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Utveckling och förnyelse av yrket arkivarie inom ABM-samarbetet i VästernorrlandOlsson, LiAnn January 2013 (has links)
In recent years it has become more and more common with discussions concerning professionalization in professions such as archivists. Professionalization means that a profession strengthens, develops, innovates and monopolize their business. In order to strengthen the profession you can also use a variety of strategies and these strategies emphasises the process where a profession is being professionalized or is about to be professionalized. This development of an occupation could start within ABM-cooperation’s. ABM stands for Archive, Library and Museum. The purpose of this paper is to examine how an ABM-cooperation has influenced and developed the institutions involved and their professions, job roles and tasks. As an example study to examine this I have chosen an ABM-cooperation in Västernorrland that consists of Riksarkivet Landsarkivet, Länsbiblioteket Västernorrland and Murberget Länsmuseet Västernorrland. To do this, I have contacted and sent questionnaires to employees in these three institutions. Three of these employees, I have also met in person to go over their answers. Prior to these meetings, I also conducted a literature review in which I have found out information about the background to the cooperation. The results show that none of the employees that I have interviewed think that their participation in the ABM-cooperation has led to major changes within their respective institutions. But when you read their answers to the questionnaires you can see that this is not the case. Duties have changed, been added, and the cooperation with the other institutions should be considered as a change in itself. One reason that these changes are not considered changes may be that cooperation has a long history and they have become part of everyday life in the workplace. There is no evidence in my results that an institution intentionally have used a strategy to develop and strengthen their workplace or professions though there are some points of contact. Instead, one can see signs that it has created a whole new strategy and a whole new approach to the co-operation started when the institutions and their employees in connection with the collaboration has strengthened their positions in their own institutions and with other participating institutions.
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Att bevara eller icke bevara? : - En arkeologisk studie om skador på skogens kulturlämningarLindström, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This study To preserve or not to preserve, an archaeological study on damage to the forest's cultural remains aims to problematize and understand the reasons why damage to ancient and other cultural-historical remains in the County of Västernorrland maintains at a high level, despite the fact that laws concerning ancient monuments have been expanded and strengthened several times since 1942. A hermeneutic qualitative analysis and inductive method is used to increase our knowledge and understanding concerning the underlying processes in order to explain why prehistoric and historic sites continue to be damaged and destroyed. To answer this one has to put Swedish legislation regarding cultural remains in a broader socio-historical context. The result shows that there are more factors that oppose any attempt to protect cultural remains than factors that favor conservation.
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Water-related disasters : An overview of landslides and floods in Sweden / Vatten relaterade naturkatastrofer : En översikt av skred och översvämningar i SverigeKlingbjer, Josefin Wiklund January 2021 (has links)
Current research shows that water-related disasters are the most common natural disaster worldwide and these disasters are increasing in numbers. Water-related disasters cause negative consequences through damage to infrastructure and human health. This thesis aims to provide an overview of the water-related disasters, floods, and landslides in Sweden by displaying the spatial distribution. Furthermore, the purpose is to analyze the consequences of occurred water-related disasters. By answering the following research questions: How has landslides and floods been spatially distributed over time in Sweden? How severe has the consequences of floods and landslides been in Sweden? To answer these research questions a data study was conducted in ArcGIS and Excel to analyze the spatial distribution and the consequences of landslides and floods. The result shows that the three counties in Sweden with the highest number of affected areas by floods are: Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Örebro. These counties constitute 36% of the affected areas. These affected areas have occurred periodically with an increase since 1970. A detailed study over the years 2011–2017 showed that most floods in Sweden lead to consequences with a small extent and limited damages. Furthermore, the counties Västra Götaland, Västernorrland and Värmland had the highest number of occurred landslides. In total, 83.7% of all landslides have occurred within these three counties. This means that the distribution of floods is more evenly distributed between different counties compared to landslides. Within these counties, the areas that have had notable high numbers of landslides are Ångermanälven, Norsälven, Klarälven and the areas nearby Göta älv. Overall, it has been most common that landslides have an extent in the range between 1000–10000 m2 and that an extent over 100000 m2 are rare. / Aktuell forskning visar att vattenrelaterade naturkatastrofer är de vanligaste naturkatastroferna över hela världen samt att dessa ökar i antal. Vattenrelaterade naturkatastrofer orsakar till negativa konsekvenser till följd av skador på infrastruktur och människors hälsa. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att ge en översikt av den geografiska utbredningen av inträffade vattenrelaterade naturkatastroferna skred och översvämningar i Sverige. Vidare, är syftet att analysera konsekvenserna av inträffade vattenrelaterade naturkatastrofer, genom att svara på följande frågeställningar: Hur har skred och översvämningar varit utspridda över tid i Sverige? Hur allvarliga har konsekvenserna av översvämningar och jordskred varit i Sverige? För att besvara dessa frågeställningar utfördes en analys i ArcGIS och Excel för att undersöka den geografiska utbredningen och konsekvenserna av skred och översvämningar. Resultatet visar att de tre län med flest områden som blivit påverkade av översvämningar är: Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Örebro. Dessa län utgör 36% av de drabbade områdena. Antalet påverkade områden av översvämningar har inträffat periodvis med en ökning sedan 1970. En detaljerad analys över åren 2011–2017 visade att de flesta översvämningar i Sverige resulterade i konsekvenser med liten utbredning och små skador. Vidare, hade Västra Götaland, Västernorrland och Värmlands län högst antal inträffade skred. Totalt har 83.7% av alla skred inträffat inom dessa tre län. Detta innebär att fördelningen av områden påverkade av översvämningar har varit jämnare fördelade mellan olika län jämfört med skred. Inom dessa län är de områden som har haft anmärkningsvärt högt antal skred: Ångermanälven, Norsälven, Klarälven och områdena i närheten av Göta älv. Överlag har det varit vanligast att jordskred har en utbredning mellan 1000–10000 m2 och att en utbredning över 100000 m2 är ovanlig.
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Enkla skafthålsyxor i Norrland under senneolitikum-bronsåldern / Simple Shaft-Hole Axes in Norrland During the Late Neolithic-Bronze AgeLönnqvist, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the study of the artefact type called simple shaft-hole axe (Swedish: enkel skafthålsyxa) that have been found in the northern region of Sweden, Norrland. In contrast to finds in southern and middle Sweden, axes of this type in Norrland have not been extensively studied. Therefor the aim of this paper is to tabulate their number and distribution and see if the axes have any spatial relation to ancient monuments (Swedish: fornlämningar) dated to the same period and to see if the axes have any spatial relationship to any specific type of geography/terrain. This study also analyzes how they compare to the axes found in the rest of Sweden and thus what they may be able to tell us about prehistoric society in Norrland. This paper can be viewed as an extension of Per Lekberg’s dissertation Yxors liv, människors landskap: en studie av kulturlandskap och samhälle i Mellansveriges senneolitikum which is the most modern and extensive analysis of axes found in southern and middle Sweden and has provided a blueprint for the research done in this paper.
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Infrastrukturförändringar och dess påverkan på den regionala utvecklingen : en studie av områden utmed E4 mellan Uppsala och SundsvallGodman, Brent January 2010 (has links)
Under efterkrigstiden har den regionala tillväxten i industriländerna undergått en explosionsartad utveckling. Samtidigt skedde en massiv utbyggnad och förbättring av infrastrukturen. Dessa båda områdes avancemang avslutades abrupt med den globala finanskrisen under 1970-talet. När konjunkturen vände tillbaka och tillväxten tog fart igen var det däremot inte med samma starka stäv som innan krisen. Denna tröga utveckling förbluffade makroekonomerna, som sökte med ljus och lyckta efter möjliga orsaker såsom energipriser, social reglering och regioners näringslivssammansättning. Det fick sin förklaring först när Aschauer bevisade att det fanns ett samband mellan minskade investeringar i infrastruktur i slutet av 1960-talet och en nedgång i den totala produktiviteten strax efteråt, vilket till viss del ledde till finanskrisen. Det har sedan dess publicerats en uppsjö av forskningsartiklar kring ämnet där den sammantagna slutsatsen är att det inte är frågan om infrastrukturen påverkar den regionala utvecklingen, utan till vilken grad, där transportinfrastrukturen anses ha störst betydelse. Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka till vilken omfattning infrastrukturinvesteringar har på den kommunala och regionala utvecklingen längs europaväg 4 sträckning mellan Uppsala och Sundsvall. Dessutom undersöktes om man skulle kunna implementera alternativa finansieringsmetoder av vägutbyggnadsprojekt, eftersom dessa även skulle leda fram till en ökad regional utveckling. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av enkäter och intervjuer och ett bottom-up perspektiv, vilket möjliggjorde att de tidigare långsiktiga regionala utvecklingsmålen kunde analyseras. Sammantaget har resultatet visat att studiens arbetsmetod har varit en bra undersökningsform, där gamla resultat bekräftats och nya slutsatser dragits. Analysen har påvisat skillnader bland kommuner och regioner i frågan om vilken omfattning infrastrukturförändringar har påverkat deras utveckling. Däremot ansåg samtliga tillfrågade att alternativa finansieringssätt, som ERUF och PPP borde användas, men att implementeringen skulle bli svår. / During the postwar period, there has been a tremendous variation in regional growth in developing countries. At the same time there was a massive expansion and improvement in infrastructure. The advances in these two areas ended abruptly with the global financial crisis in the 1970s. However, when times changed and the economy began to recover, it was not with the same momentum as prior to the crisis. This slow development stunned macro-economists, who searched high and low after possible causes such as energy prices, social regulations and the economic structure of different regions. It became clear only when Aschauer showed how the decline in infrastructure investment in the late 1960s resulted in a decline in overall productivity shortly afterwards, which, in part, led to the financial crisis. There have since been published a plethora of research articles on the subject in which the overall conclusion is that it is not an issue of whether infrastructure has an impact on regional development, but to what degree, and that the transport infrastructure is considered to be most significant. The aim of this study is to investigate of impact that infrastructure investments were considered to have upon municipal and regional development along the European route 4 between Uppsala and Sundsvall. In addition the possibilities of implementing alternative methods of financing road-building projects were also explored, as these would lead to greater regional development. The study was conducted using questionnaires and interviews and a bottom-up approach, which made it possible for the earlier long-term regional development objectives to be analysed.Overall, the results demonstrated that the method applied was a good way of conducting a survey, where old and new findings were confirmed. The analysis has revealed differences among municipalities and regions with regards to the impact that changes in infrastructure have on their development. On the other hand, the respondents were unanimous in believing that alternative funding methods, such as ERUF and Public-Private-Partnership should be used, but that they would be difficult to implement.
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Ett tvådelat Norrland : En studie om grophus från stenåldern i mellersta Norrland. / A divided Norrland : A study on semi-subterranean houses from the stone age in the middle part of NorrlandKarlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on the semi-subterranean houses in northern Sweden, specifically in the counties Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland. The semi-subterranean houses were usedby hunter-gatherers and the houses date to the end of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. In this study two separate types of semi-subterranean houses are being investigated. Both types of semi-subterranean houses are categorized as ‘settlement embankments’ (Sw. boplatsvall). Within the study one type is called ‘embankments of fire-cracked stones’ (Sw. skärvstensvall) which are situated in the interior part of Norrland, and the other type is called ‘embankmentsof gravel/sand’ (Sw. grusvall) which are mainly found in the coastal areas of Norrland. The purpose of this study is to investigate the number of individuals residing within the semi-subterranean houses. Cross-cultural studies based on ethnographic material is used to calculate how many individuals lived in each house. The cross-cultural study of floor area has resulted in a mean of how much space (6.1 m2) a prehistoric human needs in a dwelling. This number is used to calculate the number of individuals that lived in each house based on the size of the floor area. Another purpose of this study is to investigate if there are any differences between the embankments of fire-cracked stone and the embankments of gravel/sand. Are they simply different construction techniques or are there any other differences between them, such as size, social structure and chronology.
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