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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit des Greenhouse Gas Protocol auf Hochschulen am Beispiel der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der HTWK Leipzig

Motika, Richard 17 January 2024 (has links)
Die Arbeit handelt vom Greenhouse Gas Protocol und der Anwendung auf Hochschulen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass das Greenhouse Gas Protocol sehr universell verfasst wurde und sich somit auch auf Hochschulen anwenden lässt. Speziell für den Hochschulkontext werden keine Leitfäden gegeben. Des Weiteren hat sich herausgestellt, dass Energieverbrauch und Pendelverkehr der Studierenden den Großteil der Emissionen ausmachen. Im Fallbeispiel der HTWK Leipzig konnten Emissionen von rund 263 tCO2e im Jahr 2022 identifiziert werden. Die untersuchten Jahre 2020 bis 2022 unterlagen allerdings der Pandemie, weshalb die reellen Emissionen deutlich höher sein könnten.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Formelverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 2 Theoretische Grundlagen der Treibhausgasbilanzierung 2.1 Carbon Footprint 2.2.1 Product Carbon Footprint 2.2.2 Corporate Carbon Footprint 2.2 Nutzen und Relevanz 3 Greenhouse Gas Protocol 3.1 Grundsätze 3.2 Grenzen der Bilanzierung 3.3 Die drei Scopes 3.4 Berechnung der Treibhausgasemissionen 3.4.1 Treibhauspotential und Emissionsfaktor 3.4.2 Formeln zur Berechnung 4. Die Anwendbarkeit des GHG Protocol auf Hochschulen 4.1 Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen 4.2 Praktikabilität 4.3 Anwendungsfälle 5. CO₂-Bilanz der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft & Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 5.1 Die Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft & Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. 5.2 Methoden 5.2.1Systemgrenzen 5.2.2 Organisationsbedingte Grenzen 5.2.3 Geschäftsbedingte Grenzen 5.2.4 Datenerhebung und Berechnung 5.3 Identifizierung der Treibhausgasemissionsquellen 5.3.1 Gebäude 5.3.2 Mobilität 5.3.3 Papier 5.4 CO₂-Bilanz 5.5 Schlussfolgerungen 6 Zusammenfassung Anhang Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärung

Road transportation impact on Ghana's future energy and environment

Faah, George 24 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This research work explored the environmental and socio-economic benefits derived, if some proportion of daily passenger trips made using private cars in Ghana could be shifted to the use of public transport. The research applied the computer software COPERT III in estimating road transport Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fuel consumption in Ghana for the base year 2005 and forecast years 2010 and 2020. The research reveals that if no major change occur in policies or economic determinants in meeting road transport and energy in Ghana, then the 2005 total emissions value is expected to rise by 36% in 2010 and over double in 2020 i.e. from 4.6 to 6.25 in 2010 and to 9.77 Mt CO2e in 2020. However, if just 10% of daily passenger trips using private cars can be shifted towards the use of public transport, then the end results in reduction in emissions could earn Ghana about $USD 6.6million/year under the Kyoto Protocol CDM initiative. The research also demonstrated that with a further 10% daily passenger trip shift, the outcome could be more promising, increasing to $USD 13million/year.

Road transportation impact on Ghana's future energy and environment

Faah, George 24 July 2009 (has links)
This research work explored the environmental and socio-economic benefits derived, if some proportion of daily passenger trips made using private cars in Ghana could be shifted to the use of public transport. The research applied the computer software COPERT III in estimating road transport Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fuel consumption in Ghana for the base year 2005 and forecast years 2010 and 2020. The research reveals that if no major change occur in policies or economic determinants in meeting road transport and energy in Ghana, then the 2005 total emissions value is expected to rise by 36% in 2010 and over double in 2020 i.e. from 4.6 to 6.25 in 2010 and to 9.77 Mt CO2e in 2020. However, if just 10% of daily passenger trips using private cars can be shifted towards the use of public transport, then the end results in reduction in emissions could earn Ghana about $USD 6.6million/year under the Kyoto Protocol CDM initiative. The research also demonstrated that with a further 10% daily passenger trip shift, the outcome could be more promising, increasing to $USD 13million/year.

Research on model-based calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from domestic wastewater treatment systems in Vietnam

Nguyen, Thi Van Anh, Dang, Xuan Hien, Nguyen, Duc Toan 07 January 2019 (has links)
There are three important greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which are generated from the domestic wastewater treatment systems, including on-site and off-site sources. On-site emission of greenhouse gases occurs during process of wastewater treatment, while the off-site emission of greenhouse gases occurs during energy using and other supporting activities of the treatment system. The research established model to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from the domestic wastewater treatment systems, was named No.0 MTH model. The No.0 MTH model was based on balance equations of substrate and biomass, biochemical reactions and Monod kinetics equations for biological treatment reactors and writen by programing Scalable language. Model was calibrated and applied on the Yen So wastewater treatment plant, Ha Noi and the results were obtained at 22oC as follows: off-site GHG emission is 29,560 kgCO2-eq/day; on-site GHG emission is 13,534 kgCO2-eq/day, and the rate of on-site emission is 2.506 kgCO2-eq/ kg BOD. Maybe using the No.0 MTH model to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from the domestic wastewater treatment systems with similar biological methods. / Có 3 khí nhà kính quan trọng là khí Cacbonic (CO2), khí Mêtan (CH4), và khí Đinitơ monoxit (N2O) được phát sinh từ hệ thống xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt gồm cả nguồn trực tiếp và gián tiếp. Phát thải trực tiếp khí nhà kính (KHK) xảy ra trong suốt quá trình xử lý còn phát thải gián tiếp khí nhà kính xảy ra trong quá trình sử dụng năng lượng và các hoạt động phụ trợ bên ngoài hệ thống xử lý. Nghiên cứu đã thiết lập mô hình tính toán phát thải khí nhà kính từ hệ thống xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt, được đặt tên là mô hình MTH số 0. Mô hình MTH số 0 đã dựa trên các phương trình cân bằng khối lượng cơ chất và sinh khối, các phản ứng hóa sinh và phương trình Monod đối với các thiết bị xử lý sinh học và được viết trên ngôn ngữ lập trình scala. Mô hình đã được hiệu chỉnh và được áp dụng tính toán tại nhà máy xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt Yên Sở, thành phố Hà Nội và kết quả thu được tại 22oC như sau: phát thải KNK gián tiếp là 29.560 kgCO2-tđ/ngày và phát thải KNK trực tiếp là 13.534 kgCO2-tđ/ngày với tỷ lệ phát thải khí nhà kính trực tiếp là 2,506 kgCO2-tđ/ kgBOD. Có thể sử dụng mô hình MTH số 0 để tính toán phát thải khí nhà kính từ hệ thống xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt bằng phương pháp sinh học tương tự.

Is short rotation forestry biomass sustainable?

Zurba, Kamal 27 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Despite the negative effects of fossil fuels on the environment, these remain as the primary contributors to the energy sector. In order to mitigate global warming risks, many countries aim at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Bioenergy crops are being used as a substitute for fossil fuels and short rotation forestry is a prime example. In order to examine the sustainability of energy crops for fuel, typical European short rotation forestry (SRF) biomass, willow (Salix spp.) and poplar (Populus spp.) are examined and compared to rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in respect to various aspects of soil respiration and combustion heat obtained from the extracted products per hectare. Various approaches are used to look at an As-contaminated site not only in the field but also in a soil-column experiment that examines the fate of trace elements in SRF soils, and in an analysis using MICMAC to describe the driving factors for SRF crop production. Based on the cause-effect chain, the impacts of land-use change and occupation on ecosystem quality are assessed when land-use is changed from degraded land (grassland) to willow and poplar SRF. A manual opaque dynamic closed chamber system (SEMACH-FG) was utilized to measure CO2 emissions at a willow/poplar short rotation forest in Krummenhennersdorf, Germany during the years 2013 and 2014, and at a rapeseed site in 2014. Short rotation forest soils showed higher CO2 emission rates during the growing season than the dormant season – with a CO2 release of 5.62±1.81 m-2 s-1 for willows and 5.08±1.37 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 for poplars in the growing season. However, during the dormant season the soil sites with willow emitted 2.54±0.81 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 and with poplar 2.07±0.56 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1. The highest emission rates for the studied plantations were observed in July for both years 2013 and 2014, during which the highest air and soil temperatures were recorded. Correlations between soil emission of CO2 and some meteorological parameters and leaf characteristics were investigated for the years 2013 and 2014. For example, for the willow clone (Jorr) and poplar clone (Max 3), high correlations were found for each between their soil emission of CO2 and both soil temperature and moisture content. Fitted models can explain about 77 and 75% of the results for Jorr and Max 3 clones, respectively. Moreover, a model of leaf area (LA) can explain about 68.6% of soil CO2 emission for H275. Estimated models can be used as a gap-filling method, when field data is not available. The ratio between soil respiration and the combustion heat calculated from the extracted products per hectare was evaluated and compared for the study’s willow, poplar and rapeseed crops. The results show that poplar and willow SRF has a very low ratio of 183 kg CO2 GJ 1 compared to rapeseed, 738 kg CO2 GJ 1. The soil-column experiment showed that by continuing the SRF plantation at the As-contaminated site, remediation would need only about 3% of the time needed if the site was left as a fallow field. In order to understand the complex willow and poplar short rotation forestry production system, 50 key variables were identified and prioritized to describe the system as a step to enhance the success of such potentially sustainable projects. The MICMAC approach was used in order to find the direct and the indirect relationships between those parameters and to classify them into different clusters depending on their driving force and interdependency. From this, it can be summarized that in order to enhance the success of a SRF system, decision makers should be focussing on: ensuring a developed wood-fuel market, increasing farmers’ experience/training, improving subsidy regulations and recommending a proper harvesting year cycle. Finally, the impacts of land-use change and occupation on the ecosystem quality were assessed. Results show that establishing SRF plantations on degraded lands improved the ecosystem structural quality (ESQ) by about 43% and ecosystem functional quality (EFQ) by about 12%. Based on overall results, poplar and willow SRF biomass can be recommended as renewable and sustainable sources for bioenergy.

Bewirtschaftung von Niedermooren in der gemäßigten Klimazone: Treibhausgasemissionen und Rentabilität

Rebhann, Marco Frank 17 August 2018 (has links)
Niedermoore sind durch Grundwasser beeinflusste Standorte, in denen Torf gebildet wird oder oberflächig ansteht. Sie emittieren durch mikrobiologische Prozesse Treibhausgase (THG). Wird der Grundwasserstand gesenkt, steigen Kohlendioxid und Lachgas Emissionen, während bei einer Anhebung vermehrt Methan emittiert wird. Weltweit wird davon ausgegangen, dass Moore 5 % der anthropogen verursachten Emissionen verursachen. Um THG-Emissionen entgegenzuwirken, wird die Anhebung des Grundwasserstandes diskutiert. Dies führt durch eingeschränkte Befahrbarkeit und geringeres Kulturartenspektrum zu einer kaum gegebenen Wirtschaftlichkeit. Es fehlt ein Vergleich der THG-Emissionen und der Rentabilität der Bewirtschaftungssysteme verschiedener Landnutzungssysteme für Niedermoorstandorte der gemäßigten Klimazone. Die bodenbürtigen THG-Emissionen wurden mit einer Metaanalyse zu Veröffentlichungen von THG-Messungen in Niedermooren der gemäßigten Klimazone ermittelt. Ebenfalls wurden die bewirtschaftungsabhängigen Emissionen ermittelt und zu Gesamtemissionen zusammengefasst. Für den Vergleich der Rentabilität der Bewirtschaftungssysteme wurden Kosten und Erlöse berechnet. Abschließend wurden Treibhausgasvermeidungskosten abgeschätzt Bei zunehmender Landnutzungsintensität und größeren Grundwasserflurabstand nahmen die Gesamt-THG-Emissionen zu. Durch die Bewirtschaftung verursachte Emissionen spielten im Vergleich zu den bodenbürtigen Emissionen kaum eine Rolle. Zur THG-Einsparung und der Torferhaltung sollte die Bewirtschaftung extensiviert werden. Im Rentabilitätsvergleich erwiesen sich intensive, im Vergleich zu extensive Bewirtschaftungssysteme ohne Förderung als wirtschaftlich. Subventionen und Förderungen um torf- und klimaschonende Praktiken zu unterstützen, sind unverzichtbar. Mit dieser Arbeit wurde erstmalig für Niedermoore ein systematischer Überblick über die Gesamt-THG-Emissionen und die Rentabilität gängiger Bewirtschaftungssysteme verschiedener Landnutzungssysteme gegeben. / Fens are sites influenced by the groundwater where peat is formed in or located in the upper soil layer. They emit greenhouse gases (GHG) through microbiological processes in which the main influencing factor is the groundwater level. The lowering of the groundwater level increases carbon dioxide and dinitrogen monoxide emissions, while higher groundwater levels lead to methane emissions. It is assumed that fens cause 5% of global anthropogenic GHG emissions. In order to save peat and reduce GHG emissions, rewetting fens has been discussed and applied. This leads to low profitable land use due to limited trafficability and cultivation options. There is a lack of comparison of management systems in different land use systems regarding GHG emissions and profitability on fenlands in the temperate climate zone. The soil-borne GHG emissions for the land use systems were identified with a meta-analysis of published measurements of GHG emissions on fenlands in the temperate climate zone. The GHG emissions due to cultivation and possible land use changes were identified and summarized as the overall emissions. Costs and revenues were calculated for comparability purposes of profitability of management systems. GHG abatement costs were estimated too. Results indicated that overall GHG emissions increase with higher land use intensity and deeper groundwater level. Management induced GHG emissions are negligible compared to the soil-borne emissions. Fenlands should be extensified to save peats and reduce GHG emissions. The comparison of profitability showed that management systems of intensive land use systems, in contrast to extensive land use systems, with the low groundwater level are broadly profitable without subsidies. Subsidies and grants are indispensable to promote peat-saving and climate-friendly practices. This thesis provides a systematic overview of overall GHG emissions and profitability of common management systems of fenlands.

Gutes Klima – ein schmaler Grat zwischen Fakten und Interpretationen

Arnold, Marlen Gabriele 16 June 2020 (has links)
Satire erlaubt alles – so die Aussage einiger Comedians und Freunde des gepflegten Spöttelns. Doch wenn politisches Kabarett dazu beiträgt, Falschinformationen und Fehlinterpretationen zu verbreiten – darf Satire dann immer noch alles? Trägt nicht auch das politische Kabarett Verantwortung für eine adäquate Faktendarstellung anstelle einseitiger Politisierung? Satire blendet leider auch einige Fakten und Wirkbezüge in der Klimadebatte und den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen aus. Dass diese Blindheit und Ignoranz nicht zwingend zuträglich für eine gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und die Aufgeklärtheit einer Gesellschaft sind, liegt auf der Hand – aller Freiheit politischer Satire zum Trotz. Auch wenn zu viel Informationen und Wissen, und erst recht ambigue und widersprüchliche Daten, zu Verwirrungen und häufig nicht zur Irritation der eigenen (festgefahrenen) Weltbilder führen können, soll dieser Beitrag die Vielfalt der Daten und Interpretationsspielräume aufzeigen und zu mehr factfulness in der Klimadiskussion motivieren. / Satire allows everything - so the statement of some comedians and friends of the cultivated mockery. But if political cabaret contributes to spreading misinformation and misinterpretations - is satire still allowed to do everything? Doesn't political cabaret also bear responsibility for an adequate presentation of facts instead of one-sided politicization? Unfortunately, satire also ignores some facts and causal relations in the climate debate and scientific knowledge. It is obvious that this blindness and ignorance is not necessarily conducive to social development and the enlightenment of a society - despite all the freedom of political satire. Even if too much information and knowledge, and even more so ambiguous and contradictory data, can lead to confusion and often not to the irritation of one's own (deadlocked) world views, this contribution is intended to show the diversity of data and scope for interpretation and motivate more factfulness in the climate debate.

Is short rotation forestry biomass sustainable?

Zurba, Kamal 12 October 2016 (has links)
Despite the negative effects of fossil fuels on the environment, these remain as the primary contributors to the energy sector. In order to mitigate global warming risks, many countries aim at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Bioenergy crops are being used as a substitute for fossil fuels and short rotation forestry is a prime example. In order to examine the sustainability of energy crops for fuel, typical European short rotation forestry (SRF) biomass, willow (Salix spp.) and poplar (Populus spp.) are examined and compared to rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in respect to various aspects of soil respiration and combustion heat obtained from the extracted products per hectare. Various approaches are used to look at an As-contaminated site not only in the field but also in a soil-column experiment that examines the fate of trace elements in SRF soils, and in an analysis using MICMAC to describe the driving factors for SRF crop production. Based on the cause-effect chain, the impacts of land-use change and occupation on ecosystem quality are assessed when land-use is changed from degraded land (grassland) to willow and poplar SRF. A manual opaque dynamic closed chamber system (SEMACH-FG) was utilized to measure CO2 emissions at a willow/poplar short rotation forest in Krummenhennersdorf, Germany during the years 2013 and 2014, and at a rapeseed site in 2014. Short rotation forest soils showed higher CO2 emission rates during the growing season than the dormant season – with a CO2 release of 5.62±1.81 m-2 s-1 for willows and 5.08±1.37 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 for poplars in the growing season. However, during the dormant season the soil sites with willow emitted 2.54±0.81 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 and with poplar 2.07±0.56 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1. The highest emission rates for the studied plantations were observed in July for both years 2013 and 2014, during which the highest air and soil temperatures were recorded. Correlations between soil emission of CO2 and some meteorological parameters and leaf characteristics were investigated for the years 2013 and 2014. For example, for the willow clone (Jorr) and poplar clone (Max 3), high correlations were found for each between their soil emission of CO2 and both soil temperature and moisture content. Fitted models can explain about 77 and 75% of the results for Jorr and Max 3 clones, respectively. Moreover, a model of leaf area (LA) can explain about 68.6% of soil CO2 emission for H275. Estimated models can be used as a gap-filling method, when field data is not available. The ratio between soil respiration and the combustion heat calculated from the extracted products per hectare was evaluated and compared for the study’s willow, poplar and rapeseed crops. The results show that poplar and willow SRF has a very low ratio of 183 kg CO2 GJ 1 compared to rapeseed, 738 kg CO2 GJ 1. The soil-column experiment showed that by continuing the SRF plantation at the As-contaminated site, remediation would need only about 3% of the time needed if the site was left as a fallow field. In order to understand the complex willow and poplar short rotation forestry production system, 50 key variables were identified and prioritized to describe the system as a step to enhance the success of such potentially sustainable projects. The MICMAC approach was used in order to find the direct and the indirect relationships between those parameters and to classify them into different clusters depending on their driving force and interdependency. From this, it can be summarized that in order to enhance the success of a SRF system, decision makers should be focussing on: ensuring a developed wood-fuel market, increasing farmers’ experience/training, improving subsidy regulations and recommending a proper harvesting year cycle. Finally, the impacts of land-use change and occupation on the ecosystem quality were assessed. Results show that establishing SRF plantations on degraded lands improved the ecosystem structural quality (ESQ) by about 43% and ecosystem functional quality (EFQ) by about 12%. Based on overall results, poplar and willow SRF biomass can be recommended as renewable and sustainable sources for bioenergy.:Table of Contents Acknowledgements VI Abstract VII List of Figures IX List of Tables XI List of Appendix Tables XII List of Abbreviations XIII List of Abbreviations ...continued XIV 1. Background 1 1.1. General introduction 1 1.2. Soil organic carbon (SOC) 2 1.3. Soil respiration 4 1.4. Energy and bioenergy crops 5 1.5. Willow and poplar short rotation forestry 8 1.6. Degraded lands 10 1.8. Challenges 17 1.9. Objectives of this study 18 2. Methodology 19 2.1. Site Description 19 2.2. Environmental variables 22 2.3. Measuring CO2 emissions 23 2.3.1. Soil emission of CO2 23 2.3.2. Sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature (Q10) 25 2.4. Willow and poplar leaf traits 26 2.4.1. Measuring leaf area 26 2.4.2. Leaf Area Index (LAI) 27 2.4.3. Leaf sensitivity to high and low temperatures 28 2.5. Soil characteristics 30 2.5.1. Soil sampling 30 2.5.2. Soil Moisture Content % (SMC) by gravimetric method 31 2.5.3. Soil pH 31 2.5.4. Soil Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) 31 2.5.5. Soil content of C, N, S, heavy metals and trace elements 31 2.5.6. Soil porosity 31 2.5.7. Soil pore water 32 2.5.8. Soil hydraulic conductivity (Kf) 32 2.6. Soil-column experiment 34 2.6.1. Experiment set-up 35 2.6.2. Distribution coefficients (Kd) 35 2.7. MICMAC approach 36 2.7.1. Selection of variables 36 2.7.2. Description of direct relationships 36 2.7.3. Classification of variables 37 2.8. Impacts of land-use change on the ecosystem quality 38 2.9. Computer software 40 3. Results and Discussion 41 3.1. Environmental conditions 41 3.1.1. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) 41 3.1.2. Soil temperature 42 3.1.3. Soil moisture content 43 3.2. Soil emission of CO2 46 3.2.1. CO2 emission from soil at the short rotation forestry site 46 3.2.2. Soil emission of CO2 during the day and the night 48 3.2.3. Cumulative emission of CO2 49 3.2.4. Comparison with other bioenergy crops 50 3.3. Q10 52 3.4. Willow and poplar Leaf Characteristics 54 3.4.1. Leaf Area Index (LAI) 54 3.4.2. Specific leaf area (SLA) 56 3.4.3. Leaf sensitivity to temperature 57 3.5. Correlations of soil CO2 emission with soil temperature and moisture content 59 3.6. Correlations of soil CO2 emission with plant parameters 65 3.7. Insights into soil respiration and combustion heat per area 67 3.7.1. Cumulative seasonal CO2 emission (CE) 68 3.7.2. Output energy 69 3.7.3. CO2(soil respiration) / Energy ratio 70 3.7.4. Global-warming potential (GWP) 72 3.8. Trace elements in soil 73 3.8.1. Solid-liquid partition coefficients (Kd) 74 3.8.2. Estimating time of remediation 78 3.9. Identification and Prioritization of Key Parameters for Willow and Poplar Short Rotation Forestry (SRF) Production System 82 3.9.1. Based on direct influence/dependence map: 85 3.9.2. Based on indirect influence/dependence map: 87 3.10. Impacts of Land-use Change on the Ecosystem Quality 93 4. Conclusions and Recommendations 101 5. References 102 Appendix 118

Improving digestibility of cattle waste by thermobarical treatment

Budde, Jörn 16 April 2015 (has links)
Im Laborversuch konnte der positive Einfluss einer thermobarischen Vorbehandlung auf die Hydrolysier- und Vergärbarkeit von Rinderfestmist und Rindergülle nachgewiesen werden. Die Laborergebnisse wurden innerhalb eines theoretischen Modells in den Praxismaßstab übertragen, um den Einfluss auf Treibhausgasemissionen, Energiebilanz und Ökonomie zu bewerten. Die Vorbehandlungstemperaturen im Labor lagen zwischen 140 und 220°C in Schritten von 20 K und einer Vorbehandlungszeit von jeweils 5 Minuten. Die höchste Methanmehr¬ausbeute von 58 % konnte bei einer Temperatur von 180°C ermittelt werden. Das Auftreten von Inhibitoren und nicht vergärbaren Bestandteilen führte bei einer Aufbereitungstemperatur von 220°C zu Methanausbeuten, die geringer waren als die des unaufbereiteten Einsatzstoffes. In einer erweiterten Analyse konnte ein funktioneller Zusammenhang zwischen der Methanausbeute nach 30 Tagen und der Methanbildungsrate und -ausbeute während der Beschleunigungsphase gezeigt werden. Mittels einer Regressionsanalyse der so ermittelten Werte wurde nachgewiesen, dass die optimale Aufbereitungstemperatur 164°C ist und die minimale größer als 115°C zu sein hat. Treibhausgasemissionen und Energiebilanz wurden im Rahmen einer Ökobilanz nach ISO 14044 (2006) ermittelt, sowie eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse durchgeführt. Dazu wurde eine Anlage zur thermobarischen Vorbehandlung entwickelt und innerhalb eines Modells in eine Biogasanlage integriert. Weiterhin wurde in diesem Modell Maissilage durch Rinderfestmist und / oder Rindergülle als Einsatzstoff ersetzt. Rinderfestmist, ein Einsatzstoff mit hohem organischen Trockenmassegehalt, der ohne Vorbehandlung nicht einsetzbar wäre, erreichte eine energetische Amortisationszeit von 9 Monaten, eine Vermeidung in Höhe der während der Herstellung emittierten Treibhausgase innerhalb von 3 Monaten und eine ökonomische Amortisationszeit von 3 Jahren 3 Monaten, wohingegen Rindergülle keine positiven Effekte zeigte. / Hydrolysis and digestibility of cattle waste as feedstock for anaerobic digestion were improved by thermobarical treatment in lab-scale experiments. The effects of this improvement on greenhouse gas emissions, energy balance and economic benefit was assessed in a full-scale model application. Thermobarical treatment temperatures in lab-scale experiments were 140 to 220°C in 20 K steps for a 5-minute duration. Methane yields could be increased by up to 58 % at a treatment temperature of 180°C. At 220°C, the abundance of inhibitors and other non-digestible substances led to lower methane yields than those obtained from untreated material. In an extended analysis, it could be demonstrated that there is a functional correlation between the methane yields after 30 days and the formation rate and methane yield in the acceleration phase. It could be proved in a regression of these correlation values that the optimum treatment temperature is 164°C and that the minimum treatment temperature should be above 115°C. The theoretical application of a full-scale model was used for assessing energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions following an LCA approach according to ISO 14044 (2006) as well as economy. A model device for thermobarical treatment has been suggested for and theoretically integrated in a biogas plant. The assessment considered the replacement of maize silage as feedstock with liquid and / or solid cattle waste. The integration of thermobarical pretreatment is beneficial for raw material with high organic dry matter content that needs pretreatment to be suitable for anaerobic digestion: Solid cattle waste revealed very short payback times, e.g. 9 months for energy, 3 months for greenhouse gases, and 3 years 3 months for economic amortization, whereas, in contrast, liquid cattle waste did not perform positive replacement effects in this analysis.

Die Aktivierung von reaktionsträgen kleinen Molekülen an koordinativ ungesättigten Beta-Diketiminato-Nickelkomplexen

Holze, Patrick 06 September 2016 (has links)
Kleine Moleküle wie Treibhausgase, aber auch Distickstoff und Disauerstoff stehen im Fokus der chemischen Forschung. Solche Moleküle sind durch ihr Vorkommen in der Atmosphäre ubiquitär vorhanden, preiswert und könnten als Synthesebausteine für die Darstellung von komplexeren Molekülen verwendet werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Reaktion koordinativ ungesättigter Diketiminato-Nickelkomplexe ([LNi] Komplexe) mit kleinen Molekülen untersucht. Zunächst wurden die Mechanismen der N2-Aktivierung durch reduzierte [LtBuNiI]- und [LMe6NiI] Komplexe miteinander verglichen. Dabei konnte das distickstoffaktivierende Schlüsselintermediat identifiziert und strukturell charakterisiert werden. Weiter wurden die N2-Komplexe [(LtBuNiI)( 1 1 N2)] bzw. K2[(LtBuNiI)( 1 1 N2)], die Vorläufer für [LNiI]- und [LNi0]– Komplexfragmente darstellen, hinsichtlich ihrer Potentials zur Aktivierung der reaktionsträgen Treibhausgase SF6 und NF3 untersucht. Über Reaktionen von Übergangsmetallkomplexen mit NF3 war bis dahin noch nicht berichtet worden; zur Umsetzung von SF6 existierten wenige Publikationen, in denen aber sehr viele mechanistische Fragen offengeblieben sind. Die Mechanismen der SF6- und NF3-Aktivierung wurden durch Kombination einer Vielzahl von ex- und in situ Analysen beleuchtet. Im Falle der SF6 Aktivierung gelang es zudem, ein Nickel(I)-Intermediat zu isolieren. Ein Produkt beider Systeme war der Fluorido-Nickel(II)-Komplex [LtBuNiIIF], dessen Reaktionsverhalten ebenfalls studiert wurde. Doch nicht nur Komplexe mit Nickelatomen in niedrigen Oxidationsstufen erwiesen sich für die Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle geeignet, sondern auch kationische [LtBuNiII(D)]+-Komplexe. Diese Nickel(II)-Komplexe reagierten mit fluorierten Molekülen, N2O sowie O2, was bemerkenswert ist, da Nickel(II)-Komplexe üblicherweise inert gegenüber O2 sind. Im Zuge der O2-Studien wurde ein metastabiler Oranoperoxidkomplex isoliert und strukturell charakterisiert, was beispiellos in der Literatur ist. / Current research focuses on the activation of small molecules like greenhouse gases, thermodynamically stable molecules like N2 and kinetically stabilized molecules like O2, which are all abundant in the atmosphere. Thus, it appears to be alluring to use them as cheap and readily available building blocks for the synthesis of value-added compounds. This dissertation deals with the reaction of low-coordinate diketiminate nickel complexes [LNi] and such small molecules. Initially, the mechanisms of the dinitrogen activation by reduced [LtBuNiI] and [LMe6NiI] complexes were studied. As a result, the key intermediate [(LtBuNiI)x(3 Br)xKx] (x > 1) was identified and structurally characterized. Subsequently, the nickel complexes [(LtBuNiI)( 1 1 N2)] and K2[(LtBuNiI)( 1 1 N2)], which represent sources for [LtBuNiI] and [LtBuNi0]– moieties, were applied to the activation of the inert, but very efficient greenhouse gases SF6 and NF3. Prior to these investigations, no transition metal complex had been reported to react with NF3. Publications dealing with the conversion of SF6 had been scarce, too, while at same time, the mechanisms involving its activation had been speculative. The mechanisms of the NF3 and SF6 activation reactions were deduced combining numerous ex-situ and in situ analytical methods. In case of the SF6 activation, even an intermediate could be isolated. In both systems, the nickel fluoride complex [LtBuNiIIF] was formed and its reaction behaviour was also studied. Furthermore, not only [LtBuNiI]- and [LtBuNi0]– moieties proved to be reactive towards small molecules, but also cationic [LtBuNiII(D)]+ complexes, which were specifically developed for this purpose. The reactions of [LtBuNiII(D)]+ complexes with fluorinated molecules (e. g. PhF, NF3), O2 and N2O were studied. In course of the O2 activation, a metastable organoperoxide complex was isolated and structurally characterized, which is unparalleled in the literature.

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