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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporär användning i den urbana miljön ur ett socialt perspektiv / Temporary use in the urban environment from a social perspective

Gutedal, Oskar, Karlsson, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hur outnyttjade platser kan användas genom temporär användning ur ett socialt syfte. Vår uppfattning är att det finns en brist på platser i dagens urbana miljö som bidrar till delaktighet och gemenskap, som kan främja social inkludering och ett mer jämlikt samhälle. Samtidigt finns det outnyttjade platser i staden, vilket kan bero på olika anledningar, som exempelvis ekonomiska aspekter eller väntan på exploatering. Temporär användning är idag en erkänd metod för att aktivera dessa platser under en viss tidsperiod. Frågan går dock att ställa hur detta kan användas ur ett socialt, samt solidariskt perspektiv och således bidra till ett mer jämlikt samhälle. För att besvara denna fråga har vi utfört en empirisk undersökning av det franska temporära projektet Coco Velten, samt projektets grundare Yes We Camp. Genom denna empiriska undersökning, tillsammans med stöd av teorier, har vi kommit fram till att outnyttjade platser kan användas temporärt för att bidra till ett mer inkluderande och jämlikt samhälle. Samtidigt måste inte temporär användning i sig nödvändigtvis bidra till detta, utan det handlar snarare om hur dessa platser utformas, samt dess syfte. I det studerade Coco Velten går det utläsa att projektet svarade upp på olika samhällsproblem genom att hjälpa människor i utsatta situationer. För att åstadkomma detta implementerades flera olika användningsområden i projektet, en av dessa var de gemensamma platserna som utformades genom kollektiva metoder. Genom studien visas att de gemensamma platserna kan ses som särskilt vitala för att öka delaktigheten genom den temporära användningen och skapa förutsättningar för jämlikhet och social inkludering. Studien visar även att dessa projekt bygger på en viss föreningskultur och ett samarbete mellan olika samhällsaktörer. Avslutningsvis belyser studien vissa utmaningar med temporära projekt. Studien visar att den temporära användningen med ett socialt perspektiv kräver ideellt arbete och människors engagemang för att kunna genomföras. Andra utmaningar som studien belyser är tidsaspekten, finansieringen, samt risken för gentrifiering. / This thesis explores how unused spaces can be utilised through temporary use for social purposes. It is our view that there is a lack of spaces in today's urban environment that contribute to participation and community, which can promote social inclusion and a more equal society. At the same time, there are vacant spaces in the city, which may be due to various factors, including economic considerations or a lack of immediate development opportunities. Temporary use is now recognised as a means of activating these spaces for a specified period. However, it is necessary to consider whether this can be used from a social and solidarity perspective, and thus contribute to a more equal society. To answer this question, an empirical study of the French temporary project Coco Velten, and its founder Yes We Camp, was conducted. Through this empirical investigation, together with the support of theories, it was concluded that unused spaces can be used temporarily to contribute to a more inclusive and equal society. It is important to note that temporary use in itself does not necessarily contribute to the desired outcome. Rather, it is about how these places are designed and what they are used for. In the Coco Velten case study, it is evident that the project addressed various societal issues by assisting individuals in vulnerable situations. To achieve this, several different uses were implemented in the project, including common spaces designed through collective methods. The study indicates that the common spaces can be regarded as particularly significant in terms of increasing participation through the temporary use of the spaces and creating conditions for equality and social inclusion. The study also shows that these projects are based on a certain culture of association and collaboration between various social actors. Finally, the study identifies some challenges associated with temporary projects. The study indicates that temporary use with a social perspective requires volunteer labor and people's commitment to be implemented. Other challenges highlighted by the study are the time aspect, financing, and the risk of gentrification.


游輝振 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 目前我國地價制度是以公告土地現值為核心,但現行公告土地現值嚴重偏離市價,區段內各筆土地相對值極不合理,以此作為課稅稅基及徵收補償的依據,違背賦稅公平原則,為避免稅負漏損,落實漲價歸公,並於土地徵收時作到完全補償,讓公告土地現值趨近於市價,是現階段政府平均地權土地政策「價」的目標。 本研究即以此為論述出發點,從房地總價分離地價的根本查估問題導入,房地分離地價雖是現行公告土地現值查估最重要的價格來源基礎,但因公告土地現值掺雜了素地價和房地分離地價,造成「價」的定位不清、性質不明。經本研究實證結果發現,素地價格區間值相對於房地分離地價是較穩定且乖離率較低,房地分離地價會因建物存在狀態不同而異,且求算過程易受三個貢獻學說爭議的影響,不若素地地價單純,分離地價因含有超額利潤,有重複課稅之嫌,故公告土地現值及基準地價應以定位為「素地價」為宜。 採聯合貢獻所分離出來的地價較採土地貢獻分離地價,更接近素地地價,且與周邊的地價較為均衡,因此房地價格的分離方式應以聯合貢獻說較為合理。現行地價調查估計規則條文過於簡陋,應徹底修訂和不動產估價技術規則接軌,將房地分離方式納入聯合貢獻說的運用,採聯合貢獻分算房地價格時,分算基礎應以含間接成本的建物成本價格為宜,且不動產估價技術規則有關房地分離的相關法規,應予整合統一,房地分離估價方法定義、房地價值比率求算方式,應予明訂。 本研究建議採「價稅分離」,將公告土地現值功能用途單純化,使不同需求之地價回歸其功能目的,讓地政機關查估地價得以切實反應市價。並持續推動基準地地價查估制度,基準地查估不但具有個別宗地估價之精確度,又不失大量估價之方便性,亦能使公告土地現值更趨近於市價,應可改善現行公告土地現值查估制度的諸多缺失。 關鍵字:房地價格分離、公告土地現值、基準地、素地價、區段地價 / Currently, the core of the land value system in Taiwan is based on the Announced Current Land Value(ACLV). However, the ACLV deviates from the market value and the relationship between each parcel of land within the Land Value District is not reasonable. If the ACLV becomes part of the tax base and the foundation for compensation when the land is expropriated, it would be against the fairness and equity principle of taxation. In order to prevent tax loss, put the “Land Increment to the Public” into reality, compensate to the fullest when expropriation, the current goal of the Equalization of Right, the “Land Evaluation” of the land policy by the government is to make the ACLV approximating to the market value. Based on those issues mentioned above, this research delves into the core issue, the separation of improved property price. Although the land value separated from the improved property price is the most important foundation of the ACLV, the orientation of the value is not certain, and the nature of the value is not clear due to the ACLV is a combination of the land value from the vacant land and improved property. This thesis discovers the vacant land value range is more stable and the possibility of deviation is lower compared to the improved property price. The land value separated from the improved property will differ owing to the difference of the buildings which have already existed, and the controversy resulted from three contribution principles, which makes it more complicated than the vacant land value. If the land value separated from the improved property contains surplus profit, whether the double taxation occurs or not is in doubt. Hence, the orientation of the ACLV and the benchmark land value is better to be identified by the vacant land value. The separated land value adopting the land-build-united contribution principle approximates the vacant land value more compared to land contribution, and maintain better equilibrium status with surrounding lands. Hence the land-build-united contribution is more reasonable when separated the value from the improved property. Current articles of the “Regulations on the Land Value Investigation and Assessment” are too simplified. It needs to be totally overhauled to be in conformity with the “Regulations on the Real Estate Appraisal.” The land-build-united contribution should be incorporated for the separation of improved property price. The building cost value, which is to be deducted, should consider the indirect cost. Related stipulations of the separation of improved property price should be unified. The definition of the separation approach of improved property price and estimation of the land value ratio and the building value ratio shall be stipulated. This dissertation suggests the “separation of the evaluation and the taxation” and makes the function and purpose of the ACLV simple. When the land value identified for different function and political purpose is not directly relevant to the ACLV, the ACLV the land administration assess would reflect the market value. The land value benchmark system needs to be implemented continuously. Not only is the precision of the land value benchmark appraisal identical to the individual parcel of land appraisal, but also maintains the efficiency of the mass appraisal as well as making the ACLV closer to the market value, the implementation of the Land Value Benchmark could improve the deficiency of the current Announced Current Land Value system. Keywords: the separation of improved property price, Announced Current Land Value, Land Value Benchmark, vacant land value, District Land Value.


張詩欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標及權重體系,作為推動校園閒置空間再利用之參考依據。研究以文獻分析為基礎,初擬校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標,採專家問卷、模糊德爾菲問卷和層級分析法問卷為研究工具進行調查。研究對象共22位專家學者,資料分析首先利用改良「雙三角模糊數」之模糊德爾菲整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選評估因子,最後運用Expert Choice 2000軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重,完成國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標。 本研究獲得主要結論如下:國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標,含3大層面、8大指標共30個評估因子,其整體權重高低排序如下: 一、三大層面依權重高低排序為:環境面(41.5%)、經濟面(30.8%)、 社會面(27.7%)。 二、八大指標依權重高低排序為:價值效益(17.4%)、生態保育(15.5%)、健康環境(14.4%)、綠色消費(13.4%)、永續經營(12.4%)、環境規劃(11.6%)、社會教育的功能(11.2%)、社區發展(4.1%)。 三、三十個評估因子依權重高低排序前五名為:校舍動靜分區配置(9.1%)、保水設施(5.6%)、基地開發之干擾及衝擊(5.4%)、生物多樣性(5.4%)、室內物理環境(5.3%)。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出建議,提供未來行政單位檢視校園閒置空間再利用評估及結果的有效性的參考。 / A Study of Evaluation Indicators on Sustainable Development for Vacant School Space in Elementary Schools Abstract The purpose of this study is to construct the evaluation indicators and their associated priority weights on sustainable development for elementary vacant school space. The results of the study can be the reference for promoting the reuse of vacant school space. At first, the study is based on the analysis of documents to establish relevant evaluation indicators about vacant school space. And this study adopts three research methods: expert survey, Fuzzy Delphi and AHP to survey. The research invites 22 education-related experts to form a team as the study object. First, in order to select the applicable indicators, the individual answers of experts are analyzed by “double triangle fuzzy technique”. By using this technique, opinions about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated; and meantime, the factors are screened. Finally, Expert Choice 2000 software is used to process statistic analysis to set up priority weights of various indicators. In this way, the evaluation indicators on sustainable development for elementary vacant school space are established. The main conclusion which this study obtained is as follows: The evaluation indicators of sustainable development for elementary vacant school space include three dimensions, eight indicators, and thirty evaluation factors. The priority weights of all evaluation indictors are described in order as follows: 1.The priority weights of three dimensions are environmental dimension(41.5%), economical dimension(30.8%), and social dimension(27.7%) 2.The priority weights of eight indicators are valuing benefit(17.4%), ecological conservation(15.5%), healthy environment(14.4%), green consumption(13.4%), sustainable development management(12.4%), environmental planning(11.6%), the function of social education(11.2%), and community development (4.1%)。 3.The priority weights of thirty evaluation factors are the allocation of noisy and quiet areas of school(9.1%), facilities of water content(5.6%), the disturbance and impact of the development about vacant school space(5.4%), ecological variety(5.4%), and biological surroundings indoors(5.3%). Finally, according to the research results, some suggestions are offered to educational administration to review the effects and evaluation results of reusing vacant school space in the future.

大台北地區利用文創事業導入都市再生過程之研究 / Research on implementing culture and creative industry into urban regeneration process in Taipei metropolitan area

張鈞硯, Chang, Chun Yen Unknown Date (has links)
台北都會區正在面臨轉型,由於老舊建築的生活機能不佳、公共設施也不足,加上安全防災不齊全,所以民間和政府都積極參與都市更新,讓市容煥然一新。這不單只是硬體上拆除重建或建築翻新而已,而是要展現各地方獨特風格形式與魅力,進一步帶動經濟活力,提供下一波成長的競爭力,讓城市每個角落呈現更多創意的嶄新面貌。面對此一目的,本研究希望從此一方向進行探索性研究,探討在都市重生過程中,有時限的閒置空間如何再作利用,帶給企業或機關學校延展性的資源,產生競爭優勢,並且讓空間到期之後,還能順利讓空間重生,提供城市成長的競爭力。 關於再生空間,國內外均有許多實例以文創產業活化閒置空間的案例,但此類再生空間都是以永續經營發展為目標,對於有時限的空間再利用,則鮮少著墨,因此本研究希望了解(1)空間經營組織該如何以文創事業導入都市再生過程中的閒置土地? (2)以文創事業導入都市再生過程中的閒置土地再生空間樣貌為何? (3)空間經營組織在經營再生空間之後,如何建立核心資源?本研究藉由文獻次級資料與報章雜誌的回顧分析,並以都市再生空間為基礎發展出個案研究的基礎架構。選擇之代表研究對象為尚處初步階段的案例,包括城中藝術街區和127公店,希望透過本研究,能給台北都會區發展轉型實務與學術的發展。 本研究初步結論包括:(1) 各組織在動態網絡中,擷取彼此優勢,互賴繁衍生長。(2) 對於使用有年限的再生空間,文創事業不以一般營利為主要導向,給予產業更多靈感。(3)文創事業體的成長是空間經營組織的核心資源。本論文最後進一步提出實務上待克服之地方及後續研究上的建議。 / Due to poor life function of the old buildings, including shortage of public facilities, incomplete security disaster prevention system, and Taipei metropolitan area is force to face urban regeneration which is encouraged by local government and locals. As to the process of urban regeneration, this does not just demolish the old building or reconstruction on the renovation itself, but to show the form of local unique style and charm, to further promote economic vitality by providing growth competitiveness. Therefore, this study wants to be a base for following research in this topic. There are lots of examples of reusing vacant spaces among domestic and foreign countries, but the goal of managing these spaces is making them sustainable. As for reusing time-limited space, the discussion is not mentioned a lot. The purpose of this study is to understand (1) how do organizations that run the vacant spaces cooperate with culture creative industries during urban regeneration process? And what are their relations? (2) What are the space characteristics during culture and creative industry into urban regeneration process? (3) What are the benefits for the organization participating in urban regeneration, and how can the organizations build core resource such as core competence? Through reviewing of secondary data such as literature newspapers and magazines, this study derives the research structure. The cases of this study are still in the initial stage, including UrbanCore Arts Block and store no. 127. This study is hoping to give Taipei metropolitan area practical and academic development in urban regeneration process. The study finds: By cooperation with culture and creative business, companies and organizations learn to develop human resources as the main target. Also, as for time-limited space, cultural and creative business is not lean to consumer-oriented, but to give industry more inspiration. Finally, the growth of cultural creative business is also the core resource for the organizations that run the vacant space. In the end, this paper further proposes difficulties on local practice and recommendations on the follow-up study.

Obchodní podíl v s.r.o. / Member's ownership interest in a limited liability company

Fuksová, Daniela January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a member's ownership interest in a limited liability company. In the introduction, we provide an outline of the basic institutes of a limited liability company such as its incorporation and creation, composing of memorandum of association, the way of member's liability etc. Then we define the legal nature of an ownership interest as another property value. The main stress is put particularly on a member's rights and obligations arising from the ownership of his/her interest, and on different changes of members. To illustrate the issues described in the thesis, we also provide relevant judgments rendered by Czech courts in appellate and appellate review proceedings related to ownership interests in limited liability companies.

Empowerment Through Consumption: Land Ownership, Land Banks, and Black Food Geographies

Jones, Brittany Darshae January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Neighborhood Satisfaction, Physical and Perceived Characteristics

Hur, Misun 24 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

空地開發外部性對住宅土地價格影響之研究-台南市的實證分析 / Spatial Externalities Impact of development of vacant land on Residential Land Prices-Evidence from Tainan City

曾菁敏, Tseng,Ching Min Unknown Date (has links)
人類的思考決策與行為結果,大多是依循一個明確的市場制度而為的,故市場經濟制度的重要性,就在於有利個人形成如何有效配置資源的合理預期,同時也富有約束及激勵個人行為的誘因,讓個人能在制度約束的條件下,追求自利動機的極大化。都市空地再利用及市地重劃的法令制度,就具有這樣的經濟效應,所以本研究主要在探討,在空地再利用及市地重劃制度的約束與激勵條件下,都市中的經濟人行為決策與個體互動所形成的空間外部性,其會如何反應在住宅土地價格的變動,以探討空地再利用及空地開發所產生的空間外部性對住宅土地價格之影響。本文主要包括(1)空地再利用對住宅土地價格之影響;(2)空地再利用及鄰里土地開發對新建住宅土地價格之影響;(3)空間外部性、交易成本與市地重劃對新建住宅土地價格之影響等。 首先,有關「空地再利用對住宅土地價格之影響」,本文以Geoghegan(2002)的理論模型為基礎,主要探討空地再利用所產生的開放空間效果,其對於住宅土地價格的影響分析。本文運用地理資訊系統及空間計量分析,並建立民國九十三年及九十四年住宅土地的特徵價格模型,研究對象以台南市為例。實證結果發現,公有空地再利用作為公園及臨時停車場使用,其對於住宅土地價格產生正的空間外溢效果,此表示空地再利用所產生的開放空間的外溢利益,其大於空地管理維護的外溢成本。私有空地再利用作為運動場使用,民國九十三年的外部成本大於外部利益,但於民國九十四年的外部利益大於外部成本,故就私有空地再利用的外溢效果而言,私有空地再利用作為運動場使用的外溢效果可由負向轉為正向。公有空地再利用的邊際價格較私有空地再利用的邊際價格為高,故政府應繼續推動公有空地再利用的政策,以彌補鄰里的開放空間不足。 其次,有關「空地再利用及鄰里土地開發對新建住宅土地價格之影響」,本文主要在探討空地再利用所產生的開放空間效果,及鄰里土地開發所產生的空間外溢效果,兩者對於新建住宅土地價格的影響分析,本研究範圍以台南市民國九十三年的新建住宅為對象。實證結果發現,公有空地再利用對於新建住宅土地價格具有正的空間外溢效果,此表示開放空間的外溢利益大於空地管理維護的外溢成本。鄰里土地開發作為住宅使用時,會對新建住宅土地價格形成正的空間外溢效果,但當鄰里土地開發作為工廠使用時,卻會對新建住宅土地價格形成負的空間外溢效果。最有價值的住宅土地為,開放空間數量最大化及土地開發數量的最小化,故當永久性的開放空間(如鄰里公園)、可開發性的開放空間(如公有空地再利用)數量增加,以及鄰里工廠土地開發數量減少等,其將有助提高新建住宅土地價格。 最後,有關「空間外部性、交易成本與市地重劃對新建住宅土地價格之影響」,本文主要從政府實施市地重劃有助於降低交易成本的觀點,探討政府實施市地重劃制度及建設商的土地開發行為所產生的空間外部性,其反應在新建住宅土地價格的影響。本文運用空間計量分析及地理資訊系統,並結合Box-Cox函數轉換,以建構具有空間外部性的特徵價格模型。本文研究範圍以台南市民國八十年、八十五年及九十年的新建住宅為對象。實證結果得知,空間誤差Box-Cox模型對於空間外部性提供良好的解釋力。政府實施市地重劃之後對住宅土地價格具有正向外部性,且有政府參與的重劃區所反應的住宅土地邊際價格為正向關係。而建設商個體互動關係則具有正向及負向外部性,並在長期下出現由正向轉為負向之情況,此證明空間外部性會呈現相互性的現象,進而反應在新建住宅土地價格上會有增減的作用。 / This study mainly assumes that development of vacant land give rise to spatial externalities from the reuse of vacant land and the institution of land readjustment. Finally, this effect will be reflected in the residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, this study applies spatial econometric and geographic information systems based on hedonic pricing model. This study mainly includes that (1) The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land on Residential Land Prices, ( 2) The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land and Neighboring Land Development on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices, ( 3) The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices, and evidence from Tainan City in Taiwan. First of all, about’ The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land on Residential Land Prices’, This study is based on Geoghegan’s theoretical model (2002) and focuses on open space effect of reusing vacant land on residential land prices. The data are selected from residential land prices in 2004, 2005. Empirically, I find that the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land used for green and park has positive spatial spillover effects. This means that spillover benefit of open space is more than spillover cost of vacant land management. The reuse of privately-owned vacant land used for sport has negative spatial spillover effects in 2004. The marginal price of publicly-owned vacant land is over than privately-owned vacant land. It is concluded that, the government should continue promoting the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land and used for open space of the neighborhood. Secondly, about’ The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land and Neighboring Land Development on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices’, This study focuses on open space effect of reusing vacant land and spatial spillover effect of neighboring land development on newly-built residential land prices. The data are selected from newly-built residence in 2004. Empirically, I find that the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land has positive spatial spillover effects on newly-built residential land prices. This means that spillover benefit of open space is more than spillover cost of vacant land management. Land development used for residence has positive spatial spillover effects and used for factory has negative spatial spillover effects in a neighborhood. This means that more the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land will increase newly-built residential land prices, while more land development used for factory will decrease newly-built residential land prices in a neighborhood. Finally, about’ The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices’, This Study mainly assumes that land readjustment can reduce transaction costs in terms of the spatial externalities from developers’ behavior and the institution of land readjustment. This effect will be reflected in the newly-built residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, I apply spatial econometric analysis and geographic information systems based on the Box-Cox hedonic pricing model. The data are selected from newly-built residence from between 1991, 1996 and 2001. Empirically, I find that the spatial error Box-Cox model is appropriate for engaging in spatial externalities analysis. This is because the results show that land readjustment gives rise to positive spatial externalities on newly-built residential land prices and the marginal price of residential land in areas where land readjustment takes place is also positive. The effects of developers’ interactions give rise to positive spatial externalities but these change to negative spatial externalities in relation to newly-built residential land prices in the long term. It is concluded that, land readjustment as implemented by the government really does contribute to reducing uncertainty in the land development process, and also reduces transaction costs between construction practitioners and landlords.

Open geospatial data fusion and its application in sustainable urban development

Xu, Shaojuan 17 July 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents the implementation of data fusion techniques for sustainable urban development. Recently, increasingly more geospatial data have been made easily available for no cost. The immeasurable quantities of geospatial data are mainly from four kinds of sources: remote sensing satellites, geographic information systems (GIS) data, citizen science, and sensor web. Among them, satellite images have been mostly used, due to the frequent and repetitive coverage, as well as the data acquisition over a long time period. However, the rather coarse spatial resolution of e.g. 30 m for Landsat 8 multispectral images impairs the application of satellite images in urban areas. Even though image fusion techniques have been used to improve the spatial resolution, the existing image fusion methods are neither suitable for sharpening one band thermal images nor for hyperspectral images with hundreds of bands. Therefore, simplified Ehlers fusion was developed. It adds the spatial information of a high-resolution image into a low-resolution image in the frequency domain through fast Fourier transform (FFT) and filter techniques. The developed algorithm successfully improved the spatial resolution of both one band thermal images as well as hyperspectral images. It can enhance various images, regardless of the number of bands and the spectral coverage, providing more precise measurement and richer information. To investigate the performance of simplified Ehlers fusion in practical use, it was applied for urban heat island (UHI) analysis. This was done by sharpening daytime and nighttime thermal images from Landsat 8, Landsat 7, and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). The developed algorithm effectively improved the spatial details of the original images so that the temperature differences between agricultural, forest, industrial, transportation, and residential areas could be distinguished from each other. Based on that, it was found that in the study city the causes of UHI are mainly anthropogenic heat from industrial areas as well as high temperatures from the road surface and dense urban fabric. Based on this analysis, corresponding mitigation strategies were tailored. Remote sensing images are useful yet not sufficient to retrieve land use related information, despite high spatial resolution. For sustainable urban development research, remote sensing images need to be incorporated with data from other sources. Accordingly, image fusion needs to be extended to broader data fusion. Extraction of urban vacant land was therefore taken as a second application case. Much effort was spent on the definition of vacant land as unclear definitions lead to ineffective data fusion and incorrect site extraction results. Through an intensive study of the current research and the available open data sources, a vacant land typology is proposed. It includes four categories: transportation-associated land, natural sites, unattended areas or remnant parcels, and brownfields. Based on this typology, a two-level data fusion framework was developed. On the feature level, sites are identified. For each type of vacant land, an individual site extraction rule and data fusion procedure is implemented. The overall data fusion involves satellite images, GIS data, citizen science, and social media data. In the end, four types of vacant land features were extracted from the study area. On the decision level, these extracted sites could be conserved or further developed to support sustainable urban development.

Spider and Beetle Communities across Urban Greenspaces in Cleveland, Ohio: Distributions, Patterns, and Processes

Delgado de la flor, Yvan A. 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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