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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I bemötandet kan ett erkännande uppstå : En kvalitativ studie över kvinnojourspersonals erfarenheter av rättsprocessens påverkan på våldsutsatta kvinnor / Recognition through reception

Brandel Ericsdotter, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Socialt arbete har en viktig roll i att förstå utsattheten och effekterna av mäns våld mot kvinnor. För att klara av att stötta kvinnor som har drabbats av våldet är kunskap om rättsprocessen ett viktigt verktyg. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka kvinnojourspersonals erfarenheter av rättsprocessens påverkan på våldsutsatta kvinnor. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats med tematisk analys av de intervjuer som genomförts med personalen. Det sociala arbetets perspektiv på rättsprocessen har synliggjort vad som behövs för att ge våldsutsatta kvinnor som genomgår en rättsprocess det stöd de är i behov av och har rätt till. Resultatet visar att bemötandet från professioner inom rättsväsendet kan bidra till det erkännande som krävs för att stärka kvinnans självbild, vilket i förlängningen kan hjälpa henne att frigöra sig från våldets konsekvenser och medverka till en förändring av sin situation. Samtidigt kan ett bemötande som missaktar riskera en försämring av kvinnans självbild, vilket hindrar möjligheten till trygghet och självaktning som kan få konsekvensen av att det blir svårare att ta sig ur våldet. Erkännandet eller uteblivandet av detsamma, påverkar därför kvinnans syn på sig själv både som individ och som medlem i ett samhälle. Det faktum att kvinnans mest privata blir offentligt när en rättsprocess drar igång kan leda till både erkännande och missaktning beroende på vilket bemötande som uppstår. Studien ger en fördjupad förståelse av bemötandets påverkan på våldsutsatta kvinnor som genomgår en rättsprocess.

Die aard en impak van psigologiese geweld op sekondêreskool-onderwysers : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Nehemiah Phooko

Phooko, Nehemiah January 2014 (has links)
Psychological violence is mistreatment that is severe enough to influence the target person's health, to destroy his work or total career and overstrain his relationship with his family or friends. The impact of psychological violence has compelled many a company and organization to introduce policy to stop the serious consequences thereof. It seems not to be the case in the South African education. The mixed method research design was used in this study to investigate the nature and impact of psychological violence on the health of secondary school educators in the Free State. Strategies were proposed to reduce educators' experiences of psychological violence and the impact thereof on their health. Two measuring instruments were used in this study to collect the quantitative data, namely the Revised Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) and the Symptoms Checklist. Both these measuring instruments were distributed amongst 727 secondary school educators at 82 schools in the five education districts of the Free State. The qualitative data collection was done with 32 educators. The sources of psychological violence, likewise in the literature, are management, learners and parents. Psychological violence often causes enormous stress and it leads to a situation where educators feel depressed and traumatised. The general aim of this study is to invsetigate the nature and impact of psychological violence on secondary school educators in the Free State. Some of the findings in this study are that there are not differences between men and women with regard to exposure to psychological violence; older educators experience more exposure to psychological violence; teaching experience, qualifications and ethnicity are indeed determining factors with regard to exposure. It is also possible, as appears from the findings, that here a minority group is exposed more to psychological violence. The results of both data sets, quantitative and qualitative, are mutually confirming. It was found in this study that secondary school educators indeed experience psychological violence. The assumption is that the findings of this study will help to strengthen information that will be useful for the enhancement of educator health at schools. / PhD (Educational Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die aard en impak van psigologiese geweld op sekondêreskool-onderwysers : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Nehemiah Phooko

Phooko, Nehemiah January 2014 (has links)
Psychological violence is mistreatment that is severe enough to influence the target person's health, to destroy his work or total career and overstrain his relationship with his family or friends. The impact of psychological violence has compelled many a company and organization to introduce policy to stop the serious consequences thereof. It seems not to be the case in the South African education. The mixed method research design was used in this study to investigate the nature and impact of psychological violence on the health of secondary school educators in the Free State. Strategies were proposed to reduce educators' experiences of psychological violence and the impact thereof on their health. Two measuring instruments were used in this study to collect the quantitative data, namely the Revised Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) and the Symptoms Checklist. Both these measuring instruments were distributed amongst 727 secondary school educators at 82 schools in the five education districts of the Free State. The qualitative data collection was done with 32 educators. The sources of psychological violence, likewise in the literature, are management, learners and parents. Psychological violence often causes enormous stress and it leads to a situation where educators feel depressed and traumatised. The general aim of this study is to invsetigate the nature and impact of psychological violence on secondary school educators in the Free State. Some of the findings in this study are that there are not differences between men and women with regard to exposure to psychological violence; older educators experience more exposure to psychological violence; teaching experience, qualifications and ethnicity are indeed determining factors with regard to exposure. It is also possible, as appears from the findings, that here a minority group is exposed more to psychological violence. The results of both data sets, quantitative and qualitative, are mutually confirming. It was found in this study that secondary school educators indeed experience psychological violence. The assumption is that the findings of this study will help to strengthen information that will be useful for the enhancement of educator health at schools. / PhD (Educational Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Kopplingarna mellan etnisk bakgrund, kontakt och fördomar vid utförandet av etnisk mobbning : – En studie om etnisk mobbning i gymnasieskolor i norra Italien

Gutierrez Arvidsson, Elisa January 2019 (has links)
Den nuvarande studiens syfte var att undersöka om etnisk kontakt och etniska fördomar sammanhänger med att utsätta andra för eller själv bli utsatt för så kallad etnisk mobbning. Vidare undersökte studien om det förelåg någon skillnad mellan elever med utländsk bakgrund och elever med italiensk bakgrund när det gäller att utföra och bli utsatta för mobbning generellt och specifikt för etnisk mobbning. Ålder och kön inkluderades även i studien som kontrollvariabler. Deltagarna bestod av elever mellan 14–21 år, 17 klasser med 239 elever. Av dessa kategoriserades 160 som italienare (67 %) och 79 som utländska elever (33 %), minst en förälder var utrikesfödd. Självskattningsformulär användes för att mäta (etnisk kontakt, mobbning/och viktimisering, rasistisk mobbning/och viktimisering, interetnisk mobbning/och viktimisering samt etniska fördomar). Rasistisk mobbning tillsammans med interetnisk mobbning bildade begreppet som i studien kallas för etnisk mobbning. Resultaten visade att medan elever med utländsk bakgrund i högre grad än elever med italiensk bakgrund var utsatta för rasistisk och interetnisk mobbning (men inte för generell mobbning), var manliga elever i högre grad än kvinnliga elever engagerade i generell, rasistisk och interetnisk mobbning. Enligt regressionsanalyserna var såväl kön som etniska fördomar associerade med både rasistisk mobbning och interetnisk mobbning hos eleverna med italiensk bakgrund medan endast kön kunde associeras med dessa former av etnisk mobbning bland eleverna med utländsk bakgrund. De uppföljande mediationsanalyserna med eleverna med italiensk bakgrund visade att etnisk kontakt tillsammans med etniska fördomar kunde associeras med såväl rasistisk mobbning som interetnisk mobbning. Möjliga förklaringar till resultaten och vidare forskning diskuteras.

Upplevd trygghet och polisiär närvaro

Ahmad, Sara, Berg, Alexander, Knutsson, Anabell January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to explore associations between previous victimization, police legitimacy and feelings of safety, and to also explore how different patrolling strategies were perceived in terms of general feelings of safety and police legitimacy. A questionnaire was created to measure these variables. The tests used were correlations and independent samples t-tests. The participants were 175 individuals living in Sweden, 67 were men and 108 were women, and the average age was 28. The correlation analysis showed that there was no significant relation between police legitimacy and feelings of safety regardless of previous victimization or not. One t-test showed no significant difference in patrolling strategies in terms of feelings of safety. However, a second t-test showed a significant difference in patrolling strategies in the general perception of police legitimacy. Participants with greater confidence in the police, perceived foot patrolling as more vital for their feelings of safety. The theory, Community oriented policing (COP), was used to further analyze results obtained within this study. Through this study, it was concluded that foot patrolling could promote cooperation between the police and the public. This might improve citizens' understanding of police legitimacy, which in turn can increase the overall levels of feelings of safety among the public. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka samband mellan tidigare viktimisering, tilltro till polisen och upplevd trygghet, samt skillnader i vilken patrulleringsstrategi som uppfattades som mest trygg vad gäller den generella upplevda tryggheten respektive den generella tilltron till polisen. En webbenkät som mätte dessa variabler skapades och analyserades sedan med hjälp av korrelationsanalyser och oberoende t-test. Antalet deltagare var 175 personer bosatta i Sverige där 67 var män och 108 var kvinnor och deras medelålder var 28. Korrelationsanalyserna visade inget signifikant samband mellan tilltro till polisen och upplevd trygghet även när tidigare viktimisering användes som kontrollvariabel. Det oberoende t-testet visade ingen signifikant skillnad i vilken patrulleringstrategi som deltagarna uppfattade som mest trygg vad gäller den generella upplevda tryggheten. Däremot visade ytterligare ett oberoende t-test att det fanns en signifikant skillnad i vilken patrulleringsstrategi deltagarna uppfattade som mest trygg vad gäller den generella tilltron till polisen, där personer med högre tilltro till polisen uppfattade fotpatrullering som mest tryggt. Teorin om Community oriented policing (COP) användes för att analysera resultaten. Sammanfattningsvis stödjer denna studies resultat uppfattningen om att fotpatrullering kan främja samarbetet mellan invånare och polis. Ökat samarbete mellan parterna kan tänkas leda till ökad tilltro till polisen, som i sin tur kan resultera i ökad upplevd trygghet bland befolkningen.

Brottsofferstöd i Östra Norrbotten : Polisens perspektiv

Töyrä, Linnéa January 2013 (has links)
Every day people are exposed to crimes in Sweden, which can lead to both emotional and practical difficulties. Having the opportunity to get support and help after a traumatic incident can reduce the negative consequences of a crime, such as posttraumatic stress disorder and secondary victimization. In many communities in Sweden there are local support services for the crime victims, but in the district of Östra Norrbotten there are no support activities that specifically address this issue. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if the police in Östra Norrbotten feel that they can offer the crime victim sufficient support or refer to such support. Eight police officers in the district were interviewed to learn about their experiences. The results show that the majority of respondents felt that there are gaps in the field they can´t provide the crime victims to a support that they deem as sufficient or refer to such support. The fact that crime victims do not receive support can lead to negative impact on the recovery from all events. / <p>Validerat; 20130317 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

Utsatta kvinnor och otursdrabbade män? : Porträttering av våldsbrottsoffer i svensk media / Vulnerable women and unfortunate men?

Ekskog Winther, Anna, Henriksson, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera hur våldsbrottsoffer porträtteras inom svensk textbaserad media och att studera eventuella genusskillnader för dessa beskrivningar. Detta gjordes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 24 tidningsartiklar från Aftonbladet och Expressen. Analysen och kodningen tog sitt stöd i Butlers teori om genus och Christies teori om det ideala offret. Vi fann flera likheter och skillnader mellan de kvinnliga- respektive manliga offren. Största likheten var porträtteringen av offren som värdiga och legitima offer, trots att ingen av de 24 fallen egentligen föll under den mest stereotypa bilden av ett brottsoffer. Den skillnad vi fann mest intressant var männens uppnådda legitimitet och värdighet trots att flertalet påvisade en viss tvivelaktig livsstil. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to study how Swedish text- based media constructed their portrayal of victims suffering from criminal violence and also to see if there were any gender differences in these portrayals. The study was made by using a qualitative content analysis based on 24 newspaper articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis and coding took support from Butler’s gender- theory and Christie’s “ideal type victim”- theory. The analysis resulted in multiple similarities and differences between the female- and male victims. The greatest similarity was the portrayal of the victims as legitimate, although none of the 24 cases fell under the most stereotypical portrait of a crime- victim. The most interesting difference in the results was that the men’s obtained legitimate and dignity despite several showed some kind of doubtful lifestyle.

Ett andra övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie om sekundär viktimisering hos kvinnor som utsatts för sexuellt våld inom en nära relation / A second abuse : A qualitative study on secondary victimization of woman exposed to intimate partner rape

Erlandsson, Nathalie, Lindberg, Frida January 2024 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine how professionals approach women that have experienced intimate partner rape. Sexual abuse is an area that has seen an upswing of interest in later years partly thanks to samtyckeslagen (the consent law) and #metoo. At the same time the field is full of misinterpretations and old prejudice that sometimes risks leading to poor professional approach from the professionals. Secondary victimization is an effect of the poor approach that means that the women feel victimized again but by the professionals instead of the perpetrator. Though the area has gained more scientific traction in later years there are still many questions remaining and gaps in knowledge to examine. Through this study we have found that the women continuously experience approaches that makes them feel victimized. We have also found that a lot of the victimization is based in old belief connected to rape myths, the belief that a rape looks a certain way and therefore also that the victim of rape is a certain way. At the same time the women also describe that some professionals have been absolutely essential to their healing. This imbalance in approach is also evident in the earlier research that we have found. Our analysis also found that secondary victimization doesn’t only happen in the meeting between the women and the professionals. The choice of wording in the documentation after the meeting have also proven to be able to wake feelings of both shame and pride with the women. It also became evident that the women that had been exposed to secondary victimization in some cases would go to long lengths to avoid further contact with professionals. This finding means that the secondary victimization risks preventing the authority from helping these women in the future.

Kriminologiese ontleding van die gebruik van forensiese kuns in die ondersteuning van slagoffers van geweldsmisdade in die Pretoria-area, Suid-Afrika

Visser, Henrico Pieter 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research explores the potential value for the application of the visual expressionistic arts, as well as the application of forensic art for the emancipation of victims of violent crime. Qualitative research methods are used in order to make certain assumptions and recommendations for the application of the forensic arts in the emancipation of traumatized victims. The research is based on the view that human behaviour is influenced by different internal and external contextual influences. The theoretical basis for the research is further supported by the grounding principals of the psycho-analytic, symbolic interactionistic and the phenomenological theoretical approaches. The potential for the application of the forensic arts during crisis intervention and trauma counselling as a therapeutic technique and a communication medium are investigated. The potential forensic value of the victims’ art for the criminal justice system is also explored during the research. / Die navorsing ondersoek die potensiele waarde vir die aanwending van die tradisionele visuele beeldende kunste asook die aanwending van die forensiese kunste vir die emansipasie van slagoffers van geweldsmisdaad. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes word tydens die navorsing gebruik ten einde sekere afleidings en aanbevelings te maak aangaande die aanwending van die forensiese kuns vir die emansipasie van getraumatiseerde misdaadslagoffers. Die navorsing word teoreties gebaseer op die beskouing van die mens wie se gedrag beinvloed word deur verskillende interne en eksterne kontekstuele invloede. Die teoretiese basis vir die navorsing word verder ondersteun deur die grondbeginsels van die psigo-analise, simboliese interaksionisme en die fenomenologiese teoretiese benaderings. Die potensiaal vir die aanwending van forensiese kuns as 'n terapeutiese tegniek en kommunikasiemedium tydens krisisingryping en berading word ondersoek. Die potensiele forensiese waarde van misdaadslagoffers se kuns in die regsplegingstelsel word ook in die navorsing ondersoek. / Criminology / M.A. (Criminology)

Kriminologiese ontleding van die gebruik van forensiese kuns in die ondersteuning van slagoffers van geweldsmisdade in die Pretoria-area, Suid-Afrika

Visser, Henrico Pieter 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research explores the potential value for the application of the visual expressionistic arts, as well as the application of forensic art for the emancipation of victims of violent crime. Qualitative research methods are used in order to make certain assumptions and recommendations for the application of the forensic arts in the emancipation of traumatized victims. The research is based on the view that human behaviour is influenced by different internal and external contextual influences. The theoretical basis for the research is further supported by the grounding principals of the psycho-analytic, symbolic interactionistic and the phenomenological theoretical approaches. The potential for the application of the forensic arts during crisis intervention and trauma counselling as a therapeutic technique and a communication medium are investigated. The potential forensic value of the victims’ art for the criminal justice system is also explored during the research. / Die navorsing ondersoek die potensiele waarde vir die aanwending van die tradisionele visuele beeldende kunste asook die aanwending van die forensiese kunste vir die emansipasie van slagoffers van geweldsmisdaad. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes word tydens die navorsing gebruik ten einde sekere afleidings en aanbevelings te maak aangaande die aanwending van die forensiese kuns vir die emansipasie van getraumatiseerde misdaadslagoffers. Die navorsing word teoreties gebaseer op die beskouing van die mens wie se gedrag beinvloed word deur verskillende interne en eksterne kontekstuele invloede. Die teoretiese basis vir die navorsing word verder ondersteun deur die grondbeginsels van die psigo-analise, simboliese interaksionisme en die fenomenologiese teoretiese benaderings. Die potensiaal vir die aanwending van forensiese kuns as 'n terapeutiese tegniek en kommunikasiemedium tydens krisisingryping en berading word ondersoek. Die potensiele forensiese waarde van misdaadslagoffers se kuns in die regsplegingstelsel word ook in die navorsing ondersoek. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

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