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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lernende: Objekte des Lehrens? Subjekte ihres Lernens?

Jank, Werner 05 June 2012 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt sind Video-Aufzeichnungen von drei Unterrichtsstunden im Fach Musik. Sie werden zunächst in einen musikdidaktischen Rahmen eingeordnet, der es erlaubt, eine Stunde primär der „Handlungsorientierung“ im Sinn der 1980er Jahre zuzuordnen, die zweite Stunde primär dem musikdidaktischen Modell eines „Aufbauenden Musikunterrichts“ und die dritte Stunde „offenen“ Unterrichtskonzeptionen. Der zweite Abschnitt fragt nach dem Verhältnis von Lernen und Lehren und mündet in die These, dass „natürliches“, informelles Lernen und das Lernen in der Institution Schule in einem unauflösbaren Spannungsverhältnis zueinander stehen. Diese These wird dann an einigen Teilaspekten der aufgezeichneten Schulstunden konkretisiert. Im abschließenden Abschnitt wird die These auf das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den schulischen Leistungserwartungen und der individuellen Leistungsbereitschaft der Schüler bezogen. Der Beitrag mündet in einem Plädoyer für die Anerkennung und Förderung der grundlegenden Leistungsbereitschaft der Schüler sowie der Selbstwahrnehmung ihrer individuellen Leistungen und ihres individuellen Erfolgs im Sinn einer zunehmenden Leistungsbewusstheit. / The point of departure consists of video recordings of three music lessons. These are first of all localised within a music-didactic framework, allowing one lesson to be classified primarily along the lines of “action-oriented” processes in the 1980s sense of the term, the second to be classed primarily with the music-didactic model of “progressive music learning” and the third lesson with “open” teaching concepts. The second section is an enquiry into the relationship between teaching and learning, resulting in the thesis that there is an irresolvable tension between “natural” informal learning and learning within the school institution. In the following section this thesis is concretised along various partial aspects of the recorded lessons. The thesis is then applied in the final section to the tension between the school’s performance expectations and the pupils’ individual willingness to perform. The piece ends by arguing for the recognition and promotion of the pupils’ fundamental willingness to perform as well as of their self-awareness of their individual performance and individual success in the sense of an increasing awareness of performance.

Den digitaliserade revisionsbranschen : En jämförande studie mellan the big four och företagskunder / The digitized audit industry : A comparative study between the big four and corporate customers

Abdul-Gabar, Diyar, Aljovic, Kenan January 2020 (has links)
Digitization is a global phenomenon that has changed the everyday life, both workwise and privately. Digitization has become a central part in almost everything you do today. New effective methods to provide services have been created with the help of automatization, which has introduced the audit world to a transformation process. The work process has become more digital, which has led to a higher demand in expectations on the agencies.The purpose of this study is to describe and identify possible impacts that digitization might have on the auditing work practice and “the big four” competitiveness. The study will focus on two different perspectives, the agencies and the clients, where we will examine the general view on the digital services that are being offered and what pros or cons these services bring. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, every “big four” accounting firm and a couple of customers will be interviewed. After the interviews were completed, they were analyzed by applying relevant theories. The methodology of the study has a qualitative character with inductive character.The empirical findings of the study indicate that digitization has created a more effective work practice where you have more access to data. Digitization is necessary for the agencies if they want to maintain legitimacy and be able to compete with one another, because every customer has an expectation that the agencies will have developed digitized utilities to support their work process. Furthermore, the findings show that the human interaction has decreased because of digitization, since the work has become more independent with less requirements on communication.Finally, the study shows that all agencies are aware that digitization is the main force on their market and that huge investments are being made to follow the development and to compete for the customers. / Digitalisering är ett globalt fenomen som förändrat det vardagliga livet, både arbetsmässigt och privat. Digitaliseringen har blivit en central del i nästan allt man gör idag. Det har skapats nya effektiva metoder att leverera tjänster på med hjälp av automatisering, vilket har introducerat en omvandlingsprocess för revisionsvärlden. Arbetssättet har blivit mer digitalt och det har lett till att högre krav ställs på byråerna. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och identifiera eventuella effekter som digitaliseringen kan ha på revisionsarbetet och konkurrenskraften hos “the big four”. Studien kommer fokusera på två olika perspektiv, byråernas och klienternas, där vi kommer undersöka den generella uppfattningen av de digitala tjänsterna som erbjuds och vilka fördelar eller nackdelar dessa tjänster erbjuder. För att uppnå studiens syfte, kommer varje revisionsbyrå i “the big four” och ett antal kunder att intervjuas. Efter att intervjuerna genomfördes, har de analyserats med tillämpning av relevanta teorier. Studiens metod har en kvalitativ karaktär med en induktiv ansats. Studiens resultat tyder på att digitaliseringen har skapat ett mer effektivt arbetssätt där man har tillgång till mer data. Digitaliseringen är nödvändig för byråerna om de ska förbli legitima och kunna konkurrera med varandra, eftersom varje kund har en förväntan att de ska ha utvecklade digitala verktyg som ett stöd i arbetsprocesserna. Vidare visar resultatet att mänskliga interaktionen minskat på grund av digitaliseringen, då arbetet blivit mer självständigt med krav på mindre kommunikation. Slutligen visar studien på att samtliga byråer är medvetna om att digitaliseringen är den stora drivande utvecklingen på deras marknad och att det sker stora investeringar för att följa med i utvecklingen och kunna konkurrera om kunderna.

The effect of shared dynamic understanding on willingness to contribute information: design and analysis of a mega-collaborative interface

Newlon, Christine Mae 06 May 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Collaborative helping via social networking conversation threads can pose serious challenges in emergency situations. Interfaces that support complex group interaction and sense-making can help. This research applies human-computer interaction (HCI), computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), and collaboration engineering in developing an interactive design, the Mega-Collaboration Tool (MCT). The goal is to reduce the cognitive load of a group’s growing mental model, thus increasing the general public’s ability to organize spontaneous collaborative helping. The specific aims of this research include understanding the dynamics of mental model negotiation and determining whether MCT can assist the group’s sense-making ability without increasing net cognitive load. The proposed HCI theory is that interfaces supporting collaborative cognition motivate contribution and reduce information bias, thus increasing the information shared. These research questions are addressed: 1. Does MCT support better collaborative cognition? 2. Does increasing the size of the shared data repository increase the amount of information shared? 3. Does this happen because group members experience 1) a greater sense of strategic commitment to the knowledge structure, 2) increased intrinsic motivation to contribute, and 3) reduced resistance to sharing information? These questions were affirmed to varying degrees, giving insight into the collaborative process. Greater content did not motive group members directly; instead, half of their motivation came from awareness of their contribution’s relevance. Greater content and organization improved this awareness, and also encouraged sharing through increased enthusiasm and reduced bias. Increased commitment was a result of this process, rather than a cause. Also, MCT increased collaborative cognition but was significantly hampered by Internet performance. This challenge indicates MCT’s system components should be redesigned to allow asynchronous interaction. These results should contribute to the development of MCT, other collaboration engineering applications, and HCI and information science theory.

"I'm not forcing anyone" : A Study on Motivation and Willingness to Communicate in English in a Swedish Upper-Secondary School Context

Craig, Ylva January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to expand on the existing knowledge of Swedish upper-secondary students’ willingness to communicate (WTC) in English and provide insight into how motivational strategies are used in some Swedish English-as-a-second-language (ESL) classrooms by the teachers. To gather data, four teachers were interviewed, and three of them observed in class, and 67 students answered a questionnaire. The majority of the teachers perceived their students’ WTC in the English classroom as low, and the students reported their WTC as low but also expressed some desire to improve it. In the classroom, the observed teachers showed nothing of what they claimed in the interviews to be doing to motivate their students to speak English in the classroom. The participating students suggested more speaking activities and opportunities to improve their WTC, as well as the teacher putting more pressure on them to speak English in the classroom.

Der Stromausfall in München: Einfluss auf Zahlungsbereitschaften für Versorgungssicherheit und auf die Akzeptanz Erneuerbarer Energien

Schubert, Daniel Kurt Josef, Meyer, Thomas, von Selasinsky, Alexander, Schmidt, Adriane, Thuß, Sebastian, Erdmann, Niels, Erndt, Mark 01 October 2013 (has links)
Mit dem Forschungsprojekt wurde das Ziel verfolgt, den Einfluss des Münchner Stromausfalls im Winter 2012 auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Versorgungssicherheit sowie auf die Akzeptanz für Erneuerbare Energien zu untersuchen. Das Ausfallereignis in München bot sich in besonderer Weise für eine Untersuchung an, da etwa die Hälfte des Stadtgebiets betroffen war, sodass eine Trennung nach beeinträchtigten und nicht-beeinträchtigen Haushalten aus einer nahezu homogenen Stichprobe ermöglicht wurde. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage, die zwei Monate nach dem Ausfallereignis durchgeführt wurde. Dazu wurden über das Telefonlabor der Technischen Universität Dresden 526 Personen aus Münchner Privathaushalten befragt. Nach unseren Befunden beeinflusst eine kleine Versorgungsunterbrechung, wie in München, die Einstellung hinsichtlich der Erneuerbaren Energien nur unwesentlich. Allerdings können wir mit Hilfe der kontingenten Bewertungsmethode einen signifikanten Einfluss des Ausfalls auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine sichere Versorgung nachweisen. Darüber ergeben sich aus unserer Studie Erkenntnisse für die Umsetzung der Energiewende: Beispielsweise wurde der Wert für die letzte gelieferte Kilowattstunde Strom (Value of Lost Load), das Last-Abschaltpotenzial von Haushalten sowie die Akzeptanz der Höhe der EEG-Umlage ermittelt.

Infectious Disease Risks In Developing Countries: A Non-market Valuation Exercise

Samajpati, Shreejata 01 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the non-market valuation of health-risks of malaria, an infectious disease that imposes a substantive public health burden across the globe, hitting particularly hard the tropical developing nations of Africa and Asia. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals include malaria control as a priority and large investments are underway to promote effective prevention and treatment. Despite such concerted supply-side efforts, malaria-related mortality and morbidity still abound due to a complex interface of factors like climate-change, poverty, inadequate control behavior, infection and prevention externalities, parasite resistance etc. This research project digs into the demand-side of the health problem, considers the "externality" dimension to prevention, and primarily asks the question: how do individuals in developing countries view competing disease-control (prevention) measures, viz. a publicly-administered community-level malaria control measure as against private preventive choices. A theoretical model is developed to help explore the public-private interplay of health risks of malaria. The malaria-endemic regions of Kolkata (India) and its rural fringes comprise the site for an empirical investigation. A field survey (Malaria Risk and Prevention Survey, October-December, 2011) incorporating a mix of stated and revealed preference techniques of health valuation is implemented. Risk-perceptions of respondents are elicited using a measurable visual-aid and individuals' perceived valuations of health-risk reductions, randomly offered with the public and private health treatments, are empirically ascertained. Using a Likelihood Ratio Test on the structural risk parameters, it is seen that individuals’ valuations of health risk reductions are the same across the private and public treatments. The comparative valuation iv exercise, thus, corroborates the externality dimension to malaria control, calling for greater public action to combat malaria. The viability of such a scaled-up public malaria program, in the context of Kolkata, is discussed by comparing the public treatment willingness to pay estimates with the annual estimated costs that the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, the civic body in the city of Kolkata, maintains on account of vector control. Results from the comparative valuation exercises also support the idea that private prevention is generally responsive to prevention costs, indicating the importance of price incentives to induce greater prevention. The issues of health valuation and price sensitivity are further explored across various split-samples differentiated on the basis of socio-economic attributes, disease exposure, actual prevention efforts and perceived malaria risks of survey respondents. Such auxiliary exercises help analyze the valuation question in greater depth, and generate policy insights into the potential factors that shape private prevention behavior.

Private Woodlands in Ohio: Understanding Landowners' Decision to Sell Woodlands and Participation in Forest Conservation Programs

Hussain, Ahmed Saad January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

„Sprecht Deutsch, bitte!“ : Die Fremdsprachenverwendung unter schwedischen SchülerInnen in Bezug auf ihre Fremdsprachenverwendungsangst und Fremdsprachenverwendungsfertigkeiten / "Sprecht Deutsch, bitte!" : Foreign language use among Swedish upper secondary school students with regard to their foreign language speaking anxiety and foreign language speaking skills

Rudberg, Josef January 2017 (has links)
Previous studies that have utilized the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) have performed their studies with the assumption that Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety is negatively correlated with oral skills, i.e. as anxiety increases, speaking skills decrease. In order to confirm this assumption, this study included a survey, the purpose of which is to measure three factors, in order to verify the possibility of other factors playing possibly bigger roles, among upper secondary school students in Sweden: the frequency of language use, their anxiety levels, and foreign language speaking skills. In order to be able to discuss the data thoroughly, this study includes theories regarding motivation, Self-Determination Theory, and Willingness to Communicate (WTC). The data showed that as the anxiety of the students increased, their language speaking skills decreased, i.e. a negative correlation was discovered. However, their frequency of foreign language use remained virtually the same, regardless of their anxiety levels, i.e. no strong correlation was discovered here. Lastly, the language skills of the students showed a weak positive correlation with their language use, i.e. the more they spoke, the higher their oral skills were. Therefore, the results of this study confirm previous studies claiming that foreign language speaking competence has a strong negative correlation with foreign language speaking anxiety.

Hur mycket är kunder villiga att betala för hållbara hus? / How Much are Customers willing to pay for Sustainable Housing?

Ragnarsson, Daniel, Twomey Bundgaard, Christian January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker konsumenters betalningsvilja för hållbara hus, med fokus på olika demografiska grupper och de faktorer som påverkar deras beslut. Studien syftar till att hjälpa byggföretag att utvärdera den ekonomiska genomförbarheten av att integrera hållbara metoder i sina projekt. Genom att använda en blandad metod sekventiellt förklarande-forskningsdesign inkluderar forskningen kvantitativa data från enkäter och kvalitativa data från expertintervjuer. Centrala fynd visar att även om hållbarhet inte är den primära drivkraften vid bostadsköp, finns det en betydande betalningsvilja för förbättrad energieffektivitet och minskad miljöpåverkan. Denna vilja varierar mellan olika demografiska grupper, där yngre generationer och kvinnor visar högre benägenhet att investera i hållbarhet. Studien belyser även fenomenet "hypotetisk bias", där den uttryckta betalningsviljan i enkäter överstiger den faktiska viljan i verkliga scenarier. Resultaten tyder på att integrering av hållbara lösningar kan vara ekonomiskt genomförbart för byggföretag, förutsatt att dessa lösningar erbjuder tydliga ekonomiska fördelar för konsumenterna. Framtida forskning bör undersöka långsiktiga trender i konsumentpreferenser och effekten av olika incitament för att främja hållbart byggande. / This thesis investigates consumer willingness to pay for sustainable buildings, focusing on different demographic groups and the factors influencing their decisions. The study aims to assist construction companies in evaluating the economic feasibility of incorporating sustainable practices into their projects. Utilizing a sequential explanatory mixed-methods approach, the research includes quantitative data from surveys and qualitative insights from expert interviews. Key findings reveal that while sustainability is not the primary driver in housing purchases, there is a significant willingness to pay for enhanced energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact. This willingness varies across demographics, with younger generations and women showing higher inclinations towards sustainable investments. The study also highlights the phenomenon of "hypothetical bias," where expressed willingness to pay in surveys exceeds actual willingness in real-life scenarios. The results suggest that integrating sustainable solutions can be economically viable for construction companies, provided these solutions offer clear economic benefits to consumers. Future research should explore the long-term trends in consumer preferences and the impact of various incentives on promoting sustainable housing

The relationship between managerial motivation and sense of coherence

Coetzee, Marius Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to determine whether a relationship exists between two constructs, namely managerial motivation and sense of coherence and to determine whether any variance exists between two groups of people in terms of the mentioned constructs. The study was conducted on a total sample of 124 employees of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) which was divided into two groups, namely managers and supervisors in view of the position they held at the Agricultural Research Council. The results of the study indicated that a significant positive relationship exists between the dimensions of managerial motivation and the dimensions of sense of coherence of the total sample. There is also a significant variance in terms of two dimensions between the two groups, namely power motive as dimension of managerial motivation and meaningfulness as dimension of sense of coherence. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

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