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Volvo Logistics Corporation Returnable Packaging System : a model for analysing cost savings when switching packaging systemBeselin Hallberg, Jacob, Uhrbom, Per January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a study for analysing costs affected by packaging in a producing industry. The purpose is to develop a model that will calculate and present possible cost savings for the customer by using Volvo Logistics Corporations, VLC’s, returnable packaging instead of other packaging solutions. The thesis is based on qualitative data gained from both theoretical and empirical studies. The methodology for gaining information has been to study theoretical sources such as course literature and articles, as well as through interviews and consolidation with staff at Volvo Logistics Corporations office in Gothenburg. The model is constructed in Microsoft Excel and consists of six different sheets. The first sheet is a front page that summarises the costs calculated in the other sheets and presents the possible cost savings. After the front page there are three sheets with calculations for the costs in different scenarios, Today’s Situation, VLC Packaging Solution (Pre implementation) and VLC Packaging Solution (Post implementation). The first sheet, Today’s Situation, presents the result of the model that will calculate the customers’ current costs that are associated with packaging. The different costs presented in the model are costs for unloading, repacking, today’s cost for an internal packaging solution, quality related costs, one-way packaging costs and the costs for other packaging solutions. The next sheet, VLC Packaging Solution (Pre), presents an estimation of the cost for thecustomer when using VLC’s returnable packaging system. The estimation will serve as an investment tool, for calculating possible cost savings compared to the present situation. The different costs that will be discussed are handling costs, quality related costs, distribution cost, transaction cost, and investment cost. The third and final calculation sheet, VLC Packaging Solution (Post), presents the actual costs for the customer after the implementation. When the costs have been calculated they will be used to evaluate the actual cost savings for the customer. The last two sheets are a data sheet, which consists of data needed for the calculations in the previous sheets, and an instruction sheet where there are instructions to the different calculations in the model. The conclusion shows that the objective to create a model for calculating the costs for different packaging systems and present possible cost savings is fulfilled.
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Relació entre Neurogenina3 i la via de senyalització Wnt en la formació de les cèl•lules beta del pàncreesPujadas i Rovira, Gemma 15 June 2012 (has links)
El pàncrees és una glàndula secretora formada per teixit exocrí i endocrí. El compartiment endocrí està format per les cèl•lules alpha (productores de glucagó), les cèl•lules beta (productores d'insulina), les cèl•lules delta (somatostatina), les cèl•lules PP (polipèptid pancreàtic) i les cèl•lules epsilon (grelina).
La Diabetis Mellitus és un grup de malalties metabòliques que es caracteritzen per mantenir nivells elevats de glucosa en sang com a resultat de la incapacitat de produir o utilitzar la insulina. Les cèl•lules productores d'insulina són les cèl•lules beta del pàncrees. Actualment, el tractament de la diabetis es basa en injeccions periòdiques d'insulina. Per solucionar i millorar la vida d'aquests pacients hi ha molts grups que treballen per trobar noves fonts de cèl•lules productores d'insulina que recuperin la massa de cèl•lules beta perdudes durant la diabetis. Per a això, és necessari conèixer detalladament els passos que se succeeixen per generar una cèl•lula productora d'insulina a partir d'una cèl•lula indiferenciada.
Durant la organogènesi pancreàtica s'activen un conjunt de factors de transcripció que són essencials per a la correcta formació de l'òrgan, entre ells el factor proendocrí Neurogenina3 (Neurog3), així com també un seguit de senyals extrínsecs (vies de senyalització) que participen en aquest procés. Neurogenina3 és un factor de transcripció de la família bHLH que exerceix un paper essencial en la diferenciació endocrino-pancreàtica, ja que en la seva absència no hi ha formació de les cèl•lules endocrines del pàncrees.
En el primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi hem identificat possibles noves dianes de Neurog3, mitjançant l'ús d'un model de diferenciació endocrina in vitro de cèl•lules ductals pancreàtiques, en el qual la sobreexpresió de Neurog3 indueix l'activació del programa transcripcional endocrino-pancreàtic. Mitjançant l'estudi de canvis globals en el perfil d'expressió gènica d'aquestes cèl•lules hem identificat un conjunt de gens relacionats amb la via de senyalització Wingless (Wnt) com a dianes potencials de Neurog3 in vitro. Entre aquests gens, hem centrat els nostres estudis en l'anàlisi del gen que codifica pel lligand de la via Wnt, Wnt9a.
El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra a estudiar la possible participació del lligand Wnt9a en el procés de diferenciació endocrina del pàncrees. Així, vam demostrar per primera vegada la presència en pàncrees embrionari de ratolí del mRNA de Wnt9a, així com la regulació gènica d'aquest lligand per part de factors de transcripció que participen al programa de diferenciació endocrina. Estudiem també el paper de Wnt9a dins de la cascada endocrino-pancreàtica, demostrant un paper regulador de Wnt9a sobre els efectes promoguts per Neurog3 en alguns dels gens endocrins estudiats.
Aquests resultats ens han portat al tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi: caracterització de la diferenciació endocrino-pancreàtica en el model murí gen-anul•lat per Wnt9a. A estadi e18.5 (just abans del naixement) observem un augment generalitzat de les cèl•lules productores d'hormones del compartiment endocrí (cèl•lules β insulina-positives, cèl•lules α glucagó-positives i cèl•lules δ somatostatina-positives) en relació a l'àrea pancreàtica total, que correlaciona amb una major taxa de proliferació d'aquestes. L'anàlisi de l'expressió gènica realitzat a estadi e15.5 (moment de màxima expansió endocrina) no mostra diferències en els nivells del mRNA de Neurog3, indicant que l'augment en el compartiment endocrí observat a e18.5 no es deu a una major especificació endocrina. No obstant això, l'estudi de diferents factors integrants del programa transcripcional endocrí mostra un augment en l'expressió de Pdx1 en els animals deficients que podria explicar l'augment en cèl•lules beta observat a e18.5.
Per tant, en aquesta tesi definim per primera vegada la relació directa entre factors de transcripció bHLH i components de la via Wnt en pàncrees, així com identifiquem la presència del mRNA de Wnt9a en pàncrees embrionari de ratolí i en illots adults. Demostrem la regulació gènica de Wnt9a per part de factors de la cascada de transcripció endocrina, així com la regulació d'aquests per part de Wnt9a sota l'acció de Neurog3. Identifiquem, mitjançant l'estudi del model animal gen anul•lat per Wnt9a, un augment del compartiment endocrí abans del naixement, a causa d'una major taxa de proliferació, en absència de Wnt9a.
Per tant, el conjunt d'aquests resultats indicaria que la via de senyalització Wnt juga un paper important durant el procés de diferenciació endocrina del pàncrees, suggerint una connexió entre el programa transcripcional endocrí i la via de senyalització intracel•lular Wnt. / The pancreas is a gland consisting of secretory exocrine and endocrine tissue. The endocrine compartment is formed by the alpha cells (glucagon producing), the beta cells (insulin producing), delta cells (somatostatin), PP (pancreatic polypeptide) cells and epsilon cells (ghrelin).
Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by maintaining high levels of blood glucose resulting from the inability to produce or use insulin. Currently, the treatment for diabetes is based on regular injections of insulin. There are many groups working on finding new sources of insulin-producing cells to recover beta cells mass lost during diabetes development. For this reason, it’s necessary to detail the molecular steps that occur from an undifferentiated cell to an insulin-producing cell.
During pancreatic organogenesis, a set of transcription factors that are essential for proper formation of the organ are activated, including the proendocrine factor Neurogenin3 (Neurog3), as well as a number of extrinsic signals (signalling pathways).
Neurogenin3 is a transcription factor that belongs to bHLH transcription factors family. It plays an essential role in pancreatic-endocrine differentiation, since in its absence there is no formation of endocrine cells.
In the first objective of this thesis we have identified potential new targets for Neurog3, using an in vitro model of endocrine differentiation process, pancreatic ductal cells (mPAC), in which adenoviral overexpression of Neurog3 induces the activation of the transcriptional differentiation program. Using whole genomic profile study, we identified a set of genes related to signalling Wingless (Wnt) pathway as potential targets of Neurog3 in vitro. Among these genes, we focused our studies on the analysis of the gene encoding the ligand of the Wnt pathway, Wingless- type MMTV integration site 9A (Wnt9a).
The second objective of this thesis focuses on the study of the possible role of Wnt9a during endocrine differentiation. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time, the presence of Wnt9a mRNA in mouse embryonic pancreas, as well as its regulation by transcription factors involved in endocrine differentiation program. We studied the role of Wnt9a within the endocrine differentiation cascade, demonstrating a regulatory role of Wnt9a on some Neurog3 activated genes.
Finally, we did the characterization of the endocrine differentiation process in the Wnt9a knock out animal mouse model. At embryonic stage (e) 18.5 (just before birth), we observed a general increase in the major hormone-producing cells of the endocrine compartment (β cell insulin-positive, α cells glucagon-positive cells and δ somatostatin-
positive) in relation to the total pancreatic area, which correlated with a high rate of proliferation. The analysis of gene expression performed at (e) 15.5 (time of maximum endocrine expansion) shows no difference in levels of Neurog3 mRNA, indicating that the increase in the endocrine compartment observed at (e) 18.5 is not due to a greater endocrine specification. However, the study of transcriptional endocrine factors shows an increase in the expression of Pdx1 gene in the deficient Wnt9a animals; this could explain the increase in beta cells observed at (e) 18.5.
Therefore, this thesis define for the first time the direct relationship between bHLH transcription factors and components of the Wnt pathway in the pancreas, as well as the identification of Wnt9a mRNA in embryonic mouse pancreas and in adult islets. We demonstrate the regulation of Wnt9a by transcription factors of the endocrine cascade and the regulation of some of them by Wnt9a. We have identified an increase of the endocrine compartment, just before birth, in Wnt9a deficient animals, probably due to a higher rate of proliferation in the absence of Wnt9a.
Hence, all these results indicate that Wnt signalling pathway plays an important role during pancreatic endocrine differentiation, suggesting a connection between the endocrine transcriptional program and Wnt signalling.
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Är det egentligen inte bara ett slöseri med tid och pengar? : En kvalitativ studie i användandet av sociala medier som kommunikationsverktyg / Isn’t it just a waste of time and money? : A qualitative study of the use of social media as a communication toolStridh Mossberg, Sandra, Wärendh, Mikaela January 2013 (has links)
Social media has become an important marketing and communication tool worldwide, mostly through the largest social platforms Facebook and Twitter. With two-way communication via Internet companies has gotten the opportunity to interact and communicate directly with their customers. Facebook has been the focus point through the study because it has shown to be the most efficient and frequently used platform for communication. Our study aimed to confirm how communication via social media actually looks like. To be able to reach the best results, we have conducted the study from a phenomenological approach, which means; usage of qualitative semi-structured interviews to reflect the respondents experience on the phenomenon social media as a communication tool. Social media has shown to be a great way of communicating externally for companies who are willing to spend time engaging in the platform. The opportunities social media has brought, such as interaction has led most of the companies to use social media as their primary communication channel, all thou social media is probably not going to replace the traditional channels. This study has also allowed us to develop a model for communication through social media, for companies who are thinking of communicating through social media, and for companies who are communicating through social media today.
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Satan i serier : En karaktärsanalys av djävulsportträtten i fyra moderna serietidningarHansson, Linus January 2011 (has links)
Genom att undersöka Djävulens utseende och roll, har jag försökt beskriva hur Djävulen porträtteras i de serietidningar jag valt ut. Djävulen avbildas på en rad olika sätt i serietidningsform i vårt till stor del sekulariserade samhälle. Vissa av dessa avbildningar har religiösa föregångare, vissa har föregångare i annan litteratur och vissa är helt nya. De tyder på att man inte använder Djävulen alltför lättvindigt i serietidningar och att man ofta är medveten om de kulturella konnotationer han för med sig. Han är en karaktär som ofta framställs som en negativ karaktär, vilket inte är lustigt med tanke på hans roll inom religion och litteratur. Tack vare de förutfattade tankar som finns om honom är han lätt att använda för att skapa effekter inom serierna, antingen genom att spela på den negativa inställningen eller genom att ställa läsarens förväntningar på ända. Han framställs främst i tre större roller: som tragisk, skrämmande eller komisk. Det är inte ovanligt att flera av dessa roller används till samma karaktär. I de serier jag analyserat har han alltid ställts som en kontrast till seriens protagonist, även om han inte alltid är serietidningens antagonist. Djävulens utseende speglar hans roll i serierna på så sätt att han, när han ska vara skrämmande eller antagonist, har ett mer monstruöst utseende än vad han har när han har en tragisk roll. När han ska vara komisk har han ett utseende som kan ses som löjeväckande, men är inte mänsklig för den saken skull. En gemensam faktor är att samtliga djävlar hade någon form av skräckskapande element till sin karaktär. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att Djävulen framställs på minst sagt olika sätt i de olika serierna, vilket tyder på att det kan vara svårt att säga något klart generellt om hur denna karaktär porträtteras i serietidningsmediet.
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Ett syfte bakom målandet? : En kvalitativ studie om bildskapande aktiviteter på två Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolor / A purpose behind painting? : A qualitative study on image-building activities at two preschools with inspiration from Reggio EmiliaKjell, Jenny, Karlsson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Bildskapande är något som nämns inom bildkonsten och innefattar konstarterna skulptur, måleri, teckning och grafik. Ett argument för vikten av bildskapande aktiviteter är utvecklandet av visuell ”läs- och skrivkunnighet”. I det här arbetet kommer vi att lyfta bildskapandet ur ett förskoleperspektiv. Syftet med vår studie är att ta reda på hur två pedagoger använder bildskapande som pedagogiskt verktyg och hur de kopplar detta till läroplanen för förskolan. Läroplanen för förskolan skriver om de olika uttrycksformerna; bild, sång och musik, rytmik, dans och rörelse som ska vara till hjälp för att skapa och kommunicera. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod med hjälp av observationer och intervjuer. Resultatet lyfter undersökningsdeltagarnas svar i deavslutande intervjuerna och i diskussionen dras paralleller mellan svaren och läroplanen. / Image-building includes the art forms sculpture, painting, drawing and graphics. One argument for the importance of image-building is the development of visual “readingand writing skills”. In this study we’re going to illuminate image-building within the early childhood perspective. The purpose of our study is to find out how two preschool teachers work with image-building and how they link this to the preschool curriculum.The preschool curriculum writes about the different forms of expression; art, singing and music, dance and movement as a tool to create and communicate. We have used qualitative approach with observation and interviews. The result shows the study’s participants answers in the final interviews and in the discussion we draw parallels between the answers and the curriculum.
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A Precoding Scheme for Semi-Blind Channel Estimation in Cooperative NetworksChen, Yen-cheng 01 August 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we proposed a precoding scheme for semi-blind channel estimation in amplify-and-forward (AF) multipath two-way relay networks (TWRN), where two terminals exchange their information through multi-relays. The precoding scheme, which diminishes computational complexity of semi-blind channel estimator, is used to distinguish received signal at both terminals from multi-relays.
By applying a non-redundant linear precoding scheme at multi-relays, we proposed a semi-blind channel estimation to estimate the channel impulse response (CIR) of direct link and the cascaded source-relay-terminal links. Firstly, semi-blind channel estimation adopts least-square (LS) estimation to find the CIR of direct link between both terminals using a smaller number of training symbols. Secondly, the CIR of the cascaded source-relay-terminal links are obtained through second-order statistics (SOS) of received signals at both terminals.
Consequently, the proposed scheme can effectively reduce the computational complexity and enhance the spectral efficiency in overall system. Simulation results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
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Effects Of Way Finding Affordances On Usability Of Virtual World Environments In Terms Of UsersCansiz, Yaver 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to test the effects of different way finding affordances on the usability of METU virtual campus built in Second Life virtual world in terms of users&rsquo / satisfaction, performance and mental workload. This study was conducted with 36 participants who are students at the Middle East Technical University. Participants were randomly put on of the five groups namely map, signboard, voice and agent groups and a control group. The participants were given navigational tasks in METU virtual campus within Second Life. In the experiment, the eye movements of the participants were examined with eye tracking tool in order to determine the areas which participants paid attention most. Also mental work load in their prefrontal cortex was examined with fNIR device. There was no significant difference among groups in terms of satisfaction, however / there were significant difference among groups in terms of task completion accuracy, time, length, navigation cue gaze duration and mental workload. Agent group has the highest accuracy score, map group has the highest time, length and navigation cue gaze duration score. Moreover, agent group has the highest mental workload but control group has the lowest mental workload.
The results of the tests were used to provide guidance for the design of way finding affordances in METU virtual campus.
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Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of white maize inbreds, hybrids and synthetics under stress and non-stress environmentsMakumbi, Dan 30 October 2006 (has links)
Maize is susceptible to biotic and abiotic stresses. The most important abiotic stresses in Africa are drought and low soil fertility. Aflatoxin contamination is a potential problem in areas facing drought and low soil fertility. Three studies were conducted to evaluate maize germplasm for tolerance to stress. In the first study, fifteen maize inbred lines crossed in a diallel were evaluated under drought, low N stress, and well-watered conditions at six locations in three countries to estimate general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA), investigate genotype x environment interaction, and estimate genetic diversity and its relationship with grain yield and heterosis. GCA effects were not significant for grain yield across environments. Lines with good GCA effect for grain yield were P501 and CML258 across stresses. Lines CML339, CML341, and SPLC7-F had good GCA effects for anthesis silking interval across stresses. Additive genetic effects were more important for grain yield under drought and well-watered conditions. Heterosis estimates were highest in stress environments. Clustering based on genetic distance calculated using marker data from AFLP, RFLP, and SSRs grouped lines according to origin. Genetic distance was positively correlated with grain yield and specific combining ability. In the second study, synthetic hybrids were evaluated at seven locations in three countries to estimate GCA and SCA effects under low N stress and optimal conditions and investigate genotype x environment interaction. GCA effects were significant for all traits across low N stress and optimal conditions. The highest yielding synthetic hybrids involved synthetics developed from stress tolerant lines. Synthetics 99SADVIA-# and SYNA00F2 had good GCA for grain yield across low N stress conditions. Heterosis was highly correlated with grain yield. Optimal environments explained more variation than stress environments. The third study evaluated the agronomic performance and aflatoxin accumulation of single and three-way cross white maize hybrids at five locations in Texas. Inbreds CML343, Tx601W, and Tx110 showed positive GCA effects for grain yield. Significant GCA effects for reduced aflatoxin concentration were observed in lines CML269, CML270, and CML78 across locations. Differences in performance between single and three-way crosses hybrids were dependent mostly on the inbred lines.
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Programming models for speculative and optimistic parallelism based on algorithmic propertiesCledat, Romain 24 August 2011 (has links)
Today's hardware is becoming more and more parallel. While embarrassingly parallel codes, such as high-performance computing ones, can readily take advantage of this increased number of cores, most other types of code cannot easily scale using traditional data and/or task parallelism and cores are therefore left idling resulting in lost opportunities to improve performance. The opportunistic computing paradigm, on which this thesis rests, is the idea that computations should dynamically adapt to and exploit the opportunities that arise due to idling resources to enhance their performance or quality.
In this thesis, I propose to utilize algorithmic properties to develop programming models that leverage this idea thereby providing models that increase and improve the parallelism that can be exploited. I exploit three distinct algorithmic properties: i) algorithmic diversity, ii) the semantic content of data-structures, and iii) the variable nature of results in certain applications.
This thesis presents three main contributions: i) the N-way model which leverages algorithmic diversity to speed up hitherto sequential code, ii) an extension to the N-way model which opportunistically improves the quality of computations and iii) a framework allowing the programmer to specify the semantics of data-structures to improve the performance of optimistic parallelism.
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Volvo Logistics Corporation Returnable Packaging System : a model for analysing cost savings when switching packaging systemBeselin Hallberg, Jacob, Uhrbom, Per January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a study for analysing costs affected by packaging in a producing industry. The purpose is to develop a model that will calculate and present possible cost savings for the customer by using Volvo Logistics Corporations, VLC’s, returnable packaging instead of other packaging solutions.</p><p>The thesis is based on qualitative data gained from both theoretical and empirical studies. The methodology for gaining information has been to study theoretical sources such as course literature and articles, as well as through interviews and consolidation with staff at Volvo Logistics Corporations office in Gothenburg.</p><p>The model is constructed in Microsoft Excel and consists of six different sheets. The first sheet is a front page that summarises the costs calculated in the other sheets and presents the possible cost savings. After the front page there are three sheets with calculations for the costs in different scenarios, Today’s Situation, VLC Packaging Solution (Pre implementation) and VLC Packaging Solution (Post implementation). The first sheet, Today’s Situation, presents the result of the model that will calculate the customers’ current costs that are associated with packaging. The different costs presented in the model are costs for unloading, repacking, today’s cost for an internal packaging solution, quality related costs, one-way packaging costs and the costs for other packaging solutions. The next sheet, VLC Packaging Solution (Pre), presents an estimation of the cost for thecustomer when using VLC’s returnable packaging system. The estimation will serve as an investment tool, for calculating possible cost savings compared to the present situation. The different costs that will be discussed are handling costs, quality related costs, distribution cost, transaction cost, and investment cost. The third and final calculation sheet, VLC Packaging Solution (Post), presents the actual costs for the customer after the implementation. When the costs have been calculated they will be used to evaluate the actual cost savings for the customer. The last two sheets are a data sheet, which consists of data needed for the calculations in the previous sheets, and an instruction sheet where there are instructions to the different calculations in the model.</p><p>The conclusion shows that the objective to create a model for calculating the costs for different packaging systems and present possible cost savings is fulfilled.</p>
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