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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kaufst du noch oder streamst du schon?

Liese, Christin 13 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zeiten der Plattensammlung sind vorbei, Kassetten und CDs sind der MP3-Datei gewichen und nun wird Musik ausschließlich gestreamt. Dieses Zukunftsszenario ist bis dato noch nicht eingetreten, aber wird dies überhaupt passieren? Wird der Kauf von physischen Musikdatenträgern und digitalen Musikdateien dank der immer stärker ansteigenden Streaming Aktivitäten komplett eingestellt? Oder können beide Formen nebeneinander existieren? Um diesen Fragen auf den Grund zu gehen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Umfrage mit 1.661 Studenten der Technischen Universität Dresden durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss über die Nutzungshäufigkeiten von kostenfreien und kostenpflichtigen Streaming Anbietern sowie von CDs / Schallplatten und MP3 Musikdateien. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, dass eine geringe Zahlungsbereitschaft bei den Studenten besteht. Es werden bereits selten mehr als 5 € in Musik investiert, doch seitdem die Studenten Streaming Dienste nutzen, geben sie nach eigenen Angaben noch weniger Geld für Musik aus als zuvor. Diesem Negativtrend steht die Erkenntnis gegenüber, dass die Probanden seit der Nutzung von Streaming Angeboten weniger Musik illegal herunterladen. Auch wenn der Großteil weniger Musik kauft, so ist es etwa der Hälfte aller Befragten sehr wichtig, Musik zu besitzen, vor allem in physischer Form. Zudem wurden Nutzungsmotive der Möglichkeiten des Musikhörens erfasst, um deren Stärken und Schwächen aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass die kostenfreie Variante des Streamens zwar häufig genutzt wird, sich die traditionellen Musikdatenträger und Musikdateien jedoch immer noch großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Von einer kompletten Verdrängung des Kaufens von Musik kann demnach nicht ausgegangen werden.

Ochota platit za zelenou elektřinu / Willingness to pay for green electricity

Novák, Jan January 2015 (has links)
We estimate the willingness to pay for electricity generated from renewable energy in the Czech Republic. Discrete choice experiment is used to elicit preferences for various attributes of renewable electricity support scheme (PM emission, GHG emission, size of RE power plant, revenue distribution, and costs). Original survey is carried with 404 respondents living in two regions - Ustecky (polluted area) and Southern Bohemia (cleaner area). We find that respondents prefer decentralized renewable electricity sources over centralized, local air quality improvements over reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Estimated marginal willingness to pay for 1% reduction in emission of particulate matter equals to 49 CZK, respectively 3.7 % of average monthly electricity bill. In total, WTP for green electricity is larger than current compulsory contributions to renewable energy support scheme. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Economic valuation of ecosystems and natural resources / Evaluation économique des écosystèmes et des ressources naturelles

Kalisa, Thierry 26 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier les méthodes d'évaluation des ressources environnementales : la méthode des Coûts de Transport (CT) à préférences révélées et la méthode d'évaluation contingente (EC) à préférences déclarées afin de proposer les contributions suivantes. Dans le chapitre 1, nous montrons qu'il est possible si les données sur les deux méthodes sont disponibles pour les mêmes observations, d'obtenir une meilleure mesure de la disposition à payer (DAP) par la combinaison des deux méthodes en utilisant la technique du maximum de vraisemblance simulé. Dans le chapitre 2, nous montrons qu'une nouvelle approche: le "special regressor" pourrait être une solution pour traiter les problèmes d'endogénéité en EC. En utilisant des données sur la DAP pour réduire les risques subjectifs de mortalité due à la présence d' Arsenic dans l'eau potable , nous montrons que le problème d'endogénéité du niveau subjectif de risque de mortalité peut être réglé efficacement. Enfin dans le chapitre 3, en utilisant une nouvelle enquête sur l'électrification rurale au Rwanda, nous proposons un nouveau design de la méthode d'EC en permettant aux personnes interrogées de choisir entre une contribution en temps ou en argent. Ainsi, en plus de mesurer une DAP classique, nous obtenons aussi une disposition à contribuer du temps mesurée en jours, qui est une mesure aussi voire même plus pertinente que la DAP dans le contexte d'un pays en développement. / This dissertation aims at investigating the methods of the environmental resources valuation: revealed preferences Travel Cost (TC) method and stated preferences Contingent Valuation (CV) method in order to propose the following contributions. In chapter 1, we show that it is possible if both CV and TC data are available for the same observations, to obtain a better measure of willingness to pay (WTP) by combining the two methods using Simulated maximum Likelihood technique. In chapter 2, we show that the new special regressor approach could be a solution to treat endogeneity issues in CV. Using data on WTP for reducing subjective mortality risks due to arsenic in drinking water, we show that the endogeneity of the subjective mortality risk level can be treated effectively. Finally in chapter 3, using a new survey about rural electrification in Rwanda, we propose a new design for the CV method by allowing people to choose between a contribution in time or in money. Thus, in addition to measure a conventional WTP, we also obtain a willingness to contribute time measure which is as or even more relevant than WTP in the context of a developing country.

Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Sustainability Attributes in Beer: A Choice Experiment Using Eco-Labels

Aaron J Staples (6949067) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Commercial and regional brewers are increasingly investing in sustainability equipment that reduces input use, operating costs, and environmental impact. These technologies often require significant upfront costs that can limit market access to microbreweries. One potential solution for these brewers is to market their product as sustainable and charge a premium for their product to offset some of the costs. A stated preference choice experiment of a nationally-representative sample is undertaken to elicit consumer willingness-to-pay (WTP) for sustainability attributes in beer, thus determining whether a market for sustainably-made beer exists. The facets of sustainability, including water reduction, energy reduction, and landfill diversion, are portrayed through eco-labels affixed the front of the primary packaging (aluminum can or glass bottle). Multiple specifications are employed to handle model shortcomings and incorporate discrete heterogeneity. Across all model specifications, <a>consumers show a positive and statistically significant marginal WTP for landfill diversion practices and carbon reduction practices, ranging from $0.40 to $1.37 per six-pack and $0.67 to $1.21 per six-pack, respectively. </a>These results indicate consumers do in fact place value on beer produced using sustainable practices, and the demographics of consumers with the greatest WTP are similar to that of craft beer consumer.</p>

L'estimation de la valeur statistique de la vie humaine dans le domaine de la santé : quel fondement normatif pour une estimation monétaire au sein de l'économie du bien-être ? / Estimating of the value of a statistical life in the health field : which normative base for a monetary estimate within the economics of welfare ?

Belharet, Mahdi 20 March 2018 (has links)
La Valeur statistique de la vie humaine (VSVH) est un outil d’analyse économique, qui est définie comme la valeur qu’une personne est prête à payer (CAP) pour réduire le risque de mortalité ou de morbidité. L’intérêt d’un tel outil est d’estimer monétairement le bénéfice social d’un projet d’investissement destiné à réduire le risque, mais aussi d’établir un arbitrage entre plusieurs alternatives. Répondre à l’aléa moral dans un contexte de rareté des ressources est parfaitement adéquat avec la VSVH. Avec l’estimation des personnes de leurs capacités de paiement en fonction de leurs perceptions du risque et de leur niveau de revenu, les personnes sont positionnées comme les seules juges de la valeur de leurs vies. Parce que, les personnes déterminent librement les CAPs en fonction de leurs préférences personnelles et que ces préférences sont intégrées dans la détermination d’un choix social, la VSVH ne contredit pas le cadre normatif d’établissement d’une décision. Néanmoins, le welfarisme comme une source des méthodes d’estimation de la VSVH est en relation directe avec l’utilitarisme. Au final, la valeur estimée par la VSVH est de nature subjective. Dans le domaine de la santé, la VSVH doit dépasser le cadre subjectif d’une estimation pour répondre à l’éthique normative qui décrit la pratique médicale, notamment la prise en considération de l’autonomie personnelle, la notion personnelle de la bonne vie et la notion universelle de la personne. L’objectif de notre travail est de rechercher les arguments d’établissement d’une valeur de référence de la VSVH qui endosse un cadre normatif. Cela nécessite une analyse approfondie au sein de la théorie économique du bien-être. / The value of statistical life (VSL) is an economic analytical tool, which is defined as the value that a person is ready to pay (WTP) in order to reduce the risk mortality or morbidity. The advantage of such a tool is to monetarily estimate the social benefit of an investment project which is made to reduce the risk, but also to establish an arbitrage between several alternatives. Respond to the moral hazard in a context pertaining to the scarcity of resources, which is perfectly in keeping with VSL. With people’s estimation on their willingness to pay, depending on how they perceive risks and their income level, people are positioned as the sole judges as for the value of their lives. Because people freely determine the WTP depending on their personal preferences and these preferences are included in order to determine a social choice. The value of statistical life doesn’t contradict the normative framework of establishing a decision. Nonetheless, welfarism which is a source of estimating methods of VSL is directly related to utilitarianism. Eventually, the estimated value by VSL is subjective nature. In the health sector, the VSL needs to surpass the subjective framework of an estimation in order to answer the normative ethic which describes the medical practice, especially by taking personal self-sufficiency into account but also the personal notion of a good life and the universal notion of the person. Researching establishing arguments of reference value pertaining to VSL which takes on a normative framework and this is objective when it comes to our work. This theoretically requires an in-depth analysis within the economic theory of well-being.

Prédisposition au changement et innovation dans les services de logiciels au Brésil / Predisposição à Mudança e Inovação em Serviços de Software no Brasil

Figueiredo Moreira, Marina 26 July 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche analyse le rapport existant entre la prédisposition au changement dans les services et les résultats concernant la mise en œuvre d'innovations dans des entreprises de développement de logiciels au Brésil. L'objectif principal consiste à expliquer la relation entre la prédisposition au changement dans les services et le développement des innovations dans le cadre des services de logiciels au Brésil. Pour atteindre son but, cette recherche a été développée en trois étapes, la première ayant consisté à relever les dimensions explicatives de la prédisposition au changement dans les services, ce qui a permis de cartographier sept dimensions explicatives à partir desquelles, lors de la deuxième étape de la recherche, une échelle de mesure a été proposée, appliquée et validée. Cette seconde phase, a également permis l'application d'une échelle de mesure de l'innovation dans les services à partir d'une sous sélection de points de la PINTEC 2008 (IBGE, 2010). Lors de la troisième étape de cette étude, le modèle d'analyse proposé a été testé à partir des données collectées lors de la réalisation de régressions linéaires. L'hypothèse de recherche considérait que la prédisposition au changement dans les services exerçait une prédiction linéaire sur l'innovation dans les services de logiciels au Brésil, ce qui la confirmait en tant qu'inputs d'innovation dans les services. / This study investigated the acceptance of changes in the characteristics of a service by the provider, and its effects on the generation of innovations in software services. This problem was operationalized in the form of the construct Willingness to Change in Services - WCS, for which it was developed an enquiry of its explanatory dimensions, with the completion of semi-structured interviews with experts in software services in ten brazilian cities. Seven dimensions were associated to the construct and gave rise to a measurement scale for WCS, which was submitted along with a scale to measure innovation in services in 351 Brazilian companies that develop software services. The scale of WCS underwent semantic validation by experts and factorial, latter performed with the application of an Analysis of Exploratory Structural Equations Modeling of the data obtained with the application of the scales in the sample companies. A Linear Regression test was performed in order to explore the relation between WCS and SI. The results show no significant relation within the Linear Regression tests performed between the constructs. It was understood that the analysis examined the linear relation between the constructs, which was not confirmed, but it did not test the existence of nonlinear or indirect relations. Therefore, it is understood that there might be intermediate phenomena or processes between change and innovation in services yet to be mapped.

Signal et information imparfaite : quelle efficacité pour les indications géographiques ? : une application aux fromages AOP d’Auvergne / Signal and imperfect information : what effectiveness for the geographical indications? : an application to Auvergne PDO cheeses

Ngoulma Tang, Jeannot Patrick 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les Indications Géographiques (IG), désignent un label particulier utilisé pour assurer la qualité, l’origine et protéger les produits de la contrefaçon. Elles lient la qualité et la réputation d’un produit à un térritoire et sont très présentes en Europe, notamment en France. A l’heure où les consommateurs demandent davantage de transparence et d’information sur l’origine des biens qu’ils consomment, la valorisation des produits locaux représente un enjeu important. Nous analysons dans cette thèse, le consentement à payer des consommateurs pour les produits sous indications géographiques à l’aide de la base de données Kantar WorldPanel, qui regroupe des données d’achats des ménages français. L’accent étant mis sur les fromages AOP d’Auvergne, nous travaillons sur la période 2008-2010 qui représente la période de réforme et de restructuration des acteurs des filières AOP fromagères auvergnates. Dans un premier temps nous réalisons une méta-analyse afin d’observer ce que les études nous disent sur le sujet. Sachant que le consentement à payer est une prime du prix, nous estimons la dispersion et les déterminants des prix des fromages AOP d’Auvergne dans un second temps. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, nous répondons à notre question de recherche principale en estimant les déterminants de choix et le consentement à payer (CAP) des consommateurs. De façon globale, nous trouvons que l’indication géographique joue un rôle important dans l’esprit des consommateurs durant les actes d’achats, mais pour qu’elle soit plus efficace, elle doit être accompagnée par des stratégies de promotion initiée par les distributeurs et producteurs. De même les attributs des produits et les conditions de distributions jouent un rôle plus important dans les décisions d’achats, par rapport aux caractéristiques propres aux consommateurs. Enfin, nous notons que les consommateurs ont des CAP très différents d’un fromage AOP d’Auvergne à l’autre, mais ces CAP convergent tous vers un prix unique, qui représente le prix espéré par les consommateurs pour ces produits. / Geographical Indications (GIs) designate a particular label used to ensure quality, origin and protect products from counterfeiting. They bind the quality and the reputation of a product to a territory and are very present in Europe, especially in France. At a time when consumers are demanding more transparency and informations about the origin of the goods they consume, valuing local products represents an important issue. In this thesis, we analyze consumers' willingness to pay for products under geographical indications by using the Kantar WorldPanel database, which includes data of purchases of French households. With a focus on Auvergne PDO cheeses, we work on the period 2008-2010, which represents the period of reform and restructuring of actors in the Auvergne PDO cheeses sector. In a first step, we carry out a meta-analysis in order to observe what the studies tell us about the subject. Knowing that the willingness to pay is a price premium, we estimate the dispersion and the price determinants of Auvergne PDO cheeses in a second step. Finally, in a third step, we answer to our main research question by estimating determinants of choices and the consumers' willingness to pay (WTP). Globally, we find that the geographical indication plays an important role in the minds of consumers during purchasing activities, but in order to be more effective, it must be accompanied by promotion strategies initiated by distributors and producers. Similarly attributes of product and conditions of distribution play a more important role in the decisions of purchases, with regard to, the characteristics of consumers. Finally, we note that consumers have WTPs very different from a PDO cheese from Auvergne to another, but all these WTPs converge towards a single price, which represents the expected price of consumers for these products.


Silva, Cleuton Clenes da 20 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:50:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CLEUTON CLENES DA SILVA.pdf: 1417621 bytes, checksum: 3f9b7f8cea0cb7097d1e697b0a56809b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-20 / This study evaluates the spontaneous Willingness to Pay (WTP) of a proportion of the Goiania II and Sao Judas Tadeu Goiânia residents in order to reduce or eliminate the air pollution, supposedly generated by Goiania II ETE (Sewage Treatment System) and Unilever, which could result in improved quality of life for those who live nearby. The goal of the research was to put a price on environmental pollution, so it was decided to use the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), as this is most frequently recommended and used when analyzing individual consumer preference in relation to the environmental goods or services at their disposal. As a field research technique, questionnaires were given to a sample of this population, with the aim of evaluating the interviewees conceptions in relation to the environmental issues exacerbated by the Goiania II ETE and Unilever. In order to justify and tabulate the answers found in the questionnaires, the SPSS statistical program was used for regression analyses. Spontaneous WTP was considered the dependent variable while the independent variables included income, education level, occupation, etc.. By means of the field research, it could be affirmed from the majority of interviewees responses that the problem of air pollution, from their conception, is associated in particular with the industries of the region. They further highlight that Government at all levels (local, state and federal) is negligent in terms of the environmental issues which affect the residents. It was concluded that the vast majority of respondents is not willing to pay to reduce or eliminate the existing air pollution that they have to put up with, allegedly for economic reasons. Respondents warn that the Goiania II ETE and Unilever need to improve collective sewage treatment and put environmental policies in place. / Esta pesquisa avalia a Disposição a Pagar (DAP) espontânea de um percentual dos habitantes dos setores Goiânia II e São Judas Tadeu de Goiânia, para diminuir ou desaparecer com o problema da poluição do ar gerado supostamente pela ETE Goiânia II e Unilever, o que poderá resultar na melhoria da qualidade de vida dos habitantes que vivem nas proximidades dessas empresas. O objetivo da pesquisa é, valorar a poluição ambiental, por isso, decidiu-se pelo Método de Valoração Contingente (MVC), devido ser o mais recomendado e utilizado para analisar a preferência individual dos consumidores em relação aos bens ou serviços ambientais disponibilizados a eles. A técnica utilizada na pesquisa de campo foi o uso de questionários a uma amostra dessa população, tendo como intuito, avaliar a concepção dos entrevistados em relação à questão ambiental agravada pela ETE Goiânia II e Unilever. Para justificar e tabular as respostas encontradas nos questionários foi utilizado o programa estatístico SPSS fazendo a análise de regressão. Considerou-se como variável dependente a Disposição a Pagar (DAP), e como variáveis independentes, a renda, o nível de escolaridade, profissão, etc. Pela pesquisa de campo, pôde-se afirmar através da maioria dos pesquisados, que o problema do ar poluído, nas suas concepções, está associado em especial às indústrias da região. Destacam ainda que, o Poder Público em todas as esferas (municipal, estadual e federal), são omissos no que diz respeito aos problemas ambientais que os afetam. Conclui-se ainda que, a grande maioria dos pesquisados, não estão dispostos a pagar uma taxa para diminuir ou desaparecer com a poluição do ar existente e que os atingem, alegando sobretudo, fatores econômicos. Os pesquisados alertam que, a ETE Goiânia II e a Unilever precisam fazer um tratamento melhor do esgoto coletivo e apliquem em políticas ambientais.

Os efeitos da orientação para serviço, na cocriação e na avaliação on-line no setor hoteleiro

Hexsel, Helen Tomaz 26 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-08-08T17:01:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Helen Tomaz Hexse_.pdf: 937975 bytes, checksum: 5701374a367386bfe656c2180d1b42b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T17:01:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Helen Tomaz Hexse_.pdf: 937975 bytes, checksum: 5701374a367386bfe656c2180d1b42b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-26 / Nenhuma / O propósito de uma organização é atender os interesses e necessidades de seus clientes e para que isso aconteça, ela precisa ser orientada para serviço. Portanto, precisa possuir um conjunto de políticas, práticas e procedimentos internos que a possibilitem entregar um serviço excelente. No momento em que o setor hoteleiro compreende que a sua sobrevivência e crescimento dependem da criação e oferta de experiências memoráveis para seus clientes, e percebem que a cocriação pode ser utilizada na tentativa de responder as variadas expectativas que eles possuem, a sua habilidade para cocriar e o seu comportamento de cocriação assumem papéis fundamentais para colocá-la em prática. Neste cenário, as avaliações on-line podem ser utilizadas com uma forma de compreender as opiniões, pensamentos e reações dos clientes sobre os serviços que se oferece. Servindo para analisar se o cliente realmente percebe a excelência nos serviços prestados. Diante deste contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos da orientação para serviço do hotel (i) na sua habilidade de cocriação, (ii) no seu comportamento de cocriação, (iii) nas avaliações on-line que recebem dos clientes e analisar o efeito que (iv) a habilidade de cocriação possui no comportamento de cocriação. Para tanto, primeiramente, realizou-se uma etapa exploratória, onde 6 hotéis foram entrevistados com o objetivo de auxiliar na validação das escalas a serem utilizadas, na medida em que as entrevistas possibilitam um maior conhecimento sobre os construtos estudados e em como eles se encaixam no setor hoteleiro. Após, foi realizada uma survey com 155 hotéis do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul a fim de investigar os aspectos apresentados anteriormente. A técnica de estatística utilizada para análise dos dados foi a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE). Os resultados mostram que a orientação para serviço influencia positivamente na habilidade de cocriação, no comportamento de cocriação e na avaliação on-line. Destaca-se que a variância explicada atingiu índices importantes no momento em que a orientação para serviço explica 88,8% da habilidade de cocriação, 56% do comportamento de cocriação e 33,3% da avaliação on-line que hotéis recebem de seus clientes. Por outro lado, a habilidade de cocriação não apresentou efeito no comportamento de cocriação. Assim, os hotéis devem buscar uma maior orientação para serviços, a fim de alcançar maiores níveis de cocriação e melhores avaliações on-line. / The aim of an organization is to satisfy the needs and desires of the customer. For this, the organization must have service orientation. Therefore, the organization needs a basic set of organizational policies, practices and procedures to be able to deliver service excellence. When the hospitality industry understands that their future survival and growth depends upon creating and offering unique and memorable experiences for their customers, and realized that co-creation can be adopted to try to respond to customer expectations, their ability to co-create and their willingness to co-create will be the key to put co-creation in practice. Faced with this scenario the on-line reviews can be used as a way to comprehend the personal thoughts, reactions and opinions of the clients about the services that the organization offers. With this, is possible to analyze if the client really perceived an excellence in the services provided. Then, this research aims to analyze the effects of hotel service orientation (i) in their ability to co-create, (ii) in their willingness to co-create and (iii) in on-line reviews, and (iv) analyze the effect of ability to co-create have on willingness to co-create. Therefore, an exploratory study was made with 6 hotels, an attempt to get a better knowledge of how the studied constructs fits on the hotel sector to assist on the scales validation. Afterwards, a survey was realized with 155 hotels in the State of Rio Grande do Sul in order to investigate the aspects presented previously. The statistic technique used was Structural Equation Model (MEE). The results have shown that service orientation influences ability to co-create, willingness to co-create and on-line reviews positively. The explained variance has reached important indexes since service orientation explained 88,8% of ability to co-create, 33,3% of willingness to co-create and 33,3% of on-line reviews that hotels received by clients. On the other hand, ability to co-create has not presented influence on willingness to co-create. Thus, hotels should search a major service orientation to reach high levels of co-creation and better on-line reviews.

Enhancing Britain's rivers : an interdisciplinary analysis of selected issues arising from implementation of the Water Framework Directive

Hampson, Danyel Ian January 2016 (has links)
The Water Framework Directive requires reduced environmental impacts from human activities and for the assessment of the non-market benefits of pollution remediation schemes. This policy shift has exacerbated the research problems surrounding the physical, social and economic consequences of the relationship between land use and water quality. This research seeks to quantify the major socio-economic and environmental benefits for people which may arise as riverine pollution is reduced. To achieve these aims this research integrates primary data analyses combining choice experiment techniques with geographical information system based analyses of secondary data concerning the spatial distributions of riverine pollution. Current knowledge on the microbial quality of river water, measured by faecal indicator organism (FIO) concentrations and assessed at catchment scale, is inadequate. This research develops generic regression models to predict base- and high-flow faecal coliform (FC) and enterococci (EN) concentrations, using land cover and population (human and livestock) variables. The resulting models are then used both to predict FIO concentrations in unmonitored watercourses and to evaluate the likely impacts of different land use scenarios, enabling insights into the optimal locations and cost-effective mix of implementation strategies. Valuation experiments frequently conflate respondents’ preferences for different aspects of water quality. This analysis uses stated preference techniques to disaggregate the values of recreation and ecological attributes of water quality, thereby allowing decision makers to better understand the consequences of adopting alternative investment strategies which favour either ecological, recreational or a mix of benefits. The results reveal heterogeneous preferences across society; specifically, latent class analysis identifies three distinct groups, holding significantly different preferences for water quality. From a methodological perspective this research greatly enhances the ongoing synthesis of geographic and economic social sciences and addresses important policy questions which are of interest to a variety of stakeholders, including government departments and the water industry.

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