Spelling suggestions: "subject:"touch"" "subject:"rough""
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The Causes and Effects of Get Tough: A Look at How Tough-on-Crime Policies Rose to the Agenda and an Examination of Their Effects on Prison Populations and CrimeHarty, Cheyenne Morales 01 January 2012 (has links)
The paper analyzes the rise of get-tough crime legislation to the American public policy agenda and examines the effects of these policies on crime and inmate populations. Get-tough policies analyzed include sentencing reform, the War on Drugs and collateral consequences. Because there is no empirical literature on the effect of collateral consequences on crime, the paper employed an OLS regression model partly derived from institutional anomie theory to test for criminogenic effects. The study then employed OLS regression analysis to determine the affect of these independent variables on crime rates in each of the 50 states. The study concluded that state policies hindering the ability of offenders to find employment have a significant and positive impact on crime. According to the model, the most significant factors affecting crime rates are urban density, high school drop-out rates, a state's population of blacks, non-economic institutions, and policy barriers to offender employment. The research suggests that policy makers should reduce ecomomic barriers to reentry, particularly those barriers focused on employment, to improve public safety.
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O lugar da fronteira na geografia de Pierre Monbeig / The place of the frontier in the Geography of Pierre MonbeigCarlo Eugenio Nogueira 16 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho procura avaliar a relação existente entre a expansão espacial do povoamento ocorrida no Brasil na primeira metade do século XX e o processo de formação territorial do país, trazendo a lume a importância das relações sociais que ocorriam na fronteira para a composição de uma explicação geográfica sobre o fenômeno do pioneirismo. Tomando como ponto de partida a análise da noção de frente pioneira explicitada na obra do geógrafo francês Pierre Monbeig entre as décadas de 1930 e 1950, busca-se apontar de que maneira a descrição explicativa das áreas de movimentação de fronteiras dinamizadas pela expansão espacial da colonização, que impulsionou a fundação de cidades, o desmatamento de florestas e a abertura de campos de cultivo e pastos, comporta uma análise sobre o processo de construção dos sistemas de engenharia que conseguiram consolidar nexos de solidariedade entre distintos lugares, garantindo maior fluidez e integração a um território que modificava sua organização espacial para se adequar às novas necessidades surgidas com a expansão do capitalismo no Brasil. Figura de destaque no ensino e pesquisa em geografia desenvolvidos no Brasil nas décadas de 1930 e 1940, especialmente na Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo, onde foi um dos fundadores do curso de Geografia e História, Pierre Monbeig é um dos protagonistas da institucionalização acadêmica do campo geográfico no país, influenciando diretamente a formação da primeira geração de geógrafos brasileiros saídos dos bancos universitários. Assim sendo, este trabalho colocou como objetivo específico rastrear a influência do enquadramento oferecido por Monbeig em seus trabalhos sobre o pioneirismo nas pesquisas de autores como Ary França, José Ribeiro de Araújo Filho, Renato da Silveira Mendes, Nice Lecocq Müller e Pasquale Petrone, discípulos do francês que assumiram uma posição institucional de relevo no cenário da geografia brasileira a partir da década de 1950, tornando-se os continuadores do curso de Geografia da FFCL/USP. / The aim of this work is to analyze the relation between the spatial expansion of Brazilian settlement occurred in the first half of the twentieth century and the process of territorial formation, with a focus on the role of the frontiers social relations in the construction of a geographic approach for the pioneering phenomena. Based upon the analysis of the pioneer fringe as it is expounded in the work of French geographer Pierre Monbeig between the 1930s and the 1950s, we intend to point out in what ways the descriptive explanation of the moving frontier, which impelled, for its turn, the foundation of cities, the deforestation and the formation of agriculture fields and pastures, reveals an interpretation about the construction of engineering systems planned to consolidate spatial relations among different places in the Brazilian territory, ensuring the territorial integration necessary for the expansion of capitalism in Brazil. Pierre Monbeig is a distinguish figure of the Brazilian geographic movement, fulfilling an important role in the institutionalization of the geographic scientific field as one of the greatest scholar figures that ever worked in this country. The analysis of the influence brought together with his activities as a teacher and researcher developed in the Department of Geography of the São Paulo University during the 1930s and the 1940s, which he helped to organize and establish, can be taken in consideration as a demonstration of the reach of his works for the generation of students that came after him in the University. Thus, this work seeks to examine the influence of the explicative frame held in Monbeigs studies of the pioneer fringe on the research developed by authors like Ary França, José Ribeiro de Araújo Filho, Renato da Silveira Mendes, Nice Lecocq Müller and Pasquale Petrone, all of them future teachers in the same Department of Geography in São Paulo.
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Three Essays on the Economics of Household Decision MakingBhatt, Vipul 08 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental studies and modelling of innovative peeling processes for tough-skinned vegetablesEmadi, Bagher January 2006 (has links)
Tough-skinned vegetables such as pumpkin and melon currently are peeled either semi-automatically or automatically. The main limitation of both methods, especially for varieties with an uneven surface, is high peeling losses. Improvement of current mechanical peeling methods and development of new mechanical methods for tough-skinned vegetables which are close to the "ideal" peeling conditions using mechanical properties of the product were the main objectives of this research. This research has developed four innovative mechanical peeling methods on the basis of the mechanical properties of tough-skinned vegetables. For the first time, an abrasive-cutter brush has been introduced as the best peeling method of tough-skinned vegetables. This device simultaneously applies abrasive and cutting forces to remove the peel. The same peeling efficiency at concave and convex areas in addition to high productivity are the main advantages of the developed method. The developed peeling method is environmentally friendly, as it minimises water consumption and peeling wastes. The peeling process using this method has been simulated in a mathematical model and the significant influencing parameters have been determined. The parameters are related to either the product or peeler. Those parameters appeared as the coefficients of a linear regression model. The coefficients have been determined for Jap and Jarrahdale as two varieties of pumpkin. The mathematical model has been verified by experimental results. The successful implementation of this research has provided essential information for the design and manufacture of a commercial peeler for tough-skinned vegetables. It is anticipated that the abrasive-cutting method and the mathematical model will be put into practical use in the food processing industry, enabling peeling of tough-skinned vegetables to be optimised and potentially saving the food industry millions of dollars in tough-skinned vegetable peeling processes.
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Propuesta de remediación geotécnica de un talud incorporando un muro de suelo reforzado con el sistema Terramesh para el proyecto de la carretera Matarani – El ArenalAltamirano Reyna, Greta Lucia, Rivas Vera, Jaime Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva y explicativa, donde se propone una solución geotécnica para el reforzamiento de un talud aplicando el sistema terramesh, para lo cual se aplica un cálculo de estabilidad que determina factores de seguridad y superficies de falla del suelo, a su vez se obtendrá parámetros geotécnicos mediante ensayos de laboratorio. Se aplicará un método de estabilidad, siendo este el método de introducción de fuerzas resistentes del tipo terramesh. Asimismo utilizar el software MacStars 2000 como herramienta para el dimensionamiento y diseño del muro de suelo reforzado tipo terramesh para ser aplicado en el talud de la carretera, el cual tendrá un mínimo impacto ambiental, devolviendo la comunicación y servicialidad de la vía para los pueblos aledaños. Finalmente determinar las ventajas y desventajas que proporciona la solución.
The present research is descriptive and explanatory type where a geotechnical solution strengthening a batter applying Terramesh system, for which stability calculations determining safety factors and failure surfaces of soil applied, proposing to his Once geotechnical parameters are obtained through laboratory testing. A method of stability will apply, which is the input method forces Terramesh resistant type. 2000 MacStars also use software as a tool for sizing and design of reinforced soil wall Terramesh type to be applied on the slope of the road, which will have a minimal environmental impact, restoring communication and helpfulness of the way to the surrounding town. Finally determine the advantages and disadvantages that provides the solution.
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Development of multi-functional polymeric biomaterialsChen, Hong January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Le supin roumain et la théorie des catégories mixtesElena, Soare Negoita 13 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse étudie la distribution et les propriétés de la forme appelée "supin" dans la grammaire traditionnelle du roumain, dans le cadre de la grammaire générative et dans une démarche comparative. Dans l'analyse proposée, le supin et le participe roumain sont un seul item lexical. Le statut du supin n'est pas mixte, mais verbal ou nominal en fonction du contexte. On montre que le participe - supin y compris - repose sur une opération d'externalisation de l'argument interne, qui se réalise différemment selon les environnements syntaxiques. Cette proposition sert aussi à expliquer certaines propriétés spéciales de la nominalisation du participe. On étudie le statut des domaines maximaux du supin: Groupe Prépositionnel ou Proposition non finie, et la structure des propositions participiales dont le "supin verbal" est générateur, qui sont d'un type particulier, à statut d'argument ou de prédicat.
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Les Talwegs Tropicaux Tempérés en Afrique australe : mécanismes et évolution face au changement climatique (2010-2099) / Tropical Temperate Toughs over southern Africa : mechanisms and evolution in response to climate change (2010-2099)Macron, Clémence 01 July 2014 (has links)
Au sein de l’hémisphère sud, l’Afrique australe et le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien forment l’une des trois zones préférentielles de développement des interactions entre les tropiques et les moyennes latitudes. Il s’agit de la Zone de Convergence Sud-Indienne (ZCSI) où se forment, principalement en été austral, des systèmes synoptiques (entre 3 et 5 jours) caractérisés par des bandes nuageuses orientées nord-ouest/sud-est : les Talwegs Tropicaux-Tempérés (TTT). Cette recherche doctorale vise à améliorer les connaissances liées aux TTT, avec une étude sur la dynamique associée à ces systèmes et une analyse de leur évolution possible au cours du XXIème siècle. La première partie de l’étude s’attache à identifier les conditions favorables à la formation et au développement des TTT. Une classification en régimes de temps est utilisée pour identifier les TTT d’une part, et les perturbations des moyennes latitudes d’autre part, permettant de mieux documenter la variabilité spatio-temporelle des TTT et les conditions de leur développement. Ces événements sont responsables d’environ 20% des précipitations saisonnières sud-africaines. Cette contribution augmente selon un gradient ouest-est. La comparaison entre les deux classifications confirme que les perturbations des moyennes latitudes sont une condition nécessaire pour le développement de TTT, mais non suffisante. Dans les tropiques, des advections d’humidité depuis l’océan Atlantique tropical associées à un excès d'énergie statique humide sur le canal du Mozambique forment les conditions supplémentaires favorables à la convection atmosphérique profonde à proximité du continent. La seconde partie étudie comment les TTT, les précipitations et de manière plus générale le climat d’Afrique australe, pourraient évoluer au cours du XXIème siècle sous l’effet du forçage radiatif associé aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Cette approche est multi-modèle (huit modèles climatiques sont retenus de l’exercice 5 du GIEC) et multi-trajectoire (RCP 8.5 et 2.6). Les huit modèles restituent convenablement les caractéristiques actuelles du climat d’Afrique australe ainsi que les bandes nuageuses associées aux TTT, tant en termes de variabilité spatiale que de fréquence d’occurrences. Sur le XXIème siècle, ils divergent sur l’évolution des précipitations saisonnières (NDJF). En revanche, ils convergent sur l’augmentation des quantités précipitées par jour de pluie sur le sud-est de l’Afrique australe. Ces changements ne sont pas à relier à une évolution spatio-temporelle des TTT, leur structure spatiale, leur fréquence d’occurrence et leur contribution aux précipitations restent stationnaires tout au long du siècle, mais à des événements pluviogènes extrêmes plus fréquents et plus intenses. / In the Southern Hemisphere, Southern Africa and the south-west Indian Ocean are one of the three preferred regions where interactions between the tropics and midlatitudes develop. This is the South Indian Convergence Zone (SICZ), where northwest-southeast oriented cloud bands form at the synoptic scale (between 3 and 5 days). These bands are mainly found during the austral summer and are commonly referred to as tropical temperate troughs (TTTs). This research aims at improving our knowledge related to TTTs, with a study on the dynamics associated with these systems, and an analysis of their possible evolution during the 21st century.The first part of this thesis aims at identifying favorable conditions for the formation and the development of TTTs. Weather regimes analysis is used to identify TTTs on the one hand and mid-latitude perturbations on the other hand, allowing us to better document the spatial and temporal variability of TTTs together with background climate conditions. The events identified account for 20% of seasonal rainfall on average. Their contribution increases according to a west to east gradient. The comparison between these two classifications, partitioned using a k-means clustering, first confirms that midlatitude perturbations are a necessary condition for TTT development, but they are not sufficient. An excess of moist static energy over the Mozambique Channel partly supplied by advections from remote regions (mostly the southern Atlantic basin and the south-west Indian Ocean) form additional conditions favoring deep atmospheric convection over and near the Southern Africa. The second part investigates possible changes in precipitation, TTTs and more generally climate over Southern Africa during the 21st century in response to radiative forcing associated with greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). A multi-model (height climate models taken on the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report) and multi-scenario (RCP 8.5 and 2.6) approach is chosen. All models are skillful to reproduce Southern Africa current climate characteristics and cloud bands associated with TTTs, both in terms of spatial variability and frequency of occurrences. During the 21th century, there is no consensus between the models on the future evolution of seasonal rainfall (NDJF). However, all simulate an increase in the amounts precipitated by rainy day over the south-east part of southern Africa. These changes are not related to an evolution of TTTs: their spatial patterns, frequency of occurrences and contribution to rainfall remain stationary throughout the 21st century, but they associated with extreme rainfall events that become more frequent and more intense.
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Letištní terminál / Airport TerminalFojtík, Petr January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on design and assessment of structural system of airport terminal. The design is processed in two options. Both of them has the same dimensions but structural system is changed. Floor plan is in the shape of part of annulus. Width of the hall is changing, in the middle of the hall is aproximatly 90 m. Length is 52,5 m, 10 m of this length is porch. Roof slope is 3° towards to the front of the hall.
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No description available.
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