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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factional politics and foreign policy choices in Cambodia-Thailand diplomatic relations / 1950 - 2014

Deth, Sok Udom 16 July 2014 (has links)
Ziel der Dissertation ist es, eine umfassende Analyse der kambodschanisch-thailändischen diplomatischen Beziehungen von 1950 bis 2014 zu liefern. Die Arbeit geht über einen rein historischen Bericht hinaus, da sie darauf abzielt, die Wechselhaftigkeit der kambodschanisch-thailändischen Beziehungen zu erklären. Als Grundlage dient hierzu ein Ansatz sozialen Konflikts, der Staaten nicht als homogene Akteure ansieht, sondern vielmehr als eine Konfiguration konfligierender Kräfte, die ihre außenpolitischen Ziele im Einklang mit ihrer eigenen Ideologie, ihren Interessen und ihren Strategien verfolgen. Daher postuliert die Arbeit, dass die kambodschanisch-thailändischen Beziehungen nicht als Produkt einheitlicher Staaten angesehen werden sollten, die entweder miteinander kooperieren oder sich voneinander abschotten, sondern als Matrix sich überlappender Beziehungen zwischen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Gruppen beider Staaten, die konkurrierende Ideologien und/oder Interessen zur Förderung ihrer innenpolitischen Machtposition beherbergen. Das Projekt bringt zwei mit einer verknüpfte Argumente hervor. Erstens, kambodschanisch-thailändische Beziehungen sind wahrscheinlich dann kooperativ angelegt, wenn es sich bei beiden Machthabern um zivil-demokratisch gewählte Regierungen mit ähnlichen Ideologien, ökonomischen Interessen und Sicherheitsbedenken handelt. Umgekehrt verschlechtern sich die Beziehungen, wenn diese Faktoren nicht reziprok sind. Dies ist besonders dann der Fall, wenn eine der beiden Regierungen mehr mit der Opposition der anderen gemein hat. Zweitens, auch wenn antagonistische Nationalismen auf beiden Seiten bestehen, handelt es sich keinesfalls um eine Determinante, die die Außenpolitik beider Seiten festlegt. Die Arbeit argumentiert, dass Nationalismen nur dann aufgerufen werden, wenn zumindest eine der beiden Regierungen ihre Legitimität in der Heimat stärken muss und die andere Regierung nicht dieselbe Ideologie und strategischen Interessen teilt. / This dissertation aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Cambodia-Thailand diplomatic relations over the past six decades, specifically from 1950 to 2014. In addition to empirical discussion, it seeks to explain why Cambodian-Thai relationships have fluctuated and what primary factors caused the shifts during the period discussed. In doing so, it employs the “social conflict” analysis, which views states not as unitary actors, but within which is comprised of different societal forces competing with one another and pursues foreign policies in accordance with their own ideology, interest, and strategy. As such, it is postulated that Cambodia-Thailand diplomatic relations should not be seen simply as relations between two unitary states cooperating with or securitizing against one another, but rather as a matrix of intertwining relationships between various social and political groups in both states harboring competing ideologies and/or interests to advance their power positions at home. Two inter-related arguments are therefore put forward in this research. Firstly, Cambodian-Thai relations are likely to be cooperative when both governments in power are civilian-democratically elected regimes and share similar ideologies, mutual economic interests, as well as security outlooks. Conversely, relations between them tend to deteriorate when these factors are not reciprocal. This is particularly true when one government has more in common with the dissidents of the government of the other side. Secondly, though antagonistic nationalism does exist between Cambodia and Thailand, it is not a determinant of the two nations’ foreign relations. This research argues that nationalism and historical animosity are invoked only if at least the government on one side needs to bolster its own legitimacy at home, and the government on the other side does not share a similar ideology or strategic interests with its own – the second aspect being the more important factor here.

Die deutsch-polnische und die US-mexikanische Grenze / grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit zwischen regionaler Identität, nationaler Priorität und transkontinentaler Integration

Witt, Andrea 08 July 2003 (has links)
Grenzregionen und grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit gelten in der jüngeren Regionalforschung häufig als Symbole einer neuen Qualität innerhalb der zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen und als Ausdruck guter Nachbarschaft zwischen den Staaten. Zudem werden sie als Beweis für eine zunehmende Regionalisierung politischer Entscheidungsprozesse und eine Transnationalisierung der internationalen Beziehungen angeführt. Damit wird ihnen politische Bedeutung jenseits des grenzregionalen Bezugs zugesprochen. Solche Überlegungen ignorieren jedoch bestehende Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse sowie Entwicklungen, die das Image von Grenzregionen als Defizitgebiete und Problembereiche verstärken. Zudem wird die Gestaltung von Staatsgrenzen weiterhin durch klassische Sicherheitsfragen beeinflusst und durch traditionelle Träger der Außenbeziehungen bestimmt. Hinzu kommen neue grenzüberschreitende Fragestellungen aufgrund komplexer Interdependenzen, die sowohl grenzregionale, nationale wie auch supranationale oder internationale Bedeutung haben. Das Untersuchungsdesign dieser Arbeit wurde in diesem Sinne ausgeweitet, um folgend Fragen zu analysieren: Inwieweit dezentrale Grenzkoalitionäre langfristig in die Gestaltung der zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen einbezogen werden; ob sie selbstständig aktiv werden können, welchen Einfluss sie auf eine zunehmend integrativ gestaltete Außenpolitik haben, welche Politikfelder dabei im Vordergrund stehen. Ausgangspunkt der Analyse sind unabhängige Variablen, die jenseits der lokalen und regionalen Bedürfnisse und Ansprüche die Rahmenbedingungen grenzüberschreitender langfristiger Vernetzungen ergeben. Dazu gehören die Qualität der zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen, nationale und transkontinentale Integrationskonzepte, die sozio-kulturelle Ausgangssituation in der Grenzregion sowie der politische Wille, langfristig binationale Mehrebenennetzwerke zu etablieren. Als Fallbeispiele dienen die deutsch-polnische sowie die US-mexikanische Grenzregion. Ziel ist es, den tatsächlichen Radius der grenzregionalen Spielräume jenseits lokaler und regionaler Fragestellungen zu definieren. Untersucht wird dies anhand zweier Themenkomplexe die traditionell in nationalstaatliche Kompetenz fallende Sicherheitspolitik und die der Regionalpolitik zuzuordnenden Felder Infrastruktur, regionale Wirtschafts- sowie Umweltpolitik. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die zwischen Europa und Nordamerika stark unterschiedlichen Integrationsanstöße und Entwicklungslogiken gelegt. / New studies on regionalism often regard border regions and cross-border cooperation as symbols of a new quality within international relations. Since this is seen as proof of the growing decentralization of political decision-making processes and the transnationalization of foreign relations, increasing political clout is being attributed to transboundary interaction. However, such research approaches tend to ignore existing dependencies and developments which strengthen the negative image of border regions as conflict-prone and problematic. At the same time, the handling of border policies continues to be dominated by classical security-related concerns and is still decided by traditional diplomatic stake-holders. Furthermore, new border-related questions surface, based on complex interdependencies between regional and national levels as well as in the supranational and international realms. In response, this study expands the general research parameters to determine the following questions: if and how decentralized border coalitions act within the range of binational relations; whether or not they can intervene independently; what influence they have on increasingly integrated foreign policies; and in which political arenas cooperation is most likely. Independent variables beyond the local and regional level are used as points of reference regarding lasting cross-border networks. These include the state of bilateral relations, national and transcontinental integration concepts, socio-cultural conditions, and the degree of political drive towards establishing binational multileveled networks. The German-Polish and the U.S.-Mexican border regions serve as case studies. The goal is to define the political playing field, and to outline the depth and limitations of border-regional coalitions beyond local and regional demands. Two unique policy-fields are analyzed security issues which are traditionally handled by state actors on the one hand, and infrastructure, regional development, and environmental issues on the other. Special attention is given to the different strategies of European and Northamerican integration initiatives and developments.


蔡坤宏, CAI, KUN-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
ヾ本研究之目的有三:1.說明如何利用驗證性因素分析法來克服探索性因素分析法 所無法解決的困難。2.說明如何將模式之限制設定更加一般化,以適合模式之不同 假設。3.利用矩陣語言設計程式,說明當研究者汲有套裝程式可用或已有的套裝程 式無法滿足研究上的需要時,可以矩陣語言加以克服。ゝ本研究之文獻回顧包括兩個 部分:1.估計方法之文獻回顧,旨在說明多群因素分析法和工具變項因素分析法的 估計程序和其優缺點。2.反覆算法之文獻回顧,說明可用於或曾用於驗證性因素分 析法之反覆算法及其優缺點。ゞ研究方法:本研究以類似非線性迴歸中之普通最小平 方法、一般化最小平方法和最大概似法導出配適函數,依此,再利用反覆算法估計參 數及參數之標準差。々研究內容:本研究之主要內有五,1.比較驗證性因素分析法 和探索性因素分析法在設定假設上的不同。2.說明如何確認模式。3.說明如何在 不設定限制和設定限制下估計參數及參數標準差。4.如何建構檢定統計量以檢定模 式之配適結果。5.利用OLS、GLS、ML三種方法來做實證。ぁ研究結果:本 研究之結果主要有四,1.不論利用OLS、GLS或ML來估計模式參數時,皆需 要大樣本較合適。2.利用OLS、GLS和ML來估計模式參數時,皆要基於常態 性的假設。3.模式利用等式和不等式來設定參數的限制,使得模式更加一般化。4 .利用矩陣語言所設計的程式可用於實證上。

Transmitter and receiver design for inherent interference cancellation in MIMO filter-bank based multicarrier systems

Zakaria, Rostom 07 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Multicarrier (MC) Modulation attracts a lot of attention for high speed wireless transmissions because of its capability to cope with frequency selective fading channels turning the wideband transmission link into several narrowband subchannels whose equalization, in some situations, can be performed independently and in a simple manner. Nowadays, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with the cyclic prefix (CP) insertion is the most widespread modulation among all MC modulations, and this thanks to its simplicity and its robustness against multipath fading using the cyclic prefix. Systems or standards such as ADSL or IEEE802.11a have already implemented the CP-OFDM modulation. Other standards like IEEE802.11n combine CP-OFDM and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) in order to increase the bit rate and to provide a better use of the channel spatial diversity. Nevertheless, CP-OFDM technique causes a loss of spectral efficiency due to the CP as it contains redundant information. Moreover, the rectangular prototype filter used in CP-OFDM has a poor frequency localization. This poor frequency localization makes it difficult for CP-OFDM systems to respect stringent specifications of spectrum masks.To overcome these drawbacks, filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC) was proposed as an alternative approach to CP-OFDM. Indeed, FBMC does not need any CP, and it furthermore offers the possibility to use different time-frequency well-localized prototype filters which allow much better control of the out-of-band emission. In the literature we find several FBMC systems based on different structures. In this thesis, we focus on the Saltzberg's scheme called OFDM/OQAM (or FBMC/OQAM). The orthogonality constraint for FBMC/OQAM is relaxed being limited only to the real field while for OFDM it has to be satisfied in the complex field. Consequently, one of the characteristics of FBMC/OQAM is that the demodulated transmitted symbols are accompanied by interference terms caused by the neighboring transmitted data in time-frequency domain. The presence of this interference is an issue for some MIMO schemes and until today their combination with FBMC remains an open problem.The aim of this thesis is to study the combination between FBMC and MIMO techniques, namely spatial multiplexing with ML detection. In the first part, we propose to analyze different intersymbol interference (ISI) cancellation techniques that we adapt to the FBMC/OQAM with MIMO context. We show that, in some cases, we can cope with the presence of the inherent FBMC interference and overcome the difficulties of performing ML detection in spatial multiplexing with FBMC/OQAM. After that, we propose a modification in the conventional FBMC/OQAM modulation by transmitting complex QAM symbols instead of OQAM ones. This proposal allows to reduce considerably the inherent interference but at the expense of the orthogonality condition. Indeed, in the proposed FBMC/QAM,the data symbol and the inherent interference term are both complex. Finally, we introduce a novel FBMC scheme and a transmission strategy in order to avoid the inherent interference terms. This proposed scheme (that we call FFT-FBMC) transforms the FBMC system into an equivalent system formulated as OFDM regardless of some residual interference. Thus, any OFDM transmission technique can be performed straightforwardly to the proposed FBMC scheme with a corresponding complexity growth. We develop the FFT-FBMC in the case of single-input single-output (SISO) configuration. Then, we extend its application to SM-MIMO configuration with ML detection and Alamouti coding scheme.

Searching for the charged Higgs boson in the tau nu analysis using Boosted Decision Trees

Hallberg, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
his thesis implements a multivariate analysis in the current cut- based search for the charged Higgs bosons, which are new scalar particles predicted by several extensions to the Standard Model. Heavy charged Higgs bosons (mH± mtop) produced in association with a top quark de- caying via H± → τν are considered. The final state contains a hadronic τ decay, missing transverse energy and a hadronically decaying top quark. This study is based on Monte Carlo samples simulated at CM-energy √ s = 13 TeV for signal and backgrounds. The figure of merit to measure the improvement of the new method with respect to the old analysis is the separation between the signal and background distributions. Four mass points (mH± = 200, 400, 600, 1000 GeV) are considered, and an increase of the separation ranging from 2.6% (1000 GeV) to 29.2% (200 GeV) com- pared to the current cut-based analysis is found. / Denna studie implementerar en flervariabel-analys till den befintliga snitt-baserade analysen av laddade Higgs-bosoner, nya skal ̈arpartiklar fo ̈rutsagda av flertalet fo ̈rl ̈angningar av Standardmodellen. Studien antar tunga lad- dade Higgs-bosoner (mH± mtop) producerade tillsammans med en top- kvark som fo ̈rfaller via H± → τν. Sluttillst ̊andet best ̊ar av ett hadroniskt τ-so ̈nderfall, f ̈orlorad transversell energi och en hadroniskt so ̈nderfallande √ toppkvark. Studien a ̈r baserad p ̊a data f ̈or signal och bakgrund. Fo ̈r att ma ̈ta fo ̈rba ̈ttringen av analysens ka ̈nslighet anva ̈nds avst ̊and mellan bakgrundens och signalens distribu- tioner som godhetstal. Fyra masspunkter (mH± = 200, 400, 600, 1000 GeV) anva ̈nds, och en o ̈kning av avst ̊and fr ̊an 2.6% (1000 GeV) till 29.2% (200 GeV) hittades.

Skatt- och betalningsskydighet för moms i enkla bolag och partrederier

Forssén, Björn January 2013 (has links)
This is the second of two books making a combined doctor’s thesis, where part 1, Skattskyldighet för mervärdesskatt – en analys av 4 kap. 1 § mervärdesskattelagen (Tax liability to value added tax – an analysis of chapter 4 § 1 of the Swedish VAT act), is my licentiate’s dissertation of 2011 and part 2 is this book, Skatt- och betalningsskyldighet för moms i enkla bolag och partrederier (Tax and payment liability to VAT in enkla bolag and shipping partnerships). There’s no specific equivalent in English to enkla bolag. The expression derives from the Swiss einfache Gesellschaften. In the Swedish civil law an enkelt bolag is defined as two or more having agreed to carry on activity in a company without establishing a partnership. A Swedish shipping partnership is similar to an enkelt bolag. The purpose of this book is to analyze the representative rule of the Swedish VAT act concerning enkla bolag and partrederier (shipping partnerships) with respect of the VAT’s most central purposes, namely a cohesive VAT system, neutrality, EU-conformity, efficiency of collection and the legal rights of the individual including legality. A survey of foreign law is included, where the Finnish VAT law has been of a certain interest for the sake of comparison. The issue at hand is a classical one, where enkla bolag and partrederier aren’t legal entities and one of the basic questions is if such an entity may be comprised by the concept taxable person of the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC). The representative rule has no equivalent in the VAT Directive. Therefore the analysis mainly concerns whether or not alterations in or amendments to the representative rule should be made in order to make the rule comply with the EU’s VAT Directive. The analysis contains a number of questions within the framework of the described purpose, where a key issue to consider is the question whether an ordinary private person can be deemed tax liable (skattskyldig) merely because of his role as partner in an enkelt bolag or a partrederi, which wouldn’t be complying with the main rule on who’s a taxable person, Article 9(1) para. 1 of the VAT Directive. This book is ended with a paper summarizing the questions and conclusions of part 1 and part 2 and which contains a translation into English of its chapters 2–4, i.e. of the overviews of conclusions concerning part 1 and part 2 and of concluding viewpoints concerning both books.

User Modeling in Social Media: Gender and Age Detection

Daneshvar, Saman 21 August 2019 (has links)
Author profiling is a field within Natural Language Processing (NLP) that is concerned with identifying various characteristics and demographic factors of authors, such as gender, age, location, native language, political orientation, and personality by analyzing the style and content of their writings. There is a growing interest in author profiling, with applications in marketing and advertising, opinion mining, personalization, recommendation systems, forensics, security, and defense. In this work, we build several classification models using NLP, Deep Learning, and classical Machine Learning techniques that can identify the gender and age of a Twitter user based on the textual contents of their correspondence (tweets) on the platform. Our SVM gender classifier utilizes a combination of word and character n-grams as features, dimensionality reduction using Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier with linear kernel. At the PAN 2018 author profiling shared task, this model achieved the highest performance with 82.21%, 82.00%, and 80.90% accuracy on the English, Spanish, and Arabic datasets, respectively. Our age classifier was trained on a dataset of 11,160 Twitter users, using the same approach, though the age classification experiments are preliminary. Our Deep Learning gender classifiers are trained and tested on English datasets. Our feedforward neural network consisting of a word embedding layer, flattening, and two densely-connected layers achieves 79.57% accuracy, and our bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network achieves 76.85% accuracy on the gender classification task.

Génération automatique de tests à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation fonctionnelle de systèmes embarqués / Automatic tests generation from SysML models for the functionnal validation of embedded

Lasalle, Jonathan 29 June 2012 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire proposent une méthode originale de génération automatique de tests à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation de systèmes embarqués. Un sous-ensemble du langage SysML (appelé SysML4MBT) regroupant les éléments de modélisation pris en compte dans notre approche a été défini et une stratégie de génération de tests dédiée (intitulée ComCover) a été créée. Cette stratégie, basée sur les principes du critère de couverture de modèles bien connu Def-Use, s'intéresse à la couverture des communications (envois / réceptions) au sein du système et entre le système et son environnement.La mise en œuvre opérationnelle d'un prototype, basé sur un générateur de tests à partir de modèle UML, a nécessité la définition de règles de réécriture permettant la transformation du modèle SysML4MBT vers le format d'entrée natif du générateur de tests tout en conservant l'expressivité de SysML4MBT. Finalement, les étapes de concrétisation des tests en scripts exécutables et l'établissement automatique du verdict lors de l'exécution sur banc de test définis durant le projet VETESS permettent l'établissement d'une chaîne outillée opérationnelle de génération et d'exécution automatique de tests à partir de spécifications SysML. Cette chaîne outillée a été étrennée sur plusieurs cas d'étude automobile tels que l'éclairage avant, les essuie-glaces ou la colonne de direction de véhicule. Sur ce dernier exemple, nous avons eu l'opportunité d'exécuter les tests sur un banc de test physique. Ces cas d'étude ont permis de valider chacune des étapes de l'approche proposée. / The work introduced in this thesis is in line with an original SysML Model-Based Testing approach to validate automotive mechatronic systems. A subset of SysML notation (called SysML4MBT) supported to express the test model is defined and a dedicated test generation strategy (called ComCover) is created. This strategy, based on the well-known Def-Use criteria, deals with the coverage of communications (sends / receives) inside the system and between the system and its environment.The development of an operational prototype, based on a UML-based test generator, has required the definition of rewriting rules to derive the input model of the UML test generator from the SysML4MBT model, by preserving the SysML4MBT expressivity.Finally, the concretization of tests in executable scripts and the assignment of a verdict by executing tests on test bench defined during the VETESS project, complete the operational toolchain that allows tests generation and execution from SysML models.This toolchain has been tried out on several automotive case studies as front lightings, wiper or steering column. Concerning this last experimentation, we have had the opportunity to execute test on a physical test bench. These case studies allow validating each step of the proposed approach.

Types et contraintes graphiques - polymorphisme de second ordre et inférence

Yakobowski, Boris 17 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
MLF est un système de types combinant le polymorphisme implicite de seconde classe de ML avec le polymorphisme de première classe mais explicite du Système F. Nous proposons une représentation des types de MLF qui superpose un graphe acyclique orienté du premier ordre (encodant la structure du type avec partage) et un arbre inversé (encodant la structure de lieurs du type). Cela permet une définition simple et directe de l'instance sur les types, qui se décompose en une instance sur la structure du type, des opérations simples sur l'arbre de lieurs, et un contrôle acceptant ou rejetant ces opérations. En utilisant cette représentation, nous présentons un algorithme d'unification sur les types de MLF ayant une complexité linéaire.<br /><br />Nous étendons ensuite les types graphiques en un système de contraintes graphiques permettant l'inférence de types à la fois pour ML et MLF. Nous proposons quelques transformations préservant la sémantique de ces contraintes, et donnons une stratégie pour utiliser ces transformations afin de résoudre les contraintes de typage. Nous montrons que l'algorithme résultant a une complexité optimale pour l'inférence de types dans MLF, et que, comme pour ML, cette complexité est linéaire sous des hypothèses raisonnables.<br /><br />Enfin, nous présentons une version à la Church de MLF, appelée xMLF, dans laquelle tous les paramètres de fonctions, toutes les abstractions de type et toutes les instantiations de types sont explicites. Nous donnons des règles de réduction pour réduire les instantiations de types. Le système obtenu est confluent lorsque la réduction forte est autorisée, et vérifie la propriété de réduction du sujet. Nous montrons aussi le lemme de progression pour des stratégies faibles de réduction, dont l'appel par nom et l'appel par valeur en restreignant ou non le polymorphisme aux valeurs. Nous proposons un encodage de MLF dans xMLF qui préserve les types, ce qui assure la sureté de MLF.

Approche algébrique du typage d'un langage à la ML avec objets, sous-typage et multi-méthodes

Frey, Alexandre 18 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Les langages à objets offrent une forme particulière de polymorphisme en permettant l'écriture de « méthodes » dont l'exécution dépend du type dynamique des arguments. Ce « dispatch dynamique » ne prend généralement en compte qu'un argument unique. Certains langages permettent le dispatch simultané sur tous les arguments et on parle alors de « multi-méthodes ». Cette thèse s'intéresse à la définition et au typage d'un langage dérivant de ML avec multiméthodes. Celles-ci sont introduites comme un cas particulier de filtrage sur les objets. La présentation du système de types utilise une approche algébrique. Plutôt que de figer l'ensemble des types, on en axiomatise les propriétés nécessaires pour la correction du système. Cela permet d'écrire des preuves génériques qui ne dépendent pas du choix de l'algèbre. On montre ainsi comment réduire la vérification automatique du typage à la résolution de problèmes simples du premier ordre (contraintes). La résolution des problèmes de contraintes peut alors réutiliser le corpus de résultats disponibles dans la littérature. L'avantage de cette approche algébrique est qu'elle permet de traiter d'un coup toute une classe de langages possibles se distinguant par la nature de l'algèbre de types, du langage d'expression des contraintes et du modèle d'interprétation de ces contraintes. Elle offre également un outil intéressant pour étudier le typage dans un contexte où le monde d'interprétation est ouvert, c'est-à-dire quand on souhaite que le typage d'un module apporte une garantie pour toutes les utilisations possibles de ce module.

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