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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paper worlds : the chinese utopian novel at the beginning of the twentieth century, 1902-1910 / Mondes de papier : le roman utoppique chinois au début du XXE siècle, 1902–1910

Andolfatto, Lorenzo 08 September 2015 (has links)
A travers cette recherche, nous souhaitons identifier et définir le genre duroman utopique de la fin des Qing via la lecture attentive d'une sélection deromans chinois écrits entre 1902 et 1910. A partir de l'analyse de romans telsque Xin Zhongguo weilai ji de Liang Qichao (1902 ), Shizi hou de Chen Tianhua(1905), Xin shitou ji de Wu Jianren (1908) et Xin Zhongguo de Lu Shi'e(1910), nous pensons qu'un tel genre littéraire puisse être considéré à la foiscomme un produit particulier du climat de fragmentation socio-historique quicaractérise la période de la fin des Qing, et comme un prisme utile à sacompréhension. La structure de cette thèse est celle d'un itinéraire critique àtravers l’imaginaire utopique chinois moderne. Cet itinéraire est débuté par latraduction de l’histoire courte Xinnian Meng, écrite par Cai Yuanpei en 1905. Lecorps de cette recherche est divisé en cinq chapitres: dans le premier, lalégitimité de la catégorie générique de "wutuobang xiaoshuo" comme outilcritique valable est questionnee; le deuxième chapitre concerne les deuxromans inachevés de Liang Qichao et Chen Tianhua, dont l'étatd’«incomplétude» est utilisé comme métaphore pour la compréhension de laconstruction utopique; le troisième chapitre touche à la relation entre le romanutopique de la fin des Qing et ses modèles étrangers; enfin, dans les deuxderniers chapitres, les éléments critiques développés dans les sectionsprécédentes de la thèse sont appliqués à la lecture attentive de Xin shitou ji deWu Jianren et de Xin Zhongguo de Lu Shi'e, deux des romans les plusintéressants écrits durant cette période. / With this research it is our intention to identify and define the genre of the lateQing utopian novel from the close reading of a selection of Chinese novelswritten between 1902 and 1910. With the analysis of novels such as LiangQichao's Xin Zhongguo weilai ji (1902), Chen Tianhua's Shizi hou (1905), WuJianren's Xin shitou ji (1908) and Lu Shi'e's Xin Zhongguo (1910), we believethat such a literary genre can be considered both as a peculiar product of theclimate of socio-historical fragmentation that characterises the late Qingperiod, and as a useful lens for its understanding. The structure of this thesis isthat of a critical itinerary within the Chinese modern utopian imaginary. Thisitinerary is introduced by the translation of the short story Xinnian meng,written by Cai Yuanpei in 1905. The body of this research is divided into fivechapters: in the first one, the legitimacy of the generic category of “wutuobangxiaoshuo” as a viable critical tool is put under question; the second chapterconcerns the two unfinished novels by Liang Qichao and Chen Tianhua, whosecondition of “incompleteness” is adopted as metaphor for the understanding ofthe utopian construct; the third chapter concerns the relation between the lateQing utopian novel and its foreign models; while in the last two chapters, thecritical framework developed in previous sections of the thesis is applied to theclose reading of Wu Jianren's Xin shitou ji and Lu Shi'e's Xin Zhongguo, two ofthe most interesting novels written in this period.

Husen under bron Förskola : Houses Under the Bridge Kindergarden

Li, Rui-Xin January 2014 (has links)
Kindergarden - How can we create different synergies between different fields that they can benefit from each other? What different activities will suit the kindergarden? How will our perception of the kindergarden, of its need and function in society, change? In this Degree Project in Architecture I will be investigating the combination of the kindergarden together with a restaurant and a dance studio. I believe these activities will harmonize since they have overlapping benefits: We all eat, move and grow. With the new architectural activities in mind, I will further investigate the importance of the kindergarden as a part of society, more specifically our perception of what function it may, may not or could fill. I share the idea with a lot of authors, scientist that we are headed toward a society where children are kept too safe, thus minimising their chance to experience and learn to cope with a harsh reality when they grow up as adults. It's ok to get hurt to an extent, as long as they do not endanger their lives.


姜雍熙, JIANG, YONG-XI Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區人口成長快速、工商發達,促成要求都市升格改制壓力漸增,其中尤以縣轄 市即人口在二十萬左右地區增長最快。而新竹市與嘉義市縣轄市是自行政區域調整以 來首先獲得升格改制為省轄市者,其改制過程牽涉到市政需要與政治運作問題。 首先述研究方法、範圍、動機及都市升格改制義涵;第二章述升格改制發展過程及分 析獲准原因;第三章對兩市行政區域變動問題作探討;第四章探討兩市財政收支以及 爭議頗多之縣市財產劃分問題;第五章述縣市在改制時組織、職權及行政上變十;第 六章探討有關民選公職人員之安排及付會關係;第七章結論,分別由改制過程所步及 之理論、時機、問題解決、影響各方面和都市發展趨勢檢討改制案並提出個人意見。

大橋頭「復興社」研究 / 北縣三重市後竹圍街42號

高振宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過田野與文獻資料來建構內台歌仔戲班台北大橋頭「復興社」的劇團史,對其股東、組織經營、重要演員及演出活動等做一深度的記錄,並由此基礎資料出發,進一步對整個內台歌仔戲的情況進行較深入的說明與討論。 論文共分五章,各章重點如下:第一章「緒論」:文中先回顧相關文獻,檢討若干前人研究中存在的盲點,接著具體說明論文的研究方法,由於本文缺少具體的文本,必須透過許多田野訪談才能完成,因此研究方法可分為兩個層次,其一為進行訪談時所採用的田野調查與口述歷史兩種方法,其次則是如何將這些田野資料脈絡化,透過怎樣的架構與書寫策略讓它能形成一個具體的論文,最後則對研究對象與研究範圍做一說明。第二章「『復興社』的歷史、組織與經營」:第一節除了簡要說明「復興社」的歷史,還檢討前人研究資料上的一些問題,重新爬梳了內台歌仔戲班的消長情形,當作歷史背景的交代,而「復興社」的股東是當時台北地區赫赫有名的大流氓,又同時為歌仔戲子弟,在此筆者做了一些資料性的記錄;第二節則介紹劇團的組織、演員招募、訓練以及經營管理,說明當時的社會環境與劇團經營間的問題。第三章「『復興社』的舞台人員」則是詳細的介紹內台歌仔戲舞台人員的職司、各角色的分配情形,以及記錄「復興社」的重要演員。第四章「『復興社』的演出活動」:本章就著商業邏輯與觀眾趣味兩條主線來理解整個演出活動的宣傳手法、演出內容以及演出形態的轉變,希望能藉此對內台歌仔戲的面貌有更深的理解。第五章「結論」總結本文的研究成果,筆者將「復興社」視為一種具代表性的內台歌仔戲劇團類型,討論其在整個歌仔戲發展史上的意義;最後則列舉四個可延伸的研究課題,其中以六、七○年代大稻埕、大橋頭一帶的戲劇活動最值得重視。 整體來說,本篇論文是放置在一個歌仔戲研究的脈絡裡進行論述,就不採用一般通史性的書寫方式,因此許多與論題無關的資料便略過不談,如許多歌仔戲著作都會提到《臺灣民報》反對歌仔戲演出的報導,或是「臺灣民眾黨」將「反對演歌仔戲」列為黨綱等等。且由於許多前輩學者已有相當不錯的研究成果,許多重要問題都已清楚做出解釋,文中就多簡要提點而少繁文引述,花較多的筆墨來討論一些不同前人研究的問題,透過「同中見異」的方式來逼顯一些未被思考到的面向,希望能立基在舊有的基礎之上做出一些新的思考。此外,由於研究對象的資料性質是輻射性的外散,還可以延伸出許許多多的小論題,儘管筆者盡可能將相關聯的資料聚攏討論,但還是有許多無法兜攏但頗值得一談的題目,就只能安置在注釋中,譬如某些研究盲點的檢討、研究資料的辨證、具有開發性的論題等等。所以整個論文在書寫上與一般學術論文略有差異,有些篇章正文與注釋幾乎佔了相同的份量,也因此筆者自認論文的「注釋部分」不只是說明出處而已,還有不少可觀之處,亦與正文具有同等的價值,讀者閱讀之後當會有更清楚的理解。限於學力、時間有限,僅能交出如此的成績,其中仍有不少闕漏與謬誤之處,還望方家不吝指正。 / This thesis built the club history of Taiwanese Opera(歌仔戲) club named "Fu-Xin Ser"(復興社) in Taipei's Da-Qiau-Tou(大橋頭) via my field works and documents. First, I introduce the shareowners, club organization, main performers and presentation history. Second, I discussd the Indoor Commercial Taiwanese Opera(內台歌仔戲) based on these basic data . The thesis divided into five chapters: Chapter 1, I reviewd papers and introduce the research methods which was mainly deep interview. Chapter 2, I discussed the history, organization and management of Fu-Xin Ser. Capter 3, I introduced the duty, role distribution, and record the main performers. Chpter 4, I dicussed the performance propaganda gimmicks, performance contents, and the transformation of performance by the way of commercial logics and audience's taste, Chapter 5, I saw Fu-Xin Ser as a typical case of indoor commercial Taiwanese Opera, then I discussed the role it played during the development of the history of Taiwanese Opera. Totally speaking, this thesis was discussd located in the Taiwanese Opera research context, because of the lack of related documents, the background description take up the main capacity of the thesis. But I also look after the sides of research, expecting to give rise to related research.

趣味/道德/覺世:《月月小說》研究 / Interest/moral/awareness:the study of The All-Story Monthly

王尹姿, Wang, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由作者/編輯群、文本、文化三大脈絡切入,以此觀察晚清四大小說之一的《月月小說》。藉由此環環相扣三者,以考察《月月小說》作為一本小說、文學刊物之主體性,及其在文學史、小說發展史上的意義。 第一章緒論,說明本論文之研究動機、相關文獻回顧,以及研究方法與步驟,以此作為本論文之基礎;第二章討論《月月小說》聚合的作者/編輯群體,探討其小說觀、知識狀態及編輯行為,我們可從中了解,《月月小說》除了「啟蒙」的重責大任外,更具備了小說休閒、趣味、通俗的本色。而小說家們選擇了融合新舊的文化道路,以此回應當時社會的諸多問題。 第三章討論小說敘事的轉變,透過對傳統小說技巧挪用的考察,以及對「譯」、「述」的梳理,可知《月月小說》對於「小說」文類具有高度的自覺與嘗試;第四章為小說題材類型論,將《月月小說》的小說文本分為趣味、道德、啟蒙三大部分考察,即便就表面看來十分不精準且雜亂的分類,仔細探究後,仍可見其中各自的特性與相互對話之處;第五章討論小說的時事與社會關注,以文本世界為中心,考察小說如何重寫時事。可以發現,《月月小說》雖揭露、陳列許多問題,但卻用小說的幽默、趣味筆調消解了當中的重量,用笑聲翻轉了政令、美德的價值。 第六章著眼於《月月小說》其他文類的作品,由此我們發現,《月月小說》透過多種文類去支撐、呼應其刊物主旨,但在隨筆、燈謎等文字背後,卻折射出了知識遊戲的光芒,凸顯了對啟蒙的質疑,以及其中休閒的可能。 第七章為結論,總述先前論點,並提出本論文之觀察:《月月小說》在近、現代小說史上,正巧連接了「新小說」(文學啟蒙)和「禮拜六」(文學休閒)兩者,並為充滿啟蒙、現代性智識體驗的晚清小說,開啟了其他面向的風景。 / I attempt to analyze The All-Story Monthly(《月月小說》) which is one of the 4 modern times novel magazines in 3 ways that are authors-editors, text and culture. I attempt to derive the subjectivity of The All-Story Monthly from these 3 ways, and elucidate its meaning of literary history and the development of fiction history. The first chapter is an introduction of this essay. In second chapter, I discuss the authors-editors. I conclude that in addition to enlightment, there is an interesting gist of The All-Story Monthly . In third chapter, I discuss the transition of narrative skills. To study the using of traditional narrative skills and analyze the texts of translations, we could comprehend that the authors tried various methods to vary narrative skills with highly conscientious of “novel”. In forth chapter, I discuss the classified catalogues of The All-Story Monthly. In my opinion, there is a distinct theme of each catalogue and they all rely on the gist of the magazine. In fifth chapter, I study the difference between novels and essays which using same social materials. It is clear to perceive that authors using an interesting way to “rewrite” news or histories. In sixth chapter, I deliberate about the texts of other literary genres. There is a leisure literary phenomenon in these texts. In seventh chapter, the conclusion, I present that The All-Story Monthly is a significant magazine of Chinese modern times literary history. It is a transition stage between Xin Xiao Shou(新小說) (literary enlightment) and Li Bai Liu(禮拜六) (leisure literature).

古代「雜文」的演變─從《文心雕龍》、《昭明文選》到《文苑英華》 / The Change Of Ancient 〝Tza-Wen〞 ─From Wen Xin Diau Lung 、 Jau Ming Wen Shiuan To Wen Yuan Ying Hua

郭章裕, Kuo, Zhang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「雜文」作為一種切確的文類,可以溯源自劉勰《文心雕龍》,其中有〈雜文〉一篇,明確劃定出範圍,及其所含之體類,與體類之特性。 劉勰「雜文」範圍內體類繁多,兼有「文」、「筆」性質,但以「問答(含設論)」、「七」、「連珠」三者為主要,此三者其實賦體,但不以賦為名的體類,我們可以後設稱之為「賦體雜文」。整體說來,「雜文」中的各種對象,它們是在文學史上較為新出,由「詩」、「賦」、「章」、「奏」等各種主要體類,所流衍派生的對象,當然重要性也就不如其主要體類,且實際功能或政教意義,也較為淡薄。總之,「雜文」文類的劃定,其實本於劉勰的文學觀念,是一種對於文學體類發展演變的詮釋。 下及宋初《文苑英華》,雖然在整體體類的編目上,大抵上承《昭明文選》,但其中卻也出現「雜文」一類。單就此文類看來,應該與《文心雕龍》淵源更深,但內容更趨複雜,下分「問答」、「騷」、「帝道」、「明道」、「雜說」、「辯論」、「贈送」、「箴誡」、「諫刺雜說」、「記述」、「諷喻」、「論事」、「雜製作」、「征伐」、「識行」、「紀事」共十六類目。而其中體類對象,除「賦體雜文」,另外還有箴體、論體、記體但不以箴、論、記為名的「箴體雜文」(「誡」)、「論體雜文」(「說」、 「辯」、「解」、「原」、「題跋」)、「記體雜文」(「志」、「述」),及「雜著」(不具體類名稱的篇章)與少數「越界文體」(有其體類之名,但無其體類之實的篇章)之作,分佈在其中。 「賦體雜文」體類,集中於「問答」、「騷」、「帝道」三子目,「箴體雜文」體類,則集中在「箴誡」;此外,「論體雜文」、「記體雜文」、「雜著」及「越界文體」則分佈於其他十二目。進一步發現,「問答」目中,合併了傳統「對問(含設論)」、「七」二種體類;「騷」雖自六朝總集中有之,但廣泛包含擬騷之作,非往昔《楚辭》篇章專屬;「帝道」其實為六朝「符命(封禪)」之文。「箴誡」目中,主要為「誡」,而「誡」又分有韻、無韻,前者似「箴」,後者則近於「論」、「記」。「明道」、「贈送」、「諫刺雜說」、「記述」、「諷喻」、「論事」、「征伐」、「識行」、「紀事」是 依照文章題材與主旨所劃分的類目。「雜說」、「辯論」、「雜製作」分類依據不明,但目中分別以「說」、「辯」與「原」、「題跋」篇章較為偏多,所以推測有凸顯這些體類的意義。 可見「雜文」的內容,前後差異極大。從原本「賦體雜文」為重心,後來則各種對象紛呈。這種現象的轉變,一來與六朝至唐代,「文」之觀念與範圍演變相關,二來也與唐代散文風氣及務實文學觀的興盛,造成文學創作方式的改變相關。 《文苑英華》「雜文」直接影響《唐文粹》「古文」的形成,然則後人對於「古文」;以及後來總集中「雜文」、「雜著」之類,在文類的觀念及內涵上,我們當不能忽略《文苑英華》「雜文」對於後代的影響。而這是本論文結束之後,即將在拓進的研究方向。

「徐庾體」詩歌研究. / 徐庾體詩歌研究 / "Xu Yu ti" shi ge yan jiu. / Xu Yu ti shi ge yan jiu

January 2004 (has links)
陳美亞. / "2004年6月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 附參考文獻. / 附中英文摘要. / "2004 nian 6 yue". / Chen Meiya. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Fu can kao wen xian. / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「徐庾體」硏究槪況 --- p.2 / Chapter 第三節 --- 硏究旨趣 --- p.10 / Chapter 一 --- 硏究動機和方法 --- p.10 / Chapter 二 --- 徐、庾父子詩文的流傳狀況和選用版本 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二章 --- 「徐庾體」的產生背景及定名 --- p.17 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「徐庾體」的產生背景 --- p.17 / Chapter 一 --- 梁代好文的風氣 --- p.17 / Chapter 二 --- 追求新變的文壇風¯‘ة --- p.22 / Chapter 三 --- 對文學創作臨界點的探索 --- p.26 / Chapter 四 --- 對聲律辭采的追求 --- p.27 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「徐庾體」的得名及其所涵蓋的範圍 --- p.35 / Chapter 一 --- 「徐庾體」所指涉的人物 --- p.35 / Chapter 二 --- 「徐庾體」所包括的文類 --- p.38 / Chapter 三 --- 「徐庾體」所代表的作品 --- p.46 / Chapter 章節附錄 --- 庾信集中的前期作品 --- p.52 / Chapter 第三章 --- 「徐庾體」詩歌的特色 --- p.57 / Chapter 第一節 --- 題材多樣化 --- p.57 / Chapter 一 --- 宴飲歌舞 --- p.59 / Chapter 二 --- 詠物寫景 --- p.61 / Chapter 三 --- 羈旅送別 --- p.62 / Chapter 四 --- 閨怨行旅 --- p.63 / Chapter 第二節 --- 隸事 --- p.65 / Chapter 第三節 --- 對仗 --- p.67 / Chapter 第四節 --- 聲律 --- p.72 / Chapter 一 --- 「徐庾體」中平仄的特殊形式 --- p.78 / Chapter 二 --- 「徐庾體」詩歌的黏對狀況 --- p.88 / Chapter 三 --- 平頭、上尾、蜂腰、鶴膝的病犯 --- p.90 / Chapter 四 --- 用韻 --- p.92 / Chapter 五 --- 各種詩體的形成 --- p.98 / Chapter 第五節 --- 風格多樣,以綺艷爲主 --- p.109 / Chapter 一 --- 綺艷 --- p.109 / Chapter 二 --- 纖穠 --- p.114 / Chapter 三 --- 淸新 --- p.119 / Chapter 章節附錄一 --- 「徐庾體」詩歌內容題材分類 --- p.127 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 「徐庾體」五言八句及五言四句詩律化程度 --- p.130 / Chapter 第四章 --- 「徐庾體」與「宮體」比較硏究 --- p.134 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「宮體」的定名和發展 --- p.134 / Chapter 一 --- 「宮體」與「徐庾體」出現的時間、地點和人物 --- p.134 / Chapter 二 --- 徐搞的「宮體」與蕭綱的「宮體」 --- p.135 / Chapter 三 --- 「宮體」廣、狹兩義 --- p.141 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「宮體」詩風的特色 --- p.142 / Chapter 一 --- 以女性爲描寫刻劃的對象 --- p.142 / Chapter 二 --- 詩風輕艷 --- p.148 / Chapter 三 --- 聲律諧協 --- p.155 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「徐庾體」與「宮體」的同異 --- p.158 / Chapter 第五章 --- 「徐庾體」詩歌對後世的影響 --- p.166 / Chapter 第一節 --- 初唐對「徐庾體」的承革 --- p.167 / Chapter 一 --- 文學觀念的反撥 --- p.167 / Chapter 二 --- 文學創作 --- p.175 / Chapter 第二節 --- 初唐以後的「徐庾體」 --- p.182 / Chapter 第三節 --- 五律定體 --- p.184 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結語 --- p.187 / 參考書目 --- p.188 / 論文附錄 / 附錄一 「徐庾體」五言八句及四句平仄聲韻詩的平仄、黏對、病犯和用韻 --- p.1 / 附錄二蕭綱五言八句及四句平聲韻詩的平仄、黏對、病犯和用韻 --- p.48 / 附錄三歷代詩話論徐庾 --- p.68

The Taiwanese Communist Party and the Comintern (1928-1931)

白安娜, ANNA BELOGUROVA Unknown Date (has links)
as English abstract / Oppressed by the severe surveillance of the Japanese police in Taiwan, short-lived Taiwanese Communist Party (TCP) (1928-1931) marked a significant step in the Taiwan’s anti-Japanese movement and social thought. The TCP was the first political organization in Taiwan to put forward the slogan of Taiwan’s independence. Following the Comintern’s activation in the East in 1920s, the first contacts between the Taiwan’s leftists and the Comintern representatives took place in early 1920s. Starting from 1927, the Comintern pursued the policy of activation of the communist movement in the colonies and establishment of communist parties in these countries. Established on the Comintern directive in Shanghai with the help of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and being subordinated to the Japanese Communist Party (JCP), the TCP was developing quite independently under the leadership of Xie Xuehong and in the close alliance with the Taiwan Cultural Association and the Taiwan Peasants Union, until the end of 1930 when the TCP established a contact with the Far Eastern Bureau (FEB) of the Comintern through the TCP Shanghai representative, Weng Zesheng, who served as liaison with the Comintern. As the result, the Comintern activated its work toward Taiwan, started dispatching emissaries to Taiwan who in the framework of the Comintern’s rhetoric of that time promoted the Party’s reform to eliminate the “opportunistic errors”. The activation of the Party’s work followed, the Union for Reorganization was established. The Comintern did not have chance to adjust the activity of the reformed TCP as within few months after the beginning of actual interaction between the Comintern and the TCP, the TCP was destroyed by arrests. The thesis is devoted to the Comintern’s role in the TCP’s establishment, development, reform, establishment of the Union for Reorganization, the Party’s activation and destruction. The research is based on the TCP files deposited in the former archive of the Comintern. The documents include the correspondence of the representative of the TCP, Weng Zesheng, with the Comintern FEB. The correspondence between Weng Zesheng and the FEB sheds light on the inner-party processes in the TCP, clarifies the essence of the inner-party struggle and reform, and explores the role of personal relations in the inner-party struggle which resulted in the UFR establishment without direct involvement of the Comintern. The available now text of the consultations of Weng Zesheng with the CCP representative Qu Qiubai makes it possible to clarify the CCP’s involvement in the TCP’s development and reform and to conclude as to whose directive it was to commence the struggle against Xie Xuehong. The TCP’s history was short but very intensive. Abandoned by its superior, the JCP, and not having relations with the international communist leadership, the TCP suffered lack of the financial and ideological support, and was left for the mercy of unpredictable fate of the exhausting inner factional struggle, still was able to survive under the “white terror” until the Party’s reorganization in 1931. According to the research results, the TCP inner-party struggles during 1928-1931 were in fact the result of resistance to emigrant party groupings who were attempting to take control over the TCP’s Taiwan based Party organization. Neither the JCP and the CCP, nor the Comintern had a real opportunity to influence the activities of the Taiwan-based communists. Taiwan’s communists overseas used the Comintern’s rhetoric and their contacts with the Comintern and the CCP to promote their agenda in the inner-party struggle. The implementation of the plans of Weng Zesheng and the opponents of Xie Xuehong in Taiwan on the Party’s reform and activation led to the Party’s destruction by the Japanese administration.

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