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E-Victims: : Explaining Online Victimization For The Cases Of Cyberbullying And CyberstalkingMALAKI, ZOI January 2021 (has links)
Internet has become a great part of our daily routines giving us the ability to perform various actions in many aspects of our personal and social life. The new available opportunities provided with the Internet enhancement have opened a great space for improvement in our lives but they have also provided space for new types of criminal behaviour to occur. Cyberbullying and cyberstalking are part of the wide range of criminal behaviors performed through an online device. The presence of online criminal behavior is accompanied by the increase on the online victimization rates. The aim of this paper is to explain online victimization performed through cyberbullying and cyberstalking based on the theories of routine activity, social learning and victim precipitation.The results show that online victimization is closely connected with the daily routines that individuals have accompanied by the interactions and associations that are performed during our social life who also influence the practise of online victimization. Anonymity is a commonly found factor almost always present and plays an important role on explaining the behavior itself for both the offender and the victim's side. Overall the findings show that both online offenders and online victims of cyberbullying and cyberstalking are given more engagement opportunities in the criminal act due to the constant usage and the inclusion of online devices in theor daily routines. The above accompanied with the anonymity and opportunity provided by cyberspace ease the " performance" of cyber victimization.
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SECOND VICTIM: SUPPORT FOR THE HEALTHCARE TEAMChitwood, Tara Marshall 25 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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I Sverige mördas 17 kvinnor om året av en man de är eller nyligen har varit i intimt förhållande med. Det innebär en kvinna var tredje vecka. Omständigheterna är oftast de samma. Separation, med kvinnan som drivande part. Mannen de lämnar är svartsjuk och av kontrollerande typ. Han har i situationen nästan alltid tydligt uttalade självmordstankar. Kvinnorna har vanligen sökt hjälp och i en del av fallen har man misslyckat med att identifiera deras riskfyllda situation. Genom att finna gemensamma nämnare hos kvinnorna eller i deras direkta närhet, kanske det går att förbättra riskbedömningen som görs när hon söker hjälp eller anmäler en utsatthet? Underlaget till arbetet består av domstolshandlingar och förundersökningar. Teoretiskt kan man titta åt både kriminologiska och sociologiska teorier. Genom kvalitativ systematisk dokumentanalys av nämnt material har en del resultat framkommit; storleken på kvinnan, hennes personlighet samt hennes ekonomiska situation. Vidare och för framtida forskning framkommer olika aspekter kring hur skyddsåtgärder för kvinnan fungerar. Eftersom grunden till resultaten i denna uppsats vilar på relativt få fall vore det även av intresse att göra samma arbete på större mängd material för att se om resultatens styrka håller eller försvagas, samt om det framkommer flera resultat. Intimt partnermord är ett signifikant problem som påverkar både individer och samhälle. 17 offer, 17 långtidsinkapaciterade män och ett ännu större antal barn som utan skuld tillskrivs ett livslångt lidande med konsekvenser för deras framtid, hälsa och välmående. / In Sweden, 17 women are murdered each year by a man they are or recently have been in an intimate relationship with. That means one woman every third week. The circumstances usually resemble. Separation initiated by the woman. The man she is leaving is most often a jealous and controlling type. He has clearly expressed suicidal thoughts, caused by the situation. A larger number of the murdered women did seek help, and in some of the cases authorities has been unsuccessful in identifying the risk situation. Perhaps one could improve the risk assessment done when she is seeking help or reporting vulnerability by finding common factors among the women or in their immediate surrounding? The source of information is court records and criminal investigations. Theoretically, one can look at both criminological and sociological theories. Through qualitative systematic document analysis of this material some findings emerged; the actual size of the woman, her personality and her financial situation. Furthermore, for future research, it reveals various aspects of the protective measures taken to keep the woman safe. Since the basis of the results in this paper rests on relatively few cases, it would be interesting to work with a larger amount of material. This could reveal if the results held their strength or weakened, and if there was more to be found. Intimate partner murder is a significant problem that affects both individuals and society. 17 victims, 17 men incapacitated for a long time and an even larger number of children that without guilt are attributed with a lifetime of suffering including a huge impact on their future health and wellbeing.
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Kalamarksmordet : En analys av medias skildring av Kaj Linna som gärningspersonErlandsson, Nina, Nuutinen, Sabina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera hur den utpekade gärningspersonen Kaj Linna skildrats i svensk media vid tre skilda tidsperioder; innan domen, efter domen och efter strafftidens slut. Grunden för studien är Nils Christies teoretiska begrepp den ideala gärningsmannen och det ideala offret. I studien konstateras även att Christies begrepp, i grund och botten är genuskonstruerade, varför det dessutom anläggs ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv. Eftersom studien fokuserar på konstruktionen av Kaj Linna över tid grundar sig studiens vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkt i konstruktivismen. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en narrativ analys i kombination med en strukturell och tematisk analys på så sätt att vi har skapat en kronologiskt, narrativt berättande text och därefter använt en tematisk och strukturell analys för att tolka berättelserna och för få ett djup i analysen. Det innebär att urvalet av material har skett genom att vi varit följsamma och uppmärksamma på de huvudteman och underteman som framkommit inom ramen av studiens teoribildning och tidigare forskning. Resultatet av studien visar att Kaj Linna pendlat från att konstrueras som en förövare på insidan/icke ideal gärningsman till att konstrueras som en förövare på utsidan/ideal gärningsman för att slutligen framställas som ett offer för staten. Trots att Kaj Linna varit densamma under hela händelseförloppet har media, beroende på den rättsliga situationen, framhävt olika sidor och egenskaper hos honom. I vissa sammanhang har han konstruerats som en ond, monstruös, känslokall och avvikande man och i andra sammanhang som en driven, affärsinriktad, positiv och omtänksam familjeman. Det har således varit fråga om en rollblandning där Kaj Linna inledningsvis framställts som gärningsman och slutligen som offer. I liknande resningsmål kan det tänkas bli aktuellt med en omvridning av det kriminologiska begreppet victim-turned-offender till offender-turned-victim. Det får dock inte förglömmas att resning är ett extraordinärt rättsmedel som, i Sverige, används med stor restriktivitet. Resultatet av studien visar emellertid att en rollblandning av gärningsman och offer är möjlig i båda riktningarna, vilket också är ett utvecklingsbart och högst relevant framtida forskningsområde.
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Domestic Violence Shelter Policies Across the State of FloridaNickell, Kyra 01 May 2015 (has links)
Domestic violence shelters can vary greatly in the services available to victims and their families. The funding shelters receive can impact the shelter’s ability to provide specialized services. Since the availability of services might vary from shelter to shelter, victims can have different experiences based on their location. This cross-sectional study contacted representatives from nine shelters in the State of Florida and asked the representatives nine questions about the services which are available at their respective shelter. The findings from this research show that these nine shelters offer a greater number of services than the study expected. However, there is still a need to better fund domestic violence shelters so that these services can be available to every victim, no matter where the victim resides.
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Narrative Communication: How Sending and Receiving Impact Statements on Past Ingroup Suffering Influences Conflict AttitudesBurrows, Brooke 20 October 2021 (has links)
In the aftermath of mass violence or harm perpetrated against one group by another, commemoration or memorialization processes held by the victim group are often a space in which narratives of impact and suffering are expressed and shared. While there may be no formal or direct calls for justice or policy during these commemoration processes, prior research indicates that such public forums, ranging from truth commissions to museum exhibits, may have diverse impacts on individual emotions as well as attitudes towards the broader conflict implicated (Humphrey, 2000; Reeves & Heath-Kelly, 2020). The current work proposes a closer examination of such intragroup commemoration processes for reflecting and sharing statements of ingroup suffering, specifically examining the possibility that intragroup communication of victim narratives can lead to a range of conflict perpetuating and conflict resolution attitudes, dependent on the type of narrative communication and subsequently evoked emotions. Across three studies, the research explores how sending and receiving ingroup victim narratives across both private and public contexts can lead to divergent emotional experiences, and thus divergent outcomes for intergroup conflict related attitudes. Study 1, a quasi-experiment found that the relationship between feelings of empowerment and peaceful conflict resolution attitudes was strengthened for Americans who reflected on the impact of 9/11 during its commemoration day in contrast to a non-commemorative day, just as the association of meaning derived from conflict with conflict perpetuating attitudes was also strengthened. Study 2 experimentally manipulated the public process of sending narrative communication, in contrast to private reflection, and demonstrated that the public context significantly increased both feelings of empowerment and meaning derived from conflict and replicated the downstream impacts on conflict attitudes of Study 1. Finally, Study 3 extended these findings by adding a receiving component to the narrative communication, which resulted in higher levels of ingroup identity, as well as lower levels of peaceful conflict resolution support. Together, these three studies help to illustrate the complexity of both the psychological processes and resultant conflict attitudes that can arise from communicating narratives of ingroup suffering.
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No description available.
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Systemic Anti-Black Violence in Indiana: A Digital Public History Wikipedia ProjectHellmich, Madeline Mae 07 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The most recent racial justice movement that emerged in the United States beginning in the summer of 2020 in response to the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd laid bare the overdue need to revisit white America’s legacy of racist violence against its Black citizens. Historians can help bridge the gap between past and present and urge more Americans to identify and confront racial violence. As a born-and-raised Hoosier, I wanted to contribute to social change and racial justice at home. The historical silence on the history of racist violence in Indiana supports the myth that Indiana was a free state where Black citizens found refuge from the racist violence they experienced in the South; thousands of primary source newspapers containing details of white perpetrators lynching and violently attacking Black Hoosiers refute this myth. This paper identifies white perpetrators’ acts of anti-Black violence and Black Hoosiers resistance to anti-Black violence throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This analysis of racial violence in Indiana shows that white perpetrators employed violence in defense of white supremacy and that Black Hoosiers resisted anti-Black violence and white supremacy. The record indicates that racial terrorism has been embedded in the fabric of Indiana since its founding. Grassroots efforts, such as the Facing Injustice Project’s work to acknowledge the 1901 lynching of George Ward in Terre Haute, Indiana, are starting to recognize the harm white Hoosiers did to Black Hoosiers and bring repair to victims’ descendants and communities. More public history projects are needed to engage all Hoosiers in reckoning with the history of anti-Black violence. Activists and organizations have shown that Wikipedia is one digital institution where anyone can do the work of rooting out inequalities and injustices. This digital public history Wikipedia project challenges the historical silence on Indiana’s racially violent past by telling the truth about the history on one of the most-visited websites in the world. Using Wikipedia to do public history invites Hoosiers of all backgrounds to take up the work of acknowledging Indiana’s history of anti-Black violence, updating the historic record, and reevaluating the narrative constantly.
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Analyzing Media Representations of Rape Investigations and Interrogating the Representation of Victim Blaming and Rape Myths: A Feminist Rhetorical Critique on the Netflix Limited Series UnbelievableHutchison, Kelly N. 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The problematic portrayals of rape investigations in televised media reify a culture ofvictim blaming and perpetuate an ideology that is harmful to victims and survivors. This thesis utilizes a feminist rhetorical critique to analyze the gender and socioeconomic representations of rape victims and rape investigators, in the Netflix limit series Unbelievable, to understand the problems in their portrayals. In a world where individuals are consuming media constantly, it is important to be critical of media representations because even seemingly progressive media representations may perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
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Exploring Female Involvement in Criminal Gang Environments: Motivations, Consequences, and Preventive Strategies : Perspectives and Recommendations from Field ProfessionalsGrundtvig, Olivia Cecilie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis delves into the complex dynamics of female involvement in criminal gang environments. These females can be divided into two groups: insiders, who are introduced to the environment through close acquaintances, and outsiders, who do not have close relationships within the environment. Through qualitative interviews with key informants from Danish law enforcement and municipalities, this thesis addresses the females’ motivation to engage with gang members as well as the potential consequences of these relationships. This thesis also examines the challenges field professionals face when engaging with these females, as well as which preventive initiatives could be implemented in Western Copenhagen. The findings from this thesis revealed that females are motivated to engage in relationships with criminals due to various factors, encompassing the desire for status, protection, and financial or material gain. A potential consequence of these relationships is the risk of becoming a victim of either psychological, physical, or sexual abuse. Conversely, another potential consequence of such relationships is the pressure or temptation to participate in crime, thereby becoming an offender themselves. In certain cases, there will thus be a victim-offender overlap.There is a notable lack of attention towards females involved in gang environments in the preventive work in Western Copenhagen. Additionally, there is currently no unified approach when working with these females. As a result, professionals encounter various challenges when working with females involved with gang members. It is thus important to increase awareness about this issue and implement early preventive strategies tailored to females in Western Copenhagen. Finally, this thesis finds that when field professionals engage with these females, it is crucial to maintain a holistic approach, considering the diverse motivations and consequences the females encounter.
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