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I hållbarhetens tjänst : En kvalitativ studie över lärares perspektiv på hållbar utveckling och dess roll i skolan / In the service of sustainability : A qualitative study of teachers' perspectives of sustainable development and its role in educationBergvall, Clas January 2023 (has links)
En stor fråga i samhället av idag är den om hur en god framtid på planeten möjliggörs och optimeras. Otaliga diskussioner och forskningar i ämnet finns och det är en brännande fråga för politiker och ledare världen över. Ett viktigt led i en hållbar utveckling – som frågan kommit att begreppsliggöras som – handlar om utbildning. För att möjliggöra en hållbar framtid krävs utbildade och ansvarsfulla människor, men det aktuella området ses ofta på med olika ögon och på olika sätt. Den här studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur undervisande mellanstadielärare förhåller sig till en hållbar utveckling, vilka perceptioner de har på begreppet och vilka didaktiska tillvägagångssätt som framträder som lyckosamma i strävan att utveckla medborgare med hållbarhet i fokus. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex mellanstadielärare i norra Sverige och efterföljande tematisk analys framträder en bild av begreppet som svårtolkat med, för lärarna, vissa kunskapsluckor vilket påverkar en praktik som därmed inte når upp till lärarnas egna förväntningar på sin undervisning. En undervisning som idealt är holistiskt och består av autentiska och reflekterande element och där barnet ses som den utvalde i önskan om en hållbar framtid. / A subject of importance in todays’ society is that of how a good future on the planet is enabled and optimized. Countless discussions and research exist and is a prevailing matter for politicians and leaders around the world. An important part of sustainable development – which is what the subject has come to be referred to – is about education. To enable a sustainable future educated and responsible people are of importance, but the matter in question is often differently viewed by different individuals. This study aims to increase the understanding of how middle school teachers relate to sustainable development, their perceptions of the concept and some didactic approaches viewed as successful in the pursuit of developing citizens with a sustainability in mind. Through qualitative interviews with six middle school teachers in the north of Sweden and subsequent thematic analyses, a picture of the concept as difficult to interpret emerges, along with some knowledge gaps affecting the practice which in relation does not meet the teachers’ expectations of their own teaching. A teaching that, ideally, is holistic and consists of authentic and reflective elements and where the child is seen as the chosen in the quest for a sustainable future.
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Choosing Sustainability Education : Context, Values and Resources of Parents choosing non-formal Sustainability Education Projects in GermanyReymann, Lennart January 2022 (has links)
Non-formal education projects are seen as taking a key role regarding Education for Sustainable Development; however, the conditions of participation are still scarcely explored. The objective of this study is to develop a concept helping to understand the resources, motivations, underlying values, and context of parents in the process of choosing a non-formal Education for Sustainability project in Germany for their children aged six to twelve. For this, the school choice concept of Raveaud and van Zanten, which is utilizing “resource” definitions in approximation to Bourdieu’s capital, is adapted for the non-formal sustainability education sector, by implementing the concept of environmental capital, conceptualizing the choice framework for non-formal sustainability education. Ten interviews with parents from such projects have been conducted in the summer of 2021 and analysed based on the newly developed choice framework for non-formal sustainability education. Unlike what the adapted school-choice theory suggests, the local normative framework has little impact on the choices parents make in the non-formal choice process. The results indicate that especially cultural resources within the framework of environmental capital and accumulated in the informal learning space have had a formative impact on the parents, which let them to enrol their children to participate in the sustainability education projects. In comparison to formal school choice processes, the tension between impersonal and personal values is not as tangible for parents. As projects combine expressive values like self-realisation and impersonal values like environmental awareness in their pedagogical approaches, parents are even able to satisfy both their personal and impersonal values while choosing an SE project. It is being discussed how parents can be strengthened in their role to pass on sustainability values, without creating an even greater inequality regarding environmental capital, as well as the importance of a symbiosis between EE and ESD projects to further sustainability education in Germany.
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Crowd Detection During IndoorEvents Using FSR Sensor WithMicrocontrollers : Crowd detection and monitoringHama, Mohamad January 2024 (has links)
Overcrowding during indoor events can be risky, in-case of any kind of a hazard such as fire.This solution address this by providing real-time crowd detection solution using Force-SensingResistor (FSR) sensors, referred sensor (IR) and microcontrollers. The solution needs to offer accurate data in real-time to the event managers including number of people and entrancerate to help when and if the event areas will be overcrowded, thereby enhancing event safetyand decision-making. This thesis indicate that the system offers essential real-time data forevent safety with an accuracy of 87.25%. These data will assists event managers in makinginformed decisions to avoid the risks of overcrowding. This thesis evaluates the effectivenessof our system in comparison to other systems, discussing what we’ve learned, suggest possibleimprovements, and talk about whether our system could be useful in real-world indoor events.
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Etude à l'échelle nanométrique par sonde locale de la fiabilité et de la dégradation de films minces d'oxyde pour applications MOS et MIM / Study of the reliability and degradation of ultra-thin oxide layers at nanometric scale by scanning probe microscopy for MOS and MIM applicationsFoissac, Romain 13 May 2015 (has links)
L'intégration de diélectriques High-k dans les empilements de grille des dispositifs MOS a fait naître de nouvelles interrogations concernant la fiabilité des futurs nœuds technologiques. La miniaturisation constante des dispositifs conduisant à l'amincissement des épaisseurs d'oxyde de grille, leur caractérisation électrique est rendue de plus en plus complexe à l'échelle du dispositif. Pour palier à ce problème, l'utilisation d'un microscope à force atomique en mode conducteur sous ultravide permet grâce à la faible surface de contact entre la pointe et l'échantillon de réduire suffisamment le courant tunnel pour pouvoir étudier la dégradation et le claquage diélectrique d'oxyde ultra fin. La comparaison systématique des résultats de fiabilité de l'empilement High-k du nœud 28nm et de la couche interfaciale seule ayant subi les mêmes étapes de développement que celles présentes dans l'empilement, obtenus par C-AFM sous ultra vide, ont permis de montrer expérimentalement que la probabilité de claquage des oxydes de grille High-k est gouvernée par la fiabilité propre des couches qui la composent, et de déduire une loi d'extrapolation de la durée de vie en tension et en surface ce qui permet de prédire la statistique de défaillance du dispositif. Les impacts d'un pré-stress en tension de l'ordre de la milliseconde sur les distributions de claquage des oxydes de grille simples et bicouches ont été rapportés. Ces résultats sont expliqués dans ce manuscrit par le déclenchement lors de l'application du stress, d'une dégradation au sein de l'oxyde, prenant naissance dans la couche interfaciale des oxydes High-k et conduisant à une réduction locale de l'épaisseur de diélectrique. Des phénomènes de résistance différentielle négative au moment de la rupture diélectrique ont été étudiés et modélisés pour différentes épaisseurs d'oxyde, par une croissance filamentaire de la dégradation. Il a été possible de donner une expression analytique reliant le temps caractéristique de croissance filamentaire et le temps moyen de claquage observé sur les distributions statistiques. Enfin, les mesures C-AFM de ce travail ont été étendues au cas des structures MIM utilisées pour le développement des futurs mémoires résistives OxRAM. Dans ce cas un effet d'auto-guérison à l'échelle nanométrique a été mis en évidence. / Integration of High-k dielectrics in gate oxides of MOS raised new issues concerning the reliability of futur technology nodes. The constant miniaturisation of devices leads to thinner gate oxides, making their electrical caracterisation more complex at the device scale. To solve this problem, an atomic force microscope in conductive mode under ultra high vacuum can be used thanks to the readuce contact area between the tip and the sample which allow a drastic decrease of the tunneling current and thus the study of the degradation and the dielectric breakdown of ultra-thin oxides. The systematic comparaison of the TDDB distributions obtained on the High-k gate oxide of the 28nm technology node on one side and obtained on the Interfacial layer alone revealed that the failure probability of High-k oxides is governed by the failure probability of each layer present in the stack. This allow to give an extrapolation law of the High-k gate oxide lifetime as a function of the applied voltage and the electrode area and to predict the failure statistic of the 28nm tehcnology node. The impact of voltage pre-stress with a microseconde range of duration on the TDDB and VBD distributions of both single layer and High-k gate oxides is given is the manuscript. The results are then interpreted by an invasive degradation nucleating from an interface during a stress and leading to a local thinned oxide. Pre-breakdown negative differential resistance have been studied and modeled for several oxide thickness, using a growing mecanism of the elctrical degradation. An analytic expression linking the growth caracteristic time of the filament and the mean time to breakdown observed on the statistical distributions has then been given. Finally, C-AFM measurements developped in this work has been extended to MIM structures used for oxide resistive random access memories (OxRAM). A self healing has been observed at the nanometric scale for these samples.
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Analyse de défaillance dans les transistors de puissance grand gap par électroluminescence spectrale / Failure analysis in wide band Gap power transistors by spectral electroluminescenceMoultif, Niemat 22 September 2017 (has links)
La microscopie à émission de photons spectrale (SPEM) est une technique non destructive utilisée comme outil de localisation des défauts et comme indicateur des mécanismes de défaillance. Cette thèse présente un nouveau système de SPEM développé pour étudier la fiabilité des dispositifs de puissance à large bande interdite, notamment les MOSFET SiC et les MEMTs AlGaN/GaN. Un aperçu des différents aspects fondamentaux de l'émission de lumière dans les dispositifs à semi-conducteurs est présenté. L'analyse spectrale en électroluminescence des MOSFET SiC à haute puissance et des HEMTs AlGaN/GaN est rapportée et corrélée avec des analyses électriques et micro-structurales pour localiser les défaillances et identifier l'origine physique de la dérive des performances de ces composants. / Spectroscopic photon emission microscopy (SPEM) is a non-destructive technique used as a defect localizing tool and as an indicator of the failure mechanisms. This thesis presents a new system of SPEM developed to study the reliability of wide band Gap power devices notably SiC MOSFETs and AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. An overview of different fundamental aspects of the light emission defects on semiconductors devices is presented. The electroluminescence spectral analysis of high power stressed SiC MOSFETs and AlGaN/GaN HEMTs is reported and correlated with electrical and micro-structural analysis to localize the failures and identify the physical origin of the performance drift of these components.
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Low-energy Electron Induced Chemistry in Supported Molecular Films / Chimie induite par électrons lents (0-20 eV) au sein de films moléculaires supportésSala, Leo Albert 27 November 2018 (has links)
Lorsque la matière condensée est soumise à des rayonnements de haute énergie, des électrons secondaires de basse énergie (0-20 eV) sont produits en grande quantité. Ces électrons participent à part entière aux dommages induits dans la matière, incluant les processus d’érosion et de modifications chimiques. Les fragments produits au sein du milieu réagissent et de nouvelles espèces sont formées. Plusieurs domaines d’application sont concernés par ces processus, et plus particulièrement le design de dispositifs par lithographie ou par dépôts assistés par faisceaux focalisés et l’astrochimie. Les enjeux concernent l’identification des mécanismes induits par les électrons lents, le contrôle des fragments réactifs et espèces stables formés, ainsi que la détermination de grandeurs quantitatives permettant d’apprécier l’efficacité des processus impliqués. L’approche développée dans ce travail de thèse consiste à irradier des surfaces et interfaces directement avec des faisceaux d’électrons de basse énergie afin d’étudier les processus induits. Les réponses de films moléculaires supportés modèles (d’épaisseur variable) sont étudiées en fonction de l’énergie incidente des électrons et des doses délivrées. Dans les cas favorables, des méthodologies ont pu être proposées pour accéder à l’estimation de sections efficaces effectives. Pour ce faire, trois techniques expérimentales sont combinées. Les films déposés et les résidus formés sont analysés par spectroscopie de perte d'énergie d’électrons à haute résolution (HREELS) et désorption programmée en température (TPD). Les fragments neutres (et non pas ioniques comme le plus souvent) désorbant sous irradiation sont analysés en masse afin de mener une étude de désorption stimulée par impact d’électrons (ESD).Dans le contexte de la fonctionnalisation de surface, le greffage de centres carbonés hybridés sp2 sur un substrat de diamant poly-cristallin hydrogéné a été réalisé par irradiation électronique d’une couche mince de benzylamine. A 11 eV, le mécanisme dominant implique la dissociation en neutres du précurseur. La section efficace effective de greffage a pu être déterminée par HREELS suite à une unique irradiation, en tirant avantage du profil du faisceau d’irradiation. Dans le contexte de l’astrochimie, la réponse à l’irradiation par électrons lents de glaces d’ammoniac amorphes et cristallisées a été étudiée. La désorption de molécules d’ammoniac a été observée. Elle peut résulter de l’érosion directe du film et de mécanismes de désorption induite par excitation électronique (DIET). Différents processus de fragmentation/recombinaison ont été mis en évidence via la désorption des espèces neutres NHx (x = 1,2), H2 et N2. Une chimie particulièrement riche est induite par irradiation électronique à 13 eV. L’analyse temporelle des rendements ESD a permis la détermination de la section efficace de la désorption de NH3, et l’observation de la formation retardée de N2 et H2. L’analyse TPD des résidus a démontré la synthèse de diazène (N2H2) et d’hydrazine (N2H4) dans le film. Ces résultats peuvent aider à l’élucidation des écarts observés dans les abondances de NH3 et N2 dans les régions denses de l'espace. Enfin, les premiers travaux réalisés pour fonctionnaliser un substrat de façon résolue à l’échelle micrométrique sous irradiation d’électrons lents sont également présentés. La faisabilité de la procédure utilisant un microscope électronique à basse énergie (LEEM) a été démontré sur une monocouche de terphenylthiol (TPT). Des motifs de 5 μm de travaux de sortie différents ont été imprimés en travaillant à des énergies de 10-50 eV. Ensuite la réponse de films modèles de résines lithographiques (PMMA, polyméthacrylate de méthyle) à des irradiations électroniques a été étudiée, afin d’identifier les énergies favorables en vue d’une modification de surface résolue spatialement. / High-energy irradiation of condensed matter leads to the production of copious amounts of low-energy (0-20 eV) secondary electrons. These electrons are known to trigger various dissociative processes leading to observed damages including erosion and chemical modifications. The resulting reactive species within the condensed media can also lead to the synthesis of new molecules. This has implications in several applications most especially in the design of lithographic methods, focused beam-assisted deposition, as well as in astrochemistry. In all these applications, it is important to identify the processes induced by low-energy electrons, study the reactive fragments and stable molecules produced to determine possibilities of controlling them, and generate quantitative data to gauge the efficiencies of these processes. The approach developed for this PhD work consists of directly irradiating surfaces and interfaces using low-energy electrons and studying the processes that arise. The responses of different model molecular films (of varying thickness) were studied as a function of incident electron energy and dose. In favorable cases, methodologies proposed herein can be used to estimate effective cross sections of observed processes. Three complementary surface-sensitive techniques were utilized for this purpose. To characterize the deposited films and formed residues, the High Resolution Electron-Energy Loss Spectroscopy (HREELS) and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) were used. Neutral fragments (as opposed to their often-detected ionic counterparts) desorbing under electron irradiation were monitored using a mass spectrometer in a technique called Electron Stimulated Desorption (ESD).Within the context of surface functionalization, the grafting of sp2-hybridized carbon centers on a polycrystalline hydrogenated diamond substrate was realized through electron irradiation of a thin layer of benzylamine precursor deposited on its surface. At 11 eV, the dominant mechanism is proposed to be neutral dissociation of the precursor molecules. The effective cross section of the grafting process was estimated in only a single measurement from the HREELS map of the sample surface, taking advantage of the electron beam profile. Within the context of astrochemistry, on the other hand, the responses of crystalline and amorphous NH3 ices were studied under electron impact. The desorption of intact NH3 was observed which resulted in the direct erosion of the film proceeding through a mechanism consistent with desorption induced by electronic transitions (DIET). Different fragmentation and recombination processes were also observed as evidenced by detected neutral species like NHx (x=1,2), N2, and H2. Aside from desorption, a wealth of chemical processes was also observed at 13 eV. Temporal ESD at this energy allowed for the estimation of the effective cross section of NH3 desorption and observing the delayed desorption of N2 and H2. TPD analysis of the residues also provided evidence of N2H2 and N2H4 synthesis in the film. These results can help explain the observed discrepancies in abundances of NH3 and N2 in dense regions in space. Lastly, this PhD work will present prospects for these electron-induced processes to be constrained spatially in microscopic dimensions for lithographic applications. The feasibility of the procedure utilizing Low-Energy Electron Microscope (LEEM) was demonstrated on a terphenylthiol self-assembled monolayer (TPT SAM) specimen. Spots of 5 μm in diameter with different work functions were imprinted on the surface using energies from 10-50 eV. Electron-induced reactions in thin-film resists (PMMA, poly(methyl methacrylate)) were also studied at low-energy identifying opportunities for energy- and spatially-resolved surface modification.
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Perceptions of teachers and learners towards the integration of environmental education in the classroomShabalala, Nonkanyiso Pamella 12 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / Environmental Education (EE) has been integrated into the school curriculum for many years. According to this study, integration has to be followed by implementation, therefore the process of implementation is successful when integration has been successfully carried out. This study aimed to understand how teachers meet the curriculum needs of learners in order to implement effective teaching and learning of EE and for learners to gain adequate knowledge of EE. The methodology employed by this study was a qualitative research method and a multiple case study design. The theories employed to guide this study were social learning theory and social constructivism theory. This study employed a purposive sampling technique and three secondary schools were sampled for observations, three Natural Science (NS) teachers in grade 8 classes were sampled for interviews and 24 learners were sampled for focus groups in grade 8 NS classes. The findings of this study reveal that there is a lack of knowledge regarding caring for the environment, of which there is a contradiction between EE guidelines and policies provided by the Department of Education (DoE) and the teaching practices of teachers. Although education is perceived to be an essential tool in the conservation of nature through the development of information, aptitudes, qualities and critical thinking by the general population, it does not seem to have a large impact. In this study the aim was to understand how learners and teachers perceive the environment. This study implicates that there is an important role for other stakeholder’s involvement. Thus far, it was recommended by this study for EE curriculum to be revisited and emphasises the importance of thorough teacher training in regards to the integration. The purpose of this study was to explore how teachers and learners in three selected secondary schools in the UGU education district perceive the integration of EE in classrooms. / I- Environmental Education (EE) ihlanganiswe nekharikhulamu yesikole eminyakeni edlule. Ngokwalolu cwaningo, ukuhlanganiswa kumele kulandelwe ngokusetshenziswa, ngakho- ke, inqubo yokusebenzisa iyaphumelela lapho kuhlanganiswa kwenziwa ngempumelelo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuqonda ukuthi othisha bahlangabezana kanjani nezidingo zekharikhulamu zabafundi ukuze babe nokufundisa nokufunda okusebenzayo kwe-EE nokuthi umfundi athole ulwazi olwanele lwe-EE. Indlela esetshenziswe yilolu cwaningo yayiyindlela yokucwaninga eyejwayelekile, ukwakhiwa kwamacala amaningi okufundwa Kanye nemibono esetshenziselwe ukuqondisa lolu cwaningo kwakuyithiyori yokufunda ukuqondisa lolu cwaningo kwakuyithiyori yokufunda ngokuhlalisana komqondo kanye nomqondo wokuqina kwezenhlalo. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise inqubo yokuhlampula enenhloso kwathi izikole ezintathu zenziwa amasampula ukuze kubhekwe zona, othisha abathathu be- Natural Science (NS) emabangeni e- 8 bavunyelwa ukuxoxisana nomcwaningi kwathi abafundi abangama- 24 batholakaliselwa ukugxila emakilasini e-NS ebangeni le- 8. Ukutholwa kwalolu cwaningo kuveze ukuthi kunokuntuleka kolwazi mayelana nokunakekela imvelo okukhona kuyo ukungqubuzana phakathi kwemihlahlandlela ye-EE nezinqubomgomo ezinikezwe nguMnyango Wezemfundo (DoE) nemikhuba yokufundisa yabothisha. Yize imfundo ibonwa njengethuluzi elibalulekile kulondolozo lwendalo ngokuthuthukiswa kolwazi, amandla, izimfanelo nokucabanga okubucayi kweningi labantu kodwa akubonakali kunje, ngale ndlela sakwazi ukuqonda ukuthi abafundi nothisha bayayibona imvelo. Lolu cwaningo lugcizelela ukuthi kunendima ebalulekile yokuzibandakanya kwabanye ababambiqhaza. Kuze kube manje, kuyahlongozwa yilolu cwaningo ukuthi ikharikhulamu ye-EE iphinde iphindwe futhi ukugcizelela ukubaluleka kokuqeqeshwa okuphelele kothisha madondana nokuhlanganiswa. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekukuthola ukuthi othisha kanye nabafundi ezikoleni ezintathu ezikhethiwe esikhungweni sezemfundo sase Ugu babona kanjani ukuhlanganiswa kwe-EE emakilasini. / Omgewingsopvoeding (EE) is jare gelede by die skoolkurrikulum geintergeer. Volgens hierdie studie moet integrasie gevolg word deur implementering, daarom is de implementeringsproses suksesvol wanneer intagrasie suksesvol uitgevoer is. Hierdie studie het ten doel om te verstaan hoe onderwysers voldoen aan die kurrikulumbehoeftes van leeders voldoen om effektiewe onderrig en leer van EE te implementeer en om leeder voldoende kennis van EE te verwerf. Die metodologie wat by hierdie studie gebruik is, was ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode, meervoudige gevallestudie- ontwerp en die teoriee wat gebruik is om hierdie studie te lei, was sosiale leerteorie en sosiale konstruktivisme teorie. Hierdie studie het ‘n doelgerigte steekproefnemingstegniek gebruik en drie sekondere skole is gemonster vir waarnemings, drie onderwysers in Natural Science (NS) in grad 8-klasse is geneem vir onderhoude en 24 leerders is gemonster vir fokusgroepe in grad 8-klasse. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het aan die lig gebring dat daar ‘n gebrek aan kennis is met betrekking tot die versoging van die omgewing, en daar is ‘n teenstrydigheid tussen die EE- riglyne en –beleide wat deur die Departement van Onderwys (DvO) en die onderwyspraktyke van onderwysers aangebeid word. Alhoewel onderwys beskou word as ‘n noodsaaklike instrument in die bewaring van die natuur deur die ontwikkeling van inligting, aanleg, kwaliteite en kritiese denke deur die algemene bevolking, maar dit lyk nie meer so nie, kon ons op hierdie manier vestaan hoe leerders en onderwysers sien die omgewing waar. Hierdie studie impliseer dat die betrokeenheid van ander belanghebbendes ‘n belangrike rol speel. Tot dusver is deur hierdie studie aanbeveel dat die EE-kurrikulum herbesoek moet word en dit beklemtoon die belangrikheid van deeglike onderwyseropleiding met betrekking tot die integrasie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe onderwysers en leerders in drie geselekteerde hoerskole in the UGU-onderwysdrik die integrasie van EE in die klaskamers waarneem. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)
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Design and characterization of monolithic microwave integrated circuits in CMOS SOI technology for high temperature applicationsEl Kaamouchi, Majid 24 September 2008 (has links)
Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) CMOS technology constitutes a good candidate for mixed signal RF CMOS applications. Due to its low junction capacitance and reduced leakage current, SOI provides reduced static and dynamic power consumption of the digital logic combined with increased cut-off frequencies. Moreover, in terms of passive device integration the major benefit of SOI when compared to the conventional bulk is the possibility to use a high resistivity substrate which allows a drastic reduction of substrate losses allowing a high quality factor of the passive devices.
Another issue is the harsh environment applications. Electronics capable of operating at high temperatures are required in several industrial applications, including the automobile industry, the aerospace industry, the electrical and nuclear power industries, and the well-logging industry. The capability of SOI circuits to expand the operating temperature range of integrated circuits up to 300°C has been demonstrated. SOI devices and circuits present advantages in this field over bulk counterparts such as the absence of thermally-activated latch up and reduced leakage current.
In this context, various topologies of integrated transmission lines and spiral inductors implemented on standard and high substrate resistivities have been analyzed over a large temperature range.
The temperature behavior of the SOI transistors is presented. The main figures-of-merit of the SOI MOSFETs are analyzed and the extraction of the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of the small signal equivalent circuit is performed.
Also, an example of RF circuit applications of the SOI technology, based on a fully integrated Low-Noise Amplifier for low-power and narrow-band applications, is investigated and characterized at high temperature. The main figures-of-merit of the designed circuit are extracted and discussed. The good results show that the SOI technology is now emerging as a good candidate for the realization of analog integrated circuits for low-power and high-temperature applications.
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Obecné a individuální výjimky při poskytování státních podpor podle evropského práva / General and individual exemptions in the provision of state aid under European lawŠtěpánková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
General and individual exemptions in the provision of state aid under European law This diploma thesis refers to the European regulation of the provision of state aid by member states. Because of the fact that under certain circumstances state aid can affect the economic competition among concurrents both within a member state and within the internal market of the EU and thus have a significant bad influence on it, art. 107 subsection 1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) states a general interdiction of providing state aid by the memeber states. It defines state aid as financial aid in any form (direct grant, soft loan, tax allowance, interest subsidy etc.), payed out of financial ressources belonging to the state ("state" defined in a large sense as both the central state sphere and local government sphere), which give preferential treatment to certain companies or certain production sectors and thereby affects or may affect competition, and lastly which have an influence on business between the member states (have an effect on the internal market). Of course there have to be exemptions from this general interdiction. The exemptions are regulated in art. 107 subsection 2 TFEU (general exemptions) and 3 TFEU (individual exemptions). There are three general exemptions:...
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Barn och etik : möten och möjlighetsvillkor i två förskoleklassers vardag / Children and Ethics : Ethical Encounters and Conditions in the Everyday Life of Two Preschool ClassesHalvars-Franzén, Bodil January 2010 (has links)
The aim is to examine how children create and embody ethics by analyzing their encounters and how possibilities are conditioned by the framework surrounding them. The focus has been on the following problem areas: Conditions that enable children’s ethical encounters with regard to frameworks, rules and order Conditions that enable children’s ethical encounters related to the teachers’ approach Children’s encounters in play from an ethical perspective Children’s encounters with nature from an ethical perspective The theoretical standpoint is ”the ethics of an encounter” from Emmanuel Levinas’ idea of ethics of alterity. In ethics which precedes being itself, the ethical becoming and its relational aspects appear in the encounter with the Other. The tools of analysis are mainly drawn from previous pedagogical/didactical research in ethics which highlights the ethical conditions, such as listening, encounters with diversity and differences, and preschool/school as an ethical space. The study is based on one year of ethnographical field studies relying on participant observations, video observations, focus groups, stimulated recalls and guided tours. The empirical findings show that rules and frameworks which regulate the everyday life of the preschool classes are repeatedly negotiated. The negotiations about “what’s what?”, where both the children and the teachers are involved, take place on a verbal and a bodily level. In the pedagogues’ approach, the listening is a central and complex condition for the ethical space in the preschool classes. In the children’s encounters in play and in their encounters with nature the relational aspect becomes clear. The ethical boundaries and the fixing of those boundaries are discussed in connection with the idea of the ethics of an encounter and the vision of preschool/school as a potential ethical space.
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