Spelling suggestions: "subject:"south research""
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Ungdomar och delaktighet : <em>En studie om ungdomars delaktighet på stödboendet Kollbo i Örebro</em>Lokaj, Valerije, Johansson, Susan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Många ungdomar med olika typer av problem kan i dagsläget inte bo kvar hemma. Anledningarna till det kan ligga hos ungdomen själv eller hos ungdomens familj och närsamhälle och kan då placeras på ett stödboende. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om ungdomar på stödboendet Kollektivboendet (Kollbo) i Örebro upplever sig vara delaktiga i den stödjande verksamheten och hur delaktigheten ser ut. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning baserad på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med ungdomar boende på Kollbo och i deras slusslägenheter. De sex pojkarna är slumpmässigt utvalda utifrån ett antal sammanställda kriterier. Resultatet av studien framställs under olika teman som vi har identifierat under intervjuerna. Resultatet visade på att majoriteten av ungdomarna till stor del upplever sig delaktiga i den stödjande processen på Kollbo. Det framkommer även att ungdomarna är positiva till personalen och Kollbo, men att det finns vissa aspekter där pojkarna upplever att delaktigheten brister.</p> / <p>Many young people with different types of problems can at present not live at home. The reasons to it can lie at the youth alone or at the youth’s family and near society and can then be placed on a supportive residential home. The study's purpose is to examine whether young people on Kollektivboendet (Kollbo) in Örebro are to be involved in supporting activities and how the participation looks. The study is a qualitative survey, based on six semi structured interviews with young people living at the supportive residential home Kollbo and in their sluice-gate apartments. The six boys are randomly selected from a number of consolidated criteria. The results of the study are produced under different themes that we have identified during the interviews. The results showed that the majority of young people largely feel involved in the supporting process around themselves at Kollbo. It is found that young people feel positive towards the staff and Kollbo, but that there are certain aspects where the boys experiences that the participation deficiencies.</p>
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Flykt från en verklighet till en annan : En jämförelse av rutiner mellan fyra boenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn / Flight from one reality to another : A comparison of routines between four youth hostels for unaccompanied asylumseeking childrenRagnarsson, Sofie, Brask, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Titel: FLYKT FRÅN EN VERKLIGHET TILL EN ANNAN. EN JÄMFÖRELSE AV RUTINER MELLAN FYRA BOENDEN FÖR ENSAMKOMMANDE FLYKTINGBARN</p><p> </p><p>Författare: Brask, Sandra</p><p>Ragnarsson, Sofie</p><p>Handledare: Drugge, Gunnel</p><p> </p><p>Örebro universitet</p><p>Akademin för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete</p><p>Socionomprogrammet</p><p>Socialt arbete 21-40 poäng</p><p>C-uppsats, 15 poäng</p><p>Ht 2009</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Sammanfattning </strong></p><p>Under 2008 kom 1510 flyktingbarn och ungdomar till Sverige utan vårdnadshavare. Många kom från Irak och Afghanistan. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga och jämföra rutiner i verksamheten vid fyra ungdomsboenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Frågeställning-arna handlar om vilka rutiner som finns kring introduktion, vardag, hälsa, fritidsaktiviteter, skola, socialt nätverk och identitetsutveckling. Utgångspunkt för analysen är Förenta Nation-ernas Konvention om Barnets Rättigheter, Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Litteraturinhämtningen har skett främst utifrån artikeldata-baser. Resultaten har framtagits genom kvalitativ metod och semistruktureade intervjuer. Intervjumaterialet har behandlats utifrån ett fenomenologiskt betraktelsesätt. Följande har framkommit: I boendenas <em>introduktion</em> är vuxenstöd och tydlig information viktiga bestånds-delar. <em>Vardagsrutinerna </em>består av regler kring bl.a. basala mänskliga behov, hushållsgöromål och kommunikation. Gällande <em>hälsa</em> finns rutiner för hanteringen av fysiska besvär. Det psy-kiska måendet nämns dock huvudsakligen. Det finns rutiner kring individuella och gemen-samma <em>fritidsaktiviteter</em>. Beträffande <em>skolan</em> beskrivs rutiner kring skolstart, läxläsning och skolvägran. Kring ungdomarnas <em>sociala</em> <em>nätverk</em> finns rutiner för kontakt med släkt, vänner och gode män samt utökning av kontaktnätet. För <em>vägledning inför bildandet av en vuxen identitet</em> finns rutiner bl.a. för att motverka droganvändning och våld. </p><p> </p><p>Nyckelord: ensamkommande flyktingbarn, ungdomsboenden, rutiner</p> / <p>Title: FLIGHT FROM ONE REALITY TO ANOTHER. A COMPARISON OF</p><p>ROUTINES BETWEEN FOUR YOUTH HOSTELS FOR UNACCOMPANIED ASYLUMSEEKING CHILDREN. </p><p> </p><p>Authors: Brask, Sandra</p><p> Ragnarsson, Sofie</p><p>Supervisor: Drugge, Gunnel</p><p> </p><p>Örebro university</p><p>School of law, psychology and social work</p><p>Social Work Program</p><p>Social work 21-40 points</p><p>C-essay, 15 points</p><p>Autumn term 2009</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p>In 2008 1510 refugee children and adolescents arrived in Sweden without their guardians. Many of them came from Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of this essay is to make a survey and compare the routines of four youth hostels for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. The main issues concern routines in the fields of introduction, everyday life, health, leisure activities, school, social network and development of their identity. The basis of the analysis is The Convention on the rights of the child of The United Nations, Randall Collins theory of interaction rituals and research on the subject. The literature has in most part been collected from databases. The qualitative method and semi-structured interviews are used in the collection of the data. The interview material has been analysed using a phenomenological approach. The main findings are: In the <em>introduction</em> adult support and basic information are important components. The <em>daily routines</em> consist of guidelines about, e.g. basic human needs, household chores and communication. Concerning <em>health</em> there are routines in the field of physical ailments. The mental wellbeing is though more often mentioned. There are routines about individual and group <em>activities</em>. Regarding <em>school</em> routines about starting school, home-work and school refusal are described. In the matter of their <em>social</em> <em>network</em> there are routines for the contact with relatives, friends and legal guardians and extension of the network. To <em>guide</em> them on their <em>way to an adult identity</em> there are routines for e.g. the prevention of drugs and violence.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: unaccompanied refugee children, adolescents, youth hostels, routines.</p>
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En kär lek : En studie om gymnasieungdomars uppfattning av kärlek och kärleksrelationer / A Love-ly game : A study about young peoples’ apprehension of love and relationshipsKhallagi, Mandana January 2007 (has links)
<p>This essay is a part of a project called “Young peoples representation of love and relationships” and was initialized in Barcelona in January 2006. The University of Barcelona cooperates with the University college of Södertörns Högskola to compare perception of love among youths in both countries. The project focuses on teenagers between 13-19 years of age. The project uses four types of questionnaires with questions about love, feelings, empathy and relationships witch were compiled by research workers at the University of Barcelona.</p><p>“A Love-ly game” is a qualitative study that is based on a questionnaire-investigation made in a Gymnasium-school in a suburb south of Stockholm. The questionnaires can be answered both in writing and by drawing but deal with the same subject. The purpose of this essay is to study a group of young people in the ages of 16-18 years old and capture their view of love and relationships. The essay will present the qualities the young people consider as the most important in a relationship and also the variety of ways these are expressed. Out of this material the author has made an interpreting analysis out of which conclusions are presented.</p><p>According to respondents the most vital qualities in a relationship are honesty, trust, affection and kindness. These characteristics are expressed in different ways in relationships, depending on the persons’ idea of what love and its’ meaning is.</p>
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Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolkHolmlöv Sarri, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks. I have also done twelve interviews with the same number of students, six girls and six boys. The age ranges from 16 to 19 with two students from each grade. The result of the study is that some of the students are indiffirent when it comes to school. They just do not care about attending school all the lessons and all the days. Some of the students are absent when they feel they have lack of time in the prospect of a big examination. But the most astonishing statement from all the twelve students is that they state that their parents mean that the education is the student own responsibility.</p>
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Ungdomars informationssökning på Internet : Vad ungdomar tycker om sina egna kompetenser och erfarenheter / Young people's information search on the Internet : What does young people think about their own skills and experienceJonsson, Christina Ulrika January 2009 (has links)
<p>The study aims to investigate student’s attitudes and experiences of information retrieval on the Internet, as tools for learning. I have been interested of their own views about their own knowledge and experience in the subject, information seeking on the Internet. The focus is on what they perceive as problematic, what skills they consider they have and what needs they have in terms of teaching. Data were collected via questionnaires. About 200 students at the second year in high school have been asked about the problems and difficulties they have within seeking on the Internet. The study is especially framed within a sociocultural perspective of learning. The study aims to answer following questions:</p><p>Do the students think that they, in a concentrated way, can orient themselves and seek information on the Internet? Do the students think that they had received education in information seeking on the Internet? Do the students think that they need more skills in information seeking on the Internet?</p><p>The result shows that this millennial generation see themselves as competent users of the Internet, the World Wide Web (www). Young people are attracted by working with the computer as tool for learning, while teachers may feel that the boundary between school and leisure time is small. The students have a sense of success in every moment of internet seeking. Pupils and teachers have different skills on the Internet. This applies to teachers gain knowledge of it and how to teach the skills students need. Since the computer is a common tool in our workplaces in the community, is it important for the school to prepare the students for the future. It is important for all educators in the school, individually and jointly to reflect on the information that will contribute to the student's own knowledge creation and in what way.</p><p> </p>
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Inverkan av föräldrastrategier och föräldrabarnrelation på tonåringens Interneterfarenheter / The effect of parental strategies and parent-child relationship on the teenager’s experiences on the InternetKapetanovic, Sabina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Theories about exposure and risk-taking in an everyday environment show a connection between parental strategies, parent-child relationship and exposure on the Internet. In the present study, the Internet is presented as an everyday activity. Negative exposure is seen as an outcome of risk-taking. The purpose of the study was to examine in what way parental strategies together with the parent-child relationship were related to the teenagers’ negative experiences on the Internet, which consisted of three categories: 1) Exposure to pornographic sites, 2) Exposure to upsetting and violent material, 3) Digital bullying. The regression analysis showed that the parent-child relationship was linked to all negative experiences. Parental knowledge, disclosure, rules, safe usage of the Internet and solicitation were also linked to negative experiences on the Internet. Parental strategies that were not significant were parental control and shared web activities.</p> / <p>Teorier kring utsatthet och risktagande i traditionella vardagsmiljöer visar på ett samband mellan föräldrastrategier, föräldrabarnrelationen och tonåringens utsatthet på nätet. I den aktuella studien är Internet som vardagsmiljö i fokus. Negativa Interneterfarenheter ses som en konsekvens av risktagande. Syftet var att undersöka hur sambandet mellan föräldrastrategier tillsammans med föräldrabarnrelationen och tonåringens negativa Interneterfarenheter såg ut. De negativa Interneterfarenheterna delades upp i tre kategorier: 1) <em>Tvivelaktigt material, 2) Upprörande material samt 3) Erfarenhet av hot.</em> Regressionsanalysen visade att föräldrabarnrelation har samband med alla negativa Interneterfarenheter. Vidare visade resultatet att föräldrarnas insyn, disclosure, regler, säker användning och solicitation också hade samband med de negativa Interneterfarenheterna. Föräldrastrategier som inte var signifikanta var kontroll och sällskap vid Internetanvändning.</p>
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Fysisk aktivitet - Psykisk hälsa : En enkätundersökning om hur högstadieelever upplever att fysisk aktivitet påverkar psykisk hälsaAndersson, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med undersökningen var att få en bild av högstadieelevers uppfattning om hur fysisk aktivitet påverkar psykisk hälsa samt idrottsundervisningens påverkan på psykisk hälsa.</p><p>Det var en kvantitativ undersökning med enkäter, där 124 högstadieelever från två mellansvenska skolor besvarade enkäten.</p><p>Resultatet visade att 85.5% av eleverna upplevde att fysisk aktivitet påverkar psykisk hälsa positivt när det gäller att känna sig avslappnad, humöret, självuppfattning och bättre livskvalitet. 71. 5 % av eleverna ansåg att de i idrottsundervisningen fick de lära sig om hur fysisk aktivitet har betydelse för hälsan hela livet.</p><p>Däremot upplevde flertalet av eleverna att det som händer i omklädningsrummet och i samband med duschen samt kamraternas påverkan i samband med idrottsundervisningen var stressande faktorer.</p><p> </p>
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Ungdomar som vandaliserar : enkätstudie om fem yrkesprofessioners syn på orsaksförklaringar / Juvenile who vandalize : Survey study of five professional´s view of causal explanationMalmborg, Simon January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Vad är det som är så speciellt med Dolly? : En kvalitativ studie om särart och mervärde för social verksamhet inom ideell sektorHamskär, Maja, Rydberg, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Problembilder av barn : Representationer, föreställningar och strategier i BRIS stödtelefon 1996-98 / Problem images of children : Representations, preconceptions and strategies in BRIS children ́s helpline during the period 1996- 98.Linblad, Inger January 2012 (has links)
A number of countries including Sweden have developed children’s helplines as free and anonymous counseling services for children and youth. The aim of this study was to deepen knowledge about how the problems of children and youth are represented and constructed in Sweden’s BRIS (Children’s Rights in Society) Children’s Helpline, telephone support between the years 1996 and 1998. The work was social constructivistic, examining how helpline responders understand and interpret information received during support calls. The concept of “the concern” is highlighted as a point of study of problem constructions within micro-counselling. The empirical material consisted primarily of interviews with persons who worked at BRIS either as employed ombudspersons or as volunteer telephone responders. Eleven ombudspersons replied to questions about the Children’s Helpline and how support services are organized. Thirty eight interviews were carried out with helpline responders at two separate occasions during the study period. Fifteen of these interviews provided material for an in depth investigation of responders preconceptions of children and youth’s everyday life, as well as the themes of gender, problematic relationships and assault as well as the strategies that responders used in their supportive calls. Statistical information was collected from BRIS reports. Fifteen completed questionnaires from support calls were included in this study. Analytical processes resulted in the development of the two theoretical concepts of familiarity and micro-understanding. General representations of children and youth situations are put forth via descriptions of misery. The responders’ concepts of children’s everyday life appear fragmentary because of the limited information available about the caller. Gender issues are constructed around questions of feminity and sexuality. The theme of assault contains calls from both girls and boys. Boys’ calls about assault are constructed around bullying and physical assault. Girls’ call are also constructed around violence but also include sexual abuse and molestation. This study contributes to the growing field of knowledge about the problem images of children and youth that emanate from support calls made to telephone helplines.
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