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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporating Flow for a Comic [Book] Corrective of Rhetcon

Castleberry, Garret 05 1900 (has links)
In this essay, I examined the significance of graphic novels as polyvalent texts that hold the potential for creating an aesthetic sense of flow for readers and consumers. In building a justification for the rhetorical examination of comic book culture, I looked at Kenneth Burke's critique of art under capitalism in order to explore the dimensions between comic book creation, distribution, consumption, and reaction from fandom. I also examined Victor Turner's theoretical scope of flow, as an aesthetic related to ritual, communitas, and the liminoid. I analyzed the graphic novels Green Lantern: Rebirth and Y: The Last Man as case studies toward the rhetorical significance of retroactive continuity and the somatic potential of comic books to serve as equipment for living. These conclusions lay groundwork for multiple directions of future research.

Guerreiras: Linguistic and Social Practices Among Women with Turner Syndrome in Brazil

Dauphinais, Ashlee L. 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Extreme patriots: "proper inference" and language communities in american literature

Jones, Warren G. 01 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.

La educación de las mujeres en dos novelas peruanas del siglo XIX : Herencia y Blanca Sol

Bustamante Oliva, Lita Giannina 21 March 2016 (has links)
Esta investigación describe la situación de la educación de las mujeres peruanas de la élite limeña a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Analizando los aspectos educativos presentados en las novelas Herencia y Blanca Sol, de Clorinda Matto de Turner y Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera respectivamente, se explican e interpretan las características de la educación que se ofrecía a niñas y jóvenes en la capital del Perú. Por un lado, los colegios privados de la época presentaban tanto un currículo expreso y como un currículum oculto, de entre los cuales el último operaba con gran eficacia como respuesta a la falta de coherencia entre el discurso y la práctica educativa. En este sentido, se cuestiona si la educación brindada en los colegios católicos era la más adecuada para formar a las madres de los ciudadanos de la nueva república, así como para preparar a la mujer con la autonomía y criterio suficientes para autosostenerse, para dirigir su hogar y para vivir coherentemente de acuerdo a principios humanos y cristianos. Por otro lado, la educación en el hogar estaba bajo la responsabilidad de la madre de familia. Se esperaba que la mujer se condujera en todo según el ideal femenino católico de ángel del hogar y que, de acuerdo a dichos parámetros, educara a sus hijas. El análisis permite comprobar cómo la educación de las mujeres se desarrollaba de espaldas a la realidad, imitando modelos extranjeros y resultando de poca utilidad para responder a las exigencias de la vida en el Perú. Esto ocurría porque hasta ese momento la sociedad no llegaba a comprender todavía los aportes intelectuales acerca de la educación de la mujer presentados por las autoras de las novelas estudiadas en esta tesis, investigación que representa una oportunidad para hacer las revisiones y reflexiones pertinentes / This research describes women´s education in nineteenth century in Perú, focused on high society girls. It analyses educational topics in Herencia and Blanca Sol, novels written by Clorinda Matto de Turner and Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera. In these plays it is possible to see the way hidden curriculum was very strong in girls’ schools because of the incoherence between speech and practice. Aims of education are also analyzed considering women possibilities to live by themselves, to organize and manage their own homes by making responsible use of money or getting a good job. It is also questioned if that type of education was the best to afford the needs of the new republic and if it was in good path to educate the mothers of the future Peruvian citizens. / Tesis

Ambivalent Ambiguity? : A study of how women with 'atypical' sex development make sense of female embodiment / Ambivalent tvetydighet? : En studie av hur kvinnor med ”otypisk” könsutveckling skapar mening kring kvinnlig kroppslighet

Guntram, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Against a backdrop of feminist and social scientific research on sex, female embodiment, and normality this thesis aims to discern how young women, who in adolescence have learned that their bodies are developing in ways considered ‘atypical’ for the female sex, make sense of their bodies and their situation. In focus are the ways in which the women make sense of and negotiate female embodiment; how they, particularly in stories about their interactions with others, position their embodied selves; and how norms and beliefs about sexed embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility are strengthened and challenged in the interviewees’ sense-making. The data comprise 23 in-depth interviews with women who in adolescence have learned that they do not have a uterus and a vagina, or who have learned that they do not have two X chromosomes and have no, or non-functioning, ovaries. Through narrative and thematic analysis the thesis shows how the women’s sense-making can be obstructed by norms about female embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility, expressed through medical terminology and practice and in interaction with family, friends, and peers, as described by the interviewees. Concomitantly, as the thesis demonstrates, medical terminology can be experienced and function as a resource in the women’s sense-making. Diagnostic categories enable them to put the specificities of sex development into words and raise awareness about bodily variation. Furthermore, in their stories about others’ reactions to their bodies and about their experience and management of certain medical treatments, the women question norms about female embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility that were previously taken for granted. The complexity of the women’s sense-making is demonstrated through the ways in which the interviewees, on the one hand, align with norms about female embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility, and in which they, on the other hand, succeed in challenging the same. In this ‘juggling’ of reinforcement and resistance, the thesis argues, the women are found to expand rather than dismiss beliefs about female embodiment.  Thus, the thesis contributes with deepened knowledge about what it can be like to live with these specific conditions and with problematizations of how norms about female embodiment can be enacted and questioned. / Mot bakgrund av feministisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning kring kön, kvinnlig kroppslighet och normalitet syftar avhandlingen till att undersöka hur unga kvinnor, som i tonåren fått reda på att deras kropp utvecklas på ett sätt som anses ”otypiskt” för det kvinnliga könet söker förstå och skapa mening kring sin kropp och situation. Framförallt undersöks dessa kvinnors meningsskapande, hur de i sina berättelser positionerar sig i relation till andra, och hur normer och föreställningar om kvinnlig kroppslighet, heterosexuell praktik och in/fertilitet förstås, förhandlas, stärks och ifrågasätts i berättelserna. Materialet som undersöks utgörs av 23 djupintervjuer med kvinnor som i tonåren fått reda på att de antingen inte har någon livmoder och vagina eller att de inte har två X kromosomer och inga eller  icke-fungerade äggstockar. Genom narrativa och tematiska analyser visar avhandlingen hur kvinnornas meningskapande formas av normer kring kvinnlig kroppslighet, heterosexuell praktik och in/fertilitet, då de uttrycks i kvinnornas berättelser om sin situation i möten med andra och i relation till medicinsk praktik. Samtidigt, visar avhandlingen, kan medicinsk terminologi, specifikt diagnoser, och praktik utgöra resurser i kvinnornas meningsskapande som möjliggör för dem att sätta ord på och sprida kunskap om kroppslig variation. I kvinnornas berättelser om andras reaktioner på deras kroppar och om deras erfarenhet och hantering av specifika medicinska behandlingar utmanas vidare normer som kvinnorna tidigare har tagit för givet. Genom analysen framträder således komplexiteten i kvinnornas meningskapande då de å ena sidan anammar förgivettagna normer om kvinnlig kroppslighet, heterosexuell praktik och infertilitet och å andra sidan utmanar de samma. I detta ”jonglerande” av anpassning till normer och motstånd mot desammasyns kvinnorna expandera snarare än avfärda föreställningar om kvinnlig kroppslighet. Avhandlingen fördjupar därmed kunskapen om hur det kan vara att leva med dess specifika tillstånd och till att problematisera hur normer om kvinnlig kroppslighet kan ta sig uttryck och ifrågasättas.

A Structural analysis and visual abstraction of the pictorial in the Aeneid, I-VI

Shaw, Rayford Wesley 06 1900 (has links)
The pictorial elements of the first six books of the Aeneid can be evidenced through an examination of its structural components. With commentaries on such literary devices as parallels and antipodes, interwoven themes, cyclic patterns, and strategic placement of words in the text, three genres of painting are treated individually in Chapter 1 to illustrate the poet's consistency of design and to prove him a craftsman of the visual arts. In the first division, "Cinematic progression," attention is directed to the language which conveys movement and frequentative action, with special emphasis placed on specific passages whose verbal components possess sculptural or third-dimensional traits and contribute to the "spiral" and "circle" motifs, the appropriate visual agents for animation. Depiction of mythological subjects comprises the second division entitled "Cameos and snapshots." Three selections, dubbed monstra, are explicated with such cross references as to illustrate the poet's use of epithets which he distributes passim to elicit verbal echoes of other passages. The final division, "The Vergilian landscape," addresses two major themes, antithetical in nature, the martial and the pastoral. Their sequential juxtaposition in the text renders a marked contrast in mood which is manifested pictorially in the transition from darkness to light. A panoramic chiaroscuro emerges which is the tapestry against which Aeneas makes his sojourn through the Underworld. It is the perfect backdrop to accompany the overriding theme of "things hidden," res latentes, which encompasses a greater part of the epic and becomes the culminant motif of the paintings which comprise the visual presentation. Chapter 2 functions as a catalogue raisonne for art inspired by the Aeneid from early antiquity up to the present day. Such examples of artistic expression provide a continuum with which to appropriate Horace's maxim, ut pictura poesis, in their evaluation. The verbal exegeses in Chapter 1 have been programmed to comport with the thematic content of the visual presentation in Chapter 3, a critique exemplifying the transposition of the verbal to the pictorial. With these canvases I have attempted to render a new perspective of Vergil's epic in the genre of abstract expressionism. / Art / D. Litt. et Phil.

Praćenje vrednosti insulinu sličnog faktora rasta tip 1 u serumu i brzine rasta tokom terapije hormonom rasta kod dece / Monitoring the levels of insulin-like growth factor type 1 in serum and the rate of growth velocity during growth hormone therapy in children

Vorgučin Ivana 18 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Hormon rasta ima ključnu ulogu u mnogim fiziolo&scaron;kim procesima, anabolički efekti, stimulisanje rasta dugih kostiju, regulacija transkripcije gena u ciljnim ćelijama su uglavnom posredovani preko mitogenog polipeptida, insulinu sličan faktor rasta tip 1 (insulin like growth factor 1-IGF-1). Hormon rasta indukuje proizvodnju IGF-1 u jetri, koji reaguje sa receptorima ciljnih organa indukujući rast, odnosno IGF-1 posreduje svim stimulativnim dejstvima hormona rasta na kost, hrskavicu, rast mi&scaron;ić a i na metabolizam masti i ugljenih hidrata. U proceni redovnosti, bezbednosti i efikasnosti terapije hormonom rasta koristi se merenje koncentracije IGF-1 u serumu. Istraživanje je urađeno kao retrospektivno-prospektivna studija, a obuhvatilo je 80 pacijenata na terapiji hormonom rasta koja se kontroli&scaron;u i leče na Odeljenju za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Instituta za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Istraživani uzorak je obuhvatio 80 pacijenata, od kojih 35 dece sa nedostatkom hormona rasta, 24 dece rođene male za gestacionu dob i 21 devojčicu sa Tarnerovim sindromom. Svi ispitanici su praćeni od početka primene hormona rasta i tokom prve dve godine terapije hormonom rasta. U ovom istraživanju su praćeni auksolo&scaron;ki i laboratorijski parametri u cilju ispitivanja odgovora na terapiju hormonom rasta. Praćene su bazalne vrednosti IGF-1 i promene nivoa IGF-1 u serumu tokom terapije hormonom rasta i kori&scaron;ćene da bi se ispitao odgovor na terapiju hormonom rasta, praćenjem brzine rasta, promena skora standardnih devijacija - SSD za telesnu visinu i ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se utvrdi povezanost vrednosti insulinu sličnog faktora rasta tip 1, brzine rasta i ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja tokom terapije hormonom rasta. Takođe je poređena brzina rasta dece sa deficitom hormona rasta, devojčica sa T arnerovim sindromom i dece rođene male za gestaciono doba na terapiji hormonom rasta. U istraživanom uzorku, dvogodi&scaron;njim praćenjem terapije hormonom rasta je postignut dobar odgovor na terapiju, među decom sa nedostatkom hormona rasta je 71,5% postiglo normalnu telesnu visinu (&plusmn;2 SSDTV) posle dve godine terapije hormonom rasta, 79,2% dece rođene male za gestacionu dob i 42,9% devojčica sa Tarnerovim sindromom. Značajna zastupljenost dece prepubertetskog uzrasta na početku terapije hormonom rasta, među decom sa nedostatkom hormona rasta 77,2%, među decom rođenom malom za gestacionu dob 79,1% i među devojčicama sa Tarnerovim sindromom 90,5% &scaron;to je značajno uticalo na uspe&scaron;nost terapije. Tokom terapije hormonom rasta je utvrđeno povećanje brzine rasta i SSD TV kod sve tri grupe ispitanika. U sve tri grupe ispitanika je tokom terapije hormonom rasta utvrđen porast nivoa IGF-1 seruma i SSDIGF-1 i ubrzanje ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja tokom terapije hormonom rasta. Za prvih &scaron;est meseci terapije nema statistički značajnih razlika među grupama u brzini rasta (p&gt;0,05), dok je za period prve i druge godine terapije hormonom rasta utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna razlika među grupama (p&lt;0,05), da je brzina rasta kod devojčica za Tarnerovim sindromom statistički značajno manja i od brzine rasta kod dece sa nedostatkom hormona rasta (p &lt;0,05), i od brzine rasta kod dece rođene male za gestacionu dob (p&lt;0,05). Među decom sa nedostatkom hormona rasta i dece rođene male za gestacionu dob nema statistički značajne razlike u brzini rasta (p&gt;0,5). U ovom istraživanju je praćenjem auskolo&scaron;kih i laboratrijskih parametara tokom dvogodi&scaron;nje primene hormona rasta, konstruisano vi&scaron;e matematičkih modela za predviđanje odgovora na terapiju hormona rasta koji su statistički veoma značajani sa visokim koeficijentom vi&scaron;estruke linearne korelacije. U ovom istraživanju nije dobijena statistički značajna korelacija izmedju nivoa promene IGF-1 i brzine rasta za ceo uzorak, kao ni za decu sa nedostatkom hormona rasta, decu rođenu malu za gestacionu dob i devojčice za Tarnerovim sindromom. Nije dobijena statistički značajna korelacija izmedju nivoa promene IGF-1 i ubrzanja ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja za ceo uzorak i za tri grupe pacijenata.</p> / <p>Growth hormone plays a key role in many physiological processes. The anabolic effects, the stimulation of growth of the long bones and the regulation of gene transcription in the target cells are mediated mainly via mitogenic polypeptide and insulin-like growth factor type 1 (insulin like growth factor 1-IGF-1). Growth hormone induces the production of IGF-1 in the liver, which interacts with receptors of the target organs inducing growth, that is, IGF-1 mediates all the stimulating effects of growth hormone on bone, cartilage, muscle growth and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. In assessing the regularity, safety and efficacy of growth hormone therapy, measuring the concentration of IGF-1 in serum is used. The survey was conducted as a retrospective-prospective study and involved 80 patients treated with growth hormone, monitored and treated at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, at the Institute for Health Protection of Children and Youth of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Investigated sample included 80 patients, of whom 35 children have growth hormone deficiency, 24 children were born small for gestational age and 21 girls with Turner syndrome. All the patients were monitored from the beginning of the administration of growth hormone and during the first two years of growth hormone therapy. In this study, auxological and laboratory parameters were monitored for the purpose of examining the response to treatment of growth hormone. The basal values of IGF-1 and changes in IGF-1 levels in serum, along with monitoring the rate of growth velocity and recent changes in standard deviation - SSD for body height and bone maturation, were monitored during growth hormone therapy and used for the evaluation of the response to growth hormone therapy. The objectives of the study were to determine the correlation of insulin-like growth factor type 1 values, the growth velocity and maturation of bone during growth hormone therapy. Also, the growth velocity in children with growth hormone deficiency was compared with the growth velocity in girls with Turner syndrome and in children born small for gestational age while treated with growth hormone. Two-year monitoring of growth hormone therapy in the study sample has show n good response to therapy. 71.5% of children with growth hormone deficiency, 79.2% of children born small for gestational age, and 42.9% of girls with Turner syndrome achieved normal body height (&plusmn; 2 SSDTV) after two years of growth hormone therapy. There was a significant share of children at prepubertal age at the beginning of growth hormone therapy: 77.2% of children with growth hormone deficiency, 79.1% of children born small for gestational age and 90.5% of girls with Turner syndrome, which significantly influenced the success of the therapy. During the growth hormone therapy there was an increase of growth velocity and SSD TV in all three groups of children. An increase in levels of IGF-1 serum and SSDIGF-1 and acceleration of bone maturation were determined in all three groups of patients during growth hormone therapy. For the first six months of therapy there was no statistically significant difference between groups in growth velocity (p&gt; 0.05), while the period of the first and second year of growth hormone therapy showed a statistically significant difference between groups (p &lt;0.05). The growth velocity in girls with Turner syndrome was significantly lower than the growth velocity in children with growth hormone deficiency (p &lt;0.05) and in children born small for gestational age (p &lt;0.05). Between children with growth hormone deficiency and children born small for gestational age there was no statistically significant difference in growth velocity (p&gt; 0.5). By monitoring auxological and laboratory parameters during the two years of application of growth hormone, several highly statistically significant mathematical models for predicting the response to treatment of growth hormone were constructed in this study with a high coefficient of multiple linear correlation. In this study, there was no statistically significant correlation between the level of change in IGF-1 and growth velocity for the entire sample, as well as for children with growth hormone deficiency, children born small for gestational age and girls for Turner syndrome. There was no statistically significant correlation between the level of change in IGF-1 and acceleration of bone maturation for the entire sample and for the three groups of patients.</p>

Bernstein, das "Preußische Gold" in Kunst- und Naturalienkammern und Museen des 16. - 20. Jahrhunderts

Hinrichs, Kerstin 24 March 2010 (has links)
Bernstein, in seiner natürlichen Form und auch kunstvoll bearbeitet, gehörte zu den raren und wundersamen Dingen, mit denen Naturgelehrte und Fürsten ihre Mineraliensammlungen, Raritäten-, Kunst- und Wunderkammern und Naturalienkabinetten gerne bestückten. Geschenke aus diesem seltenen Stein waren chwillkommen. Besonders geschätzt wurden Zufallsbilder und Bernsteine mit pflanzlichen und tierischen Einschlüssen (Bernsteininklusen). Einschlüsse von größeren Tieren, wie Fröschen, Eidechsen und Fischen, wurden künstlich hergestellt. Die Echtheit dieser Inklusen wurde zunächst jedoch nicht angezweifelt. Der Platz des Bernsteins in diesen frühen musealen Einrichtungen war, wie der jedes anderen Sammlungsgegenstandes, nicht fest und endgültig. Er war eng an die Entwicklung des Sammlerwesens geknüpft und abhängig vom Wissen ihrer Betreiber über das Universum im Allgemeinen und über den Bernstein im Besonderen. Wobei die persönliche Wertschätzung, die dem Bernstein entgegengebracht wurde, eine wichtige Rolle spielte. Die Sammlungen bildeten und bilden bis heute die Grundlage für die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Bernsteins und darüber hinaus für die Erforschung der Erdgeschichte. / Carefully worked pieces of naturally occurring amber were seen as rare and wondrous objects by scientists and rulers who avidly collected them to add to their mineral or art collections or their curiosity and specimen cabinets. Gifts of this rare stone were very well received. Amber inclusions containing plants and animals were particularly sought after. Amber pieces containing larger creatures such as frogs, lizards and fish were produced artificially and their authenticity was not, at least initially, doubted. However the place of Amber in these early museum-like settings, was not, as was the case for all other objects in these collections, definitively guaranteed. Its position was closely linked to the development of collectors and dependent on its owner’s knowledge both more generally about the world and about amber in particular; the individual view that collectors took about the worth of amber therefore played an important role. These collections provided and still provide the basis for scholarly research of amber and beyond that of geology.

Demise of Classic Maya Civilization : a theoretical approach

Hannikainen, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Kollapsen av den klassiska Mayakulturen under sen 700- till sen 900-tal e.Kr. har förbluffat forskare ända sedan studier av Mayakulturen påbörjades på 1840-talet. Både arkeologer och antropologer som epigrafiker eller klimatforskare har arbetat med att lösa gåtan av hur ett kulturellt vidsträckt samhälle kunde kollapsa utan någon klar förklaring. Civilisationen som än idag talar till oss genom sina kolossala pyramider och tempel, inskriptioner och den vetenskapliga kunskapen som ansetts outförbara utan moderna instrument. Dock har inte kollapsen varit ett direkt fokus i Mayastudier sedan forskningen påbörjades. Det var inte förrän på 1960-talet som systematiska undersökningar utfördes för att hitta rimliga teorier till kollapsen. Ända sedan dess har hypoteser och teorier haglat in och forskarna idag hittar sig själva i en sjö av oförklarlig information. Kunskapen av Mayakulturen är enorm men det har inte hjälpt att hitta någon bestämd teori om kollapsen av klassiska Maya. Det finns forskare som fokuserar på stora katastrofala händelser såsom drastiska klimatförändringar, sjukdomar eller jordbävningar så svåra att återhämtning var omöjligt. Sedan finns den andra skaran av forskare som förkastar enskilda händelser och fokuserar mer på mångfaldiga katastrofer som kunnat utlösa ödesdigra mönster i samhället som till slut utmynnat i en kollaps. Trots oklarheter kring kollapsen har framsteg gjorts inom fältet. Många teorier har mycket tack vare avancerade metoder kunnat förkastas medan andra blivit mer debatterade. Vad som än Mayakulturen kan berätta för oss, står ändå kollapsen som den stora nöten att knäcka och ju längre forskningen av ämnet fortgår desto närmare kommer även forskare till svaret. Frågor dyker dock fortfarande upp om det är möjligt att lösa en av arkeologins stora gåtor.

Marian McPartland, jazz pianist : an overview of a musical career

Hansson, Clare January 2006 (has links)
This, the first study at doctoral level of any white female jazz instrumentalist, provides an overview to the long, active and enduring musical career of British-born, New York-based jazz pianist, Marian McPartland (born 1918). For over six decades, besides being a pianist and a composer, she has been prominent in the professional roles of educator, writer, record producer and recording artist, radio broadcaster and advocate. The scope and impact of this multi-layered career are conveyed through the medium of a Website profiling significant aspects of her professional life through textual, aural and visual presentation. Although not claiming to be exhaustive, this Website brings together a comprehensive collection of data covering all aspects of Marian McPartland's career. Data have been gathered and collated from material in the public domain, and all such sources are acknowledged and referenced. The Website is navigable through three links at the bottom of the Home Page - 1) Historical Perspective; 2) Selected Analyses; and 3) Marian McPartland In Context. Part One of the Website provides access to Marian McPartland's various professional roles in jazz, as well as public profiles, and is consolidated by listings of support material. Part Two of the Website contains formal analyses of four of her compositions, each preceded by a short introduction. The analyses are based on scores transcribed from her recorded improvisations. A discussion of her stylistic approach follows the analyses. Part Three of the Website contextualizes Marian McPartland as a woman in jazz during its major historical and stylistic movements. An Introduction and a Conclusion provide the academic framework for this study. The Introduction outlines the rationale for the study, the dimensions of the study, the methodologies used, and the research process. The Conclusion provides critical commentary on Marian McPartland's musical career, and deductions are made about her significance in and contribution to jazz, based on the evidence presented in the Website. A CD of the entire Website completes the presentation of this thesis, included under Supplementary Material in the back pocket of the thesis. This overview of Marian McPartland's entire career makes an original contribution to knowledge on this jazz artist, and, in a broader sense, provides an important resource for future research in the area of jazz music and musicians.

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