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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rodina v procesu primárního vzdělávání dítěte / The family in the process of the child's primary education

Cvejnová, Jaroslava January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled "Family in the process of primary education of a child" deals with the issue of the family's influence on a child of younger school age from the perspective of professionals who are in close contact with children, pupils and their parents. These experts are teachers who encounter a diverse range of families during their practice and intensely perceive the impact of the family's influence on the child during his schooling. The first part of the work is focused on the elaboration of the theoretical basis of knowledge about the family, anchored in the literature. The very meaning of the family, its basic functions and their possible disruption are specified here. The typology of the family, its current form and approach to upbringing and education are also outlined. At the same time, basic knowledge about school and education in the Czech Republic was gathered, focusing on primary education and a child of younger school age. The theoretical part also deals with the interaction of two institutions important for society, such as the family and the school. The second part of the work is a research probe, which is based on the methodological procedures of a case study supplemented by semi-structured interviews illustrating individual cases. The expertise and knowledge of the...

Psychologické aspekty atopického ekzému u dětí a dospívajících / Psychological Aspects of Atopic Eczema in Children and Adolescents

Lesse, Klára January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on atopic eczema in children and adolescents from a psychological perspective. The aim of this text is to describe and emphasize the psychological aspects of this disease and characterize the areas it may concern and affect. Regarding the structure, the thesis is divided into three parts. The introductory theoretical part is focused on a description of the explored subject-matter, the aim was to submit a comprehensive perspective on this disease and outline a relevant psychological basis for the empirical enquiry. The second empirical part is focused on the intrinsic aspects of the experience of this disease in children and adolescents. The quantitative research was designed to map out the specific phenomena, incidence of depressive symptoms and family upbringing style. The quantitative research is complemented by a qualitative inquiry with the aim to get further into depth of the issue by means of two case studies. These were focused on the overall experience related to the diagnosis of atopic eczema. The final part reflects acquired findings and the conclusive discussion summarizes the results of the exploratory assumptions including the limits and the possibilities of future psychological work with this disease. Keywords Atopic eczema, psychosomatic approach,...

Föreningsidrottens preventiva påverkan : En kvalitativ studie om föreningsidrottens preventiva påverkan på ungdomar i riskzon / The Preventive impact of club sports : A qualitative study on the preventive impact of club sports on young people at risk

Bengtsson, Olle January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att förstå hur ledare och tränare inom föreningsidrotten upplever idrott som en möjlig preventiv insats för ungdomar som befinner sig i riskzon för kriminalitet eller annat socialt nedbrytande beteende samt att utforska vilka erfarenheter de har av föreningsidrott som en möjlig preventiv insats. Utifrån detta syfte så användes två frågeställningar: Vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter har ledare och tränare av föreningsidrott som preventiv insats för ungdomar som befinner sig i riskzon för kriminalitet eller annat socialt nedbrytande beteende? Samt vilka för- respektive nackdelar upplever ledare och tränare inom föreningsidrotten med idrott som en möjlig preventiv insats för ungdomar som befinner sig i riskzon för kriminalitet eller annat socialt nedbrytande beteende? En kvalitativ metod användes i form av intervjuer och i studien användes en hermeneutisk ansats. Totalt så intervjuades tio personer som är verksamma inom föreningsidrotten i form av ledare eller tränare. Som teoretisk grund så användes socialisationsteori och främst begreppet sekundär socialisation. Studien visar att respondenterna utifrån sina upplevelser och erfarenheter anser att föreningsidrotten kan ha en preventiv påverkan för ungdomar som befinner sig i riskzon. Bland annat så beskrivs det att det finns en naturlig fostrans- och läroprocess inom föreningarna som lär ut normer och värderingar som ungdomarna kan ha nytta av. Några av de fördelar som lyftes fram var bland annat den disciplin som följer av att vara del av en idrottsförening. Även de hälsofördelar som kan ha en preventiv effekt för att undvika att hamna i kriminalitet. Nackdelarna som respondenterna såg var dels att det förekom oseriösa föreningar som kan ha en negativ effekt på ungdomarna. Risken att ungdomarna fick en sämre självkänsla till följd av idrottsutövandet lyftes även fram som en nackdel. / The purpose of this study was to understand how leaders and coaches in club sports experience sport as a possible preventive measure for young people who are at risk of criminal or other socially degrading behaviour and to explore what experiences they have with club sports as a possible preventive measure. Based on this purpose, two questions were asked: What experiences do leaders and coaches of club sports have from using sports as a preventive measure for young people who are at risk of criminal or other socially degrading behaviour? And what advantages and disadvantages do leaders and coaches of club sports experience with sports as a possible preventive measure for young people who are at risk of criminal or other socially degrading behaviour? A qualitative method with interviews was used and the study used a hermeneutic approach. Ten people who are active as leaders or coaches in club sports were interviewed. As a theoretical basis, socialization theory and primarily the concept of secondary socialization were used in this study. The study shows that the respondents, based on their experiences believe that club sports can have a preventive effect for young people who are at risk. Among other things, it is described that there is a natural education and learning process within the clubs that teaches norms and values that young people can benefit from. Some of the advantages highlighted were, among other things, the discipline that comes from being part of a sport club. Furthermore, the health benefits can have a preventive effect to avoid falling into crime. The disadvantages which the respondents saw were partly that there are unserious clubs that could have a negative effect on young people. The risk that young people developed poorer self-esteem as a result of participating in club sports was also highlighted as a disadvantage.

Faktory ovlivňující kvalitu střídavé péče o děti po rozvodu rodičů / Factors Affecting the Quality of Joint Custody for Children after the Parents' Divorce

Vondrová, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I deal with the factors that affect the functioning of alternate care for children after the divorce of their parents. In the theoretical part I deal with topics such as family, child development and parenting, marriage, divorce and joint custody. In the practical part I work with specific cases of families that are undergoing alternate care for children and the content of websites whose main theme is an alternate care. The aim of the study was to define the factors that affect the quality of alternate care for children after parental divorce. The partial aim was to categorize websites and nongovernmental organizations presented on the Internet, whose main theme is joint custody, according to their main opinion on the joint custody. To meet these objectives, qualitative research was performed using semi-structured interviews with several families which at the time used joint custody. Further analyzed were selected websites that deals with information about joint custody and the reasons why it is or is not suitable. The results of the work showed that in defined cases there is a correlation between the high number of positive factors that affect the functioning of alternate care, satisfaction with care and alternate subjective feeling that alternate care in this case works. On the other hand,...

Genderově stereotypní optika ve výchově několika pražských rodin / "Gender stereotyped optics in upbringing of several Prague's families"

Novotná, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of gender stereotypes in the context of parental upbringing. This paper is based on qualitative research and analysis of eleven semi- structured interviews with parents who bring up at least two children of different sex. I focus on the relation between identified gender stereotypes in upbringing and parenting style. I also focus on gender stereotyped attitudes of fathers and mothers within individual families. On the basis of the interviews analysis I conclude that gender stereotypes in upbringing and overall optics of gender stereotypes are present in all families, regardless of parenting style. I am finding that differences among families with diverse parenting styles are primarily in the degree of awareness of gender stereotyped attitudes and the degree of active transmission of these attitudes to their children.

Grundskoleelevers grova språkbruk: ur ett diskurspsykologiskt perspektiv / Elementary school students' use of crude language: from a discursive phychological perspective

Jonsson, Jessica, Mako, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Svensk media rapporterar återkommande att det grova språkbruket är ett växande problem bland barn- och ungdomar och att det har spridit sig längre ned i åldrarna. Olika former av verbala kränkningar kan i längden leda till allvarliga konsekvenser. Trots problematiken kring barnens grova språkbruk är forskningen kring ämnet i stort sett obefintlig. I föreliggande kvalitativa studie med socialkonstruktivistisk ansats är syftet att få en djupare förståelse för de bakomliggande maktstrukturerna i grundskoleelevers grova språkbruk och undersöka grundskoleelevers användning och upplevelser av grovt språkbruk samt dess sociala konsekvenser. Studien utgår från kvalitativa metoder och insamling av data har skett via fokusgrupper och semistrukturerade intervjuer av tolv grundskolebarn i åldrarna tio till tolv år. Resultatet i studien visar på tre huvudsakliga orsaker till att barn använder ett grovt språkbruk och det är för att demonstrera känslomässiga yttringar, markera en grupptillhörighet eller inta en högre social status i gruppen och därmed tas på större allvar och få mer respekt. Det visade sig även att miljön påverkar användandet av grovt språkbruk och att barnen väljer mellan olika tolkningsrepertoarer beroende på kontexten. / In the Swedish media, it is repeatedly reported that crude language is a growing problem among young adults and that it is spreading and increasing among younger children. Various forms of verbal abuse can in the long run lead to serious consequences. Despite the increase in children's crude language use, research on the subject is largely non-existent. This qualitative study used a social constructivist approach, aiming to achieve a deeper understanding of elementary school students' underlying power structures, and to examine their experience of crude language and its social consequences. The study is based on qualitative methods, data collection from focus groups and semi-structured interviews with twelve primary school children between the ages of ten and twelve. The results of the study show three main reasons why children use crude language; to demonstrate emotional expressions, to mark group affiliation and to take a higher social status in the group, in order to be taken more seriously and gain more respect. It was also shown that home and school environments also play a role in influencing the use of crude language, where children choose between different interpretative repertoires depending on the context.

Uppfostrans väg till ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om hur uppfostran har en medverkan i kreationen av den framtida ledaren.

Melén, Tindra, Balasini, Djulia January 2023 (has links)
Ledarskap är en central del av ett företags överlevnad och utveckling. Därtill kan det påverkas av diverse faktorer, däribland uppfostran av den individ som tillämpar ledarskapet. Det finns en del forskning kring områdena ledarskap och uppfostran var för sig. Tidigare forskning har konstaterat att uppfostran har en stor betydelse för hur individer tenderar att bli som vuxna. Vidare är några faktorer som kan påverka detta bland annat omgivning och genetik. Ytterligare visar tidigare studier även att ledarskap är betydelsefullt, inom både personlig- och organisationsutveckling. Därmed har forskningen kommit fram till att det existerar olika stilar och perspektiv på ledarskap och att alla har sina styrkor och svagheter. Däremot finns det betydligt mindre forskning kring kopplingen mellan bäggedera områdena och denna studie har i syfte att utforska kring detta samband. Resultatet blev att uppfostran i högsta grad påverkar en individs framtida ledarskap. Detta har skett genom en kvalitativt utförd studie med en induktiv forskningsasats. Därtill har den insamlade empirin i kombination med teorin från referensramen genererat i en modell som förklarar den ledarskapspåverkande personlighetsformgivningen. Vidare beskriver modellen vilka typer av överföringar som sker under uppfostran, olika faktorer som påverkar samt tre typer av personlighetsformgivningar som kan användas. / Leadership is a central part of a company’s survival and development. Moreover, can the leadership be influenced by different factors, for instance the upbringing of the individual who applies said leadership. There has been a substantial amount of research done in the areas of leadership and upbringing, separately. Previous studies have determined that an individual's upbringing has a significance for how the person develops and becomes as an adult. Some factors that are able to influence this are the person's environment and genetics. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that leadership is significant in both personal and organizational development. Thus, has research established that there are various styles and perspectives on leadership, and that all have their strengths and weaknesses. Nevertheless, since there is significantly less research on the connection between both of these areas, has this study aimed to analyze this relationship. The result was that the upbringing definitely affects an individual's future leadership. This has been done through a conducted study with an inductive research approach. The collected data combined with the theory from the reference framework has developed a model that explains the leadership-influencing personality formation. Moreover, the model describes the types of transmission that occur during upbringing, the different factors that have an impact and the three types of personality formations that can be adopted.

Barns resiliens och copingstrategier vid en uppväxt med föräldrar med substansbrukssyndrom : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett retrospektivt perspektiv / Children's resilience and coping strategies when growing up with parents with substance use disorders : A qualitative study from a retrospective perspective

Höglund, Maja, Jartelius, Annelie January 2023 (has links)
Att som barn växa upp med föräldrar med ett substansbrukssyndrom kan innebära en ökad risk att få psykosociala och emotionella problem, jämfört med barn som inte vuxit upp med substansbrukande föräldrar. Syftet med vår studie är att med hjälp av retrospektiva berättelser från självbiografier, författade av personer som växt upp med minst en förälder med substansbrukssyndrom, få en ökad kunskap om hur barn som vuxit upp med minst en förälder med substansbrukssyndrom har hanterat sin situation och lyckas skapa en tillfredsställande psykosocial utveckling i relation till resiliens och copingstrategier. Forskning visar att en del barn som utsätts för betydande motgångar har en resiliens och utvecklar därmed inte psykisk ohälsa eller avvikande beteende. Vår avsikt är att undersöka på vilka olika sätt denna resiliens skapas hos vissa barn trots svåra uppväxtförhållanden samt hur dessa barn hanterar sin situation utifrån olika former av copingstrategier. I vår studie framkommer att barnets miljö är en viktig och bidragande faktor till dess resiliens. En miljö i form av fritidsaktiviteter, stöttande/trygga vuxna och ett socialt liv i form av vänner, hjälper barnet att skapa mening och sammanhang i vardagen. I studien kan vi även utläsa att barnen har använt sig av olika copingstrategier, men att någon specifik copingstrategi inte har varit betydande för hur barnet har lyckats skapa en tillfredsställande psykosocial utveckling. Slutsatsen är att barn som växer upp med minst en förälder med substansbrukssyndrom är beroende av sin resiliens. Samspelet mellan barnets miljö och dess individuella egenskaper är bidragande faktorer till hur barnet, trots sina svåra uppväxtförhållanden, lyckas skapa resiliens och därmed en tillfredsställande psykosocial utveckling. / Compared to children who did not grow up in a household with substance abuse, children with parents who abused drugs could have an increased risk of psychosocial and emotional issues. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about the experience of children who grew up with at least one parent with substance use disorder, specifically how they utilised resilience and coping strategies in order to reach an adequate psychosocial development. The method used was to examine retrospective autobiographies written by people who grew up with at least one parent with substance use disorder. Earlier studies have found that some children who face great obstacles growing up posses a resilience that protect them from developing mental health issues or other abnormal behaviour. The aim of this study is to examine how resilience develop in some children despite challenging upbringings, as well as what type of coping strategies these children used in order to cope with their situations. We found that the child’s environment played a crucial role in developing resilience. After school activities, supporting adults, and social interactions with friends helped in creating a sense of worth and belonging. We also found that all children used different coping strategies, however, there was no single coping strategy that stood out as more effective in advancing the child’s psychosocial development.  The findings indicate that a child who grows up with at least one parent with substance use disorder is highly dependent on their resilience. Furthermore, the child’s environment and individual characteristics contribute to the child’s ability to develop resilience and an adequate psychosocial development despite great challenges in their upbringing.

Att synkas med varandra : En undersökning av föräldrars erfarenhet av mötet med förskolan: institution, relation och fostran

Alijaj, Selma January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the different ways parents experience meetings with the preschool and the relationships between themselves and the preschool staff. The purpose is also to explore parents’ views of the shared responsibilities of the children’s formation at home and in preschool. To research this, a qualitative approach with interviews and an interpretative phenomenological analysis method, is applied in order to arrive at a more profound understanding of how the shared responsibility in formation is experienced by the parents. This approach is chosen to get an in-depth understanding of the parents’ understandings and experiences. The theoretical framework applied is Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory of ecological development, chosen for its’s ability to explore different levels of a person’s encounters with a particular environment. The results highlight the complexity of parents’ interactions with the preschool as an organization. Parents have concerns with what happens at an organizational level, which reflects on the staff, and ultimately on the everyday environment of the children. Furthermore, the study shows that a good relationship between parents and preschool staff, and how this relationship is experienced by parents, are affected by aspects such as stability and an understanding of each other.  In the area of child development, parents regard children’s formation as their responsibility, while the formation and socialization that occurs in preschools are group oriented and focused on learning. From the parent’s perspective, the formation that teachers contribute to and work with in a preschool environment are focused on democratic values such as being a good friend, not fighting with each other, help each other and show empathy towards one another. In considering the organizational aspects of preschools, the communication levels between staff and parents have been limited due to the current pandemic, which has had an effect on parent-teacher relationships. The study highlights a need for further understanding and a more developed communication approach between parents, teachers, and management, as well as organizational transparency in an effort to increase parents’ understanding of the aims and works of preschool.

Vznik a vývoj filosofických názorů na postavení ženy ve společnosti / Origin and development of philosophical views on the status of women in society

Antošová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with philosophical outlook on the concept of women and their role in history and society. This work seeks to present the image of a woman who has always been a reflection of contemporary society on the background of various historical eras (ancient, medieval, modern times, the 20th century.). Using the method of analysis thesis searches for the reasons of reduction of male population and examines the consequences of this disposition for women. The work focuses on the role of women in the family, upbringing and education. An integral part of this thesis is the insight into relationship between men and women as a basic part of every human society. The conclusion of this work is the analysis and evaluation of the historical development, at the imaginary end of which woman stands today, using the works of philosophers of the late 20th century. Keywords: status of women - history - society - relationship - gender - family - upbringing - education - philosophical reflection

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