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När du är som svagast och ligger ner för räkning, måste du vara som starkast för att klara ut ALLT : En kvalitativ studie om stöd för anhöriga till våldsdödadeBennett, Bianca, Karlsson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the support provided to people bereaved by homicide through semi structured interviews. Furthermore the purpose was to examine if support was lacking and how it can develop. Nine people of ages 20 to 65 was interviewed, who had all lost a relative to homicide. The interviews were coded based on a qualitative content analysis which resulted in the main categories information, competence, practical support, emotional support and justice. The categories where analyzed in relations to the theory about the ideal victim and the concepts social support and secondary victimization. Several aspects of support was found to be lacking, of which the most relevant was found to be lack of information. Conclusions were drawn in regards to development of support, which included a proposal of making a handbook with information regarding the criminal justice system and how and where bereaved can apply for support. Furthermore, a proposal was made to provide the bereaved with a coordinator for support in practical matters, and to put the bereaved in contact with competent health care professionals.
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Hot och våld mot ambulanspersonal : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ambulanspersonal och deras roll som offer samt utsatthet för brott under arbetstid / Threat and violence against paramedics : A qualitative interview study about paramedics and their exposure to crime during their workMelin, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ambulanspersonal upplever sin utsatthet för brott vid utryckning. Den undersökningsmetod som användes var halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Huvudresultat i studien var att de som intervjuades uppgav att de blivit utsatta för brott i form av hot om våld samt fysiskt våld, men att de inte upplever eller pratar om sig själva som offer, men de uppfyller delvis kraven för att kunna ses som ett idealiskt offer samt att de normaliserar sin utsatthet. Ett annat resultat visar att ambulanspersonalen anser att personuppgiftslagen hämmar dem i deras arbete när det kommer till säkerhet. Under intervjuerna framkom det att personuppgiftslagen påverkar deras känsla av trygghet på ett negativt sätt då de inte har all viktig information om personen de åker till. Det framkommer också att ambulanspersonalen värdesätter samarbetet med polis och att de behöver mer resurser. Studiens viktigaste slutsats är att ambulanspersonalen blir utsatta för hot och våld och att det är ett problem, men att de normaliserar sina upplevelser och inte pratar om sig som offer. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how paramedics experience their exposure to crimes during work, but also their thoughts about victim. The method of investigation used was semi structured interviews. The main result of the study was that the paramedics was subjected to crimes in forms of threats of violence and physical harm, but they do not see themselves as victims and they also normalize their vulnerability. Another result is that the personal data act prevents the paramedics in their work regarding their safety. During the interviews, it emerged that it effects their sense of security in a negative way since they do not have all the information about the person that they are about to assist. They also value the cooperation that they have with the police. The main findings of the study were that paramedics gets exposed to threats and violence and that this is a problem, although they normalize their experience and do not talk about themselves in terms of victims.
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Pomoc obětem trestných činů / Assistance to Victims of CrimePacáková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the assistance to crime victims, mostly in terms of Czech legislation, its compliance with the European legislation and its application in real life, it does, however, provide historical and theoretical explanation about crime victims. The thesis reflects the legislation, that is in effect at the time. The main aim of the thesis is to offer a comprehensive view on the issue of assistance to victims, to analyse and evaluate the legislation of victims' rights, especially under the Victims of Crime Act, and to assess the benefits of its first major amendment. The last goal of the thesis is to evaluate the current quality of assistance provided to crime victims. The thesis consists of five parts, in addition it also contains an introduction and a conclusion. The first part offers historical and international insight into the assistance of crime victims and details how this field has evolved over the last hundred years. It also places the issue into historical context while analysing international requirements laid down by the Council of Europe, the European Union and the United Nations. Part 2 explains legal terms "victim" and "injured party", providing a comparison of these two terms with a view toward their use in subsequent chapters of this thesis. Part 3 contains theoretical...
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Konstruktionen av offerskap i domstolar : En diskursanalys av samtyckeslagens påverkan på konstruktionen av offerskap / The Construction of Victimhood in Courts : A Discourse Analysis of the Impact of the Swedish Consent-Based Sexual Offence Legislation on the Construction of VictimhoodBruno, Ebba, Björkman Jones, Moa, Brännman, Emma January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks om samtyckeslagen från den 1 juli 2018 har haft en påverkan på domstolsaktörers konstruktion av offerskap, utifrån frågeställningen “Hur konstrueras offerskap av domstolsaktörer i våldtäktsmål före respektive efter införandet av samtyckeslagen?”. Konstruktionen av offerskap undersöks genom att analysera 20 domar i våldtäktsmål från Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från teori kring offerskap och feminism i kombination med forskning om faktorer som kan påverka synen på, och bedömningen av, offerskap. Studiens analysmetod utgår från Foucaults teori om diskurs och makt. Mer specifikt hur diskursen fungerar som utestängningsmekanismer genom stigmatisering men också skapar acceptans genom legitimering. Detta har analyserats genom att se på vad som explicit uttalas samt på vad som implicit underförstås i domarna. Resultatet visar att offerskap konstrueras kring fem diskurser, som inte bör förstås som åtskilda utan istället som sammanlänkade och dynamiska. Studien synliggör vidare ett diskursivt skifte från en våldsdiskurs innan samtyckeslagen till en nyansering av offerskap efter samtyckeslagens införande. Avslutningsvis betonas hur studiens resultat bidrar med ökad kunskap och förståelse kring konstruktionen och bedömningen av offerskap, vilket har potential att minska stigmatisering av våldtäktsoffer och öka deras rättssäkerhet. / This paper examines the impact of the new constent-based sexual offence legislation from 1 July 2018 on the construction of victimhood in rape trials in Sweden, based on the research question ”How is, and was, victimhood constructed by court members before and after the implementation of the new consent-based sexual offence legislation?”. With the aim of researching how victimhood is constructed, 20 rape trials from the Court of Appeal of Skåne and Blekinge are analysed. The theoretical framework draws upon theories of victimhood and feminism, in combination with research into factors that influence the perception of victimhood. The study’s analysis method is based upon Foucault's theory of discourse and power. More specifically, how discourses work as exclusion mechanisms through stigmatisation but also create acceptance through legitimisation. This has been analysed by looking at what is explicitly stated and implicitly implied in the verdicts. The study shows that victimhood is constructed around five discourses, which should not be seen mutually exclusive but rather as dynamic and interlinked. The study highlights a discursive shift away from a discourse on violence towards a nuanced view of victimhood after the implementation of the new legislation. The study concludes by considering how the result can contribute to an increased understanding of victim constructions and judgements, which has the potential to decrease rape victim stigmatisation and strengthen their legal rights.
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Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En innehållsanalys av domar före och efter straffskärpningsgrunden den 1 juli 2020 / Honour-related violence and oppression : A qualitative content analysis of sentences before and after the increased penalty the 1st of July 2020Antonsson, Lisa, Hatheyer, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
1 juli 2020 trädde en ny straffskärpningsgrund i laga kraft, som innebar att hedersmotiv ska utgöra en försvårande omständighet. Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka skillnaden mellan hur tingsrätten och åklagaren motiverar och argumenterar kring hedersmotivet i sex utvalda domar, innan och efter straffskärpningsgrunden. Vi valde att göra en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av dessa domar och valde ut materialet med hjälp av ett kriteriestyrt urval. De teorier vi valde att utgå från var det ideala offret och kulturkriminologi. Vår analys av domarna resulterade i ett flertal mönster, som exempelvis: kontrollbehov hos gärningspersonen och övervåld. Vi drog slutsatsen att både tingsrätten och åklagaren redan innan straffskärpningsgrunden tillkom tog hänsyn till hedersmotivet, på så sätt att man ansåg att brottet var särskilt hänsynslöst. / On the 1st of July 2020 a new increase in the severity of a penalty gained legal effect. This means that a crime where the motive is honour-related is supposed to be seen as an aggravating circumstance. The purpose with our study is to examine the difference between how the court and prosecutor motivates and argue around the motive before and after the increased penalty.The method we chose was a qualitative content analysis and we chose the sentences with a criteria-driven selection. The theories that we chose were the ideal victim and cultural criminology. Our analysis resulted in a few patterns: need of control from the perpetrator and assault. Our conclusion is that both the court and the prosecutor before the increased penalty took the honour-related motive into account because they saw the crime as especially ruthless.
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Možnosti ochrany před domácím násilím / Protective options against domestic violencePrůcha, Václav January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Protective options against domestic violence" deals with one of the serious problems of the current populations, which is domestic violence. The work is focused on one slice of the problem, namely to address the protection of victims of domestic violence. In this work are described and analyzed the possibility that victims of domestic violence can use to protect themselves. There are also mentioned institutions, which provide protection to victims. The options of protection of the victims of domestic violence were compared with each other and then with the means of protection in neighboring states. The comparison showed that the most effective mean of protection against domestic violence in the Czech Republic is expulsion and that in the Czech Republic, the institute used much less frequently than in neighboring states. The paper also verified the hypothesis that there are links between the numbers of cases of domestic violence, unemployment figures and the number of violent crimes. Comparison showed that these phenomena are closely related. Finally, the proposal was stated to be better protection of victims of domestic violence, namely strengthening the authority of victims of domestic violence in divorce cases.
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Pastorační péče o oběti trestných činů / Pastoral care for crime victimsSkalický, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
First of all, this diploma thesis called Pastoral Care about Victims of Criminal Offence briefly purveys basics of criminal law. These handle the topic of victims of criminal offence. Secondly, this work deals with victims themselves. There are also explained chosen terms from this field particularly victimisation and post-traumatic stress disorder Thirdly, there are not only described psychological impacts of crime onto victims, but also system of psychological, social and juridical help for these victims. Moreover, after outlining possibilities of pastoral work in current society, there is given a description of integration of pastoral care about victims of crimes into pastoral field. Particularly, this pastoral work helps victims with their difficulties and suffering. By using appropriate pastoral means, pastoral work is aimed at overcoming difficult life situations with dignity. Very important is co- operation with state and non-profit organisations, which also offer help to victims of crimes Last but not least, in this thesis are described possibilities of pastoral care for victims of chosen crimes and for more vulnerable victims as children, elderly people and relatives of crime victims.
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Behov och bemötande - den sexuellt våldsutsatta kvinnans upplevelse av vården efter övergrepp : en litteraturöversiktAxelsson, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Sexuellt våld är ett utbrett samhällsproblem med kort- och långsiktiga effekter på både den fysiska och psykiska hälsan. Hälsokonsekvenserna är många men innefattar bland annat depression, trauma, oönskad graviditet och sexuellt överförbara infektioner. Sjukvårdspersonal har en betydande roll, dock är ofta kunskap och erfarenhet för att identifiera och bemöta sexuellt utsatta kvinnor bristfälliga. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva hur den sexuellt våldsutsatta kvinnan upplever vårdmötet med vårdpersonal samt vad hon har för vårdbehov efter övergrepp. Metod I denna icke-systematiska litteraturöversikt ingår 19 vetenskapliga originalartiklar av både kvantitiv och kvalitativ design. De har hämtats från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL, genom ett flertal sökordskombinationer. Artiklarna har kvalitetsgranskas utifrån Sophiahemmets Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. De har sedan analyserats med stöd av en integrerad analys. Resultat Viktiga aspekter i vårdpersonalens bemötande med sexuellt våldsutsatta kvinnor, för att främja läkning, är respekt, integritet, bekräftelse och att värna kvinnans självbestämmande. Sexuellt våldsutsatta kvinnor sårbarhet i vården relaterar till normer och lagar, samt hur hon förhåller sig till förövaren. Det finns behov av specialiserad vård. Resultatet är indelat i tre huvudkategorier, nämligen Upplevelsen av att söka och få vård, Den sexuellt drabbade kvinnans sårbarhet i vården och Behov att bli tagen på allvar. Slutsats Resultatet visar att vårdpersonal har en betydande roll för att främja läkning när de möter sexuellt våldsutsatta i vården. Positiva upplevelser kan lägga ett fundament till återhämtning samtidigt som negativa upplevelser istället kan leda till återupplevelse av trauma samt fördröjd eller utebliven vård. Bemötandet i vården kräver närvaro och känslighet för att vården ska upplevas respektfull och medkännande. Resultatet visar också att sexuellt våldsutsatta kvinnor efterfrågar, och har övervägande positiva upplever av, specialiserad vård. / Background Sexual violence is a common problem in today’s society followed by physical and psychological health effects both short- and long term. The health consequences are many but include depression, trauma, unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Healthcare professionals play a significant role, however, they often lack the knowledge and experience to identify and respond to sexually vulnerable women. Aim The purpose of this study was to describe how the sexually abused woman experiences the encounter with health professionals and her care needs following abuse. Method This non-systematic literature review includes 19 original scientific articles of both quantitative and qualitative design. These have been retrieved from the databases PubMed and CINAHL, by several keyword combinations. All articles have been quality reviewed on the basis of Sophiahemmet University's assessment data. They have been analyzed with an integrated analysis. Result Important aspects of the care staff's interaction with sexually abused women, in order for it to increase healing, are respect, integrity, confirmation and safeguarding the woman's self- determination. Sexually abused women are particularly vulnerable because of aspects regarding norms and lawsystems, as well as how she relates to the perpetrator. There is a need for specialized care. The results are divided into three main categories, namely The experience of seeking and receiving care, The sexually abused woman's vulnerability in health care and The need to be taken seriously. Conclusion The results show that healthcare professionals have a significant role in facilitating healing when encountering sexually abused people in healthcare. Positive experiences can lay a foundation for recovery at the same time as negative experiences can lead to revictimization as well as delayed or absent care. The interaction requires presence and sensitivity for the care to be experienced as respectful and compassionate. The results also show that sexually abused women demand, and have positive experiences of, specialized care.
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Trans-forming women's shelters: making transition houses safe and accessible for trans womenTemmel, Nicola 25 August 2020 (has links)
For over two decades, the inclusion of trans women in women’s spaces and organizations such as transition houses has been discussed and debated by women-only organizations, feminists, trans activists, and the broader public. Drawing on an interpretive description approach, my research examines the experiences of transition house counsellors (“counsellors”) who have worked with trans women accessing residential support.
My research topic and questions emerged from my experience as a counsellor and are informed by a desire to better meet the needs of trans women affected by intimate partner violence (“IPV”), and to help fill gaps in available research, information, and practical resources to help service providers meet the needs of trans women affected by IPV. Specifically, my research questions are: (1) what challenges, opportunities, and insights do counsellors experience when working with trans women clients, and (2) how do counsellors adjust and adapt their practices in response to these challenges, opportunities, and insights when working with trans women accessing transition house support?
Using purposive sampling, I recruited nine counsellors who have worked with trans women accessing transition house support. Data collection involved semi-structured in-depth-interviews of these participants to gain an understanding of their experiences and perspectives related to working with trans women accessing transition house support. Consistent with an interpretive description approach to research, I analyzed my data by drawing on both my experience as a counsellor and through thematic qualitative analysis.
My research finds that participants unanimously supported the inclusion of trans women in transition house settings. While the majority of participants emphatically stated that they did not respond to trans women any differently than they did to cis women, my findings show that how participants responded to trans women was informed by how well they perceived a trans client’s gender expression to match her gender identity. As such, my analysis reveals that participants’ responses to trans women was mediated by their unconscious adoption of a broader dominant heteronormative cisgenderist IPV framework that operates at both an individual and institutional level. My research therefore highlights some of the limitations that affect trans women accessing transition house support when counsellors and organizations respond to IPV through a heteronormative cisgenderist framework. / Graduate
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Motivations to Return to a Gang After Severe Physical VictimizationVlaszof, Nora 01 January 2017 (has links)
Gang violence is a social concern because of the risks of victimization among gang members and their communities. Many gang members have been victims of gang violence, and some choose to remain involved with their gang even after being victimized. Researchers have explored why people join gangs, but less is known regarding the gang-victimization link, which is the focus of this study. Social bond theory guided the study's research question on the motivation of gang members to rejoin their gang after severe physical victimization. A multiple case study design was employed with a purposeful sample of six English-speaking men, ages 20-50 years, who identified as current or former gang members and who experienced severe physical victimization in the gang. Semistructured interviews were conducted to gain a better understanding of study participants' motivation for returning to their gangs after severe physical victimization. Thematic content analysis was employed to identify patterns and emerging themes in the data. Key findings were that behaviors and beliefs of gang violence victims are similar to those of domestic violence victims, and the importance of the bond among members is greater than the importance of the victimization. The study findings and implications are far reaching as this knowledge can serve as the staging point for interventions by social work practitioners, policy makers, and activists as they seek to develop effective programs for gang members. Study results contribute to positive social change by providing a better understanding of gang members' thinking and motivation and helping to inform efforts to discourage gang members from returning to gang life.
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