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”Jag tänker mycket på min hälsa, men inte så mycket på vad som är nyttigt.” : Unga kvinnors syn på relationen mellan kost och hälsa / ”I think a lot about my health, but not so much about what is healthy.” : How young women see upon the relation between food and health.Enehall, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Intresset kring hälsosam mat tycks vara större än någonsin. Vi matas med olika råd från experter, bloggar, myndigheter och vänner som berättar för oss hur vi ska äta för att uppnå god hälsa. Inte sällan ser råden olika ut beroende på vilken källa de kommer ifrån. Detta kan leda till en förvirrad bild av hälsa och vilka kostråd som man som konsument egentligen bör följa. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka unga kvinnors syn på vad som är en hälsosam kost. Studien syftar till att erhålla en djupare förståelse kring olika uppfattningar om relationen mellan kost och hälsa. I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod i form av fokusgruppsintervjuer använts. Materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån Belascos teoretiska ramverk om den kulinariska triangeln av motsättningar. Resultaten visar att hälsosam kost är ett balanserande mellan exempelvis det njutningsfulla och det förbjuda. Kvinnorna har en subjektiv uppfattning om vad som är hälsosamt och begreppet präglas därmed av en individuell tolkning. Vidare ses hälsosam kost som något hemlagat. Resultaten visar även att hälsosam kost är press och påtryckningar. Exempelvis upplever informanterna ångest och prestationskrav kring att äta på ett visst sätt. Kvinnorna får sin information om kost från olika källor, men litar mest på sina egna bedömningar. Faktorer som speglar valet av mat hos unga kvinnor är främst kopplade till identitet samt ansvar för miljön och den egna hälsan. Utifrån denna studie kan det dras slutsatser om att hälsosam kost upplevs individuellt olika. Vad som ses som hälsosamt för en person kan ses som mindre hälsosamt hos en annan. För att uppnå balans och välbefinnande skapar unga kvinnor sin egen bild av hälsa. Utifrån offentliga råd och råd från familj och vänner, gör kvinnorna sin egen bedömning och denna ses även som mest trovärdig. Det kan därmed ses som en utmaning för exempelvis myndigheter att nå ut med evidensbaserade råd om hälsa och kost. / The interest around healthy food seems to be larger than ever. Daily we receive different advice from experts, bloggers, authority and friends who tell us what we should eat to achieve good health. The advice is often different depending who the sender is. This could lead to a confused image of health and what dietary advice you as a consumer should follow. The aim of this study is to examine young women’s view of what characterizes a healthy diet. The purpose is to obtain a deeper understanding around different perceptions regarding the relation between food and health. This study includes a qualitative method and focus groups. The data has been analyzed through Belasco’s theory about the culinary triangle of contradictions. The results show that healthy food is a balance between for example the enjoyable and the forbidden. The women have a subjective perception of what they consider healthy and the concept is therefore characterized by an individual interpretation. Furthermore healthy food is seen as something that is homemade. The results also show that healthy food is a pressure. For example the informants are experiencing demands to perform and anxiety regarding eating in a particular way. The women receive their information from different sources, but depend mostly on their own assessments. Factors that have an impact on the choice of food for the young women are mainly linked to identity and responsibility for the environment and their own health. Based on this study conclusions can be drawn that healthy food is perceived individually different. What is seen as healthy varies between individuals. To achieve balance and well being young women create their own picture of health. Based on public advice and advice from family and friends, women form a personal view of healthy food, which is seen as most reliable. It can thus be seen as a challenge for authorities to reach out to the public with evidence based advices regarding health and food.
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Följ strömmen eller drunkna : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur livsstilsbudskap på Facebook påverkar unga kvinnor / Follow the stream or drown : A qualitative study of how lifestyle message on Facebook affects young womenVera Contreras, Vanessa, Carlsson, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om huruvida livsstilsbudskap på Facebook påverkar unga kvinnor. Syftet har varit att stärka tidigare forskning som visar på att människor påverkas av reklam. Vidare har varit att på djupet ta reda på hur Facebook bidrar till hur unga kvinnor påverkas av livsstilsbudskap. För att uppfylla syftet med studien och svara på frågeställningen har empirisk data samlats in med hjälp av Små-N-studier. Det innefattade besöksintervjuer med sex medverkande unga kvinnor, där det togs reda på hur de upplevde reklam på Facebook, tankar kring normer och interaktionen med Facebook. Det togs även fram ett underlag till intervjuerna som bestod av att få en överblick över vilken reklam som dök upp på respondenternas nyhetsflöden på Facebook. Resultatet utifrån studiens teori och empiri visar på att livsstilsbudskap på Facebook påverkar unga kvinnor. Det är dock svårt att mäta på vilket sätt och i vilken grad livsstilsbudskap på Facebook påverkar eftersom det finns så många andra faktorer som påverkar människor. Det går att konstatera att Facebook är en alternativ verklighet för unga idag och att de spenderar mycket av sin tid där. Företag och vänner är de som skapar innehållet på Facebook och att de kan interagera med varandra är en faktor som gör Facebook till en kanal där reklamen har extra stor påverkan. Begränsningarna som studien hade var bland annat relationen till respondenterna eftersom det kan störa distanseringen. Det hade varit välbehövligt att använda sig av fler djupintervjuer för att kunna analysera mer data och stärka studien ännu mer, men på grund av tid-och resursbrist var det inte möjligt. Det hade varit önskvärt att studera mer djupgående i de olika teorierna som har tagits upp i studien samt även lägga mer tid på informationssökningen inom de digitala medierna och ungdomars användning av Facebook, eftersom det var svårt att hitta relevant forskning och teorier. / This study is about whether lifestyle message on Facebook affects young women. The purpose has been to reinforce previous research that shows that people are influenced by advertising. Moreover, has been to the depths to find out how this contributes to the young women affected by lifestyle message. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer the question empirical data has been collected by using Small-N-studies. It included interviews with six participating young women, where it was taken out how they experienced advertising on Facebook, thoughts about the norms and interaction with Facebook. It was also prepared some basis for the interviews and it was to obtain an overview of the advertising that appeared on the respondents news feeds on Facebook. The findings of the study on the basis of theory and empirical evidence shows that lifestyle messages on Facebook affects young women. However, it is difficult to measure how and to what extent lifestyle message on Facebook influence because there are so many other factors that affect people. But one can say that this is an alternate reality for young people today and that they spend much of their time there. Businesses and friends are the ones who create the content on Facebook and that they can interact with each other is a factor that makes this a channel where advertising affect some extra. The limitations of the study was the relationship to the respondents because it can interfere with the distancing. It would have been desirable to do more of in-depth interviews to analyze more data and enhance the study even more, but because of time and lack of resources it was not possible. It would also have been desirable to study more in depth in the various theories that have been raised in the study, and also spend more time on the search for information within digital media and young people's use of Facebook, because it was difficult to find relevant research and theories.
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Breast cancer in young women: impact of pregnancy on biology and outcome / Cancer du sein chez la jeune femme: impact de la grossesse sur la biologie et le résultats.Abdel Azim, Hatem Hamdy 14 November 2014 (has links)
In this work, we found that proliferation-related prognostic gene signatures could aid treatment decision-making independent of age. This is clinically relevant for the younger breast cancer population given the potential long-term side effects of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy and hence the need to identify patients who are less likely to benefit adjuvant chemotherapy. In addition, it was clear that young age at diagnosis adds extra biological complexity, which is independent of differences in breast cancer subtype distribution. This includes enrichment with known breast cancer targets like RANKL. Whilst these results require further validation, either experimentally or in other clinical data sets, it suggests that separate therapeutic approaches may need to be specifically designed in order to improve outcomes for breast cancer arising in young women. In this regard, and based on our results and supportive evidence from other studies, we initiated a proof-of-concept prospective phase II neoadjuvant study investigating the role of denosumab, a RANKL inhibitor on modulating tumor biology in young premenopausal breast cancer patients. <p>We found that diagnosis during pregnancy does not significantly influence the classic pathological features or the prevalence of breast cancer subtypes. We also did not find obvious differences in the distribution of PIK3CA mutations. However, we found that tumors diagnosed during pregnancy have activated serotonin receptor signaling and high expression of potential breast cancer targets; of particular interest IGF1, and PDL1. Such differences appeared to be reflected in the normal pregnant breast underscoring the potential role of the pregnant breast microenvironment on the tumor transcriptome. We were not able to associate these genes with prognosis, which could be partly due to lack of statistical power. Of note, we cannot confirm whether any of these aberrations are key drivers of the biology of tumors diagnosed during pregnancy. Nevertheless, this remains the first study to look into the biology of this relatively rare disease and hence we believe it would serve as a very valuable resource for future research in this field. We are planning to perform targeted gene sequencing to further refine our understanding of the potential effect of pregnancy on the biology of these tumors. <p>In the last part of this work addressing the safety of pregnancy following breast cancer diagnosis, we identified that available studies suffered major limitations related to study design including selection bias and lack of information on patients with history of an ER-positive disease. This has resulted in advising against pregnancy in women with prior history of breast cancer. Our subsequent study has robustly addressed most of the limitations in older studies and clearly showed that pregnancy following breast cancer is safe even in women with a history of ER-positive disease. Hence, this study would provide a very important resource for the oncology community, which would aid adequate fertility counseling for young breast cancer survivors. This work is currently serving as the basis for a new prospective study by the IBCSG to test the safety of early interruption of tamoxifen in young women with early breast cancer seeking subsequent pregnancy. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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”Är hon inte nöjd så är jag inte bra” : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnor med en akademisk utbildning som tidigt i karriären blivit sjukskrivna på grund av psykisk ohälsaForslycke, Maria, Persson, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying mechanisms behind mental illness of women. A limitation was made to young women with an academic education who early in their careers became sick because of mental illness. The theoretical framework for the study consisted of Karasek and Theorell’s demand, control and support model. In addition, Bauman's theory about identity was used as a supplement of the category of identity included in Karasek and Theorell’s model.In order to answer the research question, a qualitative approach was chosen consisting of five interviews with young women who have been on sick leave. The results show that the respondents had high demands and low control at their workplaces before they became sick. In addition, the respondents had good social support from colleagues and outside the workplace. The social support from managers varied and common for all respondents is that they did not use their complete social support weeks before they got sick. Regarding identity, the respondents have shown that they have a performance-based self-esteem. In the discussion, the results show that identity can affect women’s ability to use social support, which can contribute to mental illness. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka bakomliggande mekanismer som påverkar psykisk ohälsa hos unga kvinnor. En avgränsning gjordes till unga kvinnor med akademisk utbildning och som tidigt i karriären blivit sjukskrivna på grund av psykisk ohälsa. Den teoretiska referensramen för studien har bestått av Karseks och Theorells krav- kontroll- och stödmodell. Utöver detta har Baumans teori om identitetsskapande används som en komplettering till kategorin identitet.För att kunna besvara studiens problemformulering har en kvalitativ metod valts, bestående av fem intervjuer med unga kvinnor som har varit sjukskrivna. Resultatet visade att respondenterna har haft höga krav och låg kontroll i arbetet innan de blev sjukskrivna. De har även haft ett gott socialt stöd från kollegor samt från kontakter utanför arbetsplatsen. Det sociala stödet från chefer har varierat och gemensamt för samtliga respondenter är att de inte har använt sig av sitt fulla sociala stöd, innan de blev sjukskrivna. Kopplat till identitet har respondenterna haft en prestationsbaserad självkänsla. I diskussionen redovisas att identiteten kan göra att man inte använder sitt sociala stöd vilket kan bidra till psykisk ohälsa.
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The impact of siblings and parenting style on social skill development in young adult femalesArca, Genevieve Cordero 01 January 2001 (has links)
"The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of parenting style and having vs. not having siblings on social skill development."
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Unga kvinnors kunskap och erfarenheter om sexuell och reproduktiv hälsaBergstrand, Anna-Sara, Fichtel, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alla individer har rätt till information, hälsovård och stöd för att uppnå god potential gällande sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR). I Sverige finns goda förutsättningar för sexualundervisning av hög kvalitet i skolan. Trots detta finns kvalitetsbrister i undervisningen och kvinnor saknar kunskap om SRHR. Kondom används mer sällan vid samlag med en ny partner och kvinnor utsätter sig därmed för en ökad risk för oönskade graviditeter och sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar. Syfte: Att undersöka hur unga kvinnor fått kunskap om SRHR, vilken kunskap unga kvinnor saknade från skolans sexualundervisning och vilken kunskap och erfarenheter de hade av sin sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med kvalitativa inslag utfördes med egenkonstruerade enkäter som datainsamlingsmetod. Sjuksköterskestudenter mellan 18–30 år besvarade enkäten och resultatet analyserades med deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Totalt 84 kvinnor besvarade enkäten (86,6%). Kvinnorna hade fått utbildning om SRHR i grundskolan. Sexualundervisningen uppfattades vara bristfällig och ansågs utgå från för snäva perspektiv. Kvinnorna saknade tillräcklig kunskap om reproduktion. Kvinnorna hade kunskap om vilka könssjukdomar som kan leda till minskad fertilitet, trots detta hade många av kvinnorna haft oskyddat samlag med en ny sexuell kontakt. Många kvinnor hade besökt en barnmorska och skattade sin sexuella hälsa som bra eller mycket bra. Slutsats: Skolans sexualundervisning bör vara återkommande under hela skolgången och vara av god kvalitet för att stötta kvinnor att fatta ansvarsfulla och välgrundade beslut gällande SRHR. Det krävs tydliga mål för innehållet i undervisningen för att främja möjligheterna till god sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Barnmorskor möter unga kvinnor i sitt arbete och SRHR är barnmorskans kompetensområde, här kan barnmorskan stötta och vägleda kvinnor genom hela livet. / Background: All individuals are entitled to information, healthcare and support to achieve good potential of sexual and reproductive health (SRHR). In Sweden, there are good prerequisites for high quality education. However, there are quality deficiencies in teaching and women lack knowledge of SRHR. Condoms are rarely used when having intercourse with a new partner and women accordingly expose themselves to an increased risk of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Objective: To investigate how young women acquired knowledge about SRHR, perceived lack of knowledge from sex education, what knowledge they had and what experiences they had of their sexual and reproductive health. Method: The study was performed through a quantitative cross-sectional study with qualitative elements using self-constructed questionnaires as data collection method. Nursing students between 18-30 years completed the questionnaire and the result was analysed with descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 84 women completed the questionnaires (86,6%). The women had been educated about SRHR in elementary school. Sex education was perceived to be inadequate and was explained from a narrow perspective. The women lacked sufficient knowledge of reproduction. The women had knowledge of which sexually transmitted infections that can lead to reduced fertility, in spite of this many women have had unprotected intercourse with a new sexual contact. Many women have visited a midwife and self-estimated their sexual health as good or very good. Conclusion: Education should be recurring throughout schooling and be of good quality to support women in making responsible and informed decisions regarding SRHR. Clear objectives are required for the content of the teaching to promote the opportunities for good sexual and reproductive health. Midwives meet young women in their work and SRHR is the midwife’s area of expertise, where the midwife can support and guide women throughout their lives.
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Olika nyanser av den sexuella kvinnan : En studie om hur kvinnlig sexualitet framställs på Baaam.se / Different shades of the sexual woman : A study of how female sexuality is portrayed on Baaam.seKarlsson, Clara January 2020 (has links)
Baaam is a Swedish digitized lifestyle magazine for young women that, among other things, writes about sex, sexuality and relationships. Baaam is a feminist platform that claims to be a guiding companion to young women. The purpose of this study was to examine how Baaam portrays female sexuality and thus what messages they convey to young women regarding female sexuality. The research questions were: How is female sexuality portrayed in the lifestyle magazine Baaam? Does the selected articles from Baaam confirm or change the traditional, dominant view of female sexuality? Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA) was conducted to find and then analyze discourses in the selected articles. A total of 23 articles published between 2016 and 2019 were analyzed. This was carried out from a social constructionist perspective together with representation theories and gender theories. Based on the analysis, different themes were used to explain how the sexual woman is constructed through different sub-discourses: ”The female sexual identity”, ”The woman’s sexual pleasure”, ”The sexual woman in relation to the man” and ”The performing sexual woman”. The sexual woman is portrayed both in a way that confirm and change the traditional, dominant view of female sexuality.
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Mass hysteria : the experiences of young women in LesothoTsekoa, Lineo 11 1900 (has links)
A qualitative, descriptive, explorative, and contextual research design was selected
for this study. The purpose was to explore the phenomenon of mass hysteria among
the Basotho in Lesotho and to develop guidelines which may facilitate early
intervention and better management and control of mass hysteria outbreaks. The
study area covered four of the ten districts in Lesotho. Four high schools where
recent outbreaks of mass hysteria have been reported were included in the study.
Semi-structured individual interviews and focus group interviews were conducted to
collect the data. Purposive sampling was used to select young women in high
schools who experienced mass hysteria; teachers who were present during mass
hysteria episodes; a parent; and traditional healers and religious leaders who were
involved in treating the affected.Thirteen individual interviews were held respectively with one victim of mass hysteria from a rural area, four school principals,a parent,five
traditional healers, a priest and apastor. Three focus group interviews were
conducted with thirty affected young women from three different high schools and
two focus group interviews were held with twenty teachers from two different high
schools.The data were transcribed verbatim and content analysis was done using
open and axial coding.
Four themes emerged from the findings, namely: manifestations of mass hysteria
among the Basotho; interventions used by the Basotho to alleviate mass hysteria;
Basotho’s views about the phenomenon of mass hysteria; and effects of mass
hysteria onthe Basotho. The findings show that young women in Lesotho experience
both physical and psychological symptoms during mass hysteria episodes and that it
has a contagious effect. The interventions used by the Basotho to alleviate mass
hysteria include traditional healing, herbal remedies, exorcism and prayer.The
Basotho have different views about mass hysteria attributing it to either supernatural
forces or natural illness. Episodes of mass hysteria have a negative impact on the victims,their families, and those who witnessed the episodes, causing confusion, fear
and anxiety.
Guidelines were compiled to assist teachersand health workers to improve the
management and control of mass hysteria episodes in Lesotho. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Sex Life after Surviving Breast Cancer: Factors Influencing Sexual Dysfunction among Young WomenNilsson, Marianne, Wisting, Nicole January 2022 (has links)
Few studies focus on sexual dysfunction among young women diagnosed with breast cancer. The aim of this study was to examine prevalence of sexual dysfunction over time among this group and to identify factors associated with sexual dysfunction. The specific research questions were 1) How does sexual function in young women with breast cancer change from 1.5 years to 3 years after diagnosis? 2) What factors are associated with sexual dysfunction in young women 3 years after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis? This study investigated several biopsychosocial factors such as current cancer treatment, sexual self-efficacy (SSE), body image, emotional distress, having children and relationship status and their associations with sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction was assessed with the scale PROMIS® SexFS. Participants consisted of 260 women, who responded to a survey 1,5 respectively 3 years after being diagnosed with breast cancer at age 18-39. Dependent t-test and McNemar tests wereconducted to identify differences in sexual function over time. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify factors associated with sexual dysfunction. Results showed that sexual dysfunction remained a common problem 3 years after diagnosis. Sexual dysfunction was more common among women who did not have children, was currently undergoing treatment, reported lower SSE, and more depressive symptoms. Future research should focus on developing interventions to improve SSE in order to improve sexual function for breast cancer survivors. Clinical implications include following up sexual function through dialogue with patients and offering medical aid and treatment. / Få studier fokuserar på sexuell dysfunktion bland unga kvinnor som diagnostiserats med bröstcancer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka prevalensen av sexuell dysfunktion över tid hos denna grupp och identifiera faktorer associerade med sexuell dysfunktion. De specifika forskningsfrågorna var 1) Hur förändras sexuell funktion hos unga kvinnor med bröstcancer från 1,5 år till 3 år efter diagnos? 2) Vilka faktorer är associerade med sexuell dysfunktion hos unga kvinnor 3 år efter att de erhållit en bröstcancerdiagnos? Den här studien undersökte flera biopsykosociala faktorer såsom nuvarande cancerbehandling, sexuell self-efficacy (SSE), kroppsuppfattning, ångest, depression, att ha barn samt relationsstatus och deras samband med sexuell dysfunktion. Sexuell dysfunktion undersöktes med skalan PROMIS® SexFS. Deltagarna bestod av 260 kvinnor, som svarade på en enkät 1,5 respektive 3 år efter att de fått diagnosen bröstcancer i ung vuxen ålder (18-39 år). Beroende t-test och McNemar-tester genomfördes för att identifiera skillnader i sexuell funktion över tid. Multipel logistisk regressionsanalys utfördes för att identifiera faktorer associerade med sexuell dysfunktion. Resultaten visade att sexuell dysfunktion var ett fortsatt vanligt problem 3 år efter cancerdiagnosen. Sexuell dysfunktion var vanligare bland kvinnor som inte hade barn, som hade en pågående cancerbehandling, som rapporterade lägre SSE och hade mer depressiva symtom. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på att utveckla interventioner för att förbättra sexuellfunktion genom att höja SSE för bröstcancer-överlevare. Kliniska implikationer inkluderar att följa upp sexuell funktion genom dialog med patienter, samt att erbjuda medicinsk hjälp och behandling.
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BAKOM STÄNGDA DÖRRAR : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt vilka konsekvenser det kan medföra / Behind closed doors : A qualitative study regarding social workers’ view on honour-based violence and oppression as well as the consequences it can causeChukrathok, Thiwara, Ekasriouen, Nadja January 2021 (has links)
Previous research on the social services' work with honour-related issues has shown that knowledge is limited and poorly recognized among professionals when exercising official authority. This has led to many consequences including misjudgement in cases regarding victims of honour-based violence. The aim of this study has been to investigate social workers' conceptions of working with young women who are exposed to honour-related violence. Five semi-structured interviews with social workers in one of Stockholm's west district administrations, were conducted and the subsequent data has been analysed using a thematic content analysis. Results show that social workers' perception of honour-related violence is affected by their preconceived notions. The difficulties in their work have primarily been in the complexity of the problem, more specifically in maintaining relationships with the young women and to involve the family in transformation work. The results of the study on social workers' notions of honour-related violence and oppression have shown that the phenomenon is associated with cultural customs. It is concluded that a prerequisite for social workers in the investigation process and during the transformation work is a good relationship with the victim and other parties involved. / Enligt tidigare forskning om socialtjänstens arbete med hedersrelaterade frågor har det visat att kunskaperna är begränsade och dåligt erkända bland yrkesverksamma vid myndighetsutövning. Detta har lett till konsekvenser såsom felbedömningar i ärenden för offer som utsatts för hedersrelaterat våld. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka socialsekreterares föreställningar om att arbeta med unga kvinnor som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld. Insamlingen av empiri har gjorts genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare vid en av västra Stockholms stadsdelsförvaltningar och data har analyserats ur en tematisk innehållsanalys. Vidare har de huvudsakliga resultaten visat att socialsekreterares föreställningar om hedersrelaterat våld påverkats av deras förutfattade meningar. Svårigheterna i arbetet har bestått av problemets komplexitet och att involvera familjen i förändringsarbetet. Slutsatserna i studien kring socialsekreterares föreställningar av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck har visat att fenomenet är förknippat till kulturella sedvänjor. En förutsättning för socialsekreterare i utredningsprocessen och under förändringsarbetet är en god relation till den våldsutsatta samt andra involverade parter.
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