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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drabužių gamybos užsakymų valdymo informacinė sistema / Information system for management of clothes production orders

Girčiūtė, Gintarė 25 May 2004 (has links)
Nowadays there are lots of information systems for management of production such as CIM (Computer-integrated manufacturing systems), MRP (Material requirements planning systems), MRP II (Manufacturing resource planning systems), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning systems). All these systems have huge possibilities. However the licence prices are enormous, the software requires big computer capacities. So they are more usable for organizations with big annual turnover. Small companies need programs which allow to collect data, store it, systematize, quickly get required information. Study object. Information system for management of clothes production orders. Study goal. To create information system for management of clothes production orders using up-to-date computer technologies. It was made analysis of organization (producing clothes) computerizing field, described functional and non-functional requirements for IS. Also made comparative analysis of information systems for management of production, project of information system for management of clothes production orders which architecture is client – server. Prepared documentation for users. Made testing and quality control. In future the functionality of the information system for management of clothes production orders can be expanded including calculations of material and production cost.

Organizacijų portalų turinio valdymo sitemų sudarymas ir tyrimas / Implementation and investigation of content management system designed for organizations portals

Kukulskis, Linas 27 May 2004 (has links)
There are a lot of freeware and commercial content management systems developed by IT companies and individual developers. Notwithstanding the diversity of these content management systems, all of them have one single purpose – manage content of the web site by separating presentation from business logic. This document investigates a content management system designed to be used by organizations. The model of a trivial content management system is modified into the content management system for organizations by introducing concepts of information objects and a structure of an organization. An experiment has been carried out to test the new content management system model. The experiment results proved the assumption that the suggested new content management system model is more effective than the trivial content management system model.

Turinio valdymas prekybos ir klientų aptarnavimo sistemoje / Content Management in Commerce and Customer Service System

Bartuška, Paulius 02 June 2004 (has links)
Appropriate information in time has developed to a main business resource and requires the same professional management as conventional means of production. However, the huge supplies as well as the customary decentralized storage are aggravating the effective handling of information. Content management approaches to unify the administration of relevant information. There are developing a vast number of software products which aim to apply this concept. However, a clear definition of content management does not exist and thus, the market offers a variety of solutions. This master thesis analyzes content management systems which represent different aspects of content management, such as Web content management, collaboration in Intranets or management of multimedia. As a basis, general comparison criterions are developed, which orientate to the content life cycle. Examples of application areas for each system conclude the comparison.

Apskričių viršininkų institutas Lietuvos Respublikos administraciniame valdyme 1918-1940 metais / The Institute of the district Heads in the Administrative Management of the Republic of Lithuanian during 1918-1940 years

Blaževičiūtė, Jurgita 09 May 2005 (has links)
During the statehood process, the institute of the district heads is an essential part of the administrative state rule system that helps to realize its policy in the whole country. This institute was established in 1918. During the interwar the rights and duties of the district heads were mostly regulated by the circular note of the secretary Home Office 17, December 1918 “Provisional rights and duties of the district heads”, legislation of the local governments, other right’s acts which gave them the vast rights. During the whole 1918-1940 lifetime of the Republic of Lithuanian the institute of the district heads was the intermediate between the central Executive Branch of the country and the autonomous bodies. The heads of the districts qualified for a care and kept in check the small rural districts, district municipalities’ work and their resolutions. Since 1924 the district heads worked at the same time and as district board’s chairpersons, so they took right to rule district municipalities. As the secretary of the Home Office chose the district heads, so this enabled the central government to have its representative in the districts that were loyal and reliant. The district heads implemented the authoritarian policy of the central government at the locality, prevented the tendency of the democratic development in the self-government. It was obviously after the 1926 coup d’etat. Since 1931 the heads of districts were enabled to administer a supervision of the small... [to full text]

Verslo valdymo sistemos Navision Attain ir OLAP priemonių integravimas / Enterprise resource planning software Navision Attain data analysis using OLAP tools

Kepežinskas, Algirdas 14 January 2006 (has links)
This work investigates the problem of company not able to handle it’s data analysis using Navision Attain tools alone. A more powerful system is needed, and Microsoft SQL Server OLAP tools are selected as such. The work carried out covers data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) for analyzing Navision Attain data using OLAP data analysis tools. Different integration architectures, as well as needed transformations and most often encountered problems are covered, together with possible solutions to them.. After completing business process analysis, and identifying user roles and required data, four different data cube were created on data from Navision Attain. Namely cubes for sales analysis, purchase analysis, item inventory tracking and customer debt analysis. In addition, an example schedules for cube updating are created, and wider usage guidelines are provided. The complete system is then optimised to provide efficient performance and low main system load. The optimisation results are compiled into generic suggestions for further analysis system development.

Frančizes prekybos tinklo užsakymų valdymo informacinė sistema / Orders management information system for retail franchise network

Pap, Pavel 17 January 2006 (has links)
Information management systems give an opportunity for business to optimize there processes, minimize costs and save resources. In nowadays these systems help to stay on the market and be competitive with other participants. The objective of this job is to analyze and project(design) orders management system for the network of retail stores associated by franchise and has a central administrative unit which holds all the franchise rights and managing all activities. System has such general abilities: 1. Generate an order using prognosis algorithm. 2. Edit an order. 3. Coordinate order with receiver (member of the franchise network). 4. Prepare order for execution (goods picking, gathering, loading, shipment). Full system was installed at the administrative unit allowing all other members to use order coordination ability.

Kokybės valdymo statybos procese modeliavimas / Quality management modelling in construction process

Juodvalkis, Tomas 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama kokybės problema statybos procese. Analizuojamos kokybės valdymo sistemos, modeliai, jų taikymas organizacijų veiklai tobulinti. Apžvelgiama užsienio šalių patirtis kokybės valdyme, žinomų sistemų veikimo principai, galimybė jas kompiuterizuoti. Analizuojami Lietuvos teisiniai aktai, reglamentuojantys statybų kokybę. Išnagrinėjus teorinius kokybės valdymo metodus, pasiūlomas kokybės pasiekimo modelis, sukurtas atsižvelgiant į dabartinę statybų padėtį Lietuvoje, aprašoma statinių kokybės įtaka statybos dalyvių veiklai. Pateikiamos išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. / Master thesis describes a problem of quality management in construction process. The systems, models of quality management and its integration in practice was described in this paper. An experience of quality management in the world, well known quality management systems and computerisation possibility was rewiewed. The law of conmstruction quality management was created, designed specialy for domestic market of Lithuania, derived from the theory of construction quality management. Influence of construction quality in business was described.

Veiklos tęstinumo ir atkūrimo po nenumatyto atvejo informacinėse sistemose planas / Business continuity and disaster recovery of information systems

Kriščiūnaitė, Ingrida 08 September 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas Veiklos tęstinumo ir atkūrimo po nenumatyto atvejo informacinėse sistemose planavimas ir palaikymas. Darbo tikslai: išanalizuoti veiklos tęstinumo ir atkūrimo politiką ir plano žingsnius. Darbo uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti informacinių sistemų sampratą, nustatyti grėsmes ir pažeidžiamumus galinčius pakenkti organizacijos veiklai, išnagrinėti veiklos tęstinumo, atkūrimo valdymo etapus, pateikti, išanalizuoti ir palyginti su šia tema susijusius kelis pagrindinius tarptautinius standartus, sudaryti planą, kaip užkirsti kelią pažeidžiamumams bei grėsmėms ir užtikrinti veiklos tęstinumą organizacijoje atsitikus nenumatytam atvejui. Informacinių technologijų svarba organizacijos veikloje labai išaugo. Jos yra viena iš pagrindinių valdymo dalių organizacijoje. Informacinė sistema – tai prasmingą informaciją asmenims ir organizacijoms pateikianti ir kartu veikiančios aparatūros ir programinės įrangos, žmonių, procedūrų ir duomenų visuma. Šiuo metu vis daugiau informacijos yra automatizuojama, panaudojant kompiuterizuotas informacines sistemas. Informacinės sistemos komponentai yra organizacijos turtas, kurį sudaro fizinis, informacinis, nematerialusis turtas, paslaugos, personalas ir programinė įranga. Turtas yra įvairių rūšies grėsmių taikinys. Kad padaryti turtui žalą, grėsmė atsiranda silpniausioje, mažiausiai tikėtinoje situacijoje. Grėsmių sukėlėjai yra žmonės, žmonių grupės, gamtos reiškiniai, politiniai, ekonominiai ir socialiniai reiškiniai, galintys kelti grėsmę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – Planning and maintenance of business continuity and disaster recovery in information systems. The goals of the research: to analyze business continuity and recovery policy and develop business continuity and recovery main steps. The tasks of research: to investigate the concept of information systems, identify threats, vulnerabilities which might undermine the activity of the organisation, as well as investigate business continuity, recovery management phases, present, examine and compare relevant to the topic basic international standards, develop the plan concerning the prevention of threats and business continuity ensurance in organisation in case of emergency. Of late, the importance of information technologies in organisation has increased considerably. This accounts for the information technologies being a major segment of management in an organisation. Information system – is considered as an integrity of people, hardware and software, procedures and data operating together in providing meaninful information to individuals and organisations. Currently more and more information have been automated by using computerised information systems. Information systems are composed of organisation facilities, including tangible property, information sources, intagibles, services, staff, software property. Property becomes a target for threats. The threat arises in the bottleneck, least probable situation to cause damage. Threats are posing people, groups of... [to full text]

Bendrovių teisės modernizavimo iniciatyvos ES / Initiatives of modernizing company law in eu

Bikinienė, Jovita 24 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe yra atskleidžiamos pagrindinės priežastys, kodėl atsirado būtinybė modernizuoti tuometinius ES bendrovių teisės rėmus ir gerinti bendrovių valdymą. Pagrindinės priežastys yra: finansinių skandalų padariniai, bendrovių poreikis veikti peržengiant vienos valstybės sienų ribas, kapitalo rinkų integracija, informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų vystymasis, besiplečianti ES. Pagrindiniai politiniai tikslai, kurių buvo siekiama yra akcininkų teisių ir kreditorių apsaugos stiprinimas, verslo produktyvumo ir konkurencingumo skatinimas. Veiksmų plane buvo numatytas nemažas skaičius iniciatyvų, kurias reikėjo įgyvendinti, siekiant sukurti modernius ES bendrovių teisės rėmus bei pagerinti bendrovių valdymą. Iniciatyvos yra skirstomos į bendrovių valdymo, bendrovių grupių ir piramidžių, kapitalo palaikymo ir keitimo, bendrovių mobilumo, bendrovių restruktūrizavimo, Europos privatinės bendrovės ir kitas iniciatyvas. Darbe yra analizuojamos visos Veiksmų plane numatytos iniciatyvos. Atskleidžiami pagrindiniai iniciatyvų aspektai, pasirinktos įgyvendinimo priemonės, svarbiausios problemos, liečiančios konkrečias iniciatyvas ir kt. Kai kurios iniciatyvas, atsižvelgiant į tarpusavio ryšį, aptariamos viename skyriuje. / Die Arbeit erläutert, warum die regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für Gesellschaftrecht und Corporate Governance modernisiert werden müssen. Die hauptsächliche Gründe sind: die schädliche Auswirkung jüngsten Finanzskandale, der wachsende Trend europäischer Gesellschaften zu grenzübergreifender Tätigkeit im Binnenmarkt, die anhaltende Integration der europäischen Kapitalmärkte, die rasante Entwicklung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sowie die Erweiterung der Europäischen Union um 10 Mitgiedstatten. Die hauptsächliche Zielsetzungen der Aktionsplans sind verstärkte Aktionärsrechte, Schütz der Dritter und Forderung der Effizienz und Wettbewersfäihkeit der Unternehmen. Die Mitteilung ist der Meilenstein um diese Ziele zu schaffen. Der Aktionsplan beruht auf einem umfassenden Satz von Maßnahmen, deren Durchführung notwendig ist, um eine eingesetzte Ziele zu schaffen. Im Aktionsplan werden Art und Umfang der Maßnahmen ermitteln. Die wichtigste Gebiete sind Corporate Governance, Kapitalerhaltung und Kapitaländerung, Unternehmengruppen und Unternehmenpyramiden, Unternehmenmobilität, Unternehmenrestrukturierung, die Europäische Privatgesellschaft, Genossenschaft und andere Unternehmensformen. In der Arbeit sind alle diese Maßnahmen vollständig analisiert. Angesichts Zwischenverbindung, einige Maßnahmen sind in einem Kapitel beschreiben. In der Arbeit beweisen Schwerpunkten der Inititiven, die grundlegenden Problemen der Durchführung, positives und negatives Einflüss.

Simplex search analysis and application in design of control systems / Simpleksinės paieškos tyrimas ir jos taikymas valdymo sistemų projektavimui

Rinkevičius, Vytautas 19 November 2008 (has links)
Analysis of simplex search and design of algorithmic system synthesis methods is performed in the current PhD thesis. The main objective is to create algorithmic methods for stochastic automatic control system synthesis, filter synthesis and algorithmic methods of variational calculus. Algorithmic methods allow solving system synthesis problems in cases when mathematical object is complex or it does not exist, when statistical characteristics of operating signals are unknown, i.e. when application of classical system synthesis methods is impossible. / Disertacijoje atliekami simpleksinės paieškos tyrimai ir nagrinėjama algoritminės sistemų sintezės metodų sudarymo problema. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas yra sukurti algoritminius stochastinių automatinio valdymo sistemų, filtrų sintezės bei variacinio skaičiavimo metodus. Algoritminiai metodai leidžia spręsti sistemų sintezės uždavinius, kuomet objekto matematinis modelis sudėtingas arba jo išvis nėra, kai nežinomos stochastines sistemas veikiančių signalų statistinės charakteristikos, t. y. kai klasikinių sistemų sintezės metodų taikymas yra neįmanomas.

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