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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lire la lettre dans le Roman d'un inverti-né et la Suite du roman d'un inverti-né (1889-1896)

Laurin, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, la médecine génésique et la psychiatrie s’intéressent à l’homosexualité, appelée inversion sexuelle à l’époque. Les médecins tentent de comprendre cette tare qui ronge la société. C’est pourquoi ils ont recueilli plusieurs témoignages provenant de ceux qu’ils considéraient comme « malades » pour valider leurs thèses scientifiques. Parmi plusieurs documents de nature autobiographique, le Roman d’un inverti-né (1889) et la Suite du roman d’un inverti-né (1896) sont particuliers, adressés sous l’impulsion de leur auteur à un romancier naturaliste, Émile Zola, et à un médecin, le Dr Laupts. Publiées dans des revues médicales (les Archives d’anthropologie criminelle) et dans un recueil (Tares et poisons), ces lettres ont été lues et analysées en tant que cas médical, autobiographie ou roman. Ces documents n’ont curieusement pas été encore lus comme appartenant au genre de la correspondance, important au XIXe siècle : c’est cet oubli révélateur que ce mémoire cherche à combler. Après un récapitulatif des différentes éditions (chapitre 1), les caractéristiques épistolaires seront examinées (chapitre 2). Les travaux de Brigitte Diaz (2002) et de Judith Lyon-Caen (2006) seront exploités pour souligner l’utilisation par l’auteur du Roman d’un inverti-né des codes épistolaires et de l’univers romanesque zolien. Enfin, l’analyse de l’histoire d’amour entre l’auteur des lettres et le sergent est au cœur du dernier chapitre qui accorde une attention particulière à la manière dont l’épistolier narre ce récit de l’amour entre hommes, en utilisant des codes érotiques et initiatiques. Ainsi, l’originalité du Roman d’un inverti-né et de la Suite du roman d’un inverti-né réside à la fois dans l’histoire particulière de sa publication, dans la nature ambivalente de son genre épistolaire et dans l’histoire d’amour, narrée à un médecin et un écrivain. C’est cette triple originalité qui est étudiée dans ce mémoire. / In the second half of the Nineteenth century, psychiatrists and doctors studied homosexuality, male and female inverts. They tried to understand this bane that afflicts society. Hence, they collected multiple testimonies from those they considered “sick” to validate their scientific theories. Amongst these numerous autobiographic documents, the Novel of an Invert (1889-1896) is the most peculiar. While most of these documents exist under the impulse of doctors and judges, this one was sent to naturalist novelist Émile Zola by a young man. Published in medical journals (the Archives d’anthropologie criminelle) and books (Tares et poisons), the literary genre of this text has been distorted; instead of being called letters, this text has been named novel, medical case, autobiography or confession. Peculiarly, these documents were never studied as a correspondence, an important genre in the Nineteenth century. After going through the different editions and modifications of these letters (chapter 1), we examine the epistolary characteristics of this text (chapter 2). To do so, we used Brigitte Diaz’s (2002) works, along with those of Judith Lyon-Caen (2006), underlining the use by the writer of both epistolary codes and the zolian universe. Finally, the last chapter focuses on the love story between the Italian and the sergeant, with a particular attention to the way the letter writer uses erotic and ritualistic codes to narrate the story. The Novel of the Invert’s originality resides in the peculiar publication history, in the ambivalence of its genre and in the narration of a love story to a novelist and a doctor. This thesis shall study this triple originality.

Determining Purpose through Metafunctional Meanings: A Discourse Analysis of Two Speeches in Acts 2 and 17

Jung, Jae Cheon 11 1900 (has links)
There are a large number of character speeches in Acts. Scholars have used various means and methods to contribute to a feasible and plausible answer regarding the functions of speeches in Acts. Unfortunately, the studies have often been focused on the authenticity of the speeches: were they Luke's creation or simply his compilation? This dissertation presents another set of tools for scholars to revisit Luke's speeches in Acts in order to add insight into their questions, and also to broaden the realm of this narrow focus. In particular, I will implement and demonstrate how to use modern linguistics, namely discourse analysis based on Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics. The present study ventures to apply this linguistic insight by focusing on two speeches in the Acts of the Apostles, Acts 2:14-36 and 17:22-31. If scholars wish to study the speeches of Acts further, or any New Testament speeches, hopefully this dissertation will provide a helpful approach to meet their needs. Thus, analyzing and comparing the author's functionally linguistic choices in these two speeches with regards to similarities and differences will describe his specific use of these speeches. The most notable contribution of the dissertation will be found in implementing a new approach to the study of speeches in Acts. I also hope such a due recognition of the language will motivate and inspire further linguistic explorations into various areas, which remain perplexed by other approaches.

ʼn Ondersoek na die parateks (Gérard Genette) as ʼn narratiewe strategie in geselekteerde Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuur

Oosthuizen, Mia Magriet 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with Abstracts in Afrikaans, English and isiZulu / In hierdie proefskrif word ondersoek ingestel na die parateks as narratiewe strategie vir toeganklikheid in geselekteerde Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuur. Die kern van hierdie ondersoek is die toeganklikheid van die boodskap binne die paratekstuele en narratiewe kommunikasiesituasie. Vir hierdie ondersoek is die sentrale probleemstelling soos volg geformuleer: hoe word die parateks as narratiewe strategie gebruik om kinder- en jeugliteratuur meer toeganklik vir jong lesers te maak? Gérard Genette se werk oor die parateks (1997a) en die narratologie (1983, 1990) dien as teoretiese basis vir hierdie studie se konseptuele raamwerk, aangevul deur die werk van Mieke Bal (1991, 2009). Jauss (1982) se resepsie-estetika word ook betrek ten einde toeganklikheid ten opsigte van die primêre teikenmark te formuleer. Binne die konteks van hierdie konseptuele raamwerk, word daar afsonderlik ondersoek ingestel na die ontvangers, senders en boodskap van die paratekstuele en narratiewe kommunikasiesituasie. Die ontvangers is die lesers van die parateks as narratiewe strategie vir toeganklikheid en word bespreek as die primêre, dubbele en tweeledige teikenmarkte. Die senders is die verskillende skrywers betrokke by die skepping en implementering van die parateks as narratiewe strategie vir toeganklikheid. Onderskeid word getref tussen die primêre skrywer, die tweede skrywer en die sekondêre skrywer. Laastens word die boodskap ondersoek soos dit met die visuele parateks en die talige parateks verband hou. Aan die hand van die konseptuele raamwerk van hierdie studie, en die verskillende rolspelers en boodskappe binne die paratekstuele en narratiewe kommunikasiesituasie, dui die studie aan hoe die parateks as narratiewe strategie gebruik kan word om kinder- en jeugliteratuur vir veral die primêre teikenmark meer toeganklik te maak. / This thesis sets out to illustrate how the paratext can be used as narrative strategy for accessibility in selected Afrikaans children’s and youth fiction. Central to this study is the accessibility of the message in the paratextual and narrative communication situation. In this regard, the central research question is as follows: how can the paratext be used as a narrative strategy to make children’s and youth literature more accessible for young readers? Gérard Genette’s work on the paratext (1997a) and narratology (1983, 1990) serves as the theoretical basis for this study’s conceptual framework, along with the work of Mieke Bal (1991, 2009). In order to define accessibility in terms of the primary target audience, reference is also made to Jauss’s (1982) reception theory. Within the context of this conceptual framework, focus is placed on the receivers, senders and message of the paratextual and narrative communication situation. The receivers are the readers of the paratext as narrative strategy for accessibility and are discussed as the primary, twofold and dual target audiences. The senders are the different writers involved in the creation and implementation of the paratext as narrative strategy for accessibility. Here a distinction is made between the primary writer, the second writer and the secondary writer. Lastly, the message is discussed as it relates to the visual paratext and textual paratext. Through the conceptual framework of this study, along with the different role players and messages of the paratext as narrative strategy for accessibility, this study shows how the paratext as narrative strategy can be used to make children’s and youth literature more accessible for especially the primary target audience. / Le thisisi ihlose ukuveza ukuthi umbhalo ohunyushiwe ungasetshenziswa kanjani njengesu lokuxoxa emibhalweni ekhethiwe yesiBhunu yezingane kanye naleyo yabantu abasha .Okubalulekile kulesi sifundo socwaningo wukutholakala komlayezo wombhalo ohunyushiwe kanye nesimo sokuxhumana ngengxoxo. Ngalokho-ke, umbuzo oyinsika kulesi sifundo socwaningo ngolandelayo: Ngabe inkulumo ehunyushiwe ingasetshenziswa kanjani njengesu lokuxoxa, elingenza ukuthi imibhalo yobuciko yezingane kanye naleyo yabantu abasha ukuze itholakale kalula kubafundi abasebasha? Umsebenzi kaGérard Genette i-paratext (1997a) kanye ne-narratology (1983, 1990) usebenza njengesisekelo sesakhiwo sebizo salesi sifundo socwaningo, kanti lokhu kuhambisana nomsebenzi ka MiekeBal (1991,2009). Ukuze siphumelele ukuchaza mayelana nokutholakala kwabafundi bezincwadi abahlosiwe, uyanxuswa ukuthi ufunde ithiyori emayelana nokutholakala kwabafundi bomlayezo ka Jauss (1982). Ngaphansi kwesimo sesakhiwo segama, kugxilwe kakhulu kubamukeli, kubathumeli kanye nakumlayezo wombhalo ohunyushiwe kanye nesimo sokuxhumana ngengxoxo. Abamukeli bomlayezo kungabafundi bombhalo ohunyushiwe, okuyisu elisetshenziswa ukuthola umlayezo, kanti la masu axoxwa njengalawo aqonde abafundi bokuqala, abambaxambili futhi anezinhloso ezimbili.. Abathumeli bomlayezo kungabhali abadlala indima yokwakha kanye nokusebenzisa imibhalo ehunyushiwe njengesu lokuxoxa elisetshenziswa ukuthola umlayezo. Lapha, kuvezwa umehluko ophakathi kombhali wokuqala, umbhali wesibili kanye nombhali osezingeni lesibili. Okukugcina, umlayezo uxoxwa njengoba uhlobana nombhalo ohunyushiwe obukelwayo kanye nombhalo ohunyushiwe olotshiwe Ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwesakhiwo segama salesi sifundo, esisebenzisana ndawonye nabadlali bendima abahlukahlukene kanye nemilayezo yombhalo ohunyushiwe njengesu lokuxoxa elisetshenziswa ukuthola umlayezo, lokhu kukhombisa ukuthi umbhalo ohunyushiwe oyisu lokuxoxa ungasetshenziswa kanjani ukwenza ukuthi imibhalo yobuciko yezingane kanye naleyo yabantu abasha ingatholakala kanjani, ikakhulukazi ngabafundi bokuqala abahlosiwe. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Babel, babble, and Babylon : reading Genesis 11:1-9 as myth

Oosthuizen, Neil T. 25 August 2009 (has links)
The story of the Tower of Babel (Gen 11: 1-9) has been interpreted in various ways down through the centuries. However, most commentators have ignored the genre of the text, and have not sought to interpret it within its mythological framework - therefore most interpretations are nothing short of babble. A working text is ascertained, and the complexity of the text investigated. The text is then identified as 'myth': within its mythological framework the tower is seen as a temple linking heaven and earth, ensuring the continuation of the royal dynasty (i e 'making a name'). When used by the Yahwist Levites during the Babylonian Exile, our story was inserted in the great Pre-History as polemic against the Babylonian concept of creation, temple, and dynasty; and served as both a warning and an encouragement to the Exiles. The post-exilic Priestly Writer re-interpreted our story as a warning to the returning exiles that their society, and their temple, should be reconstructed as YHWH determines. Interpreting the story as myth enables it, finally, to speak clearly into our context today, especially that of South Africa. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)

Die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief

Terblanche, Sarel Stefanus. 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English And Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / The biography focused on the life and work of Evert Philippus Groenewald in church historical perspective within the context of the twentieth century. It endeavoured to make a contribution to a period in the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) against the background of strife in matters related to the church, politics and other areas. Groenewald taught New Testament subjects as professor at the Faculty of Theology (Section 8 - DRC) at the University of Pretoria for 33 years. As one of the first four professors of the new Faculty of Theology he helped to lay a sound foundation. He served as dean of the Faculty for 21 years (1948 - 1969). As administrator and lecturer he played an important role in the establishment, recognition and development of the Faculty. He was a born exegete, the Nestor of New Testament science in SA. He is regarded as a great theologian and the doyen of New Testament research and exegesis in SA. As writer of Afrikaans theological literature Groenewald undeniably fulfilled the role of a pioneer. This was recognised by the award of the Stals-prize for Theology to him, the first time in history. Apart from this he received four honourary doctorates and various other important awards. He made an important contribution to Bible translation and translatory science. As church and cultural leader he strove to find solutions for the problems of his church and people. He made a significant contribution in the ecumenical field. Apartheid was given its biblical foundation by Groenewald during the forties. His intention was to stimulate thought in the search for a solution to the serious racial problem. Further facets of Groenewald's work await research in order to paint a representative theological portrait of him. / Die studie fokus op die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief binne die konteks van die twintigste eeu. Die klem het op die periode tussen die dertiger- en tagtigerjare geval. Daar is gepoog om 'n bydrae te lewer tot 'n tydperk in die geskiedenis van die NGK teen die agtergrond van die stryd wat op vele gebiede gevoer is. Die invloed van vroom ouers, 'n aantal ingrypende gebeurtenisse in sy lewe en die eise van die tyd het hom ge·inspireer. Hy was kind en teoloog van sy tyd, egter ook van sy kerk. Wat hy verwoord het was deel van die NGK se Calvinistiese en gereformeerde historiese erfenis en die NGK se beleid. Hy het sy eie teologiese stempel egter ongetwyfeld daarop afgedruk. Hy onderrig vir 33 jaar (1938 tot 1970) Nuwe Testamentiese vakke as professor aan die Teofogiese Fakulteit (Afd 8) van UP. As een van die eerste vier professore help hy om 'n stewige grondslag te le. Hy was vir 21 jaar (1948-1969) dekaan van die Fakulteit. In 1970 het hy geemeriteer. Hy het nie die akademie as sy enigste roeping beskou nie. Hy het sy kerk, volk en die gemeenskap gedien. Na sy aftrede lewer hy sy belangrikste bydraes tot Bybelvertaling, die NAV (gepubliseer in 1983), en die vertaalwetenskap. Hy het wat sy lewenstaak betref sy belangrikste bydrae as dosent gelewer. As administrateur het hy die Fakulteit help vestig en uitbou. Hy was 'n gebore eksegeet, die Nestor van die Nuwe Testamentiese wetenskap in SA. Hy word beskou as 'n belangrike teoloog, die doyen van die Nuwe Testamentiese navorsing en eksegese in SA. Die tradisie van die N T eksegese wat hy in die beoefening van die teologie gevestig het, kan as sy heel belangrikste bydrae beskou word. Hy word ook as volksteoloog getipeer. As skrywer het Groenewald 'n pioniersrol vervul vanwee sy groot bydrae tot die ontluikende Afrikaanse teologiese literatuur. Hy het die prestasie behaal dat die Stals-prys vir Teologie, die eerste keer in die geskiedenis, aan horn toegeken is. Hy is met vier eredoktorsgrade en verskeie ander belangrike toekennings vereer. As kerk- en kultuurleier het Groenewald se bekwaamhede sterk na vore gekom. Hy het die behoeftes van sy kerk en volk raakgesien en horn beywer om oplossings vir die ingewikkelde vraagstukke te vind. Die NGK, UP, vele instansies en die Staat het gebruik gemaak van sy talente. Apartheid is in die veertigerjare deur hom Bybels fundeer. Sy bedoeling was om teologiese denke te stimuleer in die soeke na 'n oplossing vir die ernstige rassevraagstuk. Hy het apartheid as teologies-praktiese oplossing aangebied. Hy het na 'n eerlike oplossing binne die destydse konteks gesoek wat regverdig teenoor die nieblanke sou wees en van die blanke groot offers sou vra. Die wyse waarop apartheid algaande toegepas is, het meegebring dat daar afgewyk is van wat Groenewald in 1947 beoog het. Dit het in 'n ideologiese monster ontaard wat groot pyn en lyding veroorsaak het. Groenewald was een van 'n klein aantal kerkfigure wat met hul dade in die twintigste eeu van stryd en worsteling die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis verryk het. Sy bydrae is deur hierdie proefskrif slegs ten dele ontgin en verdere fasette van sy werk wag om nagevors te word ten einde uiteindelik 'n omvattende teologiese portret van hom te skilder. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. D. (Church History)

A critical analysis of Wole Soyinka as a dramatist, with special reference to his engagement in contemporary issues

Lunga, Majahana John Chonsi January 1994 (has links)
This dissertation is mainly on Wole Soyinka as a dramatist. It aims to show that Soyinka, far from being an irrelevant artist as some of his fiercest critics have alleged, is a deeply committed writer whose works are characterised by a strong sense of concern with basic human values of right and wrong, good and evil. Furthermore, the dissertation shows that although Soyinka is not an admirer of Marxist aesthetics, he is certainly not in the art-for-art's-sake camp either, I because he is fully aware of the utilitarian value of literature. Soyinka's works are much influenced by his social and historical background, and the dissertation shows that Soyinka's socio-political awareness pervades all these works, although it will be seen that in the later plays there is a sharpened political awareness. Although largely concerned with his own country's issues, Soyinka also emerges as a keen observer of humanity universally / English Studies / M.A. (English)

Towards an ethic of cultural harmonization : translating history textbooks in the province of Québec

Varga, Michael 12 1900 (has links)
Confronté à un projet de traduction de manuels d’histoire du français à l’anglais, destinés aux écoles publiques anglophones au Québec, Michael Varga définit une méthode qui ne s’appuie pas sur les théories de traduction classiques reliées aux structures binaires, mais qui s’inspire plutôt du modèle de la narratologie (narrative theory) prôné par Mona Baker. Varga reconnaît la légitimité d’une pluralité de narrations en compétition entre elles qui se manifestent parmi les différents groupes socioculturels faisant partie d’une même société (le Québec). Il identifie des passages en provenance du texte d’origine qui mettent en relief des conflits reliés à l’accommodation culturelle. Il traite la façon dont ces conflits échouent à communiquer adéquatement des réalités culturelles appropriées, lesquelles seront en concert avec les normes et valeurs propres à la société québécoise. Il propose des traductions, apte au domaine pédagogique, qui désamorceront ces conflits et les accommoderont tout en respectant la pluralité des réalités culturelles en évidence dans la société québécoise. / Faced with the task of translating history textbooks from French to English for use in Québec’s English-language public school system, Michael Varga outlines a translation approach that circumvents classical translation theories based on binary constructs in favour of a model inspired by narrative theory as proposed by Mona Baker. Acknowledging the legitimacy of multiple parallel narratives as they pertain to different socio-cultural groups within the same society (Québec), he identifies source text sections that expose conflicts related to intercultural harmony. He discusses how these conflicts may fall short of communicating appropriate cultural realities that conform to the norms and values that govern Québec society. With a focus on the educational context, he proposes translations that defuse these conflicts in a spirit of harmonization and respect for the pluralist cultural realities in evidence in Québec society.

Mediální ohlas Sjezdu spisovatelů 2015 / The Media Response to the Writers Convention 2015

Prunarová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the media response to the Writers Convention that took place on 5 and 6 June 2015 in Prague. This convention was the first meeting of that name in the post-communist era. By naming it such, the organizers claimed a clear succession to conventions that happened before the year 1989 - especially to those in 1956 and 1967, which became important turning points not only culturally, but also politically. The 2015 Convention was organized by Writers Association - a professional organization established in November 2014. One of the reasons why it was founded was the conviction that the organisation named Writers Union, existing from 1989, is not functional anymore and does not sufficiently represent authors' interests. The first two chapters inquiry into the history of both of these organizations with the aim to identify problematic aspects in their operations. Through their media reflection, the history, activities and themes with which they deal are introduced. The aim is to show the broader issue of official writers associations as well as the relevance of the Writers Association as an organization representing the literary public. The third chapter presents the views on today's position of literature in society as it is reflected in media entries related to the...

Towards an ethic of cultural harmonization : translating history textbooks in the province of Québec

Varga, Michael 12 1900 (has links)
Confronté à un projet de traduction de manuels d’histoire du français à l’anglais, destinés aux écoles publiques anglophones au Québec, Michael Varga définit une méthode qui ne s’appuie pas sur les théories de traduction classiques reliées aux structures binaires, mais qui s’inspire plutôt du modèle de la narratologie (narrative theory) prôné par Mona Baker. Varga reconnaît la légitimité d’une pluralité de narrations en compétition entre elles qui se manifestent parmi les différents groupes socioculturels faisant partie d’une même société (le Québec). Il identifie des passages en provenance du texte d’origine qui mettent en relief des conflits reliés à l’accommodation culturelle. Il traite la façon dont ces conflits échouent à communiquer adéquatement des réalités culturelles appropriées, lesquelles seront en concert avec les normes et valeurs propres à la société québécoise. Il propose des traductions, apte au domaine pédagogique, qui désamorceront ces conflits et les accommoderont tout en respectant la pluralité des réalités culturelles en évidence dans la société québécoise. / Faced with the task of translating history textbooks from French to English for use in Québec’s English-language public school system, Michael Varga outlines a translation approach that circumvents classical translation theories based on binary constructs in favour of a model inspired by narrative theory as proposed by Mona Baker. Acknowledging the legitimacy of multiple parallel narratives as they pertain to different socio-cultural groups within the same society (Québec), he identifies source text sections that expose conflicts related to intercultural harmony. He discusses how these conflicts may fall short of communicating appropriate cultural realities that conform to the norms and values that govern Québec society. With a focus on the educational context, he proposes translations that defuse these conflicts in a spirit of harmonization and respect for the pluralist cultural realities in evidence in Québec society.

Les Cahiers de Prospero (1991-2002). Une revue d’auteurs de théâtre / Les Cahiers de Prospero (1991-2002). A publication by theater writers

Gavalda, Elisabeth 21 November 2017 (has links)
L’histoire de la revue Les Cahiers de Prospero est intimement liée à la Chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon et à la double naissance en 1991 du Centre National des Écritures du Spectacle et de la revue Prospero, son aînée. La recherche décrit et analyse les conditions et les enjeux politiques, patrimoniaux, culturels et éditoriaux qui ont construit leur avènement et dont les deux étapes principales sont la réhabilitation du monument en un centre culturel de rencontre à visée européenne et le Compte rendu d’Avignon, vaste enquête dirigée par Michel Vinaver au sein du Centre National des Lettres. L’étude se concentre sur le passage d’une revue institutionnelle et spécialisée (1991-1992) à une revue conçue uniquement par des auteurs de théâtre (1994-1996) qui se transforme en une « carte blanche » confiée à un seul auteur - concepteur par cahier (1999-2002). La recherche se resserre sur les périodes qui anticipent la création de Prospero et des Cahiers de Prospero, l’étude de leur contenu, et la période charnière qui modifie la ligne éditoriale et ouvre un espace de confrontations auctoriales, recentré autour de l’écriture théâtrale. Michel Azama, rédacteur en chef de la revue, en accord avec les dirigeants de la Chartreuse, rassemble un comité d’auteurs : Eugène Durif, Roland Fichet, Didier-Georges Gabily, Philippe Minyana, Jean-Marie Piemme et Noëlle Renaude pour réaliser Les Cahiers de Prospero. Plus qu’un objet littéraire, la revue Les Cahiers de Prospero donne à lire le portrait de l’auteur de théâtre à l’aube du XXIème siècle et contribue, par la richesse de son contenu et l’invitation d’un peintre auteur par cahier, à inventer un objet unique. / The history of the periodical Les Cahiers de Prospero is closely related to La Chartreuse of Villeneuve lez Avignon and to the birth, in 1991, of both the Centre National des Écritures du Spectacle (The National Playwriting Centre) and a former periodical named Prospero.This research describes and analyzes the conditions and the various contexts and issues (political, patrimonial, cultural and editorial) underlying the birth of Les Cahiers de Prospero, the two main steps being the rehabilitation of the monument into a cultural center with a European aim and the Compte rendu d’Avignon (Avignon’s Report), a wide study directed by Michel Vinaver within the Centre National des Lettres. The research will focus on the transformation of a specialised and institutionalised periodical (1991-1992), into a periodical conceived only by theater writers (1994-1996) then into a « carte blanche » given to a single author-designer for each publication (1999-2002).A modification of the editorial line allows the authors to find a space of communication and confrontation, centered around theater-writing issues. Michel Azama, editor-in-chief of the magazine, in agreement with the direction of the Chartreuse, gathers a commitee of authors: Eugène Durif, Roland Fichet, Didier-Georges Gabily, Philippe Minyana, Jean-Marie Piemme and Noëlle Renaude to realize Les Cahiers de Propero. More than a literary object, Les Cahiers de Propero offer a portrait of the theater writer at the dawn of the XXIst century. The richness of its contents and the collaboration of a guest painter author per issue turns it into a unique object.

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