą, galime spręsti, kad darbuotojai, dirbdami komandinį darbą, susiduria su tam tikromis problemomis. Daugelis teigia, jog komandos nariai labiau siekia savų tikslų, o ne organizacijos, komandos nariai vengia prisiimti atsakomybę. Taip pat įvardijamas nesusikalbėjimas su komandos nariais, aiškaus lyderio nebuvimas, laiko trūkumas. Tyrimas parodė, kad kelionių centro ,,Megaturas“ komanda yra ketvirtajame komandos gyvavimo cikle. Tai yra integracijos etapas, kuriame vyrauja efektyvus komandinis darbas, akcentuojamas tinkamas, produktyvus laiko panaudojimas, problemos sprendžiamos kūrybiškai, vadovavimo funkcijos perduodamos kitiems komandos nariams. Norint patobulinti komandinį darbą kelionių centre „Megaturas“ bei pasiekti brandžios komandos statusą, reiktų gerinti organizacijos klimatą komandoje, didinti komandos bendradarbiavimą, tobulinti vadovavimą, stiprinti komandos normas ir didinti jos vaidmenį bei statusą. / Teamwork - is an interaction between team members of qualitative maturity level. The main working principles are based on team member’s cooperation, support, respect and trust, roles, and high motivation-based relationships. The study showed that the team of travel center “Megaturas” is in the fourth team life cycle. It is in the integration phase, which is dominated by effective teamwork, the emphasis at appropriate, productive use of time. Issues are solved creatively and functions of management are delegated to other team members. A large proportion of workers identified these characteristics as most descriptive of their team. The research suggests that staff members faced with certain problems. Many say that the team members are more likely to reach their own goals, rather than the organization, they avoid taking responsibility. The staff also named a lack of communication between team members, non existence of proper leader, shortage of time. To improve teamwork Travel Center ,,Megaturas“ as well as a team to achieve a mature status, the organization should improve the climate for the team, improve team collaboration, improve governance, strengthen the team's standards and to enhance its role and status.

Personalo mokymas ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimas Mažeikių savivaldybėje / The personnel training and qualification improvement in municipality of Mazeikiai

Semenovaitė, Kristina 13 December 2006 (has links)
Magistro baigiamasis darbas Personalo mokymas ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimas Mažeikių savivaldybėje aktualus tuo, jog viešosiose institucijose vienas iš svarbiausių išteklių yra personalas, o visuomenė vis didina reikalavimus šios sistemos darbuotojams profesionalumo, atsakomybės, veiklos viešumo ir kitais požiūriais. Vienas svarbiausių tikslų viešajame sektoriuje yra darbuotojų nuolatinio, sistemingo, nuoseklaus mokymo užtikrinimas tam, kad viešoji įstaiga efektyviai bei kokybiškai teiktų paslaugas. Su naujomis žiniomis bei įgūdžiais viešoji institucija gali funkcionuoti atsižvelgdama į visuomenės poreikius bei prisitaikyti prie pokyčių ir racionaliai panaudoti savo žmogiškąjį kapitalą. Magistro baigiamasis darbas atskleidė aktualiausias problemas viešojo sektoriaus įstaigose, išskiriamos šios problemos: tarnautojų kompetencijos stoka administravimo ir valdymo sričių klausimais bei nepakankami administraciniai gebėjimai. Norint išspręsti šias problemas, reikia, jog personalas tobulėtų ir keltų kvalifikaciją, vadinasi tarnautojai turi dalyvauti įvairiuose mokymuose. Tačiau viešosiose institucijose personalo mokymų yra stoka. Svarbu, jog viešosios įstaigos kruopš čiai nustatytų kokie yra poreikiai mokymams, atrinktų tarnautojus, kuriems yra būtini mokymai ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimas bei įvertintų ar tie mokymai yra naudingi. / Final Master thesis regarding the personnel training and qualification improvement in municipality of Mazeikiai is important because one of the main resources of public institutions is personnel; and society constantly increases requirements regarding professional skills, responsibility, publicity of activities and similar for the workers of this system. Final Master thesis revealed the most important problems in public institutions. These problems are the following: lack of competence on administration and management issues, as well as inadequate administrative skills. In order to solve the mentioned problems it is necessary for personnel to improve their knowledge and qualification. It means that personnel must take part in the various trainings. However, public institutions lack trainings for their personnel. It is important for public institutions to determine the need of trainings, to select the workers that have to be trained and to evaluate the advantages of the trainings. The goal of the final work is to examine and to evaluate the system of personnel training and improvement of qualification in municipality of Mazeikiai.

Švenčionių rajono savivaldybės tarnautojų mokymosi ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo ypatumai / The features of the improvement of the training and qualification of the staff of the municipality of Shvenchionis district

Čičelytė, Daiva 02 January 2007 (has links)
Vienas didžiausių iššūkių viešajame sektoriuje yra nuolatinis, sistemingas tarnautojų mokymasis, kvalifikacijos tobulinimas. Šioje srityje viešojo administravimo institucijoms, skaitant ir savivaldybes keliami vis didesni reikalavimai, nes nuolatinis savivaldybės tarnautojų mokymasis, jų profesionalumas įtakoja savivaldybės veiklos efektyvumą, administravimo kokybę bei visuomenės pasitikėjimą vietos savivaldos įstaigų veikla. Šiame darbe tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo klausimai nagrinėjami vienos organizacijos, t.y. Švenčionių rajono savivaldybės lygyje. Analizuojant duomenis išskiriami pagrindiniai trūkumai, susiję su savivaldybės tarnautojų mokymu, kvalifikacijos tobulinimu ir pasiūlytos jų šalinimo priemonės. / The growing nowadays expectations and new requirements for public administration always stimulate workers to train and to improve their qualification. In this work there was chosen to analyze the features of the improvement of the training and qualification of the staff of the municipality of Shvenchionis district. In the theoretical part of the work there is given the conception of the training and the improvement of the qualification of the workers of Lithuanian municipalities. There are allocated theoretical aspects of qualification, professionalism and competence, there is presented the standard of studying organization. There are shortly discussed the features of the improvement of the training and qualification of the staff of Lithuanian municipalities, development and legal regulation. There is also allocated the importance of the planning of public institutions’ work and human resources. In the empirical part of the work there are analyzed and given the results of the research fulfilled in the municipality of Shvenchionis district “The features of the improvement of the training and qualification of the staff of the municipality of Shvenchionis district”. There are summarized the main problems connected with the training and improvement of the qualification of municipality stuff and offered the means of their removal. 98 percents of respondents proved one of the hypothesis of the work: „Permanent training of municipality workers, their professionalism influence... [to full text]

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