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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An instructing framework for digital twins within virtual commissioning

Hidemyr, Erika January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project aims to develop an instructing framework, concerning digital twin-based virtual commissioning, suitable for practical applications within the industrial sphere. The objectives set for the project are focused on constructing a framework which covers the initial specification, creation, development, and implementation of DTs within the circumstances of virtual commissioning. A literature review was performed to investigate the current state of the related academic fields. The gathered findings of the literary exploration were subsequently utilized to generate an initial framework. To test the instructing quality of the framework, a case study was conducted, involving the construction of a DT based on a real-world production process. Additional knowledge could be retrieved from the reflections of the case study, which prompted further alterations to the framework. The framework's final iteration covers the complete commissioning process, emphasising the virtual parts thatoccur at the beginning. In addition, the framework further shows how industrial organisations may store and repurpose DTs within their business practices. Suggested secondary applications of fully developed DTs were presented and discussed, including their impacting effects on supporting sustainable business practices.Therefore, it can be argued that the framework itself can be seen as a tool for supporting manufacturers to accentuate the presence of sustainability within their organisations.

Using discrete-event simulation to enable implementation of picking and palletizing robots: A case study

Kfouri, Maja, Reimers, Adan January 2023 (has links)
Aim: The study aims to develop a DES model to evaluate the impacts of implementing packaging and palletizing robotics in the goods-receipts process. Research questions: RQ1: “What are the requirements when developing a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model of the goods receipt process in the internal logistics section of a manufacturing company?”, RQ2: “What is the impact of implementing a new layout with industrial palletizer robotics in manufacturing companies' internal logistics - specifically the goods receipt process in terms of robot Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), throughput, and WIP?” and, RQ3: “What considerations should companies take into account when implementing industrial palletizer robotics in their internal logistics, in terms of process flow?” Methodology: This study applied an inductive approach, letting the empirical findings guide the themes explored in the theoretical framework while having a constant interplay between empirical data collection and the construction of the simulation model. Empirical data collection was collected via observation, time study, and documentation. Literature was collected via Scopus and restricted to peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. The simulation model building followed the steps presented by Banks (2005). Based on the model building and simulation model results, conclusions could be made. Conclusion: The study concluded and presented nine requirements to develop a DES model for the goods-receipt process in manufacturing companies' internal logistics. The impact of robot OEE was determined to be low, 24-27%, WIP increased, and throughput increased with the implementation of a new layout with an industrial palletizer robot. Lastly, to answer RQ3, the study concluded and presented six considerations for companies to take into account when evaluating the implementation of an industrial palletizer robot / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utveckla en DES modell för att utvärdera effekterna av att implementera omplocknings- och palleteringsrobotar för avdelningen –ankommande gods.  Frågeställningar: "Vilka krav finns vid utvecklingen av en modell för diskret händelsesimulering (DES) av godsmottagningsprocessen inom den interna logistiken hos ett tillverkningsföretag?", "Vilken är effekten av att implementera en ny layout med industriella palleteringsrobotar i tillverkningsföretags interna logistik - specifikt inom godsmottagningsprocessen - i termer av robot (OEE), produktionskapacitet per timme, och WIP?" och "Vilka överväganden bör företag ta i beaktande vid implementeringen av industriella palleteringsrobotar inom sin interna logistik, med avseende på processflöde?" Metod: Denna studie använde en induktiv metod, där de empiriska resultaten styrde de teman som utforskades inom den teoretiska referensramen, samtidigt som det fanns en konstant samverkan mellan insamling av empiriska data och konstruktionen av simulationsmodellen. Empiriska data samlades in genom observation, tidsstudier och dokumentation. Litteratur samlades in via Scopus och begränsades till expertgranskade artiklar och bokkapitel. Byggandet av simulationsmodellen följde de steg som presenterades av Banks (2005). Baserat på modellbyggandet och resultaten från simulationsmodellen kunde slutsatser dras. Slutsats: Studien presenterade nio krav för att utveckla en DES-modell för godsmottagningsprocessen inom tillverkningsföretags interna logistik. Effekten av robotens OEE bedömdes vara låg, 24–27%. Work in Progress (WIP) ökade och produktionskapaciteten per timme ökade med införandet av en ny layout med en industriell palleteringsrobot. Slutligen, för att svara på den tredje forskningsfrågan, presenterade studien sex överväganden som företag bör ta hänsyn till vid utvärderingen av implementeringen av en industriell palleteringsrobot

Effektiviseringsmöjligheter av materialflöden i tillverkande företag som kundanpassar : En fallstudie hos ett företag inom träbranschen

Persson, Julius, Nilsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – There is a challenge in how to achieve an efficient and competitive production environment in manufacturing companies that customize their products to a large extent. Henceforth, the study examines how a material flow can become more efficient without disrupting the current customization demands. The purpose of the study is; To investigate how to increase material flow efficiency in manufacturing companies that customize. Based on the purpose of the study, three research questions have been formulated. -        How does the current material flow look like in manufacturing companies that customize? -        What affects the efficiency of material flow in manufacturing companies that customize? -        How to increase the efficiency of material flow in manufacturing companies that customize? Method – This is a case study, with the data collected in documents, observations, and interviews. Method triangulation was used to increase the credibility of the findings. The study's data collection is also linked to the theoretical framework to create a credible result. Findings – The results of the study showed a current state of the company's material flow through the use of value stream analysis and cycle time analysis. The wastes: inventory, unnecessary transports, unnecessary relocations, and waiting were identified. The lean principles continuous flow and equalization of the workload were found to be particularly relevant. The tools WMS-system and ABC-analysis were also found to be relevant for increasing the efficiency of material flow.  Implications – Companies should use value stream analysis as a tool to identify waste in material flows. Furthermore, manufacturing companies that customize should use the lean principles, as well as the use of WMS systems and ABC analysis to make their own material flows more efficient. Limitations – The study only examined one case of manufacturing companies that customize, which undermines the external validity. One limitation is also that the data collection was carried out for a short period. As the examined material flow was not repetitive, the times for the process’s cycles varied, which reduced the quality of the study. Keywords – Lean, waste, high-mix and low-volume, efficiency, material flow

Analysis of DFMEA and PFMEA use for enhanced co-development of product and production : A case study in two Swedish manufacturing companies

Fasolo, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – In the last years companies are challenged by the increasing of innovation, product complexity and customisation, continuous and rapid changes in technology. A company’s successfulness in the market depends on the ability to quickly adapt to changes through innovation and efficiency in its products and services. Risk analysis might lead to success using different tools within the New Product Development (NPD)process, such as Design and Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA andPFMEA). This study aims to identify how the integration between DFMEA and PFMEA might enhance the co-development of product and production to overcome the challenges in the NPD. To address the purpose, three research questions have been formulated: (1) Are DFMEA and PFMEA linked in the literature and how are they connected? (2) Which are the main challenges and opportunities to integrate DFMEA andPFMEA from a practical point of view? (3) How to improve DFMEA and PFMEAintegration for enhanced co-development of product and production? Method – The research has an inductive approach and data collection was carried out using qualitative methods, such as documents reviews, interviews and workshops. The chosen strategies were a literature review and a case study. Firstly, literature review was conducted in order to identify the connection between DFMEA and PFMEA and feasible methods to integrate them. Thereafter, documentation from two companies and recorded interviews were reviewed to gain information from a practical perspective. Lastly, two workshops were performed to explore further connections between DFEMA and PFMEA by collaborating with the responsible from the two analysed companies. Findings & Analysis – In the literature, three suitable methods that linked DFMEAand PFMEA were identified. After reviewing the documentation from the companies and the recorded interviews and performing two workshops, two different situations were depicted. The companies are implementing different templates and their processes are slightly different. For this reason, a SWOT analysis helped comparing the two companies to identify their challenges and opportunities to integrate DFMEA and PFMEA. The three methods, the comparison between the companies and other reflections helped contribute to the knowledge and improve companies’ processes. Limitations – The main limitation of the study regards time constraints. There are several paths this research can pursue since there was not enough time to further explore in this thesis. In fact, it was intended to find a method to test in the companies and gain results after the test. In the end, the results are suggestions for further research and methods for integrating DFMEA and PFMEA

Cost-effectiveness of ergonomic interventions - Evaluation of a calculation model / Kostnadseffektivitet för ergonomiska interventioner - Utvärdering av en beräkningsmodell

Tegbrant, Kerstin January 2019 (has links)
Several studies have shown that the work environment affects company performance. The managers are seldom aware to which extent work environment problems affect productivity, quality of delivery and sick-leave in their organisation. The present literature study showed that improvements regarding physical ergonomics generally are shown to be cost-effective. The most beneficial way of working is through proactive measures interactively with employees. An efficient, systematic way of performing risk assessments and interventions reduce the need for a calculation method. This study identified propositions for properties of calculation methods. These propositions were : “Simplicity, high usability”, “Right content for the target group”, “High ability to measure risk”, “Focus on staff”, “Correct standardised values”, “Right focus” and “Optimal design”. Scania CV, a producer of trucks and buses, has developed a calculation model for cost-effectiveness of ergonomic interventions. Evaluation of this model with semi-structured interviews showed agreement regarding the need of a simplified calculation method, based on systematic risk assessments. / Ett flertal studier har visat att arbetsmiljön påverkar företags effektivitet. Företagsledningen är sällan medveten om till vilken grad arbetsmiljö-problem påverkar produktivitet, kvalitet och sjukfrånvaro. Litteraturstudien i detta projekt visade att förbättringar inom ergonomi generellt sett är kostnadseffektiva. Det är mest gynnsamt att arbeta proaktivt samt participativt, det vill säga i samarbete med medarbetarna på den lokala avdelningen. Ett effektivt, systematiskt arbete med riskbedömningar och interventioner minskar behovet av att göra en beräkning av lönsamheten. Propositioner för egenskaper hos kostnadseffektiva beräkningsmetoder togs fram i denna studie. Dessa propositioner var; ” Enkelhet och god användbarhet”, ”rätt innehåll för målgruppen”, ”hög förmåga att bedöma risk”, ”personalfokus”, ”korrekta standardiserade värden”, ”rätt fokus” och ”optimal design”. Scania CV, producent av lastbilar och bussar, har tagit fram en beräkningsmodell för kostnadseffektivitet hos ergonomiska interventioner. Utvärderingen av denna modell med semistrukturerade intervjuer visar god samstämmighet i att det behövs enkla kalkylmetoder som grundar sig på systematiska riskbedömningar.

Anonyma rekryteringsprocesser : ett verktyg för ökad mångfald? / Anonymous recruitment processes : a tool for increased diversity?

Sillanpää, Emma, Gillholm, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
: Dagens svenska arbetsmarknad är etniskt segregerad och det lyfts ofta att utrikes födda har en utsatt position på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag arbetar med att öka etnisk mångfald på arbetsplatsen och hur anonyma rekryteringsprocesser kan bidra till det arbetet. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur HR-personal arbetar med att skapa en så rättvis rekryteringsprocess som möjligt och därmed bidrar till en minskad etnisk segregerad arbetsmarknad. Syftet besvaras genom två frågeställningar, på vilket sätt arbetar HR i organisationen för att främja mångfalden samt vilken betydelse har en anonym rekryteringsprocess för att bidra till mångfald. Tidigare forskningar visar att mångfaldsarbetet medför mycket fördelar som arbetsmotivation, legitimitet, företagsimage och rättvis behandling. Att vilja möta omvärldens krav är en stark drivkraft till varför företag arbetar med mångfald. Anonym rekrytering lyfts som ett verktyg som kan minska ojämlikheten i rekryteringsprocessen samt minskar risken för att chefer tar beslut baserade på stereotyper. Tidigare forskning lyfter även att arbetsmarknaden är etniskt segregerad i Sverige och att utrikes födda ofta blir bortvalda på grund av etnicitet trots att de besitter samma kompetens och erfarenheter som inrikes födda. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att genomföra studien där sju respondenter från fem olika företag inom privat sektor har intervjuats. Resultatet visar att HR-funktionen arbetar med att öka medvetenheten kring mångfald och dess positiva effekter på arbetsplatsen, samt att anonym rekrytering är ett verktyg som skapar en mer jämlik rekryteringsprocess och kan bidra till starkare mångfald på arbetsplatsen. / Today's Swedish labor market is ethnically segregated and it is often highlighted that foreign- born people have a vulnerable position on the Swedish labor market. The purpose of this study is to investigate how companies work to increase ethnic diversity in the workplace and how anonymous recruitment processes can contribute to that work. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate how HR personnel work to create as fair a recruitment process as possible and thereby contribute to a reduced ethnically segregated labor market. The purpose is answered through two questions, in which way does HR work in the organization to promote diversity and what is the importance of an anonymous recruitment process in contributing to diversity. Previous research shows that diversity work brings many benefits such as work motivation, legitimacy, company image and fair treatment. Wanting to meet the demands of the outside world is a strong driving force behind why companies work with diversity. Anonymous recruitment is highlighted as a tool that can reduce inequality in the recruitment process and reduce the risk of managers making decisions based on stereotypes. Previous research also highlights that the labor market is ethnically segregated and that foreign-born people are often excluded because of ethnicity, even though they have the same skills and experience as domestic-born people. Qualitative semi-structured interviews have been used to conduct the study where seven respondents from five different companies in the private sector have been interviewed. The result shows that the HR function works to increase awareness of diversity and its positive effects in the workplace and that anonymous recruitment is a tool that creates a more equal recruitment process and can contribute to stronger diversity in the workplace.

Maskinutnyttjande och ställtidsreduktion i en tillverkande industri / Machine Utilization and Setup Time Reduction in a Manufacturing Industry

Rydström, Henrik, Sköldmark, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
The report describes a field study conducted at an enterprise, where the company's machine manufacturing was examined with the aim of reviewing current production capacity and presenting theoretical improvement measures using production engineering methods.  Various work measurements revealed problematic work practices that were unnecessarily time-consuming, where setup times were highlighted as a cause. Time and frequency studies were conducted to clarify the work process and thus the potential for improvement. A SMED analysis was performed to reduce setup times and create manufacturing capacity. The study clarified a work process with a strong lack of setup routines and work standards.  The report proposes a standardized work process as well as a reduction in setup time during setup, in addition to underlying causes of capacity losses resulting from, among other things, poor supervision and material handling.  Overall, the work is considered to have high reliability and validity thanks to the use of industry-tested methods that have generated several improvement measures.

Improving Software Development Process Through Industry 4.0 Technologies : A focus on Railway Embedded Software

Eriksson, Julia, Busck, Victor January 2023 (has links)
Date: 4th June 2023 Level: Master thesis in Product- and Process Development, advanced level, 30 credits Institution: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering at Mälardalen University Authors: Victor Busck Julia Eriksson Title: Improving Software Development Process Through Industry 4.0 Methodologies - A focus on Railway Embedded Software Supervisor: Yuji Yamamoto - Mälardalens University, Raluca Marinescu - Alstom, Ian Bird-Radolovic - Alstom Keywords: Safety-critical software development; Software development;Industry 4.0; Artificial Intelligence Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what challenges and bottlenecks may occur in the development process of safety-critical software and suggest how Industry 4.0 technologies could be applied to overcome the bottlenecks and improve the process. Research questions: 1. What bottlenecks can the railway domain encounter when developing safety-critical software? 2. How can Industry 4.0 technologies be applied to overcome thebottlenecks and improve the development process of safety-critical software? Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative research methodology following an abductive approach. This led to the theoretical framework being gradually developed in parallel with the empirical data collection. The theoretical collection was based on scientific reports and books. The empirical data collection was based on a questionnaire, of which five in-depth interviews werethen conducted based on responses. Out of the five, three were semi-structured and two unstructured. Conclusion: The study concluded that all phases except design and implementation and software evaluation contained various bottlenecks related to tools, training, processes, resources and communication. However, it can be concluded that the testing phases were the biggest bottleneck at Alstom. To overcome testing challenges and improve the development process, the analysis shows that Industry 4.0 technologies such as AI, NLP and ML could be used to automate testing activities.

Sågklasser och dess påverkan på virkeskvalité / Sawclasses and their influence on timber quality

Elmstrand, Måns, Petersson, Isak January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to show how saw classes affect the quality of the lumber and how the company can develop their quality management based the results of the study. The study shows that Kantning is the most profitable class to drive, but it requires several investments. A cutting system is one of the investments required to be able to develop the quality management. That investment will result in that higher quality can be sorted from the current lower qualities by being able to cut defective parts. The result also shows that an implementation of an intermediate quality is not worth it unless an investment in a cutting system takes place. An implementation of an intermediate quality requires investments such as a scanner system.

A Digitised AI and Simulation Ecosystem for Enabling Data-driven Decisions

Lero, Nikola January 2023 (has links)
As data availability increases so do the opportunities within businesses. Companies need to explore technologies that are able to exploit and capitalise on this vast amount of data in order to stay relevant in today’s competitive market. Artificial intelligence and simulation are two promising technologies that are able to manage and utilise these large amounts of data. This paper explores the opportunities and challenges that exist of combining artificial intelligence with simulation in order to achieve data-driven decisions within industries. Although these two technologies are well researched in isolation, their combination and synergetic effects remain largely unexplored. The aim of this study is to survey this existing vacuum by performing a literature review and producing a digitised AI and simulation ecosystem that encapsulates the opportunities and challenges enabled by these two technologies. This research explored this ecosystem by applying and developing it on a real case study of an automotive parts supplier’s production process. It was concluded that this modularised digitised ecosystem could act as an alternative to expensive and generic software solutions due to its high customisation, simple integration and cost-efficiency, especially for SMEs. The study also concluded that adding additional AI and simulation models to the ecosystem reduces the modules’ unit costs since they can share some high cost structures such as: databases, servers and user-interfaces; this idea was encapsulated in the term digitised economies of scale.

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