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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fenomén alkoholismu a možnosti sociální práce / The phenomenon of alcoholism and opportunities for social work

Maternová, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the phenomenon of formation and development of alcohol dependence. In the first series focuses on the historical description, which demonstrates considerable anchored in the life of our ancestors already. It also defines the concept of addiction, its causes and consequences, whether psychological, medical or social. Its objective is to describe the possibilities of social work in this phenomenon. defines therefore primarily targets and understanding of social work and consequently specifics of client alcoholism. An important element is the role of the social worker in the client's motivation to change, which uses Nešpor's model of spontaneous changes in motivation. Then, on the basis of available social services selects several most suitable, which can help to improve the client's situation. Has an essential role in this issue also primary prevention, ie it discusses the methodology, target groups, focusing on adolescents and the focus is on the firm role of the family. Finally contains some official documents on primary prevention, which are discussed current issues of primary prevention practice and subsequent survey, mapping aspect of social workers on the incidence risk of alcohol dependence among adolescents attending social facilities.

Zánik závazků jednostranným právním jednáním / Discharge of Obligations by Unilateral Legal Act

Bém, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
It is now more than two years since the new Civil Code (OZ), which unified the previous predominantly two-way regulation of the discharge of obligations in one single codex, became effective. As a follow-up to this legally significant event, the focus of my PhD thesis (dissertation) has been on analyzing the resulting changes in comparison with the foregoing legal regulation of the Civil Code and the Commercial Code, including a deliberation on whether such changes have been positive or, alternatively, whether the new regulation can be reproached for certain shortcomings. Although the regulation of OZ which deals with the termination of obligations due to unilateral legal act (such as satisfaction/fulfillment of an obligation (in Czech: "splnění"), deposition in court custody (in Czech: "složení do soudní úschovy"), withdrawal from a contract (in Czech: "odstoupení od smlouvy"), contract cancellation fee (in Czech: "odstupné"), cancellation/termination of a contract by a notice of cancellation/termination (in Czech: "výpověď smlouvy"), and unilateral set-off (in Czech: "jednostranné započtení")) mostly follows up the preceding regulation, it also introduces certain new elements. These new elements evidently intended both to remove certain issues of smaller relevance resulting from the current...

Skončení pracovního poměru v České republice a v Rakousku / Termination of employment in the Czech Republic and in Austria

Neklová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the various manners of termination of an employment relationship according to the laws of the Czech Republic and compares them with the legal regulation of the same or similar manners of termination of an employment relationship in the laws of the Austrian Republic. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with the system of Austrian employment regulations. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the concept of termination of an employment relationship in general and it divides the ways of termination of employment relationship into two basic groups; in particular, the first group is termination of employment relationship based on legal acts and the second group is termination of employment relationship based on legal event. Further, the second part of this thesis discusses the terms employer and employee. The third part of this thesis is devoted to individual legal acts based on which in the Austrian and Czech laws an employment relationship can be terminated which is a termination agreement, termination by notice, immediate cancellation of an employment relationship, respectively exit from employment relationship (in German: Austritt) and dismissal from employment (in German: Entlassung), cancellation of employment relationship during a...

La différenciation entre les Etats membres de l'Union européenne / Differentiation between the member states of the European Union

Angelaki, Aikaterini 04 December 2018 (has links)
La différenciation entre les États membres de l’Union européenne s’est progressivement transformée en un leitmotiv du débat sur l’avenir de l’intégration. Ce débat a resurgi avec l’activation de la clause du retrait par le Royaume-Uni, qui pose dans un cadre renouvelé la question de la compatibilité du processus de création d’une « union sans cesse plus étroite » avec la possibilité pour les États membres d’emprunter différentes voies d’intégration. L’objectif de la présente étude est d’apporter un éclairage sur cette question, en se focalisant sur l’amplification des manifestations de la différenciation en droit positif. La première partie de l’étude vise à cerner la tension entre l’uniformité du statut d’État membre de l’Union et la participation asymétrique des États aux actions engagées pour la réalisation des objectifs assignés à l’Union. La différenciation s’avère ainsi un facteur de relativisation de l’homogénéité du statut d’État membre, sans néanmoins mettre en cause son unicité en tant que catégorie juridique. La seconde partie s’intéresse aux effets de la différenciation sur la structure de l’Union. La prise en compte de la différence d’implication des États n’est pas sans incidence sur le système institutionnel et juridique de l’Union, sans que cela traduise un désordre affectant l’intégrité de l’Union. Il devient alors évident que, dans la creatio continua que constitue la construction européenne, la différenciation pose une question de degré, plutôt que de principe. / Differentiation between the Member States of the European Union has gradually turned into a leitmotif of the debate regarding the future of the European integration. This debate re-emerged in the context of the activation of the withdrawal clause by the United Kingdom, by raising once more the question of the compatibility of the "ever closer union" concept with the possibility for the Member States to follow different paths of integration. The aim of this study is to clarify this question by focusing on the amplification of the various forms of differentiation in positive law. The first part of the study aims to identify the contrast between the uniformity of the EU membership and the asymmetrical participation of the Member States in actions undertaken to achieve the objectives assigned to the Union. Differentiation proves thus to be a relativizing factor of the homogeneity of the Member State's status, without, however, questioning its uniqueness as a legal category. The second part of the study focuses on the effects of differentiation on the structure of the Union. The different extent of participation of each Member State in EU policies has an impact on the Union's institutional and legal framework, even though this impact does not create a disorder affecting the integrity of the Union as such. It is thus apparent that within the creatio continua of the European construction, differentiation poses more a question of degree rather than principle.

Verbesserungen der immunsuppressiven Therapie bei Patienten nach kombinierter Pankreas- und Nierentransplantation

Kahl, Andreas 26 April 2004 (has links)
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit (Kapitel 2) wird über den Versuch berichtet, die Steroidtherapie nach erfolgreicher Pankreas- und Nierentransplantation (PTX/NTX) zu beenden, um steroidassoziierte Nebenwirkungen zu reduzieren. Alle 32 in dieser Studie untersuchten Patienten wurden initial mit Anti-T-Zell Globulin (ATG), Tacrolimus (Tac), Mycophenolat Mofetil (MMF) und Steroiden behandelt. Von einem erfolgreichem Absetzten der Steroide wurde ausgegangen, wenn die Steroidtherapie innerhalb der ersten 15 Monate nach PTX/NTX beendet werden konnte. Dieses Ziel konnte bei 72% (23/32) bzw. 56% (18/32) der Patienten 1 bzw. 4 Jahre nach der PTX/NTX erreicht werden. Der häufigste Grund für ein nicht fristgerechtes Absetzen der Steroide waren MMF-assoziierte Nebenwirkungen, die eine Reduktion oder das Absetzen des MMF erforderlich machten, so dass die Steroidtherapie fortgeführt werden musste. Das 1- und 4-Jahres-Patienten-, Pankreastransplantat- und Nierentransplantat- Überleben war mit 100/97/100% und 97/87/91% exzellent, wobei kein Unterschied zwischen Patienten mit fristgerecht und nicht fristgerecht beendeter Steroidtherapie beobachtet wurde. Auch unterschieden sich die Parameter des Glukose- und Fettstoffwechsels nicht zwischen den beiden Patientengruppen. Die akuten Rejektionen erwiesen sich bei den Patienten, bei denen das Steroid nach der PTX/NTX erfolgreich abgesetzt werden konnte, im Vergleich zu den Patienten, bei denen dies nicht der Fall war, häufiger als steroidsensibel und führten häufiger zu einer Normalisierung der Transplantatfunktion. Weitere Vorteile, die in der Gruppe der Patienten mit erfolgreichem Absetzten des Steroids beobachtet wurden, waren eine geringere Inzidenz von CMV-Infektionen trotz Einnahme einer höheren MMF-Dosis und ein niedrigerer arterieller Blutdruck. Operationspflichtige Komplikationen traten in dieser Gruppe jedoch häufiger auf. Diese über einen so langen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum erhobenen Daten zeigen erstmals, dass, bei Anwendung des o. a. immunsuppressiven Schemas, ein großer Teil der PTX/NTX Patienten erfolgreich und langfristig ohne Steroide weiterbehandelt werden konnten. Der Benefit der Beendigung einer Steroidtherapie muss jedoch in größeren, vergleichenden und prospektiven Studien mit langer Laufzeit bestätigt werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit (Kapitel 3) wird ein Vergleich der immunsuppressiven Potenz der Calcineurininhibitoren Ciclosporin-A (CyA) und Tacrolimus (Tac) bei Patienten mit PTX/NTX im Rahmen einer randomisierten, prospektiven multizentrischen Studie vorgenommen. Insgesamt wurden 205 Patienten randomisiert und erhielten entweder CyA oder Tac sowie ATG, MMF und Steroide. Nach einem Jahr befanden sich noch 77% der mit Tac und 47% der mit CyA behandelten Patienten in der Studie (p / The first part (Chapter 2) is focussing on the attempt to withdraw steroids after successful simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPK) in order to reduce steroid induced side effects. All 32 SPK-patients of this study received Anti-T Cell-Globulin (ATG), Tacrolimus (Tac), Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) and Steroids as initial immunosuppression. Successful steroid withdrawal was defined as cessation of steroids within 15 months after SPK. This aim could be achieved in 72% (23/32) and 56% (18/32) of the patients 1 and 4 years after SPK, respectively. The main reason not to withdraw steroids in time was caused by MMF-associated adverse effects which required a reduction or termination of the MMF therapy, thus preventing the discontinuation of the steroid therapy. On the other hand rejection episodes were the only reason for a resumption of the steroid therapy. The 1- and 4 year survival of patients, pancreas and kidney transplants was 100/97/100% and 97/87/91%, respectively. No difference was observed in patients with and without successful steroid withdrawal concerning patient and transplant survival as well as parameters of the lipid and glucose metabolism. Acute rejection episodes in patients with successful steroid withdrawal were more often steroid sensitive and showed a higher frequency of normalised transplant function as compared to acute rejections in patients under continuing steroid medication. Further advantages which could be observed in the group of patients with successful steroid withdrawal were a lower incidence of CMV-infection despite intake of higher doses of MMF and a lower arterial blood pressure; the frequency of surgical complications, however, was higher in this group. This long term observation showed for the first time that under the above mentioned immunosuppression scheme the majority of SPK patients could be successfully and lastingly withdrawn from steroids. However, the benefits of steroid withdrawal in SPK will need to be confirmed in larger, prospective and comparative studies with long observation periods. In the second part (Chapter 3) of this paper, the immunosuppressive potency of the calcineurininhibitors Ciclosporin A (CyA) and Tacrolimus (Tac) in SPK patients is compared in a randomised prospective multicentre trial for the first time. A total of 205 patients were randomised to receive CyA or Tac along with a combined scheme consisting of ATG, MMF, and steroids. After 1 year, 77% of the Tac- and 47% of the CyA-groups remained in the study (p

La protection du consommateur en droit libyen à la lumière du droit français / The protection of consumer in Libyan law in light of French law

Khalifa, Milad 10 July 2018 (has links)
C’est à la faveur de l’émergence d’une économie de marché, puis récemment de la révolution technologique que le droit de la consommation a connu un développement considérable. Dès lors, la protection du consommateur s’est imposée comme le moyen de rééquilibrer les rapports inégalitaires entre le consommateur, considéré comme partie faible dans une relation contractuelle devenue complexe et le professionnel à qui le rapport de force est favorable. Dans un tel contexte, l’intérêt d’une étude de la protection du consommateur en droit libyen à la lumière du droit français se précise et peut se décliner sous deux axes : d’une part, il est stimulant scientifiquement de comprendre comment un Etat comme la Libye, dont l’ouverture au monde et le développement du secteur privé sont très récents, intègre la protection du consommateur dans son système juridique. D’autre part, le rapprochement avec le droit français présente une plus-value dans la mesure où il s’agit, à travers le droit de la consommation français plus développé, de mesurer le niveau de protection du consommateur en droit libyen. La pertinence de l’usage de l’approche comparative dans le cadre de cette recherche réside dans l’une des fonctions même du droit comparé, à savoir qu’il est un moyen de perfectionnement du droit positif national. Ici, l’hypothèse de départ était que le droit de la consommation en Libye est sous-développé par rapport au droit de la consommation en France. La méthode comparative a donc pour objectif d’aider à une amélioration de la protection du consommateur en droit libyen si éventuellement l’hypothèse de départ était confirmée. Dès lors, nous avons étudié, dans les deux ordres juridiques, la protection du consommateur de la période pré-contractuelle à la période d’après contrat en passant par le moment d’échange des volontés (conclusion proprement dite). Il ressort de cette recherche que le consommateur libyen est moins protégé que le consommateur français. Cela est dû, entre autres, à des facteurs sociopolitiques et économiques, en l’occurrence le faible développement du secteur privé et une faible culture de la justice qui ne permet pas de développer la jurisprudence à l’égard du droit de la consommation. Cette étude a aussi révélé que le législateur libyen est confronté à un nouveau défi, à savoir l’émergence des contrats à distance ; ce qui complexifie davantage la protection du consommateur. / Thanks to the emergence of a market economy and more recently of the technological revolution, consumer law has been significantly developed. Therefore, consumer protection was required as the means to rebalance the unequal relations between the consumer, regarded as the weaker party to the complex contractual relation, and the professional for whom the power balance is in favour.In this context, the interest of a study about consumer protection in Libyan law in the light of French law is clearer and can be approached from two angles : on the one hand, it is scientifically challenging to understand how a State like Libya, whose opening up to the world and the private sector development are very recent, integrates consumer protection into its legal system. On the second hand, comparing it with French law provides an added value, because the level of consumer protection in Libyan law has to be measured through French consumer law which is more developed. The comparative approach is relevant in this research as one of the functions of comparative law is to improve the national substantive law.Here, according to the starting hypothesis, consumer law in Libya is underdeveloped compared to French consumer law. So, the comparative approach aims to help improving consumer law in Libya if the starting hypothesis is confirmed. Therefore, we studied consumer protection from the precontractual period to the after contract period including the actual contract conclusion in both legal orders.This research shows that the Libyan consumer is less protected than the French consumer. This is due, amongst others, to socio-political and economic factors, in this case, the low development of the private sector and the low level of the culture of justice which does not enable to develop case-law regarding consumer law. This study has also proved that the Libyan legislator is facing a new challenge, that is, the emergence of distance contracts, which makes consumer protection even more complex.

Participación del sistema cannabinoide endógeno en el control de las respuestas relacionadas con trastornos afectivos

Aso Pérez, Ester 19 December 2008 (has links)
Los trastornos emocionales de tipo depresivo y la ansiedad son las formas más prevalentes de enfermedad mental y suponen un serio problema de salud en la sociedad occidental. Recientemente, se ha postulado que el sistema endocannabinoide pueda ser un importante sustrato en el desarrollo de estos trastornos dada su participación en el control de las emociones. Nuestros resultados demuestran que los animales carentes del receptor cannabinoide CB1 manifiestan un fenotipo de tipo depresivo asociado a una deficiencia del factor neurotrófico BDNF en el hipocampo, que podría estar causada por los elevados niveles de glucocorticoides liberados en respuesta al estrés en estos mutantes. Por otra parte, el sistema endocannabinoide participa en los efectos inducidos por la nicotina sobre la ansiedad y en la expresión del síndrome de abstinencia de esta droga. Así, la actividad del receptor CB1 alivia los efectos ansiogénicos de dosis elevadas de nicotina y facilita los efectos ansiolíticos de dosis bajas. Además, la administración del agonista cannabinoide 9-THC atenúa las manifestaciones somáticas y emocionales negativas de la abstinencia de nicotina. En general, considerando los resultados presentados en esta Tesis Doctoral, podemos afirmar que el receptor CB1 participa de forma determinante en la recuperación del balance homeostático del organismo tras la exposición a un estímulo emocional negativo, bien sea una situación estresante aguda o sostenida, o bien una droga que incrementa los niveles de ansiedad o cuya retirada produce abstinencia. / Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are the most common mental diseases and they suppose a serious health problem in our society. Recently, endocannabinoid system has been postulated to be an important substrate in the development of such disorders taking into account the role exerted by this neuromodulatory system in mood and emotions. Our results demonstrate that CB1 knockout mice exhibit a depressive-like phenotype associated to a deficiency in the neurotrophic factor BDNF in the hippocampus, which could be a consequence of the increased glucocorticoid release in response to stress exposure. On the other hand, the endocannabinoid system participates in nicotine induced effects on anxiety and in the expression of nicotine withdrawal. Thus, CB1 receptor activity attenuates anxiogenic-like effects and facilitates anxiolytic-like responses induced by high or low doses of nicotine, respectively. Moreover, 9-THC administration ameliorates somatic and negative motivational signs of nicotine withdrawal. In summary, the results presented in this Doctoral Thesis indicate that CB1 receptor participates in the recovery of the homeostatic balance after the exposure to negative emotional stimuli, either acute or sustained stress or a drug which induced anxiety-like effects or withdrawal signs after the end of the exposure.

The Groundwater Supply of Little Chino Valley

Matlock, W. G., Davis, P. R. 06 May 1972 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1972 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 5-6, 1972, Prescott, Arizona / The little chino valley in central Arizona presents an interesting groundwater study as withdrawals exceed recharge. The groundwater surface is falling at about 2 feet per year over most of the area due to large irrigation development. A shallow water table aquifer overlies the artesian aquifer and receives recharge from irrigation runoff. Water quality in the artesian aquifer is excellent. Water quality in the water-table aquifer is poorer, being somewhat higher in total salts, but is suitable for most domestic and agricultural uses. Specific yield for the supply area to the artesian aquifer is 12 percent, with estimated annual recharge of 4000 acre feet and leakage from the aquifer of 2300 acre feet. Water budget and use for the basin is presented with water level and water quality data. The multiphase aquifer system is described and illustrated.

Faculty Senate Minutes May 5, 2014

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 16 September 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Die Beziehung zwischen der UNESCO und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit besonderer Beachtung der multilateralen Bildungsfinanzierung

Reif, Falko 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und der UNESCO ist seit Gründung der UN-Sonderorganisation von Spannungen geprägt. Diese kulminierten im Austritt der USA aus der UNESCO mit Wirkung vom 31.12.1984. Im Gegensatz zur rechtlichen Dimension des Austritts war die politische Dimension höchst kontrovers. Es zeigte sich, dass ein generelles Unbehagen zu internationalen Organisationen generell und den Vereinten Nationen im Besonderen die Hauptrolle beim Austritt spielte. Die UNESCO spielt auf dem Gebiet der multilateralen Bildungsfinanzierung – neben anderen Organisationen – eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle. Neben anderen Problemen auf diesen Gebiet mit denen die UNESCO noch heute zu kämpfen hat, hatte daher der Austritt der Vereinigten Staaten negative Auswirkungen auf den Haushalt der UNESCO und somit auch den Teil der Bildungsfinanzierung.

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