Spelling suggestions: "subject:"victimization""
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Le lien maternel à l'épreuve de la victimisation : impact des perceptions du rôle de mère des femmes victimes de violence conjugale sur leur lien à l’enfantTanguy, Adélaïde 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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A socio- educative analysis of aggressive behaviour displayed by adolescent girlsGouws, Cheryl 06 1900 (has links)
The successful social development of adolescent girls is dependent on the
acquisition of the skills required to face the challenges of adult life. Young
girls are faced with the problem of a growing aggressive behaviour displayed
by the girls who are supposedly their friends. This aggressive behaviour may
negatively affect social, psychological or emotional development, possibly
resulting in long term social adjustment problems.
This investigation identifies the types and causes of aggressive behaviour
displayed by adolescent girls, with the intention of ultimately identifying
strategies to address aggressive behaviour. The implementation of a schoolbased
approach, including all sectors involved in the education of the child in
a whole-school programme to address aggressive behaviour, is recommended.
Including all parties, firmly committed to addressing aggressive behaviour
from a preventative perspective, may result in reducing aggressive behaviour
and possibly provide adolescent girls with the coping skills required for
successful social development. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Socio-Education)
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Le processus d'adhésion aux citoyens souverains : une étude exploratoire du phénomène au QuébecLavigne-Desnoyers, Gabrielle 12 1900 (has links)
Il est difficile de définir le groupe des citoyens souverains car il a été très peu étudié. Selon les sources, il s’agit d’un groupe terroriste, d’un groupe sectaire ou d’un mouvement radical. La Gendarmerie royale du Canada, les tribunaux et certains services fédéraux et provinciaux prennent des mesures pour contrer l’impact des actions criminelles qu’ils commettent. Pour sa part, le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS) n’identifie pas ce groupe comme une entité terroriste. L’objectif de ce mémoire n’est pas de définir le groupe des citoyens souverains, mais plutôt de comprendre le processus d’adhésion à ce groupe au Québec. À l’aide de la théorie de l’action situationnelle, il démontre les étapes de la création d’un filtre moral chez les adhérents au mouvement. Par induction analytique à partir de témoignages de membres du groupe, il présente les conditions nécessaires à l’adhésion aux citoyens souverains. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve la victimisation et l’exposition sélective aux théories du complot. Ce mémoire est la première étude qui sonde le point de vue des adhérents pour permettre de comprendre comment ils en viennent à commettre des gestes illégaux qu’eux considèrent légitimes. / Groups of sovereign citizens are hard to define since they are the subject of very few studies. According to sources, they are terrorist groups or sectarian groups or they are part of a radical movement. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, courts and some federal and provincial departments and agencies are taking measures to offset the impact of criminal actions they commit. As for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), it does not consider these groups as terrorist entities. The purpose of this thesis is not to define these groups per se, but rather to understand the enrolment process for Quebec sovereign citizens. Through situational action theory, it shows the various steps involved in the creation of a moral filter by this movement’s members. By analytic induction based on testimonies of group members, it shows the prerequisites for enrolling in the sovereign citizen movement – such as victimization and selective exposure to conspiracy theories. This thesis is the first study to poll the views of these members in order to understand how they get to commit illegal acts that they consider to be totally legitimate.
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Exploring the nature of oppression as experienced by people with learning disabilitiesJeyacheya, D. Z. January 2015 (has links)
Aim: The principal aim of this qualitative research study is to gain a clearer understanding of oppression as experienced by People with Learning Disabilities (PWLD). In particular, this study investigated: 1) the nature of oppression - the typical kinds of oppression PWLD face during the course of their everyday lives; 2) the causes of their oppressive experiences: 3) the impact these oppressive experiences can have on their quality of life; and 4) their reaction - the strategies PWLD employ to prevent further oppression. Rationale: Despite policies of deinstitutionalisation since the 1980s, many PWLD have not found social integration easy and continue to endure oppressive experiences in community-based settings. The nature/extent of this social problem has often been overlooked by researchers and practitioners. Methods: This research was conducted using interpretive phenomenology as a methodology; an approach which influenced the study’s design, method of data collection and strategy for analysing the rich qualitative findings. Semi-structured interviews were carried out across two sample populations; a group of PWLD (N=11) and a group of community-based practitioners/carers (N=11). The participants were selected through purposive sampling and the qualitative data was analysed using a specific Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) process. Findings: PWLD remain a deeply oppressed social group. Respondents reported experiencing multiple forms of oppression, which seem to interact in complex ways and be present throughout the course of their lives. The two key super-ordinate themes (most dominant forms of oppression experienced by PWLD) emerging from the process of IPA appear to be: 1) The life-long effects of marginalisation (social exclusion, powerlessness and existing as a socio-economic underclass) and 2) Multiple forms of victimisation (coping with exploitation, intimidation and abuse, both overt and subtle, from the public, family members and at times practitioners). Respondents believe that the underlying cause of their oppressive experiences is society’s negative perception. Negative attitudes and beliefs arise from oppressive social forces such as: the use of diagnostic labels, segregated special needs education and limited opportunities for employment. These are experiences which respondents assert often do little more than spoil their social identity as human beings. Conclusion: The findings confirm that PWLD living in the community continue to encounter negative social experiences which are pervasive. This research attempts to draw together and make sense of these experiences in terms of the concept of oppression. Through gaining a clearer understanding of the marginalised and victimised status of PWLD policy makers will be more informed about how to respond to their social and economic needs, and in turn help alleviate their experiences of oppression.
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The role of the victim in the South African system of plea and sentence agreements: a critique of section 105a of the criminal procedure actRodgers, Megan Bronwynne January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Crime victims once played a prominent role in the criminal justice system. Historically, victims who sought to bring their wrongdoers to justice conducted their own investigations and argued their own cases or employed others to do so. As time passed, a distinction was drawn between offences against the social order and disputes between individuals. Crime control became a function of government and the state increased its responsibility for the investigation and punishment of criminal conduct. Gradually, the victim was removed from the proceedings and relegated to serving as a witness for the state. The assumption was that the state, whilst representing the interests of society, would represent the interests of the victim also. This fallacy provided the foundation for a criminal justice which, until recently, encourage victim exclusion. In recent years, there has been a clear trend towards re-introducing the right of victims to participate in the criminal justice process. This international trend has been labelled the „return of the victim‟. In South Africa, the Constitution and, in particular, the Bill of Rights contained therein underscore the move towards procedural rights for victims of crime. Moreover, the South African government has taken significant legislative steps to ensure that victims have formal rights in criminal justice proceedings. However, to date, comparatively little attention has been paid to the question of whether or not victims should be allowed a meaningful role in the process of plea and sentence negotiations. One of the aims of this study is to determine whether victims‟ rights are properly understood, defined and implemented within the criminal justice system. In particular, this study aims to clarify the rights of victims who find themselves affiliated with a specific stage of criminal prosecution, namely, negotiated justice.
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Volwasse kinders as sekondêre slagoffers van 'n ouer wat selfmoord gepleeg het (Afrikaans)Buys, Irma 09 September 2003 (has links)
The indirect victim's experience of suicide and the victimisation resulting from the incident was studied. The Indirect Victim's Experience Model of a Suicide Incident (see Figure 2.1) was designed as a theoretical framework to direct the research findings and for the interpretation of data. A qualitative exploratory approach was used and a group of 20 respondents was selected by means of purposive and snowball sampling methods. All the respondents were interviewed personally. The interpretation and analysis of the data showed that the assumptions based on Janoff-Bulman and Frieze's theory and certain societal myths regarding suicide still exist. These assumptions and myths could subconsciously have an influence on the nature and extent of the victimisation experienced by the next of kin. The respondents themselves accepted these assumptions and myths. Research findings further showed that these assumptions are affected upon receiving the news of the suicide, while myths are destroyed. This could have an influence on the victim's experience of suicide. Every indirect victim functions before, during and after the suicide incident within a specific family and social system. The way in which the indirect victim experiences the support and integration from within the family and social system, determines the acceptance or non-acceptance of the death by suicide of a significant other. This will also have an influence on the indirect victim's reintegration into society in the short and long term. The need of the indirect victim to be involved within a family and society was clearly identified during the study. These findings made it possible to make practical recommendations with regard to the indirect victim's experience of suicide. Society should be informed about the realities and results of suicide. In addition, these findings highlighted further areas for research. / Thesis (MA (Criminology))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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The perceptual thinking processes of victims of repetitive armed robberies in the workplace : a Rorschach studyE'Silva, Julie D M 02 December 2005 (has links)
The current study describes the impact of trauma on the perceptual thinking processes of participants who have sustained repeated criminal victimisation in South Africa. Fifteen adult males, (mean age 40.73 years) participated voluntarily in this descriptive study. The Rorschach Inkblot Method (RIM) is the psychometric instrument used to describe the participants and Exner’s Comprehensive System (CS) is the method of interpretation employed. The Perceptual Thinking Index (PTI) is the cluster of variables selected to describe each participant’s level of reality testing and perceptual functioning. Together with this, the D and Adjusted D Score variables are discussed to describe the participants’ overall and current coping capacities. From the research findings yielded in this study, it appears that the majority of these participants (73%) can be described as experiencing problems in terms of their perceptual thinking processes. They are also unable to appropriately engage in accurate reality testing. The results of the research study may serve as an incentive for further studies of this nature as according to the RIM, participants with this level of impaired reality testing generally present with psychotic features. However, these research results were found in participants who present with an absence of a psychotic or any schizophrenic type disorder diagnoses. Other researchers who used the RIM to assess trauma victims have found results similar to this. Furthermore, participants who present with this level of impaired reality testing, generally experience severe problems in coping with basic psychological aspects of daily functioning. This however, does not appear to be the case with this sample group, which was one of the motivating factors for conducting this research. A concluding suggestion is made for possible research into investigating how, and at what expense, other psychological features of functioning are employed, in order to manage in a seemingly well-adaptive manner. / Dissertation (MA (Clinical Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Comportements sexuels problématiques : évaluation d'un modèle conceptuel axé sur les traits d'insensibilité émotionnelleTremblay, Marie-Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Les comportements sexuels problématiques (CSP) chez les enfants représentent une problématique complexe tant sur le plan de la recherche que de l’intervention clinique. L’hétérogénéité des enfants qui présentent des CSP est un défi sur les plans conceptuel et méthodologique. Alors que la recherche sur les facteurs associés aux CSP présentés par les enfants apparaît quelque peu limitée, plusieurs indices laissent supposer une association entre les CSP et les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Ces traits sont caractérisés par un affect superficiel ainsi qu’un manque d’empathie et de remords. Seulement quelques études à ce jour ont exploré cette association et aucune n’a porté spécifiquement sur les enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans. Les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont importants à considérer puisqu’ils sont associés à la gravité des gestes d’agression chez les jeunes et à une résistance accrue à l’intervention. Objectifs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Plus précisément, nous voulons comprendre si et dans quelle mesure les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont associés aux CSP. Nous avons donc proposé un modèle conceptuel adapté qui tient compte des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Méthode. Notre échantillon est constitué de 90 dyades parent-enfant (M âge enfant = 9,1 ans ; É-T = 2,2 ; 36,7% filles) ayant reçu des services de psychothérapie pour leurs CSP au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent entre 2006 et 2010. Les participants ont complété une batterie d’évaluation incluant plusieurs instruments de mesure qui permettent de refléter l’ensemble des dimensions du modèle conceptuel. Un score de traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle a été dérivé à partir de divers instruments mesurant le comportement des enfants. Un modèle de régression linéaire hiérarchique a été élaboré afin d’estimer l’influence des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle, en prenant en compte l’influence des autres variables individuelles et familiales. Résultats. Les résultats ont révélé que les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle ne sont pas associés aux CSP des enfants lorsque leurs comportements extériorisés sont également pris en compte. Par ailleurs, la présence de comportements extériorisés et l’exposition à un cumul d’expériences de victimisation, excluant la victimisation sexuelle, étaient des facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Il n’y avait également pas d’association significative entre la victimisation sexuelle et la variété des CSP. Conclusion. Les résultats appuient en partie le modèle conceptuel proposé. Des recherches reposant sur de plus grands échantillons devraient être effectuées pour mieux comprendre l’association entre les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle et les CSP. Les résultats suggèrent néanmoins que les comportements extériorisés et les expériences de victimisation non sexuelles contribuent davantage à expliquer la variété des CSP chez les enfants référés pour une intervention que la victimisation sexuelle. / Sexual behavior problems (SBP) in children represent a complex issue both in terms of research and clinical intervention. The heterogeneity of children with SBP is a conceptual and methodological challenge. While research on the factors associated with SBP presented by children appears somewhat limited, there is some ground of belief in an association between SBP and callous-unemotional traits (e.g., superficial affect and lack of empathy and remorse). Few studies to date have explored this association, and none has focused specifically on children aged between 6 and 12 years old. These traits are important to consider because they are associated with the severity of aggression behaviors in youth and an increased resistance to intervention. Objectives. The main objective of this Masters’ thesis is to foster our understanding of the factors associated with the variety of SBP. Specifically, we want to understand if and to what extent callous-unemotional traits are associated with SBP. We have therefore proposed an adapted conceptual model that takes into account callous-unemotional traits. Method. Our sample consists of 90 parent-child dyads (M child’s age = 9.1 years ; SD = 2.2 ; 36.7% girls), who received psychotherapy services for SBP at the Marie-Vincent Center between 2006 and 2010. Participants completed an assessment battery including several instruments that reflect all the dimensions of the conceptual model. A score of callous-unemotional traits was derived from various instruments measuring children's behavior. A hierarchical linear regression model was developed to estimate the influence of callous-unemotional traits, taking into account the influence of the individual and family variables. Results. Results revealed that callous-unemotional traits were not associated with children's SBP when their externalized behaviors were taken into account. In addition, the presence of externalized behaviors and exposure to a combination of victimization experiences, excluding sexual victimization, were associated with the variety of SBP. There was also no significant association between sexual victimization and the variety of SBP. Conclusion. The results partially support the proposed conceptual model. Research with larger samples should be done to better understand the influence of callous-unemotional traits on SBP. The results suggest, however, that externalized behaviors and non-sexual victimization experiences are more important in explaining the variety of SBP of children referred for an intervention than sexual victimization.
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Comportements sexuels problématiques chez les enfants : l’influence des transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles et de l’adversité familiale à travers les générations.Bédard, Sarah 01 1900 (has links)
Les comportements sexuels problématiques (CSP) chez les enfants soulèvent questionnements et incompréhension. L’hétérogénéité des profils d’enfants qui manifestent des CSP rend cette problématique complexe au plan de la recherche et de l’intervention clinique. Alors que les recherches révèlent que les CSP des enfants sont grandement influencés par leur environnement familial, certaines pratiques familiales pourraient être liées à différents indices de gravité et de sévérité des comportements sexuels chez les enfants. Ces pratiques concernent les transgressions des frontières sexuelles, physiques et émotionnelles. Seulement quelques études à ce jour ont exploré le lien entre les pratiques parentales inappropriées sur le plan des frontières interpersonnelles et les CSP des enfants âgés de 5 à 13 ans. Très peu d’entre elles se sont réellement penchées sur la provenance du non-respect des frontières interpersonnelles. La recherche révèle que les expériences d’adversité vécues par les parents peuvent exercer une influence importante puisqu’elles peuvent interférer avec la capacité des parents à offrir un environnement familial prévisible, à prodiguer des soins et à le faire dans le respect du développement psychosexuel de leurs enfants. Objectifs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre l’association possible entre les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles au sein du milieu familial et la manifestation de différents niveaux de CSP chez leurs enfants, âgés de 5 à 13 ans. Les CSP sont évalués à partir d’un cumul d’indices de gravité et de sévérité incluant l’étendue, l’intensité, la variété, la persistance et le niveau de coercition. L’objectif secondaire de ce mémoire concerne davantage l’historique des parents et vise à mieux comprendre les facteurs associés aux transgressions des frontières sexuelles, physiques et émotionnelles dans leur environnement familial actuel. L’influence des transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles dans leur l’enfance, la défavorisation socioéconomique, la détresse psychologique du parent et la victimisation sexuelle est ainsi évaluée. Méthode. L’échantillon est constitué de 58 dyades parent-enfant (M âge enfant = 9,36 ans ; É-T = 1,90 ; 74,1 % garçons) bénéficiant d’une évaluation des besoins préalable à une psychothérapie pour les CSP de l’enfant. Des analyses bivariées ont permis de comparer les caractéristiques des enfants exposés à un niveau plus élevé des transgressions des frontières sur le plan sexuel, physique et émotionnel. Un modèle de régression linéaire hiérarchique a permis d’examiner l’influence de différentes caractéristiques mesurées chez les parents sur les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles à la maison. Résultats. Les résultats révèlent que les enfants vivant dans un milieu familial où le niveau des transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles est plus important se distinguent par différents indices de gravité et de sévérité de leurs CSP, des comportements extériorisés plus nombreux ainsi que par un plus grand manque de flexibilité et de stabilité dans leur humeur. Quant aux parents, leur propre exposition aux transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles pendant leur enfance, leur défavorisation socioéconomique et leur niveau de détresse psychologique sont des facteurs associés aux transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles. En contrepartie, il n’y a pas d’association significative entre la victimisation sexuelle des parents et les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles. Conclusion. Les résultats de ce mémoire attestent de la pertinence de prendre en compte les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles pendant l’enfance des parents puisqu’elle peut avoir une incidence, ou se rejouer au sein de la famille actuelle des enfants qui présentent des CSP. Les résultats mettent aussi de l’avant l’importance d’assister les parents d’enfants manifestant des CSP puisqu’ils demeurent les premiers agents de changement pour rétablir un environnement sécurisant et respectueux de l’intimité de chacun sur tous les plans. Les dynamiques familiales étant complexes, cette étude soutient l’apport d’un instrument de mesure permettant d’aborder dès l’évaluation un aspect important, mais peu étudié de ces dynamiques relationnelles qu’on observe souvent dans les familles d’enfants présentant des CSP, celui du respect des frontières. / Problematic sexual behaviours (PSBs) in children are often misunderstood and raise many questions. Children with PSB constitute a particularly heterogenous population, which challenges research as well the elaboration of tailored clinical interventions. While research shows that children's PSBs are greatly influenced by their family environment, some family practises may be linked to various indices of PSB gravity and severity. These practices include the transgression of sexual, physical and emotional boundaries. Only a few studies have explored the link between inappropriate parental practices, and even fewer have addressed the origins of such practices. The adverse experiences of the parents are important to consider since they can influence the parent’s general ability to provide appropriate care for their children and can potentially influence children’s’ psychosexual development and behaviours. Objectives. The general objective of this study is to better understand the possible association between the transgression of interpersonal boundaries of the family and the manifestation of different levels of PSBs in their children aged 6 to 12 years old, as assessed with a compute of severity indices including the extent, intensity, variety, persistence and level of coercion of PSB. The secondary objective of this study concerns the past and current life experiences of the parents, and aims to better understand the factors associated with the transgressions of sexual, physical and emotional boundaries in their present family environment. Factors assessed in parents include the influence of the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries in their childhood, indices of their present socioeconomic deprivation and their level of psychological distress. Method. The sample consists of 58 parent-child dyads (M child’s age = 9.36 years; SD = 1.90; 74.1% boys) recruited in the context of a needs assessment prior to psychotherapy for children with PSBs. Bivariate analyses made it possible to compare the characteristics of children exposed to a higher level of transgressions of sexual, physical and emotional boundaries. A hierarchical linear regression model allowed to estimate the influence of various characteristics of the parent with the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries at home. Results. The results revealed that the children living in a family environment where the transgression of interpersonal boundaries was more significant were differentiated by a higher severity compute score of PSB, more externalized behaviours as well as a greater lack of flexibility and stability in their mood. As for the parents, their own exposure to transgressions of interpersonal boundaries in their childhood, socioeconomic deprivation and psychological distress and are all factors associated with the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries. On the other hand, there’s no significant association between the sexual victimization of the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries. Conclusion. The results of this study demonstrate the relevance of taking into account the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries since they can have an impact of replay within the current family of children with PBSs. The results highlight the importance of taking charge of the parents of children manifesting PSBs since they remain the primary agents of change. Their influence should be taken into account in a model of parent-child interactions that would better represent the complex dynamics of families. Assessing parents' individual variables and several environmental factors may help to better understand intrusive parenting practises as well as violence perpetrated across generations.
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"Staying Alive" while "Living the Life" : conceptualizations of risk among homeless youthMacDonald, Sue-Ann 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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