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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Nothing but a number' : the experiences of young South African men in age-disparate relationships with older women

Montana, Angela Phillibeth 01 1900 (has links)
The phenomenon of age-disparate relationships between younger men and older women is relatively under- researched and therefore open to misunderstanding. The common assumption is that the younger men enter these relationships with a view to benefiting in terms of money or material goods. This qualitative study explored the experiences of five young men from around Pretoria who are in relationships with older women to understand their motivations for entering into those relationships and their experiences in the relationships. The in-depth interviews were thematically analysed and themes that emerged indicated that, unlike what has previously been found among young women who are in relationships with older men (namely that the young women are often coerced and therefore do not have much power in their relationships), the young men entered the relationships willingly and rely on cultural norms that allow them to navigate and negotiate their roles in the relationships. It is therefore recommended that age-disparate relationships not be discouraged; instead, interventions should focus on assisting young people develop agentic power in such relationships. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Covid-19:s effekter på kreditbedömningen till SME:s / Covid-19's effects on the credit appraisal of SMEs

Broomé, Kevin, Gorges, Laverd January 2021 (has links)
IntroduktionSME:s är en stor bidragande roll för den svenska välfärden genom stora skatteintäkter och arbetstillfällen. Det nya Baselregelverket har de senaste åren lett till en större svårighet för SME:s att få finansiering av bankerna. Bankerna är mer restriktiva vid finansiell utlåning eftersom dem själva behöver uppfylla kraven om kapital och likviditetshantering. Samtidigt har pandemin drabbat SME:s ekonomiska ställning negativt och finansiering i form av krediter kan vara en avgörande roll för företagens överlevnad. SyfteSyftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur covid-19 påverkat kreditbedömningen hos kreditgivare till SME:s. MetodStudien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats där empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. SlutsatsStudien visar på att pandemin har kommit att påverka kreditbedömningen genom att majoriteten av bankerna har större acceptans för försämrade siffror. Större vikt läggs på SME:s framtida affärsmöjligheter genom att studera branschen i stort. Vidare har långvariga kundrelationer underlättat bankernas kreditbedömning. Statliga åtgärder och regleringar har inte haft någon väsentlig påverkan på kreditbedömningen under pandemin. KunskapsbidragStudien är ett empiriskt baserat kunskapsbidrag ämnad för att öka förståelse och kunskap om pandemins effekter på kreditbedömningen till SME:s. Denna studie har även kommit att bidra till ett nytt perspektiv på forskningsområdet och att fylla det forskningsgap om brist på forskning kring kreditbedömning i svensk kontext under pandemin. Hur kreditgivarens kreditbedömning går till under pandemin är ett kunskapsbidrag för många aktörer. / Introduction SME's play a major contributing role to Swedish welfare through large tax revenues and jobs. The new Basel regulations have in recent years led to a greater difficulty for SMEs in obtaining financing from the banks. Banks are more restrictive in financial lending  because  they  need  to  meet  the  requirements  for  capital  and  liquidity management. At the same time, the pandemic has negatively affected SME's financial position and financing in the form of credit can play a crucial role in corporate survival.  Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate how covid-19 affected the credit rating of creditors to SMEs.  Method The study is based on a qualitative research strategy with a deductive approach where the empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews.  Conclusion The study shows that the pandemic has affected credit ratings by the majority of banks having  greater acceptance of deteriorating figures. Greater emphasis is placed on SME's future business opportunities by studying the industry as a whole. Furthermore, long-term customer relationships have facilitated the banks' credit assessment. Government measures and regulations have not had any significant impact on the credit assessment during the pandemic.  Contribution The study is an empirically based knowledge contribution intended to increase understanding and knowledge about the pandemic's effects on the credit assessment to SME's. This study has also contributed to a new perspective in the field of research and to fill the research gap on lack of research on credit assessment in the Swedish context during the pandemic. How the creditor's credit assessment is done during the pandemic is a knowledge contribution for many actors.

Tools and Techniques for Efficient Transactions

Poudel, Pavan 07 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Det optimala ledarskapet under distansarbete : Ledarstilar och arbetstillfredsställelse under distansarbete / The ideal leadership during teleworking - Leadership styles and job satisfaction during teleworking due to COVID-19

Hörlin Lundgren, Josefin, Shakib, Hana January 2021 (has links)
Sedan sars-cov-2 deklarerades en pandemi har arbetssituationer förändrats världen över. Studiens syfte var därför att undersöka huruvida transaktionellt, transformativt samt låt- gå ledarstil korrelerade med arbetstillfredsställelse under distansarbete samt vilken av dessa tre ledarstilar som var den starkaste prediktorn av arbetstillfredsställelse. En enkät med totalt 36 frågor utformades för att mäta arbetstagares upplevda arbetstillfredsställelse samt deras skattning av sin närmsta chefs ledarstil. Påståendena var utformade utifrån mätinstrumenten Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire samt Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Resultatet visade att transformativt ledarskap korrelerade positivt med arbetstillfredsställelse och var den starkaste prediktorn. Låt-gå ledarskap korrelerade negativt med arbetstillfredsställelse medan resultatet för det transaktionella ledarskapet inte var signifikant. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att transformativt ledarskap har en positiv inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelse under distansarbete, och att organisationer således bör bedriva ett sådant. / As sars-cov-2 was declared a pandemic, work situations all over the world changed. Theaim of the study was to examine whether employees’ job satisfaction was correlated with their immediate supervisor’s style of leadership during teleworking, and whichstyle of leadership predicted job satisfaction the strongest. The examined styles of leadership were transactional, transformational and laissez-faire. A survey study with 36 statements was conducted in order to measure job satisfaction and style of leadership. The questionnaire was designed using the measuring instruments Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. The results showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction are positively correlated and that it was the strongest predictor. Laissez-faire leadership, on the other hand, was negatively correlated with job satisfaction whilst the result for transactional leadership was not significant. To conclude, transformational leadership had a positive impact on job satisfaction during teleworking, and organizations should therefore manage such leadership.

Förändrade förutsättningar för ledarskapet : En kvalitativ studie om hur mellanchefers ledarskap påverkats av omställning till distansarbete / Changed conditions for leadership : A qualitative study of how middle manager's leadership has been affected by a transition to remote work

Bramer, Steffanie, Savander, Ellen January 2021 (has links)
Pandemin Covid-19 resulterade i en tiofaldig ökning av distansarbete i Sverige under 2020. Detta medförde att många mellanchefer behövde utöva sitt ledarskap i en ny kontext,nämligen på distans. Distansledarskap är ett relativt nytt men redan omfattande forskningsområde. Däremot förhåller sig denna forskning inte till ledarskap som abrupt och oplanerat behöver ställa om till distansledarskap. Dessutom utgår mycket av tidigare ledarskapsforskning från ett ledningsperspektiv och inte mellanchefsperspektiv. Syftet med denna studie mynnade därför ut i att söka förståelse för hur mellanchefens ledarskappåverkats av omställningen till distansarbete. För att uppnå syftet formulerades tre forskningsfrågor: (1.) Hur upplever mellanchefen att ledarskapet gentemot den operativa personalen har utmanats i och med omställningen till distans? (2.) Hur har mellanchefen anpassat sitt ledarskap för att ta hänsyn till utmaningarna som uppstått? (3.) Vilka aspekter är viktiga att beakta för att leda på distans? Studien baseras på en kvalitativ metod innefattande sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna är mellanchefer närmast den operativa personalen som ställt om till distansarbete under 2020. Den framkomna slutsatsen är att samtliga upplevda utmaningar och anpassningar därefter kan relateras till hälsa, relationskapande och kommunikation. Dessa tre aspekter framkom som viktiga för en mellanchef att beakta då de ska ställa om till ett distansledarskap. Denna studie bidrar med djupare förståelse kring hur mellanchefers ledarskap påverkats av den hastiga omställningen till distansledarskap som Covid-19 resulterade i. Detta är användbart för framtida mellanchefer som ska genomföra en liknande distansomställning. / The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a tenfold increase in remote working in Sweden year 2020. This induced that many middle managers had to exercise their leadership in a new context, namely remotely. Remote leadership is a relatively new but already extensive research area. However, this prior research does not account for leadership that abruptly and unplanned must transit to remote leadership. Additionally, most prior leadership research focus primarily on a top management perspective, thus not on a middle management perspective. The purpose of this study therefore culminated in seeking understanding of how middle managers' leadership has been affected due to the transition to telework. To fulfill the purpose, three research questions were constructed:  (1.) How does the middle manager perceive that their leadership towards the operational staff has been challenged due to the transition to remote work? (2.) How has the middle manager adapted its leadership in regard to the challenges? (3.) What aspects are important to consider when leading remotely?  This study is based on a qualitative method and includes six semi-structured interviews. The respondents are all middle managers closest to the operational staff and have transitioned to remote work in 2020. The conclusion that emerged is that all perceived challenges and the leadership adaptions in regard to the challenges can be associated to health, relationship building and communication. These three aspects are important for middle managers to consider when transiting to remote leadership. This study contributes with deeper understanding of how middle managers ́ leadership has been affected by the rapid transition to remote leadership that Covid-19 induced. This is useful for middle managers who make a similar transition to remote work in the future.

Personální činnosti v organizaci: Vůdcovství / Human Resources Activities in Company: Leadership

Zelinka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesis is to introduce leadership concept, to analyze the status of management in company VHZ-DIS, spol. s.r.o., based on theoretical knowledge, and to submit proposals for effective leadership to enhance productivity of the company. This analysis is a starting point for solution proposal how to improve the situation in the company and how to improve effectiveness, engagement and creativity of individual members of the organization.

The leadership practices of heads of department in the implementation of physical development activities in primary schools

Mahlobogoane, Modirwadi Mavis January 2013 (has links)
Reforms that have taken place in the South African education system since 1994 have led to changes in terms of how learning areas are taught in schools. There have been changes regarding the teaching of physical development activities in schools in recent years. Physical education as a subject was infused within life orientation (LO) as a learning area with physical development activities as one of the outcomes. The time to teach physical development activities has been reduced as other learning outcomes within LO have to be taught. This has led to situations where the teaching of physical development activities is undermined in many schools. Pressure to perform well in learning areas such as mathematics and literacy makes educators to devote less time on the teaching of physical development activities. To a larger extent, financial resources on the other hand, are being directed to other learning areas due to pressure to conform to international education standards. There is a need for school leaders to respond to new conditions of teaching. This research project deals with the leadership practices of heads of department (HODs) in the implementation of physical development activities. The study aims to investigate how HODs lead and manage the educators who teach physical development activities. Among other things, the study will focus on the HODs‟ leadership styles relevant to the teaching of physical development activities. The study will also look at challenges they experience in their departments, training needs and how they keep balance between teaching and monitoring educators who teach physical development activities. The researcher used qualitative research approach to collect information for the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two HODs and four educators in two primary schools. The findings indicate that lack of experience and specialisation in the teaching of physical development activities has an influence on the HODs leadership style. More support is needed in the teaching of physical development activities in order to boost the confidence of those who are teaching this part of the learning area. Deployment of staff members to the relevant positions is one of the priority areas. An implication for schools, particularly HODs and school management teams is that the teaching of physical development activities is as important as the teaching of other learning areas. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

A comparison of psychosocial and psychiatric features of mentally capable versus mentally incapable individuals referred by the courts for forensic psychiatric observation in relation to an alleged sexual offence

Sokudela, Funeka January 2018 (has links)
This is a mixed research methods study based at the forensic mental health unit of Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa. The overarching aim of the study was to help add insights that could indirectly inform the wider discourse on sexual offending in society and to the body of knowledge on the prevention of sexual violence – including in forensic mental health. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied through concurrent and transformative mixed research methods, premised on the philosophical stance of pragmatism. Records of individuals accused of sexual offences were explored and in-depth interviews with individuals accused of sexual offending and / or other types of charges referred for observation in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 51, 1977 (CPA 1977) were conducted. Psychiatric and psychosocial features and general perspectives on sexual offending were explored. Data collection was done from the end of 2014 to the end of 2015. In terms of findings, the record-based component of the study revealed that the majority of those referred were mentally capable, were known to the victims and lived in close proximity to them. Boys and girls, elderly women and socially isolated individuals seemed the most vulnerable irrespective of the mental capacity of the accused at the time of an alleged incident. In-depth interviews revealed scepticism, myths and new locally relevant ways of defining sexual violence. Socio-economic determinants of health seemed to render potential perpetrators of sexual offending vulnerable to violence and included adverse childhood events, poverty, unemployment and inequality. Experiences during and after arrest revealed possible human rights violations of alleged offenders by communities and law enforcement systems. Mental illness worsened stigma even in the hands of law enforcement systems. Central phenomena viz. ‘the perceived oppression of men’ and ‘vulnerability’ of potential victims and potential perpetrators emerged. A tentative theory of ‘vulnerability’, as an explanation and an approach to preventing sexual and other forms of violence in society, is proposed for both victims and potential perpetrators. Public health, socio-ecological frameworks of sexual violence prevention and other explanatory and prevention frameworks on sexual offending seem aligned to the study’s findings. Patriarchy, collective violence inherited from South Africa’s past, social cognitive theory on learning, trauma re-enactment, and other factors seem to play a role. In terms of mixed research contributions, a need for robust ways of studying diverse populations such as South Africa is emerging. Further, an initial stance of studying prevention of sexual violence from a victim-centred advocacy lens, has been transformed to yield accused individuals’ advocacy issues as well. Multi-system prevention approaches involving at-risk potential perpetrators, and not just victims, seem to be the next frontier for research and interventions. The study reveals insights that may contribute to the field of violence prevention. / Thesis (PhD)- University of Pretoria, 2018. / Psychiatry / PhD / Unrestricted

Arktibus ögon : En läromedelsanalys med fokus på läsförståelsestrategier

Olsson, Johanna, Olofsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en läromedelsanalys där syftet är att undersöka hur ett läromedel iämnet svenska för årskurs 1 förhåller sig till läsförståelsestrategier. I arbetet undersöks vilka läsförståelsestrategier som framkommer i läromedlet Arktibus ögon, hur de strategi­erna kan kopplas till forskningsbaserade modeller som utvecklar läsförståelse och hur läromedlet stämmer överens med läroplanens kunskapskrav för läsförståelse i slutet av årskurs 1.   För att få svar på forskningsfrågorna gjordes en innehållsanalys och en litteraturstudie. Litteraturstudien innefattar tre forskningsbaserade läsförståelsemodeller som innehåller läsförståelsestrategier (reciprocal teaching, transactional strategies instruction och con­cept-oriented reading instruction). Dessa strategier har dokumenterats ge god effekt på läsförståelsen. Examensarbetet utgår från Vygotskijs teori om ett sociokulturellt lärande, som innebär att lärandet ses som något socialt som sker i samspel mellan individer.   Resultatet av studien visar att i Arktibus ögon framkommer de läsförståelsestrategier som de tre forskningsbaserade modellerna lyfter fram. Uppgifter i läromedlet som behandlar läsförståelse och läsförståelsestrategier går att koppla till alla delar av kunskapskravet för godtagbara kunskaper i läsförståelse för årskurs 1 (Skolverket 2019a).

Exploiting Speculative and Asymmetric Execution on Multicore Architectures

Wamhoff, Jons-Tobias 21 November 2014 (has links)
The design of microprocessors is undergoing radical changes that affect the performance and reliability of hardware and will have a high impact on software development. Future systems will depend on a deep collaboration between software and hardware to cope with the current and predicted system design challenges. Instead of higher frequencies, the number of processor cores per chip is growing. Eventually, processors will be composed of cores that run at different speeds or support specialized features to accelerate critical portions of an application. Performance improvements of software will only result from increasing parallelism and introducing asymmetric processing. At the same time, substantial enhancements in the energy efficiency of hardware are required to make use of the increasing transistor density. Unfortunately, the downscaling of transistor size and power will degrade the reliability of the hardware, which must be compensated by software. In this thesis, we present new algorithms and tools that exploit speculative and asymmetric execution to address the performance and reliability challenges of multicore architectures. Our solutions facilitate both the assimilation of software to the changing hardware properties as well as the adjustment of hardware to the software it executes. We use speculation based on transactional memory to improve the synchronization of multi-threaded applications. We show that shared memory synchronization must not only be scalable to large numbers of cores but also robust such that it can guarantee progress in the presence of hardware faults. Therefore, we streamline transactional memory for a better throughput and add fault tolerance mechanisms with a reduced overhead by speculating optimistically on an error-free execution. If hardware faults are present, they can manifest either in a single event upset or crashes and misbehavior of threads. We address the former by applying transactions to checkpoint and replicate the state such that threads can correct and continue their execution. The latter is tackled by extending the synchronization such that it can tolerate crashes and misbehavior of other threads. We improve the efficiency of transactional memory by enabling a lightweight thread that always wins conflicts and significantly reduces the overheads. Further performance gains are possible by exploiting the asymmetric properties of applications. We introduce an asymmetric instrumentation of transactional code paths to enable applications to adapt to the underlying hardware. With explicit frequency control of individual cores, we show how applications can expose their possibly asymmetric computing demand and dynamically adjust the hardware to make a more efficient usage of the available resources.

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