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Návrh převodníku AD s nízkým napájecím napětím v technologii CMOS / Design of AD converter with low supply voltage in CMOS technologyHolas, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem 12 bitového řetězového A/D převodníku. Součástí návrhu bylo vytvořit referenční model převodníku v prostředí Matlab a determinovat faktory, které negativně ovlivňují výsledek konverze. S využitím nabytých poznatků navrhnout řetězový převodník na transistorové úrovni v prostředí Cadence. V teoretické části jsou shrnuty základy A/D převodu a dále jsou představeny nejčastěji používané architektury A/D převodníků. V dalších částech je popsán a diskutován vliv neidealit na vlastnosti řetězových převodníků. Praktická část se již věnuje popisu základních charakteristik řetězových převodníků a dokazuje funkci modelu. Z výsledků modelové struktury byly stanoveny reálné parametry, které byly dále využity v procesu tvorby návrhu v CMOS technologii TSMC 0,18m s nízkým napájecím napětím.
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Návrh DDA zesilovače pro zpracování biologických signálů / Design of differential difference amplifier (DDA) for biological signals processingGrochal, Peter January 2021 (has links)
The work deals with the analog design of low-voltage and low-power differential difference amplifier DDA with adaptive differential input stage, second stage class AB, improved by a self – cascode to achieve higher gain and slew rate. Conventional and unconventional techniques, and methods for low-voltage and low-power design are presented. The finished design of the differential difference amplifier DDA with the analyzed results is presented. Design of a Butterwortho low-pass filter of the sixth order based on DDA with Sallen Key topology and design of a multifunctional ARC filter based on DDA.
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General non linear perturbation model of phase noise in LC oscillatorsMukherjee, Jayanta 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Hybrid Coupler for LMBA Input Match Using an Active InductorDoddanna, Karthik January 2021 (has links)
With the increase in demand for compact and high data rate communication systems, there is a need for high efficiency with modulated signals (PAPR 5-10 dB) for base-station power amplifiers. One of the famous architectures used to achieve this is Doherty architecture. The architecture has recently been extended to the Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier (LMBA) concept, where a separate integrated amplifier generates the control signal for load modulation. Almost all published studies are concerned with discrete "PCB-based" solutions for LMBA. In a recent study [1], the potential of designing an integrated LMBA in 0.18 μm CMOS has been evaluated. The main limitation concerning losses and area comes from the quadrature couplers, consisting of either two or four inductors. Using active inductors in the coupler design may be possible to obtain a more cost-effective solution. However, several aspects must be taken into consideration. One is that the power consumption of the active inductor should not exceed the power loss of the passive inductor. Another one is the ability to handle high power signals (high voltage swing), corresponding to 10-15 dBm at the input of the amplifier. The main objective of this thesis is to implement a hybrid coupler using an active inductor based on the theory of gyrators. The circuits were implemented using TSMC 0.18 μm process. The coupler and the active inductor are designed to operate at 2 GHz centre frequency. The active inductor implemented is considerably linear up to 12 dBm. The coupler has an input reflection coefficient (S11) of -26 dB, the transmission coefficient (S21) of -4.4 dB, and a coupling coefficient (S31) of -2.4 dB. The coupler shows good coupling and isolation characteristics. The phase difference between the through-port and the coupled-port of the coupler is 92°. As a result, when used as a power divider at the input of the power amplifiers, a PAE (Power Added Efficiency) of 63% and output power of 23 dBm is obtained at an input power of 12 dBm.
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創造公司價值因素之探討—以半導體晶圓代工產業為例 / An Empirical Study of Value Creation Drivers in Semiconductor Foundry Industry江玠寬, Chiang, Chieh Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以經濟附加價值(Economic Value Added; EVA)作為衡量半導體晶圓代工產業的公司價值指標,利用縱橫資料模型(panel data)驗證晶圓代工公司的EVA與市場價值之關連性,並探討影響半導體晶圓代工公司的價值創造的因子。此外,本研究亦針對半導體景氣循環指標及晶圓代工公司價值創造的關係進行研究。最後本研究以個案方式分析半導體晶圓代工公司價值創造之原因。
實證結果發現晶圓代工公司的EVA與市場價值具有高度的關連性與解釋能力,代表EVA確實能反映企業的真實價值。本文亦發現公司投入愈多的資本支出、追求高的營業利潤率、降低資金成本都會為半導體晶圓代工公司創造更多的價值。然而營收增加、營運資金投入的多寡及半導體景氣循環指標等因素對晶圓代工公司價值創造並無明顯之影響。此外,本文個案研究歸納出晶圓代工公司創造公司價值之因素共有下四點:一、擴大對現有的投入資本的報酬率。二、利用低利率環境和低β值,以降低資金成本。三、維持技術領先的競爭優勢,使公司擁有一段較長的時間能產生高於正常報酬率。四、加大資本資出進行新的投資,以賺取超額報酬。 / Advanced semiconductor manufacturing is at an inflection point with escalating R&D intensity and capital expenditure requirements for new fabrication plants of leading process. However, investors are concerned whether tremendous capital expenditure could generate return and create value to the company in this competition.
Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the foundry firms’ value by adopting the concept of Economic Value Added (EVA), measuring the excessive return that a company can generate over the cost of capital. At first, this study tests the power of EVA to capture the relationship between a company’s market value and EVA of foundries. As EVA may be affected by numerous financial value drivers, this research examines and ascertains which factors are relevant. Furthermore, this study also monitors the EVA of these firms to determine their relationship with the semiconductor cyclical index.
The primary findings of this study are illustrated as below. EVA is systematically linked to market value in foundry industry. In addition, foundries with higher operating profit margin and higher capital expenditure could create more firms’ value while foundries with higher cost of capital and financial flexibility would destroy its value. Moreover, foundries’ EVAs are not been significantly affected by growth of sales, investments in working capital, and semiconductor cycle index.
Furthermore, this paper also conducts a case study to analyze why TSMC creates EVA continuously: (1)TSMC increases returns on existing capital while holding WACC and invested capital constant. (2)TSMC reduces the cost of capital by leveraging low interest rate and low beta. (3)TSMC makes new investments that earn returns greater than the WACC. (4)TSMC sustains the competitive advantage of technological leadership which enables the company to generate above-normal returns for a longer period.
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台灣晶圓代工產業的斷裂性創新初步研究蔡政安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發展出來的描述架構是一個檢測斷裂性創新的良好基礎,可以作為測試其他產業是否存在斷裂性創新的參考。 / Why established incumbents loosed their leading positions facing the disruptive technology, explanation of current literatures tended to focus on the supply-side interaction of technologies and firms’ capabilities. The research on latecomer firms catching up technological gap in newly development countries also focused on the supply-side perspective and argued that consecutive advancing technological capabilities was the key to success.
Closer examination of technology competition, however, reveals that technology or market transitions are not necessarily due to the supply-side difficulties, like incumbent technology’s inherent limit, incumbents’ inability to master new skill, or organizational inertness. The market demand-side is also an important factor offering a complementary set of explanations that highlight the influence of consumers’ need on technology trajectory. The most influential expression of a demand side role in technology competition is the disruptive innovation that will break the market rule, shift the bases of competition and change the industry structure.
Current researches, however, did not develop systematically analytical tool or framework to identify disruptive innovation. This study followed the major perspectives of disruptive innovation and the rules of case study to develop the descriptive framework for testifying the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. The semiconductor industry development in Taiwan was identified and described under the conditions of this framework.
This descriptive framework is a systematic tool for testing disruptive innovation in any industry.
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Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη ψηφιακά ελεγχόμενου ταλαντωτή (Digitally Controlled Oscillator) στις συχνότητες 1.6-2 GHzΖωγράφος, Βασίλης 17 July 2014 (has links)
Σε αυτήν την εργασία μελετήθηκε και σχεδιάστηκε ένας ψηφιακά ελεγχόμενος ταλαντωτής (DCO) με σκοπό GSM εφαρμογή. Οι συχνότητες λειτουργίας κυμαίνονται στο φάσμα 1.6GHz – 2GHz με βήμα 20kHz. Ο θόρυβος φάσης ποσοτικοποιείται στα -160dB/Hz σε 20 MHz απόκλιση. Ο έλεγχος του DCO γίνεται πλήρως ψηφιακά επιτρέποντας την υλοποίηση πλήρους ψηφιακού βρόχου κλειδώματος φάσης (ADPLL) και καθολικού system on chip design (SoC). Ο ταλαντωτής καταναλώνει 4,5 mWatt με 3,76 mA ρεύμα σε 1.2 V τροφοδοσία. / A Digitally Controlled Oscillator is studied and designed for GSM application. The operating frequencies are 1.6-2GHz with tuning range of 400MHz and finest step size 20 KHz. A fully digital control is achieved form where arises the opportunity for fabrication of an All-Digital Phase Locked Loop (ADPLL) and the whole system on chip (SoC). The proposed DCO core consumes 3.76mA from a 1.2V supply.
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Class-e Cascode Power Amplifier Analysis And Design For Long Term ReliabilityKutty, Karan 01 January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the Class-E power amplifier operating at 5.2 GHz. Since the operation of this amplifier applies a lot of stress on the switching transistor, a cascode topology was applied in order to reduce the drain-source voltage stress. Such an amplifier was designed and optimized in order to improve stability, power added efficiency, and matching. A layout for the said design was then created to be fabrication-ready using the TSMC 0.18 um technology. Post-layout simulations were performed in order to realize a more realistic circuit performance with the layout design in mind. Long-term stress effects, such as oxide breakdown, on the key transistors were modeled and simulated in order to achieve an understanding of how leakage currents affect the overall circuit performance. Simulated results were compared and contrasted against theoretical understanding using derived equations. Recommendations for future advancements were made for modification and optimization of the circuit by the application of other stress reduction strategies, variation in the class-E topology, and improvement of the driver stage.
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開放式經營模式演進歷程分析之研究-以台積電為例 / The analysis of evolutionary process of open business model - a case study of TSMC楊凱期, Yang, Kai-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
現今產業環境變化加速,知識工作者高度流動、產品生命週期越來越短、以及研發成本不斷提高,「創新」出現了革命性的變化。封閉已經成為過去,現在是「開放式經營模式」的時代,要掌握決勝未來的關鍵,就必須掌握與合作夥伴創新的能力。這個新模式,不只改變了企業的成長動能,更重要的是它改變了遊戲規則。「開放式經營模式」已經成為跨越地理疆界、打破速度、解決資源匱乏的新存亡關鍵。 / 企業向外尋找創新來源的過程中,必須積極地自外界搜尋、截取新的想法、資源,同時也要讓企業內部所研發創新的技術向外流出,讓外界運用。此外,企業必須進行經營模式的創新,與更多的供應商、顧客形成一新的產業生態系,企業主導其經營模式成為平台,與經營的夥伴共同承擔風險,同時共享其利潤,從中為整個產業生態系創造更大的價值,也為自己的企業創造更大的價值,此即為「開放式經營模式」的典範。 / 本研究將分析探討究竟企業是如何逐漸從原先的經營模式逐漸演進為開放式經營模式,理解其演進發展的過程中關鍵的成功因素為何,企業需經歷哪些重大的變革,以及企業欲成為開放式經營模式之平台的主導廠商,需要哪些關鍵的能力及資源。本研究採用歷史研究法及個案研究法,以台積電作為個案之例進行研究,發現從企業的核心策略演進分析、策略性資源演進分析、顧客介面演進分析、價值網絡演進分析,分別找出了企業演進為開放式經營模式的關鍵因素,且發現這些關鍵之間彼此有著緊密地互動與連結,而「開放式經營平台」即扮演著此一重要的角色。 / 透過本研究的分析探討,提供業界企業經營模式的演進以成為開放式經營模式之模型參考,以及企業欲實踐開放式經營模式實務上的作法,對於Chesbrough(2006)所提出之開放式經營模式的理論得到了實務上的驗證。此外,本研究亦提供了一結合Chesbrough(2006)開放式經營模式觀點以及Hamel(2000)經營模式理論之基礎架構,可作為研究探討企業開放式經營模式之演進歷程分析的理論基礎,且針對原先學者所提出的理論進行相關的討論與進一步的詮釋與修正。此外此一基礎架構也提供產學界對於未來開放式經營模式相關的管理議題,有更多後續的研究與發展。 / The environment of industry is rapidly changing and highly turnover rate of knowledge workers. Product lifecycle become shorter. R&D cost increases constantly. “Innovation” has the revolutionary change. Closing has already become the history. Now, it’s the era of “Open Business Model”. For controlling the key of success in the future, we should control the ability to innovate with partners. This new model not only transforms the growth kinetic energy of the enterprise but also changes the game rule more importantly. “Open Business Model” have become the live or dead key of crossing over the geographical boundaries, breaking the limitation of pace, and solving the problem of deficient resources. / In the process of enterprise finding innovative sources from the outwards, enterprise must search for the external world actively, acquire the new ideas and resources, and let the internal technology of R&D innovation flow to the outwards for the application of external world at the same time. Besides, enterprises must proceed the innovation of business model and collaborated with more suppliers and customers to sustain in the new eco system. Enterprises will lead and change business model in e-platform, undertake the risks with business partners, and share the profits together at the same time. In the process, not only it creates more values for the entire eco system, but also it creates much more values for itself. It’s the paradigm of “Open Business Model”. / The research analyzed and observed how the enterprise developed from the original business model to the open business model gradually. We realized what the critical successful factors are in the development period of evolution process, what the significant changes the enterprise need to experience, and what the keys of capability and resources the enterprise need to become the leading manufacturer of the open innovation platform. The research adopts historical research and case study method, and takes the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) as a case study for the research. Based on the open business model perspectives, “core strategy”, “strategic resources”, “customer interface” and “value network”, the research find out the key factors in the evolution period. Moreover, the research observed the “Open Innovation Platform” plays an important role on interactive relationship between these critical factors. / The research also provides enterprise the framework of how to evolve into open business model, as well as the practical experience of how to approach the open business model. The theory of open business model which Chesbrough (2006) proposed is verified in real business. In addition, the research also provides the basis of the theoretical framework which is the combination of Chesbrough (2006) open business model perspective and Hamel (2000) business model theory. It could be used as the foundamental theory of analyzing the open business model evolution for the following research. This research also provides the topics of the following open business model or other related managerial issues for the academic and practical research.
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台積電平台經營模式之個案分析 / A case study on the platform business model of TSMC朱韻如, Chu, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
透過本研究之分析與歸納,發現「價值鏈」與「平台」兩者的商業模式要素內涵與經營思維迥異,前者專注本業、著重內部優化,以低成本或差異化為主要的競爭策略;後者則強調擴張營運範圍、槓桿外部資源,共同創造更多價值獲得雙贏局面。而價值鏈模式之企業可從建立內部平台開始、轉變到供應鏈平台,接著發展至雙邊平台的演化方式進行轉型,但不是所有企業都具備成為雙邊平台領導者的潛力,必須確認自身提供的價值是否為整個技術系統所需、以及能否同時為產業中許多企業解決商業問題。當企業成功轉為雙邊平台之際,即可專注於提高平台的網路效應與轉換成本等策略行動上,追求大者恆大及生態系競爭之目的。 / In recent years, the platform business model sweeps the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Line and other platform leaders not only changed the way people lived but also obtained values from the platform’s network. These values are key competitive advantages for platform leaders to win the game of business. However, the new type of business model is threatening pipeline business, and some pipelines even rapidly declined after attacking by platforms. Therefore, how pipelines can survive and turn successfully to platform-based business is the main discussion in this research.
This study combined the academic theories of two business model: value chain and platform to explore the transformation of business and strategy of TSMC, which is one of the leading semiconductor companies in the world, in the past 30 years. The case study followed by analyzing how TSMC reshaped the semiconductor’s value chain and then adopt the platform strategy for enterprise transformation. Now, TSMC has its own ecosystem that can beat with other two giant IDM competitors.
With the in-depth case study of the changing in TSMC’s business model, we had three conclusions. Firstly, we find out that the business model of “value chain” and “platform” has the different connotation and strategic thinking. The former enterprises focus on its own business, pay attention to internal optimization, and take advantage of differentiation or low cost for competition. However, the later ones emphasize the expansion of operating scope, leverage external resources, and co-create with partners for more values to pursuit the win-win situation. Secondly, enterprises with the value chain business model can develop the platform business model by establishing the internal platform at the initial and then expand to supply chain platform and two-sided market platform. But it's worth noting that not all enterprises have the potential to become a platform leader. It must satisfy two prerequisite conditions: (1) the own value is essential within an industry, and (2) can solve the business problems of different companies at the same time. Thirdly, when enterprises successfully become the platform-based business, enlarging network effect and switching cost are two primary actions to pursue and keep platform leading strategy.
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