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Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Support of Strategic Sustainable DevelopmentGu, Chen Chen, Gomes, Telma, Brizuela, Victor Samuel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis looks at how Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) be carried out to help society move towards sustainability. It starts by introducing the reader into the essential concepts about Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), TVET, and the barriers to integrating ESD into TVET. It also provides information about the case study conducted in a TVET organization in Ireland which is integrating ESD into TVET. The thesis presents the key aspects that TVET organization need to have in order to successfully support SSD and it also provides a definition of success which is developing a workforce skilled for sustainability where sustainability is defined by the four sustainability principles. After presenting the key aspects, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses, in the lens of the key aspects, of the case study and three other TVET organizations. It later provides with recommendations based on the challenges found integrating ESD into TVET and the presented key aspects in order for TVET organizations to reach the vision of success. / <p>Telma Gomes - phone: 0736280415 - tegomes@uol.com.br Victor Samuel Brizuela - samworks@gmail.com Chen Chen Gu -guchenchen880309@163.com,</p>
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Framtiden avgörs idag – inte imorgon : En litteraturstudie kring hur elever uppfattar de ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala dimensionerna av hållbar utveckling / The future is determined today – not tomorrow : A literature study about how pupils perceive the ecological, economic and social dimensions of sustainable developmentMelin, Daniéla, Ismail, Khadra January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med följande litteraturstudie är att belysa hur elever i förskolan till årskurs sex förhåller sig till hållbar utveckling. Litteraturstudien ger en presentation kring elevers synsätt på de tre dimensionerna inom hållbar utveckling. Härtill framförs det hur begreppet hållbar utveckling har vuxit fram samt en sammanställning av nationella och internationella diskussioner om hur världen kan arbeta mot en hållbar framtid. Vidare presenteras det hur hållbar utveckling framträder i den svenska läroplanen. Det resultat som framkom inkluderar undersökningar från Sverige, Turkiet och USA, där elever under intervju eller med hjälp av illustrationer fick visualisera sin uppfattning på vad som väntar människan och planeten. I undersökningarna indikerade elever en generell oro gällande miljön och framtiden. Majoriteten av eleverna kunde ge uttryck för en koppling mellan de tre dimensionerna av hållbar utveckling. Härtill visade eleverna i en annan studie en generell rädsla för miljöproblem vilket återges som ”ekofobiska” idéer. I litteraturstudien förs slutligen en diskussion om införandet av ett nytt ämne i läroplanen, vikten av ett paradigmskifte samt hur undervisning kring hållbar utveckling kan exemplifieras i klassrummet. / The purpose of this study is to clarify how pupils in pre-school and the grades one to six relate to sustainable development. The literature study presents pupils´ perspectives on the three dimensions in sustainable development. Furthermore, it is presented how the concept sustainable development has expanded. The study also presents a summary of national and international discussions about how the world can work towards a sustainable future. Additionally it is presented how sustainable development stands in the Swedish curriculum. The study includes surveys from Sweden, Turkey and USA, where pupils during interviews or through illustrations visualized their view on what awaits the human kind and the planet. The result indicates a general concern regarding the environment and the future. A majority of the pupils could not refer to a connection between the three dimensions of sustainable development. Pupils indicated an overall anxiety for environmental problems, which can be redirected as “ecophobic” ideas. Finally, there is a discussion about an imposition of Sustainable development as an individual subject in the curriculum, the importance of a paradigm shift and how teaching about sustainable development can be exemplified in the classroom.
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Les chemins d'une éducation à l'écocitoyenneté. Discours et pratiques de l'écomobilité scolaire : l'exemple du "Pédibus" en Metropole Rouen Normandie / The paths of an education in eco-citizenship. Discourses and practices of school eco-mobility : the paths of an education in eco-citizenship : Discourses and practices of school eco-mobilityIbinga, Kery Juladys Joëlle 26 November 2018 (has links)
L’écomobilité en milieu scolaire, étudiée à travers le Pédibus ou walking school bus, système de ramassage pédestre organisant bénévolement le trajet domicile-école à l’initiative des parents, peut questionner l’éducation relative à l’environnement (ERE) et l’éducation au développement durable (EDD). S’inscrivant à la suite des travaux de Lucie Sauvé, Sandrine Depeau, Alain Legardez, Angela Barthes, Marie-Louise Martinez et Jean-Marc Lange, les analyses ont cherché à montrer comment la pratique du Pédibus peut devenir un enjeu éducatif qui touche aux finalités de l’éducation : « construire des savoirs », « construire une identité de sujet et de citoyen », « devenir une personne responsable évoluant au sein d’une communauté ». Le point de départ a été d’interroger la façon dont le discours véhiculé par les textes officiels, dont les grandes déclarations onusiennes fondatrices du développement durable (DD), voient en l’école le lieu fondamental de la formation des esprits conscients et responsables. A ces discours prônant une réforme par le haut, la thèse a mis en regard les discours des acteurs du Pédibus en Métropole Rouen Normandie, recueillis entre 2016 et 2018, afin de montrer comment s’articule un discours écocitoyen, inscrit dans un processus de réforme par la base et par l’action quotidienne. S’inspirant des études sur l’écocitoyenneté, en particulier des travaux de Marie-Louise Martinez, l’analyse interlocutive des discours a mis en évidence la constitution d’une conscience écocitoyenne et l’émergence d’une personne écoresponsable, inscrite dans son milieu urbain et naturel, ainsi que dans son milieu social (rue, quartier, ville). Par ailleurs, cette thèse constitue la première monographie universitaire consacrée au Pédibus, incluant un état de la recherche inspiré de divers pays et de domaines différents (sciences de l’éducation, médecine, sociologie, géographie) concernés par le « car-à-pattes », à l’origine des principaux types de discours portant sur un objet complexe (discours sécuritaire, hygiéniste, sociétal, environnemental). Conformément à la nature même d’un processus d’apprentissage dénué de curriculum et dont la compréhension peut s’inspirer des travaux de l’éco-ontogénèse dans l’esprit de Tom Berryman, les relations entre apprentissage non formel et apprentissage formel ont été interrogées, d’autant que les élèves concernés relèvent du « cycle des observations » et du « cycle de consolidation » de l’école primaire. Sur ces bases, la thèse a formulé des pistes de remédiation, susceptibles de renforcer la synergie entre éducation non formelle et éducation formelle d’une part, et de contribuer à la multiplication et à la pérennisation des lignes de Pédibus d’autre part, très engagée depuis des décennies dans les « déplacements doux », pourrait servir de modèle dans le domaine de l’écomobilité. / Eco-mobility in connection with schools, studied through the Walking School Bus, a pedestrian collecting system that voluntarily organizes the home-school journey for young pupils at the initiative of some parents, can raise questions about environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD). Following the work of Lucie Sauvé, Sandrine Depeau, Alain Legardez, Angela Barthes, Marie-Louise Martinez and Jean-Marc Lange, the analyses sought to show how the practice of the Walking School Bus can become an educational issue that touches on the aims of education: "building knowledge", "building an identity as a subject and a citizen", "becoming a responsible person evolving within a community". The starting point was to question how the discourse conveyed by official texts, including the major UN declarations founding sustainable development (SD), see schools as the fundamental place for the training of conscious and responsible minds. To these discourses advocating a reform from above, the thesis compared the discourses of the actors of the Walking School Bus in Rouen Normandy Metropolis, collected between 2016 and 2018, in order to show how an eco-citizen discourse is articulated, as part of a reform process from the bottom up, and through daily action. Inspired by studies on eco-citizenship, in particular the work of Marie-Louise Martinez, the interlocutory analysis of the discourses highlighted the creation of an eco-citizen awareness and the emergence of an eco-responsible person, inscribed in its urban and natural environment, as well as in its social environment (street, neighborhood, city). Moreover, this thesis is the first university monograph devoted to the Walking School Bus, including a state of research inspired by various countries and different fields of science (educational sciences, medicine, sociology, geography) concerned by the WSB, at the origin of the main types of discourse on a complex subject (safety, hygienist, societal, environmental discourse). In accordance with the very nature of a curriculum-free learning process whose understanding can be inspired by the work of eco-ontogenesis in Tom Berryman's mind, the relationship between non-formal and formal learning was questioned, especially because the pupils concerned fall within the "observation cycle" and the "consolidation cycle" of primary school. On this basis, the thesis formulated remedial approaches that could strengthen the synergy between non-formal and formal education on the one hand, and contribute to the multiplication and sustainability of the Walking School Bus lines on the other hand. Rouen Normandy Metropolis, which has been very much involved for decades in "soft mobility", could serve as a model in the field of eco-mobility.
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Zatížení pacientek při mamografických vyšetřeních / Evaluation of patient dose in mammographyPolášková, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
Breast cancer presents serious epidemiological problem, in result of which die more than 2 000 czech women every year. Screening mammography is one of the most expanded and most effective examinations for early detection of this desease but one has to take into account an inconsiderable risk connected with the procedure based on X-ray ionizing radiation. This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of the dose absorbed by the tissue. It contains the description of evaluation of the average dose in glandular tissue on PMMA phantom, as well as results of the measurements on conventional and digital mammograph. A data file with exposure parameters from mammography screening is included and interpreted. Also the Monte Carlo method was used for the dose evaluation, the thesis contains the brief description of the method, concept of analysis model in mammography and results of simulations.
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Ökologie, Ökonomie und Soziales im Biologieunterricht / Konzepte von LehrkräftenHellwig, Hauke 14 October 2009 (has links)
Der Umweltunterricht in Biologie befindet sich in der Orientierung zwischen Zwängen zur Reduktion auf naturwissenschaftliches Basiswissen (scientific literacy), den Kompetenzansprüchen der traditionellen Umweltbildung (environmental literacy) und der zuletzt implementierten Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit (BNE) mit dem Ziel Gestaltungskompetenz (sustainability literacy). Die hier präsentierte Studie diente neben der Bestimmung und Diskussion des Ist-Standes bei der Vermittlung umweltbezogener Gesichtspunkte im Rahmen des Faches Biologie auch der Entwicklung eines entsprechenden Instrumentes zur Erfassung der Unterrichtskonzepte von Lehrpersonen. Die Identifikation der Unterrichtskonzepte ging von Lehrkräften und deren Befragung in einem Ländervergleich zwischen Deutschland und Schweden aus. Methodisch wurde eine Kombination aus qualitativen und quantitativen Verfahren umgesetzt. Drei latente Erklärungsvariablen für die Antwortmuster der Lehrpersonen wurden faktorenanalytisch identifiziert und in verschiedenen Erhebungswellen validiert. Darauf basierend wurden drei kurze Testskalen gebildet. Ein zweites Auswertungsverfahren bestand in der Clusteranalyse der befragten Lehrkräfte. Indem die Cluster mit den Skalen in Beziehung gesetzt wurden, konnten anhand der Varianz der Gruppenmittelwerte verschiedene Profile identifiziert werden. Dies führte zur Beschreibung von je sechs qualitativ und quantitativ differenzierbaren Unterrichtskonzepten in Deutschland und Schweden als reservierte, minimalistische, traditionelle, neuorientierte, ambivalente und pluralistische Realisierung von Umweltbiologie. Während der reservierte Ansatz in Schweden nicht auftritt, kann dort „theoretische Umweltbiologie“ unterschieden werden. Beim derzeitigen Aus- und Fortbildungsstand der Lehrkräfte ist die Umsetzung von BNE in Deutschland nicht adäquat gewährleistet. Gründe dafür liegen im disziplinären Vermittlungsmodus, mit dem die Entwicklung überfachlicher Kompetenzen kaum vereinbar ist. / Environmental education has been implemented interdisciplinary at school in Germany. On the contrary, teacher training still remains emphasizing specific scientific subjects. Only recently, different initiatives towards education for sustainable development (ESD) are under way on state level, sub-state level and local level. However, common criteria for designing interdisciplinary teaching processes have not become obvious in Germany. There is a risk, therefore, that teachers will make decisions concerning aims, content and methods based solely on intuition. The study presented here identifies and discusses the existing state of concepts of environmental biology among biology teachers with respect to scientific literacy, environmental literacy and sustainability literacy. A wide range of different aspects of didactics in environmental biology was identified and gathered from biology teachers and scientists in Germany and Sweden. Following classical test theory, the diverse statements were eventually transformed into a closed Likert-scale questionnaire. In two preliminary studies and in the main study that was conducted across the whole of Germany, three dimensions were identified and validated by means of factor analysis. Using cluster analysis, six concepts can be distinguished: pluralistic, ambivalent, realigned, traditional, minimalist and reserved realisation of environmental biology. Biology teachers generally refer to a disciplinary science orientated teaching repertoire when addressing environmental education, which is not adequate to ESD theory. Following the investigation in Sweden, also six concepts can be distinguished. Instead of the reserved concept, a theoretic realisation exists in Sweden suitable for facilitation of sustainability literacy. In five types of realising environmental biology, a high degree of agreement was identified between perceptions of teachers in Germany and Sweden.
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"Nedskräpning förbjuden" : Elever på mellanstadiet resonerar kring nedskräpning, källsortering och föroreningar / “Littering prohibited” : Middle-school pupils reason about littering, waste sorting and pollutions.Melin, Daniéla January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att genom fokusgruppintervjuer undersöka vad elever i årskurserna 5-6 kan och resonerar om begreppen källsortering, nedskräpning och miljöförstöring Studien tar upp hur hållbar utveckling är upplagt i läroplanens inledande delar och kursplaner, hur de tre dimensionerna av hållbarhet definieras samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet. I det resultat som visualiseras framkom det hur 20 elever på en Grön Flaggskola och en icke Grön Flaggskola ser på nedskräpning och källsortering. Undersökningens resultat indikerar att eleverna är väl insatta i dagens miljöproblem och de vet hur de ska motverka dessa. Anmärkningsvärt visade eleverna på Grön Flaggskolan inte mer kunskap om till exempel hållbarhet. Dock påvisas det att majoriteten av eleverna på båda skolorna innehar en nonchalant inställning till problemen, lägger dessa på andra individer och skjuter problemen framför sig. I studien framförs slutligen en diskussion om införandet av ett nytt ämne i läroplanen, vem som bär ansvaret och hur lärarna kan engagera sina elever att arbeta för en bättre planet. / The purpose of this qualitative study is, through focus group interviews investigate what pupils in grades 5-6 can and reason about waste sorting, littering and pollutions. The study examines how sustainable development is presented in the curriculum's introductory parts and curricula, how the three dimensions of sustainability are defined and previous research within the subject. The result that emerged visualizes how 20 pupils at an Eco-School and a non-Eco-school look at littering and sorting waste. The results of the survey indicate that the pupils are well acquainted with today's environmental problems, and they know how to counteract with these. The pupils on the Eco School did remarkably not show more knowledge about for example sustainability. However, it is demonstrated that the majority of the pupils at both schools hold a nonchalant approach to the problems, place these on other individuals and postpone the problems before them. Finally, the study discusses the introduction of a new topic in the curriculum, who carries the responsibility and how the teachers can engage their students to work for a better planet.
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