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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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L'effet de la visite parentale chez le bébé placé en pouponnière : une étude exploratoire des réactions du bébé avant, pendant et après un contact avec ses parents / Effect of parental contact for babies placed in residential nursary : exploratory study of babies' reactions before, during and after contact with their parents

Déprez, Alexandra 06 November 2015 (has links)
Notre étude explore des réactions du bébé vivant en pouponnière à la visite parentale. Cette étude s'inscrit dans la continuité des études sur les effets de la carence de soins et de la séparation. Objectifs : savoir comment le bébé réagit à la visite de ses parents, si tous les bébés ont le même bénéfice à recevoir la visite de leurs parents, et quels sont les facteurs impliqués dans la réaction du bébé. Méthode : étude de la réaction d'un groupe de 15 bébés vivant en pouponnière (2-36 mois) à la visite de leurs parents sur 24 heures par un protocole de test-re-test du comportement de retrait relationnel (ADBB 5 fois), de la concentration de cortisol salivaire (8 fois),d'un indice de comportement difficile le jour et la nuit avant et après la visite. Ces variables ont été étudiées en lien avec les caractéristiques de l'enfant(âge, développement, genre, rang dans la fratrie), de l'interaction parents-enfants(sensibilité, synchronie dyadique), les caractéristiques de la visite (fréquence, durée), du placement (durée, raison, âge au moment du placement), ainsi que les caractéristiques parentales(âge, dépression, anxiété, sensibilité à l'évaluation, santé mentale, soutien social, traumatismes, représentations d'attachement). Résultats : Trois types de profils de bébés ont pu être mis en évidence en fonction de leurs réactions à la visite parentale : - celui des bébés qui réagissent bien au contact de leurs parents et qui souffrent à la séparation au retour de la visite. Ces bébés ont un meilleur développement, leurs parents sont plus sensibles que ceux des autres groupes et ils bénéficient des visites. Leur niveau de cortisol baisse à la visite et remonte à la séparation. -des bébés qui réagissent par davantage de retrait relationnel au contact de leurs parents : Ces bébés ne montrent pas de détresse à la séparation. Ils apparaissent mieux adaptés à la vie dans l'institution (moins de retrait relationnel). Leurs parents sont beaucoup moins sensibles que ceux des autres. Leur niveau de cortisol est élevé globalement et pendant la visite. Ces bébés sont placés plus tôt que les deux autres groupes. -les bébés qui ne montrent aucune réaction au contact avec leurs parents en termes de retrait relationnel. Ils ont des niveaux de cortisol salivaire les plus bas. Ils ne se distinguent pas particulièrement des autres pour ce qui concerne les autres caractéristiques évaluées hors la durée de visite. Ce groupe apparaît à risque psychopathologique puisqu' il montre un niveau constant et élevé de retrait relationnel associé à des niveaux plus bas de cortisol salivaire et la moindre réactivité de l'axe HPA. La recherche a aussi permis de mettre en évidence l'effet de différentes variables sur les réactions du bébé à la visite parentale. Les plus importantes semblent être la qualité des interactions parents-enfants, le développement des enfants, les caractéristiques du placement et de la visite. Différents effets ont pu être mis en évidence : -un effet de deuil au retour de la visite pour les enfants qui ont eu un bon contact avec leurs parents. -un effet d'anticipation du stress de la visite pour les bébés qui réagissent mal au contact de leurs parents. -un effet de soulagement au retour de la visite pour les bébés qui réagissent mal au contact de leurs parents. -un effet de contamination pour certains enfants le lendemain de la visite, tous appartenant au groupe des enfants qui réagissent mal au contact de leurs parents. -un effet positif de la visite pour les enfants qui réagissent bien en contact de leurs parents. L'ensemble des résultats est discuté par rapport à la littérature, aux implications de théorique et juridique de l'étude du maintien du contact pour les bébés séparés de leurs parents, ainsi que les applications en termes de recherche et de clinique. / Our research is an exploratory study of the reactions of the baby living in residential nursery to parental contact. This study is in continuaty with studies on the effects of early infant neglect and separation. Objectives: explore how babies react to parental contact if all babies have the same benefit to receive visits from their parents, and what are the factors involved in the baby's reaction to parental contact. Method: study of the reaction of a group of 15 infants/babies living in a residential nursery (2-36 months) to contact with their parents on a 24 hours test-re-test protocol evaluating relational withdrawal (ADBB 5 times) , salivary cortisol concentrations (8 times), index of difficult behaviour the day and the night before and after the visit. These variables have been studied in connection with the child's characteristics (age, development, gender, birth order), and those of the parent-child interaction (sensitivity, dyadic synchrony), of the visit (frequency, duration), of the placement (time, reason, age at placement), as well as with parental characteristics (age, depression, anxiety, sensitivity to evaluation, mental health, social support, traumatic experiences, attachment representations). Results: babies do react to parental contact. Three types of reactions have been identified: - babies who respond well to contact with their parents and suffer from separation. These babies have a better development, their parents are more sensitive than those of other groups and they enjoy the visits. Their cortisol levels drop to visit and rise back at separation. - Babies who react by more relational withdrawal in contact with their parents: these babies show no distress at separation. They appear better adapted to life in the institution (less relational withdrawal). Their parents are much less sensitive than the others. Their cortisol levels are generally high even during the visit. These babies are placed sooner than the other two groups. -Babies who show no reaction to contact with their parents in terms of relational withdrawal. They have generally lower concentrations of cortisol. They cannot be particularly distinguished from the other with regard of all characteristics that have been evaluated. This group appears at psychopathological risk since it shows a consistently high level of relational withdrawal associated with lower levels of salivary cortisol and lower reactivity of the HPA axis. The research also highlighted the effect of different variables on the baby's reactions to parental visit. The most important ones seem to be the quality of parent-child interaction, child development, and the characteristics of the placement and the visit. Various effects have been highlighted: - grief effect when returning from visit for children who have had good contact with their parents. - An anticipatory effect of stress of the visit for babies who react badly to contact with their parents. - A relief effect returning from visit for babies that react poorly to contact with their parents. - A contamination effect for some children the day after the visit, those babies belonging to the group of children who respond poorly to contact with their parents. - A positive effect of the visit for children who respond well in contact with parents. Results are discussed in relation to literature, and in terms forensic implications and of clinical and research applications of maintaining contact between babies and parents separated by placement in the field of child protection.

Die Beziehung zwischen der UNESCO und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit besonderer Beachtung der multilateralen Bildungsfinanzierung: Was waren die Gründe für und die Konsequenzen des Austritts?

Reif, Falko 09 December 2013 (has links)
Die Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und der UNESCO ist seit Gründung der UN-Sonderorganisation von Spannungen geprägt. Diese kulminierten im Austritt der USA aus der UNESCO mit Wirkung vom 31.12.1984. Im Gegensatz zur rechtlichen Dimension des Austritts war die politische Dimension höchst kontrovers. Es zeigte sich, dass ein generelles Unbehagen zu internationalen Organisationen generell und den Vereinten Nationen im Besonderen die Hauptrolle beim Austritt spielte. Die UNESCO spielt auf dem Gebiet der multilateralen Bildungsfinanzierung – neben anderen Organisationen – eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle. Neben anderen Problemen auf diesen Gebiet mit denen die UNESCO noch heute zu kämpfen hat, hatte daher der Austritt der Vereinigten Staaten negative Auswirkungen auf den Haushalt der UNESCO und somit auch den Teil der Bildungsfinanzierung.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis II 1. Einleitung 1 2. Die Geschichte zwischen USA und UNESCO – Ein kurzer Abriss 2 3. Die Krise der UNESCO – Der Austritt der Vereinigten Staaten 5 a. Die politische Dimension 5 b. Die rechtliche Dimension 11 4. Die multilaterale Bildungsfinanzierung 11 a. Die multilaterale Bildungsfinanzierung und die UNESCO 12 b. Die multilaterale Bildungsfinanzierung und der US-Austritt aus der UNESCO 15 5. Konsequenzen des Austritts 15 6. Fazit und Ausblick 17 Literaturverzeichnis I

Physical Dependence in Patient With Chronic Low Back Pain Treated With Topiramate: A Case Report

Bratton, Roscoe H., Ward, Sameh A. 15 November 2019 (has links)
In the last decade, prescription of anticonvulsants for treatment of low back pain (LBP) increased 4-fold. Among them, topiramate has frequent side effects and a mechanism of action that is not fully understood. The authors describe a 65-year-old woman with dependence on topiramate prescribed for chronic LBP and discuss how she was successfully weaned off topiramate using duloxetine. A significant agonistic effect by topiramate on α-2 adrenergic receptors in the brain likely accounts for the symptoms of withdrawal that were seen. We attribute the resolution of her topiramate withdrawal symptoms to reduced norepinephrine (NE) release, a known effect of duloxetine administration.

A new structural summary of the MMPI-2 for evaluating personal injury claimants

Goh, Hong Eng January 2006 (has links)
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) is a popular measure of psychosocial functioning and psychopathology in the assessment of individuals in a variety of settings. However, the method of construction employed with the MMPI more than 60 years ago with psychiatric patients challenges the applicability of the scales for determining the psychosocial functioning of individuals from different settings. The restandardisation conducted in 1987 made no effort to eradicate the item overlap that was a result of the criterion keying method with contrasted groups. Although restandardized and updated with more contemporary language and content, the original psychiatric constructs were retained in order to maintain continuity with its predecessor. The aims of this investigation were to develop a new structure for the MMPI-2 constructed at the item-level, empirically derived and which specifically represents the dimensions that are relevant and appropriate in evaluating the psychosocial functioning of personal injury claimants. This task included comparisons with a comparable scale-level analysis and developing optimal scoring strategies where items in components and facets are allocated weightings based upon their strength of association. Study 1 was conducted using a sample of 2989 personal injury claimants assessed in Australia and the United States of America. The final sample of 3230, included 241 normal individuals, was utilized to develop a scale-level structure from 79 standard MMPI-2 scales and subscales. A nine-component solution consisting of General Maladjustment /Emotional Distress, Asocial Beliefs, Social Vulnerability, Somatic Complaints, Psychological Disturbance, Impulsive Expression, Antisocial Practices, Stereotypic Fears and Family Difficulties was derived using principal component analysis. However, intercorrelation between components in the structure signaled the need to develop a structure that would eradicate problems that were perpetuated by item overlap. The second study was conducted with a set of best practice procedures with the same clinical sample of 2989 personal injury claimants as Study 1. Forty-one components were derived through principal component analysis. Through the application of a set of criteria, a 35-component solution was retained. The pattern coefficients from the allocation of items to components determined the weightings to be applied to each item. Further analysis of the 35 components derived a substructure of 37 facets. The 35 components included only 442 of the 567 items, with the reliability coefficients of the first 25 components that ranged between .5 and .97, and the remaining 10 components that ranged from .29 to .49. The latter unreliable components were not included in the final Structural Summary, leaving 25 components (400 items) and their 33 facets for interpretation. Hence, in demonstrating the utility of the newly-derived structure, only 25 components and their 33 facets were interpreted. The 25 components were grouped conceptually into six domains. In the emotional domain were Psychological Distress (PsyDist), Anger, Fears, Psychotic Symptoms (PsyS), Paranoia (Par), Irritability (Irrit), Elation (Elat), Fear of the Dark (FD), and Financial Worry (FinWo). Somatic Complaints (SomC), Sexual Concerns (SexCon), and Gastrointestinal Problems (GasP) made up the measures in the physiological domain. In the behavioural domain were Cognitive Difficulties (CogDiff), Stimulus-Seeking (StimuS), Discipline (Dis), and Delinquency (Del) whilst the interpersonal domain was formed by Social Withdrawal (SoW), Negative Interpersonal Attitude (NIA), Timidity (Tim), Lie, Dissatisfaction with Self (DWS) and Family Relationship Difficulties (FReD). Alcoholism (Alco) was the only measure in the substance abuse domain, and the gender domain was comprised of Masculinity (Mas) and Femininity (Fem). The third study established preliminary normative means and standard deviations using a small opportunistic Australian university student sample (N = 219). No substantial gender differences were found but gender norms were maintained to facilitate comparisons with the traditional MMPI-2 approach. Comparisons of frequency of 'true' item response between the Australian university student sample and the U.S. restandardisation sample found relatively little differences and permitted evaluation of between sample differences on components and facets. The utility of the structure was demonstrated with the illustration of two clinical case examples, and a comparison was made with the standard MMPI-2 scales and subscales. The Structural Summary for the MMPI-2 demonstrated discriminative measures of psychosocial functioning that were a result of no item overlap, and the ability to attend to the different levels of intensity of self-report items because of differential weightings.

Oeuvrer sous la contrainte : le processus décisionnel des intervenantes de la protection de la jeunesse relativement aux décisions de compromission, de retrait et de placement des jeunes Autochtones

Julien, Ariane 12 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, les enfants autochtones sont surreprésentés dans les services de protection de l’enfance ainsi que dans les différents types de placement. En ce sens, le but de ce projet était de mieux comprendre la pratique des intervenants oeuvrant en centre jeunesse relativement aux décisions de compromission, de retrait du milieu familial et de placement (interethnique ou culturellement jumelé) des jeunes Autochtones. Les objectifs spécifiques qui découlaient de cet objectif général étaient au nombre de trois : 1. explorer, à travers le point de vue des intervenants oeuvrant à l’étape de l’évaluation/orientation, le processus de prise de décision en ce qui a trait à la compromission, ou non, de la sécurité ou du développement des jeunes autochtones; 2. explorer, à travers le point de vue des intervenants oeuvrant à l’étape de l’évaluation/orientation et de l’application des mesures (prise en charge), le processus de prise de décision en lien au retrait des jeunes autochtones de leur milieu familial et à leur orientation vers un placement en ressource de type familial (RTF) interethnique ou culturellement jumelé; 3. comprendre quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la prise de décision des intervenants dans les différentes étapes du processus de signalement et de prise en charge par rapport au placement des jeunes autochtones. Pour mener à bien ce projet, l’étudiante-chercheure a réalisé une première vague de cueillette de données, soit sept groupes de discussion composés d’intervenantes oeuvrant au sein d’un centre jeunesse situé en zone périphérique des grands centres et desservant plusieurs communautés autochtones. Puis, à partir des éléments ayant émergé de ce matériau, a procédé à une seconde vague, composée cette fois de seize entretiens individuels menés également auprès d’intervenantes oeuvrant à ce même centre jeunesse. La méthodologie utilisée était la théorisation ancrée, ce qui est cohérent avec le cadre théorique (ou concepts sensibilisateurs) utilisé, qui réfère pour sa part à l’interactionnisme symbolique (Blumer, 1969) de même qu’à la pratique réflexive et la construction des savoirs (Schön, 1994; Racine, 1995). Les résultats obtenus de ces deux phases ont permis de faire ressortir que le processus des intervenantes en ce qui concerne les décisions de compromission, de retrait et de placement des jeunes autochtones est hautement subjectif, dynamique et systémique. Il réfère aux caractéristiques intrinsèques des intervenantes (le Soi et le Savoir), à travers lesquels elles portent en fait un regard sur une multitude de contraintes (l’Autre et le Résultat des processus antérieurs et à venir) et parmi lesquelles on note, entre autres, le contexte de vie particulier des communautés autochtones, les caractéristiques liées aux dossiers des jeunes, les partenaires légaux, etc. Aussi, au fil de leurs interactions avec les contextes, les choses et les différents « autruis » auprès desquels elles oeuvrent ou avec qui elles collaborent (interactionnisme symbolique), de même qu’au gré des savoirs construits (Schön, 1994; Racine, 1995) qu’elles développent à mesure qu’elles gagnent en expérience, les intervenantes en sont venues à développer une façon particulière de prendre leurs décisions, façon qui, en fait, découle de pratiques silencieuses qui, ultimement, leur permettent de maintenir un certain équilibre au sein d’un système de protection peu adapté à la clientèle autochtone. À cet égard, plusieurs recommandations ont été formulées, dont des recommandations pour les centres jeunesse, ceci dans le but de favoriser une pratique qui soit davantage adaptée aux jeunes Autochtones vivant des situations de compromission, de retrait et de placement ainsi qu’à leur famille. / In Canada, Aboriginal children are over-represented in child welfare services as well as in different types of substitute care. In this sense, the goal of this project was the better understand the practice of child protection services workers in relation to decisions of compromise, family withdrawal from the family and placement (inter-ethnic or culturally matched) of Aboriginal youth. The specific objectives which flowed from this general objective were three in number: 1. explore, through the point of view of stakeholders working at the assessment/orientation stage, the decision-making process with regard to the compromise, or not, of the security or development of Aboriginal youth; 2. explore, through the point of view of stakeholders working at the assessment/orientation stage and application of measures stage, the decision-making process related to the withdrawal of Aboriginal youth from their family and their orientation towards an inter-ethnic or culturally matched foster family; 3. understand what are the factors which influence the decision-making of the interveners in the different stages of the process of reporting and application of measures in relation to the placement of Aboriginal youth. To carry out this project, the student-researcher carried out a first wave of data collection (seven focus groups made up of woman workers working in a child protection services located on the outskirts of major centres and providing services to several Aboriginal communities). Then, based on the elements that emerged from this material, a second wave proceeded, this time made up of sixteen one-on-one interviews, also carried out with workers working at the same child protection service. The methodology used is grounded theory, which is consistent with the theoretical framework (or sensitizing concepts) used, which refers to symbolic interactionism (Blumer, 1969) as well as reflective practice and the construction of knowledge (Schön, 1994; Racine, 1995). The results obtained from these two phases have shown that the workers’ process has to the decisions concerning the situation of endangerment, withdrawal and placement of Aboriginal youth is highly subjective, dynamic and systemic. It refers to the intrinsic characteristics of the workers (the Self and Knowledge), through which they actually examine a multitude of constraints (the Other and the Result of past and future processes) and among which we note, among other things, the particular life context of Aboriginal communities, characteristics related to youth files, legal partners, etc. Also, throughout their interactions with contexts, things and different “others” with whom they work or with whom they collaborate (symbolic interactionism), as well as the knowledge they build (Schön, 1994; Racine, 1995) that they develop as they gain experience, they have come to develop a particular way of making their decisions, a way that, in fact, stems from silent practices that, ultimately, allow them to maintain a certain balance within a protection system that is unsuitable for Aboriginal clients. In this regard, a number of recommendations were made, including recommendations for youth centres, with a view to promoting a practice that is more adapted to Aboriginal youth in endangered situations, withdrawal and placement and to their families.

'n Ondersoek na uitbeeldings van skisofrenie-verwante elemente in geselekteerde kontemporêre videokunswerke (Afrikaans)

Luneburg, Nathani 09 December 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on the following schizophrenic related elements to be found in the postmodern society and to be represented in selected contemporary video artworks: 1) creation of an alternative world and 2) disturbance in meaning. To confirm that the creation of an alternative world and disturbance in meaning is present in postmodern society, the following elements are investigated as symptoms of schizophrenia and characteristics present in contemporary society: 1) fragmentation, 2) withdrawal from reality, 3) misinterpretation of memories and 3) the creation of 'word salad'. In order to draw a parallel between schizophrenia and the postmodern society, the postmodern theories of Simon Gottschalk, Fredric Jameson, Kenneth Gergen, Jean Baudrillard, Andreas Huyssen, Gilles Deleuze en Paul Virilio as well as the medical studies involving schizophrenia by the Schizophrenia Foundation of South Africa, the University of Iowa se Department of Healthcare and D Sue, DW Sue en S Sue are used. In both conditions of schizophrenia and postmodern society, reality and meaning are altered. This study concludes that schizophrenic related elements are present in the postmodern society and therefore these elements are represented in the selected video artworks of the artists Eija-Liisa Ahtila and myself.AFRIKAANS : Hierdie studie fokus op die skisofrenie-verwante elemente wat voorkom in die postmoderne samelewing naamlik: 1) alternatiewe wêreldskepping en 2) versteuring in betekenisgewing en wat uitgebeeld word in geselekteerde kontemporêre videokunswerke. Fragmentering, onttrekking van realiteit, waninterpretasie van herinneringe en die skepping van 'woordslaai' word as simptome van skisofrenie en as kenmerkende eienskappe in die postmoderne samelewing ondersoek om die argument te versterk dat alternatiewe wêreldskepping en versteuring in betekenisgewing teenwoordig is in die postmoderne samelewing. Die postmoderne teorieë van Simon Gottschalk, Fredric Jameson, Kenneth Gergen, Jean Baudrillard, Andreas Huyssen, Gilles Deleuze en Paul Virilio sowel as die mediese studies deur die Schizophrenia Foundation of South Africa, die University of Iowa se Department of Healthcare en D Sue, DW Sue en S Sue aangaande skisofrenie, word gebruik om parallelle tussen die postmoderne samelewing en die mediese toestand van skisofrenie in hierdie studie te trek. Daar word vasgestel dat realiteit en betekenis in beide toestande van skisofrenie en die postmoderne samelewing verbuig en hervorm word. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat skisofrenie-verwante elemente wel voorkom in die kontemporêre samelewing en dus uitgebeeld word in die geselekteerde videokunswerke van die kunstenaars Eija-Liisa Ahtila en myself. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Faculty Senate Minutes May 6, 2013

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 06 May 2013 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Managing student dropout rates at a technical vocational education and training college in KwaZulu-Natal

Mdluli, Koko Jumaima 07 May 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate ways in which student dropout rates could be managed at a Technical Vocational Education and Training College (TVET) in KwaZulu-Natal, Amajuba District. Twenty-eight participants were purposively selected from two campuses in the area representing the Business and Engineering studies. This was done using the non-probability purposive sampling. The researcher focused on determining ways to assist in improving the management of student dropout rates in the above TVET College so as to increase the throughput and the certification rates. The study employed a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews that were conducted with senior managers from the central office, Heads of Departments, lecturers and students who had previously dropped out from the college so as to examine their views and perceptions on the effects of student dropout rates and how the management of student dropout rates could be improved. Data were analysed thematically whereby information was categorised into themes that emerged from the responses of the participants. The findings revealed that causes of student dropout emanate from the financial challenges experienced by students in this area since most of them are from disadvantaged backgrounds, institutional factors such as poor or lack of career guidance, the curriculum, poor enrolment procedure and poor student support services. The study recommends that well organised and effective career guidance should be conducted, the curriculum should be reviewed, and the selection and enrolment procedures should be transparent and understood by everyone. Recommendations for further study are also provided. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Demokratie und pacta sunt servanda

Fulda, Christian B. 10 October 2002 (has links)
Das Demokratieprinzip ist im Völkerrecht verankert. Seine normativen Grundlagen sind zum einen das Vertragsrecht, insbesondere der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte, sowie die regionalen Verankerungen in Europa und in Amerika durch die Satzungen der jeweiligen internationaler Organisationen und ihrer Menschenrechtsinstrumente. Substantielle vertragliche Verpflichtungen ergeben sich auch aus den bilateralen Verträgen der EG. Zum anderen fußt es auf der Staatenpraxis, insbesondere im Rahmen der UNO. So ist die internationale Gemeinschaft auf die Errichtung demokratischer Strukturen verpflichtet, wenn sie staatliche Funktionen in failed states übernimmt oder den Wiederaufbau eines Staatswesens begleitet. Die Demokratieresolutionen der UNO lassen erkennen, daß alle Staaten verpflichtet sind, das Ziel der Demokratie anzustreben und erreichte demokratische Errungenschaften zu gewährleisten. Das Demokratieprinzip beinhaltet normativ die Legitimation staatlichen Handelns durch freie Wahlen und die Absicherung durch Menschenrechte, Gewaltenteilung und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Staatliche Entscheidungen bedürfen daher einer legitimierenden Rückbindung an den frei geäußerten Willen des konstituierenden Staatsvolkes, wobei die Freiheit dieser Willensäußerung in dynamischer Perspektive die Freiheit der Willensänderung garantiert. Sowohl der Vertragsschluß als Akt staatlichen Handelns als auch der Inhalt des Vertrages bedürfen der Legitimation, und zwar über die Zeit hinweg. Das geltende Völkervertragsrecht berücksichtigt das Demokratieprinzip jedoch nur unzureichend. Die Verletzung innerstaatlichen Rechts beim Vertragsschluß kann nur eingeschränkt geltend gemacht werden. Es existiert auch kein Verfahren, mit dem die fortdauernde Legitimation eines Vertrages überprüft werden könnte. Angesichts der Zunahme von Verträgen, die innere Angelegenheiten der Gesellschaften regeln, bedarf das Spannungsverhältnis einer Lösung. Das Problem wird illustriert durch Frankreichs Ausstieg aus der NATO, Senegals Kündigung der Seerechtskonventionen, den Streit um den deutschen Atomausstieg, das Verfahren um den Donaustaudamm Gabcíkovo Nagymaros, die Frage der Vereinbarkeit von Drogenkonsumräumen mit den UN-Anti-Drogenkonventionen, das Schiedsverfahren zwischen Aminoil und Kuwait sowie der Kündigung des ABM-Vertrages durch die USA. Ein erster Ansatz zur Lösung kann in einer Neuinterpretation der völkervertragsrechtlichen Regeln liegen. So bietet sich der Grundsatz der "demokratiefreundlichen Interpretation" an. Internes Recht, das der Kontrolle der Exekutive dient, muß beim Vertragsschluß Berücksichtigung finden. Und Verträgen, die "innere Angelegenheiten" betreffen, kann ein implizites Kündigungsrecht zugebilligt werden. Der wesentliche Ansatz ist aber kautelarjuristischer Natur. Revisions-, Experimentier- und Kündigungsklauseln können bei der Abfassung von Verträgen die Vertragsbeziehung so ausgestalten, daß zukünftige Meinungsänderungen berücksichtigt werden können. Schließlich ist de lege ferenda ein Recht auf Revision, kombiniert mit einem subsidiären Kündigungsrecht, wünschenswert. Mit einem solchen Mechanismus könnten neue normative Lösungen eingeführt werden und die Legitimation bestehender Normen auf den Prüfstand gestellt werden. / International law provides for a democratic principle. It is based both on treaty law and customary law. The International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights as well as the regional treaties in Europe and the Americas - the statutes of the respective regional organisations and their human rights instruments - form a substantial body of treaty obligations toward democracy, which is complemented by bilateral treaties of the EC safeguarding democracy. State practice, especially within the framework of the UN, indicates an obligation to establish democratic structures whenever the international community takes upon itself the task of nation building in failed states. The democracy resolutions of the UN point out that all member states are obliged to strive for democracy and uphold democratic achievements so far. The normative democratic principle includes the legitimation of public affairs through free and fair elections and the guarantee of human rights, separation of powers and the rule of law. Acts of states therefore must be legitimised through the freely expressed will of the people. Under a dynamic perspective, the free will includes the possibility for changes of policy. The conclusion of treaties as an act of state as well as the content of the treaty as a rule of law need to be legitimised through the times. The current law of treaties does not acknowledge the democratic principle, however. Violations of internal law at the conclusion of a treaty can only be claimed to a limited extent. Nor does international law provide for a formal procedure to validate the on-going support for the content of the treaty. Facing an ever-growing expansion of the number of treaties dealing with the internal affairs of societies, solutions must be found. The problem is being illustrated by France's withdrawal from NATO, Senegal's withdrawal from the Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea, the dispute related to the question of the use of nuclear energy in Germany, the judgement of the ICJ in the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros case, the question of the compatibility of drug consumption rooms with UN anti-drug conventions, the dispute settlement award in the Aminoil case and last not least the denunciation of the ABM treaty by the US. Realigning the interpretation of the law of treaties to the democratic principle is one way to deal with the problem. Interpretation of treaties should take into account the democratic principle. Internal law controlling the executive has to be complied with where conclusion of treaties is concerned. And treaties dealing with "internal affairs" can be considered to contain an implicit right of withdrawal or denunciation. The proper solution lies in respecting the democratic principle when drafting treaties, though. Clauses of revision, clauses allowing for experiments and clauses of denunciation or withdrawal help shaping a contractual relationship that can take into account changes of the political will. Last not least, a right of revision is recommended de lege ferenda, combined with a subsidiary right of denunciation or withdrawal. Such a mechanism allows for introducing new normative solutions and for validating the on-going legitimation of existing treaty rules. (See also the English summary at the end of the thesis.)

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