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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení a vzdělávání ředitelů škol v historickém kontextu / Status and Education of Headmasters in the historical context

Přibylová, Libuše January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the areas of the position and education of head teachers in the historical context. It views the development of teaching and head teaching professions on our territory in individual periods and also presents the picture of teachers' and head teachers' education. The thesis provides information which deal with the development of the society in the relationship towards education and also respecting individual participants of the education and upbringing processes. In the thesis selected monographs, expert texts, laws, legal regulations and school documents are used. The findings were compiled into thematic units arranged chronologically and according to historical development. The contribution of this thesis is to create a brief overview of the development of the head teacher's position which will be possible to be used for a more detailed study of the subject field.

Postavení a vzdělávání ředitelů škol v historickém kontextu / Status and Education of Headmasters in the historical context

Přibylová, Libuše January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the areas of the position and education of head teachers in the historical context. It views the development of head teaching professions on our territory in individual periods and also presents the picture of head teachers' education. The thesis provides information which deal with the development of the society in the relationship towards education and also respecting individual participants of the education and upbringing processes. In the thesis selected monographs, expert texts, laws, legal regulations and school documents are used. The findings were compiled into thematic units arranged chronologically and according to historical development. The contribution of this thesis is to create a brief overview of the development of the head teacher's position which will be possible to be used for a more detailed study of the subject field. Key words: head teacher, teacher, upbringing, education, school, pedagogy, pedagogical staff

Motivace, odměny a tresty ve výuce 1. stupně na ZŠ a jejich praktická aplikace / Motivation, reward and punishment in primary education and their practical application

Dvořáková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the theoretic description of forms of motivation, rewards and punishments applied on elementary school pupils. The research was aimed at the individual forms of motivation, rewards and punishments that respondents apply in their teaching and what the effects are. Theory and practice are compared with the intention to highlight attitudes and features that are applied by teachers in the fields of motivation, rewards and punishments. Consequently, the agreement of forms of motivation and rewards for pupils described in the literature and their application of practical teaching at the elementary school was confirmed. However, the point the academic literature and applied practice differs were the forms and methods of pupil's punishments. Opinions about applied forms of punishment have been diverged by individual interviewed teachers although researched file shows considerable agreement in the previous two topics. The purpose of the thesis is to acquire an outline and detailed information about the given issue and their subsequent comparison with the practice knowledge. The thesis also enriches the theoretical resources with the real experience and whatsoever, there is a general monitoring of the approach of elementary school teachers to this issue. The practical part proceeds in...

O corpo e a vida : uma etnografia dos modos sensíveis de criação infantil

Hernandez, Alessandra Rivero January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese aborda um conjunto variado de práticas que constituem modos sensíveis de criação infantil, que fazem parte um processo mais amplo de psicologização das camadas médias ocorrido nas últimas décadas no Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa etnográfica na qual se transitou por diversos espaços vinculados ao “parto ativo”, à “criação com apego” e à educação engajada de crianças. Inicialmente, argumento que a noção de apego, ao (re)configurar o choro infantil como manifestação de um comportamento natural de agenciamento do bebê por vínculo afetivo e contato corporal, opera uma configuração totalizante que entrelaça o corpo ao ambiente. Nesse sentido, o ambiente e as relações experimentadas pela criança recobram um papel fundamental, sendo produzidos dois “tipos” de ambiente. Um capaz de atuar com intensidade sobre a criança de modo a conformá-la, representado pelas noções de aculturação, transmissão e socialização. E outro que opera de maneira mais sutil, em comunhão com a capacidade de a criança agenciar sua própria aprendizagem a partir de seus gostos, desejos, necessidades, percepções e sentimentos, que tem no horizonte o desenvolvimento da autonomia. Tentando escapar da reprodução de dualismos como natureza/cultura e indivíduo/sociedade, volto minha atenção para as práticas cotidianas a fim de investigar como essa aprendizagem acontece e como os adultos se recriam enquanto criam seus filhos, evidenciando as gramáticas emocionais em jogo. Por fim, argumento que práticas de criação infantil nas quais são criticadas a disciplina e a normalização, ao passo em que são exaltados o protagonismo, a liberdade e a autonomia (em suma, o governo de si), podem estar articuladas a outros modos mais sutis de governar os outros. / This dissertation approaches a set of practices that constitute what I have called sensitive modes of child rearing, as part of a broader psychologization process of the middle classes seen in Brazil in the last decades. I conducted ethnographic research among different spaces linked to “active birth”, “attachment parenting” and engaged child education. Initially, I argue that the notion of attachment, as it (re)configures infant crying as a manifestation of a natural behavior of baby agency towards affective bond and bodily contact, operates a totalizing configuration that interweaves the body and the environment. In this sense, the environment and the relationships experienced by the child play a fundamental role, producing two "types" of environment: one able to act intensely upon the child in order to conform it, represented by the notions of acculturation, transmission and socialization; and another that operates more subtly, in communion with the child's ability to organize his/her own learning from his/her tastes, desires, needs, perceptions and feelings, which has on the horizon the development of autonomy. Avoiding the reproduction of dualisms such as nature/culture and individual/society, I turn my attention to everyday practices to investigate how this learning happens and how adults recreate themselves as they raise their children, evidencing the emotional grammars at play. Finally, I argue that child-rearing practices in which discipline and normalization are criticized, while protagonism, freedom, and autonomy (in short, selfgovernment) are exalted, may be articulated in other, more subtle ways to govern others.

Omsorg & kontroll : En handikapphistorisk studie 1750-1930. Föreställningar och levnadsförhållanden

Olsson, Claes G January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate attitudes toward individuals suffering from functional disorders or categorized as disabled and the conditions under which they have lived. The present author applies an historical perspective and identifies three significant turning points: the end of the eighteenth century and beginnings of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The terms ”care” and ”control” reflect the complexity and conflict inherent in the perception and handling of these individuals. In the first period, folklore helped both explain and shape the way people apprehended infants born with functional disabilities or whose mental or physical developmet was aberrant. The inroads made by science during the eighteenth century helped combat these notions with knowledge and information. Upon ”discovering” the handicapped, the advocates of science identified them as an untapped source of labor. All that was needed was a conscientious upbringing and education. As a consequence, and with the blessings of the state and private charitable institutes, an increasing number of experts assumed parental obligation, thereby initiating a comprehensive institutionalization. The second period is epitomized by the founding of the first special needs school in Sweden, the National Institute for the Blind and Deaf-Mute in Stockholm in 1809. The actions of individuals like the energetic Per Aron Borg and the blind woman Charlotta Seuerling´s desire to receive a better education were small events with major significance. The diverging views of politicians and teachers on the form and content of lessons, which can be boiled down to a matter of theoretical knowledge versus practical vocational training, are also discussed. In the third period I focus on the increased control to which individuals with functional disabilities, specifically the vision-impaired and blind, were subjected at the outset of the twentieth century. Beginning in 1903, a countrywide inspection tour visited the blind in their homes. The inspectors were given the dual task of offering concrete support to the blind and look into their abilities to support themselves and live socially-approved, moral lives. It was an invasion of privacy with good intentions. The accumulated results showed that only a small number of individuals were able to support themselves in the trades they had acquired at blind school. Most continued to be dependent on relatives, social services and charitable donations.

Meninės vizualinės raiškos reikšmė, rengiant būsimus kirpėjus / Importance of artistic visual expression during the preparation of the future hairdressers

Švitinytė, Jolita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Rengiant būsimuosius kirpėjus, meno pažinimo klausimas tampa kaskart aktualesnis. Tačiau teorinių atramos taškų, modeliuojant šios profesijos žmonių mokomąsias programas, ieškant kūrybinio darbo organizavimo metodikų yra vos keli. Iškyla svarbus uždavinys išugdyti ne vien išsilavinusius, bet ir kūrybingus žmones, gebančius diskutuoti ir abejoti, kritiškai ir laisvai mąstyti, prisitaikyti prie nuolatinės kaitos, daryti įtaką naujomis idėjomis ar darbais, bet ir kartu praturtinti žmonių dvasinį bei materialinį pasaulį. Magistriniame darbe buvo analizuojamas meninės vizualinės raiškos ypatumai, tikslai, raida ir tipologija, nagrinėjama vertinimo principai. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti meninės vizualinės raiškos reikšmę, rengiant būsimus kirpėjus. Tyrimo objektas - šukuosenų dizaino studentų meninė vizualinė raiška. Tyrimo hipotezė - supažindinus su esminiais kompozicijos sudarymo principais, meninės vizualinės raiškos priemonėmis, jų derinimo, bei kūrybinio taikymo pagrindais gerėja būsimų kirpėjų vizualinė raiška. Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti psichologinę, pedagoginę literatūrą, susijusią su nagrinėjama tema; išnagrinėti meninės vizualinės raiškos menuų dalykuose ypatumus; atskleisti meninės vizualinės raiškos vertinimo kriterijus; išsiaiškinti šukuosenų dizaino studentų požiūrį į meninę vizualinę raišką dailės pamokų metu; atlikti menų dalykų studentų darbų analizę. Tyrimo metodai: psichologinės, pedagoginės literatūros, švietimo dokumentų pasirinktąją tema... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Knowledge in art becomes more and more relevant in the training of future hairdressers. Unfortunately, there are very few theoretical points of reference available in designing curricula programmes for this profession and looking for the methods of organising creative work. It is very important to train not only educated people, but also creative ones, able to discuss and doubt, think critically and broad-mindedly, adapt to ongoing changes, impact by new ideas or works, and to enrich mental and material world of other people. The thesis for the master’s degree analyses the peculiarities, objectives, development and typology of artistic and visual expressions. The purpose of the thesis is to unfold the meaning of visual and artistic expression in the training of future hairdressers. The research object is artistic and visual expression of students of hairstyle design. The research hypothesis: knowledge of fundamental principles of composition-making, measures of artistic and visual expression and combinations thereof as well as principles of creative application contribute to better visual expression of future hairdressers. The tasks of the research encompass analysis of psychological and pedagogic literature related to the analysed issues; analysis of the peculiarities of artistic and visual expression in art subjects; finding out the attitude of the students of hairstyle design towards artistic-visual expression during art classes; analysis of works of art students... [to full text]

Paauglių socialinių gebėjimų ugdymas dailės pamokose taikant IKT / Information communication technologies in the art lessons in the education of the teenagers

Taraškevičius, Pavelas 22 June 2006 (has links)
The opportunities of the information communication technologies in the art lessons in the education of the teenagers’ social abilities are discussed in this work. In the introduction of the work the urgency of the theme is argued. As nowadays in the school of the general education it is important to use the information communication technologies (ICT) as much positive as possible using them as benevolent medium to the psycho social development of a teenager and taking into account every teenager’s cultural and social experience, abilities and individual opportunities. In the introduction the problems of this work are formed, the hypothesis is risen and the methods which were adapted in the work are indicated. In order to ground the aiming of the information communication technologies in the art lessons, upbringing teenagers’ social abilities theoretically, the understanding of upbringing and the understanding of the information communication technologies and information communication technologies as the development of the social form which shows teenagers’ psycho social development is benevolent time for using ICT. All this lets us to make the precondition that socialization problem is very urgent this time and positive, productive, creative teenagers’ communication should be induced and trained in every possible way, including art lessons which form peculiarly benevolent socialization conditions. In the second part of this work the opportunities in the content of the... [to full text]

Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sėkmingo auklėjimo šeimoje psichologiniai ir pedagoginiai ypatumai / Psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the pre-school age children's successful upbringing in the family

Matiukaitė, Jolita 13 June 2005 (has links)
This master study is on the results of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family psychological and pedagogical expression’s analysis. There are detected the major elements and features of pupils expression, palliatives of their upbringing. The object of the research is the state of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family. The task of the research is to educe the psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family. The research involved 26 families, successfully breeding children of the pre-school age (3-7 years old); 20 educators, working in the children garden “Pasakaitė”; and 26 children attending it. From the 203 families were selected 26 ones, whose children are attending children garden. However, it emerged that upbringing children in those 26 families sometimes occurre untoward manifestations in the interrelations also. Generalizing the material of the research about the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family, there were drawn such conclusions: the research confirmed a hypothesis, that successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family depends on the psychological and pedagogical expression of families actions. Valuables, on which the peculiarities of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family depend, are: clear content of the relations between parents and children and its quality; development and... [to full text]

Katalikiškas auklėjimas šeimynoje kaip socialinis pedagoginis fenomenas / Catholic Upbringing in the Foster Family as a Social Pedagogical Phenomenon

Ratnikaitė, Inesė 04 August 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas katalikiško auklėjimo šeimynose reiškinys. Lietuvoje sukurtos šeimynos – tai sutuoktiniai, į savo šeimą priėmę nuo 6 iki 12 tėvų globos netekusių vaikų. Skiriamasis šeimynos, kaip globos institucijos, bruožas – šeiminė aplinka, būtina visapusiškam ir harmoningam vaiko vystymuisi. Šeimynoje augančių vaikų harmoningas vystymasis būna sutrikdytas netekties: nepageidaujamo nėštumo; deprivacijos, smurto, asocialios aplinkos gimus; galiausiai - tėvų (šeimos, namų) praradimo tėvams atėmus tėvystės teises ar, rečiau, mirties, ligos, emigracijos atvejais. Netekties pasekmės - pažeisti santykiai su aplinka (jaučiamas nesaugumas, nepasitikėjimas kitais, negebėjimas prisirišti ir palaikyti nuoširdžius santykius su kitu asmeniu, negebėjimas pritapti), savimi (pasireiškia žema saviverte, nepasitikėjimu savimi, bejėgiškumo, nevykėlio jausmais, negebėjimu suprasti savo emocijų, autoagresija), gyvenimu (pesimizmas, suicidinės mintys). Šių pasekmių įveikai reikalingos stiprios priemonės, kurias, teikia katalikiškas auklėjimas, savo esme orientuotas į santykių atkūrimą. Taigi, disertacijoje aptariami šeimynos kaip šeimos aplinkoje tėvų globos netekusius vaikus globojančios bendrijos struktūros ypatumai, pateikiama šios struktūros socialinio pedagoginio darbo su bešeimiais vaikais charakteristika, apžvelgiami vaikų auklėjimo šeimynoje teoriniai pagrindai, nustatomas katalikiško auklėjimo šeimynoje problemiškumas, pabrėžiamas šeimynos kaip įvairialypės ir polifunkcinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis analyses phenomenon of catholic upbringing in the foster family. The foster family is spouses who, successfully growing or having grown their children, accept to foster from 6 to 12 children who have lost parents’ care. The main feature of foster family as foster care institution is created family environment which is necessary for the child’s cohesive and versatile development. The cohesive development of foster children is disturbed by loss that is caused by unwanted pregnancy, deprivation, violence, finally by lost of parents (together family and home). The consequences of that lost appear as destroyed relations with surroundings, oneself and life. The coping with consequences of loss requires strong measures, which are given by Catholic upbringing, which in its essence is orientated to reconstruction and perfection of relations. So, there are discussed the peculiarities of the foster family as a structure that is close to the family environment, presented the characteristics of social pedagogical work with non-parental children of this structure, reviewed theoretical foundations of children’s upbringing in the foster family, identified problems of Catholic upbringing in the foster family, emphasized the role of the foster family as a poly-functional social community, upbringing children in a Catholic way in the theses.

O corpo e a vida : uma etnografia dos modos sensíveis de criação infantil

Hernandez, Alessandra Rivero January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese aborda um conjunto variado de práticas que constituem modos sensíveis de criação infantil, que fazem parte um processo mais amplo de psicologização das camadas médias ocorrido nas últimas décadas no Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa etnográfica na qual se transitou por diversos espaços vinculados ao “parto ativo”, à “criação com apego” e à educação engajada de crianças. Inicialmente, argumento que a noção de apego, ao (re)configurar o choro infantil como manifestação de um comportamento natural de agenciamento do bebê por vínculo afetivo e contato corporal, opera uma configuração totalizante que entrelaça o corpo ao ambiente. Nesse sentido, o ambiente e as relações experimentadas pela criança recobram um papel fundamental, sendo produzidos dois “tipos” de ambiente. Um capaz de atuar com intensidade sobre a criança de modo a conformá-la, representado pelas noções de aculturação, transmissão e socialização. E outro que opera de maneira mais sutil, em comunhão com a capacidade de a criança agenciar sua própria aprendizagem a partir de seus gostos, desejos, necessidades, percepções e sentimentos, que tem no horizonte o desenvolvimento da autonomia. Tentando escapar da reprodução de dualismos como natureza/cultura e indivíduo/sociedade, volto minha atenção para as práticas cotidianas a fim de investigar como essa aprendizagem acontece e como os adultos se recriam enquanto criam seus filhos, evidenciando as gramáticas emocionais em jogo. Por fim, argumento que práticas de criação infantil nas quais são criticadas a disciplina e a normalização, ao passo em que são exaltados o protagonismo, a liberdade e a autonomia (em suma, o governo de si), podem estar articuladas a outros modos mais sutis de governar os outros. / This dissertation approaches a set of practices that constitute what I have called sensitive modes of child rearing, as part of a broader psychologization process of the middle classes seen in Brazil in the last decades. I conducted ethnographic research among different spaces linked to “active birth”, “attachment parenting” and engaged child education. Initially, I argue that the notion of attachment, as it (re)configures infant crying as a manifestation of a natural behavior of baby agency towards affective bond and bodily contact, operates a totalizing configuration that interweaves the body and the environment. In this sense, the environment and the relationships experienced by the child play a fundamental role, producing two "types" of environment: one able to act intensely upon the child in order to conform it, represented by the notions of acculturation, transmission and socialization; and another that operates more subtly, in communion with the child's ability to organize his/her own learning from his/her tastes, desires, needs, perceptions and feelings, which has on the horizon the development of autonomy. Avoiding the reproduction of dualisms such as nature/culture and individual/society, I turn my attention to everyday practices to investigate how this learning happens and how adults recreate themselves as they raise their children, evidencing the emotional grammars at play. Finally, I argue that child-rearing practices in which discipline and normalization are criticized, while protagonism, freedom, and autonomy (in short, selfgovernment) are exalted, may be articulated in other, more subtle ways to govern others.

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