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Teaterföreställning i skolan. : En kvalitativ studie om hur teaterlärare arbetar på gymnasieskolans estetiska program med att skapa teaterföreställningar. / Theatrical performance in school : A qualitative study about the way teachers at the aesthetic program in upper secondary school work in creating a theatrical performance.Hansen, Marianne January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Jag har i denna studie intervjuat sex olika lärare på tre olika skolor i Stockholmsområdet. Studien handlar om hur teaterlärare skapar en teaterföreställning. Mina frågeställningar är: Hur skapar teater lärare teaterföreställning i skolan? Vilka metoder använder sig teaterlärare av i sin undervisning? Vad har lärare för synpunkter på fördelar utifrån metoder som den använder vid skapande av en teaterföreställning? Ingår det andra ämnen vid skapande av en teaterföreställning i skolan? Vad anser lärare att elever lär sig med teater i skolan? Min avsikt är inte att påvisa vilken metod eller sätt som passar bättre än någon annan, utan att lyfta fram flera tankar om hur man kan arbeta med teaterföreställning i undervisningen. Jag har arbetat med en kvalitativ metod och varje intervju tog en timme att genomföra. Sedan har jag transkriberat ned lärarnas svar och delat in svaren i olika frågeområden och analyserat det utifrån det konstpedagogiska perspektivet enligt Mia Sternudds avhandling. Svaren har jag även analyserat med mål att kunna använda som riktlinjer för att kunna skapa en teaterföreställning liksom kursmål för scenisk gestaltning som lärarna utgick ifrån när denna undersökning gjordes. Med det konstpedagogiska perspektivet som jag har använt mig av i denna undersökning handlar det om att göra en teaterföreställning till publik och att elever utvecklas socialt, kommunikativt och personligen med processen att skapa en teaterföreställning i skolan. I undersökningen kom jag fram till att alla lärare arbetar med text för att skapa en teaterföreställning i skolan. En del lärare som ingick i undersökningen brukade ibland utgå från improvisation. Alla lärare arbetade med koncentrationsövningar och fantasiövningar och hade utgångspunkten i Stanislavskijtekniken vid skapande av en roll i en teaterföreställning. Elevdemokrati fanns med på alla skolorna vid skapandet av en föreställning, men det var i regel läraren som hade sista ordet. Vissa skolor arbetade ämnesintegrerande och det var mest ett samarbete med svenska eller engelska. Samarbetet med andra ämnen bedömdes av lärarna rent generellt som mycket tidskrävande. Samtliga lärare som ingick i undersökningen menade att arbetet med en teaterföreställning skapar ett gott samarbete mellan eleverna och ett gott arbetsklimat i skolan. Lärarnas uppfattning är att eleverna med teater i skolan lär sig att samarbeta, ta ansvar och respektera varandra, egenskaper som är värdefulla när eleverna senare ska fungera i ett demokratiskt samhälle. / Abstract In this study I have done an interview with six different teachers of theater in three different upper secondary schools in the area ofStockholm. The study describes how the teachers work in creating a theatrical performance at the school. The questions in the study were: How do the teachers create a theatrical performance in school? Which viewpoints did the teachers have about the advantage of a certain method? Are other subjects than theater involved in the performance? What do the theatherteachers think of the educational value for the pupils when creating a theatrical performance? The method is qualitative and every interview lasted for at least an hour. Because of the long duration of the interviews I used a tape recorder to register the whole information which I later transcribed in smaller parts. The answers were analyzed from an art pedagogical perspective according to the definition by Mia Sternudd. In this study I found that all teachers worked with a written text when they created a performance. Some teachers in the study sometimes used improvisation. All teachers were working with trainings of concentration and fantasy and the foundation for them all were the techniques of Stanislavskij. Democracy of pupils was present in the creation of a performance, but usually the teacher had the last word to be told. In some of the schools the teachers worked with integration of subjects. In these cases integration usually was with Swedish or English. The cooperation with integration of subjects generally was very time-consuming. All teachers in the study thought that the creation of a theatrical performance in school creates a good cooperation and a good working climate. The teachers thought that the pupils by working with theater in school learned to cooperate, to take responsibility and to respect each other, qualities which are important when the pupils later are going to function as citizens in a democratic society.
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Självinstruerande läromedel : för kurserna Lokala datanät A och CNC-teknik vid gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande EC- och IP-program / Selfinstructing educational materials : for the courses Local Networks A and CNC-Technology at the EC- and IP vocational education in the upper secondery schoolKokkonen, Mika, Olausson, P-O January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport omfattar både studier kring och konstruktion av självinstruerande läromedel för gymnasieskolan. Målsättningen har varit att slutprodukten ska vara tidsenlig och anpassad för elever på de yrkesförberedande programmen.</p><p> </p><p>Tyngdpunkten för undersökningen har varit litteraturstudier men intervjuer har också genomförts som kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Konstruktionen av läromedel har skett med två olika angreppssätt och även utförandet har stora skillnader. Det ena som skapades genom en induktiv process och utgörs av instruktioner för ett helt kursmoment med CNC-programmering. För det andra läromedlet som genomfördes utifrån ett deduktivt förhållningssätt omfattar produkten mer av vägledande instruktioner för att kunna hitta rätt och uppdatera de befintliga, men omoderna och ofullständiga, läromedel för kursen Lokala datanät.</p><p> </p><p>Resultatet visar att det är möjligt att göra ett tidsenligt självinstruerande läromedel och att kvalitén inte behöver skilja sig nämnvärt åt beroende på vilken metod som används vid konstruktionen. Det avgörande är snarare författarens erfarenhet och förmåga att kvalitetssäkra sin produkt.</p><p> </p><p>Slutsatsen uttalas som att rapportens bilagda läromedel har karaktären av pilot-läromedel som kan användas i den ordinarie undervisningen för att utvecklas efterhand. En annan slutsats är att konstruktionen av kvalitativa läromedel i allmänhet, och självinstruerande sådana i synnerhet, kräver stor branscherfarenhet, experthjälp och en lång skapandeprocess.</p> / <p>This report comprises studies of self instructive textbooks and teaching aids for the upper secondary school and the construction of these teaching aids. The goal has been for the finished product to be up to date and adapted for students attending vocational programmes.</p><p> </p><p>The emphasis of the investigation has been literature studies, but interviews were also conducted as a qualitative research method. The construction of these textbooks and teaching aids were done using two different angles of studying methods, and the performance differs greatly between the two. One was created through an inductive process and consists of instructions for an entire course element of CNC programming. The other teaching aid was created using a deductive process and comprises guiding instructions in order to find and update the existing but out of date and incomplete textbooks and teaching aids for the course Local Computer Network. </p><p> </p><p>The result shows that it is possible to create modern self instructive textbooks and teaching aids and that the quality does not have to differ between different methods of construction. The author’s experience and ability to secure the quality of the product is decisive for the result. </p><p> </p><p>The conclusion drawn is that the textbooks and teaching aids discussed in the report are of pilot character and can be used in teaching and be further developed over time. Also the construction of qualitative teaching aids in general and self instructive teaching aids in particular demands extensive experience of the trade, expert help and a long creative process.</p>
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Toleransbegreppets mångtydighet : En analys av läroplansbegreppet tolerans inom kontexten för ämnet religionskunskapKjellin, Linus January 2015 (has links)
This litterature study is an analysis of the concept of tolerance, as it is a central value in the curriculum for the Swedish upper secondary school (Gy11) and therefore an important part of interpreting the specific curriculum for religious studies. The scientific approach is drawn from curriculum theory and the method of analysis is hermeneutic. Four different understandings of the concept are presented from academic literary sources. To further problematize the understandings of the concept, critique against a ”pedagogy of tolerance” as expressed by normcritical pedagogical writers and scholars is presented and analyzed. Implications regarding didactical practice are discussed in the light of previous analysis. Two main criteria for tolerance were found in all four understandings. These criterias outline the necessary components of an act of tolerance. The critique mainly focuses on said act, as it is an act of power and differentiation. This implies the didactical importance of awareness regarding the complexity of an act of tolerance.
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Ta parti! : Gymnasieelevers uppfattade påverkan inför riksdagsvalet 2010 / Take side! : Upper secondary students' conceived influence before the general election 2010Svalmark, Per January 2011 (has links)
In this examination project I look into what ways upper secondary school students conceive themselves as politically influenced before they voted for the general election of 2010. The purpose is to examine which influences the upper secondary school surroundings and the classes of civic education are contributing with to students before they voted. As a method, I have used personal, semi-structural interviews on eight upper secondary school students who all voted for a party represented in the parliament. I have asked questions about how they believe their parents, the surroundings of their school and the classes of civic education have influenced them. To separate which influences primarily the upper secondary school and the classes of civic educations have had on the students, I have selected two comparison groups of four students in each. One group contains only parent-influenced students whereas the other group contains only not parent-influenced students. My findings show that the upper secondary school surroundings have played an important part to both student groups and the outcome may be theoretically generalized to all upper secondary school students studying natural science. The influences related to the classes of civic education have had a diversified outcome, mostly on not parent-influenced students. Therefore, this piece of result cannot be theoretically generalized to all natural science students. Not parent-influenced students also perceive themselves as more influenced by miscellaneous meaningful people, than do parent-influenced students. I understand the results as students not concurring with their parents politically, are more inclined to chase their political identity among their peer friends and other meaningful people. They are also more open-minded in the teaching moments of political parties, also during the political debate throughout the civic education. Finally, I discuss how the results should be viewed by teachers in civic education and what role the upper secondary school continues to play, as a political socialization agent.
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Mellan A-traktor och skönlitteratur : Didaktiska metoder i undervisningen / Between the doodlebug tractor and literature : Didactic methods of teachingGreen, Niclas January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my project is to determine how a multimodal/intermedial text can be used when teaching in upper secondary school. Can using a text that to some point is current in the pupils’ lives lift the interest for the specific subject? I opted to pick up Gunther Kress’ research, Diana Laurillard’s book and Christina Olin-Scheller’s work on the subject. I have used several hours of lesson planning and the lesson itself with subsequent work consisting, among other things, of three qualitative interviews to achieve my purpose. Based on a qualitative approach, I discuss the results, which show that it is in fact very uplifting. It is possible to work with multimodal/intermedial/intertextual texts, in many ways. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur en multimodal/intermedial text kan användas i undervisningen på gymnasienivå. Detta skall ske genom att utgå från elevernas perspektiv och referensramar, söka rätt på en aktuell text som finns i elevernas vardag och se om det blir intressant för eleverna att arbeta med en sådan text. Jag har valt att arbeta med Gunther Kress forskning, Diana Laurillards bok om ämnet och även Christina Olin-Schellers avhandling om ämnet, samt därutöver relevant och nödvändigt material för att vetenskapligt förankra begrepp och synpunkter. Jag har använt mig av en lektionsplanering, en utförd lektion samt tre kvalitativa intervjuer i efterarbetet av lektionen för att uppnå mitt syfte. Lektionen utspelade sig våren 2012 på en svensk gymnasieskola. Utifrån ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt diskuterar jag resultatet, vilket visar en mycket positiv respons på att hämta upp en multimodal/intermedial aktuell text från elevernas vardagsmiljö, och arbeta med denna i undervisningen.
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Yrkesutbildning, klass & kunskap : en studie om sociala och politiska implikationer av innehållets organisering i yrkesorienterad utbildning med fokus på 2011 års gymnasiereformNylund, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
The overall purpose of this thesis is to critically contextualise the organization of content in Swedish upper-secondary vocational education by highlighting its social and political implications in relation to social class. Policy documents concerning the content of vocational education in Sweden from 1971 to 2011 serve as the main empirical source, with particular attention given to the reform of 2011 (Gy11). The thesis is comprised of four studies that each represents a different context that reveals social and political implications of the selection and organisation of content in Gy11. The content structure of Gy11 is thus analysed in relation to (a) the school’s role of fostering democratic citizens and the overarching societal function of education, (b) knowledge distribution among social classes, (c) a class context, including key historical and contemporary reforms, and (d) a modern historical context, focusing on how two previous structural reforms (1971 and 1994) organised power and control over educational content. The study results show that, in terms of its content structure and underlying principles, Gy11 represents a historical break with previous reforms in many respects. Fundamental organising principles of past reforms, such as students’ preparation for active citizenship, critical thinking and entry to higher education, have been given less importance while the content is more context-bound than in previous reforms. The Gy11 reform can thus be seen as a part of a broader policy trend that is detracting from earlier efforts to give all social classes equal access to an equivalent education and reduce social imbalances in education. This new way of shaping vocational education is, it is argued, likely to exacerbate class inequalities by both reducing social mobility and rendering knowledge distribution in society more asymmetric.
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Bedömning av gymnasiesärskoleelevers kunskapsutveckling : En studie om bedömning och synliggörande av kunskaper hos elever på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program / Assessing the Knowledge Development in Pupils Studying at Upper Secondary School for Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities : A study about assessment and making visible the knowledge of these students, studying at the national programmesLundgren, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några lärare på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program arbetar med bedömning av elevernas kunskapsutveckling samt hur dessa lärare arbetar för att eleverna ska kunna synliggöra sina kunskaper. Studien baseras på sju halvstrukturerade intervjuer med lärare som undervisar i svenska på gymnasiesärskolan. Resultatet visar att lärarna använder sig av många olika metoder för att skaffa underlag för kunskapsbedömning. Samtal, observationer och dokumentation är några exempel. Lärarna arbetar tätt ihop med eleverna och ger konkret, tät återkoppling för att synliggöra kunskapsutvecklingen både för eleven och sig själva. Eleverna behöver mycket stöttning och repetition för att utveckla kunskaper och självständighet i arbetet. Ett dilemma som framträder är att det är svårt att skapa förutsättningar för alla elever att kunna visa fram sina kunskaper. Det vanligaste är att man sitter bredvid och samtalar med eleven för att ta reda på vilka kunskaper eleven har tillägnat sig. Lärande som en social företeelse som sker i samspel med andra är ett synsätt som skiner igenom. Enligt min studie är det oftast eleven och läraren som samspelar med varandra. / The aim of this study is to explore how a few teachers in the upper secondary school’s national programmes for pupils with intellectual disabilities work with assessing the knowledge development in students and how these teachers work for the pupils to be able to make their own knowledge visible. The study is based upon seven semi structured interviews with teachers teaching Swedish in upper secondary schools for pupils with intellectual disabilities. The results show that the teachers use multiple methods to acquire ground for assessment of knowledge. Conversation, observation and documentation are some examples of methods. The teachers work closely together with the students and provide tangible, frequent feedback to make the knowledge development visible both to the student and themselves. The students need a lot of scaffolding and repetition to develop knowledge and independence in their work. An emerging dilemma is the difficulty to create opportunities for all students to communicate their knowledge. The most common strategy is to sit beside the student and have a conversation to find out what knowledge the student has acquired. Learning as a social experience which occurs in interaction with others is a line of approach that shines through. According to my study it is most commonly the student and the teacher who are interacting with each other.
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[Klistra in populärkulturell referens här] : Populärkultur i styrdokument och läroböcker för religionskunskapen på gymnasienivå / [Insert popcultural reference here] : Popular Culture in the Curriculum and Textbooks for Religious Education at Swedish Upper Secondary SchoolAngelsmark, Erika January 2014 (has links)
Popular culture is a phenomenon of growing importance in the society today. Children and teenagers are increasingly using popular culture in their everyday life to reflect and answer questions about their identities and the meaning of life. Swedish primary and upper secondary schools are expected to prepare their students for adulthood and to provide them with tools to explain understand and problematize contemporary society. From this perspective it is relevant to question whether the schools achieve this and whether the instruction given there represents the contemporary society. For the purpose of knowing more about how popular culture is perceived and dealt with in the Swedish education system, this study examines how eight textbooks in Religious Education (RE) and the national curriculum for upper secondary school discuss and treat popular culture. The study focuses on when and in what ways the textbooks mention popular culture and if the curriculum provides any supportive base for including popular culture in religious education. The textual analysis of the RE textbooks illustrates that popular culture is seldom mentioned in the books and rarely discussed or reflected upon. The most common instances of popular culture in the textbooks are small references outside of the main text. The authors of the textbooks have thus not integrated thorough discussion about popular culture but rather added in some popular cultured references where they thought it would fit in the texts. With regard to the national curriculum for Religious Education, there is some recognition of how to use and discuss popular culture and its importance for students is acknowledged. However, this recognition is only explained in the comments to the curriculum and not in the document itself. The apparent lack of popular culture in RE textbooks is in this study discussed from the perspective of power relations and popular culture perceived as a culture form with low status. As historians have asserted, cultural forms that have historically been called and perceived as low culture have also been used as objects for the exercise of power. While popular culture today has taken over functions that traditionally belong to the established religions, and while in some cases popular culture can be perceived as a form of religion, popular culture is still commonly viewed as a lower form of culture for the masses and consequently a cultural form with lower status. This exercise of power has usually been downward in the social hierarchy, from middle class towards working class, to today’s groups of adults towards youth. It may be this trend that emerges when this study shows the lack of popular culture in RE textbooks. It is adults who write the curriculum, it is adults who write the textbooks and it is adults who teach in schools. Popular culture is said to belong to the young and therefore it does not have sufficiently high status to be brought in to the classroom.
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Homo religiosus – den religiösa mannen? : en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av kön och sexualitet i läromedels kapitel om buddhism och hinduism.Nordlander, Petra, Dahlgren, Sara January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to analyse how sex and sexuality are presented in the Buddhism and Hinduism chapters of religious studies textbooks for upper secondary school. The chosen textbooks are all linked to the new curriculum Lgr 11 which was implemented in the Swedish school system in the spring of 2012. The textbooks were analysed by using two methods; content analysis and discourse analysis. Content analysis was used to examine with which frequency sexes and sexualities appear in the textbooks, while discourse analysis was used to find what discourses surround the two concepts. The discourse analysis used two theories in order to contextualize the several discourses about sex and sexuality. The two theories were social dominance theory and norm critical theory. The study shows that men are more frequently mentioned in the textbooks than women, with two exceptions. In the chapter describing Buddhism in one of the textbooks, women are more frequently portrayed in pictures. Women are also more frequently mentioned in the chapter describing Hinduism in another textbook. In the chapters about Buddhism, men are often described as leaders and are mentioned in connection to education. When women are mentioned, it is often in the role of nuns, who are always described as subordinate to monks. In the chapters about Hinduism, men are often mentioned in connection to education, and are often described as in power and as practitioners of the religion. Women are described as dependent on men and are mentioned in connection to marriage and their husbands. Sexuality is a subject which only one textbook brings up. It defines homosexuality as unacceptable in the Hindu society, but does however point out that it is not illegal. Other than that, the textbooks display a lack of interest in discussing sexualities in patriarchal religions in which heterosexuality is considered a norm. Every example and description the textbooks give about religious life and the different stages humans go through are based on a heteronormativity. The authors always base their examples on heterosexual relationships and heterosexual people. The findings of this study are troubling, particularly as the Nation Agency for Education (Skolverket) has stated that the Swedish upper secondary school must study religion from different perspectives, for example sex and sexuality.
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Läroböckers förmedling av politiskt deltagande : En kvalitativ textanalys om förmedlingen av politiskt deltagande i fyra läroböcker för samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b i den svenska gymnasieskolan / The depiction of political participation in textbooks : A qualitative textual analysis of the depiction of political participation in four textbooks for social studies 1a1 and 1b in the Swedish upper secondary schoolBjörklund, Emil January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen studerar läroböcker anpassade för gymnasieskolans grundkurser i samhällskunskap för att undersöka läroböckernas beskrivning av politiskt deltagande. Syftet är att undersöka om läroböckerna uppmuntrar till politiskt deltagande. Ytterligare syften är att undersöka om läroböckerna fokuserar på någon form av det politiska deltagandet samt om det finns någon skillnad mellan läroböckerna för de praktiska- respektive de teoretiska programmen. Utifrån tidigare forskning och teori skapades ett analysschema. Analysschemat innehåller fyra fält: parlamentariskt kollektivt politiskt deltagande, parlamentariskt individuellt politiskt deltagande, utomparlamentariskt kollektivt politiskt deltagande samt individuellt utomparlamentariskt deltagande. Med hjälp av de fyra fälten har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomförts. Läroböckerna, två för det praktiska programmet och två för det teoretiska programmet, har därefter analyserats var för sig och slutligen jämförts. Resultatet visar att läroböckerna i stor utsträckning uppmuntrar till politiskt deltagande. Ytterligare resultat visar att läroböckerna har ett kollektivt och parlamentariskt fokus på politiskt deltagande. Dessutom visade analysen att läroböckerna för de praktiska programmen presenterade en mer nyanserad bild av politiskt deltagande än vad läroböckerna på de teoretiska programmen gjorde. Dock var resultatet att samtliga läroböckerna presenterade en relativt ensidig bild av politiskt deltagande. / This paper is examining the textbooks adapted for the basic courses in social studies in Swedish upper secondary school, in order to examine the descriptions of political participation. The aim is to investigate if the textbooks encourage political participation. Additional aims are to investigate whether the textbooks focus on some form of political participation, and if there is any difference between the textbooks for the practical and the theoretical programs. Previous research and theory generated in an analytical model. The analytical model contains four fields: parliamentary collective political participation, parliamentary individual political participation, non-parliamentary collective political participation and individual non-parliamentary participation. Based on the four fields, a qualitative content-analysis has been conducted. The textbooks, two for the practical program and two for the theoretical program, have subsequently been analyzed separately and finally compared. The result shows that the textbooks largely encourage political participation. Further results show that the textbooks have a collective and parliamentary focus on political participation. Additionally, the analysis showed that the textbooks for the practical programs presented a more nuanced view of political participation than the textbooks on the theoretical programs did. However, the result was that all the textbooks presented a relatively narrow view on political participation.
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