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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic Assessment in Foreign Language Individualized Instruction

LEE, SOO YUN 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

A Heuristic for Environmental Values and Ethics, and a Psychometric Instrument to Measure Adult Environmental Ethics and Willingness to Protect the Environment

Meyers, Ronald B. 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Do seasonal climate forecasts and crop insurance really matter for smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe? Using contingent valuation method and remote sensing applications

Makaudze, Ephias M. 10 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.

The economic value of air-pollution-related health risks in China

Guo, Xiaoqi 13 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Residents’ knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, and willingness to pay for non-point source pollution control: a study of Nansihu Lake Watershed, China

Hao, Jianjun 07 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Microfinance, Incentives to Repay, and Overindebtedness: Evidence from a Household Survey in Bolivia

Gonzalez, Adrian 24 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Self-regulation and its relation to motivation and proficiency

Onoda, Sakae January 2011 (has links)
This study was an investigation of the relationships among willingness to communicate, two motivational variables (intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy), three self-regulated learning strategies (metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies, effort regulation strategies and peer learning strategies), and measures of English speaking and listening proficiency. The study primarily drew on the concept of self-regulation derived from educational psychology. A sample of 279 English majors studying at a private university in eastern Japan participated in this study. Data from a Japanese version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and scores of an in-house proficiency test designed to measure speaking and listening skills were collected. Factor analysis and Rasch analysis were conducted to develop a reliable shortened Japanese version of the MSLQ. Multiple one-way ANOVAs indicated that students with higher speaking and listening abilities as measured by an in-house proficiency test, tended to use more metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies and effort regulation strategies compared with those with intermediate and lower speaking and listening proficiency. There were no statistically significant differences in peer learning strategies for speaking and peer learning strategies for listening. Finally, structural equation modeling was used to test hypothesized speaking and listening models of the relationships among willingness to communicate, intrinsic goal orientation, self-efficacy, metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies, effort regulation strategies, peer learning strategies, and English speaking and listening proficiency. Modified models indicated that intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy influenced effort regulation strategies, which in turn predicted peer Learning strategies and metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies. It was also found that peer learning strategies influenced metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies. Finally, metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies as well as willingness to communicate predicted speaking skills, but listening skills were only predicted by metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies. Thus, the results illuminated the complex interrelationships among willingness to communicate, self-efficacy, intrinsic goal orientation, effort regulation strategies, and metacognitive during-task self-regulation strategies in predicting speaking and listening skills. Follow-up interviews with a focus group of students revealed that classroom teaching was mainly focused on speaking tasks that required proactive learning behaviors and effort and that listening tasks occupied only part of the class and that usually comprehension of main points served their purposes. The information helps explain why the speaking model had stronger interrelationships among willingness to communicate, motivational variables, self-regulation strategies, and the proficiency variable. / Educational Psychology

Elevers rädsla för att kommunicera på engelska : Mellanstadielärares syn på bakomliggande faktorer och möjliga strategier i klassrummet

Mala Mohammad, Raman, Murtadha, Ali January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som orsakar talängslan i engelska enligt sex mellanstadielärare från tre olika kommuner, samt vilka strategier de använder för att stödja elever som inte vågar att uttrycka sig på engelska vid kommunikativa tillfällen i klassen.  I intervjuer med de deltagande lärarna visade det sig att de är medvetna om olika faktorer som bidrar till talängslan i engelskämnet, såsom klassrumsklimatet, gruppdynamiken, elevernas personligheter och relationen lärare-elev. De deltagande lärarna använder sinsemellan likartade strategier för att stödja eleverna, som att skapa ett tryggt klassrumsklimat, ge eleverna chans att förbereda sig innan presentationer, inkludera olika roliga lekar och talaktiviteter, ge gradvis träning i små grupper med fokus på tryggt kamratskap i början, samt att vara en stödjande och uppmuntrande lärare.

Vem tar hand om barnen vid höjd beredskap? En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja / Who is taking care of the children at heightened state of alert? A qualitative study on preschool teachers view of their role in the total defence and their willingness to defend one’s own country

Lahti, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur förskollärare upplever sin roll inom totalförsvaret och hur deras försvarsvilja ser ut. Totalt har tio förskollärare intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys utfördes på intervjumaterialet. Detta resulterade i två teman och sju subteman som redogör för gynnsamma samt ogynnsamma aspekter för förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja. Slutsatserna från denna studie var att förskollärare anser att de har en viktig roll inom totalförsvaret och att det finns en hög försvarsvilja. Studien visar dock att kunskapen och informationen om vad deras roll innebär är bristande, inte bara internt utan även stort i samhället och att ledare utgör en viktig roll i att sprida den kunskapen. Slutligen visadestudien på att den mest ogynnsamma aspekten är det som står oss närmast - familjen. Behovet att skydda sin egen familj och veta att den är trygg är det viktigaste och det visar i sig hur viktig förskolan är som aktör inom det civila försvaret för att tillgodose det behovet. / The aim of this study was to study how preschool teachers perceive their role within the total defence and what their willingness to defend one’s own country looks like. A total of tenpreschool teachers have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews and the interview material has been data-processed through a thematic analysis. This resulted in two themes and seven subthemes that included favorable and unfavorable aspects of preschool teachers view of their role in total defence and their willingness to defend. The conclusions of this study were that preschool teachers think that they have an important role in the total defence and that there is a high willingness to defend, but that the knowledge and information about what their role entails is lacking, not only internally but also widely in society and that leaders plays an important role to spread this knowledge. Finally this study shows that the most unfavorable aspect, for the willingness to defend one’s country, is what we have closestto us - the family. The need to protect the own family is the most important thing and that itself shows how important preschool is as an actor in the civil defence.

Not so Quiet on the Eastern Front: Women’s Unseen Battles : The Influence of Proximity to Conflict on Female Combatants

Weigert, Jana January 2024 (has links)
Mainstream portrayals of women in research, politics, and media during armed conflict often limit them to the roles of victims or, at best, peacemakers, disregarding their diverse and active participation. This study challenges such binary portrayals by investigating the involvement of women in armed conflict, particularly why some regions experience high levels of female combatants while others do not. It posits that close proximity to conflict enhances women's opportunities and willingness to engage in combat, leading to an increase in the fraction of female combatants relative to men. Using a comparative case study design, this research analyzes regions in southeast Ukraine based on their proximity to the Donbas conflict zone from 2014 to 2018. The empirical findings support the hypothesis, indicating that greater proximity to conflict zones increases the likelihood of female combatants. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of women's roles in armed conflicts and offer valuable insights for the field of peace and conflict studies by shedding light on the disruption of societalgender roles during times of conflict, thus revealing broader societal impacts of violence and war.

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