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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man är ju snyggare på Instagram än vad man är i verkligheten” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga kvinnors upplevelserav Instagram gällande självbild och kroppsideal / “ You are prettier on Instagram than you are in real life “ : A qualitative interview study on young women's experiences ofInstagram regarding self-image and body ideals

Hansson, Ulrika, Djurberg, Lisen January 2022 (has links)
Sociala medier är en stor del av vår vardag och Instagram som social plattform används som ettsocialiseringsverktyg av en stor andel unga individer idag. Unga kvinnor visar en generellthögre utsatthet jämförelsevis med unga män när det kommer till risk för negativ påverkan påsjälvkänsla och kroppsuppfattning. Denna studie undersökte det eventuella samband som finnsmellan Instagram-användning och försämrat välmående, utifrån begrepp så som självbild,kroppsideal och objektifiering. Detta genomfördes utifrån empiriinsamling av 8 kvalitativaintervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär med unga kvinnor mellan 22 och 25 år. Studiens syftevar att skapa en uppfattning om hur de använder Instagram samt skapa en förståelse för hurdetta påverkar dem. Till hjälp analyserades empirin med Erving Goffmans (1959) teori omintrycksstyrning, Tomar J. Scheffs (1994) teori om sociala band, samt utifrån ettgenusperspektiv med begreppet genuskontraktet av Yvonne Hirdman (2001) ochperformativitet av Judith Butler (2007), samt objektifieringsteorin av Barbara Fredrickson ochTomi-Ann Roberts (1997). Studiens resultat ger en uppfattning om att unga kvinnor ärmedvetna om de ideal som finns på Instagram, och är något som upprätthålls och i viss månäven eftersträvas. De normer, ideal och beteenden som är dominerande på Instagram följs, trotsupplevelsen av att idealet är medskapare av en osund kroppsuppfattning. Den makt somInstagram utgör, skapar en negativ självbild hos dess användare. / Social media is a big part of our everyday lives and Instagram as a social platform is used as asocialization tool by a large proportion of young individuals today. Young women show agenerally higher vulnerability compared to young men when it comes to the risk of negativeeffects on self-esteem and body image. This study examined the possible link betweenInstagram use and impaired well-being, based on concepts such as self-image, body ideal andobjectification. This was conducted on the basis of empirical collection of 8 qualitativeinterviews of a semi-structured nature with young women between the ages of 22 and 25. Thepurpose of the study was to create an idea of how they use Instagram and create anunderstanding of how this affects them. To help the empirical analysis was analyzed withErving Goffman's (1959) theory of impression control, Tomar J. Scheffs' (1994) theory of socialties, and from a gender perspective with the concept of the gendercontract by Yvonne Hirdman(2001) and performativity by Judith Butler (2007), and objectification theory by BarbaraFredrickson and Tomi-Ann Roberts (1997). The results of the study give a perception thatyoung women are aware of the ideals that exist on Instagram, and are something that ismaintained and to some extent also sought. The norms, ideals and behaviors that are dominanton Instagram are followed, despite the experience that the ideal is a co-creator of an unhealthybody image. The power of Instagram creates a negative self-image among its users.

Unga vuxnas attityder gentemot Instagrams algoritm och funktioner / Young adults’ attitudes toward Instagram’s algorithm and features

Rodén, Alicia, Eneqvist, Clara January 2023 (has links)
A well digitalized world has contributed, in many ways, to a simpler and more communicative everyday life among people, both privately and through work. However, this societal structure of constantly being connected and active on social media has not only had a positive impact on people and their everyday lives. As the cues for appointments within healthcare, hospitals and psychiatric wards are increasing and the number of mental illnesses drastically increases, many studies have investigated the connection between social media and mental illness. Based on previous knowledge, the purpose of this study is to investigate how users' attitudes towards Instagram's algorithms and functions relate to the use of the application, and if there’re technical measures that could promote the users' experience on the platform and work to counteract the beauty obsession on social media, mainly in this study, Instagram. There is a clear pattern around social media and self-achievement, where the individual strives to gain interactions and affirmation on these various platforms. There is also a technical aspect where the apps' algorithm triggers a dependency on the users to continue scrolling as well as notifications that ring, which also makes it more difficult to completely disconnect from the application. In order to carry out the study and answer the question, a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews were conducted with influencers active in the social media industry, as well as the study's target group: young adults. The result of the study shows that the attitude the users have created towards the platform Instagram is that it comes with feelings of self-criticism and body dissatisfaction to a certain extent. There is also a pronounced dependence on the application, which further creates a feeling of inadequacy in the users. / Den globala digitaliseringen, som skett och sker dagligen världen över, har på många sätt bidragit till en enklare och mer kommunikativ vardag för människor. Att konstant vara uppkopplad och aktiv på sociala medier har dock inte endast för med sig positiva effekter. I takt med att köerna till vården blir längre och att den psykiska ohälsan drastiskt ökar, har flera studier undersökt sambandet mellan sociala medier och psykisk ohälsa. Med förankring i tidigare vetskap är denna studies syfte att undersöka unga svenska kvinnors attityder gentemot Instagrams algoritmer och funktioner samt hur det påverkar den upplevda skönhetshetsen. Även ifall det finns tekniska åtgärder som skulle kunna främja användarnas upplevelse på plattformen och arbeta för att motverka kroppshetsen på Instagram. Det finns ett tydligt samband mellan sociala medier och självpresentation, där den enskilda individen strävar efter att få interaktioner och bekräftelse på dessa olika plattformar. Det finns även en teknisk aspekt där Instagrams algoritmer och utformning framkallar ett beroende hos användarna till att fortsätta scrolla, samt notifikationer som är riktade mot den specifika användaren, vilket gör det svårt att helt koppla bort sig från applikationen. För att genomföra studien och besvara frågeställningen har en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med kreatörer som är verksamma i sociala medier-branschen, samt studiens målgrupp, unga kvinnor. Resultatet av studien visar att attityden användarna utvecklat gentemot plattformen Instagram är att den i viss utsträckning för med sig känslor av självkritik och kroppsmissnöje. Det finns även ett uttalat beroende av applikationen som framkallar en känsla av otillräcklighet hos användarna.

Стратегия предупреждения насилия со стороны интимного партнёра в отношении женщин : магистерская диссертация / Strategies to prevent intimate partner violence against women

Кастаева, Е. М., Kastayeva, E. M. January 2022 (has links)
Актуальность диссертационной работы заключается в необходимости определения стратегий в предотвращении и предупреждении насилия со стороны интимного партнера в отношении женщин. По информации МВД РК, количество преступлений, совершенных в Казахстане в сфере семейно- бытовых отношений, в 2018 году выросло на 103,7%. По данным фонда «ООН-женщины», в Казахстане вследствие домашнего насилия ежегодно погибают около 400 женщин. По сведениям Генеральной прокуратуры РК, в Казахстане возросла статистика насилия над женщинами. В сравнении с 2015 годом преступность в отношении женщин и детей возросла на 90%». / The relevance of the dissertation work lies in the need to identify strategies in the prevention and prevention of intimate partner violence against women. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the number of crimes committed in Kazakhstan in the sphere of family and domestic relations increased by 103.7% in 2018. According to the UN Women Foundation, about 400 women die each year in Kazakhstan due to domestic violence. According to the General Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan, statistics on violence against women have increased in Kazakhstan. Compared to 2015, crime against women and children has increased by 90%.

Influencer marketing – ett stockholmssyndrom? : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors psykosociala upplevelser av Influencers marknadsföring på Instagram / "Influencer marketing - a Stockholm syndrome? : A qualitative study on young women's psychosocial experiences of Influencer marketing on Instagram

Karlsson, Desirée January 2019 (has links)
Den psykiska ohälsan hos befolkningen i Sverige har ökat markant sedan 1980-talet och kvinnor är de som drabbas i störst utsträckning. I samband med att sociala medier har vuxit har även en ny bransch med Social Media Influencers etablerats vars syfte är att skapa ett personligt varumärke och därmed påverka sin målgrupp. Den här uppsatsen har ämnat att undersöka om unga kvinnor anser att deras psykosociala hälsa kan ha något samband med Influencers marknadsföring av statussymboler på Instagram och i sådana fall – i vilken bemärkelse. Uppsatsen har genomförts via tre kvalitativa intervjuer med kvinnor mellan 19 och 21 år. Den insamlade empirin har sedan analyserats via en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att Influencers marknadsföring medför en positiv känsla som förebild för unga kvinnor och upplevs bidra med en positiv påverkan på deras psykosociala hälsa. Resultatet visar även att unga kvinnor inte reflekterar märkbart över den konsumtion som Influencers uppmuntrar till. Något som efterföljande forskning bör studera vidare. / The mental illness of the population in Sweden has increased significantly since the 1980s and women are the ones who suffer the most. With the growth of social media, a new industry with Social Media Influencers has also established whose purpose is to create a personal brand and thereby influence its target group. This essay has begun to investigate whether young women consider their psychosocial health to be related to Influencer's marketing of status symbols on Instagram. The essay has been conducted through three qualitative interviews with women between 19 and 21 years. The collected empirical data has then been analyzed through a thematic analysis. The result shows that Influencer marketing gives a positive feeling as a role model and thereby makes a positive impact on their psychosocial health. The result, on the other hand, shows that the young women in the study have not reflected significantly on the consumption that Influencers encourages. Something that subsequent research should study further.


Makwinja-Morara, Veronica Margaret 10 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Kvinnliga skönhetsideal på sociala medier : En netnografisk studie av mediefenomenen ”Self-Care” och ”Clean-Girl”

Segersköld, Maja January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks framställningen och förmedlingen av kvinnliga ideal på sociala medier, med fokus på mediefenomenen “Self-Care” och “Clean-Girl”. I studien diskuteras det ökande inflytandet av sociala medier i unga kvinnors liv, där särskilt fokus ligger på TikTok som är en av de mest framträdande plattformar i den yngre generationen. Det uppmärksammas i studien hur sociala medier förmedlar och förstärker kvinnliga skönhetsideal genom att fokusera på fenomenen “Self-Care” och “Clean-Girl, vilka representerar två populära skönhetsideal som presenteras på sociala medier. Metoden som används är netnografisk, vilket möjliggör en djupgående undersökning av hur kvinnliga skönhetsideal konstrueras på sociala medier. Datainsamling sker genom en analys av medieinnehåll relaterade till fenomenen “Self- Care” och “Clean-Girl” på TikTok. Det insamlade medieinnehållet analyseras genom tillämpningen av det teoretiska ramverket, innehållande Erving Goffmans begrepp om främre och bakre region samt Leon Festingers teori om social jämförelse.  Under analysen identifierades det att unga kvinnor aktivt formar en idealiserad bild av sig själva i den främre regionen på sociala medier, i enlighet med normer och förväntningar från mediefenomenen. Denna framställning kan dock leda till en känsla av diskrepans mellan den offentliga och privata sidan av deras liv. Vidare diskuteras det hur unga kvinnor blir utsatta för en jämförelse med idealiserade standarder som presenteras på sociala medier, vilket kan påverka deras självbild och leda till känslor av otillräcklighet och press kring den egna kroppen och det egna utseendet. Resultatet och analysen betonar även ett motstånd mot ”Self-Care” och ”Clean-Girl”, där unga kvinnor aktivt väljer att ifrågasätta de traditionella skönhetsnormerna. Slutligen lyfts behovet av inkludering och representation av olika kvinnliga perspektiv på sociala medier. / This study examines the production and transmission of feminine ideals on social media, focusing on the media phenomena of “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl”. In the study it is discussed the increasing influence of social media in the lives of young women, with particular focus on TikTok, which is one of the most prominent platforms among the younger generation. The study draws attention to how social media spreads and reinforces female beauty ideals by focuses on the phenomena of “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl”, which represent two popular beauty ideals that appear on social media. The method used is netnographic, which enables an in-depth analysis of how female beauty ideals are constructed on social media. Data collection takes place through an analysis of media content related to the “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl” phenomena of TikTok. The collected media content is analyzed through application of the theoretical framework, containing Erving Goffman ́s concept of frontstage and backstage and Leon Festinger ́s theory of social comparison.  The results and analysis make visible that young women actively form an idealized image of themselves in the frontstage on social media, in accordance with norms and expectations from the media phenomena. This representation can lead to a sense of dissonance between the public and private side of their lives. Furthermore, it is discussed how young women are exposed to a comparison with the idealized standard presented on social media, which can affect their self- image and lead to feelings of pressure regarding their own body and appearance. The results and the analysis also emphasize a resistance to “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl, where young women actively choose to question the traditional beauty standards. Finally, the need for inclusion and representation of different female perspectives on social media is highlighted.

A Study of the Relation Between School and Out-of-School Life of a Group of National Youth Administration Girls

Robinson, Emma 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine the relation between school and after-school life of a group of fifty National Youth Administration girls located in a N.Y.A. Resident Center at Anson, Texas.

Investigating the effectiveness of online social media in influencing HIV risk perceptions of young women in South Africa related to age-disparate relationships

Armstrong, Elizabeth Jean 02 1900 (has links)
The study investigates the influence of online and social media in HIV prevention, with a focus on young women and HIV risk perception related to age-disparate relationships. The study was conducted using an existing online prevention HIV prevention platform by means of a self-administered online questionnaire. Convenience sampling was used to recruit between 250 and 500 users between the ages of 18 to 24 years. The results revealed poor HIV risk perception in 46% of respondents, which seemed influenced by their perception (38%) that older men are safer sexual partners than younger men. In addition, this poor risk perception is seemingly influenced by the fact that many young women (77%) involved in these relationships, viewed these as primarily based on love and affection and as being “safe”, challenging the commonly held perception that these are primarily transactional in nature. Further respondents reported at rates of between 38% and 44% that the platform had improved their HIV risk perception related to these relationships. In summary, the research resulted in several recommendations to improve the platform, including improving ways of getting more and on-going feedback from users on their HIV risk perceptions and designing content and engagement strategies to address these. / Sociology / M. A. (Social Behaviour Studies in (HIV/AIDS)

Guidelines for gender sensitive HIV and AIDS prevention strategies among reproductive age women in Ethiopia

Abraham Alemayehu Gatta 18 November 2015 (has links)
Background AIDS remains one of the world’s most serious health challenges affecting more females than men. The differences in the spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among gender groups stem from biology, sexual behaviour and socially constructed gender differences between women and men in roles and responsibilities, access to resources and decision-making power. It could also be due to the females’ status in society which could be justified by lower economic and decision making ability. Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the role of gender in the spread of HIV among women of reproductive age in Ethiopia; with the view of developing gender sensitive HIV and AIDS prevention strategies. Methods The study used sequential mixed method with quantitative and qualitative paradigm. During first phase of the study, health facility based descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. Data was collected from 422 respondents using a structured questionnaire. Forty participants were recruited by purposive sampling from representatives working in reproductive health or related fields. Results About 83.2% of respondents reported that sexual intercourse discussion should be initiated by male partners. This showed that majority of respondents were dependent on their male partners in decision-making regarding sexual matters in their relationship. Multiple sexual partners were common among the respondents. One third of the respondents reported to have had intercourse with more than one partner during the past twelve months of the study period. Higher proportion of respondents (61.4%, n=259) had never used condom during sexual intercourse with their partner/s. As a result these risky sexual practices are a potential threat for spread of HIV and AIDS among women. Thus developed guidelines would alleviate the existing problems through implementation of strategies of HIV and AIDS prevention to enhance women’s status at household and different administrative structure level. Conclusion Gender disparities in relation to negotiating sexual relations among the study respondents were found to be still relevant. The culture that has placed men at the helm of leadership in sexual matters is strongly upheld and that includes who recommends use of preventive measures and who regulates when and how to enter into a sexual relationship. Guidelines for gender sensitive prevention strategies if applied appropriately would educate women and men to make decision about what directly affects their health / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Fertility intention and choice of method of contraception among young women (20-24 years old) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Rampedi, Motlatso January 2017 (has links)
This Dissertation is submitted in partial fulfilment of the Master of Arts in Demography and Population Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, 2017 / Background: In South Africa, poor choice of contraception method or contraceptive failure has been noted as one of the key contributors to high rates of unwanted pregnancy and HIV/AIDS. Contraceptive use is highly correlated with pregnancy and fertility intention. While research knows the role of contraceptive use in delaying conception and/or childbearing, what remains unknown is an understanding of whether the methods of contraception used by young women match their fertility intentions. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between fertility intention and method of contraception among young women (20-24 years old) South Africa. Methods: This study provides a secondary data analysis on cross-sectional data from the 19992002 Transition to Adulthood in the Context of HIV/AIDS survey. Given that the survey involved two waves of data collection in 1999 and 2002, the two respective datasets are pooled together to achieve a representative sample of 8 370 adolescents aged 14 – 24. However, because the population of interest is young women, further sample restrictions are performed and a weighted sample of 1,020 sexually active young women aged 20-24 years old is attained. A multinomial regression is adopted for this study because the outcome variable-method of contraceptioncomprises of three categories: (1) modern method (2) traditional (3) no method. As such, in establishing the relationship between fertility intention and method of contraception, three levels of analysis are carried out. Firstly, is a univariate analysis of the variables in the study, followed by a bivariate analysis using Chi2 to examine the association between predictor variables and method of contraception. Finally, a multivariate analysis producing the adjusted and unadjusted associations is conducted to examine whether a statistical relationship exists between fertility intention and method of contraception. Results: Of the 1,020 sexually active young women 20-24 years old years old in the sample, 77.8% do not use any method of contraception while 13.9% make use of modern methods and only 8.1% use traditional methods of contraception. There was no significant association found between fertility intention and method of contraception. Among young women that intend to have three or more children in their lifetime compared to those that intend to have 1-2 children, the relative risk of using a modern method of contraception compared to not using any method of contraception is expected to decrease by a factor of 0.620 (95% CI=0.351,1.095; P>0.05). However, positive associations were found between relationship status and method of contraception as well as between place of residence and method of contraception. Among young women that have steady partners compared to those that are single/not in a relationship, the relative risk of using a traditional method of contraception compared to not using any method is expected to decrease by a factor of 0.274 (95% CI=0.122, 0.617; P<0.05). Furthermore, among young women living in rural areas compared to those in urban areas the relative risk of using a modern method of contraception compared to not using any method is expected to decrease by a factor of 0.499 (95% CI=0.300, 0.831; P<0.05). Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that fertility intention cannot be used as the sole predictor of the choice of contraception used by young women. Rather, there are prevailing and contextual demographic and socio-economic factors that intervene this relationship and influence women’s adoption of any method of contraception. Notably, the limited access to healthcare centres; ambivalent feelings about pregnancy as well as misconceptions and perceived side effects of contraception influence the poor use of modern methods of contraception. To address the high rate of unwanted pregnancy among youth in South Africa, it is advisable that policies and programmes assist young women to become decisive about their fertility intentions and provide them with the necessary support and resources to access contraceptive methods that will assist them in achieving their fertility goals. / XL2018

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