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中文使動式之連續性 / Mandarin Chinese Causative Continuum張碧純, Chang, Pi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在審視中文使動性是否具有連續性。使動性的來源主要有兩種觀點:衍生語法認為使動性是由句法位移得到,而詞彙語法則認為使動性是詞彙本身所賦予的。本文根據「直接性」、「動力學」和「及物性」三個面向研究中文使動詞和使動結構的使動性,結果可分為高、中、低三個層次。高使動性傾向由中文使動詞表現而低使動性則傾向由使動結構表現。使動性的差異不僅支持詞彙語法對使動性來源的解釋,對衍生語法認為使動性源自於句法結構的說法提出反駁,也符合自然語言的象似性原則。 / Derivational grammarians propose that causativity comes from the syntactic structures whereas lexicalists suggest it is incorporated within the formation of the lexicon. This thesis aims to investigate Mandarin lexical and periphrastic causatives to see if their causativity varies depending on the category of causative to which they are assigned. Three frameworks are adopted here to examine causatives from diverse perspective, directness, force-dynamics and transitivity. This combined framework is utilized to examine Mandarin lexical causatives and typical periphrastic causatives including 使shi, 令ling, 讓rang, 叫jiao1, and 教 jiao2 constructions. The results indicate that causativity forms a continuum in which the degree of the causativity of lexical causatives ranges from high to intermediate but that for periphrastic causatives ranges from intermediate to low. The variation in the degree of causativity proves that the derivational account is incorrect. Moreover, this study supports the lexicalist viewpoints that the causativity has variations because it is integrated in the lexical formation. In addition, more evidence, such as adverb placement and resultative compound formation, is provided to demonstrate that lexicalist accounts take the advantage of explaining the causativity. Finally, the variation of causativity has demonstrated that the shorter the forms are, the greater the degree of causativity is. This observation conforms to the principle of iconicity, and is encoded in humans’ cognition and the natural language.
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Optional RHEMES and Omitted UNDERGOERS : An Event Structure Approach to Implicit Objects in SwedishPrytz, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define the essential syntactic-semantic properties of three types of objectless sentences in present-day Swedish. The three types of objectless sentences are labeled descriptively as follows: Implicit Object Read type (IOR) with pseudo-transitive verbs like läsa ‘read’; Implicit Object Open type (IOO), which involves various sets of transitive verbs like öppna ‘open’ and bära ‘carry’; and Implicit Object Kill type (IOK), which typically involves destruction verbs like döda ‘kill’. The study is framed within Ramchand’s (2008) syntactic model with a three-partite decomposed verb phrase, which distinguishes between two types of objects: RHEMES, which are inserted into a complement position in the verb phrase, and UNDERGOERS, which are inserted into a specifier position. In this work, IOR is argued to be an objectless version of pseudo-transitive verbs with optional RHEMES, whereas IOO and IOK are argued to involve ‘true’ transitive verbs with omitted UNDERGOER objects. As a consequence, the IOR verbs are analyzed as sharing their structure with some verbs usually regarded as intransitive, such as springa ‘run’ and arbeta ‘work’, which can also marginally take RHEME objects. This opens up for a discussion on the transitive- intransitive distinction and the object status of RHEMES, as well as a discussion of lexical knowledge versus encyclopedic knowledge. The distinction of optional RHEMES and syntactically obligatory UNDERGOER objects is argued to arise from event structural differences among sets of verbs, as well as from different verb-object relations that are made possible within the three-partite verb phrase. The structural verb-object relations are argued to be influenced further by encyclopedic associations of particular verbs and by knowledge about the world. In contrast to IOR, IOO and IOK are both argued to involve the omission of an UNDERGOER object of a true transitive verb. In the case of IOO, the object referent is salient and specific, whereas for IOK, the object referent is non-specific. Thus, the restriction on IOO as well as on IOK can be informally phrased in terms of the object only being omissible if it is interpretable, or somewhat more formally, if the free variable can be bound. However, the variable binding is assumed to occur in two distinct ways, further motivating the distinction of IOO and IOK. Whereas the free variable of an IOO object is pragmatically bound, the variable of an IOK object is instead bound by an existential operator above the VP.
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Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis of CNN and Fox News Headlines: A Case of Immigration Detention in the USMaruri Ramos, Catalina January 2019 (has links)
Immigration policies and border control in the US were hardened significantly more ever since the new government’s immigration executive order in 2017. A series of massive raids and immigrant detentions were carried out which got the attention of both human rights activists and the news media. How these immigration detention events are portrayed in the news media reflect, moreover, a series of discourses which seem to attract audiences from either left-wing or right-wing political ideologies, specifically to read CNN and Fox news respectively, according to previous survey-based research. This paper aims to identify through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) how those in detention are represented in the news headlines of Fox News and CNN, and secondly, identify what possible left-wing and right-wing political ideologies about immigration are expressed in the news outlets. Reference strategies and transitivity will encompass the micro-level analysis, which focuses on language construction. For the macro-level analysis, on the one hand, discourse practices like process of production and consumption will be considered, and on the other hand, American foreign policy viewed from the left-wing and right-wing perspectives will be discussed to consider differences in style, tone, and perspective in CNN and Fox News’ headlines in relation to immigration detention events. Results show that CNN, tied to left-wing audiences, portray the immigration detention events from the perspective of immigrants who are in a vulnerable position since they are detained with their families. Moreover, Fox News, tied to right-wing audiences, show the events more from the viewpoint of the government and the public entities in charge of the immigration policies, who are in need to restrain, detain, and deport immigrants for the sake of the country’s security. This paper aims to contribute further to the research on political ideologies as a relevant factor to understand differences in discourse in the news media for future research.
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L'INTER-DIT : UN JEU D'ADRESSES : quand écrivent pour la jeunesse à L'école des loisirs et pour les adultes aux Éditions de l'Olivier Christophe Honoré et Manuela Draeger et Olivier Adam, Geneviève Brisac, Agnès Desarthe, Marie Desplechin, Christian Lehmann, Maya Nahum, Christian Oster, Martin Page, Claude Ponti, Florence Seyvos, Valérie Zenatti... / INTER-DICTION : A GAME OF ADDRESS : a study of Christophe Honoré and Manuela Draeger writing for children with L’école des loisirs press and for adults with Éditions de l’Olivier press along with writers such as Olivier Adam, Geneviève Brisac, Agnès Desarthe, Marie Desplechin, Christian Lehmann, Maya Nahum, Christian Oster, Martin Page, Claude Ponti, Florence Seyvos, Valérie Zenatti…Traisnel, Florence 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le nombre d’auteurs contemporains qui écrit pour les adultes et pour les enfants va croissant, à tel point que la critique anglophone a forgé le terme de crosswriters pour les désigner. Ce travail se propose d’observer ces va-et-vient entre L’école des loisirs et les Éditions de l’Olivier de 1991 à 2011. Ces circulations répondent à d’importants enjeux éditoriaux et témoignent du rôle crucial des éditeurs dans l’accompagnement des écrivains. Cette thèse s’intéresse plus particulièrement à Christophe Honoré et Manuela Draeger (un des hétéronymes d’Antoine Volodine). Tous deux usent singulièrement du crosswriting puisque certains de leurs textes pour enfants et de leurs textes pour adultes se répondent au point qu’un inter-dit peut siéger dans le blanc qui sépare ces deux corpus. Ce phénomène d’intratextualité, adossé à un geste de polyadresse, remet en cause l’intransitivité supposée de la littérature car pour être décrypté, ce dit en suspens appelle un lecteur transgénérationnel. Cet inter-dit est le lieu où se jouent des transitions d’un âge vers un autre, des transmissions d’une génération à une autre... Mais c’est aussi le lieu de ce qui ne passe pas et vient trouer l’œuvre pour faire écho au trauma individuel ou collectif. Et si c’est toujours le texte pour adultes qui délègue au texte pour enfants ce qui ne peut être articulé dans une langue adultocentrée, ces transferts ne viennent jamais suturer la béance du dispositif intratextuel mais explorent en littérature jeunesse d’autres rapports à la langue et disent quelque chose de l’être de langage que nous sommes. / The number of contemporary authors who write both for adults and children keeps rising, so much so that anglophone criticism has coined the term crosswriters to label the phenomenon. This work proposes to observe back-and-forth crossings between L’école des loisirs and Éditions de l’Olivier between 1991 and 2011. What motivate these crossings are important editorial stakes that attest to the crucial role played by publishers in guiding their authors. This dissertation will look more specifically to Christophe Honoré and Manuela Draeger (one of Antoine Volodine’s heteronyms). Both writers resort to crosswriting in singular ways as some of their children’s books and books for adults respond to one another to such an extent that what I call an “inter-diction” lodges itself in the interstice that divides their respective corpuses. This phenomenon of intratextuality, supported by a gesture of polyaddress, calls into question literature’s supposed intransitivity given that, in order to be decrypted, this suspended diction calls for a transgenerational reader. This inter-diction is the stage where are performed transitions from one age to another and where occur transmissions from one generation to the next. But it is also the site of what does not pass, of what punctures the work in an echo to individual or collective trauma. And if it is always the texts written for an adult readership that devolve to those for children what cannot be articulated in an adultocentered language, these transfers never seek to suture the abyss opened by intratextuality but rather explore through children’s literature alternative relations to language, thereby teaching us something about the linguistic beings that we are.
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[pt] Em meados do século XIX, G. Boole mostrou que a
transformação x -> x − 1/x, definida em R − {0}, preserva a
medida de Lebesgue (Ble). Mais
de um século depois, R. Adler e B.Weiss mostraram que essa
chamada de transformação de Boole, é, de fato, ergódica com
à medida de Lebesgue (Adl). Nesse trabalho, apresentaremos
o conceito
de sistemas alternantes, definido recentemente por S. Muñoz
(Mun), que
consiste numa grande classe de aplicações na reta que
generaliza a transformação de Boole e que torna possível
uma análise abrangente de propriedades
como transitividade robusta e ergodicidade. Para mostrar
sob certas condições, sistemas alternantes são ergódicos
com relação à medida
de Lebesgue, mostraremos, usando o Teorema do Folclore, que
a transformação induzida do sistema alternante é ergódica. / [en] In the middle of the 19th century, G. Boole proved that the
x -> x − 1/x, defined on R − {0}, is a Lebesgue measure
transformation (Ble). Over one hundred years later, R.
Adler and B.Weiss
proved that this map, called Boole`s map, is, in fact,
ergodic with respect
to the Lebesgue measure (Adl). In this work, we present the
notion of
alternating systems, recently introduced by S. Mu`noz
(Mun), which is a
large class of functions on the real line that generalizes
the Boole`s map
and allows us to make a wide analysis on certain properties
such as robust
transitivity and ergodicity. In order to show that, under
certain conditions,
alternating systems are ergodic with respect to the
Lebesgue measure, we
show, using the Folklore Theorem, that the induced
transformation of an
alternating system is ergodic.
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A crítica social em Capitães da Areia: um enfoque da gramática sistêmico-funcionalMontefusco, Ricardo Mendes 24 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this master thesis is the examination of social criticism in the novel Captains of the Sands by Jorge Amado. Captains of the Sands is a realist narrative that deals with the adventures of a group of street children who survives by committing crimes in the streets of Salvador. Since they live in an old warehouse, the boys of the band, led by Pedro Bala, are known by the nickname "captains of the sands". Jorge Amado is known as an advocate for the causes of the poor, excluded by society. This work is a lyrical testimony and romance of protest, bringing social and psychological elements that reflect the entire socio-political instability of the 30s. When creating his stories, the author, a political activist, defends the ideological principles of the left, and, in a way, the narrator works as the author's delegate. Despite all the violence and the rogue behavior of the minors, a close reading reveals that the source of these problems is the neglect of the state itself, the repressive and violent police, and the reformatory, a true hell of torture and misery. Thus, the reactions of these adolescents are nothing more than a vehicle of harsh revenge against the violence they have suffered. The novel analysis is based on theoretical and methodological proposals of Critical Linguistics ― which gives ideological significance to any aspect of linguistic structure ― and of the Systemic Functional Grammar, whose approach to language as a construer of three distinct functions or metafunctions ― namely, Ideational (subject), Interpersonal (interactivity) and textual (internal organization and communicative nature of a text), allows the relationship between lexicogrammatical choices made in the microstructure of the text, with the macrostructure of ideology and power relations. The research should answer the following questions: (a) What choices in the Transitivity System contribute to enable the social criticism in Captains of the Sands? (b) What choices in the Appraisal framework perform this function? / The purpose of this master thesis is the examination of social criticism in the novel Captains of the Sands by Jorge Amado. Captains of the Sands is a realist narrative that deals with the adventures of a group of street children who survives by committing crimes in the streets of Salvador. Since they live in an old warehouse, the boys of the band, led by Pedro Bala, are known by the nickname "captains of the sands". Jorge Amado is known as an advocate for the causes of the poor, excluded by society. This work is a lyrical testimony and romance of protest, bringing social and psychological elements that reflect the entire socio-political instability of the 30s. When creating his stories, the author, a political activist, defends the ideological principles of the left, and, in a way, the narrator works as the author's delegate. Despite all the violence and the rogue behavior of the minors, a close reading reveals that the source of these problems is the neglect of the state itself, the repressive and violent police, and the reformatory, a true hell of torture and misery. Thus, the reactions of these adolescents are nothing more than a vehicle of harsh revenge against the violence they have suffered. The novel analysis is based on theoretical and methodological proposals of Critical Linguistics ― which gives ideological significance to any aspect of linguistic structure ― and of the Systemic Functional Grammar, whose approach to language as a construer of three distinct functions or metafunctions ― namely, Ideational (subject), Interpersonal (interactivity) and textual (internal organization and communicative nature of a text), allows the relationship between lexicogrammatical choices made in the microstructure of the text, with the macrostructure of ideology and power relations. The research should answer the following questions: (a) What choices in the Transitivity System contribute to enable the social criticism in Captains of the Sands? (b) What choices in the Appraisal framework perform this function?
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Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / The discursive representations of men and women are important factors for the establishment of gender relations and of the meanings attibuted to femininity and masculinity. In order to investigate how such representations occur in articles dealing with the popularization of medical knowledge in Brazilian weekly magazines, this research analyzes six articles about heart problems published in Veja, between 1999 and 2005. The theoretical basis is Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2001), with emphasis on the representation of social actosrs (van Leeuwen, 1997) and on transitivity (Fuzer and Cabral, 2010). After determining which social actors were (more) represented in the texts and in which ways, and identifying the types of processes attributed to them, the results have shown that women are under-represented in this kind of text, in which we find no change in the historical construction of women as the other, even when it comes to issues of health and illness / As representações discursivas de mulheres e homens são importantes para o estabelecimento de relações de gênero e para a cristalização dos significados socialmente atribuídos ao feminino e ao masculino. Buscando verificar como essas representações ocorrem no âmbito da divulgação ou popularização do conhecimento médico em revistas de circulação nacional, este trabalho analisa seis artigos sobre problemas cardíacos publicados na revista semanal Veja entre 1999 e 2005. A base teórica é a Análise Crítica do Discurso (Fairclough, 2001), com ênfase na representação dos atores sociais (van Leeuwen, 1997) e na transitividade (Fuzer; Cabral, 2010). Após verificação de quais atores eram (mais) representados, de como se efetuou essa representação e de quais processos foram a eles atribuídos, os resultados indicam uma sub-representação da mulher e nenhuma mudança na histórica construção do feminino como alteridade, mesmo em questões relativas à saúde/doença
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A representação da educação em O Estado de S. Paulo e na Folha de S. Paulo: um enfoque sistêmico-funcionalAlves, Mônica Rebeca Brandão 15 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-11-22T13:26:07Z
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Mônica Rebeca Brandão Alves.pdf: 638989 bytes, checksum: 71f78c9f4289212ecd0e31276ced3f7b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-22T13:26:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research, part of the Project Direct- aims at analyzing and comparing the
newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo focusing on the news that
discuss education, in order to understand how it is represented in the media discourse.
We considered this topic relevant, once education is part of formation, transformation
and development of society. Specifically, its main objective is to analyze and compare
157 texts, 76 from O Estado de S. Paulo and 81 from Folha de S. Paulo, both
published between February 2013 and February 2014. The theoretical background is
the Systemic Functional grammar (1994, 2004), taking into account the language in
use, considering its context, processes, participants and circumstances presented in
the texts. This research is important for a better understanding of representation of
education in Brazil. In order to understand how education is represented in the media,
we tried to answer the following question: How is education represented in the media
taking into account the teachers and the students? Corpus linguistics was the main
methodological tool, through the computational program Wordsmith Tools (Scott,
1999). Our objective is to show, considering the choices made on the news, how
education is seen by the Brazilian media / Este trabalho, inserido na linha de pesquisa Linguagem e trabalho, tem o objetivo de
analisar e comparar textos dos Jornais Folha de São Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo
que tematizam e tratam de questões relativas à educação, a fim de compreender
como ela é representada na mídia. Esta pesquisa é relevante, dado o papel que a
educação exerce na formação, transformação e desenvolvimento de uma sociedade
Particularmente, visamos analisar e comparar 157 textos, sendo 76 retirados do O
Estado de S. Paulo e 81 da Folha de São Paulo coletados durante o período de
Fevereiro de 2013 a Fevereiro de 2014. Para tanto, assumimos como base teórica a
Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 1994/2004), uma vez que a teoria permite
analisar a função da linguagem em uso, por meio do levantamento do contexto sócio
histórico dos jornais, dos processos, participantes e circunstâncias configurados nos
textos. O trabalho é importante para a melhor apreensão das representações que os
textos apresentam sobre a educação no Brasil. A pergunta que norteia a pesquisa é:
Como a educação é representada na mídia a partir do ponto de vista dos professores
e dos estudantes? O programa computacional WordSmith Tools (Scott, 1999) é
utilizado como instrumento metodológico. Pretendemos com este trabalho mostrar,
partindo das escolhas lexicais, como a educação é vista pela mídia brasileira
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Actions des groupes algébriques sur les variétés affines et normalité d'adhérences d'orbites / Actions of algebraic groups on affine varieties and normality of orbits closuresKuyumzhiyan, Karine 10 May 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée aux actions des groupes de transformations algébriques sur les variétés affines algébriques. Dans la première partie, on étudie la normalité des adhérences des orbites de tore maximal dans un module rationnel de groupe algébrique simple. La seconde partie porte sur les actions du groupe d'automorphismes d'une variété affine. Nous nous intéressons aux propriétés de transitivité et de transitivité multiple de ces actions sur le lieu lisse de la variété. / This thesis is devoted to the actions of groups of algebraic transformations on affine algebraic varieties. In the first part we study normality of closures of maximal torus orbits in the rational modules of simple algebraic groups. The second part deals with actions of automorphism groups on affine varieties. We study here transitivity and multiple transitivity of such an action on the set of smooth points.
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Estudo de verbos codificadores de extensão ou escala no jogo da linguagem: uma perspectiva funcionalistaCristóvão, Heloá Ferreira 05 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-05 / A maioria dos gramáticos acolhe os verbos em duas sessões: uma que trata de aspectos morfológicos; em seguida, dentro de uma perspectiva sintático-semântica, que aborda os verbos quanto à predicação. Isso se configura um problema nesse modelo de análise, visto que, ao considerar os verbos como elementos discretos, em frases descontextualizadas, não se consideram as relações morfológicas, sintáticas, semânticas, pragmáticas e discursivas que só podem ser observadas a partir da língua em uso, dentro do jogo combinatório da linguagem. A partir dessas considerações, a concepção de língua que adotamos se coaduna com aquela proposta pelo Funcionalismo, que defende os estudos de fenômenos linguísticos a partir da análise das estruturas em uso real, priorizando as relações que se estabelecem no contexto comunicativo. Igualmente importante, foi o estudo da estrutura argumental da oração, formada pelo verbo e seus selecionados elementos obrigatórios (argumentos). Com relação aos verbos que serão objeto da pesquisa, orientamo-nos pela classificação realizada por Azeredo (2004, p.180), baseada na proposta de estudo de Cano Aguilar (1981) para a língua espanhola, que arrolou o grupo de verbos codificadores de extensão ou escala no português, entre eles: atravessar, percorrer, subir, abraçar, presidir, contornar, ocupar, preencher, inundar, medir 1 (ele mediu um terreno), medir 2 (o terreno mede 160 m), valer e durar (a viagem durou 80 dias). Em nossa pesquisa, analisaremos a transitividade de um recorte desse grupo, composto pelos verbos subir, ocupar, medir, durar, valer e seu uso na língua portuguesa, que, juntamente com a escolha do referencial teórico, justificam a importância deste estudo, visto que esse fenômeno é mais bem observado em condições reais de comunicação. O corpus é constituído de textos do âmbito jornalístico escrito e o levantamento de dados foi realizado por meio de ferramenta de pesquisa on-line no acervo digital da Revista Veja. Esperamos que o resultado desta pesquisa evidencie que um estudo que tenha como ponto de partida a língua em uso vá muito além das proposições das gramáticas / The most of grammarians welcome verbs in two sessions, namely: the first that deals with morphological aspects, then within a syntactic-semantic perspective, which deals with verbs as the predication. This creates the problem of proposal analysis, given that when considering verbs as discrete elements in non-contextualized sentences, the relationships are not considered morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and discoursive that can only be observed from the language in use, in game combinatorial language. From these considerations, the design language we adopt is consistent with that proposed by functionalism, which advocates the study of linguistic phenomena from the analysis of the structures in actual use, prioritizing the relationships established in the communicative context. Equally important was the study of argument structure of sentence, formed by the verb and its selected elements required (arguments). With respect to verbs that will be the object of research, we look to the classification performed by Azeredo (2004, p.180), based on the study proposal of Cano Aguilar (1981) for the Spanish language, that enrolled a group of verbs encoders of extent or scale in Portuguese, among them: cross, roam, rise, embrace, preside, contour, occupy, fill, flood, measure 1 (he measured a piece of land), measure 2 (the land measures 160 m), earn and last (the trip lasted 80 days). In our research, we analyze the transitivity of a clipping of this group, consisting of the verbs rise, occupy, measure, last, earn and their use in the Portuguese language, which, together with the choice of theoretical, justify the importance of this study, since this phenomenon is best observed in real communication. The corpus is composed of texts within the journalistic writing and data collection was conducted through a research tool on-line in digital collection of Veja Magazine. We hope that the result of this research it is clear that a study has as starting point the language used go far beyond the propositions of grammars
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