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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trade Barriers in Forest Industry between Malaysia and Europe

Binti Zakaria, Noor Aini 28 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyses the international timber trade between Malaysia and Europe with respect to the importance of environmental issues on trade and the role of Malaysia as a major timber exporter to Europe. It also evaluates the comparative advantage of Malaysian wood products and the willingness of French consumers (to represent European communities) to pay for sustainable forest management. The first part gives an overview the clashes of perception between developed and developing countries on the environmental concerns over trade. It was observed that environmental standards may act as non-tariff barriers to exporting countries. In addition, the stringent requirements posed by importing countries on technical, marking and labelling to some extent provide unnecessary barriers to trade. The second part deals with the role of Malaysia as a key player in the tropical timber trade. This part evaluates the main export market for Malaysian wood products to the world. For the purpose of this thesis, the analysis focuses on the European market. From the observations, it was found that the export of wooden furniture surpassed major timber exports in 2004. However, to penetrate the European market, Malaysia has to compete with the Chinese with their lower cost tropical wood products, and Brazil with their advantage in certification and labelling of tropical wood products. In tandem with that, the commitment towards sustainable forest management at national level causes shortage of raw materials in Malaysia. To a certain extent, the internal and external factors create necessary challenges to enter the European market. In the third part, the Balassa approach was used to classify the comparative advantage of Malaysia's twenty one types of wood products in Europe. It was estimated that Malaysia had high comparative advantage only in five products which were mechanized and intermediary industrial products. The products identified were sawn wood, wooden mouldings, plywood, veneer and builders' joinery and carpentry. The remaining products had lower comparative advantage and disadvantage to export to the European market based on the Balassa index. In the last part, the estimation on the willingness to pay for sustainable forest management attributes was conducted. Besides that, additional attributes such as fair trade and wood origin were included. A questionnaire was set up using all the attributes reflected in the hypothetical wood flooring product in the market. Based on the result, consumers were willing to pay the highest for the presence of fair trade and wood origin (in this study referring to French origin); nevertheless they were still willing to pay for sustainable aspects of forest. However, the willingness to pay for all the attributes was altered depending on the respondents' knowledge of forest labelling, their attitudes towards environmental preservation, living area, education level, type of job and income level. In the overall finding of the thesis, all the results from each part were synthesized in a systemic approach simultaneously deliberating on the macro and microeconomic perspectives as well as the dimensions on demand and supply. Overall, the findings suggest that the challenges and constraints facing the Malaysian timber industry indirectly shaped the export of Malaysian wooden products. Malaysia has adapted by going into value-added products to lessen the impact of environment-related trade barriers and to circumvent the shortage of raw materials supply. Malaysia has successfully customized the wooden products to the sustainability and legality requirements of the European market by pursuing the national certification (Malaysian Timber Certification) and being committed to sustainable forest management objectives.

A Comparative Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Towards Food Safety, Animal Testing and Traceability in the Meat Industry: Japan and Canada

Aubeeluck, Ashwina D Unknown Date
No description available.

Värdering av ekologisk gradering - Super(eko)logiskt? : En mätning av styrkan i varumärkets miljömärkning - ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Andersson, Sofia, Moilanen, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Då det ur ett konsumentperspektiv finns ett stort intresse för att kombinera olika miljöperspektiv i en enhetlig märkning samtidigt som forskning visar att en kombination av olika märkningar genererar en ökad betalningsvilja, åsyftar denna studie att undersöka hur dessa två respektive typer av märkningssätt påverkar konsumentens preferenser av varumärket samt hur dessa preferenser skiljer sig åt. Föreliggande studie testar dessutom huruvida Simonsons (1989) teori om kompromisseffekter är applikabel för att öka konsumenters preferenser för ekologiska produkter när ett superekologiskt alternativ tillförs ett valset med ett konventionellt och ett ekologiskt alternativ. Studien bidrar därmed med information till beslutsfattare inom livsmedelsbranschen för hur ekologiska attribut påverkar konsumenters preferenser och betalningsviljan för ekologiska produkter.     408 respondenter har medverkat i en enkätundersökning där svaren har analyserats med hjälp av följande statistiska analyser: reliabilitetstest, t-test, korrelationsanalys, faktoranalys och klusteranalys. Resultaten visar att trots att de flesta konsumenter tenderar att ha såväl en positiv attityd som en ökad betalningsvilja för de ekologiska alternativen, väljer fortfarande majoriteten av konsumenterna det konventionella alternativet, varvid ingen kompromisseffekt uppstår. För de allra flesta av studiens respondenter motsvarar med andra ord inte den ökade betalningsviljan rådande marknadspriser, något som bland annat skulle kunna bero på att konsumenterna inte känner erforderligt med tilltro till miljömärkningarna. Priset kan dessutom fungera som ett hinder mot ett nytt beteende, varvid konsumenten istället av ren vana håller kvar vid det gamla. Vad gäller konsumenternas syn på superekologiska märkningar tycks ett superekologiskt trioalternativ i dagsläget vara att föredra. Något mer överraskande är att respondenterna, i motsats till vad flertalet tidigare studier har visat (Roddy, Cowan & Hutchinson 1994; CEC, 1999; Magnusson, Arvola, Hursti, Åberg & Sjödén, 2001; Torjusen, Lieblein, Wandel & Francis, 2001; m.fl.), dessutom upplever smak och kvalitet hos de ekologiska alternativen som sämre jämfört med det konventionella alternativet.   Eftersom de flesta konsumenter de facto uttrycker en ökad betalningsvilja för ekologiska alternativ, anser vi avslutningsvis att en mindre prisskillnad mellan konventionella och ekologiska produkter är något som beslutsfattare i livsmedelsbranschen framför allt borde ta i beaktning för att i framtiden öka antalet konsumenter av ekologiska produkter. / From a consumer perspective, there exists a considerable interest in combining different environmental perspective in an uniform label. On the other hand, since research shows that a combination of different labels generates a greater willingness to pay, this study aim to examine how these two respective types of labeling affect consumers brand preferences, and furthermore how these preferences differ. The present study also test whether Simonson's (1989) theory of compromise effect could be applied to increase consumer preference for organic products, when adding an organic premium alternative to a choice set with a conventional and an organic alternative. Thus, the study contributes information to decision makers in the food industry about how ecological attributes affect consumers’ brand preferences and their willingness to pay for organic products.   408 respondents have participated in a survey in which the answers were analyzed using the following statistical analyzes: reliability test, t-test, correlation analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results show that although most consumers tend to have both a positive attitude and an increased willingness to pay for organic alternatives, the majority of consumers still choose the conventional alternative, why no compromise effect occurs. For most of the study's respondents the increased willingness to pay does not correspond with current market prices. Among other things this could be explained by consumers’ lack of confidence in eco-labels. The price may also act as a barrier to a new behavior, whereby the consumer out of pure habit chooses the conventional alternative. Based on the consumer preferences for organic premium labels, the organic premium combination alternative seems to be the preferable choice. Somewhat more surprising, the respondents in this study, in contrast to most previous studies (Roddy et al., 1994; CEC, 1999; Magnusson et al., 2001; Torjusen et al., 2001; etc.), perceived the taste and quality of the ecological alternatives as inferior to the conventional alternative.   Finally, since the respondents show an increased willingness to pay for organic products, we think that decision makers in the food industry primarily should take into consideration that a minor price difference between conventional and organic products is something that could increase the number of consumers buying organic products in the future.

A Comparative Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Towards Food Safety, Animal Testing and Traceability in the Meat Industry: Japan and Canada

Aubeeluck, Ashwina D 11 1900 (has links)
In this research consumers attitudes towards general food safety and their perceptions of the safety of beef in Japan and Canada are examined. Risk perceptions, the willingness to pay for beef traceability from farm to final consumer and the willingness to pay for animal testing for bovine spongifrom encephalopothy (BSE) are measured through a stated preference exercise, provided as part of national surveys in each country. Japanese respondents continue to have higher risk attitudes and perceptions about beef than Canadian respondents in 2009 as compared to 2006. In each country survey respondents strongly prefer domestic beef over imports from any other country. However, interest in beef from other countries increases as full traceability, or one hundred % animal testing for BSE or both attributes are incorporated into the markets. The willingness to pay increases at a diminishing rate, from either traceability or BSE animal testing to both attributes. In latent class models the Japanese data suggest that there are three distinct classes of survey respondents, where class 1 respondents are characterized as being more trusting and willing to pay for beef from different countries, class 2 respondents strongly prefer domestic beef and their willingness to pay for imported beef does not increase with traceability or animal testing and class 3 respondents would only be willing to pay for traceable and a combination of traceable and animal tested domestic beef. Similarly, Canadian survey respondents can be segregated into two classes. Class 1 consumers are more trusting and will be willing to pay for both domestic and imported beef. Class 2 consumers are more cautious. / Agricultural and Resource Economics

巴西、中國大陸、美國在西半球的權力競逐 / Power Competition among Brazil, China and U.S. in Western Hemisphere

施欣妤, Shinyu Shi Unknown Date (has links)
歷經第二次伊拉克戰爭與經濟危機,冷戰後主導世界秩序的支配強權-美國國力遭受打擊,進而出現美國衰落的論述;同一時期,太平洋另一端新興大國—中國藉由快速的經濟發展在世界舞台展露頭角。因應此國際情勢而生的「權力轉移理論」便是探討既存支配強權與新興崛起挑戰者間權力轉移過程的理論。權力轉移論者認為,當新興挑戰國的能力增強至足以與既存支配強權匹配時,若同時其對現狀滿意度越來越低,便可能觸發戰爭。然而,國際政治受各區域國家所牽動,兩強間分庭抗禮且須考量區域中舉足輕重的領導國家。傳統上拉丁美洲被視為美國後院,而中國對該區域各國互動密切,更有論者提出中國直搗美國後院一說。綜觀拉美各國,其中擁有豐富天然資源、作為美洲第二大經濟體的巴西,是首屈一指的區域領導國家。是而本研究以巴西為舞台,從美國-巴西互動、中國-巴西互動,討論新興大國中國與既存支配強權美國間權力轉移的過程,從三方來往間探討權力轉移的跡象並驗證權力轉移論者的主張與假設,另外,本研究嘗試補充權力轉移論者中較少著墨的第三國-區域領導國家,在既存、新興兩強發生權力轉移時所扮演的角色與考量。 / After 2003 Iraq War and financial crisis, the power of dominator, United States is on the way fading. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pacific comes an emerging challenger -China. U.S. decline and China rise complete power transition theory as to illustrate the process of dynamic power change between dominated country and potential challenger. Power transition theory discusses that the war along with power shifting from dominanted state to potential challenger may explore while fulfilling two variables, power parity as the opportunity and negative evaluations of the status quo as the willingness. However, the world politics is well effected by regional countries even on the interactions between two major agents in power transition. Latin America is traditionally regarded as “backyard” of the U.S. but with increased cooperation from China, this claim has been slack. Among all countries in Latin America, Brazil devotees in leading the region due to its rich natural resources and political-economic influence. This article focuses on Brazil and imply competitions between the U.S. and China on the interactions with Brazil so to discuss the power transition phenomena and relevant hypothesis verifications. Furthermore, it tends to develop the autonomy and active position of third state while participating in power transition.

Attitudes and willingness of student nurses towards caring for HIV-infected patients in Gert Sibande District, Mpumalanga Province

Sehume, Odilia Monica Mamane 25 March 2013 (has links)
Background: Literature has shown that negative attitudes and unwillingness to care for HIV-infected patients are prevailing among healthcare workers. This study aimed to assess the attitudes and willingness of student nurses towards caring for HIV-infected patients in some public hospitals in Gert Sibande district, Mpumalanga. Method: A contextual exploratory quantitative descriptive survey was conducted among student nurses enrolled for a four-year nursing qualification in a nursing college at Mpumalanga province. Self-administered questionnaires were completed after obtaining an informed consent. Results: A total of 122 (70.9%) students participated in this survey. Findings showed that most participants had positive attitudes 66 (52.7%) and were willing 121 (99.1%) to care for HIV-infected patients. Significant associations were revealed between participants’ previous HIV testing (p=0.012), age group (p=0.009), and their willingness to provide care to HIV-infected patients. Conclusion: Results showed a generally positive attitude and willingness by participants to care for HIV-infected patients. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

A evolução da aprendizagem significativa da biomecânica em um contexto de formação inicial de professores de educação física

Belmont, Rachel Saraiva January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Anderson Silva (avargas@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-05-10T19:27:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 rachel_s_belmont_ioc_ebs_0018_2010.pdf: 3285162 bytes, checksum: 77acec73f8a7cba411cf3cef99502a56 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-10T19:27:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rachel_s_belmont_ioc_ebs_0018_2010.pdf: 3285162 bytes, checksum: 77acec73f8a7cba411cf3cef99502a56 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / A Biomecânica é uma disciplina de natureza interdisciplinar, comumente percebida como de difícil compreensão pelos graduandos e, parece ser pouco utilizada no cotidiano profissional de professores de Educação Física. Assumindo que tal conhecimento seja essencial para a prática desse profissional, o presente estudo qualitativo, sob a forma de estudo de caso, teve por objetivo compreender o processo da aprendizagem significativa dos 13 alunos matriculados na disciplina Biomecânica, do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no segundo semestre de 2008. Assumimos a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa como principal referencial teórico, tanto para orientar a observação participante, que foi nossa principal estratégia metodológica, como para proceder à análise dos dados. Os registros, além das notas de campo da investigadora, compunham-se de transcrições das gravações de aulas e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com alunos e professor, de um questionário sobre o perfil dos alunos e, também, das atividades escritas inerentes ao desenvolvimento da disciplina. O conjunto dos dados coletados a partir desses registros integrou a descrição interpretativa do processo de aprendizagem dos alunos, ao longo da disciplina e, dependendo da natureza de tais registros, compôs o conjunto dos dados apresentados, ou em tabelas ou em categorias elaboradas através de Análise de Conteúdo, cujo enfoque privilegiava aspectos semânticos das respostas dos alunos. Apesar do caráter qualitativo deste estudo, alguns dados foram quantificados e, em uma determinada parte da investigação, calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Assim, procedemos uma triangulação dos dados obtidos. Visando à compreensão do processo de aprendizagem dos alunos, optou-se pela análise de um tema trabalhado ao longo de diferentes momentos da disciplina. Os resultados sugeriram que a aprendizagem tendia mais a uma aprendizagem mecânica, apesar de evidente avanço do conhecimento, o qual, em relação ao conjunto das atividades realizadas, parecia mostrar-se aquém de nossas expectativas. Além disso, os alunos demonstraram pouca intencionalidade para aprender e, dentre aqueles que a apresentavam, a qualidade da aprendizagem significativa ficara prejudicada, porque tais alunos pareciam priorizar uma aprendizagem mecânica ou porque seus conhecimentos prévios estariam ausentes e/ou fragmentados, ou porque esses seriam de natureza alternativa. Assim, com este estudo, esperamos poder colaborar para a melhoria do conhecimento sobre processos de ensino e de aprendizagem da Biomecânica. Esperamos, além disso, aprimorar conhecimentos sobre a formação do profissional de Educação Física, contribuindo com essa pesquisa tanto para a formação do profissional da área, como para a investigação em ensino das Biociências e Ciências da Saúde, em geral, e da Biomecânica, em particular. / Biomechanics is a discipline characterized by its interdisciplinary nature, so that undergraduate students often perceived it as a discipline that is quite difficult to understand. Thus, physical education professionals do not use it much in their everyday teaching events. As its knowledge is essential to the improvement of their practice, this qualitative study, which has a case study format, aims at understanding the students' meaningful learning process of the discipline Biomechanics, in the Physical Education course at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, during the second semester of 2008. The Meaningful Learning Theory constituted our main theoretical framework, and it guided participant observation, which embodied our main methodological strategy for data analysis. The records of events, in addition to the researcher’s field notes, were: the recordings of interviews, together with transcriptions of the classes and of the semi- structured interviews of students and teacher; a students’ profile questionnaire; the written activities related to the development of the discipline during that semester. This set of data integrated the interpretative description of the students’ learning process along the ongoing flow of the discipline. According to the nature of these records, data were presented in tables or categories, which were developed according to the parameters of content analysis, focusing on semantic aspects of the students' answers. In spite of the qualitative character of this study, there was a quantification of some data in a particular instance of this investigation. We tallied Pearson’s correlation coefficient and, then, triangulated these data. As we aimed at understanding the students' learning process, we decided to analyze a topic that had been already studied at different moments of that semester. Findings suggest that, in spite of what could have indicated an apparent progress, in relation to the overall knowledge conveyed by the set of performed activities, the learning process seemed to favor rote learning, since it pointed out to data that could indicate that there had not been enough students’ knowledge evolution in relation to the concepts involved in Biomechanics. Furthermore, the students did not show much willingness to learn and, because of this, meaningful learning might have been hindered inasmuch as students emphasized rote learning. Our research suggests that there might be three explanations for the occurrence of rote learning: some students did not seem to care much about what they already knew about the area/ discipline; their prior knowledge could be either absent or fragmented; or their previous knowledge was of an alternative nature (misconception). We look forward to offering, with this study, some sort of support so as to help improve the processes of knowledge construction in the teaching and learning of Biomechanics in physical education and/or kinesiology professionals, and also to have contributed for further research on the teaching of Biosciences and Health Sciences, in general, and of Biomechanics, in particular.

Caracter?sticas econ?micas do valor de uso e de n?o uso de parques sobre dunas / Economic characteristics of use and non-use values of parks over dunes

Carneiro, Deborah Quindere 18 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:55:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeborahQC_DISSERT.pdf: 1429454 bytes, checksum: a0c0f19a1e2b4dce92a5d361e8bb5d9a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Esta disserta??o teve como objetivo estimar os valores de uso, n?o-uso e o valor econ?mico total de unidades de conserva??o que protegem o ecossistema de dunas, atrav?s dos m?todos de Valora??o Contingente e do Custo de Viagem. O m?todo de Valora??o Contingente ? capaz de estimar o valor de n?o-uso de um recurso natural atrav?s da utiliza??o de um mercado hipot?tico que consiste em um cen?rio ambiental fict?cio em que o bem ambiental sofre varia??es em suas quantidades e os indiv?duos expressam suas prefer?ncias declarando quanto estariam dispostos a pagar (ou aceitar) para garantir a continuidade (ou a perda) da provis?o do bem. Neste estudo, foram aplicadas duas formas de pagamento para o mercado hipot?tico da t?cnica de Disposi??o a Pagar (coletiva/obrigat?ria e individual/volunt?ria) com o objetivo de identificar a demanda da popula??o por investimentos p?blicos nas unidades de conserva??o costeiras urbanas, para testar a efici?ncia de ambas formas de pagamento e para captar os votos de protesto dos entrevistados, na tentativa incorporar nas an?lises a verdadeira disposi??o a pagar dos entrevistados pela a manuten??o e conserva??o das unidades de conserva??o. Os resultados mostraram maiores lances de disposi??o a pagar para a forma de pagamento coletiva e obrigat?ria, pois em pa?ses em desenvolvimento as pessoas atribuem ao governo o financiamento da conserva??o de paisagens naturais. A diferen?a entre os valores de n?o-uso estimados pelas duas formas de pagamento foi de R$8,2 milh?es (3.5 milh?es) e isso representa a demanda da popula??o local por investimentos p?blicos na conserva??o das ?reas costeiras. O M?todo do Custo de Viagem foi utilizado para estimar o valor de uso das dunas, obtido a partir dos gastos incorridos pelos visitantes ao visitar as ?reas de dunas e o somat?rio deste valor ao valor de n?o-uso representa o valor econ?mico total agregado pela paisagem de parques dunares. Paisagens dunares geram anualmente um montante de R$ 800.428,46 por hectare (US$ 339,049.67). A maior contribui??o para esse montante econ?mico ? do parque visitado por turistas, em que o valor agregado pela recrea??o ? 53 vezes maior que o parque visitado por moradores. Embora turistas e moradores reconhe?am os benef?cios de alguns servi?os proporcionados por este ecossistema, ambos atribuem maior valor ? contempla??o da paisagem natural e ? recrea??o ao ar livre. A estimativa desse valor para os diferentes tipos de p?blico oferece ? gestores um justificativa econ?mica para direcionar uso e conserva??o de ?reas de dunas, subsidia na tomada de decis?o atrav?s de an?lises de custo benef?cio no processo de formula??o, acompanhamento e avalia??o de pol?ticas p?blicas e auxilia a investigar como os benef?cios variam de acordo com os tipos de visitantes. Portanto, o uso de estimativas do valor do meio ambiente nesta disserta??o, identificou o valor econ?mico intr?nseco das ?reas de dunas ?s ?reas naturais e o valor agregado pela sua exist?ncia e, portanto, permite que se dimensione a import?ncia dos investimentos em sua conserva??o e restaura??o, podendo ser utilizada como indicador para direcionar pol?ticas e distribui??o de investimentos para a conserva??o dos mesmos. Outro aspecto importante na aplicabilidade de metodologias de valora??o ambiental ? a contribui??o que o uso desse instrumento traz para o debate cient?fico sobre os problemas t?cnicos existentes nas metodologias

The Value of Data Regarding Traceable Attributes in a New Era of Agriculture : Bridging the Information Gap Between Consumers and Producers of Organic Meat

Kransell, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Purpose – This study aims to explore, and suggest solutions to, the gap between the supply of information from organic meat producers and the demand of information from consumers regarding traceable characteristics (attributes) of meat in a limited geographical area in order to maximize the utilization and value of collected data. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methods research design is applied to collect both quantitative data from consumers and qualitative data from suppliers to produce empirical results of the supply and demand of information. A theoretical framework of organic food purchase intent is used for the quantitative study as well as the correlation between consumers’ perceived importance of attributes and their willingness-to-pay for meat. The results of the empirical studies are compared to each other in an effort to expose a possible gap using a gap analysis. Findings – Meat is shifting from a price based commodity to a product based on characteristics. This study reveals that there is now a gap between the information made available by organic meat producers and the demand of information from consumers that needs to be recognized in order to maximize the value of collected data. Information regarding environmental impact of raising and transporting the animals is not extensively collected. A substantial amount of data about attributes of perceived importance, such as safety and handling, animal welfare and medication or other treatments is collected but not extensively shared with consumers. Research limitations/implications – The small sample size in a unique area and the scope of the survey data does not provide a result that can be truly generalized. It is therefore suggested that future studies produce results from a larger sample that incorporates the perceived accessibility of important information for consumers. Practical implications – This contributes to the emerging literature of organic food production by comparing both the supply and the demand of information regarding attributes of meat. This information is valuable to organic meat producers and marketers as well as developers of agricultural systems and databases that should shift their focus to consumer oriented traceability systems. Originality/value – This study goes beyond the substantial body of literature regarding attributes of organic food and consumers preferences by comparing these factors to the available supply of information by meat producers and by suggesting solutions to bridge the gap between them. Keywords – Organic meat, Organic agriculture, e-Agriculture, Traceability, Traceability systems, Consumer oriented, Consumer behavior, Willingness-to-pay, Supply and demand, Information gap, Gap analysis, Business development, United States of America, Sense-making theory, Mixed methods Paper type – Research paper, Bachelor’s thesis

Analyse économique de la gestion des déchets ménagers au Vietnam : le cas des villes de Hanoi et d'Hochiminh / An economic analysis of household waste management in Vietnam : the case of Hanoï and Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen, Thi Thuy Linh 07 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse économique de la gestion des déchets ménagers au Vietnam.Après avoir étudié les différents acteurs et leurs domaines de compétence à l’échellenationale, elle cible plus particulièrement les zones urbaines du pays afin d’identifier la naturedes déchets produits, les modalités de régulation et de financement de leur gestion. Parailleurs, une évaluation des comportements des ménages en faveur de l'amélioration de lagestion des déchets ménagers est proposée à partir d’une évaluation contingente. A partird’une enquête réalisée auprès de 416 ménages dans la ville de Hanoï et de 444 ménages dansla ville d’Ho Chi Minh, l’estimation du consentement à payer (via la méthode d’Heckman)révèle que les ménages sont disposés à payer respectivement environ 0.51 euros et 0.56 eurospar mois par ménage pour une amélioration de la qualité du service d’élimination des déchetsménagers. Les résultats de cette étude empirique sont également mobilisés pour proposer desrecommandations concrètes visant à assurer une plus grande efficacité dans la gestion desdéchets au Vietnam. / This thesis provides an economic analysis of household waste management in Vietnam. Afterstudying the various stakeholders and their fields of competence at the national level, ittargets the urban areas of the country in particular in order to identify the nature of the wasteproduced and the regulation and financing conditions for its management. Furthermore, anassessment of household behavior vis-à-vis the improvement of household waste managementis proposed using a contingent evaluation. Starting from a survey carried out on 416households in the city of Hanoi and 444 households in Ho Chi Minh City, an estimation of thewillingness to pay (using the Heckman method) reveals that households are prepared to payabout 0.51 euros and 0.56 euros per month per household respectively to improve the qualityof service of household waste disposal. The results of this empirical study are also used topropose concrete recommendations aiming to ensure greater efficiency in household wastemanagement in Vietnam.

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