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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Non-precious Metal and Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts for an Alkaline Lignin Electrolysis Process

Bateni, Fazel 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Non-precious Metal and Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts for an Alkaline Lignin Electrolysis Process

Bateni, Fazel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Diseño de una planta procesadora de producción de harina a partir de la cabeza de langostino para alimento balanceado de aves en el distrito De La Cruz – Tumbes

Barreto Dezar, Cesar Fernando January 2023 (has links)
Los residuos sólidos de las industrias de productos hidrobiológicos como lo son las cabezas de los langostinos generan la posibilidad de obtener subproductos como harinas que pueden ser empleados como materia prima para la alimentación de animales debido a que poseen un alto contenido de proteínas, carbohidratos, grasas, pigmentos, minerales, quitina, entre otros, las cuales son atractivas a la hora de la formulación de nuevos productos alimenticios. Con respecto al primer objetivo, concerniente al estudio de mercado, se indagó sobre demanda y oferta del producto, logrando descubrir la insatisfacción del mercado, obteniendo de esta forma la demanda del presente trabajo. Asimismo, el segundo resultado enfocado al diseño de la planta, se instituyó las disposiciones idóneas para alcanzar el rango de producción esperado. Se evaluó y seleccionó la ingeniería requerida para el procesamiento de la harina a partir de las cabezas de langostino. Por último, el tercer resultado consiste en la valoración económica- financiera. Se logró resultados financieros planificados (estados de ganancia y pérdida, flujos de caja y balances en general) apoyados en indicadores como el valor anual neto (VAN) y la tasa de interés de retorno (TIR), por lo cual se logró comprobar si en términos financieros el proyecto es admisible. Relacionando a este proyecto el VAN ascendió a un monto de S/ 3 418 734,36 y el TIR que nos arrojó un 47% respectivamente. / The solid residues of the industries of hydrobiological products such as the heads of prawns, generate the possibility of obtaining by-products as flours that can be used as raw material for feeding animals since they have a high content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, pigments, minerals, chitin, among others, which are attractive when formulating new food products. For the first objective that is the market study, the demand and supply of the product was investigated, in this way the unsatisfied demand of the market was calculated and thus the demand of the project was obtained. Regarding the second result that is the design of the plant, the necessary guidelines were established to achieve the level of production required, the evaluation and selection of the necessary engineering for the flour process from the shrimp heads. To finalize the third result, which is the economic-financial evaluation, the projected financial results (profit and loss statements, cash flows and balance sheets) were obtained with the help of indicators such as net annual value (NPV) And the Return Rate (IRR), with which it was possible to determine if the project is economically acceptable. In the case of this project, the NPV amounts to a positive amount which is S/ 3 418 734,36 and the TIR, which yielded 47 %, respectively.


Talens Vila, Clara 21 January 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Sustainability is nowadays an investment for the future of any economic activity. The current situation of crisis has had an adverse impact in most industries, including the agri-food sector. However, this industry has been relatively the least affected when compared with other industrial sectors. This is mainly attributed to the fact that food products continue to be basic for consumers despite the economic downturn. Therefore, the agri-food sector is a key element in the European economy and can play a crucial role in the achievement of the objectives set in the EU's strategy for 2020: ensuring a sustainable framework of growth of a more competitive economy. The European agri-food industry has focused on energy efficiency and on reducing greenhouse gases emissions, along with better management of their resources as a way to improve its industrial competitiveness. In this sense, the search for solutions to transform the by-products generated in high value-added ingredients, is a priority. In this context, the juice industry, as fundamental sub-sector within the food sector, and large waste generator, must exploit the opportunity to transform their by-products into useful and profitable products for society. This transformation presents some difficulties which impede the profitability of the process. These difficulties are associated with the by-product, such as its compositional variability and its seasonality, and current techniques of transformation as the high energy cost in dehydration processes. This thesis represents an innovative and sustainable solution for overcoming the disadvantages associated with the high costs of stabilization, turning this by-products into high value-added ingredients, from both, nutritional and technological, points of view. The aim is to develop a microwave coupled with hot air drying technique allowing maximizing profits by using the following strategy: reducing time and operational costs, producing a new ingredient rich in dietary fiber, with interesting technological properties for the development of healthy foods, studying the proposed comprehensive process and analyzing the new generated by-products. The methodological approach of the thesis been focused, on the one hand, on studying phenomena that govern the internal transport of water and energy through the orange peel during its dehydration applying thermodynamics. On the other hand, the energy consumption of the drying process, the technological and sensory properties of the fiber obtained and its potential use as a fat substitute have been compared with the conventional hot air drying method. Finally, the integrated process, including both the combined drying technique and the pretreatments needed for colour and bitter compounds extraction, is proposed as a new route of valorization, in which the new by-products obtained, polyphenols and carotenoid rich extracts, are analysed. This study has analyzed the microwave coupled with hot air process, developing tools that allow the adequate upscaling of the drying operation by adapting it to the best standards of quality of the final product. A monitoring system that ensures these standards has been designed. The quality and the energy consumption of the dietary fiber production process has been improved. The properties associated with its inclusion in food matrices have been optimized. An innovative and sustainable process for the stabilization of industrial by-products and for their further conversion into dietary fiber and other bioactive compounds, applying microwave coupled with hot air drying, has been developed. / [ES] La sostenibilidad es una de las apuestas de futuro en cualquier actividad económica. La situación de crisis ha tenido un impacto adverso en la mayoría de las industrias, incluyendo las de ámbito agroalimentario. Sin embargo, ésta ha sido relativamente la menos afectada cuando se compara con otros sectores industriales. Esto se atribuye al hecho de que los productos alimenticios continúan siendo básicos para los consumidores a pesar de la desaceleración económica. Por lo tanto, esta industria es un pilar fundamental en la economía europea y puede jugar un papel crucial en la consecución de los objetivos marcados en la Estrategia de la UE para 2020: asegurar un marco sostenible de crecimiento de una economía más competitiva. La industria agroalimentaria europea ha apostado por la eficiencia energética y la reducción de emisiones de gases invernadero, junto con una mejor gestión de sus recursos como vía para la mejora de su competitividad industrial. La búsqueda de soluciones para transformar los subproductos generados en ingredientes de alto valor añadido, es una de las prioridades. En este contexto, la industria productora de zumos, como subsector fundamental dentro del sector alimentario, y gran generador de residuos, tiene la oportunidad de transformar sus subproductos en productos útiles y rentables para la sociedad. Esta transformación presenta algunas dificultades que impiden la rentabilidad del proceso. Estas dificultades están asociadas al subproducto, como su variabilidad composicional o su estacionalidad, y a las técnicas actuales de transformación como el elevado coste energético en procesos de deshidratación. Esta tesis se plantea como una solución innovadora y sostenible para, más allá de superar los inconvenientes asociados a los altos costes de estabilización, transformar este subproducto en un ingrediente de alto valor añadido, tanto nutricional como tecnológico. Para ello se propone desarrollar una técnica de secado combinado por aire caliente y microondas que permita maximizar beneficios mediante la siguiente estrategia: reducir el tiempo y el coste energético de la operación, produciendo un nuevo ingrediente rico en fibra dietética con propiedades tecnológicas de interés para el desarrollo de alimentos más saludables, estudiando el proceso integral propuesto y analizando los nuevos subproductos generados. El enfoque metodológico de la tesis ha estado dirigido, por una parte, a estudiar los fenómenos que gobiernan el transporte interno de agua y energía a través de la piel de naranja durante su deshidratación, aplicando termodinámica. Por otra parte, el consumo energético del proceso de secado, las propiedades tecnológicas y sensoriales de la fibra obtenida y su potencial uso como ingrediente sustituto de grasa, se han comparado con el método de secado convencional por aire caliente. Finalmente, el proceso integrado, incluyendo tanto el secado combinado como las etapas previas de extracción de color y compuestos amargos, se propone como una nueva ruta de valorización, en la que se analizan posibles subproductos de interés tales como extractos ricos en polifenoles y carotenoides. En este estudio se ha analizado el proceso combinado de secado con aire caliente y microondas, desarrollando herramientas que permiten dimensionar adecuadamente la operación de secado adaptándola a los estándares óptimos de calidad del producto final. Se ha diseñado un sistema de monitorización que asegure dichos estándares. Se ha mejorado el proceso de obtención de fibra alimentaria respecto a su calidad y a su gasto energético. Se han optimizado las propiedades asociadas a su inclusión en matrices alimentarias. Se ha desarrollado un proceso innovador y sostenible para la estabilización de subproductos vegetales de origen industrial y para su posterior conversión en fibra dietética y otros compuestos bioactivos, aplicando la tecnología de secado por aire caliente y / [CA] La sostenibilitat és una de les apostes de futur en qualsevol activitat econòmica. L'actual situació de crisi ha tingut un impacte advers en la majoria de les indústries, incloent les d'àmbit agroalimentari. No obstant això, la indústria agroalimentària ha sigut relativament la menys afectada quan es compara amb altres sectors industrials. Açò s'atribuïx principalment al fet de que els productes alimentaris continuen sent bàsics per als consumidors a pesar de la desacceleració econòmica. Per tant, esta indústria és un pilar fonamental en l'economia europea i pot jugar un paper crucial en la consecució dels objectius marcats en l'Estratègia de la UE per a 2020: assegurar un marc sostenible de creixement d'una economia més competitiva. La indústria agroalimentària europea ha apostat per l'eficiència energètica i la reducció d'emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle, junt amb una millor gestió dels seus recursos com a via per a la millora del seu vaig competirtu En este sentit, la busca de solucions per a transformar els subproductes generats en ingredients d'alt valor afegit, és una de les prioritats. En este context, la indústria productora de sucs, com subsector fonamental dins del sector alimentari, i gran generador de residus, té el deure i l'oportunitat de transformar els seus subproductes en productes útils i rendibles per a la societat. Esta transformació presenta algunes dificultats que impedixen la rendibilitat del procés. Estes dificultats estan associades al subproducte, com la seua variabilitat composicional o la seua estacionalitat, i a les tècniques actuals de transformació com l'elevat cost energètic en processos de deshidratació. Esta tesi es planteja com una solució innovadora i sostenible per a, més enllà de superar els inconvenients associats als alts costos d'estabilització, transformar este subproducte en un ingredient d'alt valor afegit, tant nutricional com tecnològic. Per a això es proposa desenvolupar una tècnica de'assecat combinat per aire calent i microones que permeta maximitzar beneficis per mitjà de l'estratègia següent: reduir el temps i el cost energètic de l'operació, produint un nou ingredient ric en fibra dietètica amb propietats tecnològiques d'interés per al desenvolupament d'aliments més saludables, estudiant el procés integral proposat i analitzant els nous subproductes generats. L'enfocament metodològic de la tesi ha estat dirigit, d'una banda, a estudiar els fenòmens que governen el transport intern d'aigua i energia a través de la pell de taronja durant la seua deshidratació, aplicant termodinàmica. D'altra banda, el consum energètic del procés de d'assecat, les propietats tecnològiques i sensorials de la fibra obtinguda i el seu potencial ús com a ingredient substitut de greix, s'han comparat amb el mètode d'assecat convencional per aire calent. Finalment, el procés integrat, incloent tant l'assecat combinat com les etapes prèvies d'extracció de color i compostos amargs, es proposa com una nova ruta de valoració, en la que s'analitzen possibles subproductes d'interés com ara extractes rics en polifenoles i carotenoides. En este estudi s'ha analitzat el procés combinat d'assecat amb aire calent i microones, desenvolupant ferramentes que permeten dimensionar adequadament l'operació d'assecat adaptant-la als estàndards òptims de qualitat del producte final. S'ha dissenyat un sistema de monitorització que assegure els dits estàndards. S'ha millorat el procés d'obtenció de fibra alimentaria respecte a la seua qualitat i al seu consum energètic. S'han optimitzat les propietats associades a la seua inclusió en matrius alimentàries. S'ha desenvolupat un procés innovador i sostenible per a l'estabilització de subproductes vegetals d'origen industrial i per a la seua posterior conversió en fibra dietètica i altres compostos bioactius, aplicant la tecnologia d'assecat por aire calent i microones. / Talens Vila, C. (2015). DESARROLLO DE TÉCNICAS COMBINADAS DE SECADO CON AIRE CALIENTE Y MICROONDAS EN LA PRODUCCIÓN DE FIBRA ALIMENTARIA A PARTIR DE SUBPRODUCTOS CÍTRICOS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54114 / Compendio

Communal Authority and Individual Valorization in Republican Rome

Tsirigotis, Theodoros 01 January 2013 (has links)
In examining the end of the Roman Republic and the rise of the principate, one is inevitably struck by the transformation of the relationship between the individual and the community. Roman society during the Republic was predicated on the communal leadership of the elite and the recognition of excellence in individuals. In the days of the early and middle Republic, this individual recognition served as the vehicle to participation in communal authority, the prize for which aristocratic families competed. Communal authority was embodied in the Senate. The Senate not only acted as the supreme political body in the Roman state, but also acted as the moral and religious arbiter for society. This was in addition to their more easily foreseeable role as the face of the Roman state toward foreign peoples, both diplomatically and militarily. Heads of aristocratic families who were most often already part of the economic elite sought to secure membership within this smaller circle of political elite. Influence was sought in a variety of arenas, all with the purpose of proving one’s worthiness to be part of the administration of the state. Pursuit and possession of the traditional Roman virtues provided the foundation of legitimacy for oligarchic rule, and individual proof of virtue was necessary for inclusion within that rule. One of the chief spheres of proving one’s virtue was war, where martial valor eclipsed all other virtues, and courage on the battlefield and excellence in command proved one’s worthiness to inclusion in communal authority. However, as the Republic found itself facing every more frequent and threatening crises, it increasingly turned to its men of ability, investing them with ever greater license, and permitting, or at least having no choice but to permit, ever greater concentration of state power in the hands of individuals. These men of ambition and ability took advantage of Rome’s changing polity and the professionalization of its military under the reforms of Marius to circumvent traditional avenues of advancement in favor of more direct approaches. Each looked to the man behind him as precedent and to the future as chance for even greater glory. Eventually, Caesar took power at the head of an intensely loyal military force, ready to enforce by force of arms any protests in the name of tradition. Though ultimately assassinated, Caesar’s dictatorship marked the end of Republican Rome and the rise of the principate, defined by an inversion of the traditional relationship between the community and the individual. Now it was the Senate which sought political participation within the overarching framework of individual authority.

Etude de la conversion de la biomasse en energie par un procédé hydrothermal de carbonisation - Caractérisation des produits issus des grignons d'olive / Study of biomass conversion into energy by hydrothermal process of carbonization Characterization of products formed from olive pomace

Missaoui, Ayoub 29 November 2018 (has links)
La carbonisation hydrothermale (HTC) est un procédé de conversion en énergie de la biomasse dans l’eau sous critique (180-250°C) à faibles pressions (10-40 bars). Ce procédé conduit à la production d’un matériau solide carboné appelé "hydro-char". L’objectif de ce travail est d’optimiser le procédé HTC par l’étude des performances de l’hydro-char comme source d’énergie. La biomasse étudiée est un résidu d’extraction d’huile d’olive dénommé grignons d’olive constitués de peau, de pulpe et de noyau (taux d’humidité de 70%). Ces grignons d’origine marocaine ont été préalablement séchés (GOS). Au cours de l’HTC, la biomasse est décomposée via des réactions de déshydratation et de décarboxylation. Les hydro-chars sont moins humides et plus riches en carbone que les GOS. Aussi, ils s’appauvrissent en cendres en les transférant dans la phase liquide. Les hydro-chars ont un PCS plus élevé que celui de la tourbe et de lignite. Les résultats montrent que le rendement et les propriétés de l’hydro-char dépendent surtout de la température du procédé. Pour mieux analyser l’effet des conditions opératoires, l’approche des plans d’expériences a été appliquée pour optimiser et modéliser le procédé HTC. Grâce au plan de Doehlert, on peut relier les propriétés de l’hydro-char avec son rendement massique et son comportement thermique de combustion. La représentation des surfaces de réponses a permis de définir les zones de production d’hydro-char avec ses propriétés permettant d’orienter l’élaboration de l’hydro-char pour répondre aux critères d’une application prédéfinie. Le liquide issu de l’HTC des GOS montre une sensibilité à la variation des conditions opératoires. Le carbone soluble dans ce liquide lui donne un pouvoir polluant. Pour le diminuer, deux procédés de traitement ont été testés: l’évaporation et l’oxydation en voie humide. Les résultats ont montré que la quantité d’eau utilisée pour le traitement est le facteur le plus influent sur le bilan énergétique du procédé HTC. / Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) allows pre-treating humid biomass in subcritical water (180-250°C) and at low pressures (10-40 bars) in the absence of air. This process produces a carbonaceous solid material called "hydro-char". The main aim of this work is to optimize the HTC process by studying the potential of hydro-char to produce energy. The studied biomass is a by-product of the olive oil industry called olive pomace containing water, residual oil, olive skin, olive pulp, and olive stones (with 70% moisture content). The moroccan olive pomace was first air-dried (DOP) and characterized. During the HTC process, the biomass is decomposed via dehydration and decarboxylation reactions. The obtained hydro-char has much less moisture and higher carbon contents than that of untreated DOP. Also, the hydro-char becomes poor in ashes by transferring them into the liquid phase. Hydro-chars have a higher HHV than that of peat and lignite. The results show that hydro-char mass yield and its properties depend on the process temperature especially. For a better analysis of the effect of operating conditions, a Design of Experiments Response Surface Methodology (DoE/RSM) approach was applied to optimize the HTC process. The DoE/RSM allows identifying a relationship between hydro-char properties and its mass yield and thermal combustion behavior. Response-surface plots show defined areas of production of hydro-char which allows tailoring hydro-char elaboration to a specific application. The process liquid from the HTC treatment of DOP shows a sensibility to operating conditions. The soluble carbon in the HTC liquid increases its polluting power and to decrease it two treatment process have been tested: evaporation and wet oxidation. Finally, the results show that the amount of water used for the hydrothermal treatment is the most influential factor on the energy balance of the HTC process.

Formulation et caractérisation physique d'un béton léger de mousse et à base d'argile : valorisation des sédiments fins de dragage / Mix design method and physics characterization of lightweight air-foam concrete using clay : valorization for dredged thin sediments

Zambon, Agnès 06 December 2018 (has links)
Une réutilisation des sédiments issus du dragage en tant que matière première dans la fabrication d’un béton directement sur le site du dragage est une voie de valorisation économique et écologique. La présente étude a pour but de valoriser la partie fine des sédiments qui ne trouve pas de solutions de valorisation efficaces. En effet la structure en feuillet de l’argile la rend sensible aux conditions hydriques et lui confère une importante capacité de rétention des polluants. Afin d’optimiser les volumes à valoriser, le béton est envisagé en substitution totale des granulats par la fraction fine des sédiments. Les résultats apportés par la littérature tendent à privilégier une application en remblai tels que le remplissage entre deux rideaux de palplanches, un remblaiement géotechnique ou de carrières. Un procédé d’incorporation d’une mousse à base de protéine animale lors de la fabrication du béton est utilisé dans le cadre de cette étude pour alléger le matériau (densité comprise entre 1,1 et 1,3). Ce type de matériau fait donc partie de la catégorie des bétons légers de mousse plus communément appelée LWFC (LightWeight Foamed Concrete). Dans cette étude le matériau est désigné par le sigle BAMS (Béton Allégé par l’incorporation d’une Mousse et à base de Sédiments). L’étude a été réalisée sur un sol modèle constitué de 80% de bentonite et de 20% de sable correcteur de diamètre 0,125mm. La méthode de formulation est basée sur la limite de liquidité du sol afin de prendre en compte l’absorption de l’eau. La caractérisation du BAMS se scinde en trois parties ; La première partie correspond à la caractérisation à l’état frais du BAMS. Elle met en exergue une optimisation de l’abaissement de la densité à partir d’une certaine quantité d’eau apportée par rapport à la limite de liquidité du sol. L’allégement du matériau par l’incorporation d’une mousse modifie les propriétés du matériau à l’état frais ; elle améliore la fluidité et retarde la prise du ciment. La deuxième partie correspond à la caractérisation mécanique du BAMS ; l’eau apportée pour optimiser l’allégement du matériau impacte la résistance mécanique qui est jugée acceptable à partir de 0,5MPa. Celle-ci peut être améliorée en augmentant la quantité de ciment qui doit cependant rester faible pour rentabiliser la voie de valorisation. Il y a donc un compromis inévitable entre résistance mécanique et densité. Les combinaisons (densité ; résistance mécanique) possibles et les paramètres de formulations permettant de les atteindre ont été étudiés. Des essais non-destructifs sont effectués afin de contrôler la résistance mécanique in situ. L‘étude du retrait linéaire indique une variation dimensionnelle importante du BAMS de l’ordre du cm/m qui peut être divisé par 100 avec une cure humide. La troisième partie correspond à la durabilité par l’étude des propriétés de transfert du BAMS dont les résultats mettent en avant une accessibilité partielle du réseau poreux crée par la mousse incorporée.Le relargage des polluants dans les sédiments est évalué par un essai de lixiviation effectué sur un sol modèle pollué artificiellement (cas non-immergeable). Cet essai permet de valider l’efficacité de leur inertage par le traitement au ciment et l’utilisation du matériau sans impact environnemental selon le critère PH14. / A re-use of dredged sediments as raw material in the process of making of concrete directly onthe site of the dredging is an interesting valorization as regards economy and environment.The present study aims at valuing the thin particles of sediments because they create aproblem in the valorization of dredged sediments. Indeed, the layer structure of the claymakes it prone to react to humidity conditions and confers it an important capacity to retainpolluting agents. To optimize the valued volumes, a total substitution of aggregates in theconcrete by the thin particles of sediments is envisaged. The results from the literature tend tofavor an application in embankment such as the filling between two sheet pile walls, a geotechnical embankment, a quarry embankment. An incorporation of an air-foam made ofanimal protein during the making of the concrete is used to reduce the density of the material(density between 1.1 and 1.3). This material is classified in the category of lightweight foam concrete called by the English abbreviation LWFC (LightWeight Foamed Concrete). In thisstudy the material is named BAMS acronym for “Béton Allégé par l’incorporation d’uneMousse et à base de Sédiments”. The study was realized with a model soil composed of 80%of bentonite clay and 20% of calibrated sand (diameter 0.125mm). The mix design method isbased on the liquidity limit of the soil considering its swelling. The characterization of theBAMS is split into three parts. The first part corresponds to the characterization of the freshstate of the BAMS. It highlights the optimization of the reduction of the density from aquantity of added water with regard to the liquidity limit of the soil. The incorporation of airfoam modifies the characteristics of the fresh state of the material. It improves the workability and delays the setting of cement. The second part corresponds to the mechanical characterization of the BAMS. The added water which optimizes the reduction of the density impacts the mechanical resistance which has to be over 0.5MPa. There is thus an inevitablecompromise between mechanical resistance and density. The possible combinations and themix design to get them have been studied. Non-destructive tests are done to simply check the mechanical performances on construction site. The study of the linear shrinkage highlights an important variation of the dimension of the BAMS. This can be limited by a wet cure. The third part corresponds to the durability by the study of the transfer properties of the BAMS.The results highlight a limited accessibility of the porous network. The release of polluting agents in sediments is estimated by a lixiviation test realized on BAMS made with a model soilartificially polluted (non immersible case). From the results we can conclude on the efficiency of the inerting of polluting agents by the cement treatment and therefore the use of the material is allowed without having an impact on environment (PH14).

Reconversão urbana do Largo da Batata: revalorização e novos conteúdos da centralidade de Pinheiros / Urban redevelopment of the Largo da Batata: revaluation and new content of the centrality of Pinheiros

Mascarenhas, Luisa Prado 25 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir as transformações que vêm ocorrendo no bairro de Pinheiros e mais especificamente no Largo da Batata, coração do bairro: verticalização, mudanças no padrão fundiário e substituição das classes sociais ali presentes vêm ocorrendo a partir do projeto de Reconversão Urbana do Largo da Batata e da Operação Urbana Faria Lima, iniciados na década de 1990. Nossa hipótese é a de que ocorre, a partir desses processos, uma redefinição da centralidade do bairro de Pinheiros, conformando-se como parte do eixo empresarial constituído no vetor sudoeste ao longo do fim do século XX e início do XXI. Por isso, propusemos discutir neste trabalho a produção do espaço do bairro ao longo da História, que constituiu o Largo da Batata como um centro de comércio popular e considerado degradado pelo poder público. Em seguida, analisamos a reprodução deste espaço, que se deu através dos processos de intervenção impostos pelo Estado aliado aos empreendedores imobiliários a favor da circulação e reprodução do capital contra aquele espaço dito degradado e improdutivo. Por fim, a partir da produção e reprodução do espaço do Largo da Batata, analisamos os movimentos de resistência e de luta pelo lugar que se gestaram recentemente contra as imposições do poder público e do capital e contra a gentrificação que ali foi verificada. Foi percebido que estes movimentos que se dão hoje na luta pelo uso do espaço do Largo nascem como contestação ao que o poder público esperava que aquele espaço se tornasse: um lugar neutro e vazio para que as pessoas não o utilizassem. Porém, o que vem acontecendo é, através da luta pelo lugar, a luta pelo direito à cidade e um combate à lógica vigente que move o urbano / This dissertation aims to analyze the changes that are taking place at Largo da Batata, in the heart of Pinheiros district in Sao Paulo City. Started in the 1990s, the Reconversão Urbana do Largo da Batata and the Operação Urbana Faria Lima were projects responsible for the verticalization of the buildings, changes in the land pattern and displacement of the lower social strata in the region. Regarding this process, our hypothesis is that a redefinition of Pinheiros centrality is currently happening, intensifying the integration of the district to the southwest vector business hub, established in the end of the 20th Century and beginning of the 21st. To reach our purpose, it was necessary to comprehend the spatial production of this neighborhood along the History, which set up Largo da Batata as a centre of popular commerce, regarded as deteriorated by the government. Afterwards, we analyze the spatial reproduction of this place, according to real estate developers interventions supported by the government, in order to guarantee the financial capital flow and its reproduction. Finally, regarding the contradiction in the Largo da Batata spatial production and reproduction, we analyze the social movements of resistance, that are fighting for this place against the public policies and great capital impositions, who are operating a gentrification. It was noticed that these social movements are creating an opposite force of government expectations: instead of establish an impartial and empty space, we can watch a popular fight for the place, a fight for the right to the city and a fight against the current logic of the urban space have been designed

O programa municipal Alegra Centro (Santos-SP): alegria para poucos e exclusão para muitos / The city program Alegra Centro (Santos-SP): joy for the few and exclusion for many

Malavski, Paula Dagnone 06 July 2011 (has links)
A cidade litorânea de Santos (SP), atualmente, passa por uma profunda transformação de seu espaço histórico e central por meio de políticas públicas, em níveis de poder diferenciados (municipal, estadual e federal), para a sua revalorização, entendida aqui no sentido de um enobrecimento deste fragmento de espaço, enfocando a reabilitação de sua infraestrutura urbana, a readequação do seu patrimônio histórico edificado e a tentativa fazer retornar em seu espaço central investimentos econômicos e comerciais. Esta profunda transformação se dá, neste fragmento a partir da produção de um espaço turístico na área de interface porto-cidade (antiga área portuária abandonada), enobrecimento das atividades comerciais e turísticas na área e também pela tentativa de solucionar diversos problemas de infraestrutura e moradia de grande da população trabalhadora local. / The coastal city of Santos (SP) is currently undergoing a profound transformation of its historical and central area due to public policies in different power levels (municipal, state and federal), for its revitalization, understood here as an ennoblement of a fragment of this space, focusing on the rehabilitation of its urban infrastructure, the upgrading of its historical buildings and the attempt to return to its central place in economic investments and trade. This profound transformation occurred in this fragment due to the production of a touristic space in the area of the interface cityharbour (the old abandoned harbour area ), ennoblement of business and touristic activities in the area and also by trying to solve several problems of infrastructure and housing from most of the working population.

Estudo dos impactos energ?ticos e da vida ?til do aterro sanit?rio com a valoriza??o dos res?duos s?lidos urbanos : o caso de Feira de Santana - BA

Silva, Syntia Meneses 05 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-01-26T22:34:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o MENEZES 2017 Finall.pdf: 3387889 bytes, checksum: a259fed71288e6ff503358d33dc0e467 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-26T22:34:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o MENEZES 2017 Finall.pdf: 3387889 bytes, checksum: a259fed71288e6ff503358d33dc0e467 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-05 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The increase in the world?s population, the current rate of consumption and, consequently, generation of waste, implies an unsustainable use of the planet's resources for the production of goods. Solid waste is continuously generated in all steps of the production chain, and even after consumption, since their disposal requires the use of large areas, causing a double impact on the environment. Aiming to contribute for the quality of municipal solid waste management, the present study proposed the following scenarios to simulate waste generation: i) Scenario 1, which considers the current situation of Feira de Santana, without the use of recycling rates for dry and moist waste; ii) Scenario 2, where the recycling of materials based on PLANARES is applied; iii) Scenario 3, which adopts the recycling targets set forth in the PMGIRS; iv) Scenario 4A, with recycling targets proposed by PLANARES, together with the reduction of generation per capita and increase of the collection rate; v) Scenario 4B, with recycling targets proposed by the PMGIRS, combined with the reduction of generation per capita and increase of the collection rate; and, vi) Scenario 5, which allows for bold recycling targets, combined with the decrease in per capita production and growth of the collection rate. Based on these simulations, the impacts of each scenario were evaluated on increasing the life expectancy of the municipal landfill, and saving energy by recycling materials that are no longer being sent to the landfill. The results showed that: i) Increase in the useful life of the Feira de Santana landfill by 11, 17, 18 and 26 years, according to scenarios 2, 3, 4A and 4B, respectively. For scenario 5, the useful life of the municipal landfill does not end until the final analysis year (2075); (ii) The results obtained may also specify the mass quantity of waste that will no longer be sent to the landfill over the simulated years, namely: 77,000 t, 119,000 t, 92,000 t, 136,000 t, 212,000 t according to scenarios 2, 3, 4A, 4B and 5, respectively; iii) Can be saved in Feira de Santana in 2050 for scenario 5, the most expressive, approximately 1027 GWh, enough to supply close to 2.1 million households, considering the monthly consumption of 163 KWh and a average of 3 people per residence; (iv) Dry waste is 98% more economical than wet waste, since the potential of both was 202 GWh and 10 GWh respectively in 2050; v) Plastic stands out as the dry material with the greatest potential for energy savings. According to scenario 5, this material could save about 749 GWh, enough to supply approximately 1.5 million households; vi) The simulations presented in this paper, related to the use of material recycling rates and other management options, have proved to be more efficient in relation to the goals established by scenario 5 for all analysis parameters.Taking into account that the assessment and simulation were limited to secondary data due to the lack of consistent local information, it can be inferred that there was a reduction of environmental impacts for Feira de Santana with the adoption of municipal recycling goals. Through their implementation, it will be possible to extend the life expectancy of the municipal landfill, as well as provide energy savings and gains for the municipality. / O aumento da popula??o mundial, acrescida da atual forma de consumo, e, consequentemente, da gera??o de res?duos, implica o aumento do uso das reservas do planeta. Para se obter a mat?ria-prima bruta, em todos os passos at? sua transforma??o em bens de consumo, s?o continuamente produzidos res?duos, inclusive ap?s o consumo, uma vez que, os bens dur?veis foram fabricados para serem usados e descartados, o que caracteriza, portanto, um impacto dobrado, observando-se ainda que, al?m do uso das reservas, s?o demandados locais para depositar esses materiais ap?s utiliza??o. Visando auxiliar no tocante ? qualidade da gest?o dos res?duos, no presente trabalho foram propostos os seguintes cen?rios metodol?gicos: i) Cen?rio 1, que considera a situa??o atual de Feira de Santana, sem emprego de taxas de reciclagem para res?duos secos e ?midos; ii) Cen?rio 2, onde se aplica a reciclagem de materiais com base no PLANARES; iii) Cen?rio 3, que adota as metas de reciclagem previstas no PMGIRS; iv) Cen?rio 4A, com metas de reciclagem propostas pelo PLANARES, aliadas ? redu??o da gera??o per capita e aumento da taxa de coleta; v) Cen?rio 4B, com metas de reciclagem propostas pelo PMGIRS, aliadas ? redu??o da gera??o per capita e aumento da taxa de coleta; e, vi) Cen?rio 5, que admite metas de reciclagem arrojadas, aliadas ? diminui??o da produ??o per capita e crescimento da taxa de coleta. A partir dessas simula??es, foram avaliados os impactos de cada cen?rio no aumento de vida ?til do aterro sanit?rio municipal, e tamb?m na economia e gera??o de energia por meio da reciclagem de materiais que deixam de ser encaminhados ao aterro. Os resultados obtidos revelam: i) Aumento da vida ?til do aterro sanit?rio de Feira de Santana por 11, 17, 18 e 26 anos, de acordo com os cen?rios 2, 3, 4A e 4B, respectivamente. Para o cen?rio 5, a vida ?til do aterro municipal n?o se encerra at? o ano final de an?lise (2075); ii) Os resultados obtidos tamb?m podem precisar a quantidade em massa de res?duos que deixar? de ser encaminhada ao aterro sanit?rio ao longo dos anos simulados, a saber: 77 mil t, 119 mil t, 92 mil t, 136 mil t, 212 mil t de acordo com os cen?rios 2, 3, 4A, 4B e 5, respectivamente; iii) Podem ser poupados em Feira de Santana, em 2050, para o cen?rio 5, o mais expressivo, aproximadamente 1027 GWh, o suficiente para abastecer perto de 2,1 milh?es de resid?ncias, considerando-se o consumo mensal de 163 KWh e uma m?dia de 3 pessoas por resid?ncia; iv) Os res?duos secos possuem uma economia 98% maior em rela??o aos res?duos ?midos, j? que o potencial poupado por ambos para o ano de 2050 ?, respectivamente, 602 GWh e 10 GWh; v) O pl?stico destaca-se como o material seco de maior potencial de economia de energia. De acordo com o cen?rio 5, esse material poderia poupar cerca de 749 GWh, o suficiente para abastecer, aproximadamente, 1,5 milh?o de resid?ncias; vi) As simula??es apresentadas neste trabalho, relativas ao emprego de taxas de reciclagem de materiais e outras op??es de gest?o, mostraram-se mais eficientes em rela??o ?s metas estabelecidas pelo cen?rio 5 para todos os par?metros de an?lise. Levando-se em considera??o que as an?lises desenvolvidas neste trabalho se limitaram a dados secund?rios por falta de dados locais consistentes, pode-se inferir que houve redu??o dos impactos ambientais para Feira de Santana com a ado??o de metas de reciclagem, uma vez que, por meio dessas metas ser? poss?vel estender a vida ?til do aterro sanit?rio, bem como proporcionar economias e ganhos energ?ticos para o munic?pio em quest?o.

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