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An Investigation of Data Flow Patterns Impact on Maintainability When Implementing Additional FunctionalityMagnusson, Erik, Grenmyr, David January 2016 (has links)
JavaScript is breaking ground with the wave of new client-side frameworks. However, there are some key differences between some of them. One major distinction is the data flow pattern they applying. As of now, there are two predominant patterns used on client side frameworks, the Two-way data flow pattern and the Unidirectional data flow pattern. In this research, an empirical experiment was conducted to test the data flow patterns impact on maintainability. The scope of maintainability of this research is defined by a set of metrics: Amount of lines code, an amount of files and amount of dependencies. By analyzing the results, a conclusion could not be made to prove that the data flow patterns does affect maintainability, using this research method.
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Restauration de friches minières : phytomanagement et voie d'inertage / Restoration of mining wastes : phytomanagement and inertingHbaieb, Rania 11 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis le début de l'industrialisation, de nombreux déchets contaminés en éléments métalliques et métalloïdes sont rejetés dans l'environnement sans aucune gestion. L’activité minière a généré des quantités colossales de déchets, fins et non consolidés, riches en EMM stockés sous forme de terrils ou entreposés dans des bassins de décantation puis laissés à l’abandon à l’air libre sans aucun aménagement ni protection. Ces déchets restent sur place exposés à une forte érosion éolienne et hydriques induisant une dissémination des particules contaminées dans les différents compartiments de l’environnement (sols/sédiments/eau/atmosphère). Dans un premier temps, l’étude du devenir des éléments métalliques et métalloïdes dans les sols contaminés relatif à l’activité minière ont mis en évidence la présence de risques environnementaux et sanitaires associés. Les résultats soulignent que (i) le comportement géochimique des trois éléments (cadmium, zinc et plomb) est différent, (ii) la spéciation de ces éléments change clairement entre les déchets miniers et les sols, (iii) le Pb plomb peut causer des effets néfastes sur la santé pour les enfants. Dans un second temps, deux techniques de réhabilitation des sites contaminés ont été appréhendées: i) dans le cadre de la refonctionnalisation des sols, la potentialité d’une phytostabilisation assistée par des amendements organique et inorganique de parcelles contaminées avec le sapin de Douglas, ainsi que ii) la valorisation ex-situ par attaque des déchets miniers par voie alcaline qui mets en jeu la réduction de la source de pollution. / Since the beginning of industrialization, many wastes contaminated with metal(loid)shave been released into the environment without any management. Mining has generated huge quantities of fine, unconsolidated waste, rich in metal(loid)s, stored in tailing or in settling ponds and then left to be abandoned in the open air without any development or protection. This waste remains on site exposed to strong wind and water erosion leading to the spread of contaminated particles in the various environmental compartments (soil/sediment/water/atmosphere). First, the study of the fate of metal(loid)s in contaminated soils related to mining activity revealed the presence of associated environmental and health risks. The results highlight that (i) the geochemical behaviour of the three elements (cadmium, zinc and lead) is different, (ii) the speciation of these elements clearly changes between tailings and soils, (iii) Pb lead can cause adverse health effects for children. In a second step, two techniques for the rehabilitation of contaminated sites were apprehended: (i) in the context of soil refunctionalization, the potential for phytostabilization assisted by organic and inorganic amendments of plots contaminated with Douglas fir, as well as (ii) ex-situ recovery by attacking mining waste by alkaline way, which involves reducing the pollution source.
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Context-Based Authentication and Lightweight Group Key Establishment Protocol for IoT DevicesFerrari, Nico January 2019 (has links)
The concept of the Internet of Things is driven by advancements of the Internet with the interconnection of heterogeneous smart objects using different networking and communication technologies. With the rapidly increasing number of interconnected devices present in the life of a person, providing authentication and secure communication between them is considered a key challenge. The integration of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things creates new obstacles due to the necessity of finding a balance between the resources utilization and the applied security solutions. In multicast group communications, the energy consumption, bandwidth and processing overhead at the nodes are minimized in comparison to a point-to-point communication system. To securely transmit a message in order to maintain confidentiality of the data and the user’s privacy, usually involves human interaction or the pre-agreement upon some key, the latter unknown to an external attacker. In this thesis, the author proposed an authentication protocol based on the similar context between the correct devices and lightweight computationally secure group-key establishment, avoiding any kind of human involvement. The goal is achieved by having the devices calculate a fingerprint from their ambient context and through a fuzzy commitment scheme generating a commitment respectively opening value which is used to generate a common secret key between them. The tests are effected on real world data accumulated from different environments. The proposed scheme is based on elliptic curve cryptography and cryptographic one-way accumulators. Its feasibility is analyzed by implementing the group key establishment phase in the Contiki operating system and by simulating it with the Cooja simulator. Furthermore, the applicability of the protocol is analyzed and justified by an analysis of the storage overhead, communication overhead, and energy consumption. The simulator shows an energy consumption of only 112 mJ per node for group key establishment. The results obtained in this thesis demonstrate the feasibility of the scheme, it’s computational, and communication costs are further comparable to other similar approaches.
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Study and Case of Wrong-Way Risk : Explorative Search for Wrong-Way Risk / Studie av Felvägsrisk : Explorativ sökning efter FelvägsriskGrönberg, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Usage of financial measurements that address the default probability of counterparties have been market practice for some time. Quantifying counterparty credit risk is usually done through the credit value adjustment which adjusts the value from a risk-free value to a risky value. When quantifying the credit value adjustment there is an important assumption that the financial exposure (value) and probability of counterparty default are independent variables. Wrong-way risk implies a relationship where exposure and probability of default are increasing together. It is an unfavourable relationship since as a party stands to gain more the probability of the counterparty not being able to pay also increase. When removing the independency assumption, the quantification of the credit value adjustment becomes more complex and there are several different methodologies with the aim to quantify CVA without the independency assumption. This paper analyses different methods of quantification and discusses different potential mitigators of wrong-way risk. But also, a case study searching for potential wrong-way exposures at a Swedish investment bank. The case study considers whether the exposures could potentially be influenced by wrong-way risk through stress tests on different value adjustments. The stress tests change the value adjustment and in turn imply wrong-way movements. At an investment bank that work towards minimizing risk it would be surprising to find large wrong-way risk exposures. But there are some interesting observations which could be deemed as wrong-way movements and would be interesting for the bank to investigate. Overall for the bank, wrong-way risk exposure cannot be claimed as significant. Conclusions involve modelling approach I deem the most useful in a perspective of calibration methodology, computer efficiency and deviation. Also, some suggestion of further development of this paper. / Under en tid har användning av finansiella mått som inkluderar motpartskreditrisk varit marknadsstandard. Kreditvärdesjustering används för att kvantifiera motpartskreditrisk och justerar värdet från ett riskfritt till ett värde som inkluderar motpartskreditrisk. När man justerar värdet används ett viktigt antagande som säger att den finansiella exponeringen (värdet) samt sannolikheten att motparten inte uppfyller sina förpliktelser är oberoende variabler. Felvägsrisk implicerar ett förhållande där exponeringen och sannolikheten att motparten inte kan uppfylla sina förpliktelser ökar tillsammans. Det är ett ofördelaktigt förhållande eftersom när en part kan tjäna mer ökar sannolikheten att motparten inte kan betala. När oberoende-antagandet tas bort blir kvantifieringen mer komplex, men det finns flera olika metoder som kvantifierar kreditvärdesjusteringen utan oberoende-antagandet. Denna uppsats analyserar olika kvantifieringsmetoder och diskuterar olika metoder för att minimera felvägsrisk. Uppsatsen innehåller även en fältstudie med syfte att hitta felvägsrisk bland exponeringarna hos en svensk investeringsbank. Fältstudien överväger huruvida exponeringarna eventuellt kan vara influerade av felvägsrisk genom att stressa olika mått för värdejustering. Stresstesterna påverkar värdejusteringen som i sin tur kan implicera felvägsrisk. Hos en svensk investeringsbank vars arbete involverar att minimera risk hade det varit förvånande att hitta stora exponeringar med felvägsrisk. Men det finns vissa observationer som tycks påvisa ofördelaktiga förhållanden som tyder på felvägsrisk. Dessa observationer skulle vara intressant för banken att se över utifrån den potentiella felvägsrisken. Överlag för banken kan jag inte påstå att exponeringen av felvägsrisk är signifikant. Slutsatserna involverar vilken modelleringsmetod som jag anser är mest användbar utifrån kalibrering, dataeffektivitet och potentiell avvikelse. Samt några förslag på vidare utveckling av denna rapport.
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Modo de vida e território na reserva extrativista do Rio Cajari (Amapá) / Way of life and territory in the Cajari River extractive reserve (Amapá)Rangel, Kátia Souza 05 September 2017 (has links)
O modo de vida agroextrativista da sociedade tradicional da Reserva Extrativista do Cajari se constituiu com base na produção do território tradicional, cuja ocupação remete aos camponeses migrantes que foram escravizados na porção sul do Amapá a partir das primeiras décadas do século XIX, com base em relações de trabalho baseadas no aviamento. A partir da implantação do Complexo Agroindustrial Jari naquela região, em 1967, a população local fora ameaçada de expulsão de seu território, sendo que o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é analisar o conflito de terras que resultou na criação da referida reserva extrativista, abarcando os anos de 1960 e 2015 a fim de compreender-se os desdobramentos territoriais da criação da reserva extrativista, como a criação da Cooperativa Mista dos Produtores Agroextrativistas do Cajari (COOPERALCA) e a produção local de biscoitos de castanha. O método utilizado fundou-se na abordagem materialista e dialética da história, na teoria da criação e recriação do campesinato e no trabalho de campo vinculado ao relato etnográfico como proposta metodológica para o estudo a análise geográfica da reprodução territorial das sociedades tradicionais. Como técnicas de pesquisa, utilizamos a história oral, o levantamento bibliográfico, a pesquisa documental e a composição de séries fotográficas. Com a organização política daquela sociedade em torno do Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros, o território tradicional fora juridicamente definido como reserva extrativista, garantindo-se a manutenção do território e do modo de vida agroextrativista. Ainda que diante da manutenção da venda de parte da produção extrativista local para atravessadores, como elemento não superado do aviamento, a criação da Reserva Extrativista do Cajari expressa uma das estratégias de recriação do campesinato, especificamente a partir da adoção de um modelo de unidades de conservação de uso sustentável. / The agroextractivist way of life of the Cajari River Extractivist Reserves traditional society was constituted based on the production of the traditional territory, whose occupation refers to the migrant peasants that were enslaved in the south portion of Amapá on the first decades of the 19th century, based on labor relations build on the aviamento. As of the establishment of the Jari Agroindustrial Complex in the region, in 1967, the locals have been threatened with expropriation of their territory and the general objective of this research is to analyze the land conflict that resulted in the founding of said extractivist reserve between the years of 1960 and 2015, reaching the territorial unfolding of the creation of the extractivist reserve, such as the founding of the Mixed Co-operative of Cajaris Agroextractivist Producers and the local production of nut biscuits. The used method was based on the materialistic and dialectic approach of history, on the creation and recreation theory of peasantry, and on the fieldwork linked to the ethnographic report as a methodological proposal for the study of the geographical analysis of the territorial reproduction of traditional societies. As research techniques, we used the oral history, bibliographical and documental research, and the composition of photographic series. With the political organization of that society around the National Council of Rubber Tappers, the traditional territory was legally defined as an extractivist reserve, securing the maintenance of the territory and the agroextractivist way of life. Despite the maintenance of the sale of part of the local extractivist production to middlemen, as an unresolved element of the aviamento, the creation of the Cajari River Extractivist Reserve expresses one of the strategies of recreation of the peasantry, specifically as from the adoption of a model of conservation units of sustainable use.
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Populações e evolução do bojo e região central da Galáxia / Populations and the evolution of the bulge and central region of the GalaxyMoraes, Oscar Cavichia de 03 May 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem abrangente para descrever a evolução da região central da Via Láctea, compreendendo-se aí o bojo, a barra e as interfaces dos mesmos com o limite interno do disco e com a região central do halo. Pretende-se investigar as propriedades químicas e cinemáticas destas estruturas, que são interconectadas, com o objetivo de separá-las e aplicar os resultados daí obtidos a um modelo de formação e evolução do bojo e da região interna do disco que descreva simultaneamente distintos aspectos da evolução da região central da Galáxia. Na primeira parte do trabalho, uma amostra de nebulosas planetárias (NPs) localizadas no disco interno e no bojo da Galáxia é utilizada para encontrar a distância galactocêntrica que melhor separa estas duas populações, do ponto de vista das abundâncias. Foram utilizadas escalas de distâncias estatísticas para o estudo da distribuição das abundâncias na interface bojo-disco. A aplicação do teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov mostrou que, em média, a população interna não segue o gradiente radial de abundâncias do disco na direção do centro galáctico. Baseado neste estudo, propõe-se uma distância galactocêntrica de 1.5 kpc para definir a interface bojo-disco. Na segunda parte do trabalho, foram realizadas observações espectrofotométricas de 21 NPs localizadas na direção do centro da Galáxia com o telescópio SOAR. Estes objetos estão localizados bem próximos ao plano galáctico na direção central da Via Láctea, onde não existem dados de NPs na literatura. Os resultados mostram que as NPs localizadas nesta região apresentam baixas abundâncias de oxigênio comparadas com as NPs do disco interno e de outras regiões do bojo. Os resultados indicam que o bojo apresenta uma complexa composição de populações estelares. Por um lado, a presença de nebulosas com baixas abundâncias mostra que o bojo pode ter se formado a partir de um disco galáctico antigo através de uma evolução secular. Por outro lado, existem alguns objetos do bojo para os quais as abundâncias coincidem com o limite do gradiente radial do disco nesta região. Esta é uma evidência para um bojo composto por duas ou mais populações: uma originada do disco fino, e outra originada do disco espesso. Na última parte do trabalho propõe-se a inclusão de fluxos radiais de gás em um modelo de evolução química para simular os efeitos de uma barra localizada no centro da Galáxia nas distribuições de abundâncias, densidade de gás e taxa de formação estelar (SFR). Os resultados das simulações indicam que os modelos com fluxos de gás apresentam uma SFR mais alta no bojo e que os perfis da SFR e da densidade de gás na região central são melhor reproduzidos após a inclusão dos fluxos radiais no modelo. As simulações indicam ainda que o gradiente de abundâncias do disco é mais plano para o caso da inclusão da barra. Estes resultados indicam que a barra e os fluxos de gás exercem um importante papel na formação de estrelas no centro das galáxias espirais barradas. / This project proposes a comprehensive approach to describe the evolution of the central region of the Galaxy, comprising the bulge, the bar and their interfaces with the inner disk and the central region of the halo. We intend to investigate the chemical and kinematic properties of these structures, which are interconnected, aiming to separate them and apply these results to a model for the formation and evolution of the bulge and inner disk, capable to describe simultaneously distinct aspects of the evolution of the central region of the Galaxy. First, a sample of planetary nebulae (PNe) located in the inner-disk and bulge of the Galaxy is used in order to find the galactocentric distance that better separates these two populations, from the point of view of abundances. Statistical distance scales were used to study the distribution of abundances across the disk-bulge interface. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to find the distance in which the chemical properties of these regions better separates. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that, on the average, the inner population has lower abundances than the outer. Additionally, for the $\\alpha$-elements abundances, the inner population does not follow the disk radial gradient towards the galactic centre. Based on our results, we suggest a bulge-disk interface at 1.5 kpc, marking the transition between the bulge and inner-disk of the Galaxy, as defined by the intermediate mass population. Second, we present spectrophotometric observations for a sample of 21 PNe located towards the galactic centre of the Galaxy. The abundances are derived based on observations in the optical domain made at the SOAR telescope. Their location is interesting since there are no observations of PNe in this region. The data show lower oxygen abundances compared to those from PNe located in the inner disk and other bulge regions. The results show that the bulge has a complex composition of stellar populations. The presence of PNe with low abundances indicates that the bulge might be formed from an old galactic disk through secular evolution. On the other hand, other objects from our sample have abundances compared to those from inner disk PNe. This is evidence that two or more populations might compose the bulge: one originated from the thin disk, and the other from the thick disk. Last, we propose a chemical evolution model that includes radial gas flows. This is done in order to mimic the effects of the galactic bar on the chemical abundances distributions and the gas density profiles and the star formation rate (SFR). The results of the models with radial flows point to a high SFR in the bulge and, additionally, the SFR and gas density profiles in the inner Galaxy are better reproduced after the inclusion of radial gas flows in the model. After including a specific velocity pattern for the bar, the results show a flattening of the radial abundance gradient. Our results indicate that radial gas flows may play an important role in the star formation near the centre of barred spiral galaxies.
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O Asilo de Órfãos de Santos na engrenagem da cidade (1908-1931) / Santos Orphans Home as a gear of the city (1908-1931).Vieira, Marina Tucunduva Bittencourt Porto 02 March 2012 (has links)
Nesse trabalho trago a relação entre uma instituição, o Asilo de Órfãos de Santos, criado em 1889 quando as epidemias matavam muitos habitantes deixando crianças órfãs, e a cidade. A representação que se tinha então era de que a função do asilo era proteger essas meninas e meninos e tirá-los das ruas. A cidade se organizava em função do porto, escolhido para escoamento do café da Província de São Paulo, e era preciso disciplinar seus espaços. A construção de um cais acostável em substituição aos trapiches e a intervenção sanitária através da canalização de rios e da construção de canais transformaram Santos em seu aspecto sanitário, urbano e econômico. O capitalismo mudou as relações de trabalho e, ao mesmo tempo em que algumas pessoas ganharam muito dinheiro, outras conheceram a miséria. Dentro desse quadro, esta tese, que se insere na área de História e Historiografia da Educação, buscou conhecer alguns aspectos da cultura escolar do Asilo de Órfãos, entre 1908 e 1931. Verificou-se que o projeto de educação implantado em 1908 veio imbuído de nova representação sobre a função do asilo. Este deveria continuar, sim, a recolher crianças, mas agora não era suficiente protegê-las, mas sim prepará-las para ocupar de forma civilizada a nova cidade. As mudanças começaram com a entrada de Victor de Lamare na direção da Associação Protetora da Infância Desvalida, responsável pela manutenção do asilo. Esse engenheiro fazia parte de uma rede de sociabilidade que atuava em outras instituições de ensino da cidade. Foram introduzidos no asilo dispositivos disciplinares para a formação do cidadão civilizado, além do ensino seriado, a formação cívica, a educação doméstica para as internas e a educação física. A principal fonte primária foram as atas dessa associação, encontradas na Casa de Criança de Santos, nome como é conhecido hoje o asilo. Verificou-se que a modernização da cidade implicou em uma nova forma de educação. / This paper shows the relationship between an institution, the Santos Orphans Home, created in 1889, when epidemics killed many inhabitants leaving orphan children, and the city. The representation that it was shown was that the Home had as duty to protect these boys and girls and take them from the streets. The city was focused on the harbour, chosen for the discharge of coffee in the province of São Paulo and, for this, it was necessary to discipline its spaces. The construction of a quay substituting the wharf and the sanitary intervention through the drainage system of Rivers and the construction of canals transformed Santos in its sanitary, urban and economic aspects. Capitalism changed the working relations and, at the same time people made a lot of money others saw misery. Looking from this point, this thesis, which is inserted in the area of History and Historiography of Education, is aimed to meet some aspects of the school culture of the Santos Orphans Home between 1908 e 1931. It was verified that the project of education implanted in 1908 impregnated a new representation about the Homes function. This should actually keep collecting children, but then it wasnt enough to protect them, but it was necessary to prepare them to occupy the new city in an organized way. The changes started with the entrance of Victor de Lamare in the direction of Association of Protection of Out of Favour Children, responsible for the maintenance of the Home. This engineer was a member of a network that acted in other Educational institutions in Santos. Some disciplinary mechanisms were introduced in the Home for the formation of the civilized citizen, part from the regular teaching, the civic formation, the domestic education for the interns and physical education. The main primary source were the records of this association found at Childrens Home in Santos, name that is it known as today. It was verified that the city modernization implied a new way of education.
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Patrimônios: espaço e lugar - estudos das vilas de Cibele e Caiçara e seus conteúdos / Heritage: space and place - the study of the villages of Cybele and Caiçara and its contentsSilva, Rusvênia Luiza Batista Rodrigues da 13 February 2009 (has links)
A pesquisa trata da análise dos espaços de duas vilas do interior de Goiás, sedes dos distritos de Cibele e Caiçara, considerando suas roças e imediações, assim como a peculiaridade de suas distintas situações geográficas, com vistas a apreender seus conteúdos que expressam os modos de morar lá encontrados. Elas foram compreendidas como patrimônios, categoria que pareceu, primeiramente, como nativa, mas que expressa, de fato, uma referência às nomeações das primeiras aglomerações urbanas brasileiras desde o período colonial. As vilas estão alocadas nas Regiões do Centro e Noroeste Goianos e foram fundadas no momento em que se dá a mudança da sociabilidade e da dinâmica produtiva das fazendas em Goiás, na segunda metade do século XX. A partir da desta mudança são fundados inúmeros patrimônios leigos em Goiás, constituídos por um processo de parcelamento, loteamento e venda das terras de fazenda e ocupados por ex-agregados excluídos dessas propriedades: camponeses que viviam como meeiros e arrendatários. O processo de transferência para novas formas de morar implica a formação e constituição do conjunto urbano que elucida os conteúdos rurais nas formas de uso do espaço, os quais expressam claras referências ao modo de vida camponês. As formas de ocupação do espaço e a constituição do lugar são tributários das contínuas referências socioespaciais de fartura, de fertilidade e de religiosidade, recompostas nos depoimentos e nas práticas dos moradores e na manutenção de elos com a roça, construindo um lugar intermediário: nem roça, nem cidade. Patrimônios. / The Research is about the analysis of two towns in the interior of the state of Goiás, headquarters of the districts of Cibele and Caiçara, considering their countryside and surroundings, as well as peculiarity of their different geographical situations, looking for to learn their contents that express the found way to live there. They were understood as historical heritage, category that, at first, seemed as native, but that actually express a reference to the firsts Brazilians urban agglomeration since the colonial period. The towns are allocated in the Center and Northwest regions of the state of Goiás and were founded at the moment of the changing of the sociability and productive dynamic of farms in Goiás in the second part of the twentieth century. By this change are founded many lay assets in Goiás, constructed by a process of fragmentation, division and sales of the farms lands and occupied by former households banned from those properties: peasants who lived as tenants or in a contract that works half for his family and half for the employer. The process of transference to new ways to live implies the formation and building up of the urban set that clarifies the countryside contents in the forms of use of space, which express clear references to the peasant way of life. The ways of occupying the space and the building up of the place are taxes of the continuous social and spatial of abundance, of fertility and of religiosity, recomposed in the testimonies and in the practices of residents and in the maintenance of links with countryside, building an intermediate: neither countryside, neither urban. Assets.
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The baryonic matter and geometry of the local groupTronrud, Thorold 13 March 2019 (has links)
First, the baryonic content of simulated halos of virial masses between 5 x 10^{9} M_{\odot}$ to 5 x 10^{12} M_{\odot}$ in the APOSTLE project is examined in the context of the missing baryon problem. Baryonic particles in APOSTLE can be either stars or gas. Non-star-forming gas, or the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is further classified by temperature into the Cool CGM (CCGM, T < 10^{5} K), or the Warm-Hot CGM (WHCGM, T > 10^{5} K). APOSTLE halos are found to contain less than 60% of the expected mass of baryons (f_{b} = Ω{b}/Ω{m}, M_{b} = f_{b} x M_{200}) within their virial radius. The WHCGM contains 29% ± 10%, the CCGM 12% ± 5%, and the stars and star-forming gas 19% ± 5%. The metal content of the same halos is analyzed, and compared to the total metals produced by the stars within the virial radius. Over two thirds of the produced metals are retained within the halo, with 14% ± 3% in the WHCGM, 13% ± 4% in the CCGM, and 43% ± 9% in the stars and star-forming gas.
Next, we focus on the overall distribution of matter within a 3Mpc radius from the Milky Way. Using the trends in APOSTLE volumes, I quantify both the ellipticity and orientation of this spatial distribution using the principal axes of the inertia tensor of the positions of these galaxies. The Zone of Avoidance has little impact on this result, and the short axis is aligned with that of the Supergalactic Plane, and is perpendicular to the vector separating the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. APOSTLE local group analogues are found to be similarly anisotropic, and like in the observed Local Group, the minor axis of that distribution is found to be perpendicular to the vector separating the two primaries. The angular momentum of the stellar disk shows weak alignment with the minor axis of the field galaxy distribution. In addition the simulations also suggest that the angular momenta of the two primary dark-matter halos tend to be anti-aligned. Additionally, stellar disks tend to orient themselves in the same direction as their halo. / Graduate
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Viver de tudo que tem na maré : tradições, memórias de trabalho e vivências de marisqueiras em Ilhéus, BA, 1960-2008 / This research is about the fights for traditions, working memories and way of living of the shellfishermen in Ilhéus, /Bahia, from the period of 1960 to 2008.Blume, Luiz Henrique dos Santos 25 July 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In Ilheus they have being assuming an important role in the maintenance and continuity of the fishing arts in handcraft modes. In the fight for survival, they keep on constituting fellowship and cooperation network between the neighbours, relatives, for the catching, collecting and commercialization of the caught - shellfish filet collected at the mangroves and rivers of Ilheus. Gradually, they keep on conquering space in the fights for their rights, as the special retirement for handcraft fishermen, the defeso insurance and others. The handcraft fishermen, particularly the shellfishermen, know the importance of the biodiversity preservation for the fishing maintenance. This defense of fishing arts in the handcraft modes is practiced by the using of equipments made by the shellfishermen themselves , with the material and fishing bait found at he mangroves, rivers and forest environment itself nearby the fishing places. The handcraft fishing is being pressured by the environmental degradation, by the overfishing done by the barcos de arrasto (boats with nets) and by the increase of unemployed workers quantity that are also starting the fishing for shellfish as a way of survival. To face these pressions, the shellfishermen in Ilheus created two associations: The São Miguel Fishermen and Shellfishermen Association- ASPEMAR and The Alto do Mambape Shellfishermen Association-AMMA. Created betweem of 2004 and 2008, they represent the strength and fight of these women in defense of their handcraft ways of working / Esta pesquisa trata das lutas por tradições, memórias de trabalho e vivências de marisqueiras em Ilhéus, Bahia, no período de 1960 a 2008. Em Ilhéus elas vêm assumindo um papel importante na manutenção e continuidade das artes da pesca em moldes artesanais. Na luta pela sobrevivência, vão constituindo redes de solidariedade e cooperaç~o entre vizinhas, familiares, para a cata, coleta e comercializaç~o do catado filé de carne de mariscos coletados nos mangues e rios de Ilhéus. Aos poucos, vão conquistando espaço nas lutas por seus direitos, como a aposentadoria especial de pescadores artesanais, o seguro-defeso e outros. Os pescadores artesanais, em particular as marisqueiras, sabem da importância da preservação da biodiversidade para a manutenção da pesca. Esta defesa das artes da pesca em moldes artesanais é praticada utilizando-se de apetrechos fabricados pelas próprias marisqueiras, com material e iscas encontrados no próprio ambiente dos mangues, rios e matas próximas aos lugares de pesca. A pesca artesanal está sendo pressionada pela degradação ambiental, pela sobrepesca realizada pelos barcos de arrasto (barcos com rede) e o aumento da quantidade de trabalhadores desempregados que também estão partindo para a mariscagem como forma de sobrevivência. Para enfrentar estas pressões, as marisqueiras em Ilhéus criaram duas associações: a Associação de Pescadores e Marisqueiras do São Miguel- ASPEMAR, e a Associação de Marisqueiras do Alto do Mambape - AMMA . Criadas entre 2004 e 2008, representam a força e a luta dessas mulheres na defesa de seus modos artesanais de trabalho
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